The Leader Interview Presentation Dayna Watson VETE 312: Strength-Based Leadership Tarleton State...

The Leader Interview Presentation Dayna Watson VETE 312: Strength-Based Leadership Tarleton State University March 20, 2014 Professor John V. Zisk

Transcript of The Leader Interview Presentation Dayna Watson VETE 312: Strength-Based Leadership Tarleton State...

Page 1: The Leader Interview Presentation Dayna Watson VETE 312: Strength-Based Leadership Tarleton State University March 20, 2014 Professor John V. Zisk.

The Leader Interview Presentation Dayna Watson

VETE 312: Strength-Based LeadershipTarleton State University

March 20, 2014Professor John V. Zisk

Page 2: The Leader Interview Presentation Dayna Watson VETE 312: Strength-Based Leadership Tarleton State University March 20, 2014 Professor John V. Zisk.

The Leader Interview Presentation

Dr. Barton Huber, DVM came to mind for this presentation on leadership.

He wanted his practice to adhere to the highest standards in veterinary medicine while maintaining its compassion and charm. A place where patients were treated as he would treat his own pets; where owners felt like they were not just clients but part of a family.

He agreed to an interview for this project and the following is what he had to say about being a leader in his field in the local community.

I have admired Dr. Bart for the last 10 years as an employee and friend he is a pillar of our community.

Page 3: The Leader Interview Presentation Dayna Watson VETE 312: Strength-Based Leadership Tarleton State University March 20, 2014 Professor John V. Zisk.

The Leader Interview Presentation

Q. Dr. Bart what makes a good leader?

BH: A good leader is someone that can be supportive but stern with employees and customers. You need to understand that not everyone is the same and to treat them as such but still keeping everything fair. A leader needs to be a visionary they can’t just sit back and hope everything works out they need to have an active role in the future of the business.

The definition of a leader is a person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country.

Page 4: The Leader Interview Presentation Dayna Watson VETE 312: Strength-Based Leadership Tarleton State University March 20, 2014 Professor John V. Zisk.

The Leader Interview Presentation

Q. How do you think a leader is born or made?

Q. Why do you think that is?

BH: I believe this to be true because I have seen many veterinary students who took that initiative then when they become doctors they seem to go into shock. You can always tell the ones that are born leaders, they help those that need it and are stern when appropriate. You can also tell the ones that know what they want but do not know how to attain their goal with a little guidance and direction they seem to do well.

There are always those that would rather follow then lead.

BH: I think a leader that is born is has a strong foundation at home and school, I believe they spend time with like minded people. I think a leader can also be made which I believe to be more common. They may have the want to be a leader and need just a little guidance.

Page 5: The Leader Interview Presentation Dayna Watson VETE 312: Strength-Based Leadership Tarleton State University March 20, 2014 Professor John V. Zisk.

The Leader Interview Presentation

BH: This is our new veterinarian he graduated and started working with us in September 2013. He is able to talk about what he thinks needs improvement. However, because he is no the owner of the company he feels that discipline is not something he can or should do.

Q. How does nurture play a role in that?

BH: I believe there must be a strong network of people in that persons life, weather its family, friend, or co-workers. Without that support system that person may never grow into the leader they could be. They also need to be around someone who is a strong leader and strong voice to help guide them.

Page 6: The Leader Interview Presentation Dayna Watson VETE 312: Strength-Based Leadership Tarleton State University March 20, 2014 Professor John V. Zisk.

The Leader Interview Presentation Q. What are some of the same things you see in most leaders?

BH: They need to have a passion for what they do, the confidence to do it, the social skills to talk about it, and trust in their abilities.

Q. All of these things are necessary can you talk about them individually?

BH: Without passion for what you do how can you lead anyone. They will know off the bat that you don’t really care or are no excited in your job or in what you are trying to talk about or show someone.

With out confidence in what you do how is anyone going to be able to take you seriously and how can you be a leader in something you yourself are not confident in what you are doing.

Social skills are a must you need to be able to talk to employees, boss’, co-workers, and the public depending on your job. If you can not get your point across why would anyone want to listen to you or believe in you

Page 7: The Leader Interview Presentation Dayna Watson VETE 312: Strength-Based Leadership Tarleton State University March 20, 2014 Professor John V. Zisk.

The Leader Interview Presentation

Trust is also very important. In my opinion trust is what really matters. In my profession I have to walk into an exam room with all of the qualities but if the client doesn’t trust me then all the confidence, passion, and skill mean nothing. A client as well as my staff need to trust in my abilities as a doctor. This is important because it spreads by word of mouth and positive online reviews. My practice is like a family and I want my clients to know they can trust me and make the right decision for their pets.

Page 8: The Leader Interview Presentation Dayna Watson VETE 312: Strength-Based Leadership Tarleton State University March 20, 2014 Professor John V. Zisk.

The Leader Interview Presentation

Q. What personalities fit leadership the best?

BH: I think multiple personalities can be leaders as long as they understand their role in the community or company. I am an out going leader but I also know when I need to be firm and stand my ground. My head tech is great at her job but would never get up in public and talk. She's confident in her abilities and can be trusted with any patient. She can not be a leader because no matter how hard she tries she can not speak in public or discipline other employees. While I have other employees that would make very good leaders but do not want to be in that role. I think given the chance anyone can be made into a leader if I put some of my staff in situations like that I think they would rise to the occasion.

Page 9: The Leader Interview Presentation Dayna Watson VETE 312: Strength-Based Leadership Tarleton State University March 20, 2014 Professor John V. Zisk.

The Leader Interview Presentation

Q. Us there a difference between men and women in leadership roles?

BH: I don’t think there is a difference in leadership between the sexes. I do feel that society thinks there is one. We do not really see women in government or CEO’s of big companies, there is always exceptions to the rules. We see more women in the teaching profession especially kindergarten- 12th grade. They are leaders to out children and help shape who they are and who they are going to become. Most teachers now give equal opportunity to both genders for many jobs and roles in society.

That does not mean the men do not excel at things that women may have trouble with such as emergency services for example it may be harder for a women to be a firefighter then a man because of the heavy equipment. Now that doesn’t mean they can’t it may just be a little harder.

Page 10: The Leader Interview Presentation Dayna Watson VETE 312: Strength-Based Leadership Tarleton State University March 20, 2014 Professor John V. Zisk.

The Leader Interview Presentation

Q. What is a mentor and how do they share in hurting or developing leadership skills in others?

BH: To me mentors can be positive or negative. You do not have to be a good person to be some ones mentor you can have all the qualities of a leader and use them in a bad way. For instance in The Fast and The Furious even though Paul Walker is a cop he learns from his mentor professional racer and car thief Vin Diesel.

However on the other side you have Robin Williams in The Dead Poets Society. He has all the qualities of a leader and his class respects him. The school that he teaches at sees him as a threat to the institution however all of the children in that class learned and could recite the poems and remembered the information. His methods of teaching may have been unorthodox but it did work.

A mentor is defined as an experienced and trusted adviser.There are mentors that can be bad for you (picture on the left) and mentors that can be good for you (picture on the right)

Page 11: The Leader Interview Presentation Dayna Watson VETE 312: Strength-Based Leadership Tarleton State University March 20, 2014 Professor John V. Zisk.

The Leader Interview Presentation

Q, As a leader in your professional field, can you provide what leadership traits or skills are needed to become a leader in your field?

BH: In my field I believe that getting a solid education and a good mentor is where to start. Once you have that you need to gain confidence in your abilities so your staff and clients trust you. You have to trust others and yourself. Listen to the client and listen to what they told the staff and decide on the best course of action. Sometimes your staff is right and you need to be able to step back and listen. We call it looking for zebras when the answer may be very simple.

Q. Would that mean your staff could be leaders and not know it if they are helping the doctors in possible diagnosis?

BH: Yes and no. My receptionists see the client first and get the basic why are you here. My technicians get a history in the room and then relay it to one of the doctors sometimes with what they think is wrong (Parvo, heart problem) this can be helpful. This can also be dangerous because if you are a new veterinarian you may believe them or become angry that they gave you what they thought was wrong.

Page 12: The Leader Interview Presentation Dayna Watson VETE 312: Strength-Based Leadership Tarleton State University March 20, 2014 Professor John V. Zisk.

The Leader Interview Presentation

Q. How would you characterize your leadership role?

BH: That’s easy. I operate a democratic work environment. In my business, we are team players that help each other perform at their best, and when the day is done, it sets the tempo for the next working day.

We are like a family for the most part working well together on the other hand we can have bad days and have to take a break in the back especially if it is a really bad day with a lot of angry clients, bad diagnosis’s, or euthanasia’s. Since we are all close there are days were we need to be separated just like children at home.

Everyone is allowed to voice their opinion and it will be heard and usually discussed however I have the ultimate say. I don’t want employees to feel they can’t talk to me or come to me with ideas. We may try them we may not but the door is always open.

Page 13: The Leader Interview Presentation Dayna Watson VETE 312: Strength-Based Leadership Tarleton State University March 20, 2014 Professor John V. Zisk.

The Leader Interview Presentation

Q. How do you develop your leadership skills?

BH: I worked at Davis at a tech and then with large animals while I was going to vet school I had great mentors and now have a great staff and community that supports me.

I know what it’s like trying to start a business. Having to deal with governmental regulations and agencies, the general public, and employee demands. We are currently moving do to eminent domain and starting all over.

Training is a process by which someone is taught the skills that are needed for an art, profession, or job

I’m very motivated because I have a passion for what I do. I feel that helping others develop leadership skills also helps me brush up on mine since this world is ever changing so are leadership roles.

Page 14: The Leader Interview Presentation Dayna Watson VETE 312: Strength-Based Leadership Tarleton State University March 20, 2014 Professor John V. Zisk.

The Leader Interview Presentation

Q. Do ethics affected your credibility?

BH: Ethics are very important to your credibility. If you have good ethics your credibility will be worth a lot and word of mouth will spread of positive things.If you have somewhat shady ethics or not at all your credibility means nothing and that is what people will hear. In my field people trust me with their pets and just like human medicine we can’t fix or save every pet but we do try. I give the client all of the options and all of the information and help them to make a decision no matter how easy or hard.

Page 15: The Leader Interview Presentation Dayna Watson VETE 312: Strength-Based Leadership Tarleton State University March 20, 2014 Professor John V. Zisk.

The Leader Interview Presentation

Q. What’s the hardest responsibility you see facing people in positions of leadership?

BH: As a vet of almost 30 years I have seen a lot of practices come and go and a lot of practices bought out by bigger companies. I feel being fair yet standing your ground. Listening to what others have tried and have worked or not worked and learning from it. I feel some people feel they are better then the people below them and they need to remember without them they probably wouldn’t be where they are today.

Page 16: The Leader Interview Presentation Dayna Watson VETE 312: Strength-Based Leadership Tarleton State University March 20, 2014 Professor John V. Zisk.

The Leader Interview Presentation

Q. Do you think the next generation are being prepared for leadership positions?

BH: I hope so but I have seen a lot of kids from elementary school thru college that have no leadership skills at all they are like sheep doing only what they are told and only if someone is with them.

I think the more mature people get the better leaders they become because they have already lived through it.

Interview with Dr. Barton HuberAnimal Medical Center of CoronaMarch 15, 2014