The Lord’s Prayer Part 3 - D'Q'SM… · things that we are to pray for when we don’t know how...

1 The Lord’s Prayer Part 3 – Hallowed be Your Name (Our deepest cry in 4 simple words) Introduction “Who is Aslan?” asked Susan. “Aslan?” Said Mr Beaver. “Why… Don’t you know? He’s the King. He’s the Lord of the whole wood…word has reached us that He has come back. He is in Narnia at this moment. He’ll settle the white Queen all right. It is He, not you, that will save Mr. Tumnus.” “Is He a man?” Asked Lucy. “Aslan a man!” said Mr Beaver. “Certainly not. I tell you He is the King of the wood and the son of the great Emperor-beyond-the-sea. Don’t you know who is the King of Beasts? Aslan is a lion- the Lion, the great Lion.” “Ooh…Well I shall feel rather nervous about meeting a lion.” Said Susan “That you will dearie, and make no mistake…if there’s anyone who can appear before Aslan without their knees knocking, they’re either braver than most or else just [plain] silly.” “Then He isn’t safe?” said Lucy.

Transcript of The Lord’s Prayer Part 3 - D'Q'SM… · things that we are to pray for when we don’t know how...

Page 1: The Lord’s Prayer Part 3 - D'Q'SM… · things that we are to pray for when we don’t know how or what to pray…. And what we saw was that the Lord’s Prayer could be neatly


The Lord’s Prayer

Part 3 – Hallowed be Your Name (Our deepest cry in

4 simple words)

Introduction “Who is Aslan?” asked Susan.

“Aslan?” Said Mr Beaver. “Why… Don’t you know? He’s the King. He’s

the Lord of the whole wood…word has reached us that He has come

back. He is in Narnia at this moment. He’ll settle the white Queen all

right. It is He, not you, that will save Mr. Tumnus.”

“Is He a man?” Asked Lucy.

“Aslan a man!” said Mr Beaver. “Certainly not. I tell you He is the King

of the wood and the son of the great Emperor-beyond-the-sea. Don’t you

know who is the King of Beasts? Aslan is a lion- the Lion, the great


“Ooh…Well I shall feel rather nervous about meeting a lion.” Said Susan

“That you will dearie, and make no mistake…if there’s anyone who can

appear before Aslan without their knees knocking, they’re either braver

than most or else just [plain] silly.”

“Then He isn’t safe?” said Lucy.

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“Safe?...Who said anything about safe? Of course He isn’t safe….but

He’s good…He’s the King…”

In this famous and well-known book written by C.S. Lewis, there seems

to be a healthy and well-known fear in the hearts of those who live in the

land of Narnia… for the citizens of this one land, there is One

character…there is One Lion… One name, that causes knees to knock,

and hearts to tremble at the mere mention of it…

There is a healthy mixture of fear, and a strange attraction in the hearts of

these young children in this book, when they learn about the name that is;


But why?

What is it about the name Aslan that has so many people terrified…but at

the same time hopeful?

Well…Is it not because the Name of the Lion, is tied directly to His


When people hear the name Aslan, they remember the Great Lion, the

long awaited Lion, the King of all beasts… and therefore the simple

mention of His name causes the creatures of Narnia to think ever so

carefully about His character…

The simple mention of His name strikes fear but at the same time

splendour into the hearts of every creature who hears His Name!

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For you see; the name Aslan is a name that is both feared, but at the same

time longed-for….

Recap We’ve been looking at the topic of Prayer in the morning services the

past couple of weeks here at Grace, and specifically we’ve been looking

at contents of the Lord’s Prayer...

Last time I spoke, we looked at the Structure of the Lord’s Prayer, and we

saw that the structure of the Lord’s prayer is an extremely important

structure (though it does not have to be strictly followed)

It is rather a template (a framework) for our own Christian lives… and

things that we are to pray for when we don’t know how or what to


And what we saw was that the Lord’s Prayer could be neatly divided up

into 3 sections:

1. Firstly, the prayer has an opening address, which is: Our Father in

Heaven… all Christian prayer begins with a recognition that God is

our Father; a Father who is both, intimately personal, and yet

infinitely powerful… And so when we come to God in prayer, we

come as simple and needy children calling out to their intimately

personal Father…

Their Father who is tender hearted, compassionate and loving toward the

broken hearted… a Father unlike any earthly Father seen in this world

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because He is the perfect image of what all fathers should be like…and

we said this because He is our Father in heaven…

2. And then after this, there are 3 petitions directed upward toward

God…as Jesus tells us that all Christian prayer should be

concerned for, and have a pre-occupation toward: The Name of

God, The Kingdom of God, and the will of God!

3. And then after this, we have 3 petitions directed toward us; gives

us this day our daily bread, forgive us our debts, and lead us not

into temptation.

The first half of this prayer is concerned with God and His glory, and

then only after this do our needs find their place!


Now again…this structure is NOT a strict method that we must follow

every time we pray!

But rather this structure is a framework to expand upon when we don’t

know how or what to pray for….

There is rigidness but there’s also freedom… there is spontaneity but

there’s also structure…in our prayers…

The best way I’ve heard it described is to think of the structure of the

Lord’s prayer like Jazz music… there’s tempo, and timing and keys that

are to be followed, but at the same time there’s a lot of freedom to move

up and down the page…

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There is rigidness but freedom… spontaneity but structure…

And the structure is (as we said) extremely important!

So we’re going to follow this structure throughout our sermon series…

And so tonight we’re going to focus on the first of these 6 petitions in the

Lord’s Prayer, which is “Hallowed be Your Name…”

Our deepest cry in 4 simple words…

Main Point: The deepest cry of Christian prayer is to see God treasured everywhere

Outline: What does hallowed be your name mean?

Hallowed Let’s be honest… we often say or read the Lord’s prayer in our lives, but

most of us are left wondering “What in the world does the word hallow

even mean?”

Now the reason that is, is because this is one of those old nasty words that

we shy away from because it sounds like it belongs back in the 17th

century… kind of this old, out-dated, yucky, puritanical word!

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At its most basic meaning the word “hallow” here means to “set apart” it

means to sanctify, it means to treat something as utterly unique!

It is to say “Hey! Don’t go flippantly or light heartedly into the presence

of this One object!”

Do not treat this object as ordinary or common like you do…with other


It is sacred! It is unique! It is holy!

And you must treat it accordingly!

Treasured Cars How many of you have seen those guys driving around in their S class

400,000 dollar Mercedes Benz like they were driving miss daisy; 20Kms

under the speed limit, hitting the brakes way too early, indicating 100

metres before they have to turn… a real danger to themselves and others

on the road because of how careful and cautious they are in their prized


All because that car is extremely expensive and unique (set apart) as their

treasured object!!! And it would be crazy for them, to take that car off-

road to do some high-speed rally car racing in the woods!

Treasured Memories What about our parents… they have these old photo albums in their

cupboards at home that they pull out from time to time, and they show us

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their most precious and treasured memories that they consider as utterly

unique and set-apart as valuable!

Treasured Plates When Salli and I got marriage… We received an excessive amount of

cutlery, plates, bowls, and glasses that we’re deemed as “special!” They

were deemed the good plates, the good cups, the good bowls… the

special items in our kitchen…

And every time I went to use one of the good plates (as opposed to) the

not good plates… My beautiful wife Salli would look at me and say:

“What are you doing… why are you using those!??!... Why are you

eating off of the good plates…why don’t you use the not good plates?!?!”

And I would say: “Clearly because I DON’T CARE ABOUT THE

GOOD PLATES! I don’t consider those plates as special or unique like

you do, and even still, my love they’re just plates…”

Now P.S – Don’t do what I do in my marriage; any brothers out there

looking to get married, there is a difference between good plates and

everyday plates… there is a difference! Don’t argue the point!

It is a normal thing to have the special plates and cutlery that you bring

out for your guests…


Now the reason why I used the “good plates” was because I did not see

the difference between them, and the common plates….I did not see the

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“good plates” for what they were… but I saw them as common, average,

and un-important…

But Salli on the other hand saw them as valued… She appreciated the

good plates and she treated them differently to the common ones…

Infinite Difference And this is kind of like, what it means to hallow something as unique….

It is to treat it with reverence, honour, and respect…

Except the way in which Jesus uses the idea of “hallowing” here in the

Lord’s Prayer is infinitely greater than the best cups and plates you or I



Because the object to which Jesus tells us is set-apart here in the Lord’s

Prayer…. is infinitely more precious than any other object this world has

to offer…

Greater than the greatest cars, greater than the greatest diamonds, greater

than the greatest memories, than the greatest celebrities or people in this


Because it is… “The name of God…”

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Today’s Names See when we think of naming something, or we think of names today…

we don’t think of names in the same way the Jewish person considered

names in Scripture…

Most people today name their children because they choose a name that

sounds pleasing to their ears… they choose a name that sounds nice when

it is pronounced… or because it goes along with a specific surname or

middle name…

But for the Jew, a name was anything but a nice and convenient label that

sounded good when you said it…

Now let’s be honest…I am probably the last person in here that should be

talking about names, what they mean… and what they should sound

like… because let’s be straight; my name is Rhoison… and Rhoison is a

really weird Name…

Like I wish that I could say Rhoison means mighty man of God, defender

of the weak, handsome for all eternity; unbelievably wise; lover of

good… but reality is, my parents liked the name, they thought it was

unique and that no one else in the world would ever come up with a name

like that… and let me tell you they were right!

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God’s Name But for the Jew, a name was anything but a nice and convenient label that

sounded good when you said it…for the Jew, a Name described the


A name according to Scripture indicated what you were like, how you

acted; and what you were all about!

A Name was tied directly to your character!

And this is perhaps most evident when the Jew thought about the Name

of God!

When they thought about His Name, they thought about His character

and what He is like!

Psalm 20 Verse 7:

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the

Name [that is the character] of the Lord our God…”

Psalm 115 Verse 1:

“Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to your Name [Who you are] be

the glory…”

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Exodus 34:14:

“Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is

Jealous, is a jealous God…”

The Name of God is said to be jealous, but not because that is His Name,

but because this Name, is directly tied to this attribute (this

characteristic)… What He is like!

You cannot think of God’s Name in isolation from His essence, Who He

is, and what He is like!

And so…when we pray this prayer; “Father hallowed be Your Name….

We are not talking about a particular set of letters, or a particular set of

vowels, or a title that God has taken on… but we are referring to the very

essence, the very being, the very Person of God Himself!

We are referring to His reputation; His excellency, His glory; and His


Is this your deepest cry? You see, when you understand that you are in the presence of God who is

your heavenly Father... Jesus says; your first desire will be for the fame

of your Father’s Name!

That you if you are child of God; trusting in Christ to save you from your

sin, then God will give you a new set of affections that love Him and

desire nothing else but His fame, His glory, His Name, to be seen, and

heard, and known throughout the world!

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Is this truly the deepest cry of your heart here tonight?!?!

Is this the number one thing you desire above all else?!?!

Is this the first thing on your mind as you approach God in prayer?

An Old Presbyterian minister Robert Murray Mc’cheyne once said this:

“What a man is on his knees before God, that he is, and nothing more.”

It is not what you do in the public sphere of life that determines what kind

of a person you are… but it is what you say planted on your knees before

God that determines the kind of person you truly are…

Scripture would say it like this:

“For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks…”

Every word we utter, every idea we have… every emotion we feel, flows

out of a heart, that is either for God or against Him… that either seeks to

honour God or dishonour Him!

That seeks to glorify God or glorify ourselves…

Our prayer life reveals the deepest and the greatest convictions of our

heart… Our prayers reflect what we believe about God, the Gospel, and

life itself…

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“What a man (or woman) is on their knees before God, that they are,

and nothing more.”

Not an observation but a request Now with that being said, let me make one last observation before we

move on to our second point…

This petition is NOT a prayer of praise or recognition!

It is not praising God for His holiness!

I want you to notice, that the prayer is NOT “Father; hallowed is your


But “Father; hallowed be your name.”

This prayer is not a recognition of praise and honour to God; it is a

petition of prayer for God to act!

For Him to do something!

In other words, when we pray “Father; Hallowed be Your Name” we are

asking God to make His beauty, His splendour, His glory, known in the

hearts and minds of all men and women everywhere!

It is to say:

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“Father! May that same glory that you have in heaven be

recognized here on this earth!”

We are asking that the Name of God would be set apart as special; as

unique; as glorious; as exalted; as precious; as lovely; as holy; as

treasured; as different; as honoured… here on earth!

We are asking for God to make every thought and emotion that we have

worthy of Him and His glory!

I heard this great quote recently that said: God loves supremely what is

supremely lovely!

God loves to glorify that which is most glorious!

And because God loves His own Name, His own reputation, His own

glory (because He is the most beautiful; precious and lovely object in all

of creation) then when we pray this petition we are actually asking God to

place those same affections that He has of Himself, into the hearts and

minds of us and others around us…

How spectacular is this prayer!!!

We are asking:

God would you please act so powerfully, that people would no

longer blaspheme Your Holy Name!

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God would you please move in the hearts of men and women

everywhere so that people would no longer advocate for the

murder of innocent children in the womb!

God would you please act so wonderfully, that creation would no

longer supress Your beauty and splendour!

NOT MORE GLORIOUS It is NOT a prayer for God to be more glorious! He cannot be any more

glorious than what He already is!

But rather we are asking God to make that same glory that He already

has… to be recognised here on this earth!

Standing between the living and the dead August 8th, 1756…The famous open-air preacher & evangelist George

Whitfield was at Saint Michaels Anglican Church in the Village of

Haworth (“Howeth”) in Northern England…

Whitfield had been invited by the local pastor of the church William

Grimshaw to come and to speak to a large crowd of people about God…

Now…If you know anything about George Whitfield, then you would

know this man could preach and preach loudly!!! Rumour has it that

Whitfield had the ability to be heard open-air preaching from over 3

Kilometers away (most of you struggle to even walk that) and sometimes

he would preach to crowds that ranged from 8,000 - 20,000 people… all

without amplification!

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This man had a gift!

And so on this day in the fall of 1756 there were several hundred people

gathered inside of this church, and several thousand standing outside of

the church and within the courtyard and beyond...

Whitfield stood on a small platform erected just outside of an open

church window… and looking unto the people, he paused for a moment,

silently prayed to God and then in a loud and commanding voice he

announced his text…Hebrews 9:27:

“It is appointed unto men once to die, and after death the


But all of a sudden, before he could even speak another word there was

this terrifying loud shriek from someone in the crowd… after a moment

of confusion the pastor William Grimshaw rushed over to the

commotion… and when he had returned to the preacher he called out to

him over the heads of the people and said:

“Brother Whitfield, you stand amongst the dead and the dying, an

immortal soul has been called into eternity. Someone has just

dropped dead on the spot!

And so, after the person was carried away… Whitfield composed

himself… he paused for a moment, and then with a loud and booming

voice he once again announced:

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“It is appointed unto men once to die, and after death the


But again! Another terrifying and loud shriek came from a different

section of the crowd…

And Pastor Grimshaw rushed over to the spot, came back and yelled:

“Brother Whitfield! You are standing between the living and the

dead, God has called another immortal soul into eternity!”

What Kind of a God are we dealing with? Now can you imagine being in that crowd at this point?!?! Can you

imagine the fear and the awe that would have fell upon the people that


If I were in that crowd, I would be thinking one of 2 things… firstly I

would want to yell out to the preacher:

“Hey! George…Stop quoting the Scripture! People are dying

brother we get it! We get the Scripture please move on!”

But now my second reaction would probably be this:

“What kind of a God are we dealing with here?!?!”

How serious! How holy! How set apart must this God be?!?!

One thing would be absolutely certain!

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We would all be taking the weight and the Name of God much more

seriously than we do now!

And that same kind of hallowing! That same kind of weight! That same

kind of reverential fear is what Jesus is telling us to pray for here in this

first petition!

Father may Your Name be honored, and feared, and respected (and set-

apart) as Holy…among those who hate You!

Is this the deepest cry of your heart here tonight brothers and sisters?!?!

2. What does hallowed be your Name look like? But we need to stop and ask ourselves the question now: How is God’s

Name going to be hallowed, treasured, and set-apart as holy?!?!

Does this petition simply leave us detached from the world and facing

upwards looking into heaven like the disciples in Acts 1? Are we merely

to sit there in our rooms watching the world burn and asking God to make

His name precious among the nations?

I believe not…

And this moves us into our second point here tonight; “What does

hallowed be your name look like?”

Turn over one chapter earlier in your bibles to Mathew chapter 5…

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Matthew 5 and we’ll begin reading from verse 14 (Jesus speaking):

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be

hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but

on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way,

let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good

works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven…”

How is it that God’s Name (God’s character, God’s reputation) is going

to be honored, glorified, and adored here in this world?

Jesus tells us that it is through us living, loving, and honoring God as

supremely precious and lovely in our own lives…

That we do not sit back and watch our Father’s world burn while we

pray to Him: Father, Hallowed be your name….That’s just crazy!

God has given us this petition to pray, and within that, we likewise live

this petition out in our own lives…

4 areas to Hallow God’s Name

And so I just have 4 ways in which we as the people of God hallow His

name in our daily walk of life…

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Thought The first area is in our thoughts…The Christian loves to Hallow God’s

Name in their thought life – this means thinking of God rightly and in a

way that gives the honour and respect to His Name!!!

If we believe any doctrine that elevates man and belittles God!!! Then

that doctrine, that belief (that system of thought) is one in which Christ

tells us to abandon because it is not hallowing the Name of God rightly!

We cannot hallow God’s Name when our beliefs concerning Him are


Our thoughts of God must not be too low, or too careless, or too little

when we think of the Person, the Work, The name, and the character of


Christians are ever so careful to not think blasphemous, light-hearted, or

flippant thoughts concerning God and His glory!

We must tune our hearts and minds to be in line with what the bible says

about God, NOT what we imagine or desire God to be like!

The Christian loves to Hallow God’s Name in their thoughts…

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Speech The second area is in our speech…The Christian loves to Hallow God’s

Name in their speech – and of course this includes saying God’s Name as

a cuss word or saying OMG when you are shocked at something… but it

is so much more than this!!!

It is speaking about God in a light-hearted, empty, flippant, dishonouring


It is those times when you make God out to be something other than the

glorious King of this universe!

When you talk about the bible as being burdensome, and out-dated!

When you badmouth God, or God’s church or the people in His Church

to non-Christians in the world!


But this prayer also includes the opposite… that when others speak

lightly, or flippantly about God, we are jealous to defend, honour, and

hallow His name among them!

Christians are compelled to speak out against anyone who would

tarnishes the Excellency and the beauty of God and His Name…

We are not okay when someone blasphemes the Name of God or treats

His Word in a crude and empty manner!

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When a person speaks out against our heavenly Father in a way that is

dishonouring to Him, we as His children are duty-bound to defend, and

honour, and speak up against such a person who dares to defy the

beautiful Name of our God!

How could you NOT speak out against someone who chooses to

disrespect and dishonour the One whom your heart loves?!?!

I stand in fear brothers and sisters for what I would do to someone if I

knew that they were speaking about my wife in a crude, sexual, or

dishonouring way!

And it is NOT because I’m macho, or manly, or tough, but because I love

her, and cherish her and I am in a covenant relationship with her!

I care about her reputation!

And in the same way; we as Christians are in a covenant relationship with


And so we must speak up when someone speaks light, flippant, or

disrespectful words toward Him!

That doesn’t mean you have to be a jerk about it! Right! Be gracious, be

loving, be gentile when you speak to them… but the point is, say

something… even if it is “Hey, please don’t talk like that, it actually

really upsets me!”

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A Christian will gladly speak up and defend their Father against anyone

who chooses to dishonour, or disregard the reputation of God!


The Third area is in our actions…The Christian loves to Hallow God’s

Name in their actions– this means that we seek to live in such a way that

shows we value God as more precious than any other object in our lives!

Whenever you or I fail to imitate Christ in our lives, we fail to hallow

God’s Name…

When we claim to be a disciple of Christ, but fail to love those made in

God’s image, then we are not hallowing God’s Name…

When we have hateful or hurtful thoughts and actions toward those made

in God’s image we are not hallowing God’s Name…

1 John 2:4 says:

“Whoever says ‘I know Him’ (referring to Christ) but does not

keep His commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him…”

Paul says in the book of Titus that there are people in this world who

profess to know God but they deny Him by their works!!!

Brothers and sisters hallowing God’s Name in our actions means that it is

no longer about you, and your honour, your glory, your name, but

about God, and His honour, His glory, His Name!

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And this means that there are going to be times in your life when you’re

going to feel embarrassed, awkward, or separated…because you

choose to live for God!

It may mean that you have to feel awkward and look like a fool in going

up to someone and telling them you’re a Christian, that you love Jesus

and here is why they should love Him too!

Preaching the Gospel is never comfortable, but it always brings glory and

honour to His Name!

Hallowing God’s Name in your actions means that it is now His desires,

His Name, His character that will be honoured and glorified!

Church Community The fourth area is in our Church Community…The Christian loves to

Hallow God’s Name in their worship service at church – this is why the

elders here at Grace are so meticulous when it comes to every aspect of

the worship service…

It is not a matter of the leadership being fearmongerers; power hungry, or

control freaks, but they actually care about God’s Name being set-apart

as unique, as holy, and rightly adored!

Hallowing God’s Name in our Church community means that everything

we do in our church service ought to be aimed at glorifying and exalting


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This includes: the singing; the reading, the praying; the listening (in the

congregation); the preaching; the worship leading; the baptisms; the

Lord’s Supper; the greeting at the door; the sound; the data projector; the

instruments; the words we sing; the bible’s we use; the bulletins we read;

the announcements; the fellowship; the cooking; the cleaning; set-up;

lock up and anything else that includes the church community here at

Grace Bible…

The Christian loves to Hallow God’s Name in their worship service here

at church…

And really this prayer is a prayer for the hallowing of God’s Name in any

and every corner of the world!

This is a prayer for God’s reputation to be recognised as it truly is!

Conclusion Brothers and sisters,

Why is this such an important prayer for us today?

Why should we care about God’s Name being set apart and worshipped

as holy in our world?!?!

Well quite simply, it is because wicked and murderous abortion is being

legalized in this state; it is because injustice and oppression are being

overlooked in every corner of the world; it is because there are ministers

and churches neglecting to preach the supremacy of Christ and the

depravity of man; because children are growing up today believing that

they can choose their gender (like are you kidding me! Have we lost our

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minds?!?!); this petition is probably the most important, foundational,

Christian prayer that we could ever pray!

O how I yearn for this petition…to be my heart’s deepest cry!

And I desperately desire for God to make this truth known NOT ONLY

in my heart and life, but in the hearts and lives of all men and women


Brothers and sisters, is our God a safe God?!?! – Absolutely NOT!

Who said anything about Him being safe?!?!

He is NOT SAFE, but He’s good, He’s…the King!

And as we shall see next time, this King is building a Kingdom here on

earth, and He is ushering in people from every tribe, and every tongue,

and every nation here on earth…

And this God will always accomplish whatever He so desires here on


And He will look out for all of His unique and adopted children here on


And how does He accomplish the building of His glorious Kingdom here

on earth?

Well that’s for next time…

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But let me finish here tonight with a prayer… I want to give you a

tangible way for you to know what I mean when I say praying the Lord’s

prayer as a framework for our prayer life…

Now I’m not an expert at praying… I’m NOT saying this is how you

must pray…

Believe me…I always need God’s help when praying… but I just don’t

want you to walk away without hearing an example (that’s all this is; an

example) of what I mean…

So please take it as such and let’s pray:

“Our dearest Father… God what a joy it is to be in Your

presence... You are the everlasting Father to the fatherless, Heaven

is Your throne and the earth is Your footstool. God the heavens

declare Your glory, and the sky above proclaims Your handiwork.

From the rising of the sun to it’s setting, Father may Your Name be

the One that is praised and adored in this world!

God we don’t want to be flippant, or light-hearted, or disrespectful

toward You and Your beauty…. So Father we ask that You would

make Yourself the treasure of our hearts! God make Your Name

the greatest, most glorious Name in our lives, and the lives of all

our unsaved friends and family…

God we have so many requests that are weighing on our hearts

here tonight…we have so many things going on in our lives that

cause us to be anxious, nervous, upset, and worried… So many

things to pray for that we often forget to simply sit in Your glory!

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So Father help us to trust in You! God help our unbelief! Help us

to look unto Christ and know that you are for us and Not against

us! Help us to know that You will hold us fast until the end!

Father remind us through Your Word that you are sovereign, and

in control, and Good, and gracious, and lovely, and honourable,

and holy and worthy!

God remind us of Your Kingdom being built here on this earth!

Father remind us that Your will is always accomplished; never

prevailed against, always complete!

We thankyou Father that you will supply our every need according

to the riches of Your grace! According to Your mercy in Christ!

Feed us with the food we need, not the food we desire!

Father forgive us for our wicked behaviour! Forgive us for living

like the world when we bear the Name of Christ!

Lord help us to be different from the world! Help us to say no to

our sin and Yes to Christ!

Father we love and we cherish Your Holy and precious Name!

Thankyou God, and we pray all these things in the Name of Christ,


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Home Group Discussion Questions

The Lord’s Prayer Part 3

Q1. What is the significance of the Lord’s Prayer & its structure in

relation to our prayers/petitions toward God?

Q2. The word “Hallow” is seen to be a word that is somewhat outdated

today. What does this word mean? (Look up Matthew 6:9 in the CSB

Version – Is this a good translation of what the original word means?)

What significance/application does the meaning of the word “hallow”

have when we approach God in prayer?

Q3. What is Jesus getting at when He talks about the Name of God? (See

Exodus 3:13-15; 34:14; 1 Samuel 12:22; Psalm 20:5,7; 23:3; 79:9; 106:8;

115:1; 1 Chronicles 16:10, 29, 35).

Q4. Given that “hallowed be your name” is an imperative (a

command/request/petition), what exactly are we requesting/petitioning

God to do in this prayer?

Q5. What does prayer reveal about us? (See Proverbs 4:23; Matthew

12:34; Luke 6:45)

Q6. There is a theological axiom/foundation, which many theologians

have alluded to in the past when reading Scripture, that axiom/foundation

goes along the lines of: “God loves supremely what is supremely lovely”;

“God loves to glorify His own glory”; “God is supremely glorious when

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we are most satisfied in Him”; “God’s loves His own glory more than

any other object in the world” etc.

How does this axiom/foundation help us to understand this line of the

Lord’s Prayer?

Q7. Read Matthew 5:14-16. What relation does this text have to God’s

Name being hallowed?

Q8. Rhoi alluded to God’s Name being treated with reverence and honour

in 4 areas of our life. What are those 4 areas?

Q9. What are some other areas where we see God and His

reputation/fame being displayed? (See Genesis 1:31; Psalm 19:1; 148:1-

10; Luke 19:37-40).

Q10. What relation does “hallowed be Your Name” have to the next 2

petitions directed toward God?

Application Questions

Q1. On a scale of 1-10 how satisfied are you currently in your prayer life?

Q2. What are some ways to cultivate affections for God in prayer?

Q3. Has the framework/structure of the Lord’s Prayer helped you in

praying? If so, in what ways has it helped you?

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Q4. What area of your life (thought, speech, actions, church-community

etc.) seems to be the most difficult in hallowing God’s Name? Why is


Q5. How could you use this petition of the Lord’s Prayer in a

conversation with a non-believer?

Q6. Do you feel righteously jealous and angry when someone tarnishes

the Name of God in your presence?

Q7. Is the cry for God’s glory to be displayed in this world deep in your

own heart?