The Learner Profile in Mandarin

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The Learner Profile in Mandarin

Transcript of The Learner Profile in Mandarin

  • The Student Profile is central to the Primary Years Programme at CIS. It represents the qualities of internationalism, which the PYP and CIS hope will characterize all members of our global community. These traits are taught and modeled by teachers at our school, and student progress is evaluated by the students at each of the three reporting periods. However, for children to truly begin to embrace these characteristics, they must also be role-modeled by the people most important in their lives their parents. Please spend some time to become familiar with the Profile Traits. Parents are asked to reinforce these qualities and use the same language at home. You might choose to post this list in your home as a reminder of these 10 important traits. Also, please watch the parent newsletters for specific suggestions of how you can develop these traits within all members of your family.

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