The macrobiotic intensive north american work shop

. The term "macrobiotics" comes from Greek ("macro" meaning "large" or "long", and "bios" meaning "life") and was first coined by Hippocrates, the father of western medicine.

Transcript of The macrobiotic intensive north american work shop

. The term "macrobiotics" comes from Greek

("macro" meaning "large" or "long", and "bios"

meaning "life") and was first coined by

Hippocrates, the father of western medicine.

Answers about of Mysteries in Histories

The Provenance of This Science of MAcroBiotic.

“Sanat Kumara” is said to Have Been The Starter of This Diet,. He Said : ) It is Very Essential For Survival,. Now to Change Our Blood Quality and Understand What is Yin n What is Yang. .. Before WE Eat it,.

.Lord Lanto said : Work With it! ( Not against it,.(Your Body) He Wrote a Book : Nei Ching “The Yellow Emperor”

Close in the 20th Century “George Hoshawa” ,.got sick from Tuberculosis and Healed Himself , with The Original Food In the Small Village In Japan Its most recent development stems from Michio Kushi who was inspired by this philosopher-writer

George Hoshawa published numerous works in Japanese, English and French, which combined the western traditions of macrobiotics with 5,000 years of traditional oriental medicine.

Jesus Said : You Are The Salt Of The World.. Perhaps He Met: Lanto,. Lol Cause The Principals of Macrobiotic studies Are ECXATLY THAT!!! As The Macro Biotic Principal's are Saying: That: If WE Take 7 Time More Proteins and Carbohydrates Is a 7 time more Proteins Watered 7 times more 7 time more is Air When People eat too Yin They Become More Spaced out. Not Focus and Loose the touch with the Balance Mastering There Health and Life,. To Much Sugar,. Is Often the cause of Small Heart Attacks and the blood is to thin to give time to the

Heart to Interpret : How to Create More Red Blood Cell and The Sicknesses are More apt to linger inside,. So the First Step is to Change Right Away The Way You Eat So The body Understand ” Your Working With it”!!!

Louis Levran ( Scientist) Found That Biological Transmutation what We

Eat Become The Blood

Hoshawa Said: Roots for Heals Our Roots,. Leafy Heals Our Leafs Rounds Heal The Middle

There is Five Element in Cooking Macrobiotic 1) Fire 2) Salt 3) Time 4) Pressure ( Yes that‟s Why We Cook With a

Pressure Cooker) 5) Water

These 5 Element make All The difference,. Remember Yin is Alkalinity and Yang Acidity Sickness is the result of Too Much acidity in

The Body And Yang alkalinity intakes trough food

Rebalance the Body Toward a Better Way of Eating.

It is an Art and a Science,. Surely as it is Not something YOU can Pretend too,. Like many pother Discipline YOU got ta make Your Home Work or Consult Somebody

Who has Done His,/Her Home work,.

Whatever your Body is Not Processing right now or as Allergy

to…You have to Clean Them Out., clean Your System or let it

die..?? Why is it even a question???? If You‟re a Survivor.. Wont

You take the time to learn to..Love Yourself.. For Real.!!!??!

my Main Macrobiotic Teacher -use to say if You think You are

Eating Sugar ,. Think again. Sugar Eats‟ YOU ;( (Teeth Bones,.

hair .)so To recreate The Balance We Suggest a More Yang Diet..

Which Can Revert The States Of Bad Health in &7days, 7 Weeks

or 7 Month!!!

Because The Body Cycle to Regenerate take 7 days to

Understand a New Process in His Food intake,.

7 weeks or 1 month a little more than ½ is the Time That it can

take for the Body to decide it want to do this as In ..(“ Work With


and Once the Individual is recentered it will take at least another 7

Month to Heal a Body

in Deere Stray. And Bring Him/her Back to The Center of The Yin

n Yang.

As in Shiatsu The Middle Way is The Key.

WE Will soar over so many Subject just to truly Start to

Understand ,.

How to regain our Prime Health.

WE All Deserve it

It‟s All About Knowledge. N The Will to Live in a State of

Knowing./ what Going on at All time with Your Own Body.

That is why We will go trough tons of Information to study as We

Go. Into This New Lifestyle

Some Goodies To Understand More about The Diet,.

139 days is necessary for Blood regeneration,.

In 3 month YOU can Stop a Disease

In 7 Years You Can Have a Total New Body!!!

Personally after those classes I lived Everyday for 7 Years in this Fashion and I started Before I was

Pregnant,. And raised,. My kid in this fashion the 5 First Years of His Life so for 2 years

Before having a baby I was already macrobiotic.

And the result on Both where So Much Beneficial

I did heal so many little things and prevented others,

Just by Understanding those Principal of Yin and Yang,

in Healing with Food. And I am always able to diagnose on People so easily from what I can see as a

Macrobiotic Practitioner . The lack of Health in their Conditions. Often due to the misleading in our Modern

World of The Propaganda nowadays to sell depleted food.

As I say: Tell Me what You eat and I will tell you How You Are.

When Someone eats a lot of False Food like White floor white Sugar Hormones treated Meats..

And other very Yin Product the Body Has no time to recuperate cause its trying to survive the attacks

Therein on the system and the overdue elimination of Toxin’s that create little or bigger symptoms,

Lanto said;-)MacroBiotic is to Go Step by Step Towards The Middle.

That why in Macrobiotic We Also Study The Diagnostic Oriental.

BY Just Looking at A Face; To Find the Causes as we can find in Acupuncture,

the Rapport Between The face and The Ears n Eyes to study Internal Organs

We Can Say where The Problems might come from

And this is also a Very Ancient Technique.

I Greatly Recommend my Clients to see a

Acupunctures in Conjunction with a Macrobiotic Diet not only to Monitor Their actual State with me,. But to have another

Certified n Professional Opinion with Your Formal Medical Practitioners.

For in Acupuncture the day to day contact within “This Oriental Global Understanding” of The Physical Conditions Also

help the Client to Responsibly participate Himself with taking Charge of One „s Own Health.

Also… For if There is No wish to Change there will be No Healing Possible .

As Macrobiotic Requires a Very Strict Fallowing of The Principals in action,

and has Proven Since The Dawn of Ages ,To Have Showed some Amazing Result s when taken Literally to The Letter.

Oligotherapy: uses small doses of individual trace minerals for therapeutic support,

supplementing the necessary minerals for enzymatic functions.

( I believe that sometimes Colloidal :Silver, Cooper, Gold ,Iron,is a Good Supplement for some conditions.)

Homeopathy :The basic principle of homeopathy, known as the "law of similarities ", is "Let like be cured by like." It was first stated by

German physician Samuel Hahnemann in 1796.

IRIDOLOGY: ; is Already taught in leading medical schools including Harvard. it is the most valuable diagnostic tool, known to

man. I suggest that anyone in the Health Field Study Serously, this Science. There are many theories on how Iridology

indicates what is going on in the body. To understand the theories you may also want to research reflexology,

acupressure and acupuncture.

Acupuncture; in many cases can Helps the Body To Process This New Lifestyle,. By Unlocking the Currents between The

Lymphatic System, The Glands, and The Blood,. Therefore Helping to De engorges The Stream and Major Organs

Dysfunctions by its So Exact Pin pointing in The Energy Blockages to Bring The Cause to Light and Eliminate toxic waste,.

Much ,Much More Easily.

Psycho Polarity. I ad taken a Class. After my Macrobiotic Trainning ): it is a Technique that resembles Acupuncture but without

The needles,. It is More intuitive..Therefore we had to study The Acupuncture point To educate Ourself in this Method.


Some of The Materials Were Going to Study during the First Week End Together.

One of my Best Example: of a Rapport Between Macrobiotic and Chinese

Medicine n other Oriental Sciences.

The Chinese Concept That They Use to Understand Nature, is Almost

Using The same Principals that Are use to Understand Macrobiotic.

Just to say the Importance of This Knowledge.. When in a Healing Process is Absolutely a Logical Step.

for : There are about 400 acupuncture points and 20 meridians connecting most of the points, however by the 2nd Century CE, 649 acupuncture points were recognized in China.

These 20 meridians include the "twelve regular channels" or "twelve regular meridians", with each meridian corresponding to each organ; nourishing it and extending to an extremity. There are also "Eight Extraordinary Channels" or meridians, two of which have their own sets of points, and the remaining ones connecting points on other channels

Let me Introduce You to One of Macrobiotic Teacher. “ Michio Kushi” and Evelyn Kushi, His Wife. I had The Honor n Pleasure to Study with Both of Them in different times

One Week End Intensive with Evelyn Kushi,. on “After Nuclear Survival” and other Form of Anti Oxidation From Free Radicals She came for a

Special Guest to an “Intensive Week End as Part of an Work Shop.” of 3Month Intensive,‟ while attending in Montana at “Summit University” with one of they're that was fully Licensed from His Macrobiotic Institute in MA. She was the One who was Giving The All Inclusive Courses Onto a Certification . which Permits Me to be a Macrobiotic Counselor.

After which I Also ad The Immense Chance to be at The Conference, "Mr.Mishio Kushi" gave in Montreal for “Aan Intensive Week End on: Healing Cancer Leukemia n Aid's “as Well as The Principles that applies within The Macrobiotic Diet

to Heal of other Virulent Sickness..For if You Clean it and Restart the Systeme.. And fallow trough Your Diet.. Your Bound to Regenerate and Heal Your body . The effort will be Rewardd as You see the Evolution of Your Treatment as fast as You can Start.

within The Understanding of Yin n Yang Forces in Action, In Nature ( Our Environment) and in Our Bodies.

N.B: Michio Kushi, In the early 50's introduced modern

macrobiotics in the United States. Along the years he lectured

conferences and seminars all over the world. Founder and

President of the East West Foundation, Kushi Foundation and

One Peaceful World, he wrote more than 40 books. Michio

lives in Brookline, Massachusetts. In June 1999, the “Smithsonian

Institution’s National Museum of American History” honored his work in

the United States with the exhibition “Michio Kushi Family Collection on

the History of Macrobiotics and Alternative and Complementary Health


At The Kushi Institute:

( is” The Place” that I recommend ,.for Any Serious Student in or

Traveling by M.A in The United States.)

Resume of my C.V . In summer 1986 in Montreal I Also Took Classes in Psycho Polarity : which permitted me to learn the acupuncture as an

important tool to a Better Understanding of The Bodily Function. In a 6 month Summer classes in a Meditation School. in Montreal

and While in London in 1986 : I Also Ad The Immense Chance to be at The right place at The Right time

an as many Preeminent Teachers Founder of Rebirth where traveling to give those Teaching a Teaching that Actually WE found parchment from. “The Esseniens “Practice so its Much

Older than Jesus.

a Rebirth 6 Month Intensive with Robert Fush et Diana Robert, as Main Teacher and Their Guess Such As None Other Than : “Sandra Ray,” for 2 week end Intensive and another Week end with Bob and Mali Mandel,

note of History :” Leonard Horn” Is The Founder of Rebirth in America was They're Teacher!!! He’s The One to export this Teaching From India Where he lived at The Ashram of “ Babadji “ : Who is said to have appeared in a cave in front a Village, Where for days he materialized until he stood up n walked the Earth,. As if I He’d Just walk out of a Plain..: he said He was Shiva Returned and Showed During His Stay witch lasted 35 years.. Where He performed Miracles. N Healing. With His Hands.and He teached This Breathing Technique .

. We also find in so many Oriental Countries: it resembles some other techniques of Breathing in Buddhism : Calling it The Tantric or Prajna Breath. In India.

but it is slightly different. All this to say it Permitted me to go deeper in the Emotional Psychology of The Human Psyche.. Which does help to decipher The emotional state just by looking at how One is Breathing. in any treatment of Holistic Healing. .if any “Stuff come up”Also I ad Experiences “on The Terrain” I worked with other Rebirther in86 -87 as an Assistant to learn the process of making Ateliers. Of any dimension.

From 20 People to 6000 people in Conferences setting in Hotels,. In Montreal. n Toronto

And I have hold a Meditation Center for 3 Years as The Book Keeper ,Conference Speaker ,as well as Promotion agent.: this experience showed me the importance of making all the necessary Step ,.as Easy and agreeable as Possible for Everyone participating in Such a teaching n Learning Experience for all This sort of Events,..Know that : They Are Always a I Life Changing Experience" and Often Bring Out Our Best and sometimes our Worst. Loll… that’s Why I will often say : “Breathe Everyone”..!!! LOL

That is Why I Call All these Holistic Methods I Joining Together Nowadays : : “The Sciences: of Global Healing Therapy.”.

Schedule Friday : From 7:00 Pm to 9:30.Pm Saturday: From 9:00 Am to 9:00 Pm Sunday :From 9:00 Am to 9:30 Pm

Please Make sure You are dressed Comfortably and Are Ready to take in loads of Information. as We Also will Study

The Body Parts That Are most influenced by Food. As Well as Some Special Secret Guests That Will Come in for Their Specific Expertise in the Context we are Treating on This Week End.

Pls: .No Camera n Cell Phone ringing in The Class Room. if you have a cold give your ticket.We have a Program for Assistants to this Work Shop

p lease message me on Facebook. And n Do Not Be Late!

This Macrobiotic Work Shop I am creating is to share wwith Those Interested in Bringing a More Conscious way to Eat n Take Responsibility

for Your Health, in a New Way !!!That is Ancient in its applications therefore if taken seriously and fallowed to the letter this Science is

Just n Precise and must be taken in conjunction with Your Doctors Advice if There is any medical condition.

As Macrobiotic implies that :You take Responsibility and Learn Yourself exactly what is going on in Your own Body.

so To brings Light into a Truth Global Health to Your Life.:-) You work With It ..Loll

I hope this answer All Your Questions: I will be available for some questions during tea time.

Thank You for Your Interest in This Macrobiotic Way to Live a Responsible Healthy Life.

made anew with Special recipe has we will also study a part of The “Teroir” of The Area We Live ( That is PART OF The Macrobiotic Way” AND DURING OUT CLASS INWILL EXPLAIN WHY Specially

This Work Shop is made For Those who are living North America.

The Exact Address will come latter as I still have to find the Perfect setting for Cooking it the size of The room depends on the responses I get in the nest few week.

In a relaxing Atmosphere. For More Information Call Me at 438) 380 1916

Hope You All Enjoy This New Atelier.

© by Madame Annick .C Wilhelm MacroBiotic Counsellor. TM 2011-20012

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