The Kingdom of Avonlea Chapter 2


Transcript of The Kingdom of Avonlea Chapter 2

We begin round one at the Royal Palace. As you can see King Finrod loves to read. Knowledge sim wanting to Max 7 skills and all that. Good boy rolling an achievable LTW…I mean randomizer did say you were an Elder king.

“Ah but of course dear Lady. I see you decided to use a more observational style in recording my kingdom’s history.”

Ah yeah…I just roll better that way. Hopefully readers still find it enjoyable.

And this is Finrod’s lovely queen Idril. She’s younger than her husband, but we can’t really play around here. Thanks to randomizer I can get in 2 pregnancies tops. Hopefully we get a boy…..

The two patriarchs of my hood’s two noble families are regular visitors to the palace. Along with Joe Carr for some odd reason.

Favian Capp you met in the prologue (in the brown) and directly across from the king is Caius Roth. We’ll meet him more in a bit.

“Husband don’t you think it would be more appropriate to hold court in your robes?”

Yeah…Finrod is almost never in his everyday wear.

Still the athletic wear’s better than the bathrobe he likes to play pirate in. Honestly your subjects will start to wonder about the sanity of their king with your behavior.

“One day this ship will be mine. Old Finrod has completely lost his wits.”

I seriously hope not. Geez I cannot begin to tell you all how much I loathe this sim.

It doesn’t take long for Idril and Finrod to be expecting their first child. (Please be a boy.)

Finrod spends the days on the ship with his faithful crew. (Well Caius I’m sure is faithful, Favian’s probably standing their plotting a take over)

Yes he is in the bathrobe again. I swear Finrod is worse than any Pleasure sim about wearing his regular clothes.

“I am of the mind that a man my age ought to be able to dress as he pleases. After all, appearance is not everything dear Lady.”

Oh look Isabella stopped by the palace for a visit. Good for her.

And it’s a girl. Of course it is…I’m trying to run a patriarchy which always means a hood will be full of girls.

Everyone say hello to Eowyn Forester. She has her father’s red eyes and mom’s black hair. Here’s hoping she gets her father’s elf ears too. (Yep the Royal Family kids will have LOTR names)

“Congratulations on the birth of your first child your majesty. I’m certain you and the Queen must be thrilled to at long last have a child of your own.”

“Indeed we are Lord Capp. I hope you shall soon bring news of your own family’s joy to my door.”

“It would please me greatly to do so my king.”

“Do you find my affairs so trivial Master Shahan that you would yawn?”

“Of course not my lord. I am simply quite tired.”

No you’re not Ocean…I can see your relationship panel. -10 everyday. Try not to get into actual fights with him though..I’d have to kill you or something probably. And I like you.

Isabella spends most of her day cooking and cleaning…Favian is a TOTAL slob. And he keeps breaking the tub and toilet. *sigh*

Ryia bless her…I adore her already. Yeah medieval times could suck..getting married to men like Favian and all that.

Ryia tries her best to make an effort to get along with Favian. I’ll give her credit for that. But Favian rarely if ever has a thing to say to her.

Isabella and Ocean did have their wedding by the way. He’s quite a sweet old fellow. And he’s named after one of my favorite things so that’s an even bigger bonus.

I love how this pic turned out…with them getting married in front of that fountain.

Another cute pic of these two.

And what’s this? Finrod’s taken a shine to Isabella. Nice.

“Why not she’s a fine girl. Lovely manners and etiquette.”

Do you ever do anything productive at all????

Ryia and Isabella soon become very good friends. They share in the pains of being pregnant together. Somehow I lost the pics of the pregnancy….I know I took some.

And Favian and Ryia’s first child is a girl (of course) named Adrianna. All children in the Capp house will be named for Shakespeare characters.

And Isabella welcomes the hood’s first boy Gardiner Shahan. Heir on the first try. And it turns out Ocean had red hair and managed to pass it down to their son! Yes recessives! But he did get Izzie’s eyes…which is good I’d like something of hers to pass down.

All children descended from Isabella will be named after Jane Austen characters.

“The help should not have a son before their lord! How dare Ryia give me a daughter. I should have Isabella and the lot tossed to the street!”

So you want to empty and clean the chamber pots yourself?

“I mean…I’ll punish her and her husband for their impudence by making her change all the diapers and empty all the chamber pots.”

That’s what I thought. I’ll check in with you later…unfortunately.

Next stop House Roth. Everyone meet Caius and his wife Nimue. They are the other noble family in the hood right now.

And Caius here wants to marry of 6 kids. Oh boy!

The welcome wagon soon arrives bringing Lady Ryia who is pregnant again along with her maid Isabella.

The family butler Renaud greeted them.

I had completely forgotten how social Isabella can be. She mingles quite easily among the nobles at any rate. She started off pretty well with that prickly god person…plus she survived Veronaville, now she’s befriended the King of a realm and another Lord and 2 Ladies.

She and Favian barely get along, but he’s a prick so that doesn’t count.

Caius is the proud owner of the Royal Court…a venue business he runs for the king and queen. Right now he’s assisting the local magi Jacqueline Bar with some affairs regarding the Magi Guild.

His wife is not really in any condition to assist with running the business as she’s with child.

I was slightly concerned about Nimue since I don’t have a controllable servant like I do in Isabella and Ocean over at the Capp estate. However, Renaud has done a pretty good job on his own.

Not a lot of interest happened in the Roth house this time about. At the end of the rotation we welcome another girl to the hood Gaineda Roth. (All children in this house will be named after characters from Arthurian Legend)

One last stop….my peasant family.

Isabella do you intend to make friends with everyone in town love?

“Why should I not endeavor to make friends? Connections are needed in order to find suitable mates for one’s children.”

Indeed carry on then.

Everyone say hello to Anne Gable. Anne and her husband Gilbert are tennants to Lord Capp…poor guys.

Gilbert and Anne get straight to work tending their fields. They’ll need to haul in a crop before winter to pay their taxes, and to eat.

While they are working Ocean (who also came with his wife as part of the welcome wagon) decided to help the hard working couple out by serving lunch for everyone.

That Butler coding’s hard to over-ride eh?

“If you are referring to the fact that I have been well trained in the arts of service madam then indeed you are correct. I live to serve.”

Gilbert likes to take regular hikes down to the local park in the evening. He’s quite fond of picking sunflowers for his beloved Anne.

Anne is soon with child, so Gilbert likes to make sure she has everything she needs. Backrubs are quite often passed out after he returns home.

Fortunately their plot of land has a small pond from which Gilbert might catch extra food or it can act as an added source of income for their family.

Secretly Gilbert would like nothing more than to join the king’s navy and sail the seas.

Perhaps if harvest is good he will speak with Lord Capp and seek to enlist during the winter months.

He and Anne were soon blessed with a little boy Charlie. (Wow my peasants had boys and heirs on the first try while all my ruling families have girls. This could be interesting.)

All children in the Gable house will be named after characters from the Anne of Green Gables Series….if you hadn’t guessed already.

The rotation ended with Gilbert having to save Lady Roth from a fiery inferno caused when the grill went up in flames. Gilbert did need to witness the birth of his first child didn’t he?

Fortunately no one was harmed.

That wraps up this chapter folks. I’ve got 4 houses to play through at the moment. Technically 5 families since the Capps have live in servants. Of course next gen I’ll have more houses to play through…

I’m having a blast even if Favian is driving me insane. See you all soon!