The Lack of Sharing of Customer Data in Large Software ... · The Lack of Sharing of Customer Data...

The Lack of Sharing of Customer Data in Large Software Organizations: Challenges and Implications Aleksander Fabijan 1(&) , Helena Holmström Olsson 1 , and Jan Bosch 2 1 Faculty of Technology and Society, Malmö University, Nordenskiöldsgatan 1, 211 19 Malmö, Sweden {Aleksander.Fabijan,Helena.Holmstrom.Olsson} 2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Hörselgången 11, 412 96 Göteborg, Sweden [email protected] Abstract. With agile teams becoming increasingly multi-disciplinary and including all functions, the role of customer feedback is gaining momentum. Today, companies collect feedback directly from customers, as well as indirectly from their products. As a result, companies face a situation in which the amount of data from which they can learn about their customers is larger than ever before. In previous studies, the collection of data is often identied as chal- lenging. However, and as illustrated in our research, the challenge is not the collection of data but rather how to share this data among people in order to make effective use of it. In this paper, and based on case study research in three large software-intensive companies, we (1) provide empirical evidence that lack of sharingis the primary reason for insuf cient use of customer and product data, and (2) develop a model in which we identify what data is collected, by whom data is collected and in what development phases it is used. In particular, the model depicts critical hand-overs where certain types of data get lost, as well as the implications associated with this. We conclude that companies benet from a very limited part of the data they collect, and that lack of sharing of data drives inaccurate assumptions of what constitutes customer value. Keywords: Customer feedback Á Product data Á Qualitative and quantitative data Á Data sharing practices Á Data-driven development 1 Introduction Traditional waterfall-likemethods of software development are progressively being replaced by development approaches such as e.g. agile practices that support rapid and continuous delivery of customer value [20]. Although the collection of customer feedback has always been important for R&D teams in order to better understand what customers want, it is today, when R&D teams are becoming increasingly multi-disciplinary to include all functions, that the full potential of customer data can be utilized [21]. In recent years, increasing attention has been put on the many different techniques that companies use to collect customer feedback. With connected products, © The Author(s) 2016 H. Sharp and T. Hall (Eds.): XP 2016, LNBIP 251, pp. 3952, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-33515-5_4

Transcript of The Lack of Sharing of Customer Data in Large Software ... · The Lack of Sharing of Customer Data...

Page 1: The Lack of Sharing of Customer Data in Large Software ... · The Lack of Sharing of Customer Data in Large Software Organizations: Challenges and Implications Aleksander Fabijan1(&),

The Lack of Sharing of Customer Datain Large Software Organizations:

Challenges and Implications

Aleksander Fabijan1(&), Helena Holmström Olsson1, and Jan Bosch2

1 Faculty of Technology and Society, Malmö University, Nordenskiöldsgatan 1,211 19 Malmö, Sweden

{Aleksander.Fabijan,Helena.Holmstrom.Olsson}@mah.se2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers University

of Technology, Hörselgången 11, 412 96 Göteborg, [email protected]

Abstract. With agile teams becoming increasingly multi-disciplinary andincluding all functions, the role of customer feedback is gaining momentum.Today, companies collect feedback directly from customers, as well as indirectlyfrom their products. As a result, companies face a situation in which the amountof data from which they can learn about their customers is larger than everbefore. In previous studies, the collection of data is often identified as chal-lenging. However, and as illustrated in our research, the challenge is not thecollection of data but rather how to share this data among people in order tomake effective use of it. In this paper, and based on case study research in threelarge software-intensive companies, we (1) provide empirical evidence that ‘lackof sharing’ is the primary reason for insufficient use of customer and productdata, and (2) develop a model in which we identify what data is collected, bywhom data is collected and in what development phases it is used. In particular,the model depicts critical hand-overs where certain types of data get lost, as wellas the implications associated with this. We conclude that companies benefitfrom a very limited part of the data they collect, and that lack of sharing of datadrives inaccurate assumptions of what constitutes customer value.

Keywords: Customer feedback � Product data � Qualitative and quantitativedata � Data sharing practices � Data-driven development

1 Introduction

Traditional ‘waterfall-like’ methods of software development are progressively beingreplaced by development approaches such as e.g. agile practices that support rapid andcontinuous delivery of customer value [20]. Although the collection of customerfeedback has always been important for R&D teams in order to better understand whatcustomers want, it is today, when R&D teams are becoming increasinglymulti-disciplinary to include all functions, that the full potential of customer data can beutilized [21]. In recent years, increasing attention has been put on the many differenttechniques that companies use to collect customer feedback. With connected products,

© The Author(s) 2016H. Sharp and T. Hall (Eds.): XP 2016, LNBIP 251, pp. 39–52, 2016.DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-33515-5_4

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and trends such as ‘Big Data’ [1] and ‘Internet of Things’ [19], the qualitative tech-niques such as e.g. customer surveys, interviews and observations, are being com-plemented with quantitative logging and automated data collection techniques. Formost companies, the increasing opportunities to collect data has resulted in rapidlygrowing amounts of data revealing contextual information about customer experiencesand tasks, and technical information revealing system performance and operation.

However, and as recognized in recent research [8], the challenge is no longer abouthow to collect data. Rather, the challenge is about how to make efficient use of the largevolumes of data that are continuously collected and that have the potential to revealcustomer behaviors as well as product performance [1, 6, 7, 9]. Although having accessto large amounts of data, most companies experience insufficient use of the data theycollect, and as a result weak impact on decision-making and processes.

In this paper, we explore data collection practices in three large software-intensivecompanies, and we identify that ‘lack of sharing’ of data is the primary reason forinsufficient use and impact of collected data. While the case companies collect largeamounts of data from customers and from products in the field, they suffer from lack ofpractices that help them share data between people and development phases. As aresult, decision-making and prioritization processes do not improve based on anaccumulated data set that evolves throughout the development cycle, and organizationsrisk repetition of work due to lack of traceability.

The contribution of the paper is twofold. First, we identify that ‘lack of sharing’ isthe primary reason for insufficient use of data and we provide empirical evidence on thechallenges and implications involved in sharing of data in large software organizations.Second, and based on our empirical findings, we develop a model in which we identifywhat data is collected, by whom data is collected and in what development phases it isused. Our model depicts critical hand-overs where certain types of data get lost, andhow this causes a situation where data does not accumulate and evolve throughout thedevelopment process. By capturing ‘current state-of-practice’, and by identifyingcritical hand-overs where data gets lost, the model supports companies in identifyingwhat challenges they experience, and what implications this will result in. Theawareness that the model helps create can work as valuable input when deciding whatactions to take to improve sharing of data in large software-intensive organizations.

2 Background

2.1 Collection of Customer Feedback

In most companies, customer feedback is collected on a frequent basis in order to learnabout how customers use products, what features they appreciate and what function-ality they would like to see in new products [6, 5]. Typically, a wide range of differenttechniques are used to collect this feedback, spanning from qualitative techniquescapturing customer experiences and behaviors [6, 7, 10], to quantitative techniquescapturing product performance and operation [10–12]. While the qualitative techniquesare used primarily in the early stages of development in order to understand the contextin which the customer operates, the quantitative techniques are used post-deploymentin order to understand the actual usage of products.

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Starting with the pre-development stage, companies typically collect qualitativecustomer feedback using customer journeys, interviews, questionnaires and surveys [6,7], forming the basis for the requirements generation [13]. At this stage, contextualinformation on the purpose of the product or a feature with functional characteristicsand means of use are typically collected by customer representatives. Typically, thisinformation is used to both define functional requirements as well as to form customergroups with similar needs and priorities, also known as personas [17].

During development, customer feedback is typically collected in prototyping ses-sions in which customers test the prototype, discuss it with the developers and userexperience (UX) specialists, and suggest modifications of e.g. the user interface [6, 7,14], As a result, developers get feedback on product behaviors and initial performancedata. Customer feedback is typically mixed and consists of both qualitative informationon e.g. design decisions and quantitative operational data [6].

In the post-deployment stage, and when the product has been released to its cus-tomers, a number of techniques are used to collect customer and product data. First, andsince the products are increasingly being connected to the Internet and equipped withdata collection mechanisms, operational data, and data revealing feature usage is col-lected [6, 14, 15]. Typically, this data is of quantitative type and collected by theengineers that operate the product and service centers that support it. Second, if cus-tomers generate incident requests and attach the product log revealing the state of theproduct, error message and other details. These are important sources of information forthe support engineers when troubleshooting and improving the product [10]. Also, andas recognized in previous research [15, 16], A/B testing is a commonly deployedtechnique to collect quantitative feedback in connected products on which version ofthe feature offers a better conversion or return of investment. And although increasingamounts of data are being collected, very little is actually being used. The challenges inaggregating and analyzing this data in an efficient way prevent higher levels of theorganization from benefiting from it [12].

2.2 Impact and Use of Customer Data

Companies operating within transportation, telecommunications, retailing, hospitality,travel, or health care industries already today gather and store large amounts ofvaluable customer data [19]. These data, in combination with a holistic understandingof the resources needed in customer value-creating processes and practices, can providethe companies that fully utilize it a competitive advantage on the market [18].

However, challenges with meaningfully combining and analyzing these customerdata in an efficient way are preventing companies from utilizing the full potential fromit [1, 8]. Instead of a complete organization benefiting from an accumulated knowledge,it is mostly only the engineers and technicians that have an advantage in using this datafor operational purposes [12]. Higher levels in the organization such as productmanagement or customer relationship departments need to find ways of better utilizingcustomer data in order to unlock its potential and use it for prioritization and customervalue-actualization processes [18].

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3 Research Method

This research builds on an ongoing work with three case companies that use agilemethods and are involved in large-scale development of software products. The studywas conducted between August 2015 and December 2015. We selected the case studymethodology as an empirical method because it aims at investigating contemporaryphenomena in their context, and it is well suited for this kind of software engineeringresearch [22]. This is due to the fact that objects of this study are hard to study inisolation and case studies are by definition conducted in real world settings.

Based on experience from previous projects on how to advance beyond agilepractices [3, 4], we held three individual workshops with all the companies involved inthis research, following up with twenty-two individual interviews. We list the partic-ipants and their roles in Table 1.

Table 1. Description of the companies and the representatives that we met with.

Company and their domain Representatives

Company A is a provider of telecommunicationsystems and equipment, communications networksand multimedia solutions for mobile and fixednetwork operators. The company has several sitesand for the purpose of this study, we collaboratedwith representatives from one company site. Thecompany has approximately 25.000 Employees inR&D.The participants marked with an asterisk (*) attendedthe workshop and were not available for a followup-interview.

1 Product Owner1 Product Manager2 System Managers2 Software Engineer1 Release Manager1 Area Prod. Mng.*1 Lean Coach*1 Section Mng.*

Company B is a software company specializing innavigational information, operations managementand optimization solutions.Company B has approximately 3.000 Employees inR&D.All the participants attended the workshop and wereinterviewed.

1 Product Owner1 System Architect1 UX Designer1 Service Manager

Company C is a manufacturer and supplier oftransport solutions construction technology andvehicles for commercial use.The company has approximately 20.000 Employeesin R&D.All the participants that attended the workshop wereinterviewed. In addition, one sales manager and onetechnology specialist wished to join the project at alater stage, and were interviewed.

1 Product Owner2 Product Strategists2 UX Managers2 Function Owners1 Feature Coord.1 Sales Manager2 Technology Spec.

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3.1 Data Collection

During the group workshops with the companies, we were always three researcherssharing the responsibility of asking questions and facilitating the group discussion.Notes were taken by two of the researches and after each workshop, these notes wereconsolidated and shared to the third researcher and company representatives.

First, we conducted a workshop with an exercise with the post-it notes that buildour inventory of the customer feedback techniques. Second, we held semi-structuredgroup interviews with open-ended questions [2] during the workshop. These questionswere asked by on of the researcher while two of the researchers were taking notes. Inaddition to the workshops, we conducted twenty-two individual interviews that lastedone hour in average, and were recorded using an iPhone Memo application. IndividualInterviews were conducted and transcribed by one of the researchers. In total, wecollected 13 pages of workshop notes, 176 post-it notes, 138 pages of interviewtranscriptions, and 9 graphical illustrations from the interviewees. All workshops andindividual interviews were conducted in English.

3.2 Data Analysis

During analysis, the workshop notes, post-it notes, interview transcriptions andgraphical illustrations were used when coding the data. The data collected were ana-lyzed following the conventional qualitative content analysis approach where wederived the codes directly from the text data. This type of design is appropriate whenstriving to describe a phenomenon where existing theory or research literature islimited. Two of the researchers first independently and then jointly analyzed the col-lected data and derived the final codes that were consolidated with the third andindependent researcher who also participated at the workshops. As soon as anyquestions or potential misunderstandings occurred, we verified the information with theother researcher and participating representatives from the companies.

3.3 Validity Considerations

To improve the study’s construct validity, we conducted the exercise with the post-itnotes and semi-structured interviews at the workshops with representatives working inseveral different roles and companies. This enabled us to ask clarifying questions,prevent misinterpretations, and study the phenomena from different angles. Next, wecombined the workshop interviews with individual interviews. Workshop and inter-view notes were independently assessed by two researchers, guaranteeing inter-raterreliability. And since this study builds on ongoing work, the overall expectationsbetween the researchers and companies were aligned and well understood.

The results of the validation cannot directly translate to other companies. However,considering external validity, and since these companies represent the current state oflarge-scale software development of embedded systems industry [3], we believe thatthe results can be generalized to other large-scale software development companies.

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4 Findings

In this section, we present our empirical findings. In accordance with our researchinterests, we first outline the generalized data collection practices in the three casecompanies, i.e. what types of data that is collected in the different development phases,and by whom. Second, we identify the challenges that are associated with sharing ofdata in these organizations. Finally, we explore their implications.

4.1 Data Collection Practices: Current State

In the case companies, data is collected throughout the development cycle and bydifferent roles in the organization. Typically, people working in the early phases ofdevelopment collect qualitative data from customers reflecting customer environments,customer experience and customer tasks. The later in the development cycle, the morequantitative data is collected, reflecting system performance and operation when in thefield. In Tables 2, 3 and 4, we illustrate the data collection practices, together with thecustomer feedback methods and types of data that different roles collect in each of thedevelopment stages.

4.2 Data Sharing Practices: Challenges

Based on our interviews, we see that there are a number of challenges associated withsharing of data in large organizations. For example, our interviewees all report ofdifficulties in getting access to data that was collected by someone else and in adifferent development phase. Below, we identify the main challenges associated withsharing of data in the case companies:

Table 2. Customer data collection practices in the pre-development stage.

Roles thatcollect customerfeedback

Common customerfeedback collectiontechniques

Common types ofcustomer feedbackcollected

Pre-Development Strategyspecialists,

Productmanagers,Product owners

Reading of industry press,Reading of publishedstandards,Reading of internal reports,Reading customer visitreviews

Customer wishes,Short/Long markettrends,Competitors ability ofdelivering the product


Feature owners

Telephone interviews,Face-to-face interviews,Conducting groupinterviews

Existing productsatisfaction,

Future productspecification,Personas and UserJourneys

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• Fragmented Collection and Storage of Data

Individuals independently collect increasing amounts of customer feedback, analyzethe data they obtained, and store their findings on local repositories. Although thesefindings are occasionally presented at meetings, the lack of transparency and toolsprevents others in the organization to use and benefit from the data. With so manydifferent roles collecting and storing data, systematic sharing across development

Table 3. Customer data collection practices in the development stage.

Roles that collectcustomer feedback

Common customerfeedback collectiontechniques

Common types ofcustomer feedbackcollected

Development UX specialists,Software Engineers

System Usability ScaleForm,

Asking open endedquestions,Demonstrating prototypes,Filming of users’ productuse

Acceptance of theprototype,

Eye behavior and focustime,Points of pain,Bottlenecks andconstrains,Interaction designsketches

System managers,System architects,Software engineers

Consolidate feedbackfrom other projects,

Reading prototype logentries

Small improvementwishes,

Configuration data,Product operational data

Table 4. Customer data collection practices in the post-deployment stage.

Roles that collectcustomerfeedback

Common customerfeedback collectiontechniques

Common types ofcustomer feedbackcollected

Post-Deployment Releasemanagers,

Service managersSoftwareengineers

Reading of customerreports,

Analyzing incidents,Aggregating customerrequests,Analyzing product logfiles

Number of incid. andreq.,

Duration of incid. andreq.,Product operationaldata,Product performancedata

Sales managers Reading articles in themedia,

Sentimental analysisCustomer eventsparticipation,Reading industry press,Performing trendanalysis

Opinions about theappeal of theproduct,

Performance of theproduct,Business casedescriptions

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phases becomes almost impossible. As a result, only those roles that work in closecollaboration share data, and benefit from the analysis of this data. This situation isillustrated in the following quotes:

“… it is all in my head more or less.” -Product owner, Company B

“Information exists but we don’t know where it is.”–UX Specialist from Company C

“I do not know everyone… So I contact only the person who is next in line.” -Sales managerfrom Company C.

• Filtering of Customer Data

People collect data, and share it only within the development stage they typically workin. For example, practitioners in the development phase actively exchange product logdata, interaction design sketches, quality statistics and trouble reports. Similarly, thoseworking in the post-deployment phase exchange release notes, business case descrip-tions and management system issues. Attempts to communicate the significance ofcustomer feedback and their findings across development stages are typically unsuc-cessful. Feedback that is shared is filtered quantitative data.

“It is like there is a wall in-between. There is a tradition that we should not talk to each other.”-Product Owner from Company C.

• Arduous to Measure Means Hard to Share.

The only data that is successfully shared among people and development phases, isquantitative data representing those things that can be easily measured such as e.g.system performance and operation. The case companies are successful in sharingtransaction records, incident figures, feature usage data and other technical feedbackthat can be easily measured. However, qualitative data such as user stories, featurepurpose, or the intention of a certain requirement typically stay with the people thatcollected that feedback. As a result, and instead of benefitting from an accumulated setof data that evolves over time, companies run the risk of using fragmented data sets thatmisrepresent the customer and provides an insufficient understanding of what consti-tutes customer value.

“Maybe 10 % of information is shared. It is very difficult. It takes so much time, to, you need towrite a novel more or less and distribute it” -Product manager from Company A.

4.3 Data Sharing Practices: Implications

Due to very limited amounts of data being shared among people and across thedevelopment phases, the case companies experience a number of implications. Below,we present the implications:

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• Non-evolving and Non-accumulating Data.

Although quantitative data describing operational and performance requirements istypically shared, the lack of qualitative information with the context describing where,how and why a certain feature or a product is needed and how it will be used causediscrepancies in understanding the overall purpose. As a result, the data formingcustomer knowledge across the development stages does not accumulate and evolve.Consequently, practitioners developing the product do not fully understand the overallpurpose of the product or a feature under development and develop suboptimalproducts that can be different from the customer wishes.

“I think now a lot of thing are developed in a sub optimized way.” -Technology Spec. fromcompany C.

“We get feature which is broken down and then this value somehow got lost when it was brokendown, then it is harder to understand what they really need it for.” –Software engineer fromCompany B.

• Repetition of Work.

Due to the lack of access to the qualitative feedback that is collected in the early stages ofdevelopment, roles in later stages that seek contextual understanding of a feature aresometimes required to collect identical feedback to the one that was already collected.Consequently, resources are spent on repeating the work that has already been done once.

“You cannot build on what is already there since you don’t know. You then repeat an activitythat was already made by someone else.” –UX specialist from Company C.

• Inaccurate Models of Customer Value.

Since the qualitative customer feedback is not shared across the development phases,companies risk to use only the available quantitative customer feedback to build orupdate the understanding of the customer. This results in inaccurate assumptions onwhat constitutes customer value. And as a consequence of using the feedback forprioritization on the product management level, projects that create waste risk to getprioritized.

“You think one thing is important but you don’t realize that there is another thing that was evenmore important.” -Technology Spec. from company C.

• Validation of Customer Value is a “Self-Fulfilling Prophecy”.

Due to the fact that only quantitative customer feedback is exchanged across thedevelopment phases and development organization, companies risk to validate theirproducts using only the effortlessly quantifiable feedback, and neglecting the rest.Instead of using the accumulated customer feedback and holistically asses theirproducts, the validation of customer value becomes a “self-fulfilling prophecy” in thatit focuses on developing and verifying things that can be quantified and provide tan-gible evidence.

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We map the challenges with their implications for the companies and the productsthey develop, and summarize them in Table 5.

5 Discussion

Multi-disciplinary teams involved in the development of a software product are usingcustomer feedback to develop and improve the product or a feature they are responsiblefor. Previous research [6, 8, 9] and our empirical findings show that companies collectincreasingly large amounts of customer data. Both using the qualitative techniques areused primarily in the early stages of development [6, 7, 10] to construct an under-standing of the customer and the context they operate in, and quantitative techniquesthat are used post-deployment to monitor the actual usage of products in the field [10–12]. And although companies gather and store large amounts of valuable customer data[19], challenges with meaningfully combining and analyzing it in an efficient way [1,8] are preventing companies from evolving the data across the development stages andaccumulating the customer knowledge.

5.1 The Model: From Quantifiable Feedback to Partial Customer Value

In response to the challenges and implications presented above, we illustrate ourfindings and challenges in a descriptive model on Fig. 1.

In the development process, the model advocates an approach in which an internalmodel of customer value in companies is being created. We illustrate that companies infragments collect a complete understating of the customer and their wishes, however,benefit only from a part of the understanding.

In our model, we distinguish between three development stages, i.e.pre-development, development and post-deployment. Although we recognize that thisis a simplified view, and that most development processes are of an iterative nature, weuse these stages as they typically involve similar roles, techniques, and types offeedback collected.

Table 5. The mapping of identified challenges to their implications.

Challenge Description Company implications Productimplications

Fragmentedcollectionand storageof data

Sharing of data islimited across thedevelopment stages.

No evolving andaccumulating ofcustomer data andunderstanding.

Suboptimalproducts arebeing developed.

Filtering ofcustomerdata.

Only roles that workin close cooperationexchange feedback.

Inaccurate assumptionson customer value andrepeating work.

Risk of developingwastefulfeatures.

Arduous tomeasuremeans hardto share.

What can easily bemeasured andquantified is shared.

Validation of customervalue is a“self-fulfillingprophecy”.

Product maximizespartial models ofcustomer value.

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On Fig. 1, we list a few roles that collect customer feedback (A) and differentmethods of how they perform the collection (B). Within each of the development stageswe list the types of feedback being shared across the stages with a solid green lines andthose that are not with a dashed red lines. Between development stages we identifythree critical hand-over points where customer data that could and should get shared,dissipates. Instead of accumulating data being handed over, gaps across stages appear(illustrated with “?”symbols in blocks on Fig. 1).

5.1.1 The Vaporization of Customer Data.We identify three critical hand-over blocks that cause data to disappear and preventpracticioners on project to build-on

(1) The PreDev Block: While there is extensive collection of qualitative customerfeedback such as user journeys and product satisfaction surveys (Illustrated with Con Fig. 1), roles working in the pre-development stage do not sufficiently supplythe development part of the organization with the information they collect.Qualitative data that would inform the development stage on the context of theproduct under development, how it is going to be used, and who the different usergroups perishes in the hand-over process between product owners and managerson one side, and software engineers and UX specialist on the other (Illustratedwith D on Fig. 1). Specifically, personas, user journeys and customer wishes arethe types of feedback that should be handed over to the development stage,however, they are not. Consequently, the development part of the organization isforced to repeat collection activities in order to obtain this information when inneed, or continue developing the product following only the specifications /re-quirements that were handed to them.

Fig. 1. Customer feedback sharing practices model.

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(2) The DevOps Block: UX specialists and software engineers collect feedback onprototypes and their acceptance, as well as where the constraints are. However,this information is only used within the development stage. As a consequence ofnot handing it over to the post-deployment stage service managers and softwareengineers (Illustrated with E on Fig. 1), operators of the product do not under-stand the reason behind a certain configuration when solving a problem, and at thesame time, suggest alternative solutions that were already known to be unac-ceptable to the developers.

(3) The OpsDev Block: In the post-deployment stage, release and service managerscollect and exchange operational and performance data, hover, do not share it withthe development stage to software engineers and system managers. (Illustratedwith F on Fig. 1). This prevents the roles in the development stage such as systemarchitects from e.g. deciding on an optimal architecture for a certain type ofproduct and customer size.

5.1.2 Unidirectional Flow of FeedbackIllustrated with red and dashed arrows on Fig. 1, the flow of feedback from the earlierstages of the development to the ones in the later stages is very limited. On the otherhand, the flow of feedback from the later stages to the early ones is extensive. This bothsupports our finding about extensive sharing of quantitative data, which is typicallyavailable in the later stages, as well as implies that it is easier to share data about earlierreleases of the software under development compared to sharing feedback about thecurrent release. Validating the value of the current release is consequently done very late.

5.1.3 Shadow Representation of Customer ValueIn the absence of the accumulated data being accessible and shared across the devel-opment stages (illustrated with missing data symbol “?” on Fig. 1), people in laterstages base their prioritizations and decisions on shadow beliefs existing in the orga-nization. Consequently, and instead of having a unique understanding of what con-stitutes customer value, individual development stages and roles prioritize based ontheir best intuition and shared quantitative data. If sharing of customer data in thedirection towards the later stages is enabled, roles across the development stages will beable to conduct data-informative decisions. As seen in our findings, hazards of beingpurely quantitative data-driven are extensive. And with qualitative data being asaccessible as quantitative, validation of customer data could be coherent, not a‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ as it is today.

6 Conclusion

By moving away from traditional waterfall development practices and with agile teamsbecoming increasingly multi-disciplinary and including all functions from R&D toproduct management and sales [21], the role of customer feedback is increasinglygaining momentum. And although the collection of data has previously been identifiedas challenging, we show in our research that the challenge is not its collection, but ratherhow to share this data in order to make effective use of it.

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In this paper, we explore the data collection practices in three large software-intensive organizations, and we identify that lack of sharing of data is the main inhi-bitor for effective product development and improvement. Based on our case studyfindings, we see that currently (1) companies benefit from a very limited part of the datathey collect due to a lack of sharing of data across development phases and organi-zational units, (2) companies form inaccurate assumptions on what constitutes cus-tomer value and waste resources on repeating the activities that have already beenperformed, and (3) validation of customer in companies today is a “self-fulfillingprophecy” in that it focuses on quantifiable things that provide tangible evidence.

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The images or other third party material in this chapter are included in the work’s CreativeCommons license, unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if such material is not included inthe work’s Creative Commons license and the respective action is not permitted by statutoryregulation, users will need to obtain permission from the license holder to duplicate, adapt orreproduce the material.


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