The kinetics of oxygen electroreduction: A long way from iron rust to lithium–air batteries

The kinetics of oxygen electroreduction: A long way from iron rust to lithiumair batteries Dedicated to Professor Dr. Martin Stratmann on the occasion of his 60 th birthday E. J. Calvo In this communication, we review the details of the oxygen electroreduction reaction on rust layers, passive iron and well dened iron oxides as cathodes for the reaction. In particular, we highlight the important electrocatalytic role of Fe(II) sites at the surface of the oxides in contact with the aqueous electrolyte. When the same reaction takes place at bifunctional cathodes with separated metal anodes which gives rise to metalair batteries on which much attention has been paid recently in connection with electric vehicles. 1 Introduction It seems most appropriate for the 60th birthday celebration of Professor Dr. Martin Stratmann to discuss some aspects of the oxygen reduction kinetics, a topic in which we share a common interest since our rst meeting at CWRU in 1983. This is also a topic to which Martin Stratmann has made very substantial scientic contributions. The ubiquitous oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) [1] is very important in very different elds such as metal corrosion [2], fuel cells [3,4] and metalair batteries [5], biofuel cells [6] and also the respiratory chain of biological cells [7]. Biology provides several mechanisms to activate the oxygen molecule such as through heme proteins, copper clusters and avin containing proteins [8] while platinum based catalysts have been used for more than 50 years in fuel cell technology [9]. The electrochemical reduction of oxygen involves up to four electrons and four protons transfer steps as shown in Scheme 1 to yield water with a number of adsorbed intermediates, so it is highly catalytic. A number of theories [1113] and experimen- tal [3,9,1417] approaches have been made to understand the role of oxygen reduction intermediates. In particular the role of H 2 O 2 has been investigated with the rotating ring disc electrode (RRDE) and mechanistic criteria were early developed [10]. Since the start of the space race a great effort has been dedicated to fuel cells both in materials and electrocatalysis [9,18] particular the oxygen cathode with platinum and noble metal materials. 2 Oxygen reduction and corrosion In corrosion the O 2 electroreduction plays a key role as a cathode depolarizer reaction in the corrosion of metals in neutral and alkaline aerated solutions as early shown by Traube [19] who demonstrated the important role of oxygen in the corrosion of metals and the formation of hydrogen peroxide as a stable intermediate of the reaction. In 1932, Evans proposed the differential aeration theoryto account for the corrosion of partly immersed metals in aerated solutions [20] which consisted in the coexistence of anodic and cathodic corrosion microcells on the metal surface: Fe ! Fe 2þ þ 2e ð1Þ O 2 þ 2H 2 O þ 4e ! 4HO ð2Þ where the corroding metal acts as electron carrier from the anodic to the cathodic depolarization reaction. Above pH 3 reaction (2) supersedes the discharge of protons as cathodic depolarizer [21] and in low buffered solutions where the concentration of protons is lower than the oxygen solubility (about 1 millimolar in water), the cathodic reduction of oxygen can control pH gradients at the metal electrolyte interface. It is interesting to note that weight loss measurements during the corrosion of partly immersed iron and steel have shown that the corrosion rate increases with the square root of the oxygen partial pressure, which would suggest a reaction order 0.5 in O 2 as later conrmed by our own work [22] and by others [23]. On most corroding metals the O 2 reduction takes place at potentials close to active dissolution and the electrochemical reaction occurs on oxide covered surfaces, and the process is very much slower than on platinum, gold or carbon surfaces at the same pH. It is well known that passive layers on metals inhibit the electron transfer due to their electronic properties. E. J. Calvo Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Pabello ´n 2, Ciudad Universitaria, AR-1428 Buenos Aires (Argentina) E-mail: [email protected] Materials and Corrosion 2014, 65, No. 4 DOI: 10.1002/maco.201407614 345 © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


In this communication, we review the details of the oxygen electroreductionreaction on rust layers, passive iron and well defined iron oxides as cathodes forthe reaction.

Transcript of The kinetics of oxygen electroreduction: A long way from iron rust to lithium–air batteries

  • The kinetics of oxygen electroriron rust to lithiumair batterie



    of oxygen reduction intermediates. In particular the role of H2O2


    ectron carrier from the anodicion.edes the discharge of protonslow buffered solutions whereer than the oxygen solubility

    (about 1millimolar in water), the cathodic reduction of oxygenetal electrolyte interface. It iss measurements during the

    On most corroding metals the O2 reduction takes place atpotentials close to active dissolution and the electrochemical

    Materials and Corrosion 2014, 65, No. 4 DOI: 10.1002/maco.201407614 345reaction occurs on oxide covered surfaces, and the process is verymuch slower than on platinum, gold or carbon surfaces at thesame pH. It is well known that passive layers on metals inhibitthe electron transfer due to their electronic properties.

    E. J. Calvo

    Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Pabellon 2, Ciudad

    Universitaria, AR-1428 Buenos Aires (Argentina)

    E-mail: [email protected] the start of the space race a great effort has beendedicated to fuel cells both in materials and electrocatalysis [9,18]particular the oxygen cathode with platinum and noble metalmaterials.

    corrosion of partly immersed iron and steel have shown that thecorrosion rate increases with the square root of the oxygen partialpressure, which would suggest a reaction order 0.5 in O2 as laterconrmed by our own work [22] and by others [23].has been investigated with the rotating ring disc electrode (RRDE)and mechanistic criteria were early developed [10].

    can control pH gradients at the minteresting to note that weight losmechanisms to activate the oxygen molecule such as throughheme proteins, copper clusters and avin containing proteins [8]while platinum based catalysts have been used for more than50 years in fuel cell technology [9].

    The electrochemical reduction of oxygen involves up to fourelectrons and four protons transfer steps as shown in Scheme 1 toyield water with a number of adsorbed intermediates, so it ishighly catalytic. A number of theories [1113] and experimen-tal [3,9,1417] approaches have been made to understand the role

    Fe ! Fe2 2eO2 2H2O 4e ! 4HOwhere the corrodingmetal acts as elto the cathodic depolarization react

    Above pH 3 reaction (2) supersas cathodic depolarizer [21] and inthe concentration of protons is lowcells [3,4] and metalair batteries [5], biofuel cells [6] and also therespiratory chain of biological cells [7]. Biology provides several

    solutions [20] which consisted in the coexistence of anodic andcathodic corrosion microcells on the metal surface:Dedicated to Professor Dr. Martin Strat60th birthday

    E. J. Calvo

    In this communication, we review the details of threaction on rust layers, passive iron and well denethe reaction. In particular, we highlight the imporFe(II) sites at the surface of the oxides in contact wWhen the same reaction takes place at bifunctionmetal anodes which gives rise to metalair batterihas been paid recently in connection with electric

    1 Introduction

    It seems most appropriate for the 60th birthday celebration ofProfessor Dr. Martin Stratmann to discuss some aspects of theoxygen reduction kinetics, a topic in which we share a commoninterest since our rst meeting at CWRU in 1983. This is also atopic to which Martin Stratmann has made very substantialscientic contributions.

    The ubiquitous oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) [1] is veryimportant in very different elds such as metal corrosion [2], wileyonlinelibrary.comeduction: A long way froms

    ann on the occasion of his

    oxygen electroreductioniron oxides as cathodes fornt electrocatalytic role ofh the aqueous electrolyte.cathodes with separatedon which much attentionehicles.

    2 Oxygen reduction and corrosion

    In corrosion the O2 electroreduction plays a key role as a cathodedepolarizer reaction in the corrosion of metals in neutral andalkaline aerated solutions as early shown by Traube [19] whodemonstrated the important role of oxygen in the corrosion ofmetals and the formation of hydrogen peroxide as a stableintermediate of the reaction.

    In 1932, Evans proposed the differential aeration theory toaccount for the corrosion of partly immersed metals in aerated 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

  • 346 Calvo Materials and Corrosion 2014, 65, No. 4The early work of Tarasevich and coworkers [24] with theRRDE compared the kinetics of the oxygen electroreduction onplatinum and iron in 0.1M H2SO4 with production of hydrogenperoxide on Fe electrodes, as had been anticipated by Iofaet al. [25]. Several other RRDE studies of the ORR on iron andsteel were carried out at solution pH values where the surfaceoxide is not stable [26] or the passivation conditions were not welldened [27,28]. These RRDE studies of the ORR were alsoextended to other corroding metals such as zinc [29]. OkuyamaandHaruyama [30] reported the ORR on passivated Fe18Cr alloyin borate buffer and Babic and Metikoshukovic [31] studiedthe ORR on stainless steel in 0.5M NaCl.

    From our own work with the ORR on passive iron in alkalinesolutions [22,32,33] based on the experimental evidence of Tafelslopes, reaction orders in O2 and HO

    and the independentstudy of the electrochemical reduction of hydrogen peroxide,the following mechanism for the ORR has been proposed:

    FeIIIHO H2O e FeIIOH2 HO 3Where [] represent surface iron complexes with a coordina-

    tion number different from the bulk oxide. Reaction (3) explainstheHO dependence of both the ORR and the electroreduction ofH2O2 on passive iron in alkaline solutions; it is also consistentwith capacitancepotential plots for Fe3O4 in EIS measurementsat different HO activity [34]. Reaction (3) is then followed by O2adsorption as a mperoxo surface species:

    O2 + e O2- + e O2


    O2H + e O2H- + e OH- + O + e HO- + O-

    H2O2 + e HO. + HO- + e 2HO-

    2 H2O

    + H+ + H+

    + H+ + H+

    + H+

    + 2 H+

    Scheme 1. Scheme of squares for the ORR with different electron andproton transfer stepsO2 2FeIIOH2 ! FeIII2O22 4which further undergoes two one electron transfer steps, which isthe rate determining step to account for the reaction order inO2under Temkin adsorption isotherm [22]:

    FeIII2O22 e ! FeIIIHO FeIIIHO: 5

    FeIIIHO e ! FeIIIHO 6At low current densities the reaction becomes insensitive to

    HO concentration which indicates that the rate of decay ofsurface peroxide now depends on HO activity as it is describedby the following mechanism:

    FeIII2O22 HO FeIIIHO FeIII2O22 7

    2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheimwhich corresponds to a change of O2 surface coordination frommperoxo to endon aduct, and then follows the peroxidedisproportionation:

    2FeIIIO22 2H2O O2 4HO 2FeIII 8Evidence for peroxide disproportionation at high HO

    concentration has been obtained independently from bendingof KouteckyLevich plots due to recycling of O2 with decrease inthe apparent number of electrons exchanged by O2molecule [35].Several subsequent papers from other groups conrmed thesendings and mechanisms [23,3642].

    Detailed studies of the ORR on well dened iron oxides havebeen done in collaboration with Stratmann and coworkers [43,44],in particular on conducting magnetite [35,45,46] and gFeOOHelectrodes [47]. At this point, it is worth mentioning thecontribution from Stratmann and Mller [48] who studiedthe relation between the kinetics of oxygen reduction and thereduction of the rust layer. They concluded that O2 ispredominantly reduced within the rust scale and not at thephase boundary metal/electrolyte and that formation of Fe(II) is acondition for the ORR which is otherwise inhibited on oxidizedrust layers.

    A common feature of O2 reduction on passive iron and welldened iron oxides is the occurrence of Fe(II) surface sitessimultaneous to the oxygen reduction, which are needed for thespecic interaction between Fe(II) and the O2 molecules. Thesurface electrochemical transformations of these oxides incontact with aqueous electrolyte leading to surface Fe(III) andFe(II) populations were studied by electrolyte electroreec-tance [34] and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy [34,43].

    In these studies, it was important to establish the differencesbetween intrinsic electron transfer properties at the oxide/electrolyte interface and the electrocatalysis for ORR of thesurface oxide as a function of electrode potential, thus of surfaceiron speciation. The electron transfer from oxide electronic statesto soluble oneelectron redox species in solution, Fe(CN)6

    3 hasbeen studied with the rotating disc electrode. Unlike Auwhere thereduction of FeCN36 proceeds under convective diffusioncontrol from 0.3 V, on Fe3O4 and gFeOOH electrodes ET tosoluble FeCN36 is strongly inhibited where surface Fe(III)species predominate. Similar results were reported for passiveiron in alkaline solution [49] and in all these cases the electronicproperties of Fe(III) surfaces are responsible for the inhibitedelectron transfer.

    A complete kinetic study of ORR on Fe3O4 has shownintermediate peroxide reduction (k3), heterogeneous dispropor-tionation (k4), adsorption (k6) and desorption (k5) according to thekinetic scheme ofWroblowa et al. for theORR (see Scheme 2). Thekinetic analysis takes into account the chemistry of surface Fe(II).The reduction of oxygen follows an electrochemicalchemicalelectrochemical (ECE) mechanism with the chemical oxidationof surface Fe(II) by O2 and the electrochemical reduction ofthe Fe(III) surface site with similarities to the ORR on other Fesystems, such as passive iron in alkali and Femacrocyclemodied electrodes.

    Detailed RRDE studies of the ORR for passive iron inalkali [22] and Fe3O4 electrodes [46] have suggested a

  • Materials and Corrosion 2014, 65, No. 4 The kinetics of oxygen electroreduction chemistry 347mechanism as that proposed early by Zagal et al. [50] fortetrasulphonated Fe phtalocyaninemodied electrodes as electro-catalysts for the ORR.

    A common feature of all these systems is the formation of asurface [Fe(II)] species necessary for the adsorption of molecularoxygen and the chemical step of O2 reaction with the ferroussurface site acting as a redox mediator in the oxygen moleculeactivation. However the ORR takes place with a higher over-potential than on ironmacrocycles adsorbed on carbon electrodesdue to the shift in the Fe(III)/Fe(II) redox couple potential due tothe higher reorganization energy for the oxide surface ironcomplex as compared to the iron phtalocyanines or porphyrins.

    Stratmann has made an important contribution to theunderstanding the mechanisms of atmospheric corrosion byoxygen from the air. In the presence of oxygen and water, rust isformed on iron and ferrous alloys according to:

    4Fe 3O2 2H2O ! 4FeOOH 9

    An aqueous layer on the surface (electrolyte) is formed by

    O2 (ads) H2O2 (ads) H2Ok2, 2e k3, 2e

    k1, 4e

    H2O2 (surf)




    H2O2 (bulk)

    O2 (sol)

    Scheme 2. ORR reduction scheme for direct and sequential paths withdesorption and diffusion of H2O2 into solution [10]water condensation. As ambient temperature changes during theday evaporation causes wet and dry periods to alternate.

    A model for the atmospheric corrosion was proposed byEvans and Taylor [2] and then experimentally investigated byStratmann et al. using a variety of techniques [5155] Thereforethe reactions taking place in the alternating wetdry cycles aredifferent: During the rst stage (wet period), the anodicdissolution of iron is mainly balanced by the reduction of Fe(III)species within the rust layer and very little oxygen is reduced ongFeOOH as expected due to the low solubility of O2 and the slowORR electrocatalysis on the poorly conducting oxide surface.Direct access of O2 to the underlying metal is limited tonanometer diameter. Porous ferric species in the rust layer act ascathodic depolarizers with faster kinetics than molecular oxygen.

    The electrons produced in the metal dissolution areconsumed by reduction of gFeOOH in the layer since ORR isa slow process under those conditions.

    g FeOOH H e ! g Fe:OH:OH 10

    air batteries. Metal batteries (Zn, Mg, Al) may also be recharged

    www.matcorr.commechanically in electric vehicles by replacing the dischargedmetal anode and spent electrolyte by a fresh metal cartridge whilereprocessing and recycling the used anode and electrolyte.

    Interestingly, the FeO2 corrosion reaction has beensuggested recently in a low cost ($100/kWh) and environmentallyfriendly metalair battery given the abundant availability ofiron [5658]. The overall cell reaction in this case is:

    Fe 1=2O2 H2O FeOH2 11

    During discharge the reaction proceeds in alkali from left toright while the back reaction takes place during charging. Theopen circuit potential is about 1.28V and the theoretical energydensity is 764Wh/Kg. The discharge anodic and cathodicprocesses are identical to the iron corrosion reactions describedabove, however in the battery they take place on separateStratmann has demonstrated that lepidocrocyte (gFeOOH)keeps its crystal structure while being reduced to yield a moreelectronic and ionic conducting oxide but if the doping level ofFe(II) in the lattice exceeds 24% then Fe3O4 (magnetite) beginsto form irreversibly and upon oxidation magnetite yieldsmaghemite (gFe2O3) [53]. After drying the thin electrolyte layer,in the dry period, the corrosion rate decreases and the dry porousstructure allows oxygen to penetrate the rust layer and to reoxidize the ferrous sites back to the ferric state. Thus in this part ofthe wetdry cycle oxidizing power is stored in the rust layer as in abattery. So, unlike passivated iron and iron oxides in contact withaqueous electrolyte where molecular oxygen is the cathodicdepolarizer in atmospheric corrosion oxygen depolarization isindirect through the formation of Fe(III) oxides on the metalsurface.

    3 Oxygen reduction and batteries

    While metal corrosion in air is almost a short circuit process withelectrons owing from anodic to cathodic sites in the corrodingmetal or rust layer, the same reactions can generate electricity inmetalair batteries by redox processes in separate electrodes: Themetal dissolves at the anode while atmospheric oxygen electro-reduction takes place at the cathode during discharge of thebattery thus obtaining electrical work. Several metalair systems,ZnO2, MgO2, AlO2, LiO2, have been used in primarybatteries [5]. The Znair battery has been used for years in hearingaids and military applications.

    Metalair batteries can be compared to fuel cells where themetal dissolution replaces the fuel in the anode, and exhibitnotable higher theoretical energy density than other conventionalbatteries since O2 from the air is not stored in the battery.However, during discharge a mass increase occurs due to theincorporation of oxygen atoms in the reaction product metaloxide.

    Since Li is the lightest metal, Liair battery with a gravimetricenergy density of 11 700Wh/kg (Li2O) or 5280Wh/kg (LiO2)comparable to fossil fuels such as gasoline has been consideredan alternative for electric vehicles, however there are still greattechnically challenges to develop electrically rechargeable metal 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

  • peroxide aggregation. Reoxidation of Li2O2 and thus recovery ofthe HOPG surface does not take place until very positivepotentials are reached where DMSO is electrochemically oxidizedto dimethyl sulfone.

    The peculiar Li solvation capacity of DMSO has beenrecently reported and soluble superoxide radical anion has beendetected with the RRDE in acetonitrile LiClO4 solutionscontaining only 0.1M DMSO, unlike pure acetonitrile lithiumelectrolytes with no evidence of soluble O2

    at all [79].In highly donor DMSO (Gutmann donor number 29.8) and

    the highest dipolemoment, 3.96 Dwith the appropriate geometryto coordinate Li ions (solvated by four DMSOmolecules) wouldform a noncontact ion pair with superoxide ions precluding thedisportionation reaction in solution. In acetonitrile solutions, onthe other hand, the solvent ion interaction is weak and thus thelithium superoxide species are very unstable and disproportionteinto Li2O2 and O2 with no soluble superoxide detection.Conversely, adsorbed ion pairs [O2

    ]ads[Li]ads can readily

    disproportionate due to the easy shuttling of electrons at theelectrode surface which otherwise requires a bimolecularencounter in the bulk solution while on the surface it is notnecessary for two adsorbed superoxide molecules to be adjacentdue to the fast mobility of surface electrons. As shown inScheme 3, the solvated noncontact ion pair [O2


    can diffuse out in solution and be detected at the ring electrode

    348 Calvo Materials and Corrosion 2014, 65, No. 4electrodes: iron anode and bifunctional oxygen cathode, respec-tively. Further discharge of the battery beyond twoelectron stepwill lead to the formation of iron oxyhydroxide or magnetite andthe reversibility of the battery is handicapped. Furthermore,the Faradaic efciency is limited to less than 50% due to thesimultaneous discharge of hydrogen on the iron electrode duringcharging and additives have been investigated to inhibit thehydrogen reaction.

    High energy density rechargeable lithiumair battery hasattractedmuch attention in recent time for applications in electricvehicles since the present lithiumion battery technology isinsufcient for the long term demands of transport and cannotprovide a driving range over 100miles between charges [5962].Aqueous and nonaqueous Liair batteries have been described,but in the former case the anode needs to be protected becauselithium reacts violently with water. In the nonaqueous Liairbattery introduced in 1996 by Abraham [59], during discharge a Lianode dissolves in nonaqueous electrolyte and the resulting Li

    ions react with O2 reduction products to form insoluble lithiumperoxide Li2O2 at a porous carbon cathode. Bruce and coworkers[63] demonstrated that the electrochemical reaction of Li withoxygen to yield insoluble Li2O2 in nonaqueous electrolyte isreversible sustaining more than several charge/discharge cycles.

    It has also been shown that the electrode kinetics of theORR in lithium air battery cathodes strongly depends on thesolvent [64,65], electrolyte cation [66] and electrode material. Innonaqueous solutions containing tetra alkylammonium cationsthe reversible oneelectron reduction product, superoxide isstable but in Li containing electrolyte the reaction products LiO2and Li2O2 are insoluble and therefore the reaction is irreversiblewith surface passivation. Furthermore, O2

    can attack nucleo-phillically most aprotic solvents employed [60,67,68] as in situinfrared experiments and mass spectrometry have sug-gested [65,6971] and the kinetics of the attack on propylenecarbonate have been quantied with the RRDE by measuring thering current transient response to a potential step at the discelectrode [72].

    Among nonaqueous solvents, DMSO with a very largedipolar moment (m 4,3 D) and the appropriate Li coordinationgeometry has been used in LiO2 cathodes [64,73,74]. Penget al. [75] have shown that in this electrolyte and using a porousgold electrode the Liair battery can be recharged with 95%capacity retention in 100 cycles.

    One of the major challenges for the nonaqueous LiO2battery is the efcient oxidation of solid Li2O2 in the porouscathode during battery charging. On recharging the Liair batterya large overpotential, i.e. >4V, is needed to oxidize solid Li2O2into O2 and Li

    [76]. At such high potentials DMSO iselectrochemically oxidized to dimethyl sulfone on Au above4.2 V as has been demonstrated recently by in situ infraredsubtractively normalized interfacial Fourier transform infraredspectroscopy (SNIFTIRS) experiments [77].

    We have also investigated the morphology of oxygenreduction insoluble products in DMSO LiPF6 electrolyte by exsitu AFM on HOPG after treatment at different electrodepotentials for the oxygen reduction (discharge) and O2 evolutionby Li2O2 oxidation (charge) [78]. Decoration of step edges isapparent and also deposits at basal plane terraces grow by 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheimwhile the adsorbed contact ion pair readily decomposes.The stronger solvation of Li in DMSO with respect to

    CH3CN stabilizes solvated LiO2 ion pairs as shown by

    molecular dynamic simulations [80]. and is also reected in theLi/Li higher electrode potential in DMSO (3.7 V in 0.1M LiPF6in DMSO and 3.23V in 0.1M LiPF6 in acetonitrile with respect toa Ag/Ag, 10m AgNO3, 0.1M TBAPF6 reference electrode).

    Li2O2 + O2

    O2 + Li+ + e [O2

    -]ads[Li+]ads Li2O2



    e + Li+

    Scheme 3. Scheme for the ORR in Li containing DMSO electrolyte

    O2 + e O2-

    O2 + Li+ + e O2Li + e LiO2


    O2Li + Li+ + e Li2O2

    + Li+ + Li+

    + Li+ + Li+

    Scheme 4. Scheme of squares for the ORR in Li containing

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    153.For metal corrosion, fuel cells and metalair batteries wherethe ORR plays a key role, it is interesting to compare the rolesof H and Li ions in stabilizing the ORR intermediates inthe schemes of squares Scheme 1 and Scheme 4 which denethe minimum free energy reaction pathway and therefore themechanisms.

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    350 Calvo Materials and Corrosion 2014, 65, No. 4 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim