The Leaders Preparation

Section 3 The Leader’s Preparation Study chapter 3 in Blackaby Study chapters 5-6 in Sanders Monday 7 November 2011


Based on J Oswald Sanders book, Spiritual Leadership. This is a leadership course taught at LTCi, Siliguri.

Transcript of The Leaders Preparation

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Section 3The

Leader’s Preparation

Study chapter 3 in BlackabyStudy chapters 5-6 in Sanders

Monday 7 November 2011

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Chapter 5Can you become a leader?

In selecting his leaders Jesus ignored all his days conventional wisdom about leadership - he took untrained and un-influential people and made them into world changers.

Today we might look for superstars to make up our leadership group

Jesus took humble unsophisticated people - those unaffected by the values of life in their day. He chose workers not the professional pastors of his day.

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Hudson Taylor took mainly lay men and women for his team in China. It shocked the Christian world.

Jesus chose uneducated people - yet they became amazing - he saw the potential in them - and then under his expert guidance shaped and trained them to change the world.

Sanders says, “to their latent talents were added fervent devotion and fierce loyalty, honed in the school of failure and fatigue.”Natural leadership talents do show potential in a persons life - we need then to investigate this and use it for Christ’s glory

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Investigating your leadership potential

How do you identify and deal with bad habits - have you mastered your own appetites and habits?

Do you maintain self control when things go wrong? Do you lose your temper or remain calm and controlled?

Can you think independently? Do you follow others ideas or wait for others before making up your own mind?

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How do you respond to criticism? Do you learn from it, or react to it?

Do you turn disappointment into new opportunities? How do you act in the face of disappointments?

Do you readily gain the respect and cooperation of others?

Can you exercise discipline without making it into a big issue? When correcting or rebuking are you still constructive with people? Do you threaten people?

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Are you able to act as a peacemaker - do you try to reconcile people?

Do people trust you with difficult and delicate matters?

Can you influence people to do legitimate things they might not want to - and yet still make them feel valued?

Can you make and keep friends- a circle of loyal friends shows leadership potential

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Can you face opposition to your point of view without taking offence?

Do you need other peoples approval and praise to keep going? How do you handle people losing confidence in you?

Are you comfortable with a stranger, with a superior?

Are you sympathetic and friendly?

Are you interested in all types of people - regardless of race, gender etc.?

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Are you tactful - do you think about what you say and how it will affect other people?

Is your will strong and steady? - not vacillating or stubborn

Can you readily forgive - or do you bear a grudge?

Are you optimistic? - pessimism is not good in a leader

Do you have a strong passion - a focus for your life?

How do you respond to new responsibilities?

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RE Thompson suggests these tests for relationships:

Do other peoples failures challenge or annoy you?

Do you “use” other people or cultivate them?

Do you direct people or develop them?

Do you criticise or encourage?

Do you shun or seek the person who has a special need or problem?

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Such self examination questions are meaningless unless we do something about what we discover.

This is a leadership test in itself!

Take time to prayerfully consider what you have found - then decide, with the help of the Holy Spirit, on the course of corrective action you will take. Pray and work, towards greater Christlikeness.

Where do you feel most convicted about the questions in this chapter?

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Chapter 6Insights on leadership from paul

1 Tim 3:2-7Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect. (If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God’s church?) He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil’s trap.

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Paul embodied the principles of leadership that he wrote about in his letters.

He described the solid foundation for church and a believers life in 1 Cor 3:9-17The more Paul is studied and analysed as a leader the greater his influence becomes - AWY called him the worlds most successful Christian.

Paul was amazingly qualified for the job God called him to - Sanders suggests the following modern day equivalent:

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Someone who could speak Chinese in Beijing whilst quoting Confucius and Mencius - write cogent theology and teach it at Oxford - defend his cause using fluent Russian before the Soviet Academy of Sciences.

Paul was an incredibly versatile leader - he spoke with statesmen and soldiers, adults and children, kings and royal officials. He was at ease with philosophers, theologians and pagan idol worshippers.

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Someone who could speak Chinese in Beijing whilst quoting Confucius and Mencius - write cogent theology and teach it at Oxford - defend his cause using fluent Russian before the Soviet Academy of Sciences.

Paul was an incredibly versatile leader - he spoke with statesmen and soldiers, adults and children, kings and royal officials. He was at ease with philosophers, theologians and pagan idol worshippers.

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Paul had a brilliant grasp of the OT - having studied under Gamaliel he was second to no one as a student.

Gal 1:14

I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers.

Paul was undoubtedly a natural leader - in encountering Christ he became a great spiritual leader. His ambition was boundlessly Christ-centred.

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Love for Christ and obligation to share Christ motivated Paul - and led him to share in all cultures, to all peoples.

Rom 1:14I am obligated both to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish.

2 Cor 5:14For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.

Paul had great experience and schooling - but also anointing, illumination and inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

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Going back to 1 Tim 3:

Social QualificationsAbove reproach - no one should have any grounds to make accusations against a Christian leader - no gossip stands here.

A good reputation outside the church too - the world reads our lives - all needs to be in synch, life and message.

The high ideals of a Christian leader might be criticized but still they should be lived out for all to see. Our character should command respect, inspire confidence and be an example to all.

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Moral qualificationsMoral principles are always under attack - especially sexual morality. A leader should be totally blameless in this area, totally faithful in marriage.

Temperate - not addicted to alcohol,

“Drunkenness is a disgrace when it captures a Christian”No secret vice should undermine your public witness.

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Mental qualificationsA leader should be prudent with sound judgement - a well balanced state of mind resulting from self restraint as a daily discipline.

A disciplined mind prevents anyone flying to extremes of opinion. In Greek opinion;

Courage = balance of rashness and timidity

Purity = balance of prudery and immorality

This means control of personality, habits and passions.

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The leaders mind should lead to an ordered life.

A leader must always be ready to speak - this aims to help others grow in their spiritual life and understanding. A blameless life should be led to exemplify this.

Teaching is hard work - it requires time, preparation, study and prayer.

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John Wesley - did not disparage the mind, promoted knowledge of the scriptures and spiritual renewal - intellectually gifted and knew English literature well - someone said of his sermons that they knew of no sermons that gave a greater evidence of an intimate knowledge of classical and general literature than Wesley - yet he was widely known as a person of one book

He was widely read and yet focussed on the scriptures - an intellect devoted to God.

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Personality qualifications“If you would rather pick a fight than solve a problem, do not consider leading the church”

Christian leaders should be genial and gentle - be actively considerate, not passive and not withdrawn, seeking a peaceful solution and able to diffuse an explosive one.

Hospitality should be seen as a privilege of service - The Shepherd of Hermas, says of a bishop that he “must be hospitable, a man who gladly and at all times welcomes into his house the servants of God”

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Covetousness and its twin, the love of money, disqualify a person from leadership - you are not in the ministry for the money! The higher calling often involves the lower remuneration.

covetous |ˈkəvətəs|

having or showing a great desire to possess something, typically something belonging to someone else : she fingered the linen with covetous hands. See note at greedy .

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Domestic qualifications

1 Tim 3:4 He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect.

He should not be a stern unsmiling dominant man - mutual respect and supportive harmony should exist.

In a marriage husband and wife should have the same aspirations and be prepared to make the same sacrifices. Without this agreement ministry becomes impossible. If children are unrestrained how can you be hospitable, if your family is a mess can you lead other families?

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“While a leader cares for church and mission, he must not neglect the family, which is his primary and personal responsibility.”Ministry does not exclude us from the legitimate duties we have at home.

If you do not lead (and gain respect) at home - you cannot lead in ministry.

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MaturitySpiritual maturity is indispensable to good leadership.

Plants grow in time - they do not mature immediately - to paraphrase JA Bengle, “Young Christians might have lots of green leaves showing life, but no sign of having been pruned by the cross”.

1 Tim 3:10 They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons.

Sanders notes Paul expected maturity in Ephesus where the church was 10 years old - bit not in new churches on Crete Titus 1:5-9

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1 Tim 3:6 He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil

Great care needs to be taken in giving people roles and responsibilities in the church - give opportunities to serve but not too fast in case the person gets puffed up - but be careful not to hold back too much for fear of discouragement.

Sanders suggests Timothy was converted during Paul’s 1st journey and ordained in the 2nd. (Acts 14:23)

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“It is the mark of a grown up man, as compared with a callow youth, that he finds his centre of gravity wherever he happens to be at that moment, and however much he longs for the object of his desire, it cannot prevent him from staying at his post and doing his duty.”Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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Steadfastness accompanies growing maturity and stability - it has a large spirit and broad vision - in Paul a narrow minded bigot encountered Christ and became full hearted, broadened in view and full of deep convictions.

The world demands high standards of its leaders - how much more should the church?

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QuestionsWhich of the ares mentioned here do you most need to focus on?







Paul had boundless Christ-centred ambition - what is the level of such ambition in your life, how can this be seen and expressed most clearly?

Monday 7 November 2011