THE LIBRARY SPEAKS (oct. 25, 1939)

THE LIBRARY SPEAKS (oct. 25, 1939) The time bas oome the walrus sa1d, To speak of many things. Namely, The Library Speaks. Many of our patrons were shocked to read in the Rapers the other night that Zane Grey is dead. Only last week we added his latest book whioh is oal1ed WESTERN UNION. It is the graphiC picture of the desperate enterprise of oarrying forward Western Union's line of oommunioation through a thousand miles of wilderne B - od string- ing a single strand of iron across a oontinent. There are fights with outlaws, warfare with hostile Indian, buffalo stampedes, on-sweeping pr irie fires and a thousand details of organization and defense plus a delightful romance. There is an old abinese proverb which says, "My house i a small one but my window looks out on a Wide, wide world. The various ohuroh missionary reading groups might have been thinking of this when they chose as their theme this year, Christ And The World Oommunity. Five Aa¥e are reading from the churoh shelf at the library this year.une reading list says, "The books are selected for their value as baokground for mdsslon study and spiri tual growth. II Your library staff invi ted you to make full use of this shelf If the book you want is not in, telephone or come in and have it reserved. Amerioan Eduoation Week this year will be observed from November 5 - 11. EDUOATION FOR THE AMERIOAN WAY OF LIFZ has been selected for the theme. At the reoent tri-state oonference of Minnesota Michigan, and Wisoons1n librarians whioh olosed last Saturday at 1I1lwa.ukee we heard an address by Dr. )(ax Lerner, professor of political soienoe at ill1ams oollege and former ediyor of the Nation.

Transcript of THE LIBRARY SPEAKS (oct. 25, 1939)

THE LIBRARY SPEAKS (oct . 25, 1939)

The time bas oome the walrus sa1d, To speak of many things.

Namely, The Library Speaks.

Many of our patrons were shocked to read in the Rapers the other

night that Zane Grey is dead. Only last week we added his latest

book whioh is oal1ed WESTERN UNION. It is the graphiC picture of

the desperate enterprise of oarrying forward Western Union's line

of oommunioation through a thousand miles of wilderne B - od string­

ing a single strand of iron ~re across a oontinent. There are

fights with outlaws, warfare with hostile Indian, buffalo stampedes,

on-sweeping pr irie fires and a thousand details of organization

and defense plus a delightful romance.

There is an old abinese proverb which says, "My house i a small

one but my window looks out on a Wide, wide world. The various

ohuroh missionary reading groups might have been thinking of this

when they chose as their theme this year, Christ And The World

Oommunity. Five ohurch~q Aa¥e are reading from the churoh shelf

at the library this year.une reading list says, "The books are

selected for their value as baokground for mdsslon study and

spiri tual growth. II Your library staff invi ted you to make full

use of this shelf If the book you want is not in, telephone or

come in and have it reserved.

Amerioan Eduoation Week this year will be observed from November

5 - 11. EDUOATION FOR THE AMERIOAN WAY OF LIFZ has been selected

for the theme. At the reoent tri-state oonference of Minnesota

Michigan, and Wisoons1n librarians whioh olosed last Saturday

at 1I1lwa.ukee we heard an address by Dr. )(ax Lerner, professor

of political soienoe at ill1ams oollege and former ediyor of

the Nation.


Dr. Lerner sa1 in part: II Demooraoy 1 a dangerous way ot life

beoause 1t depends upon the ability of mll11dns of people to

govern themselves, and their ability to do this depends upon

their political knowledgeoU He pointed out that politioa1

knowledge is not a knowledge of how to run the government. It 1

80 oomplex today that it must be run by teohnioians, but rather

politloal knowledge or literacy permits us to see through shams,

to see wbat direotion progress lie, n what direotion reaotion

lIes, and to w .sense waere we are going. Be further went on .

to say that we must give to a 1 economio seourity, and aooe88 to I

Information. Quoting Yayor ~eriok of San Antonio, Texas he

declared, "Demooracy i8 liberty p-lU8 grocerle • It

November 11 Is Armistioe Day • Just 21 years ago ~he ~atlon

laid do their arms • If you need material for any kind of a

program for this ' day, won l t ou oal1 the library early for

material and the staff will ssemble It for yo

Ohlkdren B Book Week oomes of age too this year. For 21 years

we have stressed the best of new b6 ~q for boys and girls. The

them this year like the ohuroh mi sions group8 stres world

friendship and oalls it BOOKS AROUND THE WORLD. At 1he oonvention

one firm speaker was a mother from Detroit who has lived in

England for several years. She said that English children were

taught little abour American boys and girl. She told ho

her husband talked wi tb one man about the t 0 wars between the

U. S. and Britain. He rep ; 1ed, Two wars. had only one.

3. Dr. Bryn-Jones will eoture in !au Olaire this Friday. One

book wh1ch 18 on his reading list is South Amer1can Primer

by Katherine carr. This tell that S.A is exploited by both

oommeroial end politioal interests. Several of our borrower have

found this book very orth while.

Mrs. told us a story about South America whioh might

be good to use right here. S. A. and Virginia.


Ohrietmas 2 months from today

Jr. Red Oroas broadoast