THE LINK - FEB attention, but I am...

THE LINK The Parish Magazine for the parishes of St Catherine and Holy Trinity Ventnor and St Boniface Bonchurch February 2018

Transcript of THE LINK - FEB attention, but I am...

Page 1: THE LINK - FEB attention, but I am happy to report the safe arrival of a new grand-daughter just before Christmas.


The Parish Magazine for the parishes of

St Catherine and Holy Trinity Ventnor and St Boniface Bonchurch

February 2018

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The Ministry Team

01983 853729

Gill Chaloner Reader 854659

Hilary Davis Reader 855797

Jenny Hopkins Holder Reader 852575

Gill Smith Reader 856134

David Tamcken Reader

Lay Pastoral Assistants

Mary Bell - Jo Nicholson - Sally Fitzgerald

Ventnor & Bonchurch Parish website address Email: [email protected]


St Catherine’s Steve Northern and Adrian Pinnock

Holy Trinity Jo Nicholson and Mark Bell

St Boniface Jonny Fitzgerald Bond and Lyn Ridler-Lee

Morning Prayer

Tuesday at 9.30am and Thursday at 9.15am at Holy Trinity

Wednesday at 9.30am at St Catherine’s

Friday at 9.00am St Boniface Parish Church

Midweek Services St Catherine’s - Wednesday - 10.30am Holy Communion

Holy Trinity - Thursday - 10.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

Sunday Services Please see inside Link for details of Sunday Services

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From Jenny Hopkins Holder.

I wonder how many of us associate February with Spring? Not many I

suspect, since we usually say that the first day of Spring is 21st March. Most

of us in Britain now only mark two special February dates: February 2nd --

the Festival of Candlemas, when baby Jesus was presented in the Temple at

40 days old in accordance with the Jewish Law; and February 14th, St

Valentine’s Day.

But here in past times, and in countries where people still live close to the

soil today, February is a month with many spring farming activities, each

with its special Christian rituals and blessings. The natural world shows us

God at work sustaining the earth & humans as God’s stewards. According

to Folklore spring is said to begin on 14th February, the day when,

countryfolk say, birds propose or marry. Geoffrey Chaucer in the 14th

century, wrote a poem about this and Saint Valentinus and romantic love

became linked. By the 18th-century England lovers expressed their love for

each other by presenting flowers, offering sweetmeats and sending

greetings cards (known as ''valentines''). In Europe, Saint Valentine's Keys

are given to lovers "as a romantic symbol and an invitation to unlock the

giver’s heart". (So, what will you give this Valentine’s Day?)

For country-folk Saint Valentine was honoured throughout February,

recognised as one of the saints of spring. But he was also held to be the

saint of good health, the patron of beekeepers style and pilgrims, and

guardian of a full cook-pot. A proverb said that "Saint Valentine brings the keys of roots". Country folk believed that the sap rose, and trees and

plants started to grow, especially root vegetables. In southern Europe his

day is still when the first work in the vineyards and in the fields

commences, with many prayers and special rituals. In England, at the

beginning of the month God’s blessing was asked for the fields as they

were purified on February 2nd, at Candlemas, & when all the candles

needed for church and home for the year were blessed.

An ancient English poem (simply entitled "Candlemas Day") read, in part,

Candlemas Day be fair and bright,

Winter will be put to flight;

But if it be dark with clouds and rain,

Winter remains; Spring will not come again.

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People were looking forward to the light & life of the sun and over the

centuries, the common culture of the people of Europe developed many

rituals attached to Candlemas Day, and the return of the sun. These were

often tied to animal behaviour in early February bears, badgers, &

hedgehogs were beginning to rouse themselves from their winter slumber.

(I sometimes wish I could hibernate!) German immigrants to the United

States, had looked for the hedgehog coming out of hibernation in their

homeland. But as new immigrants in Pennsylvania they transferred

attention to the groundhog and “Ground-hog Day” was born, to mark the

advent of spring, & sunlight’s return.

It may seem strange to some, but it is not until Candlemas that some

families take down the last of their Christmas decorations, as the

Christmas and Epiphany seasons come to an end. This reminds them that,

though the festival of Christmas is over for another year, they will, like

Charles Dickens’ Mr Scrooge, “Keep Christmas in their hearts every day, sharing the light and love of Christ with all”.

May February be a month of light and love for you & all who are special to



Tuesday, February 13th SHROVE TUESDAY



Cost: £2.50, entry by ticket.

Trinity Folk


February 16th and March 16th - 7.30pm

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HOLY TRINITY NEWS This month’s offering from Holy Trinity is, I am afraid, rather brief as I have

been away for most of December and half of January! Family needs required

my attention, but I am happy to report the safe arrival of a new grand-

daughter just before Christmas. We had already planned to spend

Christmas ‘up north’ but my stay proved to be rather longer than just the

week or so we had anticipated. However, we were lucky enough to get to

both the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, and Midnight Mass, at Durham

Cathedral, so there were compensations!!

Back at Holy Trinity and we are enjoying hosting a variety of visiting priests

whilst Hugh is away. It is lovely to welcome back some familiar faces again,

and to take the time to reflect on the individualities of each one. They each

bring something slightly different, and perhaps just give you a bit of a gentle

shake out of your comfort zone!

On the social side, I am pleased to report that Trinity Folk is going well.

Plenty of people are turning up both to listen and to sing, and we have

tempted out a number of female singers now, to complement the chaps.

The sausage rolls at half time go down a treat, and the bar is run very

efficiently by Ann Dyson and Tina Loney, under the watchful eye of Mark

Bell. Alan Dyson does a professional job of marshalling the singers and it all

seems to be very well received. There is a wide variety of music on offer,

not just traditional folk music, so why not come along and see what

happens? Unless otherwise announced, Trinity Folk takes place on the third

Friday of the month, in Trinity Church Hall, and starts at 7.30pm.

Before we know it Lent will be upon us and people will be wondering what

they should give up. I think that it is sometimes more productive to take

something up, rather than avoid something, so I will be trying, again, to read

a psalm every day. Perhaps this year I will start at number 150 and work


Praise the Lord!

Praise God in his Sanctuary;

Praise him in his mighty firmament!

Praise him for his mighty deeds;

Praise him according to his surpassing greatness!

Helen Slade

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Well, we certainly galloped through December in Bonchurch!

We started with our monthly Tuesday Coffee Morning on

December 1st. This was advertised as just coffee, cake and chat as

we were going to have our first Bumper Christmas Coffee

Morning ten days later. This proved a great success on two

fronts. It was financially successful but more importantly was

enjoyed be a great number of people. We welcomed the

Bonchurch Community Association who masterminded and

manned all sorts of amusing games. We had a well stocked cake

and produce table and sold out of Christmas cakes and puddings,

so the moral of that story is get your order in early for this year!

We plan to hold another Christmas coffee morning on Saturday

December 3rd.

The coffee morning was followed the very next day by a

wonderful service of Nine Lessons and Carols with the Orpheus

singers followed by tea and mince pies.

A mere two days after that we had a Christmas Decoration

Workshop with Michael Mathews which was marvellous. We all

sat spell bound as he gave us a demonstration complete with all

sorts of information and tips. Everyone produced amazing

decorations at the workshop that followed. After clearing

everything away we all enjoyed a convivial cuppa and a piece of

cake (well several pieces actually!) It proved an inspiration for

our flower arrangers in church who are to be congratulated on

making the church look so beautiful for Christmas.

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Friends of St Catherin’s Church Film Evening

“Mary Poppins”

Thursday 15th February

at 6.30 p.m. Refreshments.

Retiring collection

Now we look forward to the New Year and what it brings.

We have already had our first monthly coffee morning and

will continue with those on the FIRST TUESDAY OF EVERY


We plan to have our Easter Fair on Saturday March 12th, on

April 23rd we have the Newchurch Male Voice Choir coming

to give a concert at 7.30 pm and Michael has promised to

come and do another flower demonstration in the summer.


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One of my Grandchildren invited me to a New Year’s Eve party along

with seven of my Great Grandchildren at their house in Telford,

Shropshire, which is just North West of Birmingham and close to north Wales.

It was rather cold to what we are used to here in the South

however, the bracing freshness of the mountain air was wonderful, and

it was a joy to be with all the Children.

We joined in the party fun with great enthusiasm.

Unfortunately, as always, all good things come to an end and we had to

pack our bags ready to leave soon after noon on New Year’s Day.

On the way back, we decided to abandon the Motorway and travel

though the Cotswolds along the ‘A’ roads instead.

Our decision was obviously the best because, as daylight faded, the sky

cleared and the biggest full moon we had ever seen appeared in the sky.

It hung there like great lantern slightly to our left, illuminating the full

beauty of the outstanding countryside as we passed through.

This is one of the great gifts that God is constantly offering to us. Let us

give him praise and thanksgiving.

What Joy! Ted.

Orpheus Singers’ Spring Concert St Catherine’s Church, Saturday 3rd March, 7.30pm


Poulenc – Gloria

Tickets £10 - Available on door.

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THE HUB Cherub Billy likes to visit an exclusive little club,

part of Saint Catherine's Church, it is called: 'The Hub'.

Lots of people call in there to have a cup of tea,

a coffee and a slice of cake, fresh eggs for you and me

It also is a book shop with many other things,

birthday cards, jam and you may even see some wings.

The Staff are always helpful, they greet you with a smile

put some money in the jar, that is just the style

You can always seek some good advice if that is what you wish,

The welcomeness and helpfulness all served up in a dish,

I cannot praise the staff enough, all are volunteers,

Very, very busy yet their manner always cheers.

Our Cherub really loves it all, you can just sit and think,

Oh, I should have mentioned pick up a copy of 'The Link'.

This magazine will help you in many different ways,

It tells you all about the Church and various Holy days.

There are some funny, witty things that will make you laugh,

Remember, all things happy help us along life's path.

Everyone so joyful, a super atmosphere,

An assortment of the spice of life, so happy to be here.

So come along all my good friends, come, have a cup of tea,

Or maybe have a coffee, join in and talk to me.

It's all part of our social life there's nothing here to worry.

Take your time, stroll on in, there is no need to hurry.

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Thanks to Mike Wood for our October weather information for Ventnor.



mm Inch % Av Max C Min C Mean C Max F Min F Mean F

Jan 125.10 4.92 160 11.40 0.00 6.10 52 32 43

Feb 68.10 2.68 118 12.40 0.30 7.20 54 33 45

Mar 37.60 1.48 72 15.40 4.10 9.50 59 39 49

Apr 5.40 0.21 9 18.20 1.50 10.70 65 35 51

May 54.30 2.14 118 21.00 5.60 13.50 70 42 56

Jun 57.00 2.24 139 25.90 9.90 16.50 78 50 62

Jul 62.80 2.57 168 24.00 12.00 17.70 75 54 64

Aug 63.40 2.50 131 26.20 11.00 17.10 79 52 63

Sep 99.00 3.90 170 23.30 8.20 15.10 74 47 59

Oct 29.60 1.16 31 19.50 4.60 14.10 67 40 57

Nov 48.10 1.89 54 18.00 0.10 9.50 64 32 49

Dec 99.90 3.93 112 12.90 -0.80 7.10 55 31 45

YEAR 750.30 29.62 102 26.20 -0.80 12.00 79 31 54


Rainfall of 99.9 mm (3.93ins) was 112% of the average of 89.31mm (3.52ins). Rain

fell on 21days was the 30th with 16.9mm (0.66ins). The mean temperature of 71C

was just below the average of 7.3C. Warmest day was the 22nd with 12.9C (55F).

Coldest night (since January 23rd 2015) was the 12th with the only frost of 2017.


Rainfall of 760.3mm (29.9ins) was just above the average of 742mm (29.22ins).

The wettest day was January 12th with 37mm (1.46ins). Wettest month was

January with 125mm (4.92ins). Driest month was April with only 5.4mm

(0.21ins). The hottest month was July averaging 17.7C (64F). The Coldest month

was January with 6.1C (43F). Average for the year is 12.0C (54F). The 30 year

average is11.4C (53F). Hottest day was August 27th with 26.2C (79F).

The coldest night was December12th with -0.8C (31F).

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‘Pitch up at the Pub!’ At The Winter Gardens.

A friendly social afternoon! 26 February and 26 March

2 – 4 pm

Last Monday of each Month (except May)

*Book Swap * Chat!!! * Fun Quiz *

Raffle / Bingo.

Pop in for a friendly welcome and good company. All ages welcome,

the more the merrier!

Contact Nina for information, or if you require transport locally:

07736 151630 *Volunteers Wanted

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What’s this men's breakfast about then?

Sounds exclusive!

A rambling explanation from Steve Northern's world..

Long ago, in the hub, Dave Dawson and myself were discussing what we could

do to make a difference to people’s lives to show the word in action. Roll

forward a few years and lots of prophecy, prayer and church talk later and here

we are. Breakfast has been done before in other churches and the formula is

simple, so we ran with it. It’s a breakfast, it’s for men, it’s men's breakfast!

Starting such a beast without restraints of church hierarchy is key. We bought

everything ourselves invited people and hey the first one was a success. people

from the community came and church members chatted with them. God blessed

us abundantly as we recouped all the money spent without asking (a big relief to

me I can tell you.) Some have spread the impression that it somehow excludes

church men which is not true. We did however ask all who come to bring

somebody with them who needs outreach, remember not everybody can afford

a cup of tea out, let alone a cooked breakfast. The only other way we recruit is

by talking and befriending people we meet and asking if they would like to come

along. Its hard for some to come first time and can take months but it’s so worth

it. No matter what your look is, orientation, drug takers, alcoholics, or social

standing all are welcome at the Lords breakfast table. It’s often said about messy

church being the family’s church, well men’s breakfast is Church for these guys

whether they know it yet or not.

Any proof it’s not just men grabbing a free breakfast? Yes, and I am sure my

mate Dave Dawson wouldn’t mind me sharing this as he can’t after his terrible

stroke. Many a time on our Saturday put the world to rights sessions, Dave

would say we sow seeds but never get growth. Well Dave's seeds have been

watered with friendship and love so when Dave's stroke happened. One guy has

looked after Treacle, another visited, and all have been concerned for his

welfare. None come on a Sunday, but the lord knows who is best for the

particular job. Dave's seeds harvested. Praise the Lord.

Jesus is there at men's breakfast and we now have kind donations of money from

church friends many of whom are ladies and felt led to support this mission.

Many thanks to all who support us with gifts and prayers and kind words and if

you know any men on the fringes of society it’s the 1st Thursday of the month


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"Men’s Breakfast"

Messy Church 24th FEBRUARY 3pm - 5pm

St Francis Academy School

Upper Ventnor

“Come and share a meal with us” Children must be accompanied by a parent/

guardian or carer. Do please tell any families you know about this Free event.

First Thursday of the month at 9am, St Catherine's Church.

A warm welcome to breakfast and a friendly chat.

For further information contact Steve 856953

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Ventnor Townswomen's Guild

***14th February - 2.15pm (***Note date change)

“The Guitar Man” - Dick Taylor

Resident’s Lounge. Knights Court,

High Street, Ventnor.

Secretary - Mrs J Walters - 855892

Ventnor Townswomen’s Guild Social Studies Group

5th February - 2.15pm

“My Olympic Dream” - Presentation

Speaker: Andre Usborne

Held in the Resident’s lounge at Byrnhill Grove,

Park Avenue

For more information

contact Mrs Barbara Joyner - 651577

£1 per meeting including refreshments

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St Albans the Martyr Church

Wednesdays 7th, 21st and 28th February 9.30am

Holy Communion (said) is celebration using the

Traditional Rite.


14th February MASS & ASHING is at 6.30pm.

WEDNESDAY 28th FEBRUARY there is a

St David’s Day Healing Service at 6.30pm.

All are welcome.

SUNDAYS - Solemn Sung Mass is celebrated at 9.30am

& includes February 4th.


The Presentation of Christ in the Temple

& the Purification of the of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Anthem is “When Mary brought her Treasure” &

the Communion Motet: “Just as I am” by A.H.Brown.

Next “Trinity Folk” will be on 16 February. 7.30pm - 10.30pm

Trinity Church Hall

Bring your instruments but, more importantly, yourselves to join in with

music old and new.

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Bishop’s Lent Appeal


Refugee and Neighbour. We might not always think of Jesus as a refugee, but at this time of year

especially we’re reminded that early in his life his family fled into Egypt from

the persecution of Herod. 2000 years on and many children have the same

start in life. Our faith in the refugee Saviour reminds us of the fundamental

dignity of all humanity, and calls us to care for those who are most vulnerable,

and to work to restore hope and dignity to those whose lives have been

shattered by violence.

As well as immediate help, refugees of all ages and backgrounds deserve

longer term support in moving from uncertainty to stability to flourishing.

Alongside supporting the international work of Christian Aid we will support

local initiatives focused on helping those who have settled here to become

truly at home.

Our Diocesan vision is Live:Pray:Serve. Please pray with us this Lent for

refugees, giving as generously as you are able, so that those who are most

vulnerable in our world may live in freedom and peace.

Refugee and Neighbour:

Working overseas.

The main charity we are supporting this year is Christian Aid, a partnership

of people, Churches, and local organisations committed to ending poverty

worldwide. As part of this, they work with directly with refugees, through local

partnerships, and through linked organisations.

For example, in Iraq they have been working with a partner organisation called

REACH to provide assistance to families who have been displaced by

violence., with the aim of helping them regain their independence. They help

with vocational training, access to water in rural areas, renovation of key

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amenities like schools and hospitals, and events that help bring

communities together. In one project, the influx of displaced families has

been seen as a blessing to the existing village, and this new community

has been enabled to gain an income by growing cucumbers and other

vegetables in new greenhouses.

Our support will help with projects like this, with Christian Aid directing

funds raised to where they can do most good.

Refugee and Neighbour:

Working at home.

Even with the shocking and often heartbreaking images in the news over the last few years, many of us will never really know what it feels like to

be forced away from home by war or persecution. But some in our

communities do know from first hand experience, while others will have

heard the stories of family members or friends.

Whatever our own experience, perhaps we do all share some sense of

the vital importance of having a place to belong, somewhere to call

home. And along with our own need for a place in the world we can

hear the call to love our neighbours both distant and near. So as well as

supporting the work of Christian Aid overseas this appeal is for those

charities and local groups in our area that have sought to help refugees,

including those who have played a part in welcoming displaced people

into their communities. Some of our own Parishes have been active in

helping refugees families to settle, and many will have heard about grass

roots projects and initiatives.

If you would like to nominate a local charity or community group to

receive a grant this year, please contact us on:

[email protected]

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Articles for the MARCH Magazine should be handed in by

FEBRUARY 10th please. You can hand it in at the Hub or

email it to Joan Garlick at [email protected]

Hand written reports/articles are accepted if you do not have

access to a computer.

Monday Evening 7.45pm

Contact Jenny Holder 852575

Tuesday Evening - 8.00pm

At Mick and Nava Young’s

St Andrews, Belgrave Road. 852680


Every TUESDAY afternoon at 2:30pm - 3:30pm

in St Catherine’s Church. We will be praying

for our community, businesses, people, churches

and all that is going on.

Do drop in for a short time

and add your concerns or needs to our prayers.

Come when you can.

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The Hub Shop - St Catherine’s Church

Come and have a coffee and a browse.

10.30am - 12.30pm

Carisbrooke Priory

Open Door Speakers for December

Open Door Speakers for February 2018

Open Door Meeting every Thursday at 12 Noon

1st February James Cook (Communion)

8th February Anne Linington

15th February TBC

22nd February Brian Harley

A light lunch will be served after the service

Activities @ The Priory

Poetry Past & Present with Anne Linington –

9th February 10.30 a.m. – 11.45 a.m.

Music and Melodies with June Cox –

26th February 2.00 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.

All enquiries to Carisbrooke Priory Trust Phone: 01983 523354

Prayer Ministry available by arrangement –

01983 523354 for an appointment

Email: [email protected]


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Julian Group Meeting - 2pm

“Come and be refreshed

by the Joy of silence”.

Listening for God’s word, feeling his presence beside you.

Helping us to let go of our fears and anxieties.

Contact: Hilary Davis. (Meeting date may be subject to change)

Friends of St Catherine’s Church

9th February - 6pm at St Catherine’s

Malaysian style meal. £10 per person. Contact Nava on 852680 - [email protected]

Gordon Pollard 407064 -

[email protected]

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We pray for those who are without a

place they can call Home.

We remember with love and affection those

who have died this year, especially we pray

for their families.

We pray for those

who have a long

term illness.

And we pray for

those newly


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All requests for the Prayer Chain

should be first directed to Kizzie Baker on 853779

BEREAVEMENT GROUP….Can we help you?

We are aware that there are a number of

people who have been bereaved and might

like someone to talk to. If this is YOU or someone you know, please contact

any of the Bereavement Group from St Catherine’s,

Holy Trinity and St Boniface, by telephoning 857795

(outside Hub hours you can leave a message) or visit

the Hub at St Catherine’s any morning between 10.30

am and 12.30pm. If you’d rather leave a note, there’s

a box in the Coffee Shop. Anything you wish to discuss

will be treated with absolute confidentiality.

Is something worrying you?

Want someone to listen to you?

Come in on Mondays - 11am - 2pm. at

The Living Room - 82-83 High Street, Newport

We have trained Acorn Christian Listeners you can talk to.

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Worship for FEBRUARY

February 4th The Presentation of Christ in the Temple

(transferred from February 2nd) CANDLEMASS.

9.30a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church

10.45a.m. “COME AND SEE”, St Catherine’s Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Boniface Church

February 11th The Sunday next before Lent

9.30a.m. Morning Worship, Holy Trinity Church

10.45a.m.Holy Communion, St Catherine’s Church

10.45a.m.Holy Communion, St Boniface Church

6.30p.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church


Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes, 7.30p.m.

Holy Trinity Church

February 18th The First Sunday of Lent

9.30a.m.Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church

10.45a.m.Morning Worship, St Catherine’s Church

10.45a.m.Holy Communion, St Boniface Church

February 25th The Second Sunday of Lent

9.30a.m.Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church

10.45a.m.Holy Communion, St Catherine’s Church

10.45a.m.Morning Worship, St Boniface Church

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Bible Readings for FEBRUARY

February 4th Readings for the Presentation of Christ

in the Temple (CANDLEMASS)

Malachi 3:1-5

Hebrews 2:14-end

St Luke 2:22-40

February 11th The Sunday next before Lent

2 Kings 2:1-12

2 Corinthians 4:3-6

St Mark 9:2-9

Wednesday, February 14th ASH WEDNESDAY

Isaiah 58:1-12

2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10

St John 8:1-11

February 18th The First Sunday in Lent

Genesis 9:8-17

1 Peter3:18-end

St Mark 1:9-15

February 25th The Second Sunday in Lent

Genesis 17:1-7,15-16

Romans 4:13-end

St Mark 8:31-end

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Volunteers needed for the Coffee

Shop If you have a couple of hours

to spare, 10.30am - 12.30pm

Monday- Saturday please contact

Margaret Walker 852068.

[email protected]

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The production cost of The LINK is subsidised by The HUB. Please give it your support.

“Looks like they’ve introduced contactless

payments for their collections”