The Lamb of God John 1:19-36 Introduction After stating in the prologue the claims to be proven,...


Transcript of The Lamb of God John 1:19-36 Introduction After stating in the prologue the claims to be proven,...

Page 1: The Lamb of God John 1:19-36 Introduction After stating in the prologue the claims to be proven, John moves forward to some 30 years into the life of.
Page 2: The Lamb of God John 1:19-36 Introduction After stating in the prologue the claims to be proven, John moves forward to some 30 years into the life of.

The Lamb of God

John 1:19-36

Page 3: The Lamb of God John 1:19-36 Introduction After stating in the prologue the claims to be proven, John moves forward to some 30 years into the life of.

Introduction• After stating in the prologue the claims to be

proven, John moves forward to some 30 years into the life of Jesus

• It had been almost 1500 years since Moses prophesied (Deut 18:15-19)

• More than 700 years since Isaiah (Isa 11:1-5)

• 400+ years since Malachi (Mal 4:5-6)

• The people were waiting– For a prophet like Moses– For Christ the King– For Elijah’s return

Page 4: The Lamb of God John 1:19-36 Introduction After stating in the prologue the claims to be proven, John moves forward to some 30 years into the life of.

The confession of John• When John the Baptizer appears . . .

– The Jews realized he was a man of God, prophet• The first true prophet since Malachi

– But which prophet?• Like Moses? The Christ? Or Elijah?

• Jn 1:19-23– They asked him, “Who are you?”

• He confessed he was not the Christ– He was not trying to pretend to be something he

was not– There had been (and would continue to be)

pretenders, but John knew His role

Page 5: The Lamb of God John 1:19-36 Introduction After stating in the prologue the claims to be proven, John moves forward to some 30 years into the life of.

The confession of John• They asked if he was Elijah

– He said, “I am not”• The Jews were looking for the literal return of Elijah (since

he had been caught up to heaven)

• John knew he was not Elijah– He is not denying he was the one Malachi foretold

» Lk 1:17 – the angel foretold he would be» Mt 17:10-13 – Jesus explained it

• They asked if he was the Prophet– He said, “No”

• He knew that was not his role either

• Lesson: The role of a messenger is to point the attention to the Lord; not to gather attention to oneself

Page 6: The Lamb of God John 1:19-36 Introduction After stating in the prologue the claims to be proven, John moves forward to some 30 years into the life of.

The confession of John• What was John’s role?

– The forerunner (Isa 40:3)• The same role Malachi foretold (Mal 3:1, 4:5-6)

• Jn 1:24-28– What was the purpose in John’s baptism?

• If he had authority as Christ, Prophet, or Elijah, then they could presumably understand

– But what authority did John have?

– John admits he is baptizing, but refuses here to state the purpose or explain the authority• He actually had done both in quoting Isaiah

– God was the authority and the purpose was to prepare people for the Christ

Page 7: The Lamb of God John 1:19-36 Introduction After stating in the prologue the claims to be proven, John moves forward to some 30 years into the life of.

The confession of John• Furthermore, if they were looking for someone

of importance– John said He was among them

• One who came after him in time (since he was the forerunner)

• But was greater than him in rank / importance– So much greater, John says he was not fit to be

his most menial servant» It should have been obvious who John referred

to, not a great teacher; but to God Himself

• Lesson: Some people refuse to understand what is plainly said

Page 8: The Lamb of God John 1:19-36 Introduction After stating in the prologue the claims to be proven, John moves forward to some 30 years into the life of.

The Lamb of God• Jn 1:29-36

– Twice John calls Jesus, “the Lamb of God”

• What was significant about that title?– Gen 22:1-18

• Abraham knew God would provide a suitable sacrifice

• The place was called “The LORD will provide”

• The willingness to give up one’s only son was tied to the promise of blessing for all people

Page 9: The Lamb of God John 1:19-36 Introduction After stating in the prologue the claims to be proven, John moves forward to some 30 years into the life of.

The Lamb of God• What was significant about that title?

– Exodus 12 – the Passover lamb• v 5 – without blemish, separated

• v 7 – blood applied to the doorposts and lintel

• v 11 – it is the LORD’s passover

• v 13 – when the blood was seen, they would be spared

– Jesus would be that Lamb for the whole world• Without sin (Heb 4:15; 1Pet 2:21-25)

• Whose blood cleanses/protects/saves us – 1 Pet 1:18-19; Heb 10:19-23; 1 Jn 1:7– When applied through baptism

» Acts 2:38; Rom 6:3-7; 1 Pet 3:21

• Who is the Lord’s passover offering – Rom 3:23-26; 1 Jn 4:9-10

Page 10: The Lamb of God John 1:19-36 Introduction After stating in the prologue the claims to be proven, John moves forward to some 30 years into the life of.

The Son of God• John reveals a further purpose of his baptizing

– Authorized by God so he would know who was that greater person (Jn 1:30-34)• He knew Jesus, as his cousin• He did not know Him as the Christ until His

baptism (Mt 3:13-17)– Perhaps before the baptism John only knew Jesus

was a better man than he– John knew after the baptism that Jesus was the

Son of God» The one of greater rank / importance» The one for whom being a menial slave was too

much to hope for» The Creator, God incarnate, God with us

Page 11: The Lamb of God John 1:19-36 Introduction After stating in the prologue the claims to be proven, John moves forward to some 30 years into the life of.

Conclusion• Like John we need to point the way to Jesus

– He is the Lamb of God• The only means of salvation through His blood

– He is the Son of God• Deserving of all honor, praise, and glory

– He did what no one and nothing else could do• By being the perfect sacrifice, provided by God

• Will you let His blood be applied to you?

Page 12: The Lamb of God John 1:19-36 Introduction After stating in the prologue the claims to be proven, John moves forward to some 30 years into the life of.