The lecture about plant parts and reproduction

The Lecture about The Plant Parts and Reproduction Prepared by: Miss Mannielet Angelica L. Rosales Pre-Masteral Student/Student Teacher


It tackles about the functions of each part of a flower.

Transcript of The lecture about plant parts and reproduction

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The Lecture about The Plant Parts and


Prepared by: Miss Mannielet Angelica L. Rosales

Pre-Masteral Student/Student Teacher

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The FlowerThe flowers are the reproductive parts of most plants. It contains pollen and tiny eggs called ovules. After pollination and fertilization of the ovule, the ovule develops into a fruit.

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The Parts and Functions of a Flower

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The Parts and Functions of a Flower1. Peduncle- The flower stalk2. Receptacle- The part of the

flower that bears floral organs at the base of the flower.

3. Sepal- The leaf like structures at the base of a flower that protects the young flower bud

4. Calyx- The sepals together form the calyx

5. Petal- It is located above the sepal which is often large and colorful. It provides scent and produces nectar that serves to attract pollinators to the plant.

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6. Corolla- The petals together form the calyx

7. Stamen- The male organ of the flower which are consist of the anther and filament that produces pollen grains.

8. Filament- The stalk of the stamen which bears the anther.

9. Anther- The pollen bearing portion of the stamen.

10. Pollen- The grains that contain male gametes.

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11. Carpel/Pistil- The female organ of the flower that consists of stigma, style and ovary.

12. Stigma- The sticky top of carpel that serves as a receptive surface for pollen grains.

13. Style-The stalk of a carpel between stigma and ovary through which the pollen tube grows.

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14. Ovary- The enlarge base of the carpel that contains ovule or ovules when the ovary matures it become a fruit.

15. Ovule- It is located in the ovaries that carries female gametes. The ovule become seeds through the process of fertilization.

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The sex of the flower can be determined in three waysStaminate Flower- The flowers that

bears only male sex parts. These are sometimes referred as the “male flowers.

Carpellate Flower- The flowers that bears only female sex parts. These are sometimes referred as the “female flowers”.

Hermaphrodite/Complete Flower- The flowers that bear both male and female parts.

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What is Pollination ?

Pollination – The transfer of pollen from the anthers of a flower to the stigma of the same flower or another flower pollination for fertilization which means the fusion of nuclei from the pollen grain with the nuclei of the ovule.

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What is a Pollinator ? Pollinator- An animal that moves pollen

from the anthers to the stigma thus effecting pollination .

The animals that are known to be good pollinators which include the following:

BeesButterfliesHumming BirdsMothWaspNectar-feeding Bats

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What are the benefits?

Plants benefit from pollination because the movement of pollen allows them to reproduce by setting seeds.

They pollinate to get nectar and or pollen from flowers to meet their energy requirements to produce offspring.

In the economy of nature, the pollinators provide an important service to flowering parts while the plants pay with food for the pollinators and their offspring.

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The two types of Pollination

Cross Pollination also called Allogamy- It occurs when the pollen is delivered to a flower of different plant. Plants adapted to cross-pollinate often have taller stamens than carpels or use other mechanism to better ensure the spread of pollen to other plants’ flowers.

Self Pollination- It occurs when pollen from one flower pollinates the same flower or other flowers of the same individual.