The KnocKlyon News - South Dublin...

The KnocKlyon News <7 -S^ ST. COLMCILLE'S PARISH NEWSLETTER - JULY, AUGUST,SEPTEMBER 1988 WHO'S WHO, WHAT'S WHAT . . . In times of Yore, we wrote bits and pieces for the Knocklyon News. Now we (I love that royal plural, makes me feel good) have been promoted to the prestigious, albeit salaryless position of Editor! The job was up for grabs, but no takers among confreres in the Presbytery. They were all suddenly and simultaneously, stricken with a raging dose of modesty con- cerning their writing ability — volunteering definitely not one of our strong points here. There are two consolations. When I overcome my initial inertia, I truly get a certain amount of fulfilment, from what we are pleased to call our writing. Secondly, there is a first class team of helpers, no moaning or alibis, they just get on with the job — efficiency, affability and selfless dedication personified. As most will be aware, changes in personnel occurred here during the Summer. Fr. Chris Conroy, who has been Parish Priest for the last three years, is returning to the Peru Mission, a tribute to the man and his work appears inside. Fr. Arthur Fitzpatrick is the new Parish Priest. Earlier this month he was installed in Office by our esteemed friend, Bishop Carroll. Carmelite confreres, including Fr. Paddy Staunton, our Provincial, and Parishioners, turned out in force, to honour the occasion, and acclaim Fr. Arthur. We wish both Arthur and Chris well, and pray their new assignments will bring a blessing on themselves, and on the communities they serve. Fr. Joe Mothersill is back among us and that is good news. You are welcome, Joe, and in case you might be forgetting, you sorta promised in due course, to manage a special corner in the Newsletter, for our many young friends in the area. And then our latest arrival, Fr. Martin Farraher, the Bishop's National Director of Vocations. Because of this important commitment, we can only expect part-time service from Martin. But even at this, we know he will have much to contribute. A special Hi and welcome, to new friends, mostly no doubt, in the Beverly, West- bourne Lodge and Templeroan areas — we hope you "consider yourselves one of the family". Because of yours truly's involvement with them, I am sneaking in a richly deserved tribute, to the weekly Envelope Collection collectors — the oft-times unsung heroes of the Parish, our vital financial lifeline. They carry out this work week-in, week-out, with a cheerful determination and dedication. ^ They are of course unpaid, completely mi voluntary — I know you will receive them well on our behalf and on the behalf of the Parish. What is the purpose of this Newsletter? In a word, I see it as a link binding us together in as homely and personal a way as possible. Otherwise how can we love one another? And I seem to remember loving and sup- porting one another is basic Christianity. Our Greatest Friend gently challenges us: Love one another as I have loved you. Pat Alan Fitz Bishop Carroll with our new Parish Priest, Fr. Arthur Fitzpatrick

Transcript of The KnocKlyon News - South Dublin...

  • The KnocKlyon News



    It seems only yesterday that we welcomed Fr. Chris Conroy to Knocklyon as our new Parish Priest. Yet time passes so swiftly, we are scarcely aware that three years have flown and now we are about to say "Good-bye".

    Throughout his priestly life, Fr. Chris has been constantly on the move, firstly between here and England and, finally, before coming to us, he served five years in the Mission Field of Peru — a country he dearly loves and one to which he is about to return.

    Looking back at the many priests who have served our Parish, some indeed for only a few months, we realise how much, in their different ways, they have contributed some gift to help our growth in the Christian Faith. Fr. Chris is no exception to the rule. We wil l remember him especially for his wonderful simplicity and childlike faith. His simplicity shone out for us from his big honest smile, from his sense of fun, his enjoyment of the simple things around him, his excitement at the unexpected pleasures of life which he accepted with the enthusiasm of a child. It shone too from his sermons which so many people loved and admired. Sometimes these sermons made us uncomfortable, even embarrassed, very much like the feeling we have often experienced when our child has blurted out some truth to a visitor. Yes, to Fr. Chris a spade is always a spade. Truth, he knew, sometimes hurt, but he was honest and open in his childlike trust of humanity. We will remember him particularly for his com-plete and utter dedication to the young people of our Parish. From the tinies to the teenagers


    for Quality Coal, Anthracite & Slack

    Telephone PAT SWAN at 945733 ANYTIME

    CREATIVE WRITING WORKSHOP Beginners & Improvers

    George Ferguson, M.A., H.Dip. Ed., 110 Coolamber Park, Dublin 16.

    Mondays 8.30-10.30pm — Commencing 3rd October £25 for 10 weeks —payable with written application



    Day & Evening - Typewriting, Audio-Typewriting and Word-Processing.

    Day Reception Course commencing 26th September Telephone Patricia Byrne at 943514

    — he loved them all and they loved him. He it was who introduced the Altar Girls and founded the Wednesday Youth Group. His dealing with the young he called 'The Challenge of Youth". Perhaps it was easy for him because he spoke their language. He was at heart one of them and very much at ease in their company.

    No doubt the words of Christ had a lot to do with this aff inity: "Unless you become as lijttle children, You shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven".

    I believe that, like most of us, he had to work and strive towards this goal, which surely he achieved. I recall some words of his -

    "What a wonderful discovery" he wrote "when we realise that no matter how old we are, there is, deep down inside us a beautiful little child. A little child that is kind, generous and loving but so often afraid to love for fear of being hurt".

    Always conscious of injustices, the poor, the lonely and the oppressed, he recognised our vulnerability, our weaknesses, our dissatisfac-tions and yet also our incredible strength to overcome our frailties. "Children", he tells us "cannot see our faults. They stretch out their arms and touch the old, the crippled or the blind. Colour or language are no bar to their friendship." "Oh" , he says "the little children inside us all could do so much good — if only we would let them out" . We can only promise to try!

    Peru is far away. We are told that it is not too tranquil at the moment — it is not getting any better and the future is uncertain. We will pray for you Father and for the success of your mission. We will not forget you or your work among the people of the Andes. Please do not forget us!

    * * *

    Many parishioners have already expressed a wish to write to Fr. Conroy. Letters should be addressed to:

    Fr. Chris Conroy, O. Carm., Prelatura de Sicuani, Apartado 46,

    Sicuani (Via Cusco), Peru. Everyone will have the opportunity to say goodbye to Fr. Conroy after his'special Mass on Saturday 24th September at 7 p.m.

    GERRY KEEGAN Plumbing and Heating Contractors. Ltd.

    Oil, Gas and Solid Fuel Heating, Bathroom Design and Installation, Showers, Leaks, Blocked Drains

    and all General Maintenance 154 Carriglea Phone: 516281 Firhouse, Dublin 24. 905602

    ART CLASSES FOR CHILDREN - 9-12 YEARS Friday Afternoon — 3.30-5.50pm at

    Knocklyon Parish Centre Experienced Art Teacher Limited Numbers

    Phone 904414 for Details - 4.30pm-7.30pm

    SHAPE UP & KEEP FIT Ladies come along for a night of fun and exercise in

    St. Colmcille's Junior School, Knocklyon EVERY THURSDAY - 8pm-9pm

    Exercise to Music — No Joining Fee


    The European Parliament in Strasbourg wel-comes visitors, in fact each of more than 500 M.E.P. 's can have 70 visitors per year. Recently GEORGE FERGUSON took part in one of these visits. Here he gives us his impressions of the Strasbourg Parliament and the future Europe.

    The Parl iament seating is arranged like a horse-shoe with the President and officials at the nar-row open space. Speeches are l imited to three or four minutes and so are carefully prepared. Three large digital clocks coun t the seconds and stars light up when your time is complete . You can go on as long as you like af ter that — but your mic rophone is switched off! There are headphones in the visitors ' Gallery as well as for each member so that instant trans-lation is available in a choice of languages at the turn of the switch by your seat. T w o out of three of Parl iament 's staff work as trans-lators. This is a huge expense — bu t also a huge job oppor tuni ty .

    There are three levels in the Parl iament. A t the top is the Council of Ministers where each country is represented by one al ternating person according to the subject under discus-sion — agriculture, educat ion, foreign affairs etc. Then there is the Cabinet of Commissioners who instigate ideas and policies. Finally, the Parliament itself has the right to express opi-nions on all legislation — especially the budget — and so is a real democrat ic power .

    There is much emphasis on 1992 when all restrictions on trade and employmen t between member states mus t cease. This oppor tun i ty to do business in the largest marke t in the world must be balanced against the loss of industrial protection. European goods and workers can flood Ireland, bu t what is best in Ireland can go unrestr icted elsewhere in Europe . Emigra-tion should no t be seen as a disaster. Paris is less than an hour away.

    Tomorrow's boys and girls mus t be com-fortable in French and German. The way they do things in Brussels mus t be as accept-able as how it happens in Cork or Belfast. There is o ther nice f o o d besides burgers and chips! European cultures, as well as European money, are going to enrich us.

    SUNNYHILL GARDEN/PATIO CENTRE Bohernabreena, Dublin 24 (Beyond Cemetary)

    For a large Selection of Shrubs, Conifers, Heathers & Alpines.

    Many Shrubs from £1.95 each


    See our Display Patio & 200 ft of Decorative Garden Walls.

    Phone 513619 or 517373

    What an exciting time to be alive! What fascinating new things there are to learn! What an incentive there is to absorb Geography, History, Language! We belong in Europe. Tha t means accepting broader loyalties. The c o m m o n good of Europe may sometimes ap-pear to confl ic t with immediate nat ional con-cerns; but the ideals are for peace, justice and prosperi ty for all.

    Europe has caught the message and the cycle of wars has ended. Because we are in Europe , Ireland too may learn how to climb out of murderous political and sectarian strife in to a bet ter society.


    T o o much sun and heat on the face causes the skin to become leathery, with evident lines. This is as a direct result of the skin's a t t empt to p ro tec t itself f rom injury by thickening of the outer layer and resulting tan.

    There are various salon t rea tments which can help all skin types, bu t a good daily home care and a p roper diet is vital. This m o n t h , I will be discussing dry dehydra ted skin. The rout ine that I would r ecommend is to cleanse, tone and moisturise the skin morning and evening, and before applying make-up.

    The cleanser for dry-dehydra ted skin should be cream-based, so as to prevent str ipping the skin of its natural oils. Use an alcohol-free tonic and a moisturiser with nourishing propert ies. I t is advisable for all skin types, bu t vital for dry skin, to use a moisturiser at all times, otherwise broken veins could result in the cheek area.

    Excessive intake of alcohol can cause skin dehydra t ion , as the water is drawn out of the tissues, leaving the skin dull and dehydra ted . Smoking too has adverse affects on the skin as it also leads to dehydrat ion. Drinking p lenty of water is essential for good skin care.


    Edwina Coffey, Knockcullen on her first day at school.

    HANDYMAN AVAILABLE Grass cutting. Window and Chimney Cleaning Hedge Trimming, Laws laid, Patios/walls built

    Painting, Rubbish removed TELEPHONE: 945209


    R.G.N., R.M., M.C.S.Ch., M.I.Ch.O., M.A.Ch.l. Registered Chiropodist

    Surgery: For Appointment 11 Knocklyon Heights Telephone: 942045 Dublin 16 Home visits on request


    Limited Vacancies — 2%-6 years old * FULLY QUALIFIED STAFF #

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    Phone Sandra Coyne at 935521

  • THE SIOL RETREAT COMMUNITY GAMES Have you ever said " I just can't pray — I try but 1 feel I'm getting nowhere" and yet at the same time wished you could learn more about prayer and praying? St. Therese of Avila said "prayer is an intimate sharing between friends; it means taking time frequently to be alone with Him who we know loves us". Maybe the Siol Retreat would help you to get started on your own intimate prayer relationship with God.

    The retreat is an adaptation of the Ignation Exercises, suitable for small groups of adult laity — preferably 10/12 people. The Irish word "s iol" means "seed" and the retreat gets its name from the Parable of the Sower in which "the seed is the word of God". It is a scripture-based retreat specially adapted to present day Irish needs.

    It is given by a team of two people, usually a priest/sister or brother and a lay person. The participants meet on a weekly basis for about 2 hours. The structure of the meeting is prayer, team input and discussion. During the remain-der of the week each person is expected to give some time daily to prayer; suitable scripture texts will be suggested to help them.

    The aim of the retreat is (1) to help people find God in their everyday life situations and enter into a deeper relationship with Him, (2) to help people pray scripture and (3) to lead people to a new awareness and apprecia-tion of christian values.

    It is hoped to run this retreat in the parish (probably on Tuesday nights) in the period between October and early December. If you would like to know more about it, or are inte-rested in doing it, please contact Fr. Joe — Phone 941204 or Brid - Phone 961743.

    Congratulations to Ruth Walsh, Knocklyon Heights representing Dublin in the finals of the Community Games. Ruth reached the final of the girls under 10 100 metres where she finished a creditable fifth.

    The A.G.M. of the Knocklyon Community Games wil l take place on Monday 3rd October at 9.00 p.m. in the parish centre. Last year there was a very poor turnout. Please make an effort to attend this year.


    Knocklyon can be justly proud of its Senior Folk Group who for so many years had led the singing at the 12 noon Mass each Sunday and whose reputation has spread far beyond this parish. Anyone who has belonged to a folk group wil l agree that they got a lot out of it. Apart f rom the experience of singing and playing an instrument in public there is the friendship and sense of belonging which is essential to any folk group. The words and music of the songs help us to pray and to get more meaning from the Mass.

    But the folk group needs new members if it is to continue to help people pray the Mass. New members aged 14 years or older would be more than welcome. You don't have to be a great singer or musician, just someone will ing to share their time and ability with others. Please think about it and contact either Fr. Joe at 941204 or Niamh O'Neill.


    f . . y v

    John Marshall and Ronan McAu/ey on their first day at school.

    DEBS - WEDDINGS - BRIDESMAIDS A Large Selection of Beautifully Designed Frocks

    are available from £25. Keenest Prices

    Mrs. Lawler, " M A R F I N " , Butterfield Ave., (Corner Firhouse Rd) Phone 947918


    ACT II SWOP SHOP Ballyboden Shopping Centre — Taylor's Lane

    For fashionable Ladies' Dresses, Suits, Blouses, Jackets, Pants, etc.

    We are also accepting your Designer Labels & Mistakes OPEN: Tues.-Sat. inc. 10 am — 5 pm Closed for Lunch 1 pm — 2.30 p.m.

    Phone 947407 (after hours) UNI FASHIONS



    *Banks insurance Companies *Travel Agents * Receptionists etc.

    Competitive Prices — Personalised Service

    CONTACT: Patricia Conroy, 18, Beverly Ave.,

    Ph.935004 or

    Sue Greene at 591062

    ACT II SWOP SHOP Ballyboden Shopping Centre — Taylor's Lane

    For fashionable Ladies' Dresses, Suits, Blouses, Jackets, Pants, etc.

    We are also accepting your Designer Labels & Mistakes OPEN: Tues.-Sat. inc. 10 am — 5 pm Closed for Lunch 1 pm — 2.30 p.m.

    Phone 947407 (after hours) UNI FASHIONS



    *Banks insurance Companies *Travel Agents * Receptionists etc.

    Competitive Prices — Personalised Service

    CONTACT: Patricia Conroy, 18, Beverly Ave.,

    Ph.935004 or

    Sue Greene at 591062



    F I R H O U S E S H O P P I N G C E N T R E

    PHONE: 518357 OPEN:

    9.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. MONDAY - SATURDAY

  • SINGERS PLEASE Free on Wednesday nights and Sunday morn-ings? The choir for 11 o'clock Mass is looking for new members. The choir gives a real service to the parish community by helping to create a prayerful atmosphere and leading the congre-gation in song. We enjoy rehearsing the music together — and we don ' t confine ourselves at practices to liturgical music. In fact we don ' t confine ourselves to music, as we always break for a cuppa on Wednesday nights. And we've been known to have the odd celebration . . .

    If you can sing, please consider joining us. It is not essential to be able to read music.

    Practices are at 8 p.m. on Wednesdays in the Presbytery meeting room, with a short practice at 10.15 on Sundays for those who can't make it on Wednesday. Jus t turn up any Wednesday, or you can contact me on Sundays after the 11 Mass or by phone at 94 15 68. All singers wel-come, especially men!

    Eoin Garrett, Choirmaster 9 Knocklyon Park.


    Elain Cough Ian and Olwyn Pick ford smile for the camera on their first day back.

    HOUSE WANTED TO RENT from 21st October. Preferably unfurnished.

    Telephone: 946876 after 3.30 p.m.

    AUTO ELECTRICAL SERVICE Car Alarms, Batteries, Radios etc. supplied & fitted Charging, Starting and Wiring Problems Repaired.


    HENPECKED . . . There's this there hen in the Rathcoole area of the Dublin/Naas dual carriageway, I thought he — sorry, she, was not long for this world. I mean on the grass verge of a fast flowing carriageway is scarcely the safest place for scratching and pecking or whatever it is, hens do. And then when one thinks of the many poor crows, often, sadly besmattering our high-ways

    But our Rathcoole baby is no daw and cheerfully goes on about her business — I have been observing her for quite a long period now — showing no signs of doing anything rash.

    She ignores the screaming traffic, and while some of these drivers develop ulcers and do no good to their blood-pressure, and even unthink-able worse things, this sensible hen survives happily, like a lone bulwark against the frenzied rush of the 20th Century.

    It is not easy to be caught up in this, not easy to ignore the road-hog, to get from A to B, in even faster time — speed, time, activity, high powered business are the essence.

    Are we running from something — from our-selves, from God, with little or no time to do our thing. How did the old catechism put it? " t o know, love, and serve (I would prefer " e n j o y " here), God in this life, and be happy with him forever in the next.

    I dunno, when all the dust has died down, including the dust of the roaring traffic, I think my Rathcoole hen, has got it right . . . with maybe a message for us . . .

    Pat Alan Fitz

    KNOCKLYON SWIMMING - AUTUMN SESSION Sept. 19th to Dec. 19th 13 Sessions

    Family Ticket - £25 At Terenure Pool - 7.30pm - 8.15pm

    Nightly Admission — Adult - £1.50; Teens - £1.00 & Children 50p

    CHILDREN'S NURSERY 123, Dargle Wood, Knocklyon Rd., Dublin 16.

    Telephone: 945137 WEEKLY - DAILY - PART-TIME

    8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

    CABINET MAKER We repair all types of furniture, chairs etc.

    ALSO Upholstery Work Carried Out

    Specialist in Restoring Antique Furniture Telephone: 527533




    at 942138


    SPEECH & DRAMA CLASSES Knocklyon Community Centre

    Wednesday Afternoons For Details 'phone

    Kathryn Coffey at 946197 or Eva Coffey at 941715


    Curtains, Cushion Covers, Duvet Covers and Alterations

    Children's Clothes - Bridal Ensembles

    Contact - 942516

  • WHAT'S COOKING? For the past few months, I have been feverishly practicing my Japanese cooking. The children are sick and tired of Sushi, Teriyaki, Unon, Shabu-Shabu and my good wife is stuck to the floor, guzzling hot sake, so I thought a return to something familiar and solid and Irish might help things 'round here.

    I remember a lovely potato dish we used to make in Switzerland and I know the children will just love it. It goes well with sausages, steaks, fried eggs and is considered up-market enough to be served in the best restaurants. With the lovely new minted potatoes all gone, you need to do something interesting with the spuds.

    ROSTI Boil two potatoes per person, in their jackets and when cooked, drain off and allow to cool. While still warm, peel them and grate into a bowl. Heat a heavy frying pan with a heavy coating of vegetable oil and allow to get very hot. Put as much of the grated potatoes into the pan as will f i t and allow to become crispy underneath. Turn with an egg slice so that all the crispy is mixed through the potatoes. Drop a little butter or oil on to the bottom of the pan and allow to crisp again. Repeat the process four or five times and season lightly with salt and pepper each time. Add a little crispy bacon towards the end, just for that added touch. Turn on to a plate and serve. Maybe next month, a little more Japanese.

    Paddy the Chef


    Niamh McCluskey, Elaini Mohan and Elaine McKerrna at the start of a new year

    MYSTERY SOLVED!! A lot of confusion has surrounded the connec-tion between the youth club and the new centre. Al l wil l be revealed — Knocklyon Youth and Community Centre (KYCC) is now a com-pany limited by guarantee, and an entirely separate entity to Knocklyon Youth Club. See below for their respective notices.

    KNOCKLYON YOUTH CLUB Before the summer holidays, at the A.G.M. the following officers were elected:

    Brian McKernan Paul Marshall Mick Kelliher

    As in previous years the number of applications for the Youth Club has been staggering, present-ly standing at about 200!! We are taking the next few weeks to take care of some administra-tive work and prepare ourselves (both mentally and physically) for the coming year. In the meantime we hope that the KYCC wil l be pre-paring to take us in!!!

    P.S. We as yet have had no reply to our advert in June, so we're still looking for a handyperson to repair table-tennis and snooker tables (at a reasonable rate). Contact BRIAN at 945350.

    Chairman Secretary Treasurer

    As you are aware the new Youth and Com-munity Centre is very near its completion and it was hoped to open the Centre this month, but due to the lack of funds to complete the Centre, there will be a delay in opening same.

    The new Management Committee of the Centre are doing everything in their power to raise the necessary funds and open same as soon as possible. "Government cut backs have held us back". Groups or organisations within the Parish wishing to avail of the facilities of the new Centre should contact, in writing, the Secretary of the Board of Management of the Centre who is DYMPNA SMYTH, 4 Knocklyon Green.

    L. Mongey, Chairman

    TEMPLEOGUE HEATING & PLUMBING Installations - Replacements - Solid Fuel/Oil/Gas

    Instant Electrie Showers Washing Machines-Dishwashers-Bathroom Suites etc.

    ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone: 511183

    BANNON SCHOOL OF DANCING Re-opening on Monday 19th September

    St. Colmcille's Senior School, Knocklyon ChUdrens' Dancing Classes every Monday

    From 3.00 p.m. - Enquiries to 973843

    FRENCH GRINDS: Experienced Teacher available to give Grinds. Beginners to Hons. Leaving.

    Phone: 947285

    BEGINNERS'GUITAR LESSONS -Instruction in basic chords and key structures. Limited places available. For

    further information Phone Colm O'Neill 944625

  • HOTLYON! BRAKE A W A Y We are delighted to hear that one of our regular adver-tisers - Maurice Mulvey — is enjoying a Spanish holi-day _ which he won. Congratulations Maurice, and we hope you get service as good as you give to us all. ANOTHER WINNER Well done to Stephen Graham from Coolamber Court who won himself a bicycle in the HB Lick a Prize competition. Safe cycling Stephen, and maybe you will share your Knock Knock jokes wi th us for Child-ren's Corner. KEY TO SUCCESS Belated birthday greetings to one of the longest ser-ving members of the Newsletter team — Fiona Lynch - who recently celebrated her 21st. It's been a good year for you Fiona, and we wish you continued suc-cess. THE GREEN KEEPER Good luck to Chris Nolan from Knocklyon Green who has been chosen to represent Ireland in this year's Master Groundsman of the Year competit ion in London on 31st October. Chris wi l l be competing against 9 groundsmen and women for the tit le. SCHOOL NEWS Welcome back to Francie Connolly who has returned to the Senior School after spending a year with Folens Publishing Company. Welcome also to two new teachers: Anne Marie O'Gara and Vivien Ruddy who have joined the staff, and we wish them a happy stay in Knocklyon.

    We send our congratulations and good wishes to Mrs. Corcoran on the arrival of her new baby. CARING GIRLS Thanks to Claire, Sara, Julie, Evelyn, Susanne, Aileen, Ruth, Emma and Jennifer, all f rom Idrone Drive, who raised £7.20 at their sale, for the Sudan Relief Fund.


    £100 McCarron, Scholarstown Estate £50 Daly, Lansdowne £25 McDevitt, Coolamber Court

    July £100 Leonard, Tramore £50 • Dolan, Coolamber Court £25 Walsh, Knocklyon Court

    August £100 Doherty, Knocklyon Green £50 Keogh, Knockaire £25 Kellett, Lansdowne

    POST PRIMARY COMMITTEE A Public Meeting wil l be held in the Hall of the Senior School, St. Colmcille's School on Monday 26th September at 8 o'clock. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the implications for our community of the recent decision of by Minister for Education "not to proceed" wi th the building of the Post Primary School on the 11 acre site at Scholarstown Rd. We ask all those interested in community facilities for Knocklyon, to attend this very important meeting. A l l public representatives for the area have been in-formed of the meeting on behalf of the Committee.

    Vincent Kenny, Chairman

    CHURCH SHOP Religious objects, Mass Cards, etc., are available from our Church Shop after all Masses on Sundays and weekdays. See our display cabinet for a sample of what is available.

    NEWSLETTER INFORMATION Items and adverts for inclusion in the October issue of the newsletter should be handed into the Presby-tery by Monday 10th October. The newsletter wi l l be circulated from 21st October.

    To book advert, space contact Pat at 947493 before October 10th. As advert, space is l imited, it is important that you book yours early to avoid dis-appointment.

    I f you have any news for our Hotlyon, just drop a note in the Presbytery marked "Newsletter Hot lyon" .

    KNOCKLYON BRIDGE CLUB We meet every Monday night at 7.30 at St. Colmcille's Senior School. Open to all grades. Al l are welcome.

    I.S.P.C.C. CHILDLINE SERVICE The annual October Fair wi l l take place on 15th Oc-tober at Christchurch, corner of Highfield Road/ Rathgar Road, 10.30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Brie a brae, Bottle Stall etc. Items for these stalls would be appre-ciated. Please contact Mrs. Homan at 942207 or Mary Dolan at 946695.

    NEW PARISHIONERS Pierce Patrick Kenny 1, Mount Al ton Michael Joseph Roche 11, Beverly Hts. Lisa Marie Geoghegan 35, Beverly Dr. David Martin Gibbons 160, Glenvara Pk. Fionn Gerard Prendergast I l l , Glenvara Pk. Richard Paul Fagan 44, Beverly Hts. Samual James McCutcheon 33, Delaford Ave. Hugh Gerard Dwan 46, Knockaire Andrew Mark Hogan 21, Beverly Downs Alan Liam Carter 15, Knocklyon Pk. Laura Frances Hughes 20, Dargle Wood Laura Ann Watts . . . . : 17, Delaford Pk. Ciaran Patrick Anthony Clabby. . 130, Dargle Woods Sinead Aine Walsh 27, Knocklyon Court David Michael James Perry 33, Cremorne Ciaran James Hamilton 15, Beverly Ave. David Dominic Brendan McDonagh 108, Coolamber Pk



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    Phone: 754101

  • 49 Super Prizes to be Won! JANUARY

    1000 Litres of Heating Oil Microwave Oven 22" Colour TV

    Dinner party for 6 Leopardstown and 3 bottles of wine

    JUNE 2 Weeks Mediterranian Holiday

    for 2 £300 Cash

    Set of Golf Clubs Weekend for 2 at Ryans Hotel

    THIS IS FOR YOU! Grand 505 Draw will take place in November; to raise money for the School, Church, and the people of Knocklyon area.

    It will be a draw every month for 1 year. This draw will be limited to 505 people only, so if your not in you can't win.

    Here is a list of the prizes that you could win.-

    There will be a ticket seller caling on you in the near future.

    Your support for this draw will be much appreciated.

    AUGUST 6' x 8' Greenhouse or shed

    erected £300 Cash

    Microwave Oven Back to School Outfit (Value £200)

    DECEMBER £1,000 Cash. Stereo

    Superquinn Voucher for £250 Dinner party for 6

    Leopardstown Inn and 3 bottles of wine