The Journal of Experimental Biology -...

The Journal of Experimental Biology

Transcript of The Journal of Experimental Biology -...

Page 1: The Journal of Experimental Biology - · The Journa olf Experimental Biology (Late The British Journal

The Journal of

Experimental Biology

Page 2: The Journal of Experimental Biology - · The Journa olf Experimental Biology (Late The British Journal

Published for The Company of Biologists, Limited

LONDONCambridge University Press




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Page 3: The Journal of Experimental Biology - · The Journa olf Experimental Biology (Late The British Journal

The Journal of

Experimental Biology(Late The British Journal of Experimental Biology)








Page 4: The Journal of Experimental Biology - · The Journa olf Experimental Biology (Late The British Journal


Page 5: The Journal of Experimental Biology - · The Journa olf Experimental Biology (Late The British Journal



O. M. HELFF, Studies on Amphibian Metamorphosis:

XV. Direct Tympanic Membrane Formation from Dermal Plicae IntegumentTransplanted to the Ear Region. (With Two Plates) 1

C H . S. KOSHTOJANZ AND P H . D. VASSILENKO, On the Receptor Function of theSwim Bladder of Fishes. (With Five Text-figures) 16

L. E. R. PICKEN, The Mechanism of Urine Formation in Invertebrates:

I I . The Excretory Mechanism in Certain Mollusca. (With One Text-figure) . 20

AUGUST KROGH AND HANS H. USSING, A Note on the Permeability of Trout Eggsto D , 0 and HjO 35

H. A. SHAPIRO, The Biological Basis of Sexual Behaviour in Amphibia. IV. (WithOne Plate) 38

MraostAW ANDRZEJ ZIELINSKI, Phosphagen and Creatine in Frog's Eggs. (WithTwo Text-figures) 48

L. C. BEADLE, Adaptation to Changes of Salinity in the Polychaetes:

I. Control of Body Volume and of Body Fluid Concentration in Nereis diversi-color. (With Five Text-figures) . . . . . . . . . 56

D. M. HALL AND C. F . A. PANTIN, The Nerve Net of the Actinozoa:

V. Temperature and Facilitation in Metridium senile. (With Three Text-figures) 71

URSULA WYKES, The Photic Control of Pigmentary Responses in Teleost Fishes.(With One Plate and Two Text-figures) 79

A. W. A. BROWN, Studies on the Excreta of a Grasshopper (Melanoplus bivittatus

Say.) 87

J. GRAY, Pseudo-rheotropism in Fishes. (With Five Text-figures) . . . 95

R. S. A. BEAUCHAMP, Rate of Movement and Rheotaxis in Planaria alpma. (WithFour Text-figures) . . . . . . . . . . . 104

No. 2. APRIL 1937

G. P. WELLS, Studies on the Physiology of Arenicola marina L . :

I . The Pace-maker role of the Oesophagus, and the Action of Adrenaline andAcetylcholine. (With One Plate and Twenty-six Text-figures) . . . 1 1 7

JANE MEIKLEJOHN, The Oxygen Uptake of Suspensions and Cultures of a Free-living Bacterium. (With Four Text-figures) 158

Page 6: The Journal of Experimental Biology - · The Journa olf Experimental Biology (Late The British Journal

vi ContentsPAGE

ALBERTO STEFANELLI, A New Form of Micro-respirometer; with a Note on the

Effect of Cleavage on the Respiration of the Egg of Rana. (With Eight Text- _figures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171

D. L. GUNN, The Humidity Reactions of the Wood-louse, Porcellio scaber (Latre\\\e).(With Five Text-figures) 178

JOHN S. KENNEDY, The Humidity Reactions of the African Migratory Locust,Locusta migratoria migratorioides R. & F., Gregarious Phase. (With Four Text-figures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187

G. C. C. DAMANT, Storage of Oxygen in the Bladders of the Seaweed Ascophyllumnodosum and their Adaptation to Hydrostatic Pressure. (With One Plate andFive Text-figures) . . . . . . . . . . . 198

H. MUNRO Fox, C. A. WINGFIELD AND B. G. SIMMONDS, The Oxygen Consumption

of Ephemerid Nymphs from Flowing and from Still Waters in Relation to theConcentration of Oxygen in the Water. (With One Text-figure) . . . 210

L. E. S. EASTHAM, The Gill Movements of Ny mphal Ecdvonurus venoms (Ephemerop-tera) and the Currents produced by them in Water. (With Four Text-figures) 219

C. H. WADDINGTON, The Dependence of Head Curvature on the Development ofthe Heart in the Chick Embryo. (With Three Text-figures) . . . 229

C. H. WADDINGTON, The Determination of the Auditory Placode in the Chick.(With Six Text-figures) 232

WIILLIAM TRAGER, A Growth Factor required by Mosquito Larvae. (With TwoText-figures) . . . . . . . . . . . . 240

A. W. A. BROWN, A Note on the Chitinous Nature of the Peritrophic Membrane ofM e l a n o p l u s b i v i t t a t u s S a y . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5 2

No. 3. JULY 1937

F. JACOBY, O. A. TROWELL AND E. N. WILLMER, Studies on the Growth of Tissuesin Vitro:

V. Fur ther Observations on the M a n n e r in which Cell Division of ChickFibroblasts is affected by Embryo Tissue Juice. (With Seven Text-figures) . 255

E R I C PONDER, T h e Spherical Fo rm of the Mammal ian Ery throcyte :

I I I . Changes in Surface Area in Disks and Spheres . . . . . 267

L Y L E V. BECK AND ROBERT CHAMBERS, Permeability of Sanddollar Ova and of

Modiolus and Mytilus Gills to Various Acids and their Salts . . . . 278

G. P . W E L L S , T h e Movements of the Proboscis in Glycera dibranchiata Ehlers .(With Five Text-figures) . . . . . . . . . . 290

M . ABERCROMBIE, T h e Behaviour of Epiblast Grafts beneath the Primitive Streakof the Chick. (With One Plate and Eleven Text-figures) . . . . 302

M . ABERCROMBIE AND C. H . W A D D I N G T O N , T h e Behaviour of Grafts of Primitive

Streak beneath the Primitive Streak of the Chick. (With Four teen T e x t -figures) 319

Page 7: The Journal of Experimental Biology - · The Journa olf Experimental Biology (Late The British Journal

Contents vii


C. H. WADDINGTON AND JEAN TAYLOR, Conversion of Presumptive Ectoderm toMesoderm in the Chick. (With One Plate) 335

W. G. ELLIS, The Water and Electrolyte Exchange of Nereis diversicolor (Miiller).(With Nine Text-figures) 340

J. R. ERICHSEN JONES, The Toxicity of Dissolved Metallic Salts to PolyceUs nigra(Muller) and Gammarus pulex (L.). (With Ten Text-figures) . . . 351

V. B. WIGGLESWORTH, Wound Healing in an Insect (Rhodniusprolixus Hemiptera).(With Nine Text-figures) 364

No. 4. OCTOBER 1937

A. FESSARD AND A. SAND, Stretch Receptors in the Muscles of Fishes. (WithThirteen Text-figures) 383

NORMAN MILLOTT, On the Structure and Function of the Wandering Cells in theWall of the Alimentary Canal of Nudibranchiate Mollusca. (With Five Text-figures) 405

C. G. JOHNSON, The Absorption of Water and the Associated Volume Changesoccurring in the Eggs of Notostira erratica L. (Hemiptera, Capsidae) duringEmbryonic Development under Experimental Conditions. (With Three Text-figures) 4X3

J. P. HARDING, Quantitative Studies on the Ciliate Glaucoma:I. The Regulation of the Size and the Fission Rate by the Bacterial Food Supply

(With Three Text-figures) 422II. The Effects of Starvation. (With Five Text-figures) 431

ARTHUR WALTON, On the Eclipse Plumage of the Mallard {Anas platyrkynchaplatyrhyncha). (With One Plate) 440

A. VAN HARREVELD AND C. A. G. WIERSMA, The Triple Innervation of CrayfishMuscle and its Function in Contraction and Inhibition. (With Seven Text-figures) 448

W. L. DOYLE AND J. P. HARDING, Quantitative Studies on the Ciliate Glaucoma.Excretion of Ammonia. (With Four Text-figures) 462

S. M. MANTON AND J. A. RAMSAY, Studies on the Onychophora:III. The Control of Water Loss in Peripatopsis 470

OTTO LOWENSTEIN, The Tonic Function of the Horizontal Semicircular Canals inFishes. (With One Text-figure) 473

HERMANN LEHMANN AND JOSEPH NEEDHAM, On Phosphorus Metabolism inEmbryonic Life:

IV. The Parnas Reaction in the Chick Embryo from the Open Neural FoldStage. (With One Text-figure) 483

Index to Subjects . . 491

Index to Authors 495

Page 8: The Journal of Experimental Biology - · The Journa olf Experimental Biology (Late The British Journal
Page 9: The Journal of Experimental Biology - · The Journa olf Experimental Biology (Late The British Journal


Marine Biological AssociationOF THE UNITED KINGDOM

New Series VOLUME XXI, No. 2 March 1937

CONTENTS1. The Habits of the Angler-fish, Lophius piscatorius L., in the Plymouth

Aquarium. By DOUGLAS P. WILSON. With Plate I and 2 Figures in the Text.2. The Learning of Detours by Wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris L.). By G. M.

SPOONER. With 13 Figures in the Text.3. The Air Turbine Ultracentrifuge, together with some Results upon Ultracentri-

fuging the Eggs of Fucus serratus. By H. W. BEAMS. With Plate II and 8 Figuresin the Text.

4. A Review of the Amphipod Genus Corophium with Notes on the BritishSpecies. By G. I. CRAWFORD. With 4 Figures in the Text.

5. Notes on the Distribution of Burrowing Isopoda and Amphipoda in VariousSoils on the Sea Bottom near Plymouth. By G. I. CRAWFORD. With 1 Figure inthe Text.

6. The Fauna of Certain Estuaries in West England and South Wales, with SpecialReference to the Tanaidacea, Isopoda and Amphipoda. By G. I. CRAWFORD.With 2 Figures in the Text.

7. A Double-tailed Eulalia. By DOUGLAS P. WILSON. With 4 Figures in the Text.8. "Organic" Phosphorus in Sea Water from the English Channel. By L. H. N.


9. The Seasonal Abundance of the Pelagic Young of Teleostean Fishes in thePlymouth Area. Part IV. The Year 1936, with Notes on the Conditions as shownby the Occurrence of Plankton Indicators. By F. S. RUSSELL. With 4 Figures inthe Text.

10. The Biology of Aporrhais pes-pelecani (L.) and A. serresiana (Mich.). By C. M.YONGE. With 6 Figures in the Text.

11. Larval and Post-larval Lima from Plymouth. By M. V. LEBOUR. With 4 Figuresin the Text.

12. A Comparison of the Biology of Echinus esculentus in different Habitats.Part III. By HILARY B. MOORE. With 3 Figures in the Text.

13. The Biology of Littorina Httorea. Part I. Growth of the Shell and Tissues,Spawning, Length of Life and Mortality. By HILARY B. MOORE. With Plate IIIand 10 Figures in the Text.

14. The Development of the Hydroid Corymorpha nutans M. Sars from the Egg.By W. J. REES. With 2 Figures in the Text.

15. On a Remarkable Process of Bud Formation in a Gymnoblastic Hydroid(Heterostephanus sp.) By W. J. REES. With 3 Figures in the Text.

16. Notes on the Culture of some Marine Plankton Organisms. By F. GROSS.17. Abstracts of Memoirs Recording Work Done at the Plymouth Laboratory.18. Book Notice.

Copies may be obtained fromThe Director, Marine Biological Laboratory, Plymouth

or any bookseller


Page 10: The Journal of Experimental Biology - · The Journa olf Experimental Biology (Late The British Journal

Contributors can avoid delay in the publication of their work by con-forming with the following arrangements:

The Journal of Experimental Biology will publish contributions in experimental biology and com-parative physiology, whether zoological or botanical. Every paper must contain a summary ofthe chief results of the enquiry. Authors are requested to present their work in as concise a formas possible. They will receive 50 copies of their papers free; additional copies, not exceeding 100(except in special cases), may be purchased and should be ordered when the proofs are returned tothe Editor.

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THE SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGYThe Society exists for the promotion of experimental biology. It holds Conferences,generally three times a year, at which the results of experimental investigations arepresented and discussed. The Journal of Experimental Biology is the medium of publicationof the Society. Enquiries about membership of the Society should be addressed to theSecretaries:

J. Z. YOUNG, Department of Zoology, University Museum, Oxford

E. ASHBY, Department of Botany, The University, Bristol