The Maltby News Issue 35

Your Wentworth Valley Community Newspaper March 2011 Maltby Photographic Exhibition Page 14 The Big Bang page 12 Elections page 3 After six years being managed by an arms length company, council housing in Rotherham is to return to the direct control of the local authority this year. Following an extensive consultation with both tenants and leaseholders it has been agreed that the management of 21,000 council-owned properties should return to Rotherham Borough Council. Coun. Jahangir Akhtar, Cabinet Member responsible for housing for Rotherham Borough Council, said that the return to in-house management provision makes sound economic sense at a time when the authority is having to review every part of its budget. He added “This will also be the best way forward for our tenants. By making this move we can make significant savings from administration, management and other back-office functions. These savings can then be transferred to frontline housing services - to the direct benefit of our tenants and leaseholders. “In the test of opinion the tenants agreed with this and so we will now begin the process of transferring services back to the council. The Council is grateful to 2010 Rotherham Ltd. for the great work that has been done in delivering the Decent Homes programme on time. Now we are set for another step forward in the management of council housing in the borough, and we are absolutely committed to making sure that tenants have the best quality of housing we can deliver in exchange for a fair rent. “ Members of the authority’s Cabinet heard that the overwhelming majority of tenants supported the view that it is in their best interests for the council to provide the services, which 2010 Rotherham Ltd. has been providing during the past six years. 2010 Rotherham Ltd. - the council’s arms length management organisation - ALMO - was set up in May, 2005. At that time, councils could not themselves apply for Decent Homes monies, and so one of the benefits of setting up 2010 Rotherham Ltd. was that it enabled access to an additional £218 million contribution towards the cost of refurbishing council houses as part of the Decent Homes programme. However, Cabinet members heard that as the Decent Homes funding is now coming to an end, there is a strong economic argument in favour of returning to in-house provision. In accordance with the 1985 Housing Act the authority had to consult extensively with tenants before making any final decision and this was done through questionnaires, road shows, a telephone hot-line and a telephone poll of a random sample of 15 per cent of tenants and leaseholders. Overall 7,590 questionnaires were completed - a return of 36 per cent - and well over 90 per cent expressed a preference to see the services return to the direct management of the authority. Members are now due to receive a further report in the coming weeks on the return of services to the authority. It is likely that once services are transferred 2010 Rotherham Ltd will be wound up. Council housing returns to the local authority LOOK NORTH LOOKS AT MALTBY: Maltby’s Photographic exhibition attracted the attention of Look North’s Amanda Harper who is pictured at the Edward Dunn with Cllrs Jenny Andrews, Keith Stringer and new council chair John Kirk along with Stuart Platt and Lauren Astbury who helped with the exhibition.


The local free community newspaper for Maltby, Bramley, Wickersley, Flanderwell and Sunnyside

Transcript of The Maltby News Issue 35

Page 1: The Maltby News Issue 35

Your Wentworth Valley Community NewspaperMarch 2011

Maltby Photographic Exhibition

Page 14

The Big Bangpage 12

Electionspage 3

After six years being managed by an arms length company, council housing in Rotherham is to return to the direct control of the local authority this year. Following an extensive consultation with both tenants and leaseholders it has been agreed that the management of 21,000 council-owned properties should return to Rotherham Borough Council. Coun. Jahangir Akhtar, Cabinet Member responsible for housing for Rotherham Borough Council, said that the return to in-house management provision makes sound economic sense at a time when the authority is having to review every part of its budget. He added “This will also be the best way forward for our tenants. By making this move we can make significant savings from administration, management and other back-office functions. These savings can then be transferred to frontline housing services - to the direct benefit of our tenants and leaseholders. “In the test of opinion the tenants agreed with this and so we will now begin the process of

transferring services back to the council. The Council is grateful to 2010 Rotherham Ltd. for the great work that has been done in delivering the Decent Homes programme on time. Now we are set for another step forward in the management of council housing in the borough, and we are absolutely committed to making sure that tenants have the best quality of housing we can deliver in exchange for a fair rent. “ Members of the authority’s Cabinet heard that the overwhelming majority of tenants supported the view that it is in their best interests for the council to provide the services, which 2010 Rotherham Ltd. has been providing during the past six years. 2010 Rotherham Ltd. - the council’s arms length management organisation - ALMO - was set up in May, 2005. At that time, councils could not themselves apply for Decent Homes monies, and so one of the benefits of setting up 2010 Rotherham Ltd. was that it enabled access to an additional

£218 million contribution towards the cost of refurbishing council houses as part of the Decent Homes programme. However, Cabinet members heard that as the Decent Homes funding is now coming to an end, there is a strong economic argument in favour of returning to in-house provision. In accordance with the 1985 Housing Act the authority had to consult extensively with tenants before making any final decision and this was done through questionnaires, road shows, a telephone hot-line and a telephone poll of a random sample of 15 per cent of tenants and leaseholders. Overall 7,590 questionnaires were completed - a return of 36 per cent - and well over 90 per cent expressed a preference to see the services return to the direct management of the authority. Members are now due to receive a further report in the coming weeks on the return of services to the authority. It is likely that once services are transferred 2010 Rotherham Ltd will be wound up.

Council housing returns to the local authority

LOOK NORTH LOOKS AT MALTBY: Maltby’s Photographic exhibition attracted the attention of Look North’s Amanda Harper who is pictured at the Edward Dunn with Cllrs Jenny Andrews, Keith Stringer and new council chair John Kirk along with Stuart Platt and Lauren Astbury who helped with the exhibition.

Page 2: The Maltby News Issue 35

Events Calendar

2 March 2011

mar14 15 15


23 26




Maltby Town Council Surgery

Edward Dunn Memorial HallEvery Friday 14:00-15:30

Everyone welcome


Maltby CragsWomen’s Group

Crags School Community Room 9:00 - 11:00. Every Wednesday

Term Time. Speakers, Crafts etc.For info: 07817 405255

Wickersley Writers WorkshopWickersley Community CentreEvery other Tues, 13:00 - 15:00

Tel Margaret: 01709 543991Tea, coffee & biscuits

Wickersley Operatics Society

Wickersley Community CentreTues 18:30 - 21:30 Thurs 19:30-21:30

Open to all over 16yrs


TUNSLast Saturday of every month,


Wentworth ValleyArea Assembly

& PACT Meeting Wickersley Community Centre,

Wickersley, 18:00 - 20:00All Welcome


Edward Dunn Dance & Social Club

Edward Dunn Memorial Hall14:00-16:30. Every Friday,

Tea Dance £1.50 including tea & biscuits


Supertots Carer& Toddler Group

St Marys Parish Room, Morell St9:00-11:00. Tuesdays (Term time

only) Everyone WelcomeTel Pauline: 07817 405255


Toddler Time

Wickersley Library, 10:00-11:00(every Mon incl. school holidays)

Fun & games for 2-5yr oldsNo need to book just come along

Active Always -Gentle Exercise

Wickersley Community Centre, 14:00-15:00, Every Friday from

14th Jan, £2 per session,Call: 01709 822443



Muglet Lane, Maltby 15:00

Maltby LocalHistory Society

Maltby Library Meeting Room,19:00, Illustrated talk, ‘Deer Park to Diving Pool: 900 Years of a Prime

Development Site in Maltby’ given by Alice Rodgers



Muglet Lane, Maltby 15:00

24 25


Free Cycle Maintenance Classes

Every Tuesday,Maltby Lynx Youth & Community Centre,

16:00 - 20:00

Free Cycle Maintenance Classes

Every Tuesday,Maltby Lynx Youth & Community Centre,

16:00 - 20:00


Maltby Environmental Group

Edward Dunn Memorial Hall, 15:00 - 17:00,

Main iterm is the Maltby Walkabout report

Storyland Rotherham Central Library,

11:00 - 12:00Stories, crafts, games, treasure

hunts with a World Poetry Day theme,

Tel: 01709 823611/823606

Our House Rotherham Civic Theatre, 19:15, 29th Mar - 2nd Apr,

Featuring music & lyrics by charttopping band Madness,

Tickets £10, Conc. £9,Tel: 07546 226213

Bartholomew & SonsFuneral Directors

est 1891

Serving Maltby and surounding areas for over 40 years.

For a caring, professional service 24 hours a day

812158 & 363706The Funeral Home, Coleridge Road, Maltby S66 7LT

Pre Payment Funeral plans available.

LIGHTNINGSchool Of Motoring

************SPECIAL OFFER************


*******01709 819991*******

8-seater minibusnow available

Page 3: The Maltby News Issue 35 3March 2011

Community News

Why elections are still important to local peopleThese days it’s easy to become complacent with modern politics. In a world that seems evermore concerned with only global affairs, it is natural to feel that local issues are being ignored, and that Parliament neglects its citizens in the quest to solve the world’s problems. As a result polling numbers have dropped, as more and more people have begun to regard their vote as less than worthless. But this is not the case. It’s important to remember that there is still a trickle down effect in politics, and though it can seem as if it only moves in one direction, politics is a grassroots organisation, and is at its most effective when citizens take the opportunity to have their say in every election. No one election is too small or unimportant not to make a difference in shaping our everyday lives. Voting only becomes irrelevant when people make it so. It is through local elections and their results that devolution- the detracting of power from a centralised source- can take place. Think of the local councils. Councils play an integral part in everyday life, from housing, to waste management, to local police enforcement. Councils are an example of a decentralised form of government, and it is important to make sure that councils are always aware of what their local communities need. In Maltby we have experienced a torrid four years since the last poll which saw Independents sweep to power, leading to a rift which resulted in the wrongful dismissal of the Town Clerk, and saw the Council’s decision-making process paralysed at times. The poll in May gives disillusioned residents an opportunity to reflect on that period. We forget that our vote is indeed directly responsible for desired changes in a

democracy. If one doesn’t vote, it is a forfeiture of an individual’s say in the running of their country and their local community. Voting is exercising the right of every citizen living in a democracy, a privilege that people too easily become negligent of as residents of a free society. It is through neglecting to vote that free societies risk losing the rights they take for granted. It is the representative elected, by direct vote, who preserves the freedoms and interests of citizens in a democracy and a local community. Voting is also the way a society keeps its politicians in check. This is where we come to the especial relevance of the upcoming elections, and the Alternative Vote referendum that will also take place alongside local elections. The referendum is concerned with abolishing the first-past-the-post system of elections, and replacing it with the AV system. It is recognized that under the current system of first-past-the-post voting, many voters no longer think their ballot carries any weight. Believing that only the predominant Labour and Conservative parties are going to end up holding the majority in Parliament regardless of what votes are cast. Attending polling stations can be regarded as a waste of time. Thus the need for AV reform argue supporters. Unlike first-past-the-post, through which MPs are selected by having the most votes within a constituency, the AV system is a bit more complicated in its quest for truly proportional representation. In the AV system one will vote in order of preference, selecting candidates from first to last. A candidate will be elected if they have received more than 50% of the first preference vote. If no candidate receives

that percentage, then the candidate with the least votes is eliminated from the selection process, and their second preference votes are allocated to the other candidates. This continues until one candidate has at least 50% of all the votes cast, and is thus declared the winner. To illustrate the relevance of this, studies show that currently two-thirds of MPs are elected with less than 50% of the popular vote. This is an astonishing figure. AV seeks to remedy this by enabling MPs of any party to reach Westminster. In support of this, a BBC study has shown that had AV been utilised in the past six elections, while the final results would have remained the same, there would always have been a rise in seats won by the Lib Dems. But this referendum is not about securing the Lib Dems in Westminster. Instead it is hoped that it will aid in forming a diverse, multiple-party Parliament no longer limited to the most wealthy and powerful factions Alongside the Lib Dems many minority parties support the change to the AV system, while Conservatives are against it, and Labour stands divided. Of course, as comes with any proposed change, MPs are at odds on the merit of switching to the AV system. Former Home Secretary David Blunkett has said the AV system is “unwanted, unfair and complicated”, and Lord Reid claimed it would be a “backward step”. Ironically this last comment is similar to Nick Clegg’s view on first-past-the-post, which he says is a “relic that deserves to be consigned to the past”. Ultimately, it is argued, the first-past-the-post system is an archaic form of electing MPs, one that only works in a two-party system; thus the AV system is necessary

in the current political environment, in a country that now has a plethora of parties reflecting a diverse range of interests. The argument is that a yes vote for the AV system will breathe new life into elections, restoring a sense of power that citizens have not felt in many years, by more accurately representing the voice of the voter. This would hopefully promote a renewed faith in democracy, and the very process by which leaders are selected. Thus voting in this current election is even more important than usual, as it will directly determine whether or not the AV system is adopted for parliamentary elections, as well as allowing you to exercise your right to ensure local councils reflect your own aspirations. Save the date in your diary, 5 May 2011.

For the comprehensive study by the BBC concerning the effect the AV system would have had if in practice over the past six elections, follow this link

by Gabrielle Kinney

Page 4: The Maltby News Issue 35

Community News

4 March 2011

Masson’s opened for business in Maltby in 1992 in the shopping parade, before moving onto the High Street in 1999 and has been a major success with customers throughout Rotherham and South Yorkshire. Andrew Masson, the owner, has been hairdressing for 25 years. He started his career working in Rotherham and Sheffield town centres, training at and then working for Michol M International. Andrew then moved on to work at Headlines in Sheffield before moving closer to home in Maltby and starting up his own business. Masson’s is a vibrant and friendly Salon with three fully trained stylists and one colour technician ready to transform you. Within modern surroundings you can be pampered from head to toe, from specialist Keratin hair treatments to your teeth whitening in one hour, or a relaxing body detox foot spa and then a Garra Ruffa fish Pedicure. The Keratin Treatment is an innovative process that transforms the hair in its entirety. Keratin is the primary protein of the skin, hair and nails. This natural substance gives hair the ability to return to its original healthy, shiny, smooth state. Unlike other products available in

the market, such as relaxers or the Japanese thermal conditioning, the Keratin Treatment defrizzes the hair without damaging or changing its texture. The treatment can be used on all hair types, including chemically treated hair (coloured, permed, relaxed, highlighted and bleached). The Keratin Treatment is also known as Brazilian Keratin Treatment. The application process lasts anywhere from one and a half to four hours depending on the length and thickness of the hair. The fish pedicure is a painless and pleasant way of getting your feet in tip top condition without the use of abrasive stones and razors that can actually damage the feet. You will be able to sit with a glass of wine, tea or coffee in relaxed surroundings while the fish do all the work. At Masson’s there is a private room where the teeth whitening takes place. It takes on average one hour to lift the teeth up to eight shades, of which the average is between four and five shades. Both Client and Therapist will first agree on the original colour of the teeth when measured against a tooth shade guide. A full Health and Safety guideline is followed throughout the procedure.

Local Police Cadets came to the rescue to distribute the Neighbourhood Watch newsletter in Maltby this month. Delivery of the publication had been hampered by the bad weather but is now in the hands of local residents.Pictured are PC Howard Marriott, PC JeannineWaller with cadets Abaid Hussain, Laura Tompkins, Joe Binley, Alex Small, and Zahreen Kauser. Cllr Jenny Andrews, RMBC candidate Chris Beaumont and Cllr Keith Stringer were also in attendance.

Head to toe pampering experience at Massons

Page 5: The Maltby News Issue 35 5March 2011

Community News

Contact4-8 Tickhill Road, Maltby, RotherhamSouth Yorkshire, S66

01709 817112

QualitySolicitors Walker & Co

QualitySolicitorsWalker & Co

Your chosen local law firmQualitySolicitors is an exciting new legal service. QualitySolicitors �rmshave to receive consistently positive feedback from you, the public.So to be sure of the best possible service from your local law �rm, make sure you come to QualitySolicitors Walker & Co.

Adult learning courses in your area!

Jewellery MakingStarting: 9th May 2011Monday 1:30pm-3:30pm for 5 weeksVenue: Full Life Church, High Street, Maltby, ROTHERHAM, S66 8LF Fees: Full Fee £30.00 Claimant Fee £3.00

Creative CraftsStarting: 20th June 2011 Monday 1:30pm-3:30pm for 5 weeksVenue: Full Life Church, High Street, Maltby, ROTHERHAM, S66 8LF Fees: Full Fee £30.00 Claimant Fee £3.00

Brush up your numeracy Starting: 9th May 2011 Monday 9:30am for 10 weeksVenue: Crags Community School, Strauss Crescent, Maltby, S66 7QJFees: FREE

Computer WorkshopStarting: 9th May 2011 Monday 12:45pm for 10 weeksVenue: Crags Community School, Strauss Crescent, Maltby, Rotherham, S66 7QJFees: Full Fee £60.00 Claimant Fee £3.00

Carer and Toddler GroupStarting: 26th April 2011 Tuesday 9:00am for 10 weeks Venue: The Parish Rooms, Mary Magdalene Church, 41 Morrell Street, S66 7LHFees: Full Fee £60.00 Claimant Fee £3.00

Women’s GroupStarting: 27th April 2011 Wednesday 9:00am for 10 weeksVenue: Crags Community School, Strauss Crescent, Maltby, Rotherham, S66 7QJFees: Full Fee £60.00 Claimant Fee £3.00

Brush up your literacy Starting: May 6th 2011 Friday 9:30am for 10 weeksVenue: Crags Community School, Strauss Crescent, Maltby, Rotherham, S66 7QJFees: FREE

Yoga for allStarting: 6th May 2011 Friday 9:30am for 10 weeks Venue: The Parish Rooms, Mary Magdalene Church, 41 Morrell Street, S66 7LHFees: Full Fee £60.00 Claimant Fee £3.00

Computer WorkshopStarting: 28th April 2011 Thursday 12:50 for 10 weeks Venue: Wickersley School and Sports College, Bawtry Road, Wickersley,Rotherham, S66 1JLFees: Full Fee £60.00 Claimant Fee £3.00

£3 to people on selected means tested benefits

Contact: Gill Lawrence on 01709 709208 or e-mail: [email protected] for further information and to reserve a place

Maltby residents will have noticed changes at local solicitors Walker & Co over the past few weeks. The commercial and family lawyers are now re-branded as QualitySolicitors Walker & Co. The long established firm retains its independence but is now part of the nationwide group of QualitySolicitors. Originally founded in 1982 by Andrew P Walker (pictured right) who had worked locally around the Rotherham area throughout his professional career, providing legal services to the residents of South Yorkshire, the business (Originally ‘Andrew P. Walker & Co’) has expanded substantially into a three Partner practice (Andrew Walker, Paul Dalowsky & Catherine Burns), offering legal services to clients from all parts of Britain. “We now offer a fast, professional, personal & reliable service at competitive rates and are an approved legal training establishment regulated by the Solicitors regulation authority,” says Andrew. The office is staffed with a complement of fully trained legal staff and the relevant support staff. “We are able to offer private and legally aided clients with a quality legal service at a competitive

price,” Andrew added. Their services include nationwide conveyancing, Wills & Probate, Criminal Law, Court of protection matters, Family Law, Lasting Powers of Attorney & Personal Injury Claims. The decision to join the QualitySolicitors group is a reaction to the “Tesco Law” legislation which would allow “external ownership” of law practices by companies such as banks or supermarkets. It was years in the making and the centrepiece of Labour’s radical shake-up of legal services. “Big bang” day for lawyers in England and Wales is still on the horizon — the implementation of alternative business structures and external investment in law firms is scheduled for October 6 this year. The aim is to have a QualitySolicitors firm in every UK town and city ahead of the changes. QualitySolicitors selects leading local law firms to become part of the QualitySolicitors brand; they then rebrand and re-launch as part of QualitySolicitors. Customer feedback is the key criterion for selection, resulting in the brand’s tag-line of ‘chosen by you’. Chief Executive, Craig Holt said “Relying on the public’s view of firms in this

way enables us to be sure our QualitySolicitors firms are the ones putting customer service right at the top of their priorities.” These radical changes to the legal market will allow retail and banking brands to provide legal services for the first time, with predictions that many thousands of law firms will disappear as a result. QualitySolicitors, dubbed the “next generation” of legal services, will open a number of its new branches in shopping centres with extended opening hours and a “range of new innovations designed to transform how people access legal services” said Holt. “With a QualitySolicitors in over 100 locations there is now

a recognisable ‘household name’ for people with legal issues” Holt continued. “People no longer need to embark on the time-consuming and often stressful task of choosing between dozens of local law firms, uncertain about the service they’ll receive.” Of the likely competition from retail brands and banks, Holt said, “Undoubtedly, the legal market will undergo a dramatic transformation – just as Specsavers, Boots and Vision Express now dominate the opticians’ market so a handful of brand names will dominate the future legal market. QualitySolicitors is the first such brand and aims to change people’s expectations of legal services, making it an easier and less intimidating process” Prof Stephen Mayson professor of strategy and Director of the Legal Services Policy Institute at the College of Law told the “QualitySolicitors is emerging as possibly the strongest ‘home-grown’ response from within the legal profession to the need for a brand presence in the high street. This is likely to be a winning strategy if the members and management can deliver real competition alongside the existing and expected retail brands delivering legal services”.

Maltby legal firm joins QualitySolicitorsMaltby Local History Society’s meeting, on Thursday 17th February, saw the return of Brian Morris with a remarkable collection of images of Old Maltby. Brian had put these in an appropriate order to illustrate a description, taken from a 1950s article written by Fred Kitchen. The article traced a route through Maltby, from the west, and described who lived where in 1900. The very well-attended meeting included a number of people whose memories of Maltby date back before the Second World War so Brian’s fascinating presentation was further enriched by their reminiscences. Time was allowed for questions but a sudden failure of the Library Meeting Room lighting circuit served to curtail formal activities. Prior to Brian’s address, Margaret Sides, in her capacity as Chair of Rotherham Heritage Association, shared with the Society an idea for the potential re-use of Doncaster Gate Hospital as a museum. Members were asked to reflect on the idea and to bring any thoughts to a future meeting. Concerns were later raised by members and friends about the recent deterioration to 27 Blyth Road (a Grade2 listed building). The meeting also warmly welcomed the completion, on 11th February, of Maltby Town Council’s restoration of the Crossley monument and members responded positively to the suggestion that the Society should work in tandem with the Town Council regarding the interpretation of the site. The Society’s next open public meeting will take place in the Library Meeting Room at 7pm on Thursday 17th March 2011. For further information please ring 812035.

History Society

Page 6: The Maltby News Issue 35

Maltby was left to its own devices during the severe snows of December 2010 and, in the absence of ploughing, gritting and public transport services, elderly and vulnerable people were put at risk. It was only the town’s exemplary public spirit which saved the day. In a detailed and hard-hitting report, based on research for and the discussions and findings of the 29th January meeting of Maltby Forum, the organisation’s management committee traces events, records the testimony of local people, notes that Maltby Town Council had no emergency plan and calls for better strategic planning and co-ordination of winter services in the town. It seeks to understand why, with 4,000 tonnes of salt in the dome at Hellaby, only one road in the town received timely ploughing and gritting on Wednesday 1st December. On the basis of local observation and an RMBC press release, the report deduces that the severe snow fell before the borough’s Hellaby depot was fully commissioned. It concludes that the RMBC winter services team were at a time of transition and that they were less than fully prepared for the emergency which unfolded. The

report recognises the impact on the town of the diversion of resources to the major incident on the A57. It also gives particular praise to the efforts of residents of the town’s Blyth Road area who used muscles and shovels to free and move on HGVs which became stuck on the A634. The report makes ten recommendations:-1 That, prior to the May 2011 election, Maltby Town Council should ensure the completion of the RMBC Emergency Planning Template and that it should put in place a protocol to ensure the necessary evaluation, updating and revision of this plan.2 That the attention of statutory authorities, arms-length providers, local quangos, PFI providers and utility providers be drawn to the need to think both strategically and co-operatively about how best to provide services to Maltby in case of adverse weather events or civil emergency. 3 That, in co-operation with local residents, Maltby Town Council should conduct an audit of grit bins to identify where additional facilities are needed and that it should make representation to RMBC to ensure that Maltby is adequately serviced.

4. That a local debate should be initiated, as soon as possible, about the value of traffic calming measures versus their inconvenience during snow clearance. 5. That Rotherham Borough should be asked by Maltby Town Council to advise on ways in which traffic calming measures on classified roads, bus routes and key access roads to estates can be marked, modified or given specific winter services treatment to ensure that they never again stand in the way of essential gritting.6 That, in order to ensure the

quickest possible restoration of bus services to Maltby after heavy snow, Maltby Town Council should work with the South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive and Rotherham Borough Council to identify and emergency plan for the high priority gritting of bus turning routes in Maltby so that these can be made available to extend curtailed services. 7 That the PTE should be asked to ensure that all bus operators are made aware of the high priority gritting and turning routes in Maltby identified under recommendation 6 above.

8 That priorities for future accelerated clearance and gritting should be:a. Access to the Edward Dunn Memorial Hall as a communications and respite centre and as an emergency planning hub.b. Pedestrian access to medical facilities and the clearance of their car parksc. Access to food shops and other local shopping facilitiesd. Strategic routes eg classified roads, bus routes and estate access roads.e. Residential/ Care Homesf. Schools and Nurseries9 That Maltby Town Council should conduct an audit of damage to roads and should identify to RMBC their key priorities for action.10 That RMBC, Maltby Town Council, South Yorkshire Police and Transport and Service Providers should recognise the need to work to restore the confidence of the Maltby public in their capacity and determination to respond to civil emergencies in the town. Copies of the report are available for inspection at Maltby Community Library and the Wesley Centre, Blyth Road.

Community News

6 March 2011

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Poor response in Maltby to December snow

Page 7: The Maltby News Issue 35 7March 2011

Community News

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Pauline Higgs has just won greatest loser award at Slimming World Braithwell group. Having lost an amazing 6st 10.5lb since last January. Pauline said, “I Joined Slimming world group in Braithwell on 13th January last year. I had never been to a slimming group before and was very sceptical especially as I am vegetarian and did not know if the plan would be suitable. “I was amazed how much I could eat and thought I had misunderstood the plan, but to my surprise I lost 3lb my first week and have continued to lose an average of 2lb a week. “In August 2010 I won Woman of the Year having lost over 4 stones , I still needed to lose more so kept at it and now having lost 6st 8lb have won The Greatest loser award 2011 for Braithwell group and qualify to go forward to the national competition in April.

“I am very close to my personal target now and feel great. It’s not like being on a diet it’s a way of life. I now go to the gym and to aqua fit and feel fitter than I have for years. I have gone from a size 20/22 to a size 12/14. The best thing is being able to go into a clothes shop and know I can actually fit into the clothes. “I am really grateful to Lynne and the members of the group because I could not have done it without their support.” Lynne says “I am so very proud of Pauline for her achievement and the inspiration she continues to give to other members. Pauline now qualifies to go forward to the Nationals and we wish her every success”. Since moving to a bigger venue (The Ruddle Centre, Braithwell) the group has grow even more and now has two sessions 5pm and 7pm and continues to help change the lives of local people.

Pauline wins greatest loser award

A Raffle at the Maltby Photographic Exhibition raised £261 for St Bartholomews Church thanks to prizes donated by tescos.Cheque presented by Corinne and Debbie, Tesco community champions to the right reverend Dhoe Craig-Wild. Also in attendance were Cllrs Keith Stringer and Amy Rushforth and members of the congregation, Ann Fitzgerald, Jo Welch, Verni Welch and David Hill.

Page 8: The Maltby News Issue 35

8 March 2011

The Maltby News13 Blyth RoadMaltbyRotherhamS66 8HXtel: 01709 819566email: [email protected]:

Published by Joker Publications Ltd at their registered office:Unit 6, Acorn Business Park, Woodseats Close, Sheffield S8 0TB.Company No. 6504103.

Printed by Sharman and Company Limited on recycled newsprint.

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Dave Brennan called for the abolition of Maltby Town Council and then presumably thought he could better serve the people of Maltby if he was a councillor. Unfortunately after being elected he seemed to align himself with the very councillors who inspired his call for abolition in the first place, unlike the only true independent councillor John Kirk. I am not a party to the thoughts of Councillors Andrews and Stringer but presume they wanted to distance themselves from the other “independents” who were causing so much division on this council. Councillor Stringer has a long and proud history of service to the people of Maltby and as an Independent he was a thorn in the side of the mainly Labour members of the then Town Council from 2003-2007. Jennie Andrews was complimented in the MESH report for her work as Chair of the Council so why did Dave Brennan go with the majority although he did not support Karen Usher? As a councillor removed in the cull of 2007 I was affronted by the comments of Councillor Stringer at the time but he has obviously realised that unlike his own sentiments, the “independents” have not worked for the benefit of Maltby, only for their own interests. Crossing the floor is not unusual in politics and is well documented. This is usually done when councillors and Members of Parliament can no longer support the policies and ideologies of their chosen alignment or party. Neither Councillor Stringer nor Councillor Andrews crossed over to the majority group on the council and so cannot be accused of joining the winning team. Maybe the two letters will elicit a reply from Councillors Stringer and Andrews, but I would have thought that Councillor Brennan could have questioned them about their motives before writing his letter.

K Duckmantonby email



I ask for the right to reply to the letter published in the February issue of your paper from Stewart Platt and his girlfriend, well known to these pages as Brenda Abou el Ola or Mrs Gunnings (She writes on behalf of Platt). These two have been harassing me for the best part of 15 months. I don’t think the two of them have thought this problem all the way through to the end. Because I am controlled as a town councillor by a code of conduct, I must be careful how I conduct my council business. For instance they have reported me to the Standards board something like nine times in the first ten months I was in office. How much has that waste of time cost the people of Maltby? I mention that they have not thought this problem through, because common sense would tell them that I will not be a councillor forever. There will come a day when I will be free of my council work. And as most of the readers of these pages know, I too am handy with pen

and ink. When I was elected in October 2009, I got in by two votes. By the time these two galoots have read this and the May elections come around, I will have two votes guaranteed. Yours sincerely,

Cllr. D.J.Brennan



Friends of Respite celebrated a belated Christmas Party in February owing to the bad weather in December. The children enjoyed a wonderful occasion playing games, dancing and tucking into a marvelous buffet, and we have many people to thank. Each child received a gift from Santa and a selection box, which Martin, the manger of Maltby Co-op, gave us a great deal on. Sylvia’s Deli in Maltby was responsible for the buffet. A big thank you to both of them. The venue was the children’s new base at Kimberworth Place. In the summer seaside trips are being organised, all funded by our raffles, car boot sales, and donations. We would like to thank everyone who supports our organisation and the children who suffer from various illnesses.

Kind regards

Dorothy and Carolyne Straw.



I am in the process of compiling my family tree and I’m trying to gather info on my great great grandfather who lived in the Maltby area. His name was John Shields, he was Irish and lived in Wigan before Maltby, and I believe he was a miner. His daughter Nelly(Stewart) lived in Maltby. The names Sheila, Marion, Clifford and Derek are the children of Ann and Billy Harding from Maltby, who are both deceased I think. Any info would be great.

Martin Halliwellby email



I write to complement Rotherham Borough Council on its handling of the deficit budget caused by reduced funding from the Coalition Government. At a time when neighbouring authorities are hitting the headlines with library closures in Doncaster and the loss of the Freebee bus in Leeds, Rotherham has done remarkably well to protect vulnerable groups from the spending cuts. The borough has managed to recruit and retain outstanding officers who are working with councillors in new ways. Some departments are working in partnership with their counterparts in both Doncaster and Sheffield councils

Letters & Comment

EditorialLocal politics and local people again fill the pages of this month’s The Town Council elected Cllr John Kirk to the Chair unopposed at the beginning of the month. His stewardship will last a few short weeks until the local elections in May. Cllr Kirk is the fourth occupant of the hot seat since the last elections four years ago. The Council is also on to its second Town Clerk following the debacle involving David Morton’s dismissal. Pleasingly, considering the amount of criticism councillors have suffered over the past few years there are a couple of notable events they should be congratulated on. A date is soon to be fixed for the official opening of the restored Crossley Memorial on the Don Jon steps. Also the first weekend of the month saw a photographic exhibition at the Edward Dunn, reflecting all aspects of life in Maltby during the last century. The event was a resounding success and all who helped to put it together, as well as all who contributed images, are to be congratulated. On the downside, we also reflect in these pages on the response to the heavy snowfalls during last winter. Few officials come out of this with much credit, especially those of Rotherham MBC who hold responsibility for the roads. We also take time out to reflect on the importance of local elections with polls due on May 5th. Next month the will be profiling candidates for the benefit of readers. Local politics count, make sure your vote is part of the process.

Page 9: The Maltby News Issue 35 9March 2011

leading to reduced costs. Innovative thinking has been shown in acquiring mobile youth centres and changing the working hours of Youth Leaders to accommodate the needs of our young people. Because the council began its 2011 budget planning last summer, most of the inevitable job losses so far have been through natural wastage. We have been consulted via questionnaires about which areas of council spending we would most like to see protected. Using monies earmarked by the last Labour Government we are seeing the construction of new council homes here in Maltby and our council has stated its commitment to affordable social housing. The council has promised to continue to support the voluntary sector, including Rotherham Holiday Aid, which sent six needy families from our postcode away on holidays last year. Rotherham is rated as a top local authority in Adult Care. The council is continuing its support of the Imagination Library (an initiative to promote the joys of books) which engages with 81% of our pre-five year olds across the borough. Intensive support has been provided for schools placed in Ofsted’s special measures category. I serve as a governor at Redwood School where I have witnessed the high quality of local authority input resulting in vast improvements in teaching and learning for our children attending that school. The above are just a selection of the ways that I think our borough council has shown that it wants to continue its investment in its prime asset – the people of Rotherham.

Yours faithfully,

Chris Beaumont,Labour candidate for Maltby Ward.48, Lilly Hall Road,Maltby,S66 8AT.



Last July’s Wentworth Valley Area Assembly was advised, by Councillor Iain St John, of a timetable for the provision of additional car parking spaces at Maltby Leisure and Services Centre. This would have seen the completion of works by the end of January 2011. When this did not happen as scheduled, I made enquiries via the Area Assembly Office and they obtained an update from the relevant department. This document indicates that yet more user survey work is being undertaken in pursuit of the long-overdue Travel Plan for the centre and it also appears to make less certain the provision of the additional spaces there. Car parking in central Maltby used to be easy. Thanks to an overall reduction in off-street parking, which was substantially caused by the Leisure and Services Centre developments, people now have trouble accessing the town’s shops and services. Unless remedial action is taken soon, an already desperate situation is likely to become worse thanks to the forthcoming introduction of new parking restrictions and in the light of the impact of the

Letters & Comment

renovation and rebuilding works promised for Maltby Academy. Just how is Maltby expected to cope?

Yours faithfully

Alice Rodgers(by email)


Sir I attended the Thursday 17th February meeting of the Maltby History Society held in the local library, where fellow member Mr. Brian Morris gave a show on an article from a 1950 Advertiser written by Fred Kitchen (Author of Brother to the ox) about Maltby life at the turn of the last century. A packed hall were entertained by a two hour show of photographs of Maltby taken around 1900 with text from Fred’s newspaper article. Mr. Kitchens certainly had a sense of humour when it came to explaining some of the local characters of the time. I think what I enjoyed most about the evening was, although I have lived in Maltby just over 45 years, there is no way I would describe myself as being from Maltby. The amount of times during the show when someone from behind me, or from either side of me could be heard saying in a quiet voice that some distant relation lived next door to the one in the picture was delightful. It was indeed a grand evening of entertainment with thanks to Brian Morris for his efforts. But again, it has to be noted what a worthwhile society Alice Rodgers has molded together through the years. Yet again, “One of our own” could be relied upon to put on a class show. Thank you to all concerned.

Yours sincerely, Mr. D.J.Brennan25, Ryton Close,Maltby,S66 7EH



When the Warden scheme ends this month I do not know how I am going to cope in light of the severe weather we experienced this year. I had to rely on my warden’s husband shopping for me and other residents who could not get out. He also does this task when we are ill, and refuses to take any money for his help. With the help of one of the other resident’s sons he also cleared the snow from the paths and side of our bungalows when no council workers came near. I know what time my warden will call, and I can leave my door unlocked for her to come in and help me. Again I do not know what I am going to do without her.


Name and address supplied



This photograph was taken in 1952 when the employees of a company named Binns took a day trip to Skegness. The work these ladies did was called “burling and mending”. They carried out their work in the old ballroom at the Queen’s Hotel. In the photograph are Mr and Mrs Sutcliffe, the manager and manageress. Their housekeeper Mrs Davies and her daughter Josie, my mother and sister, appear in the photograph. Also pictured in the group are friends Dorrean, Joan, Annie, Pauline, Jacqueline, Gwen and Beryl.


A ShannonMaltby

The is always happy to publish historic photographs of local scenes and events. Contact the editor on 01709 819566 or by e-mail: [email protected] Letters to the editor may be e-mailed to the above address or posted to the, 13/15 Blyth Road, Maltby, Rotherham S66 8HX.

Page 10: The Maltby News Issue 35

Community News

10 March 2011

The Tarmac building on Blyth Road, currently under offer, was built in the 1970s to house Butler and Sons, providing office accommodation and a car sales showroom.Members of the family lived in houses in the yard behind the buildings. The workshop was in the yard and the lorries parked in the compound at the bottom of the fields. Butlers was a family business run by Ruben and Phil and sons Jim, Alwin and Ronnie. Alwin ran the quarry, Jim transport and Ronnie car sales. There were also daughters and in-laws in administration. Butlers supplied local councils, builders merchants and road makers with sand and limestone, the latter renowned for its quality and purity of colour. The business grew rapidly when work began on the motorway network, and Maltby limestone forms the base of those roads to this day. Pictured Left: Kevin Ryan, Joe Yeomans and Ray Barker.Below: Contractor PG Rawsons of Bawtry.

“Maltby has been very good to us over the years, and we would like to thank everyone in the town who has helped us,” says Barry Foster, Depot Manager for the St Vincent’s de Paul Society. The St.Vincent’s de Paul Society is an international Christian voluntary organisation dedicated to tackling poverty and disadvantage by providing direct practical assistance to anyone in need. Active in England & Wales since 1844, today it continues to address social and material need in all its many forms. Barry was speaking at the Edlington depot, which serves local stores, including the one on the High Street in Maltby. “Our policy is donations by local people to help local people,” Barry added. The stores stock all manner of items, but items of furnishing are particularly welcome, and the charity operates a collection service. “This is by appointment only,” says Barry, “And we do operate a quality control element to this service.” The Maltby store is one of the most popular in the region. In the current financial climate many people find themselves falling into the poverty trap, and the work done by the charity is ever more important. The widespread service across the region involves partnerships with a number of agencies and charities. Among these are Doncaster MBC Tenancy Support, Sanctuary Housing, LIFE, M25 Doncaster Housing Support, Connect to Work as well as Thorne Children’s Centre, Together Women’s Refuge, and the network of CABs. If you have anything to donate to the charity or would like to find out about helping out call 01709 858033.

Local people helping out local people

Butlers of Maltby

Page 11: The Maltby News Issue 35 11March 2011

Community News

At its meeting, held at Maltby Services Centre on Wednesday 23rd February, Maltby Wood Lee Common and Crags Meadow Steering Group continued to look at ways of increasing the bio-diversity of Crags Meadow. It is hoping that it will prove possible to modify the mowing regime on selected small areas to enable a range of wild flowers to flourish. The idea is to focus on wet places as well as strips adjacent to the hedgerows. The footpath at the bottom of Maltby Crags has now been improved thanks to funding from COMMA, the Community Aggregates Fund. Here Groundwork Dearne Valley’s ‘Green Teams’ (funded through the ‘Future Jobs Fund’) have carried out works on site alongside RMBC Rights of Way, who have installed a kissing gate. With strong support from the Maltby Community and the local Safer Neighbourhood Team Groundwork Dearne Valley, they recently organised a clean up on the Crags with great success. Two big skips were filled after some hard graft which has made a small dent on this site of such beauty. Groundwork Dearne Valley have been supporting the Maltby Crags/Wood Lea Common Steering Group for over a year in organising and attending community clean ups. There will be many more to come in the future. If you would like to get involved in the future clean ups, or wish to find out more about the steering group, please contact Lucy Cheetham Groundwork Dearne Valley on 01226 740077 or email [email protected]

Groundwork Dearne Valley and Living Streets were fortunate in securing funding through the Safer Rotherham Partnership to carry out a programme of events to improve the Chinatown neighbourhood. So far many residents and partners have helped out at the clean up and bulb planting events which are gradually making an impact on their area. 2010 Rotherham provided a walk-in skip for the residents to get rid of unwanted rubbish from backyards and properties.

Within a couple of hours the skip was piled high with sofas, bin bags, and anything that could be found. With help from the local community the skip day was a great success. Much more work and many more events are to take place before the end of March 2011. If you wish to find out more about the project, or wish to take part, please contact Lucy Cheetham Groundwork Dearne Valley on 01226 740077, email [email protected]

Clean up on the Crags

Funding helps to improve Chinatown neighbourhood in Maltby

On Saturday 19th February Kevin Barron, M.P. hosted a coffee morning at Bevan Crescent Community House. Local residents braved the wintry weather conditions to meet him and Councillor Amy Rushforth. Labour’s candidates for the May local elections: Christine Beaumont (Maltby ward) and Jennifer Andrews (Hellaby ward) were introduced and there were opportunities for residents to raise issues.

A campaign launches this week to get the people of Rotherham working together to tackle obesity in the town after a national survey revealed that people who are overweight often suffer humiliation and embarrassment and have low confidence and low self-esteem, all of which seriously affect their everyday lives. Experts acknowledge that waist measurement, as well as weight, is an indicator of an individual’s health. ‘At risk’ waist measurements being those of more than 88cm for women, and 102cm for men. The ‘Let’s Beat Obesity Together in Rotherham’ campaign, run by Slimming World, aims to bring the whole community together to encourage and support each other to lose weight and make Rotherham a happier and healthier place to live.

The Maltby Community Fund, sponsored by Hargreaves Services, still has monies available for local groups and organisations. Anyone interested should contact the fund on 07941671462. Please note that application forms may be requested but a stamped addressed envelope is required.

News in Short

Page 12: The Maltby News Issue 35

12 March 2011

Community News

Year 9 Maltby Academy students Leigh Roberts, Martha Gregory, Darcie Lacey and Casey Turner are gearing up to take part in the national final of the 2011 Young Engineer for Britain Competition, which takes place at the Big Bang Fair in London from 10th -12th March 2011. Their project qualified for the national final after winning the regional final last summer. The challenge was to invent and build a project aimed at helping make the world a better place. Forty-six contenders have reached the national finals after winning regional events around the UK last summer. These aspiring young engineers will be demonstrating mechanical and electronic projects designed to make life easier and safer for able-bodied and disabled people, to help the environment, to enhance experiences in sports, business, and leisure. The total prize fund is £50,000, as Young Engineer for Britain finalists also compete in the National Science and Engineering Competition. The Maltby Academy team have designed a game. The students visited Hilltop Special School and, from their research, they developed a game and adapted it for use by people with a disability. Their game is designed to be fun, and is based on traditional styling where there are no batteries needed. The game uses hand-eye coordination skills and is tremendously addictive. What impressed the judges at the regional finals is that they have created a product from scratch and also packaged it, ready for sale. During the Fair the students will promote their game and will be visited by judges throughout the two days. They will have to be able to communicate what they have learnt and achieved making the game, and what their future ambitions are. It is all about promotion and being able to convey how their product will be used and what benefits it will have for society.

About the Big Bang Fair (above)Launched in 2009, The Big Bang: UK Young Scientists & Engineers Fair is the UK’s biggest single celebration of science and engineering for young people and aims to celebrate and inspire them. Involving over 110 organisations from across the private, public and voluntary sectors, and reaching out to schools and students across the country, The Big Bang represents a true partnership of the UK’s science and engineering communities. The event is led by Engineering UK in partnership with the British Science Association, the Institute of Physics, the Science Council, the Royal Academy of Engineering, and Young Engineers. The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and the Department for Education both provide significant support along with a large number of industry sponsors. The Big Bang 2011 takes place at ICC London ExCeL from 10 – 12 March, when 25,000 people are expected to attend. The headline shows will include Sky 1’s Brainiac

Live!, BBC’s Bang Goes the Theory, and The Lloyd’s Register Educational Trust sponsored Alphabeat show. The Fair will also feature BBC’s Wallace & Gromit ‘World of Invention’ roadshow. As well as the national final of Young Engineer for Britain, the Big Bang plays host to the finals of the prestigious National Science & Engineering Competition, which in 2010 saw 349 competitors presenting 190 award-winning science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) projects. There is one individual and one team winner in the junior, intermediate, and senior age categories for the science/maths stream and for the engineering/technology stream. The two individual winners in the senior category are given the titles the “UK Young Scientist of the Year” and the “UK Young Engineer of the Year”. Awards are presented in an Oscar style ceremony. Competitors are allocated stand space on the main exhibition floor, rubbing shoulders with corporate and other stands, and explaining their projects

to the thousands of visitors. This gives those young people who visit the event the opportunity to see and talk to “people like them” actively involved in STEM activities.

Tall Ships Raffle ResultsThe Tall Ships raffle at Maltby Academy raised a fantastic £270. Thank you to everyone who supported the raffle and ‘Well Done’ to the following winners:

Wesley Meese - Rotherham Titans ticketsBradley Marshall - Rotherham United ticketsMegan Chant - Essential manicure at MintLili Crawshaw - Sheffield United ticketsSaffron Wragg’s family - Sheffield Steelers and Ice Sheffield ticketsGeorgia and Isabella Eagles’ family - Sheffield Eagles ticketsMrs Kirk - Signed Rotherham United shirtMrs Maxted - Sheffield Sharks ticketsMr Nuttall - Sheffield Wednesday ticketsMr Boon - Doncaster Rovers tickets

Maltby students set sights on major national award

Page 13: The Maltby News Issue 35
Page 14: The Maltby News Issue 35

14 March 2011

Maltby Town Council News Page

Maltby Town Council Surgeries

Every Friday at the Edward Dunn Memorial Hall

14:00 - 15:00. Everyone Welcome

Maltby Town Councillors

Mr J Kirk - Chair01709 816445 [email protected]

B Slade - Vice Chair 01709 814748 [email protected]

Mrs J M Andrews 07757287941 [email protected]

K F Stringer 01709 816582 [email protected]

M V Ainsworth 01709 816903 [email protected]

Mrs J Anderson 01709 816734

M J Bradford 01709 813409 [email protected]

Mrs J Bradford 01709 813409/07969 957871 [email protected]

D J Brennan 01709 790871 [email protected]

J Carratt 01709 815527 [email protected]

A D Foster 01709 790789 [email protected]

C McMahon 07824317415 [email protected]

Mrs A L Rushforth 01709 814894 [email protected]

P Scholey 01709 813630/07721 310174 [email protected]

Mrs C Stringer 01709 816582 [email protected]

Please see Maltby Town Council website for date of

next meeting and full meeting minutes

I was born in Tickhill, educated at Maltby Grammar School in the 1950’s and have lived in Maltby for over 30 years. I am married with 2 children and 1 grandchild; my wife also attended Maltby Grammar School. I have been a local councillor since 2000 and was active in getting the council formed. I was similarly involved in the formation of Maltby Community Development Trust. In addition to my Council duties I am a governor of a Maltby School, President of

Yorkshire Allotments Federation, a director/trustee of R.A.I.N and with my wife run weekly tea dances at the Edward Dunn Memorial Hall. Being elected Chairman of the Council is an honour and privilege; I will let you know later whether it has been a pleasure, but rest assured I will do my utmost for Maltby and its people. Cllr John C Kirk

“Very interesting afternoon. Lots of information about early mining, I am a miners daughter” Stella Thorpe

Over seven hundred and fifty people attend exibitionOver the weekend of the 5th and 6th of March, Maltby Town Council held a photographic exhibition on the Social History of Maltby at the Edward Dunn Memorial Hall. Approximately nine months ago Cllr Jenny Andrews was given an old photograph that showed her late grandfather. The photograph sparked an idea of Maltby holding an exhibition on its social history. Jenny then shared her idea with the Council who also thought that it was a good idea. A number of Councillors embarked on collating as many photographs and memorabilia on the history of Maltby as possible. Lauren Astbury and local

artist Stewart Platt were then invited to help with the work. When a photograph of a group of ladies who worked at the Byfords Knitting Factory in 1958 was revealed on these very pages, the interest really started to mount. The ‘floodgates’ opened with countless people coming forward with their own photographs and memories. Over 500 photographs and exhibits were on display. The exhibition had interest for everyone, for example, photographs of people at work at Maltby Colliery, the knitting factory and memorabilia of materials used. Another section showed the diversity of sports enjoyed by Maltby

New Chair of Maltby Town Council

“Thank you for putting a great show on. It showed a lot of friends who I lost contact with” C W Boulton

“A trip down memory, I came down from Leeds especially as I saw Dave Broadhead on TV” Barbara Tidswell

“Thank you to all who have worked so hard for the visitors. I have enjoyed meeting so many old friends and looking at the photo” Marie Horner

folk over the years including football cricket and tennis. The atmosphere over the whole event was very exciting. People had travelled from as far away as Peterborough, Nottingham and Derby to come and see the exhibition after seeing it reported on ‘Look North’. An added bonus was

that people met people who they hadn’t seen for years. The whole event was a huge success, not only for Maltby Town Council but for Maltby itself. Thanks must go to everyone who gave their time freely, Councillors and volunteers alike, without whom the exhibition would have not happened.

“Great exhibition, brought back many memories” D McShane

Page 15: The Maltby News Issue 35 15March 2011

Maltby Town Council News Page

Up to 30 minutes for questions from members of the public at the Chairman’s discretion. • Apologies for absence. • Declarations of personal or prejudicial interest. • Consider items for which a resolution may be passed to exclude the press and public. • Discuss any communications received by the Chairman. • Confirmation of minutes of the Maltby Town Council meeting held on Tuesday 7th December 2010. • Confirmation of minutes of the Maltby Town Council meeting held on Thursday 9th December 2010. • Action in respect of the Subject to Access request from the previous Clerk, David Morton. • Consider filling a casual vacancy on the Town Council

• Update on the Pensioners Christmas Lunch • Update from the Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer. • General operation of the Edward Dunn Memorial Hall. • Exchange of information • Items from the National and Local County Associations: DIS Issue No 749 – 10 December 2010, YLCA- Information Bulletin 24 December 2010, NALC – Policy and Parliamentary Briefing – 13 December 2010, LCR – Winter 2010 • Planning Lists No’s: 49 & 50 • Routine correspondence: Maltby Model Village Community association – Meeting dates for 2011, SYPTE – local bus service changes – 30 January 2011, S41 member Briefing – January 2011, NHS - Maltby

Masterchef • Routine RMBC matters: Proposed No Waiting Anytime Double Yellow Line restriction B6376 and A631, Rotherham in Root – Tuesday 1 February 2011. • Agree date of the next meeting.

Town Council Meeting held on Monday 17th January 2011 Planning for Emergencies/Adverse Weather conditions Town Council Meeting held on Wednesday 2nd February 2011Review the effectiveness of Internal Audit.

Hello my name is Colin Salt and I work for the Kiveton Park Independent Advice Centre (KPIAC). I am in the Edward Dunn Memorial Hall every Tuesday afternoon 2pm – 4pm, no appointment is necessary. KPIAC has been running advice sessions in the Edward Dunn since November 2009 and have helped people with housing benefits, write off debt, assistance with filling in disability living allowance forms, tax credits, tribunal appeals, consumer advice and a range of other issues. If you are worried about something, don’t suffer in silence - come along to the Edward Dunn and use the facility that is right here on your doorstep. For more details regarding advice, or if you are interested in becoming a volunteer contact Eddie or Colin on 01909 773966.


Town Council Meeting held on Thursday 13th January 2011

CINDER PATHThe photographs show improvements made to the Cinder path. The work was carried out as a joint venture between the South Yorkshire Police, Community Payback, and Maltby Town Council. The Cinder path has been an area of anti social behaviour for a number of years. Last year residents were consulted via a walkabout of the above organisations in regard to the problem. Although the project has took longer than initially discussed to complete, the pictures show what a great job has been accomplished, by clearing over grown areas, removing fences, etc. Maltby Town Council have been proud to be part of the project and will continue to work to improve the environment in Maltby. Councillor Jenny Andrews

It has taken a year of hard work, but Maltby Town Council is pleased that work finally started on the Crossley Memorial on Friday 11th February 2011. An official opening will be held in the near future.

Renovation of the Crossley

Page 16: The Maltby News Issue 35

16 March 2011


After England’s poor showing in the World Cup, grass roots football has been on the lips of many a critic, so what is actually happening? The best place to start? Right on our doorstep. In a recent interview with Nic Warren, assistant manager of Maltby Miners Welfare FC U14, he explained why we haven’t produced the home grown goods. ‘The biggest problem we face at the moment is getting the kids enthusiastic about football. Getting them off of the computers and playing it for real, kids have too many distractions with technology. In the last decade sports has gone from outdoors with your friends on a park, to indoors with a television screen where it’s warm, but sitting down, not moving.’ W h e n asked what other factors are involved, he replied, ‘There is a lot of pressure on young people now, to be academically successful as well as succeeding at sports. They all want to be the next Ronaldo, but for all the wrong reasons. They want the fame and money, and it’s

not about having fun and playing football. With our team we want them to have that fun and enjoy it without having the pressure to make it professionally.’ So is it all a case of too much, too young? ‘I think so, they don’t have time to do other things, like being with their family, because they have a lot going on in their life at such a young age. They’re still developing

physically and as people, I think we need to ease off and make the game about being with your friends and having fun, kids don’t want to do things that aren’t fun. Simple! ‘We also need to discourage the kind of aggressive scenes that do plague Sunday leagues, parents included, it’s all

adding to the bad habits we don’t want to teach, it has to be about the football and not about the end result. The state of the pitches doesn’t help, we don’t live in the driest country, but when the pitch is like a cow field, how can they play football? We have some real talent in this area, but it won’t shine through under these circumstances unless we nurture it in the correct way. Having said that, I suppose it could always be worse, so we should be thankful for that.’ At this point, you may have given up on England ever recapturing those glory days of ’66, but hold on. Mr Warren’s team are on fine form it appears. Having strung together a three game winning streak, fourth in the league with two games in hand against the league leaders, it seems a certain group of youngsters aren’t suffering from any of these worries. Could these be the next world champions and could it really be that simple? Forget post match analysis and all the complex drills...just make it fun.

Maltby Juniors FC U14 are in Division A, but sadly sit at the bottom of the table. Down in elevnth with only one win and five points to their name, Maltby’s season has not gone according to plan. Relegation is not certain to be their fate, with a late push, they may survive yet. However, with their postponed game against third place title challengers Handsworth still to play, that’s going to be tough. Sitting a little further afield are Bramley Sunnyside and Wickersley Youth. Sunnyside of Division E are positioned in third with a two game advantage over the league leaders, and should they take all six points from those matches, that will leave them only four points adrift of top spot, but with only a few games of the

season left to make up the difference. Currently on twenty seven points, their closest rivals are seven points and a game behind, it looks like promotion is definitely on the cards. Wickersley are in a similar place, in second place in Division B, they also have games in hand against top spot Spire Rangers, three to be exact. However, both are comfortably ahead on thirty six points, giving the Youth a chance to notch up a striking nine point lead over the chasing pack. So late on in the season, the omens are pointing to champion status for these young players. All to play for then it appears, whether it’s lagging behind or forging the way, things could look very different come the last game! By Callum Harte

From the ground upWhat is happening at grass roots level in local football? CALLUM HARTE investigates

Where the Young Guns

“ too much, too young?“