The leadership checklist

THE LEADERSHIP CHECKLIST Check as to how it matches to you….! Dr.Bala (M)9840027810


For all emerging leaders...!

Transcript of The leadership checklist

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Check as to how it matches to you….! Dr.Bala (M)9840027810

Page 2: The leadership checklist

Talk straight

Be clear and concise in your communication. There should be transparency and clarity in what you speak. Be honest and demonstrate integrity.

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Demonstrate respect

Genuinely care and respect everyone and make sure you express it correctly. Be nice to employees who don’t belong to your team as well. Be kind and empathetic towards your employee issues and grievances.

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Create transparency

Be open and authentic. Don’t hide information or have hidden agendas from employees. After all, everyone in your team is working towards a common goal. Always operate on the premise of ‘what you see is what you get’.

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Right Wrongs

If there has been an error from your end, apologize quickly. If possible, be ready to provide compensation. Do not cover things up and own up for your mistake. Always demonstrate personal humility. Make sure you always do the right thing and not what is convenient.

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Show loyalty

This is often ignored, but one must always give credit to their hardworking employees. You must also be the voice of those who cannot speak for themselves. Avoid speaking negatively about your employees behind their back. Address problems and issues face-to-face and provide favorable solutions

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Deliver results

Make sure you have a track record of results. Accomplish the task you are hired for. Never overpromise and under-deliver. Avoid making excuses for not delivering.

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Get better

Always make an effort to learn and improve. Do not be over-confident about your skills and knowledge. Develop a formal and an informal feedback system. Thank people for their feedback, but make sure you act upon the feedback you receive.

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Confront reality

Do not have unrealistic goals and expectations. Always meet issues as they are. Address tough situations directly. Always acknowledge what is the unsaid and lead conversations courageously.

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Clarify expectations

Be clear while disclosing and revealing expectations from employees. Make sure you discuss and validate your expectations from them. If there is a difference in thinking, renegotiate with them. Always make sure that your expectations are clear.

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Practice accountability

Always hold yourself and others accountable and responsible for their respective tasks. Take responsibility for results, be it good or bad. Communicate with your employees about how they fare in their tasks.

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Listen first

Don’t make any assumptions. Listen to your employees before speaking. Don’t just listen with ears, but also keep your eyes and heart open. Understand your employee’s situations, and then diagnose a solution.

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Keep commitments

Make sure you commit carefully. Always state your intent while committing. Keeping commitments should be the symbol of your honor. Don’t break an employee’s confidence in you.

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Extend trust

The last and the most important point, extend trust abundantly to those who have made an effort to earn your trust. Also extend who are in the process of earning your trust. Don’t withhold your trust in employees, even if it involves risk. Lay this groundwork well.