The Lord's Prayer - Bridge Bolton · 2016 Life Group Notes – The Lords Prayer 1 The Lord's Prayer...

2016 Life Group Notes – The Lords Prayer 1 The Lord's Prayer Life Group Leaders notes January - July, 2016

Transcript of The Lord's Prayer - Bridge Bolton · 2016 Life Group Notes – The Lords Prayer 1 The Lord's Prayer...

Page 1: The Lord's Prayer - Bridge Bolton · 2016 Life Group Notes – The Lords Prayer 1 The Lord's Prayer Life Group Leaders notes January - July, 2016

2016 Life Group Notes – The Lords Prayer 1

The Lord's Prayer Life Group Leaders notes

January - July, 2016

Page 2: The Lord's Prayer - Bridge Bolton · 2016 Life Group Notes – The Lords Prayer 1 The Lord's Prayer Life Group Leaders notes January - July, 2016

2016 Life Group Notes – The Lords Prayer 2

Life Groups - 2016

Date Theme

Jan 20 Life Group Leaders - Planning

Feb 3 LG @ Bridge – vision for Life Groups

Feb 17 Life Group Social (Bolton schools holiday)

March 2 Lord's Prayer 1 – Intro and ‘Our Father …’

March 16 LG @ Bridge for Prayer Night

April 6 Lord's Prayer 2 – ‘…in heaven, hallowed be Your name,’

April 20 Lord's Prayer 3 – ‘Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.’

May 4 Lord's Prayer 4 – ‘Give us today our daily bread,’

May 18 Lord's Prayer 5 – ‘And forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors.’

June 1 Life Group Social (Bolton schools holiday)

June 15 Lord's Prayer 6 – ‘And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’

July 6 Lord's Prayer 7 – Taking it Forward

July 20 Planning/Prayer for outreach

Summer Break

Sept 7 OUTREACH – no ‘official’ Life Groups on this night

Sept 21 OUTREACH – no ‘official’ Life Groups on this night

Oct 5 Life Group + Life Group Leaders

Oct 19 Life Group

Nov 2 Life Group

Nov 16 Life Group

Dec 7 Life Group

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2016 Life Group Notes – The Lords Prayer 3

Study 1 – March 2nd Introduction

OBJECTIVE: In this session we want to understand how we should prepare ourselves to pray by considering our motives and attitudes, and starting to think about what it means to pray. CREATIVE: Think about a personal relationship you have (had) with someone you love. What sort of conversations do you have with that person? Did you ever pretend to be something you weren't just to impress them? What happened when they found out? __________________________________________________________________________________ READING: Matthew 6:1-18 [page 970] Our last Life Group "season" looked at living Spirit filled lives. We started in Ephesians 5 with the command to "be filled with the Spirit" and ended in Ephesians 6 with the command to "pray in the Spirit". How do we do that? Jesus’ disciples asked him the same question. His answer is recorded in Luke 11 and Matthew 6. We are going to focus over the coming weeks on Matthew 6. PART 1 – Who Is In The Room? Jesus clearly had a special prayer relationship with his Father, so much so that his disciples asked him to teach them to pray. Read Luke 11:1 [p. 1042].

What do you think the disciples had seen in Jesus that marked Him out as different? Read Matthew 6:6 [p.970], Mark 1:35 [p.1003] and Mark 6:45-46 [p.1009]

What clues or insights do these verses give into when, where, how Jesus prayed – and how we should pray?

How do you think that Jesus made sure He achieved solitude/quietness for Himself? Your ‘prayer room’ is that ‘secret place’ where you can have that intimate, personal time with God. It could be that you go into a room on your own and shut the door. It may be you take the dog for a walk in the countryside. It could even be on the bus, surrounded by strangers. God simply wants intimate and uninterrupted time with us alone!

Like Jesus, what decisions and disciplines might we need to put in place to make it to that ‘secret place’ on a daily basis?

What distractions can we take into the ‘prayer room’ with us? (e.g. mobile phone). How should we deal with those distractions?

As well as solitary prayer, Jesus was concerned about public or communal prayer. Compare Matthew 6:5 with Luke 18:9-14 [p. 1052].

What does Jesus warn the disciples against? How did the Pharisee behave? Who was Jesus really talking to?

When we pray we should pray as if God is the only one in the room with us. We all have times when our attitude can keep God out. God does not like hypocrisy (such as doing something just to look good in front of others, e.g. see Matthew 6:1 - giving, Matthew 6:5 - praying, Matthew 6:16 - fasting). Sometimes we don't give Him our full and undivided attention.

What can we do in times of public prayer – as in Life Groups – to ensure that we are not praying ‘to be seen by others?’

PART 2 - Demands Or Discussion? Watch: ‘NSPCC Toddler Demands’ at (20seconds) When a new born baby wants something they cry. They have no other way of communicating. They have a need they cannot fulfil for themselves, so they demand attention. As a person matures from baby to child to adult they (hopefully) learn to think about other people's needs and desires as well as their own. Their interaction with others becomes less demanding and more considerate. Two things to think about when we pray:

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First, when we pray, are we seeking to align our agenda with God's agenda? Or do we simply present God with a list of demands that we want Him to fulfil? A one sided conversation is not a conversation, it's a lecture! Our praying should not be our attempt to tell God what He must do ... but to seek His heart and hear/listen/respond to what He wants to do. Read Ecclesiastes 5:1-3 [p.673].

What does this tell us about how we should approach our conversation with God? Do we ever stop talking and allow our God to speak to us? Do we expect God to speak to us when we converse with him? How do we hear God speak?

Read John 5:19-21 [p.1068] How do you think these verses relate to Jesus’ own prayer life and the fact that Jesus had to

listen and learn? Second, Jesus also warns us not to 'babble like pagans' when we pray. We are not going to wear Him down to breaking point! In the account of Elijah doing battle with the prophets of Baal (1Kings 18:21-39) [p.359] we see the contrast where the prophets of Baal shouted and screamed to their god for hours, and got no answer; yet Elijah prayed a simple prayer, in faith, to the Living God, who answered immediately.

Has anyone ever experience a long-winded prayer? How did it make you feel? Why do you think God doesn’t appreciate long-winded, babbling prayers?

PART 3 - Our Father... With this background, now we are ready to begin our study of the Lord’s Prayer. But where do we begin? Jesus reminds us that when we pray we are talking to ‘our Father’. Many of us will have had good, positive relationships with our fathers. For anyone who maybe had a traumatic relationship, or even no relationship, with their human father, it may help to consider a relationship with another person they look up to who has cared about them.

How do/did you talk to your dad? Did you ever feel the need to use strange, unusual language?

Do you feel you can talk to God the same way as your natural father? Why or why not? Think of somebody you have an intimate, personal relationship with.

Do you enjoy that same level of intimacy with Father? If not, what prevents you? Sometimes, we just don't feel good enough or deserving enough of that closeness with God. But we need to believe that our Father loves us. He is patient with us. He will not turn away anyone who genuinely seeks to be with Him.

Has there ever been a time when you strained that relationship by something you did or said. Were you excluded from the relationship, or less cared for because of that?

Read Matthew 28:20 [p.1001] and Hebrews 11:6 [p.1209]. How do these verses encourage us to seek after our heavenly Father in prayer – even though

we may not feel worthy? __________________________________________________________________________________ Prayer Challenge: Over the next 2 weeks, plan to start each and every day with God. Take yourself to a secret place - somewhere on your own with no distractions. Then ….

o Reflect on the FACT that God is your Father in Heaven, and that He is also the King of Heaven. Talk to Him as your Father. Tell Him how you feel and ask Him what He wants you to do today.

o Open your bible, read it, and let God talk back to you. Ask Him what it means for you, today. o Keep a prayer diary. Have a notebook and pen available to write down what you believe God

is telling you, by His word and through the witness of His Spirit to your spirit. Remember to add in any confirmation you get, e.g. from conversations, preaching, etc.

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2016 Life Group Notes – The Lords Prayer 5

Study 2 – April 6th Hallowed Be Thy Name OBJECTIVE: In Session 1 we considered the context of the Lord’s Prayer and began to look at who we are coming to ..... ‘Our Father’. In this session, we will continue to consider the priority and significance of recognising who we are coming to and aligning ourselves to who He is and His purposes, before we pray for the outworking of this in our lives. CREATIVE: What would come to mind if you fell upon a website with one of the following taglines .... 1. Shopping heaven; 2. Football heaven, 3. Chocolate heaven 4. Holiday heaven? What word would you like to put in front? '_____________ heaven!' ____________________________________________________________________________________ PART 1 – Our Father in Heaven We pick up from study one where we saw that it is a prayer of relationship … children to their heavenly Father. ‘Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be your name.’ There is something special about being able to call GOD ‘Our Father!’ Yet ‘our Father’ is also our maker, the source of our life, creator and sustainer of all things … ‘who is in heaven’. In this first section we want to really consider God and His place of abode, His place of authority, and His place of rule – Heaven! The term ‘heaven’ is used in two ways in the Bible.

1. The heavens, meaning the sky and stars and universe. 2. The realm (abode) of God separate from the created universe, yet fully engaged with

creation. This second definition is what is referred to here in the Lord’s Prayer. Look at what the Bible says about God and Heaven from the following passages:

Isaiah 66:1-2; Psalm 103:19; Isaiah 40:21-26 (the abode of God) Acts 1: 10-11; Acts 7:54-56; 1 Thessalonians 4:14-17 (focus vs. 16) (where Jesus has gone) Matthew 6:20 (the realm of what God considers significant!)

As we consider God, our Father who is in Heaven, and are lost in the wonder, awe, amazement of who He is and where He lives, it therefore follows that we should consider God before and above everything else. That is what ‘... hallowed be your name’ means. PART 2 - ‘Hallowed be Your name ....’ Another way of expressing the phrase, ‘…hallowed be your name,’ is '… may your name be kept holy (special).’

Discuss: How do you associate someone’s name with who they are? When we think of someone we think about who the person is. In Hebrew society people’s names often had meaning. Sometimes they were prophetic about what or who that person would be. Activity: Those with ‘smartphones’ or ‘i-pads’ look up some Biblical names – e.g. Moses, Jeremiah, Joshua, Caleb.

What do their names mean? Can you see characteristics of that name in that Biblical character?

Quote: ‘The name of God: All that is true of God, all that has been revealed concerning God. God in all His attributes, all that He is in and of Himself, all that He has done and is doing!’ In the Bible - especially in the Old Testament - we see that God reveals Himself, His character and His purposes in many different ways through the diversity of His names or titles. Most are in relation to mankind, His supreme creation with whom He desires a special relationship. For example:

o El Elohim: His strength and power, His might, dominion. o Jehovah: The self-existent one

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Quote: ‘When we pray, start with God - not our needs!’

James Aladiran.

Watch: ‘Names of God’ - (3.38 minutes) Have a look at the ‘Study 2 Handout - Names of God’. Divide the group into threes/fours and assign each one two or three names to look up and texts to reference.

How does that name help you understand God a little more specifically, in a little more detail? What biblical stories can you think of that exemplify that part of God’s character or nature? What is special or significant for you about that particular name?

To conclude this section, not only is this prayer, ‘May your name be kept special,’ a declaration, but it is also a challenge. This part of the Lord’s Prayer implies that keeping God’s name holy is something that we are asking our Father’s help for us to do.

What would be the opposite of keeping Gods name special, of keeping it ‘hallowed?’ Discuss referring to Exodus 20:1-7

How do you feel when Gods name is blasphemed --- or used too casually? Look at Romans 11:33 - 12:2. Why should we show caution and positively ‘keep God’s name

special’. What steps may we need to take? Part 3 - Closing Reflection and Prayer: Read the quote to the side from James Aladiran.

Why is it so important to approach God in this hallowed, reverential way before coming with our requests and needs? Refer to:

o Heb 4:14-16 [p.1204] o Hebrews 10:19-23 [p.1208]

Take some time now to worship God in prayer.

o As you pray, speak out one of the names of God and give thanks to God for what that name/title means to you.

o As you pray, maybe you need God to be one of those names for you or a friend you know - eg. Jehovah Shalom - the Lord who gives peace. Pray for God to be that for you.

____________________________________________________________________________________ Prayer Challenge: 1. Each day take one of the names of God. Read and meditate around the scripture that contains

that title. Think about what it tells you about God and use it in your prayers for yourself and others.

2. Do the 30 Days of Praying the Names and Attributes of God. See the following webpage:

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2016 Life Group Notes – The Lords Prayer 7

Study 3 – April 2oth God’s Kingdom and God’s Will Main Text - Matthew 6:10 ‘Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven’ OBJECTIVE: In this session we move to the first request of the Lord's Prayer, ‘Your kingdom come, Your will be done.’ This part of the Lord's prayer is crucial as it roots EVERYTHING we pray for in God’s plans and purposes. In this study we will seek to understand something of the Bibles teaching about ‘the Kingdom of God’ and what we are therefore praying .... both now and for the future. CREATIVE: Question: If you became the ‘actual’ sovereign of England, rather than the nominal sovereign, what would be the first thing you would change? ____________________________________________________________________________________ PART 1 – ‘Your Kingdom Come ... ’ In Part 1 of today's session we are going to be looking at and seeking to understand the Kingdom of God. The word kingdom commonly implies/means:

o A realm having a king and/or queen as its actual or nominal sovereign. o A realm, region, or conceptual space where something is dominant. The kingdom of

thought, the kingdom of the dead In Pauls letter to the Colossians Paul writes about two kingdoms. Read Colossians 1:13-14 [p.1182]

What kingdoms are described here? How are they defined? Who rules each kingdom? What was the original state of those who are now followers of Christ? How is it we move (shift allegiance) from one kingdom to the other? See also John 1:9-13 (vs.

12) [p.1063] The concept of the Kingdom of God/Kingdom of Heaven was central to Jesus’ ministry. Exercise: Scan through Matthew 13 [p.978]. Identify the 7 different parables (stories) told by Jesus about the kingdom of heaven. In that same chapter Jesus also gave a tremendously encouraging statement to the disciples - Matthew 13:10-11.

To whom have the 'secrets' of this kingdom been given? What are the implications for Jesus’ disciples?

Christ came so that the 'secret' about the kingdom of God/the kingdom of heaven remain a secret no longer. Jesus came to proclaim from the rooftops that a new Kingdom was here - and He wanted everybody to know about it and to be a part of it. Read Luke 4:43 [p.1032] and Luke 8:1 [p.1036]

What do these verses tell us about why Jesus was sent to this earth? We therefore see that the prayer ‘Your Kingdom come...' is a prayer of submission to God as our King both now and for the future. It's a prayer that goes to the heart of God’s intentions and actions in His world. It is rooting us in God’s eternal purposes for His creation - that just as Jesus was called to spread the 'Good News' of this Kingdom, so we are called to pray for it, proclaim it and participate in it!! Discuss the following passages which give amazing descriptions of the nature of God’s eternal Kingdom including past, present and future aspects. It may be helpful to consider the following questions when looking at each passage:

o What applies to us now? What has been accomplished? What applies to the future? What impacts me, the life group and the Church (local, national and global)?

Hebrews 12:22-24,28 [p.1211] Romans 14:17-18 [p.1141] Romans 15:13 [p.1142] Luke 11:14-23 [p.1043] Hebrews 1:8-9 [p.1201]

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Quote: ‘Your Kingdom come' is an all-inclusive missionary prayer.’

Dr M Lloyd Jones

PART 2 - ‘Your Will be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven.’ In part 1 we have seen that God’s Kingdom starts for us on earth. It's not a future 'hope' but a present reality. The next portion of the Lords Prayer, ‘... your will be done on earth ...’ acknowledges that God’s Kingdom on earth is worked out in and through people. It is expressing a desire to come in line with God’s purposes (His will). We have already considered in part how we come into God’s Kingdom. Now we want to consider how we live and serve His will under His rule? Read 1 Timothy 2:4 [p.1191] and 2 Peter 3:8-9 [p.1224]

What do these two verses reveal about the will of God?

If it is God's will, heart, desire that none should perish - that all should come to a knowledge of the truth - what do the following verses imply for us being hands and feet and mouth here on this earth?

o Matthew 9:35-38 [p.974] o 2 Corinthians 5:11a; 5:14-16; 5:17-6:2 [p.1161] o Philippians 1:27-30 [p.1179]

Living in God’s Kingdom and seeking to extend it in a fallen world involves testing, trials, suffering and persecution (see Philippians 1:27-30 [p.1179]) .... as well as righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Through all this we look forward to the ultimate fulfilment of God’s promises with a living hope of resurrection into a New Heaven and Earth.

Take a look at these passages below and then share one thing which stands out to you as you anticipate ‘the new Heaven and Earth.’

o Romans 8:18-25 [p.1135] o Revelation 21:1-5 [p.1249] o Revelation 22:1-6 [p.1250]

Part 3 - Closing Reflection and Prayer: Consider the quote to the side from Dr M L Jones:

What are the implications of praying this prayer for us? Take time to think and pray about these implications for

yourself, for the life group and our neighbourhood! How can we use this part of the Lord's Prayer to help us focus

on praying for the upcoming OUTREACH?

____________________________________________________________________________________ Prayer Challenge: Over the next few weeks, take some time to read through Matthew 13 and Matthew 18 and Matthew 25. (See the Handout prepared)

What do these parables and stories Jesus told of the Kingdom of heaven imply for you? How can these parables give you a greater zeal, passion, hunger to see God’s Kingdom come

to earth? Creative: How might you update these parables to our modern business oriented culture?

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2016 Life Group Notes – The Lords Prayer 9

Quote: Grace is available for each one of us every day - our spiritual daily bread - but we've got to remember to ask for it with a grateful heart and not worry about whether there will be enough for tomorrow.

Sarah Ban Breathnach

Study 4 - May 4th Daily Bread Objective: This week’s aim is to help us (1) Understand the extent of God’s provision for us and (2) to help our faith grow as we depend on God for all our needs on a day to day basis. Creative: Can you think of a special occasion where you had a delicious meal at your favourite restaurant or with family or friends? What was the meal? How did you enjoy the time together? ____________________________________________________________________________________ Part 1 – God’s Provision In this week’s session we are looking at the first petition in the Lord’s Prayer that is directed to our needs. While the first half of the Lord's prayer has been more focused on God and who He is and what He desires, the second half of the Lord's Prayer focuses on us as individuals and what our greatest needs are. With this understanding, let us look at the first thing Jesus encouraged His disciples to pray for themselves. Main Text – Matthew 6:11 [p.970] – ‘Give us today our daily bread.’ Jesus encourages His disciples - and us - to pray for our 'daily bread'.

Is He just talking about the food we eat or something far greater? What does ‘bread’ represent in our lives? Imagine you are a Bible translator working to bring the Bible to a jungle tribe in South

America or Africa or Asia. What term(s) might you use instead of bread? Bread for us in western culture is a recognised staple and symbolises our most basic needs. As such 'bread' can represent all we need physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally to live.

How conscious are we of this dependency on God for all we need? Why do you think it is important for us to understand the principle of asking for ‘our daily

bread?’ Why does Jesus encourage us to pray for such things? After all, He already knows what we need!

The Worries of life. With the stresses of living in this world today it seems like there are endless things to worry about. Finding a job, keeping a job, buying food, paying the mortgage, meeting the bills; all these things can bring worry into our lives. If we’re not careful, we can allow worry to become the focus of our lives instead of God. In Matthew 6:25-34 [p.971] Jesus was speaking to his followers, those who had committed their lives to Him.

What did Jesus have to say about worrying after those things that He knows we have need of?

As a group make a list of what your essentials are, the ‘bread’ you need to live each day?

How can we escape worrying about the 'necessities of life' mentioned above?

How do we develop our faith to believe this promise of Jesus and trust Him to keep it?

One of the most encouraging verses in this passage is v.33 which says, ‘But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.’

What does ‘seek first His Kingdom / His righteousness’ mean in practical terms in your life?

Can anyone share an example of a time when they have sought or sacrificed for God’s Kingdom first and have seen God provide just what has been needed?

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Read Proverbs 30:8-9 [p.667]. In this passage we can see the importance of keeping our needs in balance. The writer highlights two extremes.

What are the two extremes and what are the dangers of each? How does this simple prayer of God meeting our daily needs counter these two extremes? How does this passage relate to Pauls instructions to Timothy in 1 Timothy 6:6-9 [p.1194]?

Part 2 - Bread of Heaven Read together Exodus 16: 1-5; 11-18 [p.73]. God had delivered the Israelites from slavery and led them into the wilderness. It didn’t take them long to start grumbling and complaining against God and wanting to go back to the ‘good old days’ in Egypt. They had selective memories, just like we sometimes have today. In moments of doubt and unbelief, when we think God isn’t doing what we have asked, we can start complaining and doubt His care and concern for us. We can forget where God has brought us from.

What does the story of God’s provision of manna and quail teach us about the way God supplies our needs?

What lesson do you think God was teaching the Israelites that He wants us to learn also?

In the New Testament the Gospel writer John creatively links Jesus to the manna in Exodus? Let’s see how by reading John 6: 25-35 [p.1070]. Keep in mind as we read that this passage comes just after Jesus had just performed the miracle of feeding 5000 with the loaves and fishes. He knew the crowds had followed Him because He had fed them.

What greater truth did Jesus - the true ‘Bread of Life’ - want them to understand? Matthew 5:6 says, ‘“You are blessed when you’ve worked up a good appetite for God. He’s food and drink in the best meal you’ll ever eat.’ (Message translation)

How does this passage apply to the passage in John where Jesus calls Himself the ‘Bread of Life?

At the beginning of the study we talked about having our favourite meal. We enjoy it, savour it and it satisfies our physical hunger. Do we have the same hunger and appetite when it comes to the true ‘Bread of Life’?

Part 3- Closing Reflection and Prayer: God wants us to pray for provision every day. He wants to provide for His children like we want to provide for our children. Do you see your life as being in God’s hands of love and comfort, that He does have a wonderful plan for your lives? He is our ultimate safety net and security, both in life and eternity. Have you any stories to share of a time when you have had a great need in your life and God has miraculously provided for you? Pray together: 1. Praying for ‘our daily bread’ causes us to give thanks for everything in our lives. Let’s spend a

few minutes thanking God for providing all our needs. 2. Spend some time praying for specific needs of individuals in the group. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Prayer Challenge: Over the next two weeks keep a prayer journal and write down the ‘daily bread’ needs you have asked God for. When we next meet, share with the group of how God has answered your prayers.

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2016 Life Group Notes – The Lords Prayer 11

Study 5 - May 18th Forgiveness Objective: This week we are going to look at forgiveness and our main verse is Matthew 6:12, ‘Forgive us our debts as we have also forgiven our debtors.’ But we can also look at the verse that follows our series passage: Matt 6:14, ‘For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.’ Creative: Can you think of a time when you wanted vengeance or retribution towards someone who wronged you? If you feel comfortable, please share. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Introduction It is very significant that Jesus includes this statement – ‘forgive us our debts’ - in the Lord’s Prayer. For those of us who have been on any of the Bridge courses such as the Marriage Course, Freedom in Christ, Alpha, etc., we can see how forgiveness sits at the centre of the Christian faith. So it shouldn’t surprise us that it is here when Jesus teaches His pattern of how we should pray. In the Lord’s prayer Jesus uses the word ‘debt’.

What other biblical words could be put in there instead of the word debt? (e.g. trespass) What is / isn’t forgiveness? Forgiveness IS NOT trying to pretend that the hurt doesn’t matter and trying to forget about it. When we’re hurt, we store it as negative emotion. That’s why we must deal with it. Forgiveness IS releasing the person who has hurt us from what we think they deserve, even if they don’t apologise or recognise what they’ve done. From a Christian viewpoint it means releasing them into God’s hands. As we release them to God, we’re leaving the consequences to Him.

Watch: ‘The Power of Forgiveness’ - (3:28).

Having laid the foundation now for the main part of our discussion, let's take some time to remember what God has forgiven us. Part 1 - God’s Forgiveness of Us Take a few moments to read Romans 3: 9-12 and Romans 3:23 [p.1130].

Why do we need forgiveness from God? People sometimes feel their sins weren’t that bad … or as bad as someone else’s.

What do you think? Divide the group in two and get each group to read Matt 18:21-35 [p.985] or Luke 7:36-50 [p. 1036]. Have someone summarise the story for the other group.

How much have you been forgiven? Little or much? Have a look at Isaiah 53 in particular verses 5-11 [p.741]. This is an Old Testament prophecy that pointed towards the death that Jesus would die on the cross.

Discuss how God paid a price to forgive us in Christ. Also look at Jesus’ words in Luke 23:34 [p.1060] and note His concern for forgiveness. What

does this tell us about the importance of forgiveness to God / Jesus? It is important to understand what we need to do in order for God to forgive us. Read the following verses - Matt 6:12 & 14 [p.970], 1 John 1:9 [p.1225], John 3:16 [p.1066]

What do these verses reveal about our part in seeking God's forgiveness? When you ask God to forgive you for a sin or failure in your life, are you confident of His cleansing or do you have doubts?

Explain why you feel secure / insecure?

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Justice = giving people what they deserve Mercy = not giving people what they deserve Grace = Giving people what they don’t deserve

Why was only the tax collector in Luke 18:9-14 [p.1052] justified? ** If time permits …. the words in the adjacent box are very common Biblical terms.

How do they relate to the subject today of forgiveness? How does Jesus personify each of these?

Part 2 - Our Forgiveness of Others Why should we forgive others? There are many reasons - Because God forgives you. Because resentment and bitterness is self-torture. Because we all need forgiveness every day. These are simply three examples. Activity: Take a look at the table at the top of Handout 1.

Discuss the pros and cons of forgiveness and unforgiveness. Which statements perhaps resonate most with you on a personal level?

Only God brings perfect justice. If we don’t forgive, if we don’t release the other person, we’ll be the one imprisoned by bitterness, resentment, anger that builds up inside us. The biblical understanding of forgiveness is that God forgives us freely and therefore we must forgive each other freely. There is a phrase in that famous description of love in 1 Corinthians 13: ‘Love keeps no record of wrongs.’

How can we make this verse practically apply in each of our lives? Can anyone share a personal experience where they have applied this truth? How did you

feel doing it? Matt 18:21-35 What does the servant’s attitude towards the man who owed him money tell

you about his response to the king’s gracious forgiveness of him? Forgiveness is really hard – it’s always costly. Forgiveness means giving up our self-pity, giving up our desire for justice, giving up our rights, putting aside our pride. Every act of forgiveness costs us something, whether we’re forgiving something large or small. There’s a big difference between forgiving someone for being slow at leaving a party and forgiving a betrayal of trust. But, however difficult it is, we must forgive. Forgiveness is making the choice to let go of the resentment. Part 3- Closing Reflection and Prayer: All of us more than likely have a few things we need to forgive others for. Activity: Give each person Handout 2 and a pen. In quietness of the room ask them to complete the following sheet for 3-4 people as God lays on their hearts. Take 10 minutes for this.

After 10 minutes get the group to follow the prayer at the bottom of the sheet and forgive those people from the heart. Prayers are to be said under your breath. Take 2-3 minutes for this.

Now, either read the declaration prayer individually, or, even better, read it together as a group. If possible – find a safe way to destroy those sheets – shredder, fire, scissors! Closing: If in future people have issues of unforgiveness, ask them to pray in exactly the same way. If people are struggling with issues of unforgiveness that they can’t get over then discuss how they can get further help (such as contacting the pastoral team, attending a course such as Freedom in Christ or maybe seeking some counselling).

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Study 6 - June 15th Lead Us Not Into Temptation OBJECTIVE: This week we seek to explore both the positive and negative aspects of temptation and establish the benefits of praying for protection. CREATIVE: Watch the clip of the following. What would you have done?? Watch: ‘Prudential: Overcoming Temptation’ - http// ____________________________________________________________________________________ READING: Matthew 6:13 'And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.' It is worth reminding ourselves as we look at the conclusion of the Father’s prayer that this was given by Jesus at the request of the disciples who wanted to be taught how to pray. Jesus includes a plea for help in achieving victory over sin and a request for protection from the devil which is intended to be a regular ingredient and habit in our prayer life. Therefore, we need to understand that resisting temptation from any wrongful activity should be a primary concern for us as Christians.

In James 1:13 [p.1213] we are told that God does not tempt anyone. Why do you think therefore that Jesus instructs us to pray 'lead us not into temptation' when

the Bible teaches that God does not tempt us? We can struggle with the thought of God leading us into temptation, but in the context of us wanting the Kingdom of God to come on the earth, is the question more about the desires of our heart? Let’s face it, we are being tempted very much from the moment we wake up in the morning. PART 1a- What Is Temptation? A dictionary definition - 1. the desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise; 2. A thing that attracts or tempts someone. A bible definition - 1. a trial or being put to the test; 2. solicitation to that which is evil, hence Satan is called 'the tempter'. Imagine you are visiting the Trafford Centre.

What things come to your mind about being tempted? What shops would provide the biggest temptation for you to 'break the bank?'

Let’s go back and revisit James 1 - only this time let’s read it in the context of verses 1:12-15

From which of the following does temptation come? o a) Satan b) The world c) Other people d) Ourselves

Explain your choice. James tells us that we are tempted because of our own 'desires'. We are drawn, enticed, attracted by those things that are deep down desires of ours. Now - not all desires are wrong. Desires are actually a good thing. But, James tells us that 'fleshly' desires or self-centred desires can give birth to sin (i.e., when our desires are not managed, controlled, given boundaries) We see this pattern occur in Paul’s warning to Timothy in 1 Timothy 6:9-10 [p.1194] regarding the love of money. Notice the progression - the desire is to get rich ..... this desire becomes a temptation ..... the temptation leads to being trapped which leads to further foolish and harmful desires ..... the final outcome being destruction. Activity: Ask members of the life group to list as many temptations they can think of.

o Try to get away from the idea that temptation is only about prohibited sex, shopping or chocolate.

PART 1B- What Is Difference Between Temptation And Testing? The chart below may be a help to us. Discuss.

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Source Purpose Outcome

Temptation Satan To lead us into sin, separate us from God, bring shame,

Destruction, guilt, brokenness

Testing God To be a 'proving ground' of obedience, love, devotion

Maturity, increased faith

As we read above in James 1:13 God does not tempt us. Any temptation will come our way from one source only - Satan. However, Paul tells us that when we are tempted God will always put two boundaries/measures in place. Read 1 Corinthians 10:13. [p.1151]

What are the two boundaries that God will put in place when tempted? (1. You will not be tempted beyond what you can bear; 2. God will ALWAYS provide a way out!!!)

PART 2 - Deliver Us From the Evil One The final part of the Lord's Prayer encourages us to recognise we have a significant foe / enemy / adversary in this battle of life. Sadly, Hollywood, Harry Potter, halloween, the rise in mystical religions, etc., have all played a part in the watering down of the truth about Satan.

What is the picture that comes into your mind when asked to describe the devil or Satan? What ideas and images does the media come up with? What picture or image does the Bible give us?

While we do not have to fear Satan (remember our Ephesians study!!) it is wise and astute to be aware of his tactics and his strategies.

What are some of the terms the Bible uses to describe Satan? - liar, deceiver, thief, destroyer, What are the defensive aids against the evil one?

1. Each other – church .... accountability!! 2. Prayer - 'Resist the Devil and he must flee!! 3. The Word – What are we filling our minds with?

Satan works by taking what God has created for human well-being and perverts it for his purposes. 'Deliver us from evil,' is a prayer that seeks God’s help in keeping the laws and commands of God sacred and not allowing good things to be twisted by selfish, greedy, lustful, wanton desires. Jesus recognised his source of deliverance was in the TRUTH of God's word. If we accept God’s call to be ‘Kingdom builders’, to be 'light' to those in darkness, to be 'salt' to those who have lost the purpose of life ..... this will at times mean enduring evil while resisting any involvement in it ourselves. Read Jesus’ prayer for the disciples - John 17:13-19 - esp vs.15 [p.1085].

What impacts you about this prayer of Jesus for His disciples?

God does not want to take us out of the evil of this world - but He does promise to protect us and deliver us as we seek to live for Him in it. Part 3 - An Opportunity to Pray As we finish this session, spend some time in prayer .... o Thanking God that He is victorious, that He is with us in the battle of temptations. o Thanking God for His testing that helps sharpen us, matures us, strengthens us. o Pray for those you know who are perhaps bound by sin and the evil one. Pray that God breaks

into their lives. Pray Isaiah 61:1-6 to become a reality in their lives. ____________________________________________________________________________________ CLOSING THOUGHTS Over the next week think about how you can take practical steps to protect yourself from temptation. Identify situations which you struggle with, feel like giving in to, or actually give in to. Find someone you trust to make yourself accountable to. Pray with them and confide areas in which you feel weak.

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Study 7 - July 6th Taking It Forward OBJECTIVE: To look back at what we have learned about prayer and to encourage each other. __________________________________________________________________________________ READING: James 1:22-25 [p.1213] The main focus of this session is to look back over how God has challenged us through this series and how we have responded to that challenge. The challenge will be personal to each individual and the main themes discussed within your Life Group are likely to be different from other Life Groups. The intention here, then, is to allow your Life Group space to share what you have been learning together and individually, and to support and encourage each other by sharing how you have progressed and what problems you may have encountered along the way. It is important that this is done sensitively and without judgement, especially where people feel they have "failed" or that someone else is "better at it than me". ** These notes are therefore provided as a reminder, to help you lead that discussion. Use them where they are appropriate but do not be constrained by them! God's word tells us "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says." James 1:22 [p.1213] Every one of us is likely to have been challenged in different ways, so the conversation is going to be different in every Life Group and different for everyone who contributes. Look back over this whole series on the Lord's Prayer and for each week, remind yourself:

What were the main challenges to you personally? What areas did you determine that you were going to change (and how)?

Now consider:

What difference can you see in your prayer now compared to February? Has anybody else seen any difference in you praying?

If you cannot see any change, DO NOT be discouraged. Where God has challenged you in a particular way, be faithful and work at it, knowing that He is faithful and will honour your faithfulness. The evidence of you changing may well appear different to what you expect to see, feel or experience! And remember, maturity in praying is NOT measured by how complicated and unrealistic your language is! Part 1 – Our Father's Agenda - A Recap Our Father wants the best for us. His best is perfection, fully satisfying and ultimately without any pain, suffering or regret. Why would we want anything less, for ourselves or for others around us? First and foremost prayer is about our relationship with our Father in Heaven, recognising that He loves us and cares about us. He wants to share His heart with us knowing that He is the source of everything that is good and perfect and necessary. Because of all this, we should be thankful and worship Him for who He is. We should also seek His heart to find out how He wants us to live and what our part is in establishing His Kingdom here on earth. That is, for us to live the way He wants us to live, to introduce Him to other people and to resist evil in the world. We need to focus on our Father's agenda. Lastly, we should ask our Father for all we need to play our part in His Kingdom: physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual. We need to ask for spiritual direction and protection to live the way He asks us to, and especially that we should be forgiven for offending Him, recognising that we need to

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forgive those who we feel have offended us. And then we need to trust Him to deliver, believing that He will not ask us to do something without making it possible for us to do it. So, in a nutshell, Jesus tells us to:

Shut out distractions Focus on God our Father Ask Him what He wants us to do - and listen to His answer! Ask Him to look after whatever it is we may need to achieve His purposes ... and then go and

live it! PART 2 - Why Things Go Wrong - Our Father's Agenda Sometimes things just don't seem to work out for us. We can be very busy, trying to live the way we think God is asking us to live, doing good 'churchy' things, but it seems that God is just not doing His part for us!! We can get frustrated, irritable, jealous of others' apparent success. So why might that be? Take a look at James 4:1-3 [p.1215] and compare this with Matthew 5:21-24 [p.969].

Do you recognise any of what James describes in yourself? How does James describe the issues that lead to this?

What we see here is firstly, forgetting to pray. We are so busy, or so convinced we are OK that we don't make time to have our conversation with Father. Secondly, if we do pray, we bombard God with our agenda instead of asking Him what His agenda is. We stop asking Him what He wants us to do, and flip into demanding that He does what we want Him to do for Us. James describes the consequences of this as pretty devastating, for us and for those around us. If you feel yourself slipping into this position, remember: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 [p.1225 ]. Take yourself back into your "prayer room" and you will find Father waiting patiently for you. Begin again, acknowledging Him, ask Him to guide you in His agenda, ask for forgiveness. __________________________________________________________________________________ PRAYER CHALLENGE: Reflect on how Father has challenged YOU over the last few months. If you have kept a prayer diary, look back through it and see what He has said to you. Be encouraged, and use it to encourage someone else. Spend time together asking our Father what He wants you to do in September's Life Group outreach, now, as you plan and prepare for it.

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Study 1 Handout – March 2nd - Personal Prayer Diary

Keeping a prayer diary is one method that may help you in your conversation with God. It can be very encouraging to look back over things you prayed for and see the answers you got. It can also help you to encourage others when you tell them how God has answered your prayers. There are no rules for keeping a diary, but here is a suggestion. When you have prayed, write down one or two things you asked God about. Then, over the next few days, add anything in the 'answer' side that you feel is relevant. Did you remember a bible verse, or did someone say one to you that made you think "that answers my question"? Did you hear the person you prayed for got well again? Did something happen to you that made you think "that makes sense now"? Putting a date in will help you to remember when things happened. You could use the pages of a diary, buy a notebook, make notes on your phone, or you could use the following template to help you.

Date What I prayed about How God answered me

3rd Feb

Got paid a bit extra this month and asked God what I should do with it.

Had an email tonight from a missionary couple I support. Looks like they could do with some extra support.

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Study 2 Handout - Names of God

In our twentieth century Western culture, personal names are little more than labels to distinguish one person from another. Sometimes nicknames are chosen which tell something about a person, but even this is a poor reflection of the significance of names in the Bible. Unfortunately, to many the names God or Lord convey little more than designations of a supreme being. It says little to them about God’s character, His ways, and what God means to each of us as human beings. But in Scripture, the names of God are like miniature portraits and promises. In Scripture, a person’s name identified them and stood for something specific. This is especially true of God. Naming carried special significance. It was a sign of authority and power. This is evident in the fact that God revealed His names to His people rather than allowing them to choose their names for Him. This is also seen in the fact that God often changed the names of His people: Abram to Abraham, Sarai to Sarah, Jacob to Israel.

Name Meaning, or showing God as… References

Elohim Creator; Strong One; Majesty Genesis 1:1

El Shaddai God Almighty, the All-Sufficient One Genesis 17:1-3

El Elyon God Most High God, Sovereign Genesis 14:18-20; Psalm 9:2; Dan 7:18-25

El Roi God Who Sees Genesis 16:13

Adonai Lord, Master Exodus 21:1-6

Yahweh (Jehovah) The Self-Existent One Genesis 2:4; Genesis 4:3; Exodus 6:2-4

Jehovah Tsidkenu The Lord our Righteousness Jeremiah 23:6

Jehovah Mekoddishkem The Lord who Sanctifies Exodus 31:13

Jehovah Jireh The Lord will Provide. Genesis 22:14

Jehovah Raah The Lord is my Shepherd Psalm 23

Jehovah Shalom The Lord is my Peace Judges 6:24

Jehovah Nissi The Lord is my Banner Exodus 17:15

Jehovah Rapha The Lord who Heals Exodus 15:26

Jehovah Shammah The Lord is There Ezekiel 48:35

Jehovah Sabbaoth The Lord of Hosts 1 Samuel 1:3; 17:45

Prayer Challenge:

1. Each day take one of the names of God. Read and meditate around the Scripture that contains that title. Think about what it tells you about God and use it in your prayers for yourself and others.

2. Do the 30 Days of Praying the Names and Attributes of God. See the following webpage:


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Study 3 Handout – April 2oth - The Kingdom of Heaven is Like .... Over the next few weeks, read some of the parables and stories of Jesus about the Kingdom of Heaven.

o What do these parables and stories Jesus told of the Kingdom of Heaven imply for you?

o How might these parables give you a greater zeal, passion, hunger to see God’s Kingdom come to earth?

o Creative: How might you update these parables to our modern business oriented culture?

1 Matthew 13:24 The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field ...

2 Matthew 13:31 The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed ...

3 Matthew 13:33 The kingdom of heaven is like yeast ...

4 Matthew 13:44 The kingdom of heaven is like treasure ...

5 Matthew 13:45 The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant ...

6 Matthew 13:47 The kingdom of heaven is like a net ...

7 Matthew 13:52 The kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house ...

8 Matthew 18:1 Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?

9 Matthew 18:23 The kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts ...

10 Matthew 20:1 The kingdom of heaven is like a landowner ...

11 Matthew 22:1 The kingdom of God is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet ...

12 Matthew 25:1 The kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins ...

13 Matthew 25:14 Again, it [the kingdom of God] will be like a man going on a journey ...

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Study 5 Handout 1 – Forgiveness

The awesome benefits of forgiveness: The terrible effects and fruit of unforgiveness:

Happiness and joy Peace of heart and peace of mind Free from guilt Removes the hurt and pain of bitterness and

resentment Rebuilds and restores friendships and

relationships with others Restores our relationship with God Brings both emotional and physical healing Brings spiritual healing to ones heart and soul It brings freedom Others ? ………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… …………………………………………………

Open door for mental, spiritual and physical

harm Loss of joy and peace Bitterness and resentment Judgmental or critical of others Loss of friendships Harmful in relationships to others Unhappy homes and marriages – Divorce Depressions, anxiety and fear Hinders our walk with God – separates us from

Him. Others ? ………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… …………………………………………………

A Helpful Prayer If dealing with unforgiveness, the following prayer is one used in Freedom in Christ to help break chains of unforgiveness and set people free. Use the following simple format to set yourselves and others free.

‘Lord, I choose to forgive (name) ………..…………….… for (state specifically what they did or failed to do) …………………..….. which made me feel (verbally tell the Lord every hurt He brings to your mind) .……………….………’

After you have forgiven everyone above from the heart, now seal it with the following prayer of declaration:

‘Lord, thank you for your willingness to forgive me. Thank you for your example and for bearing the cost of my forgiveness on the cross. Please help me to forgive others, as you have forgiven me, through your love. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.’

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Study 5 Handout 2- Prayer of Forgiveness:

Make a list of the people you know that the Lord is asking you to forgive. Highlight what you are forgiving them for and how it made you feel. See the top line as an example: Lord, I choose to forgive ..... (name)

For ….. (specifically what they did or failed to do)

….. which made me feel …. (verbally tell the Lord every hurt He brings to your mind).

Now pray the following prayer for each one under your breath: ‘Lord, I choose to forgive ............... for ............... which made me feel ..............................’

After you have forgiven everyone above from the heart, now seal it with the following prayer of declaration:

‘Lord, thank you for your willingness to forgive me. Thank you for your example and for bearing the cost of my forgiveness on the cross. Please help me to forgive others, as you have forgiven me, through your love. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.’

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Video Clips

Study 1 – March 2nd – ‘NSPCC Toddler Demands’

20 seconds

Study 2 – April 2nd – ‘Names of God’

3.38 minutes

Study 5 – May 18th – ‘The Power of Forgiveness’

3.28 minutes

Study 6 – June 15th – ‘Prudential – Overcoming Temptation’


2.34 minutes