The Magnificent Adventures of the Courageous Lil Apple



The adventures of an awesome little apple!

Transcript of The Magnificent Adventures of the Courageous Lil Apple

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Page 2: The Magnificent Adventures of the Courageous Lil Apple


Hello there! I’m Apple. But you look like a smart cookie, so I’m sure you were able to figure that out without me telling you...Where was I? Oh, yes, my name Apple and this here is my kitchen. I am so glad that you decided to come and join me today. I think that we will be great--

...Uh oh! Do you hear that?

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Hey Becky, you know what would be really

good right now? Apple pie.

Oh yes. That sounds

so good!

I know, right? Let’s do it! I’ll get the

apples while you get the sugar.

Oh no! Those pesky humans are going to want to use me to make their flaky pastry dessert! I must hide myself. Look! Here’s a bowl of fruit. I am going to hide behind it. Phew, that was a close one!

There are some

good apples in the fridge.

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Hey Apple, what’s going on? Why am I being

carried over to the counter?

Don’t panic, Mac! I’m going to

think of something.

Why would I panic? Apple,

what’s going on?

Wait a second...the refrigerator? My best friend Mac is chillin’ in the fridge!

I can’t let them turn my best friend into a pie! But what can I do? If I’m going to save Mac, I need to be stealthy. Operation: Save Mac is now in effect.

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Operation: Save Mac

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Is that an apple slicer? Yes it is. Apple slicers are my greatest fear. I don’t know if I can get past it. I think I’m going to faint. But I must to save Mac! I can’t imagine life without Mac. I need to toughen up to save my friend. I can do this. I know I can do this!

One, two, three...JUMP!

You don’t have to do this! Save yourself

before we both become pie.

Stop with the crazy talk, Mac.

We’re going to get out of this...I hope.

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Once I make it over the apple slicer, I know I did the right thing. Mac is right within reach! Together, we can make a quick escape.

I’ve got your back, Mac! Come

on, just follow me!

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We’re finally safe! Mac and me jumped into a bowl of sugar, just barely getting away from the two humans. What a relief!

“Where did all the apples go? I really wanted some apple pie,” one of the humans says. I smile at Mac because I’m glad we managed to escape. But then I hear the other human speak...

“I don’t know. Hm...we have this whole bowl of fruit--what about some fruit salad?”

(Oh no!)

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We both look at each other and know that we can’t let our other fruit friends get chopped up and made into fruit salad. We need to work together and take action to save them! It is going to be a big job, but I at least I have Mac by my side.

Okay, Mac. I think I have a


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The fruit are all stuck in the bowl. There is only one thing we can do to help them escape: one, two, three...PUSH!

Go teamwork!

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Darn! The bowl broke!

By the time the humans noticed that we were gone, we scurried away. They decided that making their own food was too stressful and went out to eat. Yeah!

Now, there is only one thing left to do...

And where did all the fruit go? Now we don’t have any to


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