The Lay of Leithian

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Transcript of The Lay of Leithian

  • 8/12/2019 The Lay of Leithian


    The Lay of Leithian

    This text is some sort of hybrid between the revised version and the older version of The Layof Leithian. I don't really remember the details anymore. I typed this whole thing in from the

    book (The Lays of Beleriand) back in !!" or so# and I have no plans to finish the work.

    T$% L& L%IT$I&*

    . T$I*+L I* ,-I&T$

    & king there was in days of old ere /en yet walked 0pon the mo0ld his power was reared in caverns' shade# his hand was over glen and glade.

    f leaves his crown# his mantle green# his silver lances long and keen1 the starlight in his sheild was ca0ght# ere moon was made or s0n was wro0ght. In after2day when to the shore of /iddle2earth from 3alinor the %lven2hosts in might ret0rned# and banners flew and beacons b0rned# when kings of %ldamar went by in strength of war# beneath the sky then still his silver tr0mpets blew when s0n was yo0ng and moon was new. &far then in Beleriand# in ,oriath's beleag0ered land# 4ing Thingol sat on g0arded throne in many2pillared halls of stone there beryl# pearl# and opal pale# and metal wro0ght like fishes' mail# b0ckler and corslet# axe and sword# and gleaming spears were laid in hoard all these he had and co0nted small#

    for dearer than all wealth in hall# and fairer than are born to /en# a da0ghter had he# L5thien.

    L6T$I%* T$% B%L3%,

    70ch lissom limbs no more shall r0n on the green earth beneath the s0n1 so fair a maid no more shall be from dawn to d0sk# from s0n to sea.

    $er robe was bl0e as s0mmer skies# b0t grey as evening was her eyes1

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    her mantle sewn with lilies fair# b0t dark as shadow was her hair. $er feet were swift as bird on wing# her la0ghter merry as the spring1 the slender willow# the bowing reed#

    the fragrance of a flowering mead# the light 0pon the leaves of trees# the voice of water# more than these her bea0ty was and blissf0lness# her glory and her loveliness.

    7he dwelt in the enchanted land while elven2might yet held in hand the woven woods of ,oriath none ever thither fo0nd the path 0nbidden# none the forest2eaves

    dared pass# or stir the listening leaves. To north there lay a land of dread# ,0ngorthin where all ways were dead in hills of shadow bleak and cold1 beyond was ,eadly *ightshade's hold in Ta0r2n020in's fastness grim# where s0n was sick and moon was dim. To 7o0th the wide earth 0nexplored1 to 8est the ancient cean roared# 0nsailed and shoreless# wide and wild1 to %ast in peaks of bl0e were piled# in silence folded# mist2enf0rled# the mo0ntains of the o0ter world.

    Th0s Thingol in his dolven hall amid the Tho0sand 9averns tall of /enegroth as king abode to him there led no mortal road. Beside him sat his deathless :0een# fair /elian# and wove 0nseen nets of enchantment ro0nd his throne#

    and spells were laid on tree and stone sharp was his sword and high his helm# the king of beech and oak and elm. 8hen grass was green and leaves were long# when finch and mavis s0ng their song# there 0nder bo0gh and 0nder s0n in shadow and in light wo0ld r0n fair L5thien the elven2maid# dancing in dell and grassy glade.

    ,&I-* /I*I7T-%L T$I*+L

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    8hen sky was clear and stars were keen# then ,airon with his fingers lean# as daylight melted into eve# a trembling m0sic sweet wo0ld weave on fl0tes of silver# thin and clear

    for L5thien# the maiden dear.There mirth there was and voices bright1

    there eve was peace and morn was light1 there ;ewel gleamed and silver wan and red gold on white fingers shone# and elanor and niphredil bloomed in the grass 0nfading still# while the endless years of %lven2land rolled over far Beleriand# 0ntil a day of doom befell#

    as still the elven2harpers tell.

    T$% 7*&-LI*+ +-LI/

    ar in the *orthern hills of stone in caverns black there was a throne by flame encircled1 there the smoke in coiling col0mns rose to choke the breath of life# and there in deep and gasping d0ngeons lost wo0ld creep to hopeless death all those who strayed by doom beneath that ghastly shade. & king there sat# most dark and fell of all that 0nder heavens dwell. Than earth or sea# than moon or star

    more ancient was he# mightier far in mind abysmal than he tho0ght of %ldar or of /en# and wro0ght of strength primeval1 ere the stone was hewn to b0ild the world# alone he walked in darkness# fierce and dire# b0rned# as he wielded it# by fire. $e 'twas that laid in r0in black the Blessed -ealms and then fled back to /iddle2earth anew to b0ild beneath the mo0ntains mansions filled

    with misbegotten slaves of hate death's shadow brooded at his gate.

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    $is hosts he armed with spears of steel and brands of flame# and at their heel the wolf walked and the serpent crept with lidless eyes. *ow forth they leapt# his r0ino0s legions# kindling war

    in field and frith and woodland hoar. 8here long the golden elanor had gleamed amid the grass they bore their banners black# where finch had s0ng and harpers silver harps had wr0ng now dark the ravens wheeled and cried amid the reek# and far and wide the swords of /orgoth dripped with red above the hewn and trampled dead. 7lowly his shadow like a clo0d rolled from *orth# and on the pro0d

    that wo0ld not yield his vengeance fell1 to death and thraldom 0nder hell all things he doomed the *orthern land lay cowed beneath his ghastly hand.

    B0t still there lived in hiding cold B?or's son# Barahir the bold# of land bereaved and lordship shorn who once a prince of /en was born# and now an o0tlaw l0rked and lay in the hard heath and woodland grey.

    T$% 7&3I*+ 4I*+ I*+L- %L&+@*, B T$% AII B-I*+7

    Twelve men beside him still there went# still faithf0l when all hope was spent. Their names are yet in elven2song remembered# tho0gh the years are long since do0ghty ,agnir and -agnor# -adhr0in# ,air0in# and +ildor#

    +orlim @nhappy# and @rthel# and &rthad and $athaldir fell1 since the black shaft with venomed wo0nd took Beleg0nd and Barag0nd# the mighty sons of Bregolas1 since he whose deeds and doom s0rpass all tales of /en was laid on bier# fair Beren son of Barahir. or these it was# the chosen men of B?or's ho0se# who in the fen of reedy 7erech stood at bay

    abo0t king Inglor in the day of his defeat# and with their swords

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    th0s saved of all the %lven2lords the fairest1 and his love they earned. &nd he escaping so0th# ret0rned to *argothrond his mighty realm# where still he wore his crown?d helm1

    b0t they to their northern homelands rode# da0ntless and few# and there abode 0ncon:0ered still# defying fate# p0rs0ed by /orgoth's sleepless hate.

    T&-* &%L@I* T$% BL%77%,

    70ch deeds of daring there they wro0ght that soon the h0nters that them so0ght at r0mo0r of their coming fled.

    Tho0gh price was set 0pon each head to match the weregild of a king# no soldier co0ld to /orgoth bring news even of their hidden lair1 for where the highland browse and bare above the darkling pines arose of steep ,orthonion to the snows and barren mo0ntain2winds# there lay a tarn of water# bl0e by day# by night a mirror of dark glass for stars of %lbereth that pass above the world into the 8est. nce hallowed# still that place was blest no shadow of /orgoth# and no evil thing yet thither came1 a whispering ring of slender birches silver2grey stooped on its margin# ro0nd it lay a lonely moor# and the bare bones of ancient %arth like standing stones thr0st thro0gh the heather and the whin1 and there by ho0seless &el0in

    the h0nted lord and faithf0l men 0nder the grey stones made their den.

    +-LI/ T$% @*$&CC

    +orlim @nhappy# &ngrim's son# as the tale tells# of these was one most fierce and hopeless. $e to wife# while fair the fort0ne of his life# took the white maiden %ilinel

    dear love they had ere evil fell. To war he rode1 from war ret0rned

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    to find his fields and homestead b0rned# his ho0se forsaken roofless stood# empty amid the leafless wood1 and %ilinel# white %ilinel# was taken whither none co0ld tell#

    to death and thraldom far away. Black was the shadow of that day for ever on his heart# and do0bt still gnawed him as he went abo0t in wilderness wandring# or at night oft sleepless# thinking that she might ere evil came have timely fled into the woods she was not dead# she lived# she wo0ld ret0rn again to seek him# and wo0ld deem him slain. Therefore at whiles he left the lair#

    and secretly# alone# wo0ld peril dare# and come to his old ho0se at night# broken and cold# witho0t fire or light# and na0ght grief renewed wo0ld gain# watching and waiting there in vain.

    In vain# or worse 2 for many spies had /orgoth# many l0rking eyes well 0sed to pierce the deepest dark1 and +orlim's coming they wo0ld mark and wo0ld report. There came a day when once more +orlim crept that way# down the deserted weedy lane at d0sk of a0t0mn sad with rain and cold wind whining. LoD a light at window fl0ttering in the night amaEed he saw1 and drawing near# between faint hope and s0dden fear# he looked within. 'Twas %ilinelD Tho0gh changed she was# he knew her well. 8ith grief and h0nger she was worn#

    her tresses tangled# raiment torn1 her gentle eyes with tears were dim# as soft she wept F+orlim# +orlimD Tho0 canst not have forsaken me. Then slain# alasD tho0 slain m0st beD &nd I m0st linger cold# alone# and loveless as a barren stoneD'

    ne cry he gave 2 and then the light blew o0t# and in the wind of night wolves howled1 and on his sho0lder fell

    s0ddenly the griping hands of hell. There /orgoth's servants fast him ca0ght

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    and he was cr0elly bo0nd# and bro0ght to 7a0ron# captain of the host# the lord of werewolf and of ghost# most fo0l and fell of all who knelt at /orgoth's throne. In might he dwelt

    on +a0roth Isle1 b0t now had ridden with strength abroad# by /orgoth bidden to find the rebel Barahir. $e sat in dark encampment near# and thither his b0tchers draggen their prey. There now in ang0ish +orlim lay with bond on neck# on hand and foot# to bitter torment he was p0t# to break his will and him constrain to b0y with treason end of pain. B0t na0ght to them wo0ld he reveal

    of Barahir# nor break the seal of faith that on his tong0e was laid1 0ntil at last a pa0se was made# and one came softly to his stake# a darkling form that stooped# and spake to him of %ilinel his wife. F8o0ldst tho0#' he said#Fforsake thy life. who with a few words might win release

    for her# and thee# and go in peace# and dwell together far from war# friends of the 4ingG 8hat wo0ldst tho0 moreG' &nd +orlim# now long worn with pain# yearning to see his wife again (whom well he weened was also ca0ght in 7a0ron's net)# allowed the tho0ght to grow# and faltered in his troth. Then straight# half willing and half loath# they bro0ght him to the seat of stone where 7a0ron sat. $e stood alone befor that dark and dreadf0l face# and 7a0ron said F9ome# mortal baseD

    8hat do I hearG That tho0 wo0ldst dare to barter with meG 8ell# speak fairD 8hat is thy priceG' &nd +orlim low bowed down his head# and with great woe# word on slow word# at last implored that merciless and faithless lord that he might free depart# and might again find %ilinel the 8hite# and dwell with her# and cease from war against the 4ing. $e crave no more.

    The 7a0ron smiled# and said FTho0 trallD The price tho0 askest is b0t small

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    for treachery and shame so greatD I grant it s0relyD 8ell# I wait 9omeD 7peak now swiftly and speak tr0eD' Then +orlim wavered# and he drew half back1 b0t 7a0ron's da0nting eye

    there held him# and he dared not lie as he began# so m0st he wend from first false step to faithless end he all m0st answer as he co0ld# betray his lord and brotherhood# and cease# and fall 0pon his face.

    Then 7a0ron la0ghed alo0d# FTho0 base# tho0 cringing wormD 7tand 0p# and hear meD &nd now drink the c0p that I have sweetly blent for theeD

    Tho0 fool a phantom tho0 didst see that I# I 7a0ron made to snare thy lovesick wits. *a0ght else was there. 9old 'tis with 7a0ron's wraiths to wedD Thy %ilinelD 7he is long since dead# dead# food of worms less low than tho0. &nd yet thy boon I grant thee now to %ilinel tho0 soon shalt go# and lie in her bed# no more to know of war 2 or manhood. $ave thy payD'

    &nd +orlim then they dragged away# and cr0elly slew him1 and at last in the dank mo0ld his body cast# where %ilinel long since had laid in the b0rned woods by b0tchers slain. Th0s +orlim died an evil death# and c0rsed himself with dying breath# and Barahir at last was ca0ght in /orgoth's snare1 for set at na0ght by treason was the ancient grace

    that g0arded long that lonely place# Tarn &el0in now all laid bare were secret paths and hidden lair.

    $I7 %79&C%

    ,ark from the *orth now blew the clo0d1 the winds of a0t0mn cold and lo0d

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    hissed in the heather1 sad and grey &el0in's mo0rnf0l water lay. F7on Beren'# then said Barahir# FTho0 knowst the r0mo0r that we hear of strength from the +a0rhoth that is sent

    against 0s1 and o0r food nigh spent. n thee the lot falls by o0r law to go forth now alone to draw what help tho0 canst from the hidden few that feed 0s still# and what is new to learn. +ood fort0ne go with theeD In speed ret0rn# for gr0dgingly we spare thee from o0r brotherhood# so small and +orlim in the wood is long astray or dead. arewellD' &s Beren went# still like a knell

    reso0nded in his heart that word# the last of his fater that he heard.

    Thro0gh moor and fen# by tree and briar he wandered far he saw the fire of 7a0ron's camp# he heard the howl of h0nting rc and wolf a2prowl# and t0rning back# for long the way# benighted in the forest lay. In weariness he then m0st sleep# fain in a badger2hole to creep# and yet he heard (or dreamed it so) nearby a marching legion go with clink of mail and clash of shields 0p toward the stony mo0ntain2fields. $e slipped then into darkness down# 0ntil# as man that waters drown strives 0pwards gasping# it seemed to him he rose thro0gh slime beside the brim of s0llen pool beneath dead trees. Their livid bo0ghs in cold a breeEe

    trembled# and all their black leaves stirred each leaf a black and croaking bird# whose neb a go0t of blood let fall# $e sh0ddered# str0ggling thence to crawl thro0gh winding weeds# when far away he saw a shadow faint and grey gliding across the dreary lake. 7lowly it came# and softly spake F+orlim I was# b0t now a wraith of will defeated# broken faith# traitor betrayed. +oD 7tay not hereD

    &waken# son of Barahir# and hasteD or /orgoth's fingers close

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    0pon thy father's throat1 he knows yo0r trysts# yo0r paths# yo0r secret lair' Then he revealed the devil's snare in which he fell# and failed1 and last begging forgiveness# wept# and passed

    o0t into darkness. Beren woke# leaped 0p as one by s0dden stroke with fire of anger filled. $is bow and sword he seiEed# and like the roe hotfoot o'er rock and heath he sped before the dawn. ere day was dead to &el0in at last he came# as the red s0n westward sank in flame1 b0t &el0in was red with blood# red were the stones and trampled m0d. Black in the birches sat a2row

    the raven and the carrion2crow1 wet were their nebs# and dark the meat that dripped beneath their griping feet. ne croaked F$a# ha# he comes too lateD' F$a# haD' they answered# FhaD too lateD' There Beren laid his father's bones in haste beneath a cairn of stones1 no grave r0ne nor word he wrote o'er Barahir# b0t thrice he smote the topmost stone# and thrice alo0d he cried his name. FThy death' he vowed# FI will avenge. ea# tho0gh my fate sho0ld lead at last to &ngband's gate.' &nd then he t0rned# and did not weep too dark his heart# the wo0nd too deep. 0y into night# as cold as stone# loveless# friendless# he strode alone.

    f h0nter's lore he had no need the trail to find. 8ith little heed his r0thless foe# sec0re and pro0d#

    marched north away with blowing lo0d in braEen horns their lord to greet# trampling the earth with grinding feet. Behind them bold b0t wary went now Beren# swift as ho0nd on scent# 0ntil beside a darkling well# where -ivil rises from the fell down into 7erech's reeds to flow# he fo0nd the slayers# fo0nd his foe. rom hiding on the hillside near he marked them all tho0gh less than fear#

    too many for his sword and bow to slay alone. Then# crawling low

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    as snake in heath# he nearer crept. There many weary with marching slept# b0t captains# sprawling on the grass# drank and from hand to hand let pass their booty# gr0dging each small thing

    raped from dead bodies. ne a ring held 0p# and la0ghed F*ow# mates#' he cried Fhere's mineD &nd I'll not be denied# tho0gh few be like it in the land. or I 'twas wrenched it from the hand of that same Barahir I slew# the robber2knave. If tales be tr0e# he had it of some elvish lord# for the ro0ge2service of his sword. *o help it gave to him 2 he's dead. They're parlo0s# elvish rings# 'tis said1

    still for the gold I'll keep it# yea and so eke o0t ny niggard pay. ld 7a0ron bade me bring it back# and yet# methinks# he has no lack of weightier treas0res in his hoard the greater the greedier the lordD 7o mark ye# mates# ye all shall swear the hand of Barahir was bareD' &nd as he spoke an arrow sped from tree behind# and forward dead choking he fell with barb in throat1 with leering face the earth he smote. orth# then as wolfho0nd grim there leapt Beren among them. Two he swept aside with sword1 ca0ght 0p the ring1 slew one who grasped him1 with a spring back into shadow passed# and fled before their yells of wrath and dread of amb0sh in the valley rang. Then after him like wolves they sprang# howling and c0rsing# gnashing teeth#

    hewing and b0rsting thro0gh the heath# shooting wild arrows# sheaf on sheaf# at trembling shade or shaking leaf. In fatef0ll ho0r was Beren born he la0ghed at dart and wailing horn1 fleetest of foot of living men# tireless on fell and light on fen# elf2wise in wood# he passed away# defended by his ha0berk grey of dwarfish craft in *ogrod made# where hammers rang in cavern's shade.

    &s fearless Beren was renowned

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    *ew hope was cowed# all rebels killed1 :0enched were the fires# the songs were stilled# tree felled# heath b0rned# and thro0gh the waste marched the black host of rcs in haste. &lmost they closed their ring of steel

    ro0nd Beren1 hard 0pon his heel now trod their spies1 within their hedge of all aid shorn# 0pon the edge of death at bay he stood aghast and knew that he m0st die at last# or flee the land of Barahir# his land beloved. Beside the mere beneath a heap of nameless stones m0st cr0mble those once mighty bones# forsaken by both son and kin# bewailed by reeds of &el0in.

    In winter's night the ho0seless *orth

    he left behind# and stealing forth the leag0er of his watchf0l foe he passed 2 a shadow on the snow# a swirl of wind# and he was gone# the r0in of ,orthonion# Tarn &el0in and its water wan# never again to look 0pon. *o more shall hidden bowstring sing# no more shall shaven arrows wing# no more his h0nted head shall lie 0pon the heath beneath the sky. The *orthern stars# whos silver fire of old /en named the B0rning Briar# were set behind his back# and shone o'er land forsaked he was gone.

    7o0thward he t0rned# and so0th away his long and lonely ;o0rney lay# while ever loomed before his path

    the dreadf0l peaks of +orgorath. *ever had foot of man most bold yet trod those mo0ntains steep and cold# nor climbed 0pon their s0dden brink# whence# sickened# eyes m0st t0rn and shrink to see their so0thward cliffs fall sheer in rocky pinnacle and pier down into shadows that were laid before the s0n and moon were made. In valleys woven with deceit and washed with waters bitter2sweet

    dark magic l0rked in g0lf and glen1 b0t o0t away beyond the ken

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    of mortal sight the eagle's eye from diEEy towers that pierced the sky might grey and gleaming see afar# as sheen on water 0nder star# Beleriand# Beleriand#

    the borders of the %lven2land.