The Irony and Humour if the Wise, the Wisest made wiser by Wisdom



Shalva MardiRosemary Mardi

Transcript of The Irony and Humour if the Wise, the Wisest made wiser by Wisdom


SHALVA MARDI, Med.Dr., Prof., Acad. ROSEMARY MARDI, Med.Dr., Prof., Acad.


Moscow – Basel – Jerusalem



When I first had the manuscript of this book in my hands, to begin with, I glanced through the pages “diagonally”, so to speak, and… got perplexed!

The first impression was: no, there’s just no way to unite under one cover such a kaleidoscope of subjects: here’s the transcendent – God, Religion, Love, the Universe; and here’s the down-to-earth bustle – the corruption of politicians and lawmakers; shrewd and evil sectarian agendas coupled with the hypocrisy of the Church; the problems of modern medicine in general, as well as the specifics of such a branch of medicine as Psychiatry (a captivating story of manifestation of the Munchausen syndrome, for example); along with historio-theological excursus, and, winking naughtily – on the necessity of the Russian cursing vocabulary.

And this is where I encountered a problem that was new to me: as the Editor, I was under the impression that the subjects do not just resonate, but duplicate each other... I could only make sense of this after reading it all “from cover to cover”: the kaleidoscope-bits took their appropriate places; the full picture emerged as if from a jigsaw puzzle, and what at first glance seemed to be “repetition of what’s already covered”, turned out to be a conscious and harmonious author’s approach – always with a new context, an unexpected angle, a fresh view.

“The Irony and Humour of the Wise, the Wisest Made Wiser by Wisdom” – is a wise (I’m not afraid of tautology here, as it is appropriate), deep and witty book. The intellectual humour of the authors, combined with their thoughtful, intent and at times partial peering at Man – his purpose on this Earth, his responsibility for Divine gift that was once received – life – help the reader to fully heed the Divine force of Supreme Reason that directs us (if we take the advice of ancient sages), subtly reminding us about the most important values that should serve as beacons in our earthly life.

“On Life, Love and Immortality” – a subtitle of “The Irony and Humour of the Wise…” – shows that the book is addressed to the widest audience: no one will be bored! But Shalva and Rosemary prepared yet another present for us – perhaps not as evident, as the captivating plots and story-telling style – the transcendental, sacral meaning of many, so many lines in this book.

Opening “The Irony and Humour of the Wise…” with this article, I couldn’t restrict myself not to recite – even without quotation marks – some fragments that especially drew my attention, reflections and conclusions, maxims, – and I hasten to share them with the reader:

… Anyone, if found to be the only inhabitant of our planet and possessing it without communication with his kind, without friendship, love, as well as envy and hatred, would become unhappy, lonely, isolated. Relationships between people, mutual obligations, are exactly the basis of their morals, their right and decent behaviour. That’s the duty of Man before the Biosphere’s Reason, before God. That’s exactly what RELIGION is…

… Man is a feast of light on our planet. And any feast is a carnival of both light and


colour. Light is the harmony and the poetry of the diversity of colours. It consists of a wonderful colour gamut, as though a rainbow with its colours, visible to the eye, or discovered only during the spectrum analysis. It’s a Divine synthesis; it’s the colour of life. If you remove all colours from light, only pitch darkness would remain. If Man disappears from our planet, all the Lord’s efforts would be completely devalued, would lose their sense…

…Human fates are determined not only by impulses of one person, but by those of others as well. Letters and sounds are the means of thought transmission. Not a single human thought is ever lost, but instead concentrates in the subconscious, is memorised, is transformed into neural cluster of energy and becomes a permanent source of information, development and destruction, which is materialised under certain conditions and does not remain without a reaction – adequate or otherwise. Every thought has its own characteristics, energetic parameters and vibration parameters…

…Human personality is a bottomless and limitless treasury, containing the aggregate of all the innumerable past lives. Unfortunately, good part of life consists of mistakes and blunders, while the rest of it is spent trying to cover and whitewash them…

…Man differs from the rest of the living world by his ability to laugh and CREATE… While the representatives of the rest of the living world are unable even to smile, let alone being able to laugh or do miracles, for example to prepare liquid for soap bubbles, not to mention computers…

…Living creatures, other than Man, have one undisputable advantage: not having reason or consciousness, they are all deprived of the sense of fear of death and its inevitability…

…Love could be compared to with a fiery comet, which enlightens, enlivens and beautifies the skies. It seems the comet is in love with these skies, inhabited by heartless cold planets. But as soon as the comet tries to realise its potential of the energy of love through touching other planets, our planet Earth among them, it immediately gets into their “deadly embrace” and explodes, gets extinguished and breaks to pieces, turning into dead debris and ashes, as if it is dying in the flames of its own love…

…The Supreme Reason – God – is interested only in the eternity and immortality of human civilisation, but not Man… Maybe that’s why life is an endless discussion and settling the scores between Man and God…

…It’s difficult to resolve the dilemma of who should repent: God for creating Man, or Man for imagining God…

… And still: God lives in the soul of each living person, and after death that person lives in God itself…

The encyclopaedic compendium of ancient and modern wisdoms, spiced with light humour,


spurs our somewhat sleepy thoughts, excites “body and soul, trains the memory, strengthens optimism and faith in the quests for the meaning of life, finds eternity and immortality in the present, destroys pessimism and the fear of death, gives birth to the feeling of happiness,” appeals (may the authors and readers forgive my “high style”) for tolerance and acceptance of another person’s world, thus turning an enemy into a friend.

And humour, which is the main intellectual means for human self-expression (as Rosemary and Shalva Mardi are firmly convinced), is the bridge between wisdom and happiness.

…A dwarf standing on the shoulders of a giant has broader horizons than the giant himself…

…The thought of death is treacherous: once captured by it, we forget to live…

…From the youth’s point of view, life is an eternal future; from the age’s point of view, it’s just a very short past…

…Love is on the eve of the Apocalypse… Love is asking for help; it needs to be saved…

This book reflects the frame of mind of many people in the 21st century, with a humorous angle discusses many painful issues: of life, love and immortality, of the value of human thought and the importance of development of thinking. The authors, while formulating super-serious philosophical concepts, – with irony or in aphorisms – are trying to help people review the existing system of values, judgments, opinions, rigid dogmas, and to overcome all the existing artificial barriers, which prevent the discovery of the innermost meaning of life.

“The Irony and Humour of the Wise…” is written with deep knowledge and reflection on the authors’ life experiences, with passion and love, and if, Shalva and Rosemary hope (and I wholeheartedly support their point of view), “the punctuation marks are inserted with pain, and the phrases are dictated by one’s heartbeat, then the content comes on its own, simply and decently, like a bride to the altar.”

In conclusion, I’d like to recite a lively dialog on the “Theosophical” subject. I turned with questions to Mr. Mardi (as the head of the tandem of authors):

– Excuse me, professor, I’m somewhat perplexed. And I think that our reader is, too. The thing is, I couldn’t figure out your views on God: on some pages you are a deeply religious person, on others – an atheist, and a bellicose one at that. One moment, it’s awe and piety; in another – it’s caustic, all-demeaning scepticism. What exactly is happening with your faith – yours, Shalva Mardi’s?

– Hm-m. Please allow me to leave your question unanswered. You may take it that of all the democratic freedoms (this, indeed, is something I see not without a degree of scepticism), I choose just one: the freedom of religion.

– But will our reader – for whose sake all these efforts have been made – understand?


– I have offered the readers such a number of points of view, that it’s as if I granted them another democratic freedom: that of conscience. Which means, in our case, the freedom of choosing a point of view.

– Professor Mardi! You are kindly joking, but my question is serious. The readers will not understand you!

– Well, let them puzzle over it.

… I am confident that readers will be truly satisfied while reading “The Irony and Humour of the Wise…”, as this book encompasses a huge number of instructive information and witty thoughts that haven’t lost their relevance up to this day. This is combined with the fact that the authors had to embrace the widest geographical span, literally “running around countries and continents” and making excursus into various historical eras, displayed unique wit, I’ll risk to say, virtuosity, at times critically re-examining their own subjectivity, so as to at least partially achieve their difficult chosen task – to collect grain by grain the wisdom of everyday and the Divine, not just enriching our inner world, but also “making us wiser by wisdom of the wise.”




Every page in this book is filled with human passion and is brought about by the authors’ tremendous life experiences. Despite the daring – at first glance – attempt to view human fates from the ironic and humorous angle, we, like other inhabitants of the Earth, are also the image and the likeness of the Lord our God, and an element particle of the Universe. We wish for our book to contribute its bit into the ocean of Spirituality, to add a bit of good to the world of endless Creation, for it to become a spring of the eternal light of the Truth, to add some heart to the heartless modern times, and at least partially, to the extent of our modest abilities, to facilitate realisation of what our Lord has conceived.

The authors will consider their dream to have come true if their efforts will be like a lighted candle in the huge cosmic space, will enhance the shining of Divine miracles, will awaken

human hearts and minds – for the sake of the faith in the Absolute, of Divine love, and human happiness, of unity, harmony and equilibrium, of truth, mercy justice and order in the world.

The Creator’s will is behind this book!

After more than seventy years of conscious life and almost fifty years of medical practice and social activity, we have the right not only to speak with humour and irony, but also to philosophise about the meaning of life, on health, death and human immortality. Yet, it’s known that philosophy doesn’t tolerate humour and especially irony. It is always saturated with scepticism, contains elements of subjectivism, presents important conclusions through a space-time structure, based on the relations of cause and effect. Philosophers speak a special language, using terms and expressions that are not understood even by an educated reader. It is meant for professionals only. It seems to us that all the bases of philosophy are relatively real, but they exist beyond the limits of our cognitive abilities. Even Nietzsche was stating that modern philosophy became openly ironical, that it creates pseudo-problems, illusions and the “pathology of thought”, the problem of spirit and flesh. Philosophy is unable to solve the mystery of nature, life or reason, because we, ourselves are a Divine mystery! We are not the fathers of time, we are its children. We can create the future, but are unable to predict it.

The philosophy of thought is an abstract logic in words.

In his time, the distinguished philosopher Bertrand Russell was stating that age gains experience, changes views and perception of occurring events, and gives no reasons for shame.

In the opinion of many thinkers, philosophy is more tightly connected to theology than to science. This could be explained by the fact that theology pronounces eternal truths, while science is based on new discoveries with a relative nature.


Theologians are deeply mistaken when they begin to seek support in philosophy. Religion, as any absolutism, is based on the faith of people in the existence of Supreme Reason, on the fear of sinners to be thrown into burning hell, and on the dream of the righteous to gain an afterlife in paradise. Religion, and philosophy even more so, does not need either refutation, or justification.

History is a science about something that already does not and will not exist. Archaeologists unearth history which was buried by politicians; therefore history is an unfailing union between the ruins and the modern world, between the dead, the still living, and, of course, the ones yet to be born.

Human affairs, passions, grieves, joys and delights are caused by society, specific individuals and the power that surrounds them. Anyone, if found to be the only inhabitant of our planet and possessing it without communication with his kind, without friendship, love, as well as envy and hatred, would become unhappy, lonely, isolated. Relationships between people, mutual obligations, are exactly the attributes necessary for their life, the basis of their morals, their right and decent behaviour. That’s the duty of the Man before the Biosphere’s Reason, before God. That’s exactly what religion is. The life of those already dead can only continue in the memory of living. Death is simply a peacemaker.

Today scientists have come to the united conclusion that Man is a microcosm, a particle of the Universe. The process of birth, life and evolution of a man is analogous to the process of appearance and existence of galaxies, stars and planets. The only difference is in forms, sizes, terms of life and the space scale

It’s known that a neuron, a cell in the human brain, is much more complex than even the most powerful supercomputer, and the human brain has billions of neurons. One can only suppose that a single neuron’s intellectual potential is significantly higher that that of a dozen of modern computers, and if mankind ever learns to use this potential optimally, civilization will be rescued from the downfall, to which it’s led by sinful deeds, global catastrophes, religious wars, organised terror that’s financed by fanatical oil and drug barons.

Human nature is Divine and shrouded in mystery. For example, it’s well known to everyone that even with the most advanced computer programme it’s impossible to find out why the air vibrations, when reaching our ears, become Tchaikovsky’s First Symphony, or the SOS signal, or ordinary slang. Only the human brain (the functional activity of the neurons) is capable of specific differentiation and analysis. That’s exactly the manifestation of matter and energy in a living organism that has soul and intelligence, unlike the work of a computer, which becomes scrap metal if its power is switch off.

Of all the energies existing in the cosmos, only human thought possesses both the creative and the destructive force. All man’s joys and grieves are the result of his thinking, well-disposed or otherwise.

A word is a man’s most powerful weapon, as a thought can only be expressed by words. “In the


beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1).

We are confident that if a book is written with love, the punctuation marks are inserted with pain, and the phrases are dictated by one’s heartbeat, then the content comes on its own, simply and decently, like a bride to the altar.

To write means to confess, repent, expose one’s soul in order to achieve the main goal in the end: to get the right to live the rest of one’s life with relief, without compunction.

We used ordinary words in this book. All of them are listed in any dictionary, only in alphabetical order, as mandatory attributes of the Universe. The task of a writer is to place these words so as to move them into action, to cause the imagination and thinking of a reader to work. And in this case the phrase “I am lost for words…” is absolutely inadequate. Words are always out there. One just needs to chain them together correctly. Unlike many of our predecessors, using the same letters and syllables, we’ve tried to lay out our thoughts with the simplest words. Sentences that are understandable to all were built from them, and were ornamented mainly with humour, sometimes with irony and satire, so that optimism could pass to people through them, while scepticism and melancholy would go away.

We, the authors of this book, as representatives of the medical profession, decided to perfect and concretise the Biblical words: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was of just a few letters (but not of those letters that all the readers without exceptions have just thought of!). And it created Man in its own image and likeness, not that of God”.

Eloquence is painting, which develops, enriches and decorates the thoughts of the speaker, sometimes even his voice modulations; the spark in his eyes and the speaker’s appearance define his success. Truth may evaporate during the process of expressing it or writing it down, as paper will bear all. Of course, all depends on the composition of the audience and the readers, on their reaction. To speak or to write a lot does not mean to say a lot, especially because the goal of eloquence is not truth, but conviction. Today it’s almost impossible to say something that wasn’t said before: “In your novelties we hear antiquity.” The whole matter comes down to how to newly express what was already said: better or worse. The thoughts that came later should be more intelligent.

We apologise that after the many quotations, and also the wise, silly and funny statements and anecdotes, we don’t always make references to their true authors who expressed them originally. First of all, today it’s impossible to determine some of these authors, and if we tried to discover their names, we’d need at least one hundred years of labouring hellishly in libraries and archives in the entire world. Secondly, to list them would mean to print thousands of pages, which would make the book many times larger.

(Our kind advice: never give your manuscript to a young secretary girl for reading or proofing. While reading she could uncover all your complexes, and while correcting the author’s typos and stylistic errors, she can add her own orthographical ones.)


Having read several times our works published previously, we are more and more convinced that our books are much wiser and smarter than their authors! If we could use at least five per cent of what’s mentioned in them during our public speeches, people would unfailingly reward us with stormy applause turning into ovation.

And still, the author of any work, however great he is, wishes for his creation not to be “the voice of one crying in the desert,” not to be ridiculed with Homeric laughter, but to be elevated to the skies, to be shrouded in the orb of fame. Even in the Bible, those memories about God, it is said quite clearly that God created Man for His own fame and praise. Any creation, hand-made or not, needs some charlatan tinge to it, some noise and propaganda. As God was presenting His commandments to the Hebrews on Mount Sinai through the mouth of Moses, He was formidably flashing his lightning and thunder, for a more profound impression. THE LORD KNEW HIS AUDIENCE PERFECTLY!

Our future is our books (most likely, with multiple orthographic and punctuation errors, which we hope the readers won’t notice, as the content is not quite “standard”). And future is a tribute to the famous dead, done for the interests none other but the living.

At times, we get possessed by a strange desire – to read a good book. Thus we are forced to write it first.

To write means to read oneself. One needs to write with self-irony and jokes, so that the authors are laughing, and the readers are not bored. We also tried to reflect in this book those endless chains of gloomy premonitions, troubling dreams, endless thoughts and well-founded fears that haunt us.

We are not seekers of the truth, which is a specific blend of the desirous and the plausible. We wouldn’t want the readers and critics to note with irony that the authors’ flight of creative thought did not happen for the “bad” weather conditions – strong wind or a hurricane in their little-gifted heads.

It takes time to write a good book, so one has to pretend to always be healthy, and to postpone life’s end for decades.

Even the great William Shakespeare wrote that “jokes of important persons are always funny.” Another famous writer, Alexander Dumas, once came into a bookstore by accident and began vocally admiring all the shelves for being full of his books. When he asked the seller why there aren’t any other books, he was told shortly but clearly that they were all sold!

As we are not Shakespeare, and not even Dumas, we hope that the opposite fate awaits our book.

It is a psychological shock for an author to discover his book on sale among some other stale hard-sellers that are not popular with readers. It is considered an adequate reaction if the writer


buys the book, adds a dedication to it, and sends off to a friend.

A well written book is a mortal sin, which will be forgiven only by close friends.

Unlike professional philosophers, we are still under the spell of our own experiences, and know only that which we have seen and heard, read or been told, and based on that information we were able to come to our conclusions. And experience is often nothing more than simply a masking term we give to our mistakes.

We don’t want to confuse the reader with “plausible probability”, overwhelm them with empty eloquence, clever unconvincing terminology and complex logical constructs. It’s enough that the concepts of life, immortality and death on their own contain numerous Divine mysteries, which were impossible for anyone to uncover until now, and will remain thus for ever.

We’d like to conclude our introduction by King Solomon’s words: “For in much wisdom is much grief; and he who increases knowledge, increases sorrow.”

(Ecc. 1:18)




The person is considered dead once he is finally stops pretending to be alive.

Death is a condition of life when one can no longer be answering all the burning questions.




The Divine life of a man consists exclusively of exclusions (exceptions).

Life is one of the main components of the Universe. They cannot exist without each other. Life in the grammatical sense is considered a subject, but in fact in is an object – a verb – and means eternal motion, which has a form of the eternal quest for the reason of existence of all the living creatures, including the Man as well – in this world, and the other. And death is also a mystical quest, but of that other world, whose address God keeps in deep secret. One has to spend the whole life in order to get to the other world. Life is a huge queue for death. Everyone has their turn. Only complete idiots are jumping the queue leading there. The mankind would have died long time ago, if people weren’t dying. Death is the natural soil fertilizer for continuing of life, for reproduction of future generations.

And still, the Man – after the Lord our God – is the lord of all the living and dead world, and so is not against advocating himself the privilege of Eternity before the throne of the Almighty through most reverent glorification, motet, genuflection and various sacrifices. God Almighty has endowed only the Man with the gift to create and self-perfect. Almighty has endowed us with the feelings of love, compassion, mercy, faith, hope, repentance, justice, gentleness, modesty, patience, pacification and joy. All the living creatures, other than the Man, have one undisputed advantage: not having reason and consciousness, they are deprived of the feeling of the fear of death, and its inevitability. Is it possible that human life has ceased to be a prime necessity, a living essential? Human personality is a bottomless and limitless treasury, containing the aggregate of all the innumerable past lives. Unfortunately, good part of life consists of mistakes and blunders, while the rest of it is spent trying to cover and whitewash them.

Human fates are determined not only by impulses of the person, but by those of others as well. Letters and sounds are the means of thought transmission. Not a single human thought is ever lost, but instead concentrates in the subconscious, is memorised, is transformed into neural cluster of energy and becomes a permanent source of information, development and destruction, which is materialised under certain conditions and does not remain without a reaction – adequate or otherwise. Every thought has its own characteristics, energetic parameters and vibration parameters. The appearance of the Sun, the Earth, stars and other planets and the Man himself in the Galaxy was preceded by a thought.

There are many questions that entire armies of philosophers, theologians, scientists and sages have been and are trying to answer…For example, why were we born, and does each person and a living creature have their own destiny? What is a calling? And how one should act in order to find the appropriate place in this big but uncomfortable world? Is one to labour continually in order to find the ways of adjusting to it? There are thousands of answers to these questions – serious and superficial, but more often,


purely speculative, and none of them as yet can be considered exhaustive or relatively correct. One can view all these answers with irony, at best – with a light humour, so as not to fall into the deep and dark abyss of pessimistic philosophy.

There is no sense in arguing and in doubting that Cosmos is a single living organism; that the entire Universe is filled with life and intelligence, that life itself is one of the manifestations of the Supreme Absolute. The entire galactic system, including our planet, was created by Someone or Something, whom we call the Almighty – the Lord our God, or briefly: God is the unity of the entire Universe; “God is all that exists”.

There is no doubt that mankind exists in the circumstances of an “intermediary” world, which is subject to the laws of the complex of two Divine, quite substantial factors: the material and the energo-informational (spirit). Also, they are subject to different laws. For example, if an object from the material world is divided, it loses its integrity and becomes smaller. While dividing any product from the energo-informational world, the whole grows even more, not only in size, but also gets qualitatively and spiritually enriched. For example, the knowledge, wise thoughts, intelligence of any teacher do not become half (or less) the previous size, because he’s sharing them with his disciples. His knowledge, wise thoughts and intelligence grow exponentially in the minds of the students and instantly spread around the world, bringing happiness and material satisfaction to all the living creatures. And this knowledge is added to the genome and is inherited further.

Energo-informational means may include prayers, religious rituals, astrological calculations, hypnosis and infusion, psychotherapy, psycho terror, and similar such, thanks to which a person is trying to reach a set goal.

Since climatic, geochemical, and tectonic features of the Earth are determined by informational-energetic processes, there is a way to directly influence events and objects in the surrounding world by the efforts of a man’s will.

According to Kant’s philosophy, the Man is in the centre of the World, and not vice-versa. Copernicus has put him down, proving that the World can exist without Him as well. By Plato, the Supreme Being rules the entire Cosmos, and every star is His subject. Stars resemble people, but in all aspects are more noble and wise.

Spencer Jones reckons in his book “Infinite World” that life on Earth was born 1,700 million years ago. The Man exists about 1 million years already.

The General Theory of Relativity postulates that the World is infinitely large and infinitely old, and that the Universe tends to expand. According to Eddington, the Universe doubles its size every 1,300 million years. The age of the Universe is 90 billion years.

Theologians suggest that Spirit and matter differ in their nature, but have the same origin, the source of which is shrouded in mystery, and that’s why it’s called a Divine gift.


Universe is a huge brain with super-complex interconnected programmes, while the stars and the planets of the entire Galaxy are just the cells, the neurons of this brain. The Earth is not just a living, but an intelligent organism, that tolerates us, people.

Every living cell in our body is a kind of peculiar organism, performing its function, while the person is alive. For example, leukocytes – the white bodies – are able not only to recognise malicious germs, entering the body from the outside, but through the so called phagocytosis to capture and destroy them.After the death of the host-person, these leukocytes are paralysed and also die; there is no one for them to defend any longer. Cells live only in the living organism; only in the living Cosmos and Universe the planets can live, and so on. Perhaps, these cells have their own living environment, just as people have the Earth, the Sun, the Moon; perhaps they have their own mind, and feel themselves part of the larger organism. It turns out so that all the living organisms are connected with the living shell of the planet – the biosphere – have their own energy codes for information, and their own life cycle.Such a notion of the Universe, God, and Life is conducive to disappearance of fear not only before death, but also after!

The Universe is a constant notion that continues in eternal motion, development, and renewal, i.e. in metabolism, which has a Divine basis. The Man, as all the other living creatures, is a product of this metabolism’s development. He appears from the unknown, but being pre-programmed, and with a set mission determined by God, and following a partial or complete realisation of this mission, “disappears” back into the unknown. Until now, despite titanic efforts of scientists and theologians, no one could solve the mystery of this unknown, which is the privilege of God. The mankind denotes it with conditional terms: birth – death, Earth – afterlife. There are only suppositions, hypotheses in the form of human ideas, but nothing more.

According to the laws of biophysics, interaction among the smallest particles – atoms, protons, electrons, positrons, etc. – is similar to the interaction among galaxies, stars, planets, and living creatures.

The world of plants also has reason, albeit a sleeping one, while in the animal kingdom reason is napping, and in the world of humans it’s awake.

Besides the material foundation, the world and life on our planet consist of six abstract components: the harmony, the equilibrium, and the senses of fear, despair, joy, and love. All these basic elements of life is a priceless legacy of the hard experience of our ancestors, gained by immeasurable sacrifices. All this should be preserved and protected at all costs. Keeping true to the traditions is the key to stability and might, unity and solidarity. Religion saves the man from capitulating when facing death, brings sense to creative activity during his life, supports the unity in the community, as well as the order and the moral values.

We shouldn’t forget that wild tribes do not have scriptures – a written text, where the moral dogmas are laid out, they only have their human memory, yet even they are concerned about the


purity of their memory not ever less than Christians, Muslims or Jews with their multi-volume, creatively written texts and bibles. The sacred dogmas of memory of the wild tribes are called “superstitions” by the Westerners, but if they attempt to ignore or offend these “superstitions”, or replace them with other ones of their own, then by doing so they destroy the social fabric of those “enlightened”, the unity, the specificity of their moral bases, which may turn out a catastrophe not only for the indigenous tribes, but for the “educators” – missionaries.

I consider it an unforgivable sin, when the civilized colonists were imposing their and religion on the aboriginals in Africa, Australia and the Americas. Perhaps these natives began to live better materially, but lost their identity, cultural originality and turned into vehement enemies of those who tried to bring them “happiness”.

All people are brothers. Some through understanding, others – by misunderstanding.

The scientists should understand that life is really just time taken off – from the other world. For example, a corpse in a coffin – is a vivid example of what life does to a person! And what happens to people when they have concluded their earthly journey?

The task of scientists is to represent unexplainable phenomena as obvious. Unfortunately, not only the knowledge of an educated person is lost in the depths of the modern information ocean, but he himself. His scientific impulse is always dictated, for some reason, by the rumbling of his empty stomach. For many of them, the horizon of research is suddenly narrowed down to a point. That’s when the scientist says: “This is my point of view”.

Usually, the majority of scientists are too poor to afford being conscientious and honest. To wriggle, prevaricate and convert as necessary, to denounce one’s convictions, to teach falsely and to write falsely, to cringe and flatter, to build the buddy-circles from ignorami and one’s sexual partners – all this is the custom of scoundrels and career climbers. Such gang of ignorami would bend backwards not to give the necessary room for discoveries of geniuses; not let the talented and the gifted come about, so that they are destroyed at the embryogenesis stage, so that their mothers would abort them just as the foetus is about to see the light of day.

These scientists remind one of the cold stars in the cosmos, which shine with borrowed light.

And still it’s important to emphasise that presently the sciences – physics, chemistry – and especially the development of high technologies, have gone so far ahead that, one thinks, the future of all the mankind is left far behind.

In reality we, as well as you, stand on Earth that is not “supported” by anything, i.e. it’s as though the Earth is suspended in the skies. It’s known that, along with the Earth, myriads of fiery stars and planets of solar systems of unimaginable and mind-boggling size are revolving as well.

Earth itself is revolving around the Sun with unimaginably fast speed. Stars and planets, these


colossal moving bodies, do not obstruct the movement of the neighbouring objects, do not get in each other’s way, to not collide with each other: all of them occupy their right places, strict observing the earlier set order. All these phenomena were discovered by a science – astronomy. Unfortunately, man has merely five senses, which don’t allow him to perceive everything that exists around us. Man can perceive only the “fragments” of our world, and all our measurements are relative and subjective. Perhaps, all other worlds, creatures and forms of life are transparent, translucent for us, although, perhaps, they exist sharing our space with us, but in a different dimension; they define our life and death in accordance with our deeds.

People are only worthy of what they deserve. Death corresponds to the life of the people. It’s established that the righteous leave life quietly, their death corresponds to the enlightened thoughts they lived with. And the evil die in hard psychical suffering, illnesses, unbearable pain, which corresponds to the thoughts they have lived with.

Man is a feast of light on our planet. And any feast is a carnival of both light and colour.

Light is the harmony and the poetry of the diversity of colours. It consists of a wonderful colour gamut, as though a rainbow with its colours, visible to the eye, or discovered only during the spectrum analysis. It’s a Divine synthesis; it’s the colour of life. If you remove all the colours from light, only the pitch darkness would remain. If the Man disappears from our planet, all the Lord’s efforts would be completely devalued, would lose their sense. That’s why they say that God needs man more than man needs God!

The Universe is a single living organism, a complex of reason, energy and matter, and not a fruit of human imagination. The world, visible and invisible to us, all the forms of organic and inorganic life – are the expression of the Divine. In this world everything is living, and there is nothing dead in the nature. Even minerals, crystals and salts live: they can change, reproduce, and even “die” or be “re-born”, moving from inorganic forms into organic ones – into the living creatures. Each form of life has its own metabolism, cycles of development, etc. Any floral, animal or human life, returning to earth after its “death”, once again is processed and turns into organic components: minerals, crystals, salts, molecules, atoms, positrons, protons, electrons. These new formations also “live” – repulse and attract each other, radiate energy and unite, as if in a “marriage”, reproduce. Therefore, they also have a world of their own, and a reason of their own (and yet the scientists call them “fertilisers”), supporting the eternity of the circulating flow in the living Nature.

The Earth is a living creature. The Earth has a structure of an intelligent planet. It is a conscious evolving creature; it is sacred and is permeated with Divine roots. The Earth is a complex, self-regulated system with various, yet unknown to us kinds of communication with the live structure of the Solar system and the entire Universe.

Hundreds of scientists, theologians, philosophers and prophets have been arguing the direct


connection between social cataclysms and natural disasters and catastrophes on our planet, which encompassed the atmosphere, the earth’s crust, the hydrosphere, and other spheres.

To any splash of sinful, criminal, terrorist and other negative actions among large masses of people the Earth immediately responds with corresponding reactions, which are most powerful energy carriers, possessing destructive charges, designed to force the sinners and perpetrators to stop and find the true path, while the wrongs can still be righted.

The live and intelligent Earth is first mentioned in the famous writer Arthur Conan Doyle’s book “When the World Screamed”. In the name of Professor Challenger it is said there that the plants covering the Earth’s surface strongly resemble hair cover of animals; tides and ebbs of oceans – breathing, etc. The time has already come to treat our planet not as a dead object, rotating around the Sun, but as a living organism, able to respond to the barbaric and thoughtless human actions leading to the degradation of Nature.

Reason is inherent in any matter and any element of the Universe. Any element of Nature has its specific properties set, meaning and purpose in the Universe; plays its special role in the cycle not only of life, but even of the God-Absolute Himself. They have creative will, a natural instinct, without which God-Absolute cannot become the Source, the Creator and the Engine of life. The faith in the God-Absolute is recognition of the intelligent Universe.

Life on Earth is sustained by the Absolute with the help of vast oceans, first of all of astral, cosmic (visible and invisible), solar, ionising, magnetic, biologic and other kinds of energies and radiations, still unknown to us, that are enveloping the Earth (the Natural forces). The Galaxy-Universe itself is a whole conscious organism – God, while Earth and all the planets are His living cells, molecules and atoms.

It is supposed that Astral, by its nature, just like the Divine Spirit, is not transparent, but quite material, and also exists in perpetual motion and vibration. With the aid of rays of light, gravity, and a number of other factors, Astral connects solar and star systems amongst themselves. The speed of movement of astral whirlwind defies description, and ordinary concepts of space and time are not applicable to it at all.

Astral atmosphere is filled with astral bodies, including: human thoughts, wishes and images; imprints of earthly phenomena, spirits of human communities, of Nature and the elements, souls of the dead, and various astral creatures, created by the Man’s passions.

A man for the Galaxy is, most likely, no more than an atom, radiating neuro-psychical energy, with its periods of active radiation, decay and half-decay.


The assertion of a famous American biophysicist E. Brod that a living person radiates 1000


times more energy per unit of mass than the Sun is not without basis.The American magazine “Discovery” recently published the information that during last 10 years the number of spontaneous human combustion – one of the forms of the so called pyrokinesis – has risen 2.5 times worldwide! All of a sudden people ignite like lightning and burn down in no time, although their clothes and surrounding objects remain whole and unharmed. This distinguishes victims of spontaneous combustion from suicides who wear belts full of explosives. No science can explain this phenomenon, pyrokinesis. There are some cases described when a person starts to burn, and suddenly the raging fire instantly stops. The person who was burning is left unharmed, without any sign of burns, and doesn’t remember what has just taken place.

Philosophers of ancient Greece and medieval monks also wrote about pyrokinesis. The famous writer Charles Dickens wrote a massive volume on the subject, “On spontaneous combustion of the human body”, which was published in 1851. And in 1927 American newspapers incessantly wrote of some black by the name of Underwood, who was capable of igniting various objects with his breath. Ninel Kulagina, a famous extrasensory individual in the former USSR, ignited handkerchiefs, newspapers, wallpaper with the “force of her gaze”.

French scientist Pierre Macias determined that during pyrokinesis the temperature of burning reaches 2000 degrees, while to burn down an armoured vehicle 700 degrees is sufficient!

The energy that is released during pyrokinesis is comparable to the production of a large nuclear power station.

Famous Russian scientists, academician V. Kaznacheev and professor Gennady Petrakovich, believe that cellular energy is based on thermonuclear reactions, and the cell itself is a real nuclear reactor! Pyrokinesis – the fire from hell – could be caused by geomagnetic perturbations of the Earth, as human pyrokinesis very often coincides with abrupt increase in intensity of the geomagnetic field.

According to statistics, the probabilities of pyrokinesis of the spontaneous combustion form and a direct lightning hit are equal! Such is mysticism that takes place in real life.

Everything in the Universe is sensible and is ordered into an energy hierarchy – with its laws and processes. Every quantum, electron, atom or a molecule in this world possess energy and perform their functions.

In the complex and intricate upheavals of life, a super important role is played by the person’s ability, through the metabolism of own biological energy potential, to reason, fantasise, doubt; to display confidence or obedience. If we unite the full gamut of these possibilities, we will get intelligence as the sum. And only thanks to intelligence the Man has realised that, unlike with other living creatures, the basis for his life is thinking – and not time and space, which he cannot fill up. At the same time, the man’s intelligence, his ability to think, cannot reconcile him with


inevitability of the biological end, i.e. with his own death, which is so tragic and unjust. In his search for happiness the Man is accompanied by learning, struggle, pursuit of perfection, as well as the recognition of impossibility of submissive reconciliation with the death sentence of Nature. In the view of the natural sciences, the physical death of any organism is one of the metabolism’s kinds. The only part we know is that everything born on Earth has its end, including the entire Universe (if it ever had a beginning).

The true thinker, having studied one single new fact in its full depth, is able to deduce from it the entire chain of preceding events, as well as all its consequences. For example, a thinker, seeing a drop of water for the first time, can make a conclusion regarding the possibility of existence of oceans, seas and rivers, even if he’s never seen them or heard anything of them.

Spirit is a common sense that acts cognitively; it perceives, imagines, creates abstractions and comes to conclusions; emotionally it experiences passions and desires, feelings of pleasure and suffering. The Divine spirit is responsible for all the events in a human life.

To make discoveries is a prerogative of a science, but it’s always conservative and bureaucratic. For example, decades ago, science didn’t want to acknowledge the contributions of Newton, and his laws. The contemporaries of Galileo for a long time declined the great astronomer’s invitations to look into the telescope. Mathematicians “theoretically” computed that devices made of metal cannot be used in ship building, let alone in flying machines. Life experience has proven that such devices, made of tens of tonnes of metal, can both sail and fly. Theory is often shattered against the rock of practice!

Man is capable of anything, including philosophising.

Many great men were burned at the stake because of religious fanatics or nearsighted pseudo-scientists.

To great regret, grandiose achievements of science and technology have not made the mankind happier or healthier. Man forgets that he is a tiny particle in the Universe, and not its master! Unfortunately, religion and science have lost their spirituality, and those who believe in them – their morality. That’s what causing all the catastrophes and cataclysms on our planet: earthquakes, floods, tsunami, accidents and invasions of insects – all that is a reaction of our sick planet to sinful human deeds and pathological thinking. Such historical events as the World Flood that took place 850,000 years ago, the Biblical Flood, the destruction of the cities of Sodom, Gomorrah and Pompeii, the loss of civilised continents, such as Atlanta and Lemuria – all had the same reason: neglect and perversion of the laws of the Supreme Reason for the sake of the lowest. That was a counter-action of the entire system of the Supreme energy Reason for the sake of preserving the Whole.

Spirit is a particle of God-Absolute, which represents the main part of a living organism, and which is never born and never dies – it is eternal. The intelligent can only be born from the intelligent, and Man is the only living creature in the Universe endowed with the ability for


spiritual perfection.

One could suppose that outside the human body a soul is abstract, invisible and exists in a static state, and is not perfected. And perhaps, the Absolute itself needs the living Man more than Man needs It.


Each of us is endowed with such forms of existence, such life and death that they deserve.

Immortality is realised in the descendants, in passing one’s genes to them, which is where the philosopher’s stone is kept.

Only the living people can find the philosopher’s stone, and that’s the sense of life!

Life and death in complex are the components of wholeness. It unites the human past, present and future. We and the entire Universe are parts of one Whole, Life-creating Spirit, and all-embracing union! The entire Universe is material, and at the same, spiritual. It exists surrounded by Divine and cosmic astral spirits sustaining its order, harmony and equilibrium.

Cosmos is compressed visible spirit, which consists of subtle, crystal-clear matter.

As a result of the merger between the spirit and the matter into one whole, and their interaction, the Supreme Reason is being conceived – God, the source of biosphere and energy, knowledge and thought, life and death.




The thought of death is treacherous: once captured by it, we forget to live. Therefore one mustn’t measure life by death’s measure.

Birth is the moment when one person is crying, while all others are delighted.

Life is an endless training before death, so that on the threshold of the other world Man would smile, while all others would cry.

Man is the only animal knowing that death awaits him, and the only living creature who doubts its finaliuty.

Old age is the only phenomenon where the quantity (the number of years behind) never translates into quality, i.e., improvement of the person’s physical qualities.

Even tough death is only an instant, and life is a limited and relative eternity, people prefer the latter, and very much so!

One should die without debts, having concluded all one’s earthly affairs. So as not to resemble someone who left the baths partially washed. (The pious can borrow money from God while they live, so that they repay in the other world. The conscience will be clear.)

People are so anxious about immortality as though they are sure of paradise bliss, and yet they fear death – being afraid to get to hell.


The illusion of immortality might manifest itself when consuming drugs, or during a meditation – when the person loses the feeling of individual existence, as well as during a religious ecstasy, or celebrations, processions, carnivals, and especially after consuming alcohol.

Life-creating and eternal human soul has, besides the Divine Reason, an ability to manifest various senses: sight, hearing, senses of smell and touch, to sense taste peculiarities, and – to truly love those who deserve it! Flesh without soul doesn’t have such senses! (To be the mighty God, and to create such a “god-forsaken” thing?! That’s an injustice!)

Life is a Divine illness, which is relieved by sleep, but is cured only by death. Life is the desire of infinity, and indifference is death during life. Life is the struggle for immortality, but to be living is more difficult than to be dying. One should be afraid not of death, but of empty life.


Only those dead become “immortal” whose thoughts and deeds are the asset of the living. Any good deed of a person destroys the triumph of death over life.

The magnitude of immortality is measured by the “eternal memory” of the following generations. And eternity is an undefined category of time of arrival of inevitable death, which never dies.

To much regret, not all religions, especially radical Islam, revere the Divine gift, the miracle of miracles – that of life.

Worshipping of death, especially suicide, is considered the most unforgivable sin, for which one is assured eternal flame in hell in afterlife for all generations to come.

Death is a reward of Nature! Death of a person is the end of life in flesh, resurrection, transition to eternal, spiritual life, except in other more improved dimensions. The goal of life is to become that personality which we were conceived as: the undistorted image of God.

There are people who throughout their life are building only their own tombstone and are writing the script for the solemn conduct of their funeral. They don’t know that life is a means not to think of death.

Someone who is afraid to die, just as well is afraid to live. The death of a man is not always the evidence that he had lived. After a senseless life many people simply disappear forever, without leaving a trace. We know that every minute a person is born or dies on Earth. But the thing is that those dying are our relatives, friends, and close ones, while those being born are strangers completely unknown to us. And it’s difficult to reconcile oneself to it…

Death is rest, but the thought of inevitable death makes people restless. Death is a process where biology turns into necrology. Obituary is a social and professional recommendation for acceptance to Paradise, to Divine consciousness. While immortality is possible only after death has come.

The inevitability of death is softened somewhat as people don’t know when will it catch up with them. This uncertainty has something from infinity and from that which we call eternity.

Life is a wonderful moment of eternity; life is given to a person only once and even then by accident. Therefore to let this moment pass by oneself is criminal. Life passes so quickly as though we are not of interest to it, so we need to live as if immortal. Although we are immortal, the eternal for us is the infinite present. That’s why one should aspire to live a full-blooded life now, and not to place all hopes on the other world. We should live so as not to die even after death, we need to reconcile ourselves to the fact that “as yet, no one managed to leave this life alive”, and that every Man on his own is God and Universe, which are born and die with him, passing on to immortality.DEATH SHOULD BE SENTENCED TO DEATH!


Birth is a relay race of life, the passing of the genes from generation to generation. People are born without notions of morals, good and evil. Only the society makes of them righteous men or sinners. Let’s not forget, that on our planet paradise is created only during man’s life by hellishly hard work. And life is a miniature of eternity, but nothing can rush us ahead like eternity.

Children are interested to know where everything comes from, while adults – where everything disappears.

Must it really be so that anything that was born has to die?

After critical analysis of theological, scientific and philosophical sources known to us, we have come to the conclusion that one should avoid thoughts of death in any way possible; otherwise it will seem a great disaster. Let the wisest, the very brave and reasonable personalities deal with this inhuman – Divine – problem. While a person is living, there’s no need to give importance to the issue of life and death, otherwise one can descend into tragic farce.

Our advice to others: it’s best to maintain eloquent silence regarding the sense of life and death!

During every stage of human existence, people were faced with global questions:1. Is it possible to become immortal while still living?2. Is it possible to conquer death?3. Is it possible to sentence death to death?4. Is it possible to “cut to the quick” those already “still”?5. Is it possible to consider the state, when a living person closes his eyes to everything

happening, to be similar to death?

Who or what can truthfully answer these long-sickening questions: the pious, the Satanists, the science, the medicine, philosophers or aliens from other planets? For now, everyone is well-aware only that:


Every single man is mortal on his own, but mankind as a whole is immortal.

“Man is the measure of all things”, -- as the philosopher Protagor used to frequently say. Every person is a witness of their own life.

The philosophy of longevity and inevitable death of all living on Earth deprives only people of sleep and calm. Of the living creatures only people are interested not just in the spiritual, but in the physical longevity and immortality as well.

According to myths of ancient China, the legendary Pan Qu lived for 18,000 years.


Of the Biblical patriarchs, MAFUSAIL lived the longest – for 969 years. The legendary patriarch MOSES – Moshe Rabei-nu – lived for exactly 120 years, ABRAHAM – for 175 years, his wife SARRAH – for 127 years, JOSEPH the Magnificent and Joshua (Jesus NAVIN) – for 100 years each.

According to the Old Testament, before the Flood people usually lived for several hundred years. The first human on Earth, ADAM, lived for 930 years, his son SETH – for 912 years, his grandson ENOS – for 905 years, and great-grandson CAIN – for 910 years.

For constant sinning, God has shortened the potential life span of people to 120 years, or maximum of 150 years.

Studying the remains of cave dwellers, dating to the Stone Age and later, the scientists found out that the skeletons were mainly of young people, whose age did not exceed 30 years. Bones of the aged people are a rare archaeological find.

Historical facts prove that even in Europe, from the early times to the late Middle Ages, the average life span varied between 20 and 30 years. For example, in the U.S.A the average life span increased from 47 years in 1900 to 76 years currently. Almost analogous data apply to all European countries, except Russia. In his “History of the Russian State”, N.A. Karamzin is saying that “Slavic people call a century an AGE, i.e. a human life, which shows the usual longevity of our ancestors who were endowed with strong physique and healthy physical activities”. This is also supported by Captain Margeret, who wrote in 1606 that “many Russians reach the age of 90, 100, 120 and only in the old age get to know illness… Except for the Tsar and main barons, no one is taking medicines.”

One needs to note that ancient Hebrews considered a year the time span that now equals two months. Therefore it’s impossible to determine the true longevity of ancient Biblical ancestors. One has to lean on Scriptures and archaeological finds.

The only thing is clear for now: life exists before death, and basta!

We pose a more simple and realistic question: is it possible to at least overcome the fear of death, and how? This question is especially painful for us not because of ourselves, but more so because of our descendants: children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren.

I consider it to be an advantage of humans before God – to have heirs in the form of children, who can truly be considered the flowers of life. (The only inconvenience is that our flowers require beautiful pots, continual change of soil in which they grow and its watering.) People are perfectly aware where children come from, but where do they disappear – God only knows.

How to recognise this thought: what’s the purpose in bearing, loving, growing, bringing up and protecting our children?


The fear for a child is more than a fear for one’s life. It’s the fear for one’s immortality.

The daily sleep and awakening is the daily rehearsal of life and death, albeit a miniature one.

“The essence of any faith is that it gives such a sense to life that is not destroyed by death” (L.N. Tolstoy).

To great regret, today the only truth is only the faith in the Divinity of life’s reason. It (the faith in God’s existence) is good because the fear of death is usually “neutralised” by the belief in the immortality of one’s soul.

Many compare the faith in God with a bird in a closed room; it knocks against the windows hoping to fly outside and be in bliss with love in the skies.

The sense in faith in God for people is their effort to care about the future, to understand their duty before the family and the society, to justify their own egotism, which is manifested in the desire to get from life only its pleasures. People should be confident in their tomorrow, and not lose hope of a decent future. In the best case, we will turn into an unknown, but immortal creature or will migrate as souls from our “sinful” bodies to other, non-dying objects? But which? Who determines it? Nature? God? It still unknown to us.

One may assert that death is good: it relieves a person from troubles, from life’s problems, from illnesses, from various possible sufferings.

Ancient Scriptures postulate that the Lord built and destroyed worlds until our world was created. We are shocked by his actions! Why did He destroy them? Is it possible that our world is better than the previous, and why?

There is no answer, and there will never be! One cannot turn to Nature with pretentious questions: why or what for? It is how it is, and it was, and will be so!

That’s the reality.



Life is multifaceted, and thus magnificent, especially when you love it. Life loving, and especially the mutual love, when life loves you, too, is the basis of bases of human happiness. The feeling of love is an aura that consists of interacting rainbow-coloured light waves that bring many wonderful moments and happiness. The energy necessary to sustain harmony and equilibrium in the entire Universe is released at the same time. There is no peace in life without human love. The separation of people and other living creatures based on gender is the principle of creating new life, new vibration of activity, the principle of producing and reproducing. This principle is the necessary condition of development, of preservation of harmony and stability in the world. Human history shows that any violation or perversion of the principle of gender distinction can become the main cause of Divine wrath, disharmony in society, natural disasters, catastrophes and cataclysms.

Life takes place under the skies and has:a) beginning and development, such as: conception, embryogenesis, birth, puberty,

marriage, perfection, ongoing quest for means of subsistence, unending concern for the future of descendants, while the old age starts when “tasty / filling” is replaced with “healthy / harmful”;

b) ending, which is called “death”. Unfortunately, life has only one ending: it is the passing from one form of existence to the other – “non-existence”, which, as theologians assert, takes place in Heaven;

It’s not life but death that opens up perhaps the most mysterious horizons of the other world.

“Where I am, there is no death; and where there’s death, I am not. That’s why death is nothing for me” – said philosopher Lucretius.

Death is the law of life, and not the punishment. He who hasn’t experienced life, will certainly experience death.

One needs to train himself to shield from the anticipation of death, the suffering and concerns of life, as they are senseless and fruitless. For example, Roman patricians and Chinese emperors, Arab sheiks and Russian tsars, who care only for their own delights, did not live more than common mortals. Therefore, we are all destined to die not just before birth, but before conception, not ever having a chance for a slightest mishap, not to mention sins. One would think that there’s little sense in the beauty of the Earth and the Cosmos, rationality of the world’s order and in the laughable blindness and stupidity of the mankind, if without appeal, court or defence we are handed the death sentence by God himself, whom we must love all our life and even after death.

We came from our origins we unconsciously came with a return ticket paid for by someone else. We are coming back in full consciousness already, as pilgrims from Earth, from darkness to light, from light to death, and from death – to Eternity, where everyone must report to the


Creator: who were they on Earth, what did they create, and did they leave for future generations.

All the religions and philosophies agree that human thoughts don’t get lost; somewhere they concentrate, register, evolve, and, perhaps, materialise. Human thought, creative activity, lifestyle – all define the equilibrium in the Universe.

Any books, including the sacred ones, consist of letters, words, phrases and thoughts, establishing a mystical energo-informational connection and relations among people, Nature and the Universe. For example, every sound of a prayer has a magical power, and how the sacral texts are pronounced is very important – one’s diction, tone, modulation. Without words and their placement there is no logical thinking, no prose or poetry, no religion or science, no philosophy or art, no laws or morals, no evil or good, no envy or hate, no wars or peace, no God or angels, no paradise or hell, no love, faith or hope. (The last three words are nouns and verbs at the same time).

Any phenomenon (hurricanes and floods, earthquakes and other cataclysms, handing a verdict to defendants, declaration of war and signing the armistice) is preceded by thought. Every person is a separate microcosm, the history of the Universe. Even a glance, tears or smiles are able to facilitate a bidirectional transmission of psycho-energy among the living creatures and produce a “thought” in their relations, which may define not only the fate of these subjects seeing each other, but the society as a whole.

The complexities of the world’s order are caused by interweaving of the obvious and non-obvious, of the Divine spirit and the matter, as many misunderstandings come from excess of passions, hyper intellectuality, excessive loving, philosophising, narcissism and, of course, the money chase. If all this is mixed in a single mind, and one tries to settle all the problems at the same time, certainly, any man would become disoriented (and that’s the best case of what may happen to his reasoning). One needs to adjust to life, become its disciple, however disgusting it might be. In real life it’s difficult to simplify things, and easy to complicate them (it may be that someone will think this conclusion a truism, but we thought it not without use to repeat it).

Cowards often die under the same wall, behind which they were hiding in fear.

So, the fate of a person is the final result of the combined totality of all the thoughts, spoken words and done deeds; the moving force for the evolutionary process of the body and soul, successes and disappointment, happiness and distress. Fate can be for individuals, family, society, national or global. The principle of their mutual connection is one of the most important laws in the Universe.

During wartime, many of the seriously wounded, poisoned by gas, barely surviving people managed to survive by pretending to be dead. Ability to survive is a huge privilege of the man (if he doesn’t become a life-long invalid from the trauma). As strange as it may sound, but the thought of death is more savage than death itself, so it’s justifiably thought that one needs be afraid not of death, but of the life senselessly spent.


Only the humans fear of death – while being out of danger.

Some of the people die from difficult life, the rest – from good one.

It’s not worth it to prematurely mourn one’s future death: live and act, don’t pass by the Divine gift of Life, enjoy the beauty of Earth, nature, descendants, build the future, while you are still living… Maturity comes in middle age, when the person begins recognising his mistakes, but is still young enough not to make news ones.

Life is an annual free tour around the Sun for the Earth inhabitants.

If you don’t die, you won’t go to heaven; if you’d like to go to heaven – die.

Thanks to the polarity of life and death, the Universe keeps its wholeness, its order, harmony, and equilibrium.

To philosophy means learning to die in peace.

Birth and death are the halves of one whole – BEING. Being is what exists in reality, i.e., the fullness of everything that is sensed and exists.

Death is the greatest mathematician, as it solves all the life’s problems unmistakably. Death is a recognised necessity – a component of existence of nature, and maybe, of the entire Universe. Death is a regulator of life, otherwise our planet, the Earth’s biosphere, would turn into a swarming ocean of organisms still alive, but decrepit. The sense of death is to limit the expansion of life. Death dominates the lives of all the living creatures. Birth is impossible without death, and death – without birth.

The Supreme Reason – God – is only interested in eternity and immortality of human civilization, but not the individual man. Maybe that’s why life is an endless discussion and settling of man’s relationship with God.

Death is already the end of the “endless discussion” with God and, after “settling the relationship”, everything is transformed in the Divine mystery.

It’s known that of the numerous mysteries of the world some may be negative – perhaps another Divine mystery. It’s possible to foresee that these endless discussions and settling the relationship with Him cause not only irritation of the world’s harmony, but the wrath of the Creator Himself…


Many atheists and even religious philosophers consider the wrath of God unjust and demand no longer to consider the Creator as God-human.

God is a Spirit, which is transparent, invisible, i.e., elusive. Theologians and cabbalists assert a hypothesis that God is not limited in time, space, and even more so in size. He is larger than the entire Galaxy, He is all-mighty and all-powerful, He is a dictator – Lord, and for some reason is always right!!! As for us, humans, perhaps we are just elements of His mysterious game, but no more than atoms, and maybe even electrons charged differently.

Such a hypothesis of atheists regarding God resembles attempts of some people to catch a black cat in a dark room, when it is not even there.

Until now, the truth of life is kept in the silent depths of the afterlife.

And finally, there is one more aspect we didn’t touch on while talking of life and immortality – that is, the role of mass media, and of course, the significance of global computerisation – the worldwide web.

The quick development of computer technology and microchips guarantees the mankind technical “immortality”. They are needed because for the civilizations the human brains of geniuses, sages and true scientists, being the treasure chest of the world’s achievements – die, albeit regrettably. They are able to retain huge volume of scientific and technical data, are capable to store them for all the time to come, re-record them and propagate throughout the entire Galaxy. That’s exactly the embodiment of technical immortality of the human civilization.

Yet, the real danger is not that computers will begin to think like people, but that the people will begin to think like computers!

In the new millennium people will no longer lie, steal, murder. Computers will do all that for them.

As the mysteries of being and nature are conquered, the mankind could very well reject the real world for fantasies, illusions and hallucinations, conjured up by drugs and electronic devices, delivering the information straight to the brain. In such case, human progress will become static, which equals a global catastrophe.

The scientific power acquired by man up to now has reached such a level that he should finally think of himself, of his salvation. Science should be perceived not just as the good, but as the evil as well. A computer cannot function without a person, without turning the power on. It can perform billions of operations per second, but lacks the intelligence of even a five-year-old!

To live is to think; to live means to create. Therefore, life is not a noun, but, as we already mentioned, a verb, which points to permanent motion in only one direction. Thoughts form the


reasons for manifestation of consequences.

Disappearance of a human soul without a trace in the vast space of the Galaxy, where it’s impossible to find the address of the eternal residence for the person who’s left this life forever, produces a special fear. That’s no longer the irony of human life, but a real tragedy!

In nature any life foresees its limits and duality, as under life hides death, under beauty hides ugliness, under abundance – poverty, under disgrace – fame, under learnedness – ignorance, under might – penury, under nobility – baseness, under fun – sadness, under success – misfortune, under friendship – enmity, under usefulness – harm.

Heinrich Heine said that each person is a World that is born and dies with him. World History lies under every tomb! I could add that a Man himself is more of a wonder than all the wonders performed by men taken together. The Nature, besides wonders, also has an amazing wisdom, when, with all the diversity of lives, it can equate everyone with death. A man is distracted from thinking of death by such Divine gifts as love, humour, laughter and everyday creative work, which other living creatures do not have.

The sinfulness of man and his predisposition for it is in his genetic heritage, and to extricate it through prayers and fasting is impossible.

Without existence of living creatures, especially the man, there is no sense for existence of God. But why God is so careful to preserve the human civilization, but not the individual man, we simply don’t know.

One need not fear God; one should fear oneself. A man is the creator of his welfare, and the cause for all his sufferings.

God lives in the soul of every living man, and after death the man lives in God himself.

The complexities of the world’s order are caused by interweaving of the obvious and non-obvious, of the Divine spirit and the matter. Science to this day could not create the living from non-living, and intelligent from non-intelligent. That is a mystery of the Supreme Intelligence – God.

It’s difficult to resolve the dilemma of who should repent: God for creating the man, or the man for inventing God.

And still:Religion is the heart of a heartless world !!!

The apple that fell on Newton’s head was an apple from the tree of knowledge. We thank the Lord Our God for fairly and equally distributing human brain: no one has yet complained of its deficiency.


Atheists could be called the “opposition” of the Lord our God.

Of course, we all believe that God exists, believe in His might and severity, which are described in the Bible’s sacred scriptures in full detail. There is much faith in God’s might, and much doubt in his severity.

Because of this, all those believing in the one God could be divided in two groups:

1. Those faithful who believe God created not just the Universe, but also the Man, and2. Those doubtful who believe that Man himself has invented God.

People of both camps should know that in a Godless society the first victims are all sorts of princes of darkness with all the devils. And this is genocide already! No religion can exist without the hell and the devil.

The Bible is the most interesting, yet the most savage book in the history of mankind. After reading the entire Bible, especially the Old Testament, one wants to position it one the shelves of one’s home library next to the books of the great philosopher Voltaire, as poison and the antidotes.

Don’t trust a clergyman speaking in the name of God until he shows credentials from God himself.

The Universe is a thought of the Creator. The world history is a Divine judgement. God probably suffers more from ignorance and indecent behaviour of His clergy than from the sins of common people. The number of atheists and pagans in the world depends on righteousness and conduct of clergy. Any sin conducted by a man is already his punishment. God doesn’t interfere in human sins. For that, people have the Bible, 70% of which is the criminal code, and only 30% is genesis.



Religion is an honest and righteous life; it doesn’t require intermediaries between Man and God. No religion can exist without faith in God, without Satan and the devil, without atheists and antichrists, without the fiery hell and life in afterlife’s paradise. Without these attributes people would lose the fear of Divine retribution, the need for truth, justice and mercy.

Any person consists of two halves: objective and subjective.The objective half is one’s fate, and it’s dynamic.The subjective half is the individual, who’s hardly dynamic.

The perception of the world we live in depends on the proportion of the human criteria mentioned above; every individual will perceive the same world event differently: optimistically or pessimistically, with admiration or cursing the entire world.

For example, the terror in the U.S.A. on 11 September 2001, when several thousand innocent people died, was considered as a catastrophe of human civilisation by the Christian world, while the majority from the Muslim world considered it a victory of Allah over Satan! The regret, expressed by mullahs and sheiks over this human tragedy, declared that several Muslims, who were never forewarned, happened to be among the dead!

It’s worth specially emphasising that of 1.2 billion Muslims in the world, no more than 15% support JIHAD, i.e., self-sacrifice for Allah’s sake.

But if we consider that numbers-wise it equals the population of U.S.A., we can recognise the scale and the danger awaiting the civilisation of “infidels”, i.e., Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hinduists etc., from occupation and violence of radical Islam. Many of liberal and soberly-thinking Muslims fully understand that radical Islam intends to pan-Islamise the entire world, to deprive of civil liberties not only the “masters” of the countries where they live as aliens, but also themselves, changing democratic constitution for the Sharia laws. The fate of the democratic civilisation is in danger. One cannot underestimate the fact that tens of millions of radical Islamic jihad followers live almost in all the countries of the world, they are dispersed globally, and their numbers are steadily rising. They are brainwashed by the so called “messengers of Allah” – mullahs, muftis, imams – and staunchly resist integration into other cultures, where they are considered “aliens”. Many of them are eagerly waiting for the appropriate moment to fulfil the sacred mission of their lives – to become shaheed, or martyrs. Let’s not forget that many shaheed – suicides who became live bombs and killed and continue to kill not just individual “infidels”, but thousands of their peaceful coreligionists Muslims, were born in European countries, studied in their schools and universities, became citizens of those countries, for example Britain, France, Belgium…

The liberty and independence of human thinking, especially the media, is considered offensive to


human dignity by radical Islamic world. That is illustrated by the “caricature intifada” that took on a global character because of appearance of Muhammad’s caricatures in a local Danish newspaper. Hundreds of millions of Muslims all over the world took part in this brilliantly organised intifada, which could turn into a religious war thanks to masochistic pacifism of the Christian world.

It’s not a secret that the Christian and even the Muslim God is also the Jewish God. He is a real cosmopolite. God is one, the only, and the whole.

It’s thought that after complex financial manipulations, using the principles of global market economy, the Jews have trimmed the staff of functioning Gods (elohim – Gods, pronounced as plural) so much, that they reached monotheism, or the single God for all – Christians, Muslims and Jews (although in Hebrew the word “elohim” – God – is used as singular, i.e., they are monotheists, just like Muslims).

The Divine diplomatic corps on Earth consists of rabbis, muftis, priests or bonzes that all belong to the same profession. Despite the mutual enmity, one can still find similarities: the thoughts and the gloomy face expressions, often covered with luxuriant beards, are absolutely (or almost absolutely) identical in the clergymen of all confessions! If people manage to overcome the fear of death, I am afraid millions of clergy will become unemployed. And that’s why they say that the fear of hell is richer that the largest banks: the fear feeds the multi-million army of religious clerks.


However, everyone knows that God has no need of money. Money is a purely material phenomenon. Just because they have a disgusting smell (here we can’t agree with a popular truism that “money doesn’t smell”), we can talk of its “spirituality”. Evidently, good and evil are accounted somewhere, most likely in Heaven, in the Creator’s own office. God remember that which Man forgets, and doesn’t forgive that which Man (here we speak of some representatives of clergy) not just remembers, but pursuing malicious goals brings to true virtuosity.

For example, priests are great masters in forming the feelings of guilt, fear, and hope.

They heal the wound inflicted by themselves, leading people into sufferings for imagined sins, and demand “expiation”.

The goal of all religions is the welfare of clergy.

The wise are wise with knowledge!

Time is not only the healer all the inevitable evils, but also the mankind’s biggest enemy. We almost don’t notice how quickly the times change, and people – even faster, and not for the best.


Everything is moving in this world, and at the same time, as Heine said, “stupidity turns into irony, unsuccessful flattery – into satire, natural rudeness – into skilled parody, true madness – into humour, and ignorance – into brilliant sharpness”, while you and I are seemingly maturing by the minute, but in reality we are ageing and ageing daily…

The sense of human life on Earth is constant perfection of knowledge and doing the good deeds, in order to decipher the secret code for the safes of the subconscious, for the rational usage of the tremendous potential of the psychic energy, sources of knowledge and truth that are contained there. As a result of this the living conditions of the entire living world of Nature are improving. This unique Divine gift preserved in the subconscious in the form of genetic fund, is inherited by descendants from their ancestors, which guarantees the existence and immortality of humankind for the eternity to come.

Our science, religion and philosophy are still unable to determine the nature of structures and the mechanics of interaction of spirit and matter, i.e., the architectonics of living organisms, therefore people have the fear of uncertainty. That is the tragedy of life.

Every tree of knowledge has its own roots of evil.

No one throws stones at the tree that bears no fruit.

To great regret, today lives of most people are flying by not in the quest for the sense of their birth and ways to self-perfect, but in making a living. The sense of life is lost when Man turns away from the reality of facts, conclusions, reason, and shuts his eyes to everything. It’s unethical and offends the Nature, the Universal Reason, and His energy system.

For example, the Sun, granting light, warmth and energy to the residents of Earth, is losing its mass at the rate of a million tonnes per second! Let’s recall the calculations of the American biophysicist Brod: a man radiates 1,000 times more energy than sun, per unit of his body mass! Perhaps that’s why the “rising sun” has more admirers than the “descending” one – more powerful, but living sources of energy (we mean people!)

Einstein considered science to be relative, and that even his own Theory of Relativity “would have to give the place up for another, more precise and deepened” one. There is pure science that could make our life immeasurably richer spiritually and materially. In fact, everything could be just so, if we don’t account for the side phenomena like the arms race, perfection of weapons of mass destruction, pollution of the environment, and also the feminisation of the male gender and masculinisation of the female gender.

Today media, or the means of mass information – MMI – are more powerful than the weapons, or means of mass destruction – MMD. MMI can destroy the souls of people, while MMD – their bodies.

Human fates are determined not as much by the person’s own thoughts, as by those of others, or


to be more precise, by attempts to “make corrections” in those fates.

Hundreds of people work on creating new laws, while millions “work” on how to dodge them.

Differences among people are the true ornaments of human life, they become sources of inspiration, create the spirit of competitiveness, encourage all the mankind to perfect itself and thus lead to technical, scientific and spiritual progress. And yet, the popular expressions “everyone is equal before the law” is not always true, as there always happen to be some persons among people who are “more equal than others”.

Let us then examine in the next chapter who are these people managing the fates of others – lawmakers and politicians.



We have all reasons to believe that the new century will become the age of conceit, uncontrolled greediness, and numerous appearances of self-appointed chieftains, which in turn will create an extreme situation in the society. (Except, for ordinary people such situation has become the norm. The muddier the river, the easier it is to catch the trout.)

What’s horrible is that such situation will lead to mutation of politicians and representatives of executive power. A new type of leader will gradually form and become established who will be absolutely unsuitable to govern a normal civilised life, but capable to manage only in the state of anarchy. All the victories of democracy are truly pitiable if they are not preserved by the constitutional laws, without which democracy rapidly transforms into permissiveness, laxity, liberalisation of physiological instincts, criminalisation of society, chaos and anarchy.

To our view, the situation where civilised states impose their models on uncivilised peoples is deeply pernicious. Every person is an integral part of the place, the time period, the origins of culture and the dictates of tradition, where he was born and grew up, however horrible and disgusting they might seem to representatives of other civilisations.

Politics is said to be the second oldest profession after prostitution. Politician is the person who always makes fiery speeches before his electorate. But if the speech is accompanied by intense hands movement, they could soon be found in the pockets of his audience… The “fame” of any representative of the state is much shorter than his life. All politicians are secret friends, remaining “competitors” in public. In time one becomes more and more convinced that politics nonetheless preceded prostitution.

An ambassador is also a decent politician who’s sent abroad to lie and fool his colleagues in the interests of his Motherland.

The world history is written with the blood of the righteous about dictators, manic tyrants and evildoers. The latter also built anonymous monuments for themselves – from the bones of those they violently killed, accurately hidden in mass graves.

The court trial process is another industry that takes the defendant in like a “pig”, and puts him out like pre-cooked food, a half-fried sausage.

And what is the state of things (if we leave to politicians their “methods of resolution” of moral and legal issues) with common citizens, like us, on the issues of morals – senses of justice, honesty, gratefulness, ability to forgive evil, carry the burden of riches and burden of poverty? How do spirituality and commercialism coexist? Finally, what is money, and how its presence or absence influence our perception of the world?

People often tend to hate their benefactors, while not so rarely forgive their offenders. Such “immaturity of feelings”, one could say delinquency in judging others, may cause a sequence of


misunderstandings and disappointments. Many of our sufferings are caused by our inability to always choose the proper social circle. Only loneliness and boredom unite people indiscriminately. It’s necessary to search and find the society appropriate for oneself, so that even among many honest and fair people one doesn’t feel unneeded by anyone, or else there is no one else to blame.

People of great virtues are not suited for the society of ignorami: interaction with the latter may end in tragicomedy. If decent and wise persons don’t possess a strong character, they look stupid, if not strange, in the society of ignorami and common citizens.

A talent is needed to own up to one’s own mediocrity. While the true talents, whether consciously or not, make the conceited ignorami around them uncomfortable. Talent is not always a reward, but often a heavy burden.

Let’s imagine a conversation of pseudo learned men, who try to make the faces look intelligent, wear an “ascetic mask” and continually argue over what is the sense of life. At times one may encounter people whose faces reflect naïve vulgarity, pettiness, envy, hypocrisy, evil wishes, and servility. Interestingly, these face expressions can be compared with hieroglyphs that can hardly be deciphered but attract attention at first glance.

The person’s face and his manner of speaking unequivocally determine “who is who”.

“Speak, so that I can see you” – wrote Socrates.

Silence is the best way to converse with those who envy you.

In the society of people one should be not a simple “member”, but an acting and creating person.

If you don’t want to have dangerous enemies, don’t have friendships with those who are not your equals in knowledge and dignity.

Manners of behaviour that seem natural could be considered top-notch aerobatics.

Tears dry up very quickly if they are pouring over someone else’s grief. Everybody can find strength to survive the misery of others. Many sympathise with their fiends’ failures, but are only envious about their success, for some reason.

For the invited guests, the taste of dinner does not depend on the table’s abundance or decoration, but on the expression of the hypocritical hostess’s face. She enjoys the guests twice: when they come on time, and, even more so, when they leave early. The wealth, with all its sumptuous decorations, turns life into some play, and however decent might be a person who lives among the sets, as if on stage, eventually turns into a comedian against his will. TEAR AWAY THE WINGS FROM THE BUTTERFLY, AND YOU WILL HAVE AN UGLY CATERPILLAR, A WORM!


It’s shameful to be heartless, especially when those close to you are miserable. When you say the words of sympathy, try to be reserved and hide your true thoughts and intentions. Don’t tear your hair “in grief”, or you’ll become bald and will not look better in everyone’s eyes for that.

Do justice and honesty fit each other? If considers it logically – yes. But the facts show otherwise. Honest folks who live conscientiously find it hard to be famous and rich, while rich find it easy to be honest and even just. It’s exactly here, in our view, that the harmony is broken between honesty and justice, between strength and weakness. It takes no effort to be poor, as poverty is mainly the fate of the lazy, which are the dominant majority. But to be rich, famous and honest is very difficult, as this requires tremendous industriousness and deep knowledge not only of one’s profession, but also of the country’s laws where the person intends to succeed.

Wealth and fame can destroy, or vice-versa, create obstacles on the way to happiness (as interpreted by a specific individual), both natural and artificial; they don’t obey the laws of nature or requirements of states. It’s almost impossible to understand the nature of their appearance or disappearance.

Fame without wealth could cause subjective satisfaction or the illusion of material prosperity. However, no one is able to determine what exactly – good or evil – is brought by being at the peak of mass acknowledgment and popularity. Despite being abstract, fame is impossibly fragile without its material basis. One awkward move, one recklessly dropped word, and the starry orb of total worship can break into small pieces, burying the reckless favourite of fortune.

No one throws stones at the tree that bears no fruit.

And money, tangible, but not Divine matter, is some SIXTH sense, without which the other FIVE are devalued. Money is the measure of human happiness and misery, one of the main regulators of material life. With no money, even one’s brother becomes one’s third cousin. Big money doesn’t let one sleep; small money doesn’t let one live. Big money spoils people; small money embitters them. Where there’s big money, laws rest. Big money can resolve the fates of people. Money sometimes creates an illusion of omni power, fame and immortality, especially counted before the mirrors, so that it seems more.

The dream of people is to earn so much as:1) their colleagues are said to earn;2) the tax inspectors suspect.

As soon as one earns the first million, already the next one is not enough.

People don’t get tired of money, especially when they lose them.

Under the auspices of humanitarian assistance for developing countries, the money of poor taxpayers in rich countries gets into the hands of rich people in poor countries.


There is an opinion that charity spoils both the giving and the taking, emphasises the dependence of the beggar from the rich, and strengthens the hate of former for the latter. Aid to the needy should not be given as humiliating handout, but as a profitable “investment”, so as to put them on their feet and make them fully fledged, decent members of society.

The paradox: friends cannot be bought, only sold.

The brewing of the minds starts with the rumblings of the stomach.



… Love could be compared to a fiery comet, which enlightens, enlivens and beautifies the skies. It seems the comet is in love with these skies, inhabited by heartless cold planets. But as soon as the comet tries to realise its potential of the energy of love through touching other planets, our planet Earth among them, it immediately gets into their “deadly embrace” and explodes, gets extinguished and breaks to pieces, turning into dead debris and ashes, as if it is dying in the flames of its own love and leaves behind a deep trace of a deep, black, dead abyss..

With her charm, shining eyes, fascinating smile, seductive body curves, the Woman has long been reigning not only over the Man, but over the entire human civilisation. The Earth is revolving not around some axis that was never seen by anyone, but around her visible and tangible charms.

The Woman is truly the Ruler of the World

The female body is not a balalaika; it’s more akin to a cello. If you want to possess her, first you need to learn to play it.

Without the Woman there has never been, and there will never be, not just love, happiness, wisdom, irony and humour of life, but immortality of the entire human civilisation, thanks to the descendants she bears. With her charm and guile, flirt, love and caress, she is able not only to conquer any Man, but, depending on her desire or caprice, to make him rich and happy, or… completely ruin him.

A man can forgive a woman for anything –except for intellectual superiority.

When a man finds the woman of his dreams, he can say farewell to the rest of his dreams. A man is not whole without a woman; he seeks the missing part of his own self in his wife.

Let’s afford ourselves some jokes on the subject of Men and Women, keeping in mind, however, that every joke has some of the truth in it.

It’s known that not only love, but often finances as well, conduct the tune of a “family duet”, where the wife’s mezzo-soprano completely muffles the baritone of her husband.

It’s easy to make a woman happy, just terribly expensive. At the same it’s difficult for oneself to remain happy.

The body of a young beautiful woman is quite a weighty capital that under “certain circumstances” perfectly justifies itself.


Women form a numeric mindset upon every acquaintance with a man. For some reason they always count on something.

A beautiful woman is heaven for the eye, hell for the soul, and purgatory for the wallet. Many men have bitter experience with sweet women.

Don’t boast that your wife is the best of all, or else her false girlfriends may take offence and become true enemies, while your friends, who are proud of their male assets, will surely want to see for themselves.

The fire of love shines brighter if money, cognac and cigarettes are regularly thrown in.

The Woman keeps the hearth where the family budget is burned.

Love is a Divine gift to the mankind; its mystical essence is a tremendous enigma for the material world. It is said that love was invented by Russians so they don’t have to pay for sex. This proverb contains immense philosophical sense, which an entire army of sages has been, and still is, trying to deduce over hundreds of centuries.

In reality love is the only eternal and magic emotion that is not measured by money or even gold. Love is the main and most important word – not just in the vocabulary, but in the human life; existence of the mankind itself depends on it, as well as, perhaps, of the entire Universe and God Himself. Criteria of its appraisal have not yet been found.

We should emphasise the importance of the role of the nasal receptors during love’s appearance. The scientists have established that that both animals and people secrete special biochemical substances – pheromones, whose composition differs in different people. Usually they don’t have a scent. But in some situations these pheromones secrete an exotic, incomparable befuddling scent. In some people they facilitate excitement of the nasal receptors, inducing the feelings of love and lust. As an example, we can take a look at the story of Ravil, a young man who met a girl at a disco, and was impressed by the scent of perfume, emanating from her. During the dance Ravil was enjoying her aroma and her proximity so very much. He couldn’t forget it and began to conquer her sympathy. The next time he saw her he again was mesmerised by the magic aroma and asked her what perfume does she wear. “Why, - the girl was surprise. – I don’t wear any perfume at all.” And soon Ravil had understood that he is hopelessly in love!

That’s why great poets sourced the subjects for their creations in true love, and not in marriage.

And it’s great that Russian men were the first to have discovered the Divine truth thatPAY FOR LOVE WITH MONEY IS CONSIDERED THE GREATEST SIN!

The gift of love serves the commandment of the Creator, who urged us to reproduce and procreate. Love is a biological act, a powerful engine of all the living, a mystical form of immortality, which symbolises the union of the two sources, which is exactly the basis for


existence of the world’s biosphere.

A woman knows the essence of love, while a man knows its cost.

It’s a happiness to have a beautiful wife, and it’s a grief to have such happiness.

Love is a Divine abstraction that projects itself not only on people, but also on any spiritual matter. For people love is an irrational source of happiness and misery, inspiration and grief, voluptuousness and disenchantment… It’s even written in the Bible that he who is unable to love, will be unable to learn the essence of God the Creator, because love is God’s own gift. Quite naturally, the Man is still trying to understand the essence of spiritual love, aspires to understand it no less than mysteries of space, and in the long run, wants to understand the soul, and its light and dark sides.

The world exists thanks to romantic (and not just genital) relations of all living creatures, including humans as well! Love is the restoration of the Divine unity.

And sometimes love is… the restoration of normal family tonus. For example, a beautiful secretary angers the wife of the general director and delights her husband. An ugly-looking secretary delights the wife, but spoils the director’s mood first thing in the morning. Thanks to such a secretary, the director never works more than the allotted time, comes home on time and the family is in peace.

We think that to believe in the Divinity of love is a religious instinct. To carry through the entire life one’s love for one’s neighbour, and women too, to be fair and merciful with them – that’s what religion is. As God is the creator of the Man and his feeling of love, we should worship Him (but not His intermediaries personified by clergy).

In a marriage, the more a woman moans at night, the less she grumbles during the day.

In extramarital affairs a woman also “moans”, but falsely, of course, and in the morning she (the seductress!) always flatters her suitor: “I didn’t know what happiness meant until I met you”.

Only “experienced broads” kiss like “beginners”.

A woman is the weakest, defenceless living creature, from whom, we discover, one cannot defend or save oneself. She expects not reciprocal feelings from men, but reciprocal action!

A woman, even alone, can be a dominant majority.

Women are capable of everything, and men – of everything else.

Love with a beautiful woman needs a strict bed regime with a condition that “beginning” and “end” turn into one whole.


Clever and beautiful women look after themselves, while stupid and ugly ones look after their husbands.

To find a good husband is an art, but to keep him is already a profession.

We don’t love a woman because we find her beautiful, but we find her beautiful because we love her.

A woman who is loved doesn’t grow old. While the man who is loved not only grows old, but also gets feeble, and needs nothing except for a magnifier, an amplifier, a rectifier and a stimulus.

One should have a devilish patience to keep his wife’s angel-like character.

Any quarrel with one’s wife makes the husband a candidate for a cuckold. To avoid that in a married life, the woman should pretend to be blind, and the man – to be deaf.

A woman’s sweater should fit her so tightly that men would catch their breath, not her.

A pretty woman should wear almost everything, or almost nothing. Another version – a pretty woman is appraised in one instant, and men are ready to put certain investment machinery into her, which brings instant happiness, an sometimes – an heir.

Often the men who are passionately eager to join the numbers of a beautiful and flirtatious woman’s suitors, become a toy of this seductress, an amusement for this libertine, a tool of her intrigues and, of course, a rich source of financing for her unlimited caprices and aspirations.

There’s only one love, yet many imitations.

We also ask the readers not to confuse love with sex, which is laced with passion and has a purely fleshly basis, is commercialised and can also have a number of unpredictable consequences.

Don’t forget that the Great Sage Jesus Christ was constructing his entire Philosophy and Religion on the Divine basis, which is called love in the broad sense of the word.

It is written in the Bible that “God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him”. (John 4:16).

The Bible states that everything is in the Man’s hands. Yet the facts are stating that everything is in the hands of the Woman, in her embraces.


The true men do not have right thoughts and beautiful women coming together.

Love for a woman is a hard spiritual disease, before which the classical medicine is helpless. It can be cured only by homeopathic method, according to which only the like MEANS can rid one of it, i.e., with the aid of another, more beautiful woman. The latter could be considered an antidote!

With the descent of darkness, the influence of women over men rises exponentially, with the speed of 60 minutes per hour.

AN independent woman is she who never managed to marry, because couldn’t find anyone wanting to depend on her, or rather, on her caprices.

Unhappy is the man whose happiness starts to depend on a beautiful woman, may she even be the best. Ever more so, since many modern women have so defamed themselves that men can no longer boast of their success with them.

Women also have a character. It’s just it’s a different one every day, not just by outward manifestation, but in its substance as well.

Women also participated in the writing of history, and still do, but it is not clear to us why there are so seldom mentioned in history.

We often met couples who sat in front of us and did not exchange a word with each other throughout the entire dinner. Only through their indifference to each other one could guess they are husband and wife.

One man who made a successful career thanks to his own wife’s cheating turns with deference to one of his close “friends”: “My dear, I’m asking you to no longer be rude to my darling spouse in my presence. This way you humiliate my man’s dignity”.

In the past, cuckolds had a certain social “status” and they were always a subject of discussion. Nowadays it all has changed. There are almost as many cuckolds, as there are order-bearers, and “horns” lost their original significance. Their carriers are simply not longer noticed.

So why a man, this “unnoticed cuckold”, needs a wife? What happens to love nowadays?

Modern love is on the eve of “Apocalypse”. Love is asking for help; it needs to be saved.

Love is an Achilles’s vulnerability, although not in the heels, but in people’s hearts. Apotheosis of love may turn into a toothache – in the genitals.

Our advice to those in love: before instantly satisfying the passion of love, or before the spousal


vows, switch on all gears of your mind and first of all find out what binds you – heart or flesh, friendship or benefit, fate or ancestors’ tradition.

As a rule, men find themselves wives at their own risk and discretion, and so poison their life in the bonfire of passion.

It’s coincidental that the bride’s wedding gown is white, while the groom is dressed in black – mourning – clothes.

There is no unified strict concept for the usage of wives. So, for example, in some African countries wives are used during crocodile hunting – to lure the latter onto the dry ground.

In the South America wives are used to scare off birds or packs of wild animals to protect the fields.

In Chukotka wives are used to warm up and entertain guests.

And in the Russian provinces women who can produce moonshine and be decent drinking companions, are rated very highly.

Beautiful women are late more often than plain ones, as they live in a special time zone. They are forgiven everything.

The best medicine for a broken heart and a weeping woman is clean handkerchief.

It takes as much time for a broken heart to cure, as it takes for a jaw broken by a passionate lover.

People handle sick conscience better than an aching tooth. But a toothache in one’s heart is already more than a tragedy.

It’s better to realise at the start of romantic relationships, who is the predator, and who is the prey.

If you don’t want to get involved in romantic relationships, remember these words: “Let’s remain friends…”, “I value your friendship too much…” and so on, in order to avoid claims for anything more.

Feeling of shame is only overcome through love. However, shame may be replaced by other feelings: pangs of conscience, guilt, and, of course, fear. In the heat of the passion the lovers don’t have enough time to protect themselves.

In married life the man should show courage in order to command, while the woman should find boldness to pretend being subordinate.


In marriage the two persons most often do not add up, but are deducted from each other.

If a man fears loneliness, he has no right to marry.

Ancient Greeks called bachelors “defective”.

Men are lucky that God created Woman from the Man’s rib, and not from his brain, or else women could forever dominate men.

How nice would women be if they weren’t so persistently trying to become rich and famous! This can be achieved only by horribly beautiful women.

To make married life more interesting, the spouses should create a new menu every night, with full descriptions not only of positions, but their fantasies as well.

Women in bed should be not flat and linear, but three-dimensional, with all the soft and bulging paired hemispheres. Men! Be careful, don’t flirt with brain’s hemispheres, they are not to be used!

Young women live by outrageous exceptions, while old ladies – by ethics and rules.

Young men pay for what they do, while old ones pay for what they don’t.

Young and beautiful women are always ready to marry the elderly, hoping to become widowed soon. That’s why they say widows live longer than their husbands.

Old women seem stupid, because they were beautiful in their youth, and their stupidity was an extra attraction.

Women’s guesses are more precise than doubtless facts of men.

Sometimes a woman’s refusal is more pleasant than some acceptances.

A woman in love can easily be forced to do whatever she wants.

Love is a short-term night blindness of men in love to the amenities of other women.

Love can only arise between strangers.

In a marital union, the argument produces a discord turning into a duet of two soloists: the husband’s “baritone” and the wife’s “mezzo-soprano”.

It’s not a secret that the way to a man’s heart lays through his stomach. Our compliments to the


wit of those women who first found a shorter and more pleasant way!

Today one can still find the women who are ashamed of what our ancestors were ashamed of.

Love is a tremendous happiness if it ends with pleasure yet without repentance. It’s only possible when lovers live the life of their loved ones.

Men have a supreme bliss when a beautiful woman cannot hide her natural and naïve stupidity.

It would be desirable for women to gain that entire mind that men lose because of them.

We call a woman sincere if she doesn’t lie without necessity.

Beautiful women are always giving their thanks to God who created light. All women would be the same in darkness!



After a 45-year long marriage, we have come to the conclusion that marriage is a livelihood necessity; it’s a mutually beneficial contract, blessed from above. It’s easy to get married, but much harder to be married.

In math, adding 0.5 and 0.5 produces a full unit. But if, for example, a half-witted man marries a half-witted woman, it doesn’t mean that as a result the mankind will get one fully-fledged family, or at least, one fully-fledged person. In the family realm it’s better not to use the rules of applied math.

Love defines and accompanies the human history, culture, poetry and religion. Love is a universal sacred human emotion, whoever it may be directed towards – a woman, the Motherland, relatives, God, nature.

Only the worthy ones deserve Love.

We can only grasp the essence of human history when we realise that not a man plays the leading part in the mankind’s fates, but a woman.

“Women are not worse than men. They lack a bit of physical strength and mental energy” – said Socrates.

Sincere love, chastity, purity and pudency are the best dowry for a bride. But the problem is that such brides are rarely born today. He who searches does not always find!!!

We are sure the Creator knows the living creatures’ anatomy better than us. Without such knowledge, He couldn’t have created the “entrance gates with cavities” for women in those places where men have well-manifested “outgrowth” designed to fill the cavity of the entrance gates. Thanks to these anatomical (energy) features God gave the Man and the Woman oppositely charged components, so that they would mutually attract, so that they would complement and fill each other, turning into one whole. That’s exactly the source of Divine love, delight and continuation of life on Earth.

And still, the best human amusement invented by God was, is and will be the separation of all species inhabiting the Globe in two opposite genders.

Adam called his wife Eva (Hava), because she was supposed to become the mother of all the future mankind, the source of eternal life and genes, contained in her. The word “Hava” means “Giving life to reason”. Motherhood is the eternal root of the life’s trunk. Any child born today was created almost 6,000 years ago, and all this time was expecting to see the light.

There are three who take part in the birth of a child: the wife, the husband and the Lord who blesses the marriage and give the child a soul.


God the Creator certainly knows that there is “the essence of the Spermatozoid Principle”, when every minute there’s an uncompromising blood-and-guts race among the brethren in the most intimate places of people’s flesh. Only one of them wins – the strongest, the fastest, the most purposeful, so called half-cell tadpole, Spermatozoid ramming the Ovule, also a half-cell, to unite with it into one whole, into the beginning of a Person – Conception, continuing the human race on Earth. Such a conception of a human could be considered “vicious” if we consider the unjust death (also a sort of genocide on a half-cell level) of the rest of the millions of able spermatozoids, also created by God. Each of them also had the ability to fertilise other ovules, from which millions of people could have appeared.

Children are innocent from birth, and have the ability to develop in various ways. They have no notion of God’s essence, religion, hell, heaven, especially of the inevitability of death.

Save your children their tears, so they could shed them over your grave.

Children resemble their time more than their parents.

A child needs parental love exactly when he deserves it the least of all.

Children born from the genetic fund, i.e. after “Weisman”, terribly resemble their ancestors, while children born after the communist system, i.e. after “Lysenko”, resemble the ecologically polluted environment.

Marriage is the only source for life’s continuation that is legal and approved by God; it represents the main key to human life on our planet.

Marriage is a Divine phenomenon for keeping of equilibrium, interconnection, interdependence and harmony of live processes for unity and eternity of the Nature and the Mankind.

Any marriage is a moral union of two living creatures of opposite sex, based on their amoral and intimate relations, albeit with a lyrical start, and with an earlier unforeseen ending.

A marriage is a union of two subject of opposite poles, who reach the equator’s temperature when they approach each other, and go back to their polar temperature once they move apart.

Marriage diminishes the rights of both spouses by 50%, their freedom – by 100%, and increases their responsibilities by 200%. Spouses are not as unhappy in their marriage as it seems to them, and not as happy as they’d like to be.

Marriage is the only long-term “punishment” that can be commuted only by bad behaviour. It’s


not coincidental that (in Russian) marriage and spoilage are the same word (“brak”) indicating something with a flaw or of substandard quality. In English “marriage” is a card game, and in French marriage means to bind the suitor (wedlock ties, Hymeneal ties).

Marriage is a peaceful co-existence of two tense nervous systems.

Marriage consists of three components: intimate love, trust and devilish patience.

Any marriage is calculated. If the divorce will cost more than the marriage itself with all the ceremonies, then it’s worth thinking of it one hundred times before resolving on this step.

Being a husband is the profession of the jealous, who don’t tolerate “deputies” or “doubles”. He should not forget that female flesh cannot be void.

Deciding on serious issues men always consult with their wives, as they believe in female intuition.

A beautiful wife is a person not just “for home consumption”; her charm could often be useful for “external application” as well. That said, she should look so clever that her shallowness of mind would be a welcome surprise. The less she opens her mouth, the fewer silly things one hears.

There is no marriage without ongoing flattery and periodic diplomacy. Any sincerity and frankness lead to a divorce. The wider the gap between the intellect and education of the spouses, the quicker this process goes.

The spending of one’s wife can only be reigned in by daily tenderness, flattery and compliments. One needs to say more often that she looks well in the last year’s dress, that she awakens men’s passion with décolleté, but without the large jewellery, that she is more desirable without transparent silk underwear, that she can intrigue men with the exquisiteness and mystery of her body. Even the most fashionable bikini should not cover the “items of first necessity”, except for the label.

Platonic love more often comes after the marriage.

Geneticists know that every man carries female features in him, and every woman – males ones. The only question is that of proportion. In many cases this proportion determines the psychosomatosexual orientation. But since the Man and the Woman by their nature are unable to be free of each other, they seek in each other the features lacking in them. This is where the law of sexual attraction steps in.

Love has a special significance for some of the peoples in the Western society. For example, books are written, films are produced based on romantic relations; fights take place, feats are executed, tragedies happen and even wars are started.


A woman is a live statue, made of specially located atoms and molecules of live flesh, woven with romance, poetry, charm, and divine sorcery, so that she could seduce, be loved and fall in love; she always respects the righteous (but prefers – the rich!), but gives her heart only to the young. She knows that in practical life she is beautified by “0” (zero!) and, when meeting famous men, tries to make sure that the zero is preceded with many other digits.

Even just the appearance of the Woman shows that she is Divine and is mainly destined for love and producing the likes of her. As the tenderest creature, she is endowed by nature not with physical strength but with instincts and intuition, slyness, coquetry, tendency for fickleness and pretence.

Women should abstain from the apples from paradise; otherwise they are in for the agony from hell.

For them love at first sight lasts just a bit longer than lightning; in exceptional cases a woman’s love may last until the suitor packs her into expensive fashionable clothes, complete with jewellery, of course.

Therefore, when a beautiful woman demonstrates a finely knit clothes and unique jewellery, and says “All of this is brought by hard work”, her close girlfriends, knowing her abilities, will certainly ask in curiosity “By whose?”

Men would behave much braver if they knew what’s on women’s mind; while women would behave much more coquettishly if they knew men some better.

Clever and decent men are always beautiful. They stand until they muster enough courage for the first foolishness. At that they can resemble tigers that are feared and respected, and not the small pet dogs that are loved.

Many beautiful single women who are proud of their chastity resemble deeply buried treasures, which remain untouched only because no one could find them. Such treasures, if they are not regularly used and aired, will get covered with dust and mould.

Not only women like to coquet, but also some gentlemen. Both know that coquetry is the poetry and music of love, where only the Woman should reign.

God has created the Woman so that her gloomy but wet voids were filled with “male assets”.

Female pectoral and pelvic hemispheres, round and symmetrical, soft and pleasant to touch, serve as bait for men. Attention: do not touch the hemispheres of female brain! They are for comprehension of their actions.

Sometimes women compare men to the letter “Q”, i.e., a nil with a tail, which despite its


shameful location and tiny size still carries itself decently.

A woman’s smile is a curve that straightens the man’s hurt but steadfastly hanging asset.

Love is diverse; women have to love not only the man, but also the children, the house, the relatives, the friends, the Motherland, the work, arts, social and other relations.

Female lust is an epos, while male one is an epigram.

Women don’t count their years. Either their girlfriends or the husband’s lovers do it for them.

The more you kiss, the less silliness is said by the woman: her mouth is busy!

Women can’t stand it when a lie is answered with a lie.

A bachelor is asking a beautiful woman: “Married?” – “Was twice.” – “And how old are you?” – “Twenty-three!” – “And also twice?”

Sometimes a man becomes a scapegoat among donkeys.

Love helps to kill time, while time helps to free from unhappy love.

Women appreciate courage, but prefer marriage.

Love is a short-term but acute disease, and thus requires regime of confinement to bed.

When cheating, a woman seeks something better, while man – something new.

An old maid is a woman who said “no” one time too many.

Remember that your beautiful close girlfriend is more dangerous than the plain female friend of your husband.

Naiveté is a sister of innocence, and a cousin of stupidity. That’s why young ladies no longer lose their innocence, but rather get rid of it.

Modern husbands, catching their wives in bed with a family friend, politely ask him to dress up at once and leave. While previously in such cases proud husbands always sternly demanded: “Let’s step outside to agree without a scandal the date and location for a duel”.

Any sober-minded man always doubts the faithfulness of his lover! But only a fool doubts the unfaithfulness of his wife!

Many women in France are only French above their waist, while below they are true



Beautiful women always seek new acquaintances, as those who know them well already no longer admire them.

Beauty, mind and virtue can blossom when others notice and admire them. If they go unnoticed, they might not only wither, but disappear without a trace.

The wife is the second half, while the first one is the lover.

If all the women become beautiful, that would be the end of the world.

If the spouses do not quarrel, that means they are not made for each other. Only in quarrels the truth is born.

A man changes a woman when he wants to experience much; while a woman changes a man when she doesn’t experience anything.

A woman to a man: “If you were my husband I’d put poison into your coffee”.The man to the woman: “If you were my wife, I’d drink that coffee very gladly”.

The first wedding night with a “virtuous” bride requires some moral-ethical preparation. The man: “My dear, at first there will be a lot of pain, a bit of blood… and then a pleasure!”After the bloodless night she asks him: “And when there’ll be pain?”

It’s not necessary to saw one’s husband to know him inside out.

Divorce is a safety valve for the boiling pot of marriage.

If a man wants to find a beautiful, smart and rich wife, he’ll have to marry three times.

The grudging wives are giving their husbands bumps on the head, while the loved ones cuckold them instead.

Husbands should get themselves such lovers that embracing them they wouldn’t be ashamed to be seen by their wives. Lovers should be better than the lawful wives, so you’d have fewer reproaches and perhaps you’ll even hear some compliments from them!

Some husbands read newspapers having come home, while those who come home late compose a tragic comedy with a happy end.

How pleasant it is for the passed away husband when his wife carves these words on his tombstone: “Courageously died while fulfilling the spousal duty”!


One should kiss his wife every morning: her eyes, so that she becomes blind as a bat; then her lips, so she becomes mute as a fish in water; the compliments should be pronounced very loudly and clearly so that she becomes deaf. (Forever!) While the lover can be kissed carefully and without stop, so as not to kiss the same place twice.

It’s not necessary for men with beautiful wives to be blind in order to be happy. It’s enough to close their eyes from time to time, so as not to notice what’s happening.

The “love” of a young woman for the old is built on their past success and memories, and also on their current material situation. That’s why it’s always funny when an old man carries along the mistake and the passion of his youth, when the reason is deficient, as well as appearance: decrepitude, deep wrinkles everywhere and – a hunch.

Why time is the best doctor if the years take away one’s health?

In order to temporarily escape reality, to repeat the sins of their youth, to realise their fantasies, the old people mobilise all their financial resources and begin the odyssey to famous doctors, sorcerers, extrasensory individuals in order to restore the feeling of love and the lost male power. All the medicines and potions they get from the “healers” become their food, while tasty meals turn into poison!

And generally, we advice the old people to avoid speaking in the company of young men of the merits of their divinely young wife or lover, as the present young gentlemen are better informed of the “merits” than the story-teller himself.

Love is an erotic play with short acts and long intermissions. It resembles a business that has bankruptcy tendencies.

Beautiful women are loved for seductive flaws and never for substantial merits.

In the games of love only the “experienced” beauties resist. For such women “maybe” means a firm “yes”, while for experienced diplomats it always means “no”.

Beautiful women always feel wronged and offended after the romantic passion, if they were not decently rewarded.

If spouses get to a company with many beautiful women, the married ones sigh deeper than the bachelors who are also present.

Jewish “kosher” sex is half a minute of pleasure and an hour of feeling guilty.

A woman who frequently cheats on her husband, could be considered a fast-moving consumer good, while a man who can but won’t – a rascal.


In case of sinful deeds, men lie experiencing the pangs of conscience, while women make excuses with tears in their eyes.

Sometimes the first brave step in love requires a kick in the rear.

A woman is a moveable asset. First she belongs to her parents, then to the husbands and suitors, later – to the children, and in old age – to the grandchildren.

Any philosophy condemns human passions, including romantic ones. That’s why there are more bachelors now. Perhaps we should annul philosophy as a science to save the world from the genocide of producers of our descendants?



The biological act of love symbolises unification of two bases, which is the source for existence of the World. Any person represents one half of something that previously was one organic whole, the half that got lost some time ago. In any of his incarnations he attempts to restore the wholeness, seeks his other half among representatives of the other sex, using love – the most moral and spiritual basis.

Love is a gift of Heaven. It is born in the subconscious (and not in the stomach: the starving have other things on their mind!). A conscious rejection of love is a sin, a crime.

Love should not be confused with lust, debauchery, licentiousness, infidelity, prostitution, incest and other vileness, which is contrary to the will of God and leads to spiritual fall of an individual, as well as moral and physical degradation of a nation and the entire mankind.

Love is infinitely larger concept than Albert Einstein’s teaching, as it encompasses the life of the entire mankind and everything living on the planet, while the genius theory of relativity – risks the fates of only the several tens of thousands of human lives.

… And so, love is a gift from God. Nonetheless, it can cause psychosomatic conditions, disturbance of brain activity, and confine one to bed for a long time.

Unlike other diseases, love doesn’t require medicine, and in general, defies cure. Especially since no patient as yet has expressed a desire to voluntarily get rid of the condition.

Love is the main method to escape loneliness.

In reality love resembles jealousy more than friendship; it’s an eagerness to reign over the “loved one’s” soul in the most subtle way. Jealousy is really egoism, turning into envy, and occasionally later into hatred.

The propaganda of the genders equality is a tragic comedy of gender relations.

Women striving for equality diminish their dignity and superiority over men.

Women expect not reciprocal feelings from men, but reciprocal action, as was already said. A woman can quickly leave a man, if his reciprocal action turns into reciprocal feeling.

A woman falls in love not with men, but with her victory over them, her power over the stronger sex.

Another men’s weakness is their unfailing reaction to women’s “delights”: natural femininity,


false modesty, inapproachability, seductive body form, those rounded elevations, that men often have to climb, and then, getting drunk from their passion, slide down and fall through into the dark deep cavities and dimples, from where no one managed to emerge being dry.

In the past, only true gentlemen were able to achieve the love of a beautiful woman, and now such women can be had for money and jewellery.

And still, even the most beautiful women cannot give more than they have.

With the aid of subtle flattery, one can at least predispose a woman, if not conquer her. (However, any flattery is false and even hypocritical, as it flies off a tongue and doesn’t come from one’s heart. Sometimes it’s dangerous to flatter.)

Let flattery be what it may, but still – how does a woman manage “to give more than she has”?

What does a woman bind a man with?

Russian women bind by beauty;Armenian – by plumpness;German – by cleanliness;Brazilian – by dancing;Turkish – by caress;Portuguese – by passion;Hungarian – by power;Japanese – by flattery;Mexican – by revenge;Italian – by singing;Georgian – by patience;Gypsy – by card-reading;Chinese – by (sex-) knowledge;French – by chic;Jewish – by crying;Argentinean – by tango; Ceylonean – by tea or mango;Uzbek – by cosiness;Philippine – by shelter;Romanian – by experience;English – by meekness;Latvian – by innocence;Ethiopian – by good looks;American – by action;Ukrainian – by her body;Spanish – by imagination;


Estonian – by tension;Swedish – by paleness;Czech – by jealousy;African – by poorness;Polish – by bitchiness;Egyptian – by antiquity;Greek – by Hellenism;Indian – by eroticism;Bedouin – by a goat;Yemenite – by a donkey.

There is a historical explanation of the phenomenon that Russian women are most beautiful. In the Middle Ages there Europe was busy hunting after “witches” – women were charged with sorcery and burned at the stake. And the distinguishing criterion of a witch was her beauty. If a young girl was very pretty in the Western Europe, she was killed while still in infancy, fearing that she may grow into a witch. Thus Western Europe had destroyed the genetic heritage of beautiful women. In Russia, the notion of witch was fundamentally different from the European one. There witches were associated not with young beauties, but with ugly old women. It was exactly the latter who were being destroyed. The descendants of the Russian beauties have brought their beauty to our times. The most uncaring eye will still notice a Russian woman in a foreign crowd, even if she wears jeans, a sport jacket, and a rucksack behind her back.

Yet, western men don’t give beauty as much significance, as the Russians. Surveys in Germany have shown that 43% of German men absolutely don’t care about the appearance of their wives. Evidently, these men apply the principle of “that which is natural is not ugly”… This explains why in everyday life western women don’t pay much attention to their hairstyle, elegance of clothes, don’t wear jewellery and don’t use make up. They become masculine.

Only in the most solemn cases they recall they have evening attire, decorations and make-up, and become feminine. Interestingly, in Switzerland only old women and men stand out with their impeccably strict sense of dressing style, skill of wearing expensive jewellery, everyday usage of expensive make-up and thus they are much superior to Russian old women who some time ago seduced men with their irresistible, but long since gone, beauty.

In France love is a comedy, in England – a tragedy, in Italy – opera, in Germany – melodrama, while in Russia – it’s a whole social-financial perestroika.

The love of a woman has radically undergone “masculinisation”. It has become dominant in bed relations, but without the complexes of flirt and romance. If a wife cannot deprive her husband of his liberty, she poisons his life.

A lack of depth in a woman’s thought is compensated by her anatomical depths.

Décolleté is another form of preservation of matter.


With every new button undone, the woman breathes easier, while the man – harder.

One should give the same perfume to lovers as to one’s wife. Wives have exceptional sense of smell.

Women kiss each other when they get together, as it’s not quite decent to bite or crab in public.

Nothing rejuvenates the women of solid age as well as returning to mistakes and sins of youth.

Diamonds worn by old ladies never get old, they always look as new. A large diamond, even if it was in dog excrements, never loses its shine or even price.

One never sleeps well in someone else’s bed, because the lover not only doesn’t let one sleep, but even have some rest.

One may repeat the sexual act in the same bed only if the lover was unique.

Women’s tears are used for defence and attack actions, as they possess immense psychological power and invisible energy of influence! Thanks to tears, women can renew their wardrobe and replenish their jewellery collection.

Love can deceive and fool even swindlers.

Be careful, men! If a woman has suddenly gone silent, it means she’s preparing to say something earth-shattering.

In the past, women would blush when they were shamed, and now they are ashamed if they blush.

First women don’t let men come near, and then they don’t let them go far at all.

Love is a science for students, assistants and associates, but not for professors and academicians. The latter, unlike sheep, are counted not by heads, but by “members”.

Love is blind, but marriage restores its eyesight.

The strongest revenge to someone who went off with your wife – let him have her forever.

How can one marry an ideal girl? Very simply! But for that one has to be ideal himself!

In Hollywood, divorce terms are considered to be fair if both sides get 50% of the publicity noise.


The word “NO” remains the most effective contraceptive for women.

The flirt of men who despise women is called is called platonic love. (By the way, Plato himself hated women.)

Why do gentlemen prefer dressed women over naked?1. It’s not necessary to undress immediately in the presence of a dressed woman.2. It’s more difficult to come up with a reason to leave a naked woman.3. Only the dressed women leave.4. With a dressed woman one can limit oneself to a compliment.5. One can go to a restaurant with a dressed woman.6. Dressed women have fewer complaints.7. One can talk of other women with a dressed woman.8. Naked women don’t put food on a table.9. Dressed women don’t sleep, and especially don’t snore.10. It’s more expensive to dress a naked woman, than to undress a clothed one.11. A naked woman leaves us no choice.12. Only a clothed woman can be undressed.13. Firm ties for one night can only be made with a beautifully and expensively dressed girl.

It’s quite safe to chase after women’s skirts. But it’s more than dangerous to catch a woman. One will be left without the pants.

Don’t let yourself hate a man so much as to return his gift of jewellery, especially if they are with diamonds.

In old times people died from love, and now – from its consequences.

A man will bring his wife a bouquet of expensive flowers in the following cases:a) when his lover hasn’t come to the date;b) when his lover’s flat is locked form the inside and no one opens it;c) when the man comes to the final conclusion that his wife is better than his lover in all respects;d) when a promiscuous husband wants to free himself from the pangs of conscience.

If a man has nothing to do at work, then he should take only his lover as a secretary – not for her business qualities, but for the beautification of the workplace and painless overcoming of boredom and idleness. Such lover-secretaries can skilfully cover their lack of mental abilities, having a talented chief behind their back. When the lover in her new capacity starts to learn her chief’s secret matters, she is no longer what she was “yesterday”; the sense of her significance and indispensability is added to her usual feelings. She can be extremely dangerous is fired.

When the General Director buys himself a new office desk, he should first consult his young


secretary. The desk should not squeak, on the contrary, it should be comfortable in usage and stable in case of an “earthquake” measuring 10 on the Richter scale.

Men hate female gossip, because they may be pure truth, especially when it concerns the comparative appraisal of sizes and firmness of the parts representing male pride and dignity.

All the women without exception are terribly jealous and revengeful. (By the way, jealousy is a symptom of own inferiority.) They have no mercy, especially if they are predisposed for expensive gifts and French cognacs.

Women on sale settle the price beforehand, while the virtuous ones claim a large bill later.

A decent woman is she who gives freely that which the disreputable ones sell.

Men are strange these days: they are frustrated when rejected, but when they are accepted, they no longer can.

If there were no women, earning money wouldn’t make sense.

If a woman has mounted your neck, it only means you no longer have to carry her in your arms.

When sitting on a man’s neck, the woman spreads her legs wide apart.

The most beautiful and passionate women can only be met in hell.

Haim and Hava lie in bed in total silence for over ah hour. Hava, anticipating the pleasure, alternates her glances between Haim’s face and his crotch. Finally, she breaks the silence and cries out: “Haim, one of you should finally get up!” Haim gets up and goes for a smoke.

The sum of lengths of their legs and a the skirt is about the same for all women.

Long legs of lovers shorten the nights of their partners.

-- Musya, you have spoilt all of this festive evening for me with your mini-skirt!-- Haim, you have spoilt me all of life for me with your mini-dick!

A silly thing said by a woman in time is equated with wisdom.

Men kneel before a woman just to look under her skirt.

The more beautiful a woman is, the faster time and money flies.

Women use make-up to cover what’s written on their faces.


The smaller a woman’s breast, the closer to heart she takes a man’s love.

Some women stand up for purity of relations, others – for frequency.

Silence is not golden for a woman.

The practice of life has shown that blondes are not the most stupid ones. Marrying generals they become generalesses!

A man can die, but also be born due to mishandling the safety precautions.

-- Vasya! One more careless move – and you are a father!

If a girl turns around and leaves, most likely she is trying to show how her buttocks move.

How much time and effort should a man spend to take advantage of a minute of a woman’s weakness!

The cuckold! You came, you saw, keep mum!

A real gentleman will always let a lady go ahead, if the slit on her dress is behind. Only then would he be able to appraise the length of her legs and enjoy her gait and butt.

A lady who was always ashamed of creations depicting naked men, seeing the huge statue of naked Hercules cried out in admiration: “In such a great size “the items of male pride” no longer seem INDECENT to me!”

Only women are capable of reincarnation of the soul during life, as some 30-year-old ones remember events that took place 50 years ago.

Love is a racist, who not only violates human rights, but also discriminates against the shy and the ugly.

Most Jewish wives are called Raya, and mothers-in-law are called Ada.

“Bella Donna” means beautiful woman in Italian, while in all other languages belladonna is a poison.

Who is of most interest for women – a man with a mysterious past, a man with a tempting future, or a man with uncovered present?

A girl with a rich future should avoid men with a rich past.

A minefield covered with flowers always lies between a beautiful woman with intellect and a


beautiful woman without one.

An intelligent woman does not repeat gossip; she creates it.

Nothing saves time and money as well as mutual love at first sight.

The best cure from love at first sight is a second sight.

Women are always wiser than men, because they know less, but understand more.

The authors agree with a statement of Lubavich Rabbi (Menachem Shneerson), who was stating that love is superiority of a person’s soul over their body.

When a woman chooses a lover, it’s not as important whether she likes him; it’s important whether other women like him.

Reason, delight and happiness are always present in a spiritual love. Talking about the moral side of love is an invention of the weak and a moan of the incapable. In the absence of love, only passion exists, which excites and mesmerises the soul that extinguishes quickly after certain manipulations.

It will be a good marriage where man and wife suit each other with their flaws.

If God is love, then why the clergy, these holy of holies, call it a devilish delusion?

The Christian religion has done love a great favour by declaring it a sin.



Family scandals are diverse in appearance, but all alike in their content.

They are usually initiated by the wife, with her subconscious instinct and intuition, in order to prove at all costs her intellectual superiority over the husband, and to have the upper hand in everything – by all means, at all costs.

Extramarital love is a whole story in the life of a woman, and a brief episode in the life of a man. Many women have terrible memory, they never forget anything, but will remember one everything. One can lose his mind from their caress and love, although one needs to have it in the first place. Hot friction between spouses is often followed by cooling down. It happens sometimes that a beautiful woman skins five astrakhan and one mink furs off one man.

If your wife is cheating on you, don’t ask which time this one is so as not to be shocked! One pays with reality for the illusions.

Love is the inner freedom, will and talent given by God, but when realising it the Man should not forget the sacrifices and agonies with which it is redeemed. It often takes the mind away from the clever ones and gives it to those lacking.

Love is finding one’s own happiness in the happiness of the loved one.

But it often happens that a black cat runs between the loving spouses. We’ll present several authors’ observations about conflicts and quarrels between the loving: there is no big love without small quarrels that introduce certain corrections into the relationship, refreshing the love.

A big row in love is an accident whose consequences are hard to foresee. Such accident cannot be measured by money; it can only be appraised by the loss of happiness.

Many consider a divorce as a cure from all ailments, only to find later that such panacea is worse than the disease. Yet sometimes, to avoid the “honourable title” of a cuckold, there is no other means but a divorce.

It’s not enough to pretend being deaf and blind to avoid a quarrel with the loved woman; one has to understand and come to love the meaning and the tone of her angry talk, and to perceive the sound of her voice as a nightingale’s song.

In a quarrel, the winner is the first one to give up, or better yet, to run away from the stage of action.

We advise not to argue with your wife in the presence of others: people may not see any difference between you two.


It’s not certain what’s better in a family conflict, “sorting the relationship out”, or silence, because the woman’s silence keeps not only her secrets, but shortcomings as well.

Sepulchral silence still remains the most reliable reaction for men in conflicts with women.

In the long run, women, unlike men, not only get used to those they love, but sooner or later begin to love those they get used to.

A man and a woman are different sides of the same coin: a woman wants many things from the one, a man – the one thing from many.

Tango is a Spanish passion multiplied by Argentinean temperament. It’s a paired calming dance, the language of motion of two merged together energetic bodies that gives a chance to express one’s feelings for the partner, or to demonstrate one’s God-created bodily assets to the public.

A wife is opposed by her husband with his persistently protruding body members, but with huge ambitions and infantile reflections of naïve and linear nature, lacking the sense of reality, humour and diplomatic approach. With full disharmony of marital union, the quarrelling partners assume appearance of persons, painted by genius artist Pablo Picasso.

The truth comes out in quarrels: it turns out that the husband is not the first lover in the loved wife’s life, and she is not his last woman.

In the end, the wife may win the “dogs’ right”: the husband has to court her daily, feed her at least 3 times a day, freely let her go out, so that she could have walks any time of the day with her loved and loving ones. The wife is radically opposed only to one requirement of the husband: that she becomes as loyal as a dog, even on condition that he is ready to grant her 5 wishes at once. For the purposes of peaceful coexistence the wife may condescend and humbly ask: “My dear spouse, why 5 wishes at once, better grant one wish but 5 times!”

One shouldn’t seek happiness where it cannot exist. (One may always dream of happiness on any scale!)

Any person understands his happiness when it’s slipping out of his fingers, just like any man is only convinced of the merits of his first faithful wife when he gets married for the second time.

There are women who consider their husbands not only near-sighted, but also stupid – because those husbands married specifically them. But these women forget that stupidity and “idiotism” are also divine endowments, and thus shouldn’t be abused too much.

It may be considered the worst stupidity when already thin and bony women begin to observe a “medicinal diet” in order to descend into a hardly curable psychological disorder, anorexia, i.e.,


complete exhaustion. Such women sit in front of a mirror for days on end, just to discover the invisible fold of subcutaneous fat, and spend days counting the number of calories in their food, so as to get rid of them while still alive.

In order to conquer male attention modern women torment themselves with starvation, go mad on the Chinese diet, i.e., trying to eat chicken broth with chopsticks. (Perhaps in a well thought-out dress these skinnies look attractive, but it’s disgusting to embrace them, for “a man is not a dog; he won’t jump for bones”). It seems, such diets are invented specially and exclusively for such hysteric persons.

And God forbid, Chinese may start eating broth with soup spoons! The world starvation and acute global food shortage will start at once!



Humour is a sign of intellectual sharpness, one of the elements of intelligence and genius, a feature of the Divinity. Humour refreshes the mind, inspires one’s body and soul, trains the memory, strengthens one’s optimism and faith in the quest for the sense of life, finds eternity and immortality in the present, destroys pessimism and fear of death, awakens the feeling of happiness, instils understanding and tolerance, turns one’s enemies into friends.

Humour is the bridge between wisdom and a joke.

Humour is the main intellectual means for a person to express themselves.

In short, humour is a person’s ring-buoy on the waves of life. (If a good humorist is out of print for too long, he may become a poisonous satirist.)

All the great sages of the past assert, as if in conspiracy, that self-irony is the most obvious sign of self-sufficiency and the power of the mind.

And how are things with God’s sense… of humour?

It should be emphasised that we couldn’t find any traces of humour in all the sacred scriptures of the Bible, Torah or Quran. But what a pity!

If one pays gets closely familiar with Divine revelations in the sacred scriptures, especially the Bible, one immediately notices an interesting aspect – in no shape or form anywhere does it discuss the question important for all of us: does the Creator of our World, God our Lord, possess sense of humour, self-esteem and self-criticism? Does He ever laugh, and generally – can He even smile? Indeed, always and everywhere it’s emphasised that He is a zealous God – kind, but strict more often, stern, not always forgiving, often gloomy and ascetic. Is He always right, indeed? However, analysing the funny sides of our existence, the nature of huge human foolishness and naiveté, we could prove that His sense of humour is fully in order. Life on Earth itself, from the creation of Adam and Eve up to ourselves and our descendants – is this not a product of His humour?

Without Divine humour, people wouldn’t have the brains to hide their true intentions, and the tongues to not speak their minds. That’s why most of our life consists of errors and blunders, and the rest of it – as we said before, of the efforts to hide, whitewash or correct them. (So far, it’s only known that the biggest sinner is the one convinced in his infallibility.)

We should live with humour and optimism in order to endure the show of our existence. Just as a Russian man cannot avoid using slang to express his thought precisely, the mankind cannot do without humour. A joke is considered a success, if the number of those laughing exceeds the number of those present.


Laughter is like sunny weather; it is peculiar to humans only, as cattle don’t laugh. But to write something funny is not humour yet. And in this regard, one can’t avoid touching on the fairly piquant subject of the Russian foul language – “mat”.

Since originally this book is written in classical Russian, we hope that, having familiarised themselves with its contents, the RUSSIANS will no longer curse with mat, and we mean curse: mat will simply become a method of exchange, a means of communication. Russian speech without mat may turn into a boring report. A speech of mat is most often a sharp form of expression not only of stupid, but sometimes of clever thoughts.

Humour carries healing energy; humour is necessary where it’s difficult and sad for someone.

The axiom, that no Russian man can avoid a mat word to express his thought precisely, cannot be doubted.

Russian mat has become a punctuation mark in the Russians’ oral speech. It proves not only their literacy, but patriotism as well: it seems, one can be sure that chess was invented not by Indians or Chinese, but by Russians, as mate is the most important thing in the game.

If we are to believe psychoanalysts, and not psychopaths, the entire mankind is possessed by the “bodily bottom”, and not the moral code of the Bible, or own reasoning. In support of this, the Russians were the first to discover that in the physical Universe a parallel Divine world also exists with parallel languages (besides the orthodox ones). Such a language, admired by all in Russia, is called mat – it gets absorbed faster than one’s mother’s milk.

Moralists who sit in the Academy of Sciences face a difficult dilemma: to licence the mat language and to declare it the second state language, official not only for everyday, but for formal use as well; or not. In any case, the majority of linguists think that Russian mat is much more delightful to the ear, warming to the soul and has enormous cosmic energy, than the long-outdated classical one. It instils unlimited optimism into people’s consciousness, and especially intensively so when the neurons of human brain are befuddled by the atoms and molecules of alcohol or any other drugs. The ice will shift on the basis of the parallel Russian mat implemented in practice: new masterpieces of lyrical poetry and dramatic prose will be created, new songs that will bring inspiration into the preserved in alcohol consciousness not only of the staff and special art luminaries, but of all the “working people”.

We are confident that any discussion of scholars on this subject, as in a chess game, will always end only in MATE!

Since the Russian mat language exists and is evolving with clear blessing from Lord our God, it cannot be translated into foreign languages!

And since spiritual attributes of God make no sense without the material ones, then, to express it


in Russian:


(Any spiritual phenomenon may be matted as well!)

Having reflected upon things just said of the foul vocabulary (and, we hope, having smiled), let’s move to the more serious and sadder subject: the degradation of love in the modern world.



of flirt and romantic relationships

Many realists assert that the world civilisation, despite its technical might and material well-being, is going through the phase of the deepest decline. There is a voluntary genocide of the Western countries’ peoples: apologists of debauchery and the so called sexual revolution, along with Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox Christians and emancipated Jews are festively participating in the grandiose funeral procession for the cultural heritage of the Western civilisation.

Many leftist liberals, who support “progress” in the modern life, consider marriage to a person of the opposite sex to be a “mutual slavery wrapped in a religious cloak”. While a marriage to a person of the same sex who rejects the “traditional sexual orientation” is considered not only the model of true love, but also – just imagine – a radical means to resolve the sickest problem on Earth: overpopulation. This problem, in their opinion, is the source for all revolutions, catastrophes and world wars, and can be solved only by reducing or halting the birth rate. That’s why, as strange as it seems, such liberal intellectuals consider themselves to be doves of Peace, organising “love parades” around the planet. In a demonstrative way, without compunction, they engage in sexual orgies, involving in their numbers inexperienced, chaste youth. Unfortunately, they consider themselves righteous and harbingers of progress and freedom, and surely not of debauchery and licentiousness, but in that way they neglect the Biblical code of morals and the Divine testaments.

The one carrying a torch stumbles more often than the one following behind.

The majority of representatives of non-traditional sexual orientations are confident that they invented such words as erotica, venereal, zoophilia, narcissism, nymphomania, castration, pederasty. In reality, it was precisely the ancient Greece, the symbol of impeccability, the birthplace of Hellenism and philosophy, the birthplace of many gods and heroes, the birthplace of pre-historical civilisation, is the producer of these words and phenomena, which are not always pleasant for modern people. It was exactly the famous Greek thinkers of 6th century B.C. who included all kinds of debauchery, sins and indecent terms into their philosophical works that later formed part of the higher education programme at the time.

As the modern man, unlike his predecessors, is in a permanent stress, in the deepest uncertainty and permanent worry, there appeared a thought to study his psychology, based on his entire life experience. One needs to mention in advance that a man of our era is not better than his ancestors morally or socially, especially if we consider that every step of the modern civilisation towards technical progress brings closer the possibility of universal catastrophe.

It’s interesting to hear the opinion of representatives of some tribes that still live in the jungle, when they first saw the white man: “We don’t understand the whites. They always want


something, always worry, and look out for something. It’s impossible to understand them. They have such sharp facial features, such thin, stiff lips, such constrained faces. We think they are all crazy!” They call a white man a predator with unquenchable thirst for power over all and everything; they note that all whites tend to have delusion of grandeur; that all whites consider themselves most decent, and while reproaching the aboriginals for their wild manners, primitiveness and polygamy, themselves spread homosexuality, debauchery, paedophilia, prostitution and tens of venereal deceases.

History is a collection of facts that shouldn’t have happened. History is an eternal struggle of tyrants, sadists, criminals, idiots, paralytics, maniacs and epileptics. That’s why it’s so interesting to read.

Modern man is always cosmopolitan, he has almost forgotten of the feeling of love – not only for a woman, but even for his Motherland and God. He exists in uncertainty and continuous work, while measuring love by expressions produced by Hollywood and pop-rock musicians’ bands. Some of these “human soul architects”, having lost the last notions of morals and conscience, worshipping Satan, hypnotise their fans not only by their performances, but by drugs as well. Many of them, being criminals, debauchers, sexual maniacs, abusing their pop-star titles, kill in naïve youth the root of the feelings of true love and notions of moral values.

Pornography is first a tragedy, and then a ruin of all the charms of sex and true love.

Pornography is the prostitution of art, which not only devalues love, but also destroys psychosexual and carnal erotic attraction.

Virtual “fallocracy” with delusion of sexual grandeur reign in Hollywood. Rabbit’s feet, well-affixed in the men’s’ genital area, and silicon implants under women’s bras serve as the bait.

For many women the wedding band is the last gift from their husband after 50 years of marital union.

Previously men got out of bed “to take a break”, but now it’s the other way around – they go to bed to get a break from reality.

Befuddling with the example of their behaviour and with drugs, young debauchers rob the youth with most indecent methods, making hundreds of millions of dollars, in order to spend them on satisfying their sophisticated “non-traditional” animalistic instincts and needs.

On sexual lies

In will not be an exaggeration to suppose that in many civilised countries in the 20th and 21st centuries we witness an epidemic of sexual degradation, considering so called “democratic values” of the USA and the western world as the cause. According to the statistics of sociologists


and scientific sexologists, about 15% of young married couples had their last love making more than a year ago. It turns out that they “no longer want anyone”. “Sexual liars” are mainly keen on career, creating comforts at home, bringing up of their children, and lead their family life on the firm foundation of “mutual respect and friendship” with total absence of “erotic atmosphere”. Being with relatives or incidental observers, they imitate and demonstrate their sexual lies.

Latent form of another sexual orientation

These forms of sexual degradation can be seen in people of both genders, who thoroughly hide their leaning for the non-traditional orientation. According to opinions of sociologists and sexual pathologists, they follow the centuries-old traditions of ancestors and try to form families and have children.

But they also have one specific peculiarity:

Men who lean to latent form of pathosexuality, as a rule, “marry” man-like persons of female gender, athletically built, with rough facial features, and masculine manners. They prefer to have married life with masculinised, almost ugly, women, mainly of African or Asian descent. It’s as though they compensate their pathosexual deviations this way, fantasising in the conjugal bed that they sleep with the “desirable” same-sex partner.

Women have everything the other way around. They take tender beautiful and highly intellectual men as their husbands, with whom they prefer leading spiritual, “virtual” romantic relationships.

Sociologists and psychologists have found that people with such tendencies have complexes of power, yearning for career, fame, wealth. When realising their ambitious aspirations, most of them shake off the voice of God still ringing in their ears, neglect it and ignore it, so as to rid themselves of fear for their sinfulness, and to getting into fiery hell in the afterlife. They do not suffer from “pangs of conscience”. They live in constant fear of losing prestige, “masculine decency”, career and influence.

According to data published in the USA by doctors from WITTELS and KINZI, about 35-50% of persons of both sexes have latent form of homosexuality, especially those who work in arts and media.

Such persons start doing so called “charity“, in order to support the similar “talented and genius” representatives of utopian science and modernist art, to do much good to their Darwin-like scientists and Picasso-like creators, idols and favourites...

Homosexualisation of the mankind as a solution for the “Malthus theory”?The famous scientist Malthus created the theory on overpopulation of our planet and its consequences as far back as early 19th century. According to his forecasts, in the nearest future


the mankind will reproduce to so much as to become unable to feed itself. If reproduction is not slowed down, death of starvation will come.

While the “pride of humanity” – pederasts, transvestites, lesbians, having united into the most “Humanitarian World Organisation” (HWO) want to solve the Malthus theory and prove in practice that only they can save the humanity from the deadly overpopulation. They managed to capture most of media, managing posts in organisations of so called post-modernist culture and arts, and they now engage in deafening intensive propaganda, so that heterosexuals “retrained” into homosexuals. Only then we would slow the birth rates!

Life is an “epidemic” that spreads via traditional sexual way, and is a matter of time. Non-traditional love relationships destroy life, and are unable to help Malthus in his attempt to cope with the global overpopulation problem. Both sexes could get infected with emancipation; here, the emancipation of a woman is expressed in her relative “masculinisation”; while the emancipation of a man is expressed not only in feminisation of his behaviour style, but also in the change of localisation of his love organ – heart – to the rear end, which not only is guided by the “thoughts from behind”, but can also become widely available for all the “members” of the admired ones.

The annual “pride parades” are considered by homosexuals to be one of the hypnotising methods; they are carried in the world’s largest cities to attract attention of the entire mankind and thus to transform psychosexual functions of the yet normal people, so as to shorten the God’s ten commandments to nine.

After the “pride parade” in June of 2007 in Sao Paolo, Brazil, where 3,000,000 (three million!) people with non-traditional sexual orientation took part, there was an impression that people with traditional sexual orientation became a “dominant minority”! In the nearest future they will have to defend their right to exist.

This is already the beginning of human “apocalypse”, beginning of abolition of God’s moral code, which was described in the sacred religious books, especially the Bible.

Interestingly, it’s precisely in Latin America, where “machismo” is elevated to a cult, gathers the most numerous “parades” of sexual debauchers, perverts – no other word! – of the Divine image and human genome.

And finally, the “pride parades” in the sacred city – Jerusalem, the centre of the world’s three main religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam – that is already a humiliation and violation of human dignity, which was always considered a Divine gift.

All men can be grouped in three categories:1. Sexual majority.2. Sexual minority.3. Sexual nonentity.


Emancipation is a psychosexual pathology.

The notorious liberation of women is precisely the feminisation of labour-intense processes, when the persons of female sex work more than men, when a woman is “masculinised”, when in a marital cheating there is no jealousy reflex. Feminists repulse the attention of men more than attract it. There are no envious among their girlfriends, in their career they reach the level of a “statesman”. Making their physiognomy seem business-like, they become similar to dames of the Picasso’s paintings, who live only with tomorrow in mind and the last year’s wardrobe.

Feminism is a curative recipe for aged single ladies, sometimes of undefined gender, who withered in their youth due to excessive coquetry, capriciousness or modesty. On the other hand, it’s a claim to men from those women who are embittered in their futile wait. With the aid of feminism, using all human rights, they attempt to at least build a career, if not a family.

Yet, when the young beauties start demanding civil rights, giving themselves body and soul to the feminist movement in order to equal men – that way they only speed up the process of parting with their charms, feminineness and power. It’s not a secret that even female appearance is telling in that she is not made for hard physical labour, and long mental tension. Her role, it seems to us, is to beautify a human life, give it substance and sense, as women are always accompanied by muses of arts – harmony, music, poetry.

The Woman has always played a role of a seductress and a ruler. For as long as the World exists, men experience incompatible feelings toward women – awe, fear and desire, and not only gave themselves to be “tormented”, but also, inspired by their beauty, created magnificent sculptures, paintings, music, poetry, plays, novels, and other countless pieces of art. Pyramids and castles were built for women’s sake.

And suddenly, these adored divine creatures got desirous of equal rights, so to destroy themselves one fine day and to lose all their advantages over the stronger sex representatives. Turning into simple workers, dressed into dusty torn cramped clothes, they come home after an eight-hour workday or a night duty, bringing with them the smell of sweat and dirt.

Unlike men, these women, who once were an object of worship, get so tired of “equality” that they forget of their spousal or maternal duties and, with no time to take a shower and no breakfast, they run back to work, so as not to fall on their faces – to not be marked for tardiness.

The Woman is the fructiferous nature. A woman is not born, but made. Any beautiful woman without tenderness and feminineness loses not only her husband and suitors, but everything else in life, including freedom and independence.

Any feminist may become much more than a man, yet much less than any true woman.

Women, even if they are polyglots, are unable to say “no” in any language, when they are in the


presence of true and seductive men. They always hold a principled position: they can give in, but not belong. They avoid being earthly slaves, i.e., they want to be among the angels: to fly and hover.

Emancipation is addition of male flaws to the female ones, and vice versa!

Tragedy or statistics?

The Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces and the Women in a Safe World fund were the first to look into problems of female population genocide, and following a thorough investigation came to the tragic conclusion that “the international community is indifferently observing the killing of Eve”. According to the report’s data, in 10 years from 1993 to 2003 some 200 million women and girls in the world died because of their gender (demographically vanished).

According to statistics, at least 60 million girls were eliminated as a result of infanticide or forced abortions, when during medical tests it would be discovered that the child is a girl. The practice of eliminating girls is especially current in such countries as India, China, South Korea, and in the Muslim countries of North Africa.

The killings of women based on gender take place even after puberty. Thus, 3 million girls are killed annually just for their gender.

From 40% to 70% of murdered women in the world become victims of their husbands and fiancés. In Egypt, 47% of murdered women die from a relative’s hand following a brutal rape. In Pakistan, three women are killed every day for “tainted honour”, and almost 100% of these crimes remain without punishment, as police consider it a family or private matter.

About 700 million women in the world are raped annually.

Hundreds of young Muslim girls are mutilated every day, when their external genitalia are removed so as to deprive them of sexual pleasure.

About 66% of women in the world (especially in the Muslim countries) are prevented from going to schools, many of them remain absolutely illiterate, unable to read or write.

It is not easy to be a woman, especially a source of mankind’s eternal life; perhaps that’s why the Old Testament has a special prayer, where men thank God they were not born as women.Women have to exercise courage to avoid men’s harassment, tyranny and ungrateful exploitation.


600,000 women die annually during labour and delivery.

Perhaps that’s why many women categorically refuse marrying men, as they don’t want to lose the freedom of will, and to be forever dependent on male caprices and ambitions. That explains the fact of surge in extramarital births. For example, in Denmark this figure is 45%, in Great Britain – 40%, while in Israel – only 5%.

Women! Have courage, don’t lose your feminineness!

Men! Be true gentlemen and marry, so that everything falls into place!



In 1971 the then U.S. President Richard Nixon ordered 30 billion dollars to be allocated from the federal budget to conclude the scientific projects for fighting cancer. After the money had vanished, the scientific projects were “successfully finished”, and dozens of learned men acquired Nobel prizes. Yet the medical statistics announced that the death rate from cancer-related causes increased by 6%.

One can suppose that without investing those 30 billion dollars from the U.S. federal budget the rates of cancer-related sickness and death would be much lower: the money could be used more sensibly. Where there’s a “beginning” of big money, there always protrudes its brilliantly organised “end”. This “end” is defined not only by the government bureaucrats, but also by the “stars” of the so called scientific and practical medicine.

Rumours were being spread several years ago, supported by both UN and WHO, regarding the global threat from the so called “SARS” and anthrax. These illnesses also were “born” also following unsubstantiated rumours in the Far East and disappeared without in Europe and the U.S. without a trace. Perhaps that got transformed into migrating birds that “flew away” in an unknown direction, taking along the huge sums of money that was allocated for their neutralisation. I’m convinced that the “bird flu”, invented by somebody, will have the same fate.

Is it possible that the “bird flu” infecting mere several dozens of people in the Far and Middle East will have the same fate? All states and international organisations sound alarms, allocate billions of dollars for its destruction, and for synthesis of new preventive vaccines and medicines. For the time being a true genocide is taking place – merciless mass elimination of millions of domestic birds. It turns out to be cheaper to kill them than to administer preventive vaccines in order to save them! We don’t know why, but the animal rights campaigners had vanished somewhere, became not only blind and deaf, but also stupid, while the money is simply evaporating…

“Bird flu” is the next “ocean wave” that awaits us, and billions of dollars are already spent to fight it.

UN and World’s Health Organization spread terrible rumours about the possible pandemic – globalisation of this infection, fatal not only for domestic and wild birds, but also for people, as the means of its prevention and cure is still not found. Part of the funds allocated to fight it is already spent on tens of tonnes of high quality paper and publications of thorough protocols and reports that nobody ever reads. A big part of the money goes to cover the high fees, rewards and bonuses for the scientists and directors of these gigantic “scientific projects”, as well as for the out-of-pocket expenses, i.e. to be pocketed! The projects are “executed” on time, but the problem remains unsolved, and for now it is of limited nature, especially since the number of


those infected or dead does not exceed 100!

It’s not a secret today that AIDS takes lives of millions every year. So far medicine is a shameful loser in the battle against this deadly infection. But almost all the so called political and humanitarian organizations and funds and their directors are the victors, collecting billions ostensibly for research of means to prevent the spread of the HIV pandemic.

For example, at a special session of the United Nations, its Secretary General Mr. Kofi Annan stated that from 2001 to beginning of 2005 so called “UN humanitarian funds” spent 8 billion dollars fighting AIDS. And the result is ZERO!!!! The HIV epidemic is strengthening, the means to prevent or cure it are literally dematerialising, while billions of dollars disappear without a trace.

Each year another 4.9 million people are infected, 3.1 million people die, and the total number of infected has risen to 39.4 million people, which is significantly higher than before the year 2001. Only those who devised ingenious budgets for “spending” those billions during development of much promising “scientific and humanitarian projects” know where and how those billions disappeared. There was indeed another viral pandemic in 1918, called “Spanish flu” that took away 20 million lives. But that kind of flu vanished on its own, without the aid of scientists and billions in spending.

AIDS is the indefensible goal scored by humankind between its own goal-posts.

A book called “The Journey to the Nature’s Consciousness” was published in Israel in Hebrew in 2005. Its author, Tsvi Yanai, is a former General Director of the Ministry of Science; he emphasises that “to a great regret, many pharmaceutical companies do not release new highly efficient drugs into the market, so as not to harm the sales of existing, lower efficiency products, which bring huge revenues”.

Science, especially the medical one, should be free from market considerations.

On destruction of medicines still suitable for use

A sensational report appeared in the Swiss newspaper “Basler Zeitung” on 28 September 2007 that pharmaceutical companies of this country every year throw away and later burn 6 tonnes of expensive highly efficient medicines, that are still suitable for use for several years, due to “storage term expiration”.

We, the authors of this book, both doctors of science, professors, and even academicians, had worked in the best Swiss companies for dozens of years, and ourselves inventors and authors of dozens of international patents on pharmaceutical medicines, know very well that the term od storage is many times shorter than the term of usage. Medicinal effectiveness of drugs being thrown away does not change even 2-3 years after the storage term expiration. These destroyed


medicines with mercy and humanity shown by the management of pharmaceutical concerns, could be given for free or at low prices to the patients who don’t have the financial opportunities to pay for their full price, but need them very strongly, so that not only they could cure the disease, but would also avoid being invalids for the rest of their life and a burden on the family and the state.

But to great regret, medicine has become a business, an industry of earning billions of profit. If humane feelings or mercy are involved, the profit may shrink by 1% of the general profit!!! And that would be a catastrophe for the principal shareholders. Instead of 10 billion Swiss franks of annual profit, they would get a mere 9.9 billion!!!

As we say, if you are one kopeck short of a million, you don’t have a million.



It sometimes happens that some personalities “born to crawl”, and who in the society “shine” only by their absence, in a blink of an eye create a storm in a glass of water, by fair means or foul they squeeze through all the “democratic law” holes, and become acrobats of charity. And yet, without compunction they teach such vaulting those who are like them.

Science is the best way to satisfy curiosity of some persons at the expense of an industry or a state. To make discoveries is a science, but to pretend that one makes discoveries is more than art. For this one needs to formulate the simplest idea in the most complex way, make it into a report for an extraordinary session of a scientific council, being dressed in a mantle with a cap on. Then any utopian and “promising” stupidity is smoothed over by a “reasonable speech”.

Scientists often differ from common mortals by their ability to admire worded and complex delusions. A gram of practical application of new discoveries is worth a tonne of abstract summaries, neatly printed on paper, and multi-million subsidies for its execution. The further experiment is from theory, the closer it is to the Nobel prize, especially when learned men firmly stand on their both feet and greedily reach with both hands to gold and dollars.

It’s quite probable that the desire of the civilisation to pay for science and totally support research will fade off, in correlation with diminishing chances to extract guaranteed results and tangible profits from this branch of knowledge. Any forecast is a mix of optimism and pessimism. Regretfully, everything in the world today is moving to the commercial basis.

It is worth a special note that some “scientists”, in order to conclusively confuse the society of thinking people, use grandiloquent terms and super-complex concepts borrowed from evolutionary biology, immunology, history, philosophy, logic, so as to create trust for their own futuristic messianism. However, eventually, these people turn into prisoners of their own illusions and fantasies, with that inflicting a colossal harm not only to science, medicine, but also to the entire civilisation.

Being scientists and doctors, we are quite far from denying the power and perspective of true science. Exactly because of science, mankind can now enjoy comfort, use moderns means of transportation and communication, nuclear energy and space stations. Nonetheless, these and many other conquests of science are not the last word, the apogee of achievement. And yet we’ve been tormented for many years by another question: is the advancement of science infinite, or does it, as all living creatures, have its limits?

All the great discoveries are made by mistake, if not by accident!

We need to drink to science while it’s still not harmful for people!


We are doctors, and after many years of intense professional activity became convinced that Healing is not a profession, but a Divine mission. God is responsible for uniting the soul and flesh of all creatures into one whole (and first of all, the Man), while the doctor is responsible for the health of his soul and body. Oftentimes conception, birth, destiny, death and immortality all depend on a doctor’s correct decision.

Life without health is complete hell!Health without life is no more than an abstraction!There is no happiness without health!

God the Creator and doctor the healer are business partners; their goal is that a healthy soul lives in a healthy body; that before the end of his life the Man would fulfil his duty on Earth: to understand the sense of life and leave it satisfied, happy, with a smile, without debts or compunction. If a person, during his creative life, created something big, something important for everyone, then even after death he’ll remain in the memories of the descendants, and thus will secure immortality for himself.

We often mention the role of a doctor in keeping a man healthy, and now we want to note that not all the “guardians” of human health deserve the right to have this honorary title, especially in the countries where people worship the “industrial medicine”, where the doctors are insured from all the mistakes leading to death of their patients. However, the patients are never insured from the consequences of so called “fatal doctor’s mistakes”!

Determining the psychoanalytical criteria of our colleagues, we discovered that having a diploma and professional experience in medical facilities abruptly changes not only the appearance, but also the personality and mentality of most doctors. Oftentimes such Aesculapiuses, “with a learned look of an expert”, like a petty bourgeois among aristocrats, pretending to be Pygmalions, become prejudiced against other people. The majority of them seem to us strange, “important”, quickly losing their ability to soberly estimate “the potential and the limits” of their professional and human capabilities, approaching paranoid delusion of grandeur. Such doctors live only in the present day, there is no “yesterday” for them already, and they haven’t yet thought about “tomorrow”. They transform into “actors” playing without any direction, into eloquent and self-confident “aristocrats” – the cream of high society, who firmly believe in their infallibility and independence, as specialists or experts in medicine. One may doubt their sanity, as they begin to firmly believe in the reality of their pathological megalomania, without any self-criticism or compunction. Oftentimes such “healers” degrade in their actions beyond the level of “honest mistakes” to the criminal behaviour. Many patients, entrusting their health to them, not only lose large sums of money as fees, but also leave their Divine life prematurely thanks to so called “medical aid”.

According to publications in Journal of Medical Association, as well as by Harvard University, about 100,000 patients die in the USA due to medical errors, “hardly predictable factors”, and so called “good faith medical mistakes”. Every fifth of the lethal outcomes in hospitals is on the conscience of their “caring” physicians.


Despite the medical-administrative measures that were adopted, the death rate from “accidental doctors’ errors” has not decreased for many years. There were cases of patients’ wills found during searches in the safes of “healers saving from death”.

Modern medicine is proud of the “progress” of the active medical “intervention” in the human genetics, with the artificial insemination in particular. Nonetheless, despite the achieved success, the general picture in all the world’s countries is far from perfect. For example, according to the Israeli Ministry of Health, in 2001, of the infants born in this country as a result of artificial fertilisation, 699 died in their first year of life. At times, babies born with low weight as a result of artificial fertility services have to be kept in hospitals under observation for up to half-a-year, which costs ordinary taxpayers tens of millions of dollars. As for the quality of future life for those conceived artificially, let that be the responsibility of those doctors who grab huge money, playing on the lifelong torment and suffering of the future parents.

In my medical practice, almost daily I had to check up patients who had undergone radical treatment of new skin growths. Judging by the results of the treatment and presence of the rough post-operational scars, keloids, unions, deformations, development of post-operational local recurrences, and remote metastases, I get more and more convinced that many surgeons not only have limping brains, but also have two right brain hemispheres and two left hands.

Some somatically healthy, but alas, psychologically unstable people develop the so called Munchausen syndrome when a person necessarily and by all means must feel in the focus of attention of those around him. A particular case of Munchausen syndrome is a desire to continually undergo treatment. At the same time the person, and in our case it’s more adequate to say patient, quite sincerely discovers symptoms of an entire bouquet of serious diseases, and – naturally for himself – attempts to rid himself of them, desperately appealing to medicine. It is a chronic psychiatric condition which is almost incurable. The most serious case was recorded in Great Britain. An absolutely physically healthy Irishman William McIlroy had undergone 400 large and small surgical procedures, having changed hundreds of hospitals, where he was treated under 22 different names. According to calculations of insurance companies and National Health Service, the treatment of his imaginary illnesses was at the expense of 2.5 million pound sterling.

It is known that thousands of people with labile psyche suffer from the so called cancer phobia – a fear to get cancer. They spend entire fortunes, subjecting themselves to unnecessary surgical or other expensive medical manipulations. Such “healing procedures” aid well the unprincipled doctors, who abuse the trust of the pseudo-ill, often running them into bankruptcy.

Medicine has become commercial, an industry of extorting money.

Stem cells as panacea?


Stem cells have a special genetic programme; after a series of divisions they have potential probability to turn into the cells of internal organs: lungs, heart, liver, brain, retina, vagina, penis… Of those, the so called totipotent stem cells possess the maximum ability for such transformations; they are found in young foetus, or fertilised egg, in other words, which has gone through just a few divisions (mitoses). Cells of this kind can divide infinitely without becoming malign, i.e., they don’t gain features of cancerous tumour.

The essence of the process is that embryonic stem cells not only copy themselves during division, but also, under certain genetic manipulations, are able to produce other cellular lines, which may turn into certain tissues. Non-totipotent stem cells remain in most of the tissues of an adult body, evidently providing material for repair of damaged “working” cells, or replacement of the dead ones.

Entire brigades of scientists and laboratories around the world are trying to prove the potential of stem cells as “panacea” for all imaginary human diseases. According to preliminary data, so far on the experimental animals, the results are quite contradictory. Some experimenters report “phenomenal success” with their research data in vitro and in vivo, and expect a Nobel Prize; while some other are frustrated and don’t support the results of their colleagues. Yet, while there is no unequivocal clinical data regarding medicinal effectiveness of stem cells in practical medicine, it is premature to consider this method a panacea.

In many countries of the world, despite it not being proven that stem cells are a “panacea”, still, legally or illegally, in private wards, some try to “heal” healthy “wealthy clients” with the aid of injected stem cells, in order to “strengthen general immunity, sexual activity, as well as prevention of ageing and for extension of lifespan”.

Clients coming from different countries always mention the wonderful results of the treatment, saying they well rested from the everyday hassle, met like-minded people, and relieved themselves of the “monetary burden” that was weighing on their pockets, deforming the expensive suits from Christian Dior, Boss or Valentin Yudashkin.

There are no more totally healthy people today, thanks to the development of the scientific and technical means for diagnosing diseases.

The majority of medical dissertations have two opponents and one reader.

Previously, a doctor had to be a psychologist, besides his main profession. These days he needs to be a psychiatrist.

The legend that during the exodus of Jews from Egypt there were no cases of sickness is subject to proof or refutation. There is no doubt the refugees were desperate, in constant fear with no hope. Is it possible that the defensive immune-biological resources of a person are stimulated under such stress conditions?


The rate of a drug’s effectiveness is slower than the rate of the disease’s progress.

If Adam and Eve were created by God not in the Middle, but in the Far East, they would have eaten the serpent before he’d manage to seduce them. Pity, as otherwise we’d live eternally in the gardens of Eden.

Drug addiction is a chronic enjoyment of death.

Paradoxically, we see old drunkards more often than old doctors.

All the supporters of abortions are people who managed to get born already.


Against the background of religious concerns, the Man has various questions popping up:

1. Why does God like to play hide-and seek?2. Is the interest for life lost after death?3. Should we cry or laugh because it’s not our fate to be here 120 years from now, or

because we were not here 120 ago?4. Why people are not born with a sense of a notion of God the Creator?5. Who needs to repent, God for creating the Man, or the Man for inventing God?6. Why is God savage in the Old Testament and charming in the New?7. Why should Catholic Christians heed the Pope regarding love and sex if he doesn’t even

have an idea of it himself?

Often a question arises: “Will there be a Second Flood?” The answer is unequivocal: floods can be any time and any place, in all the regions, but the Second Global Flood, as God promised, will not happen. The first one turned out useless!

The authors were prepared to answer all the question with a categorical “We don’t know!” – yet will attempt to answer some.

The biblical claim that people were made “in the image and likeness” of God is the subject of doubts, in our view. Unconditionally one can only believe in a reasonable Force which exists in the Nature (it can be called in anything, even God).

This force is so infinitely complex and big that our underdeveloped mind cannot conceive even the minimum of it, besides the fact of its existence. The myth of God creating the Man in His likeness is doubtful (as we mentioned above). If God does not have a certain gender, wife, children, does not have an intimate life, does not use condoms, doesn’t do shopping nor stands in


queues, doesn’t consume alcohol, needs no food or help of doctors and lawyers, which means He has no functioning organs, internal or external. Based on these suspicions, we conclude that he could not be the participant of the “immaculate” conception of Virgin Mary.

God created the Man with his own hands, while people are born as a result of sinful intimate relations.

If God, the Creator of the entire Galaxy, chose the Earth, the planet where life exists with all its attributes, we can then conclude that our planet is a place of concentration of either wise or insane sinners who serve time of their punishment, using the last chance for correction.

It seems to us that the great Charles Darwin, while creating his evolutionary theory of the Man’s genesis and asserting that homo sapiens descended from the apes, stood before a certain dilemma. If we suppose that Darwin was correct in his theory and the Man indeed descended from the ape, then we as medics want to add: not just from the ape, but from the ape that under certain circumstances lost its mind!

The most exhausting evidence of our addition to Darwin’s theory is specific cases where people discovered a presence of mind in themselves only when they had really lost it. (We frequently had to be in the society of people who clearly had descended from the crazy primates.)

We think that Darwin’s theory is incorrect as the mankind, observing the life and behaviour of primates over thousands of years did not register a single case of insanity in apes, not to mention a metamorphosis of anthropoid primates into a person. These facts predispose us towards reason and practical wit of chimpanzees, orang-utans and gorillas: they had quite enough of the mind not to put themselves into a foolish and humiliating situation and become part of our crazy human world.

God the Creator gave commandments and the Bible – the moral code for people for the purpose of spiritual perfection and ascent to Him. Yet for some reason God gave the Hebrews the Old Testament with 613 commandments, while to other peoples – the maximum of 10. The Kabbalah provides quite a peculiar explanation for this fact: the Jews are the most problematic and “difficult” part of the mankind, i.e., they are in need of “correction” more than others! For that not only they have to observe the 613 commandments of God, but also go through a huge number of catastrophes and sufferings, in order to become “God’s chosen ones”. The Jews need to serve as an example to other peoples on how to achieve reformation on Earth in order to root out the evil – egoism – from one’s soul.

God Himself has no name. Synonyms of God are: Lord and Creator, Cosmic creative energy and Primal Energy, Supreme Reason and Absolute, Super-Consciousness and Super-Reason, Universum and Supreme spiritual force and similar. In the Old Testament, God has 72 symbols-names.

The Kabbalah teaches that all the worlds are created for the Man and all the worlds exist in the


Man himself – albeit the living one – and the Creator Himself exists outside the Man. The sages have a view that all the worlds vanish for a person after his death.

Human life is too short, that’s why no mortal can achieve complete perfection in science, theology or philosophy.

If the origins of life were founded only on physical and chemical processes, the mystery of life would be uncovered by genetics or biology. Sciences can only point to the conditions without which life cannot appear, but by no means to the causes of its appearance.

The duality and the dual unity of life manifest themselves in that the Man, just like any other product of nature, carries in him the remnants of the past and the sources of his future development. It means that sources of his future abilities are hidden in him, especially in the brain cells, neurons, of which 92-95% are not even used. Huge potential of ability of human perception and thinking, levers of strengthening the threshold of consciousness and learning are hidden there. Huge potential force of energy and matter is placed there, which the science is yet unable to determine. Any matter is a visible force (body), and any force is an invisible matter (spirit). Force and matter are two inseparable sides of a SINGLE WHOLE. With scientific progress, the historical limits of human learning are broadening. The Man thinks like a spirit existing in a material world. A man’s mind is a part of his sole.

It would be interesting to remind that to awakening and strengthening of inner forces some people often killed the flesh – for example, via castration – in order not to be distracted and to concentrate their thoughts on uncovering the sense of life; they fasted, secluded themselves in caves, isolated themselves from society, became hermits, meditated for months on end or used narcotic substances.

It’s known that Apostle Paul, being an ascetic and an invalid from birth, claimed that “even though our outer person is being destroyed, our inner person is being renewed day by day” (2 Corinthians 4:16).

We generally consider that order is the first and undisputable law of heaven. Absence of order would lead to collision of planets and global cosmic cataclysms. Without strict order there wouldn’t be 365 days or 12 months in a year, there wouldn’t be the four seasons, 60 minutes to an hour, etc. Indeed, how admirable are the order, harmony and equilibrium that rule in the world of stars and planets, and how tremendous should be the Force necessary for their creation and support! Even more so, because each action has its counteraction and each force has its recoil.

According to the Hebrew Bible, the world has not come out of God’s hands at once; it appeared only as a result of the desperate 26th attempt, i.e., after 25 unsuccessful experiments! It’s not hard to imagine that God worked and works hard, with persistence, purpose and patience, through sweat and perseverance, in order to achieve His goals. Yet who is the sponsor of the Divine titanic labour, and whether He gets any fees, is unknown to us personally.


Yet if the Creator is not limited in space or time, by size, intelligence or power, if He really created the Universe and the life on our planet, then why didn’t He create similar life on other planets in another seven days with the same ease? Without that, what sense did it make to create billions of dead, lifeless, cold planets, where there’s no good, no evil, not even anti-Semitism?! We have a premonition that life is everywhere, but it’s transparent, invisible to us, just like we are invisible for inhabitants of other planets.

Having created the World, at the end of the week, before the Sabbath, God decided to create the Man. Of course, he was in a hurry, didn’t want to violate the Sabbath… and therefore, the people – created in a rush, “unfinished” by God – are in need of perfection.

Every man is created by God intelligent and free. He gave the Man the will to think, err and be foolish. That is exactly the main law of evolution and development of the Universe.

And during childhood we were convinced that genetic descendants are created by parents. Yet later, in 1962 we found out from the academic L.L. Vasilyev, a professor at Leningrad State University, that “the child’s organism takes half from the mother, and half from the father. Further on, the right brain hemisphere and the left side of the body, as well as soft body tissues and blood, are after the mother, while the left brain hemisphere and the right side of the body, as well as the bones and the spine, are after the father.” And through all of this, the much respectable professor never mentions the role of God for some reason.

Any immaculate conception has a carnal basis, as any final product of such conception consists of flesh and blood.

Faith in God is recognition of reason in the Universe. Without the ongoing influence of the Bible’s moral code and a certain atmospheric pressure the Man could burst and turn into bloody pieces.

Yet maybe… the Man invented God with all His attributes in his image and imagination, invented heaven and hell? Heaven should first of all be in oneself, and only then there is a hope to enter it.

We request everyone: don’ ask God questions about God!


It’s known that God has no “partners in work”, He doesn’t flirt with the fair sex representatives, and he has no descendants or heirs. One can assume that He has no idea of erotica, of voluptuousness of the languor of love and its ecstasy. Unlike the mortal man, God probably doesn’t want to find himself in the nets of intimate feelings of women and sinful downfall. He would like to remain ascetic and saint forever!


He is immortal, infinite, almighty… Yet, the living man, created by Him on Earth, is always sinful and mortal. Where’s justice? Where is then the sense of “likeness to self”? Sometimes I think that God had overestimated His abilities when he created the Man. Having created Adam and Eve, and having seen their indecent behaviour, HE simply ran away in a direction unknown to us.

God probably also has a character and principles! We may assume that He watches the conduct of every living and non-living creature on Earth with attention. He is certainly on business trips all the time, and that’s why He’s ubiquitous. It’s impossible to reach, find or catch up with Him. We are afraid, the modern science, using the sophisticated IBM technology and the Internet search systems will soon discover not only the location of Heaven and Hell, but of God Himself. (The authors know people not worse than God, their Creator. And are in awe for his fate in advance).

God is in urgent need of justification, as the ranks of atheists and agnostics are growing exponentially.

He is the one who created the theatre stage on our planet, where every living creature plays its role, and the dead objects are put out as decorations. He is the one who endowed people with musical hearing and singing ability, in order to entertain and relieve Him who is outraged by the sins of the mankind.

It’s worth mentioning that in the Old (Hebrew) Testament the idea of the other world (heaven and hell) is not formulated. The Book of Job has no concept of afterlife! While in the New (Christian) Testament the entire theology is based on fear of hell and heaven!

There is a huge abyss between these two Testaments, and it is quite undesirable to get into it.

POLITICAL ECONOMY of “The Protocols of the Sages of Zion”

The authors of this astonishing document are sincere and candid cynics, when they emphasise numerous times that politics and morals are mutually exclusive. Any sovereign and any government that are guided by morals – and not by brute force and violence, cunning and hypocrisy, corruption and robbery of their people – are apolitical, and therefore are not secure on their throne. Only under tyrannical regimes, when violence is elevated to a principle and cunning and hypocrisy – to a rule, the ruling circles have long-term, sometimes lifetime, chances to remain in power.

After thorough and critical analysis of this unique document we came to conclusion that it can be called a product of quite a combinatorial human thinking – of cunning mind or minds, which were not without genius. It can be considered universal encyclopaedic reference not just of the past, but for the foreseeing and forecasting of the oncoming political and economic events on the global scale.


No wonder anti-Semites called this document “devilishly genius” and its supposed author – Asher Ginzberg (Ahad-Cham, born 1856) – the “Apostle of Divine Wrath”. It shows that the author or authors had brilliantly used the work and thoughts not just of the Old Testament sages, but of many other famous philosophers and theologians (Vesli, 1725-1805; M. Mendelsohn, 1728-1780, Maimonides 1135-1204; Spinoza, 1632-1677) and the rich experience of the famous financiers and bankers: Itziga, Friedlander, Meyer.

And it’s not by accident that this clearly anti-Semitic “Divinely satanic” document caused such a dismay in political and business circles, and was translated and keeps being translated into dozens of different languages. It rates highly and is hugely popular not only among theologians, philosophers, politicians or financiers, but also in the community of intellectuals and scientists of the entire world.



The realities of our age, the 21st century, do not always coincide with the Sacred Scriptures, which are given in the ancient books. The thoughts of the following sages coincide with our views on life: Hermes, Moses, Jesus Christ, Socrates, Aristotle, Shota Rustaveli, Seneca, Dante, Shakespeare, Spinoza, Rambam, Goethe, La Rochefoucauld, Blaise Pascal, Pushkin, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Freud, Einstein, Horne, Fromm, Frenkel, Russell, Kozma Prutkov (pseudonym), Leo Tolstoy, Trubetskoy, and some of their contemporaries. All of them preached that one should approach God not through rites and ceremonies, but through the inner feeling. (One should fast with spirit, not with stomach!) God is not corporeal, He is spiritual.

It’s amazing how indiscriminate people are, confusing the Universal Reason and the Creator of the Universe with a humble Hebrew righteous man, philosopher, and reformer called Jesus Christ. His nature is indistinguishable from that of a human in principle. He had more human than divine in him: if He were God or God’s Son, then the scatter He gave the small and poor vendors in the Temple, He could do better by simply calling in the divine retribution.

Christ had lived for 33 years. Less than a week had passed from the moment of his arrest until the Resurrection. But for some reason Evangelists and all the Christian teachings preferred to devote more attention specifically to the last week of His life, to His death, and not at all to the great lesson of His entire righteous life. Only in His life, and not his death, there’s always mercy, the breadth of mind, unselfishness, courage, healing ability, and trend towards the happy future, which are characteristic of the true prophets, the righteous people, of the Messiah.

Christ was a model of human behaviour during His life.

Paradoxically, not just the modern scientists, but the most ancient Christian theologians, like Matthew and Lucas, relentlessly emphasise that Jesus Christ and His parents Maria and Joseph were true Hebrews, whose genealogy is traced to the son of Abraham, “from the kin and house of David”. Yet Jewish rabbis don’t want to even hear that Jesus Christ was a pure-blooded, deeply religious Jew – as if they gave a vow of silence. They emphasise everywhere that Jesus Christ had never been a Christian, as Christianity as a religion appeared much later – after the death Of Christ.

The main significance of the Bible is that it explains to us the Divine essence of the humans, not the human essence of God. Christ never claimed that He is the Supreme God, that he has the power over all the Galaxies, over the Solar System, or over the entire Earth. Even in the Judean land, when His comrades proclaimed Him “The Master” of the tiniest part of the then Palestine – not only many local residents raised their arms against Him, but also the entire Roman Empire. Perhaps, His comrades were prevented from proclaiming Christ “The Master of the Universe” only because they had no idea not only of the Galaxy as a whole, but even of the Solar system. Until now none of the Christian religions in the world discussed the question of whether Christ was God and the Master of only the tiny part of Palestine or the entire Universe?


Christ and Buddha are almost identical phenomena of their epochs, and this identical likeness is supported by the fact that until now huge number of grandiose temples, caves, sculptures, icons and other masterpieces are connected with their names. Both of them preached love not only to one’s neighbour, but also to one’s enemies; complete submission to one’s destiny.

A question is bound to rise: why the huge sharp swords of the Crusaders and Catholic inquisition had Jesus Christ’s name on them? I have found the answer only after reading Matthews.

“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” (Matt., 10, 34-37)

It’s stated so clearly, that we consider any comments to be unnecessary.

The Passion of Christ is a great drama. If Jesus didn’t suffer for the sons of Israel, dispersed all over the world, if the Romans didn’t crucify Him, nobody would know of His teaching, His sermons, His ability to work miracles, and generally, there would be no Christianity at all.

The true teaching of Christ was the opposite of what Apostle Paul turned it into.

There are people who go to war for religion, but fulfil almost none of its commandments. He, who has God on his tongue most of the time, has the devil in his heart. (It needs to be emphasized at the same time, that the worst sins are unfinished ones, as the sin is done by the Man with a Divine taste.)

Apostle Paul, a disciple of Christ, turned the commandment “love thy neighbour” into a pagan teaching, an idol-worshipping that leads to flares of religious wars, to uncompromising condemnation, curses, hate and torture, to using inquisition’s methods against millions of dissidents.

Artistic images of the saints, especially marble sculptures and church paintings, had more influence upon the world than the apostles and the saints themselves during their lives. The commandment of “You shall not make for yourself an idol” was trampled in the dirt.

Antique marble statues with broken off noses and genitals, created by the great artists of that epoch to honour the feats of heroes who died on battlefields, do not guarantee their immortality. Only noble and reasonable conduct during people’s lives confirms the belief in the immortality of true life. That’s why first of all theologians and philosophers should figure out and give a precise definition to exactly that which is immortal during life, and not after.

The life of every person should harmoniously fit the life of the entire mankind, as all creations,


with their physical and spiritual bases, are permeated with agreement and unity. Someone who wants to summarise his life, should count not the pleasures he experienced, but the amount of evil he managed to avoid.

All churches are more like clinics for cripples and sinners than museums for the saints. Hell, probably, also has its abbeys, where its own “saints”, the likes Gog and Magog, live distinguished by savageness and tyranny.

The Man has always dreamed of immortality. But for now, all people are captives of religious ideology, fearing the existence of hell as the highest form of human abstraction.

The God’s commandment to “be fruitful and multiply” is only causing harm today, due to overpopulation in many countries of the world, i.e., it’s old and no longer has authority (in India, China, Muslim countries). The overpopulated cities and communities are called “rich in human resources”.

Religion justifies inequality on Earth, which, while making life more beautiful, at the same time leads to the upper classes getting richer, the middle classes getting more vulgar, and the lower classes getting more beastly.

It’s unknown how God reacts to criminal acts of so called “devout Christians”, for example, the Crusaders, which from 1069 to 1270 tried a number of times through blood shedding violence and robbery to free Christ’s tomb, capture the Holy Land and turn Jerusalem into a Christian sacred place. As a result of those efforts, hundreds of thousands of people died, dozens of cities were destroyed. Was it worth it for the fanatical priests to start all this for a tomb of the deceased, who, if one believes the claims in the New Testament, got resurrected and flew into the skies, without a “magic carpet”, in an unknown direction.

Religions believe that mistakes and sins happen on earth, while in heaven they are counted and a verdict is announced.

Any religious extremism requires huge means and sacrifices, sufferings of humanity.

It’s no coincidence that “Buddhism is silently progressing” among civilised Christians, their leader Dalai Lama is awarded the Nobel Prize, and his followers donate him millions of dollars, so they can approach the nihilism--non-existence! The ideologies of Christianity and Buddhism are almost the same, but the numbers of charitable donations are different. The true Buddhists sacrifice to their Guru-Lamas only rotten eggs, while Christians and Jews, who renounce the faith of their historic forefathers and turn to Buddhism, sacrifice their fortunes and even lives (pilgrims in Nepal and Tibet).

The peoples of the East consider a saint any paralyzed cripple, crazy or blind, and often call him a prophet, while in the civilised countries, unfortunately, it’s the opposite: the true prophets are considered crazy, and get placed into psychiatric clinics for a course of therapy by electric shock


and further isolation from society.

That’s where the paradox of life is.

Both of them, Christ and Buddha, taught their disciples not to live the real life, i.e., not to “sin”, but to die simply and quietly, with clear conscience.

Pessimism is the result of a fruitless polemics and an argument of two incorrigible optimists. All prophets were pessimists.

It’s vexing when pessimists’ dreams come true.

Lottery is the most precise method of counting optimists. Pessimism is a relative notion: for example, the prediction by Nostradamus and other prophets that “pan-Islamisation” will take place around the civilised world in 21st-22nd centuries was perceived optimistically by Muslims, but Christians and Jews were depressed by these forecasts into tragic pessimism covered by a shell of Christian and Judaic teachings based on the Bible’s moral code and masochism of the democratic slogans.

Neither sun, nor death could be stared at directly: one can go blind or crazy. It’s better to turn one’s back on them.

The theological phenomenon of the great William Shakespeare is of interest.

Despite Shakespeare having never seen a live Jew, in “The Merchant of Venice” he, with the characteristic extraordinary shrewdness, was able to display the entire essence of the Christian-Jewish relations and the virtual anti-Semitism of Anglo-Saxes, who for the first time slandered the Jews in 1144, accusing them of ritual usage of infants’ blood to prepare matza. The Christians laughed at the Jews, not noticing their achievements.

For hundreds of years, the English were convinced that, since the Jews were Satan’s descendants, they hide horns under their hair. When the Jews were allowed to return to England, the first was a young Jewess of extraordinary beauty. She was touched “by the attention of the English” who stroked her head… to check the truth of the legend that all the Jews have horns!

Yet, the Jews as well, being exiled from England for many years, remained blind to the wonderful creations of the Middle Ages. Genius Christian artists brought stones to life, made colours speak, and expressed wise thoughts, and created verses and prose, composed magic music. The gothic cathedrals, with their towers majestically rising to the sky, were not monuments to religion, but a surge of human spirit towards God.



An ordinary person has never met the Prince of Darkness and Evil, Satan. Only acolytes of a religious cult – “the diplomatic representatives” of God himself – secretly “communicate” with him, if one interprets the prayers of priests. One could suppose that Satan and the acolytes of various religions are in full harmony of co-existence and partnership. There were vast articles printed in various outlets about hundreds of Catholic, Jewish and Muslim clergymen, especially in the U.S. and European countries, exposed in debauchery, punished by large fines, prison terms and bans on further religious activity. They systematically and with impunity engaged in paedophilia for many years, raped boys, young girls, indulged in homosexuality and other perversities, subjected virgins to ritual circumcision of external genitalia… Only the familiar relations with the Prince of Darkness can explain why priests don’t fear the “eternal death and fiery hell”: these “saints” practice the art of business and extortion, and some of them even debauchery, seducing the yet innocent girls and boys under the accompaniment of the church organ music. For a while, church boys were even castrated in order to save their chastity and the choir voice, so that they could indulge not only the flesh of the bishops and cardinals, but their hearing as well.

God in Heaven suffers from indecent behaviours of some priests-debauchers on Earth. The world is big enough to satisfy the needs of the Man, but too small to satisfy the human greed and lust. God is patient, but seemingly, even his patience may find its limits, and then His wrath comes down on Earth – unexpectedly, in various forms and manifestations.

One of the most horrible natural disasters of late was an earthquake in the Indian Ocean, which became the reason for a powerful tsunami that came down on the South Asian regions in January of 2005. These islands are the favourite destination for debauchers, paedophiles and pederasts from all over the world. Heaven’s catastrophes fell upon the USA, especially New Orleans – also one of the favourite places for perverts with the so called untraditional sexual orientation. In connection with the tragedy that had occurred, Metropolitan Kirill, who is responsible for external relations of the Moscow Patriarchy, announced: “The signs of times sternly warn the human kind that multiplying evil shall either be stopped by people themselves, or will be stopped by Divine retributions before too late”. In one hour thousands of innocent people, including children, had died for the sinners.

Another spiritual leader, former Chief Rabbi of Israel Mordechai Eliyahu also thinks that the tsunami in South-East Asia was the result of Divine wrath. He, citing the Babylonian Talmud, concludes that Indonesian powers and religious Muslim leaders of the country were systematically encouraged Islamists to destroy non-Muslim countries on the entire planet, especially the USA and Israel. That’s what God punished them for.

Judaism often mentions the Judgement Day, when the world’s saviour will appear – the Messiah (Moshiah) and will relieve the sons of Israel of their enemies. It’s not exactly true. The Messiah will come to punish sinners and reward the righteous. All the peoples should know that the most


dangerous are not the ir enemies – an enemy can be fought or appeased – but their sins.

Meantime, neither theologians, nor philosophers accuse Satan for these catastrophes! They accuse religious fanaticism, churchmen, raging democratic freedom, liberalism with its defending of human rights for various debaucheries and perversions. What has Satan to do with this? And generally, does Satan really exist?

There is no religion which wouldn’t have a place for Satan. Ancient Egyptians believed in the evil spirit Seth, Phoenicians – in Baal, Zoroastrians – in Ahriman. The devil is not mentioned in the Old Testament. Satan figures in the Bible only as God’s envoy, and as a conductor of His will. In the New Testament Satan-Antichrist is presented as the carrier of absolute evil and is mentioned 188 times; there are cases, described in detail, of Jesus curing the ill who are possessed by the devil. The Catholic Church catechism of 1992 officially confirms the existence of Satan, and requests priests to vigorously fight any signs of Satanism and to save those possessed by the devil with any means.

It is said in the revelations of John the Divine: “Then I saw an angel, descending from heaven… He gripped the dragon, that old serpent that is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years… so that he should no longer lead astray and deceive and seduce the nations until the thousand years were at an end. After that he must be liberated for a short time”.

This time has come long ago.

According to the Bible, even before the appearance of the Man on Earth, there was the spirit of evil – the devil, who was an influential angel close to God. Because of his pride and spite, this Prince of Darkness was thrown down “as a lightning” to Earth for “correction”. But God’s plans had not come to fruition: Adam, the first resident of Earth, did not withstand the temptation of Satan’s representative, the serpent, and ate the forbidden fruit, trying to cognise the good and the evil at the same time. And he did cognise – not for Satan’s sake, but for that of God the Creator.

And so we, the heirs of the inexperienced Adam and Eve, because of the apple and the serpent, of envy and spite of the devil, became mortal. And to solve this tragic situation, people look for ways and methods not only to turn the evil into the good, but also for achieving happiness in this life, and the key to immortality.

In the Middle Ages, the Satanism was some secret cult, based mainly on atheism. Today it’s mostly associated with black magic, pseudo-religious sects, witchcraft, healing, shamanism and rites.

The sacred book of modern Satanists is The Black Bible, written by the founder of the Church of Satan sect, a former philosopher from San Francisco, Anton Szandor LaVey. It declares that the Satanist basis is inherent in people, that there is no after-life, so one should hurry to enjoy the pleasures of this world.


A Satanist is first of all a terrible egoist who derives personal benefit from everything. At the basis of the Satanist cult is violence and making sacrifices through hellish torments.

The Satanists claim that both paradise and hell are here on Earth. We create paradise and hell ourselves. Today they hide behind religious sects and cults that have very seductive names, for example: “The Society of Reason and Freedom”, “The Black Mass”, “The Black Brotherhood”, “The Blue Lotus”, “The Lucifer’s International”, “The Green Order”, “The Black Angel”.

Lucifer is a name of the planet of Venus, and in Latin means “the light carrier” or “the morning star”. Theologian Hieronymus (340-420 A.D.), the author of the Bible’s translation into Latin, while translating a verse from the Book of Isaiah, composed a phrase in an unfortunate way, and by mistake called the Prince of Darkness as Lucifer, i.e. “darkness carrier”. Thus a pun of idiotic kind took place. In the Middle Ages, during the creation of the Christian fiery hell doctrine, Lucifer became part of the Satanism teaching.

Only the faithful believe in the existence of the bitterest foes of God – a legion of evil spirits headed by Satan. Atheists and cynics assert that God and Satan never quarrel thanks to narrow specialisation and the division of labour.

It should be recalled that the legends of existence of Satan and his stooges, of magic, charms, witchcraft and similar phenomena, could be unified in a complex system of demonology, which was created thousands of years ago by Sumerians and Babylonians and spread around the entire planet. The essence of demonology is that, besides people, the world is populated with spirits, the majority of which for some reason are hostile to the Man. That’s why demons are viewed in the world of higher forces as forces of the Prince of Darkness – Satan, the enemies of the human kind. The followers of demonology stage acts so that their disciples get used to sadism, psychic vampirism, and pathologic self-assurance, and so they turn into creatures without the will, morals and consciousness. The philosophy of the Satanists’ life is a quest for pleasures. All the dark sides of human nature are concentrated in it. Unlike in other religions, there is no after-life for adepts of Satanism, i.e., no paradise and no hell. The leaders of satanic sects usually are gifted with extrasensory abilities and hypnosis, and they force members of their sects from the successful families to sacrifice not only their wealth and property, but also the future inheritance, which will be left after the “premature” death of their relatives, firstly parents.

Demons – evil spirits – are in the person’s subconscious. When let out free, they possess higher destructive power than an atomic or a hydrogen bomb. Manlike tyrants, such as Nero, Hitler, Osama bin Laden and Caligula, having achieved the heights of power, began considering themselves as gods, i.e., became atheists. Clergymen, having the power, also at times become extremists and inquisitors.

Today various pop groups and pop musicians (the real soul destroyers) take more space in the hearts of green youth than study, religion, attempts to acquire professional skills, family or care for the future. They have become not only role models for them, but idols as well. Thanks to psychotropic influences of the specially tuned musical instruments, hoarse voices of singers,


ritual movements of their tattooed and almost naked bodies, they turn their admirers into zombies. Using drugs, they feel voluptuousness more acutely, rising to the highest level of debauchery and idleness.

The guru of American pop-music, the main drug businessman, the all-well-known gangster Kenneth Anger created “magic” albums, discs and video films, such as, “Their Satanic Majesties Request”, “Sympathy For the Devil”, “Lucifer Rising” and other, where the main performers were the “idols” of the young: guitarists Keith Richards, Michael Jagger, Brian Jones, Jimmy Page, drummer John Bonham, singers Mansfeld, Broady and other celebrities. The revenues from sales of the albums that propagated Satanism reached billions of dollars. Most of that money was appropriated by the guru of sect “The Church of Satan”, Kenneth Anger himself. Many of the participants of these ventures “died” under undetermined circumstances: Jimmy Page, John Bonham, Mansfeld, Broady and others. All of them became victims of “The Church of Satan” sect members. The famous singer, African American Michael Jackson, a paedophile, a drug user and a maniac, defected from Christianity to Islam, having become a multimillionaire before he became an adult.

Any idol sooner or later becomes a Moloch demanding human sacrifices.

When God created the Man, Satan lost his magic power.



Darwin’s theory of evolution relieves the Man from the necessity to observe the Divine commandments. Therefore the Man should worship not God, but his “ancestors” – the apes. The man can no longer be sinless, faithful to God, he does not need morals, conscience and mercy; sacred books and prayers no longer exist for him. If it is so, then we decisively lose the very notion of existence of God, Christ, Moses, Muhammad, Buddha, the Apostles, prophets and entire armies of clergy, millions of churches, mosques and synagogues, sanctity of Israel, Mecca, and the land of our forefathers… All of them automatically transform into the familiar category of “real estate” for purchase or sale, for which there is no sense to fight, make sacrifices, crusades, and start inquisition, pan-Islamisation, self-sacrifice, genocide, wars…

The authors prefer the Biblical statements that “… life appeared as a result of purposeful and thoughtful act of God the Creator”. Being people of science, and having lived a long life on our Earth, we cannot understand the nature of the “bio-anthropological itch” of our colleagues and their sponsors. They spend (or, rather, pocket!) billions of dollars in order to prove that life on Earth and the Man himself were created over hundreds of billions of years under the influence of blind forces of Nature, as a result of evolution of live germs that flew in from other planets?!! And so on.

Alas, Darwin’s cause is still alive, albeit not winning. And still, Darwin had not made it clear – which apes did we descend from, normal or crazy ones? We are confident that no normal ape will want to live in human conditions! His teaching that over millions o years the Ape got humanised is in any case closer to reality than the hypothesis that we descended from germs (and if so, they were probably pathogenic).

Life is biologically eternal, because archaeologists have not yet been able to find evidence of eras when life was absent on our planet. The divinity of life is confirmed by the fact that scientists have not so far been able to construct a living organism (or even a single live cell) from non-living matter.

Even doctors-pathologists are unable to cut to the quick during dissection of corpses.

The Universe is the greatest biosphere, an organism possessing the huge power of cosmic energy intellect. Science is not afraid to make the same error several times. Don’t forget that only thanks to an “error” Christopher Columbus could discover America.

The civilisation of ants. Do they have reason?

The famous French writer and scientist Bernard Verber wrote a sensational book following his research of many years, where he asserts that the civilisation of ants is hardly inferior to that of humans, especially in terms of reason. The author believes that we don’t need to seek for alien reason on other planets. It’s been close to us for a long time – right under our feet. The


civilisation of ants is more ancient than the human one, and covers the entire planet. Ants have long ago created their colonies in the form of multiple federative states with defined borders. These states consist of several dozens, hundreds or even thousands of ant hills, connected by trails. Scientists have already defined 12,000 of ant species. After dozens of years of close observation, the scientists established that a monarch reigns in these colonies-federations – a queen who is responsible for the conduct of her slaves, and for their castes. She holds on firmly to the matriarchic power, constantly changes her males and continually lays eggs. And the whole brigade of queen’s assistants, after a careful selection, will cultivate new queens from some of the eggs, while the remaining eggs will produce new ants who will train to become hunters getting food, nannies, builders, carrion collectors, guardians, workers, etc.

The largest ant federation is on a Japanese island of Hokkaido. There are 45,000 ant hills over 3,000 square kilometres, with a total population of over 300 million ants.

Astonishing, yet true.

Life and death as the regulators of the nature’s biosphere

If death is a regulator of the nature’s biosphere and human life, then why, for example, the Indians, the Chinese, or the Muslim have much more people being born than dying? Thus they carry out the takeover of our planet; civilised peoples – for example, Christians, Jews and other – have it the opposite way, where birth rate is lower than mortality!

A birth is transmission, from one generation to the next, of genetic information, of a biological idea that realises in the form of one newly born organism or another. This information is recorded in the genes on the molecular, or perhaps even on the atomic, level. People are born outside of any faiths, unaware of the notions of good and evil. Only in time do they become Islamists, Judaist, Christians, pagans, righteous, or terrorists, condemning themselves to the chaos of life. It turns out that religiousness is not inherent, but an induced disease of soul and flesh.

If the Universe consists of matter and energy (soul), then the same can be said of the Man as well. There is a hypothesis that the head concentrates the energy of cosmos, while the body restrains vibrations of the Earth. There are waves and energies of various kinds, emanating from the Galaxy, different in nature and origin, known, but mostly unknown to us, that “hover” in the environment surrounding the Man, and also in the Earth’s atmosphere. These waves are radiated by planets and other cosmic bodies, by the industrial works, power stations, antennae, TV and radio communications, by the Earth itself, and all the living organisms. The waves, interacting with each other, intensely influence not just all of our planet, but also our health, and our genetic “treasure funds”.

There are people who attribute their ailments, sins and failures to position of the stars and planets, manifesting their ignorance this way. The majority of religious commandments describe


things not to be done, while experience suggests that one needs to love, sin a little, to dare and create. Perhaps one should follow this lifestyle and not keep checking the horoscopes?

Someone philosophising about life should be sincere, because any buried truth fertilises a lie. And the tiniest details of life may become large shortcomings, as some people mistake them for traits and no one notices them. And that can become the cause for being dissatisfied with one’s fate. Don’t grieve anything in advance, and don’t rejoice that which hasn’t happened yet. The fate helps only the brave ones. Don’t fear a danger that’s not there, and when it comes – fight it. Remember that if a phenomenon repeats more than once, the first time may be an error, the second time may be a coincidence, but the third time is a rule already.

As medics, we believe that if life is viewed with a healthy degree of drama and a no less healthy degree of humour, it most often resembles:

1) Constipation in the bowels that is distinguished by restraint and a secluded style of existence. It doesn’t want to express itself in the outer world by any means, knowing in advance all the “charms” of its external “outputs”. At times, the tense attempts of its host produce bitter tears, acute pains, spasms; and if the constipation manages to get out to freedom, it comes at the price of great exertion and labour, and even then with mucus, if not with blood. So constipation has many “back thoughts” that have a foul smell when they emerge;

2) Unstoppable diarrhoea that is hardly predictable in its manifestations in time and space. Its appearance in a decent society is not desirable at all. Being a parvenu by nature, it’s impatient and not manageable by any means: it drifts on and on.

The hosts of either constipation or diarrhoea are unified by a passionate desire to get rid of them by any means. But it needs to be mentioned that without these uncomfortable bowel conditions the interest in life is lost!



Can genius people be ordinary?

It is said that genius people have a strange social conduct, don’t follow the rules of behaviour, and – what’s important – never remember the people they’ve met a number of times.

It’s proven that geniuses’ memory is quite good, but it “services” exclusively their creative or scientific interests and works selectively.

It’s also known that vintage wine tasters have unique memory; some professional musicians, singers and composers have audio memory; while painters and directors have good visual memory.

Usually talented people notice and use the details unnoticed by an ordinary person. They see more around themselves; catch seemingly “simple” thoughts of others, which are later used in their creative or scientific activity. While important domestic matters evaporate from their heads instantly and forever.

For example, Einstein, who created the Theory of Relativity, was unable to normally communicate with ordinary people; he was a mathematician or physicist of a country teacher’s level, slovenly and, as strange as it may seem, he did not always have good orientation in space and time.

It’s known from history that Alexander the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte and Alexander Suvorov remembered the names of all their warriors, which is more than 30,000 people.

Wolfgang Mozart and Dmitry Shostakovich could recite from memory a composition they had heard only once.

The chess master Alexander Alekhine played 30 to 40 simultaneous blindfold games.

Nicola Tesla (1856-1943) was a Serbian inventor, physicist, mechanical and electrical engineer, and is known for his many patented revolutionary contributions (more than 800 patents!!!) to the discipline of electricity, magnetism, electric current (AC), wireless communications (radio, television, radar), lasers, bifilar coil, generating X-rays, computer science, ballistics, UFO theories, electric vehicles, polyphase systems, compressor, pumps, etc. Nicola Tesla was said to be the man who invented the 20th century and “the patron saint of modern electricity”, “the genius who lit the world”.

It is possible that all his sophisticated contributions were the product of irradiation, or a special mental illumination. Nicola suffered a peculiar affection during which blinding flashes of light would appear before his eyes, often accompanied by hallucinations. Tesla would visualise


something in his brain in precise form, before moving to the construction stage. This technique is sometimes known as picture thinking.

There are tens of thousands of children and adults who, not having even a secondary education, are able to multiply in their mind five- and six-digit numbers, extract square and cubic roots in a few seconds, without mistakes, quicker than a computer. But for some reason they have not become geniuses.

Great achievements and deeds of men are often caused by simple chance.

Illumination and subconscious energy

According to Sigmund Freud, deep in the subconscious hides the “genetic fund” of all the mankind’s history with all the codes of ancient and modern horrors, and demons invisible to us, which under certain circumstances can awaken and get out. They can enter the heads of individual tyrants who are in power and are capable to destroy entire peoples and countries.

Einstein had discovered that any mass of matter contains huge energy, invisible to men, which under certain circumstances can also break out and destroy our entire planet. This energy holds all the peoples of the world in constant fear and tension.

For the first time in the history of psychiatry Dr. Freud, using psychoanalysis and deep hypnosis, attempted to uncover the mysteries of human illumination and enlightenment and the mysteries of the tremendous wealth and energy of the subconscious. He systematically discussed the results of his research with the closest friends: the then little-known physicist Albert Einstein, extrasensory individual Wolf Messing, and the great artist Charlie Chaplin. By fortunate chance or the irony of fate, all of them were Jewish, and were pursued not only by fascists, but personally by Adolf Hitler himself. It seems to us that, thanks to interaction between the subconscious of these people, certain activation of subcortical structures in their brains had taken place, the result of which were enlightenments and illuminations necessary for new scientific and creative work. They became the most famous personalities not only of the 19th-20th centuries, but of the entire history of human civilisation.

Messing’s mental “aim” to save the lives of Einstein, Freud, Chaplin and his own had also played a certain role in evading the inevitable death in the fascist torture chambers. He possessed a unique ability to create illusions for the executioners and escape unharmed from any hopeless, even fatal, situations.

It’s known that sometimes wunderkinds are born on Earth who even before the age of 10 feel their “superiority” over those around them: they display extrasensory abilities. They can read books with their eyes closed, they can “see” with the back of their head, move objects with their stare, suddenly start speaking languages that existed and died thousands of years ago, foresee possible global catastrophes and cataclysms not only on Earth, but on other planets in the


Galaxy; they can diagnose diseases, and even cure incurable illnesses without medicines.

These wunderkinds, who are called Indigo children, are super intellectual and can argue with serious scientists, for example, on the sense of life and death. They can solve the most complex mathematical problems in fractions of a second, carry out error-free calculations within billions, and so on. Geneticists and neurophysiologists have already discovered that information of the global history is concentrated in the subcortex; to store it electronically would require a city-sized super-computer. The next generation of super-computers will work on chips built on organic molecules: DNA and RNA. There are more then hundreds of billions of them in the human subcortex!

Many prestigious scientific journals published information that in the Weizmann Institute of Science (Rehovot, Israel), in 2004, Professor Yehuda Shapiro has already created a biological super-computer of microscopic scale, based on the DNA molecule, which could be dissolved in physiological solution and inject into the human body. In connection with this information it’s asserted that thanks to this almost invisible computer it’s possible to diagnose a disease and selectively treat pathological cells (Journal Nature, 29.01.2004; Journal Medical News, 26.02.2003).

Geneticists (American Raymond Barnwood, et al.) have found that faith into a supreme being is programmed into our genetic code, written into our DNA molecules! The scientists’ quest was crowned with distinguishing a gene responsible for our attraction to God; they designated it as VMAT-2, it relates to our immune system and provides for longer, healthier and happier life.

It needs to be noted that 1ml of DNA contains more information than a trillion of modern CD-ROM disks, i.e., several million times exceeds the capacity of the most modern computers. Such a huge potential is contained in the human organism, and the science yet doesn’t know how to use it.

In the neurophysiological laboratories of the world it has already been determined that Indigo children can use up to 15% of their brain resources, unlike the 5% of the average person.

The causes of wunderkinds’ births:1. Esoterics speak of an inborn instinct, connected to the “unified information field of the

Universe”.2. UFOlogists assure that a “genetic memory” of extraterrestrial ancestors is switched on

when they are born.3. Geneticists believe that births of such children is a result of mutations, that are caused by

the influence of radiation people are continuously exposed to, from perpetually working TVs to computers and even mobile phones. Radiation factors possibly facilitate activation of genetic memory centres in the brain subcortex – subconscious.

Psychologists claim that such wunderkinds often don’t even live to reach majority; the suicide rate among them is 5 times higher than average among children and teenagers. It is explained by


their difficult adaptation to the modern, yet “primitive” for them, civilisation of the 21st century on earth; by the senselessness of prolonging life until old age.

There is an opinion that Jesus Christ also possessed inhuman, i.e., extrasensory properties, and with their aid worked great “miracles”, attempting to change the civilisation of the time and to teach new thinking to his contemporaries-Hebrews. Being disenchanted in life on Earth, in people surrounding Him, He also decided to bid farewell to life in the prime of his young age. Yet He decided to do so not through suicide, but through a more original way, provoking a “mutiny” against the despotic power, accepting a martyr’s death – crucifixion.

We had come to the conclusion that births of wunderkinds, god-like people, once again provides evidence of the Divine origin of life, of human genetic funds as the unique product of the Supreme Reason of the Universe. And this completely refutes all hypotheses about evolution of germs that ostensibly flew over from other planets, or about evolution of apes into humans.

Many researchers are confident that the mystical scientific discoveries of A. Einstein and D. Mendeleev were the product of instant illumination, and not of long-term expensive experimental scientific research. And some assert that these discoveries simply came to them both in their sleep.

It’s known that 20 years before the tragedy of the “Titanic”, English journalist W.T. Stead published a fictional story about a huge liner colliding with an iceberg. By a strange twist of fate, the fiction coincided with a real tragedy of the “Titanic” colliding with an iceberg. Both captains – in the book and in reality – had the name of E.J. Smith!

And what’s completely mysterious, the writer W.T. Stead died himself in the “Titanic” catastrophe.



It’s not a secret that, as science and technology develop, our real world loses more and more of spirituality, becomes more materialistic and relatively less humane. The Man, surrounded by thick concrete walls of his dwelling, feels isolated from nature, cosmos, and society. Gradually he is losing his “unconscious identification” with natural phenomena. For him, thunder is no longer the voice of the raging God, and lightning is not his punishing arrow. Spirits no longer live in the rivers, life juices dry up in the “trees of life”, serpent is not a representation of wisdom, and a mountain cave is no longer the dwelling for sages or kabbalists… The Man no longer gears the voices of stones, plants and animals… It was all replaced by the computer, the painful constipations, the haemorrhoids as a result of continuous sedentary lifestyle, the development of the asthenic syndrome, and the degradation of the Divine feeling of love…

In the ancient mythology of various people, especially in Egypt, sleep was called the Little Death, and death was called the Big Sleep. It’s perfectly known to all that during sleep the majority of people fully “disconnect” from physical reality and the person “gets” into an astral projection, in other, parallel, worlds, in other dimensions. At that time the mind of the sleeping person transforms into its energy double, moves in the astral world, where the space and time are not limited, where he can simultaneously appear in different points of the planet, feel himself in the past life, in the present, and in the future. There is a possibility to meet not only with those living now, but also with close people long since dead, talk to them and discuss all the sore issues of the real life. The feelings, sensations and emotions of the sleeping person are identical to those he experiences in real life when he is awake. All symbols in the sleep are distinct, all conversations and conclusions are logical. While asleep, one can significantly increase his knowledge, learn completely new aspects of science, technology and culture, in order to use them in the real world. Dreaming can be compared with bio-Internet, thanks to which it is possible to get the best scientific and practical information without spending billions on investments. Why half a life should be wasted in the sleep!

The legends that such people, as D. Mendeleev, I. Newton, A. Einstein, et al., uncovered the mystery of their fantastic discoveries in the sleep as illumination are not without foundation. It’s known that their discoveries were not the results of long-term expensive experimental scientific research.

The dreams of a healthy person are radically different from the mirages of near-fatal, terminal conditions, from a deep hypnosis, from illusions and hallucinations that arise under pathological conditions.

There is no doubt that sleep and dreaming is one of the best gifts of God ever received by the Man. The Big Sleep – departure from the carnal life into the spiritual one, i.e., death – also can be viewed as the supreme Divine reward, thanks to which the life resources of the Earth are renewed, the circulation of human life is sustained on our planet, and maybe in the entire Universe. It’s quite possible that in the afterlife the Man has a chance to see all the mystery of


things that exist beyond the limits of our sensory perception. That’s what Immortality is, the spiritual life in the other world.

Dreaming is our only shred of evidence, indirectly showing that even during the Big Sleep – after departing from our real world – life continues, but in other dimensions, in astral projections, in a more perfect form than our earthly life. As numerous scientists, theologians, magicians and similar people prove, besides the physical body, the Man has more subtle, transparent bodies: the spiritual, the ethereal, the astral, and the mental ones.

The spiritual body is the person’s soul, facilitating the connection with the Supreme Reason.

The ethereal body is the closest to the physical one; it’s responsible for the person’s energy.

The mental body is the person’s thoughts, consciousness, thanks to which one can travel around other worlds as an astral projection.

The astral body relates to the person’s emotions, and it is where the so called exit “from the body” and transportation of the person’s consciousness within the physical world limits occur. It is called “externisation”, or exit into the “otherworld”.

According to the research of many years by the famous scientist Hereward Carrington, the density of the astral body is one millionth of the density of the physical body of people, and weighs approximately 40 grams.

Everyone is scared by the statistics that our planet is getting overpopulated, which is the cause for shortage of Divine spiritual resources. The forecasts for the future perfection of people became discomforting. Perhaps, that’s why God has changed his mind to create life on other planets of the Galaxy; and now they are empty, wandering in cosmos in the darkness, under unbearable heat and cold. Evidently, God has adamantly refused creating not just conditions for life there, but also the place for future dwelling of human souls departing from human flesh. And where is the “heaven”, so promised by clergy, became the secret of God Himself. The people living on Earth are in the state of panic and confusion. The afterlife is shrouded in mystery.

If the Man manages to reach beyond the limits of time and space, and happens outside heavens and earth, it would help him uncover the mystery of the Divinity of life, i.e., with that the fear of death would be fully overcome, the Man will turn into an astral body, while remaining in his flesh, and will freely travel in space.

What is the “otherworld”? The Kabbalah and esotericism teach that the Man exists within the limits of the three dimensions of this world (space): length, width and height. Many scientists consider time to be the fourth dimension.

There are known teachings of the Eastern, Kabbalistic ancient philosophers and Biblical pagan


priests who relied on their intellectual life experience and logic and supposed that there is also Divine life on other planets. And that people there live in other, more perfect dimensions and freed from the cycle of birth, death and new births. It’s also not known whether afterlife, “paradise” or “hell” exist there. If yes, then – where? In the skies or underground; on other planets or in the form of a “parallel world”? That’s also unknown.

People – the living sources of bio-energy – probably, influence the Galaxy more that the Galaxy – them.

The all-known medieval philosopher Dante Alighieri in his book “Paradise” asserted that the Earth is a sphere and the centre of the Universe. The mountain of Purgatory is located in the antipode point to Jerusalem, and the earthly paradise is located on its top, touching the sphere of the Moon. Everything placed below the Moon’s sphere, is subject to decay and death. Everything that’s above the Moon is indestructible. The chosen ones ostensibly live there; they consist of the christened people, patriarchs, and prophets who foresaw the coming of Christ. Let’s suppose we believe in this, but then where all the pagans, Hinduists, Buddhists, Muslims go – not to mention poor Judaists? There are many hypotheses and guesses, but all of them are without any scientific proofs.

What is heavenly bliss: idleness or simple being without the life’s tragedies and dramas? The biblical books and legends were often changed and rewritten over thousands of years for religious and political reasons; the ancient editions were burned. Only very little remains of originals that were hidden in caves or underground.

The partially preserved handwritten originals of the ancient Bible that were found in the Dead Sea caves are evidence of “the original sin”, which was not in the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, nor in the atheism of the Serpent, nor in the intimate relations of Adam and Eve, but in the pride of their human nature, as both of them imagined themselves to be gods-“atheists”.

Many people divert themselves from the thoughts of death by entertainment: hunting, games of love or of chance, science, wars, numb themselves with alcohol or drugs.

While we live, there is no death; when the death has come – we are nowhere to be found!

For us our death is abstract, for outside observers it is quite real!

One shouldn’t fear the problems of life; trust us, more people died in their warm bed than in shipwrecks. The less fear one feels, the less danger is out there.

Necrology is similar (this comparison seemed apt to us) to workplace reference for admission into paradise. It never mentions the sinful deeds of the dead one for some reasons. When tyrants and villains finally die, tens of thousands of commoners come to their funeral to conclusively make certain they are dead. For the sake of that it’s worth covering their tombs with huge


wreaths and flowers, so that they would never materialise again.

Jubilee is when there are many wreaths and bouquets, but the person is still alive! For many people the great future is already behind them.

The instant of death turns into eternity: it unites our past, present and future. The past and present are known, while the future is not (you’ll find out in the end!), however it’s eternal! The ancient philosopher Epicurus said that death for each of us exists only notionally: people are better satisfied by the plausible than by the true.

For now science and religion cannot present visible evidence for the existence of afterlife or the “otherworld”. In the book of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the author of “Sherlock Holmes”, that is called “Reflections on Death, Dying and Bereavement” we can find critical analysis of experiments with spiritualism that has religiously philosophical, scientifically mystic, and often speculative nature, designed to uncover the mystery of life and death, immortality and continuation of life in the “otherworld” after the physical death of a person.

Judaism forbids engaging in spiritualism, and calling the souls of the dead. It is considered a human sin, and requires punishment.

If we analyse all the séances of calling on the souls of the dead and interviews with all the “spiritualists” about the “otherworld”, without scientific criticism, we can suppose that:

1. The spiritual body is a copy of its physical body, but without the physical ugliness or defects, and without diseases.

2. Infants, who died early, mature, while the elderly get younger, and all of them are in their prime. They are surrounded by their relatives and friends who died earlier, and all of them live in agreement and bliss.

3. Husbands and wives, who sincerely loved each other during their earthly lives, live together again, albeit the mode of communication is the thought, and not the speech.

4. It is a World of light and laughter, where they eat, dress and have a good time only for pleasure. Religion remains the same, and prayers are in high regard.

5. The spiritual bodies never sleep and while remaining after death in the other, more perfect world, Knowledge and Intellect gained in earthly life are completely preserved.

6. Love and sexual relations do exist, but there is no childbearing. Everyone is happy and no one wants to return to Earth.

And that’s all that the specialists tell about.

Complete optimism. There is neither horror before the fiery inferno, nor the foretaste of the heavenly bliss… And could we, if the stories of spiritualists are true, call this the immortality of the soul?

However, if we are to believe spiritualists, no one of the dead wants to return to Earth. Then


what are we to do with “reincarnation”? Where do the million-strong armies of new souls for the newly born Chinese, Hindis, Arabs, and other infants? There is NO answer yet. (We hate it when egoists say, “There might as well be the Great Flood after we are gone”.)



The mankind has entered the 21st century being armed with achievements in all the various branches of science and technology. At the same time, we shouldn’t forget that scientific progress disrupts the equilibrium of human instincts and the real status of things in the world. For example, the scientific progress in manufacturing and finance sharpens people’s power aspirations and competitive instincts, and these are not so easy to resist. But if the scientific ethics starts guiding itself by the correct understanding of what takes place, it will help future generations lead a decent life, establish harmony among people, root out wars, avoid terror and violence against humankind. Science gives us power over nature, and an opportunity to use its potential for the humankind’s wellbeing. It’s only necessary to tame the Man’s animal instincts and rationally use the achievements of human thought.

New scientific discoveries are inevitably accompanied by admitting past errors. One needs to distinguish a clear thought from fuzzy one that allows doubtful interpretation with multiple meaning, yet with pretensions to the role of a “great thought”.

Unbounded fantasies of some pseudo-scientists that are close to hallucinations, some times are more impressive than great discoveries of real scientists.

Pseudo-scientific, clearly speculative hypotheses Darwin-like bearded scientists were noted with dozens of Nobel Prizes and other such, scientific degrees and titles, because it was an appeal of atheists to the animal roots, in the name of rejecting the Divine moral values, laid out by God in the 10 Commandments. Before the 10 Commandments, the majority of people were barbaric semi-wild pagans, worshiping idols, various mystical gods, spirits of ancestors, animals, sacrificing virgins, celestial bodies, etc. Thanks to fetishism, totemism, witchcraft, conjurations, etc., pagans hypnotised people’s minds, turning them into slaves of the will of others.

There appeared a dilemma: to follow previous religious principles and worship old gods, or to join the ranks of atheists and follow the new “idols” who consider themselves prophets or living gods (meaning here some pseudo-religious sects).

It’s easy for an ordinary person to get perplexed in the powerful information stream that is falling on him through print, radio, TV, Internet, i.e., various media, many of which very regrettably, got into the hands of gay debauchers, Mafiosi and pseudo-religious fanatics. Any media could be considered a psychotronic weapon capable of half-opening a window into the subconscious not just of a single individual, but that of a majority of people with the purpose of manipulating them – whether with good intentions or bad. It’s much easier to influence the people’s subconscious with narcotic substances, alcohol, hypnosis, meditation, and a specially chosen tone of music and singing timbre. All these methods of influence have been successfully used by the famous “spiritual mentors”: a gentleman from India, Roinesh Chandra Mohan, who created the Kirshna sect; the world-famous sex maniac, Frenchman Luc Jouret who founded the Order of the Solar Temple sect; famous “catholic” gangsters – the catchers of human souls


(Georgetown, Guyana); the Swiss Ron Hubbard – Scientology (Dianetics); “Reverend” debaucher from North Korea San Sen Mun – the founder of the Muna sect; Shoko Asahara, the founder of the “Aum Shinrikyo” sect, and hundreds of such gentlemen, whose victims were tens of thousands of people, first robbed, then killed.

Striving to reach a peak, it’s worth remembering that it might not be Olympus, but Vesuvius erupting fiery lava and ashes destroying everything and everyone on its way.

The 20th and 21st centuries are the age of computerisation of the entire civilised world. Much is known about the undoubted usefulness of computers, but very little – about their harmfulness. Namely, computers are capable of ruining the economy of all the civilised countries!

For example, in the USA, according to the General Accountability Office, just in 2005 computer crime has brought damages of 67.2 billion dollars. The total expenditure of individuals and organisations on the Internet in 2006 has amounted to 102 billion dollars. Cyber crime is becoming more and more dangerous by the day. It could be breaking into someone’s computer or network (that’s what hackers do), into banking accounts; stealing valuable information or intellectual property; distribution of viruses, spam, etc. The Internet aids the communication of sexual maniacs, paedophiles, distribution of child pornography, etc. At the same, the criminals are able to preserve their anonymity. For example, various terrorist structures are able to finance mega-terrorist projects via the Internet, hiding behind “humanitarian” slogans.

Until now scientists have been unable to develop effective methods or schemes to combat cyber criminals, and to prevent the ruin of the national economy or avoid horrible destructive terrorist acts.

The progress of technology does not always mean the progress of civilisation.

Science has provided the Man with all the necessities and uncovered for him the most remote corners of the Universe, but with its inhuman and indifferent approach it has become heartless, devoid of any feelings of mercy or humanity. Science creates means of mass destructions in an instant, but does almost nothing for human physical immortality.

Only human genetic funds containing the DNA and RNA molecules could be considered immortal; they never stopped existing since life appeared in the world.

The flesh of any living creature is changed multiple times during the cycle of life (metabolism), while the soul is always “here”, is immortal, and doesn’t require material renewal. Only the inner nature of a person, his spiritual personality – I – is always eternal. Both here and there!

The body wears down, while the soul always remains vibrant and youthful. In an elderly organism this creates a conflict, which is resolved and reconciled: thanks to death.

Science and medicine have not yet found the elixir of immortality, despite the fact that they


could make the life span 3-4 times longer: from the average of 25 years for ancient Egyptians, to the average of 90 years for modern native Swiss citizens.

The world needs not the aged pensioners with their countless sores, but active industrious wise men who produce material and spiritual welfare.

For as long as a person feels his usefulness for society, he doesn’t think of approaching death; vice-versa, he gets a sense of immortality, as he lives not just by the past and the present, but also by the future.

And what do representatives of science think of the human body “wear” problem? Is a solution possible for it?

Scientists, being in the command centres of the Earth, can determine the suitable planets for stationary microchips programming and to manage them. There is a theoretical possibility to synthesise biologically active molecules like DNA and RNA from existing resources.

Probably in the nearest future the scientists will try to synthesise a living cell, and then, through cloning and manipulation of stem cells, it would become possible to create a living human-like creature. Then the relevant question will be: how to introduce a Divine soul into his body? This is where active interference from God Himself, who has a monopoly on soul creation, will be necessary. There is no other chance without the agreement from God Himself to become a co-author in creating a living person – and there will never be. The Man cannot go against the will of God; and in the meantime, God doesn’t want a relief from the people, as he will be bored at once. It’s more interesting to play with the fates of people than to admire other empty planets of the endless Galaxy.

Without ignoring the commandments of Moses, people should govern the human life themselves, using the Divine gift – reason – to gain freedom and independence from clergy and religious rites. There is no more patience to endure the artificially built fear of the fiery hell invented by churchmen, the pathological complex of own nothingness, the feelings of guilt and sinfulness of our daily actions.

The mind of every civilised person is connected via neuro-psychic energy with the “collective mind” of the entire living humankind, and according to the religious teachings – also with the souls of the dead, i.e., with the Divine Reason, not always conceivable to us. The science is absolutely helpless to explain these mechanisms.

If people would accept the Bible’s assertion that “all living and non-living is of Divine origin”, hundreds of billions of dollars would be saved that were wasted on “scientific” confirmations of other speculative theories. If such an astronomical sum were used skilfully, the social conditions of our planet’s population could be improved so much that the humankind would no longer know hunger or destitution. One may encounter no fewer swindlers among the “scientists and their patrons”, than in the circles of business and financiers.


“Speculative science” is the most profitable industry free of tax.



The Old Testament has a lot in common with the Vision of Hermes – the very first famous teacher of the mankind, who lived several thousand years before Christ.

Hermes has described the main laws of the World’s order in 30,000 volumes that for a long time were stored in Ozymandias’s tomb’s library, which had an inscription above the entrance: “Cure for the soul”. Almost 99% of these volumes were burned or destroyed over time.

The Old Testament and Hermes in his “Vision” consider that the Universe’s Reason, the Creative Intelligence, the Supreme Master of All (in short, God) was using a Thought first, and then – a Sacred Word, that gave the Beginning to All.

Moses is the announcer of the ten commandments that are most frequently breached, yet nonetheless, how small Sinai seems when he stands on it!

Despite his adverse view on idols and art in general, Moses has formed Israel out of the poor slavish Jewish tribe – an example for the entire mankind!

Back in the 16th century a christened Jew, Moshe (Michel) Nostradamus – this amazing prophet, foreseer, doctor, mathematician, astronomer, poet, philosopher, theologian, expert in the Old Testament and the Kabbalah, a polyglot with brilliant knowledge of ancient Hebrew, had accurately foreseen the appearance of many miracles and catastrophes, not only in political and social life, but also in science and technology. At the same time he warned of severe consequences of the technical progress and disruption of ecological balance. According to his predictions, in the 21st century the majority of population will suffer of skin cancer; the Sun will start to cool down in the year 2291; the make-up of the atmosphere will change abruptly in 3005, and a deadly dust cover will form around the Earth, the Earth will start to heat up, and all life will die out by the year 3797. During almost 500 years most of Nostradamus’s predictions had come true. (According to forecasts of the World Centre for Nuclear Ecology, the concentration of greenhouse gases continues to rise. Atmospheric concentration of toxic carbon dioxide has risen by 30%, methane – by 45%, nitrous oxide – by 15%; the ocean level has risen by 18cm due to ice North and South polar melting; and the frequency of tsunami occurrences will rise. By 2100 the level of oceans will rise by 50cm more. If the it rises by 1 metre, then 17% of the territory of Bangladesh, Indonesia, the coastal areas of the Mediterranean, Africa, West Asia, Australia and other countries will be flooded. These catastrophes will lead not only to deaths of millions of Earth’s inhabitants, but also to psychological stresses and disorders for those who stayed alive.)

In the books of Hermes, who were well familiar to Moses, it is described that suffering is the result of love of the Immortal Man for his natural shell of flesh, in which he forgets the Great Heavenly Reality and exists in the darkness of illusion. The Immortal ones can exist in the form


of opaque spirits or flying angels who live in heaven. Both male and female bases are probably united in these divine creatures. The religion teaches us that they are eternally vigilant, do not sleep, do not get tired and are relieved of earthly worries. Realising themselves on Earth, all the immortal ones are divided into men and women – the two halves of the whole soul. For life’s sense, they ought to find each other, so as to regain their unity in order to return “home” to heaven, united this time, so as to become immortal, a part of God. An error in the search of one’s other half (as a result of untamed sexual desire and not a manifestation of true Love) causes an agony of dissatisfaction, awakening of demons – with corresponding consequences.

The Man is a representative of God on Earth. Here he ought to find the sense of life, happiness, satisfaction, to acquire spiritual knowledge and ultimately find the way to Light, the way to return “home”.

The human soul on our planet is immersed from a subtle transparent world into the visible tangible world – the world of matter.

Hermes had briefly expressed his entire philosophy and vision in a single sentence: “Everything is a thought; the Universe is mental”.

It’s known that a thought does only occur on a material basis, in the nerve cells, and contains billions of charges, pulsating as tiny lights in the nucleus of nerve cells, spreading around via nerve stems-tentacles (bio-antennae) not only in the human organism, but into space, into the Universe.

New thoughts are created by sages, and get spread by fools, as there are more fools than sages in the world.

The fear of nature and violence has created gods; evil and welfare is expected of them, i.e., people associate their fates with them. That’s why all gods and religions, created by various peoples with different cultures, traditions and spirituality, are reactions to life and are cosmopolitised. The faithful in all religions are shocked by the fact that they have to “violate” their reasoning to accept the dogmas of any of those religions. For example, the three main religions in the world teach that “The World was created in the year 4004 before the birth of Christ by God the Creator with a single command: “Let there be World! Amen!” Yet the science is arguing that the world has existed for several billion years, and the Man – for about a million years, and perhaps even more!

Other religions have different definitions for the sense of Man’s life on Earth. For example, Buddhism and Jainism have developed from Brahmanism – a religion without gods in heaven. Their ideologies are almost identical. Their followers aspire to asceticism; they have always been pitied by the secular for they were avoiding work, which ostensibly distracted them from “higher thoughts”.

Buddhism views any desire of the Man as the process of suffering. The sense of that teaching is


in how to get rid of the real world through getting locked within oneself and meditation.

Confucianism defines the Man’s living conduct and his vision of the sense of life on Earth. It is not without realism.

Islam with its monotheism, is a religion of fanatical warriors- conquerors, whose consciousness is tied with blood revenge and defending the male dignity.

The “messenger” of the Islamic God – Allah – Muhammad (571-632) was arguing that Muslims and Jews have descended from Abraham, and the Quran was written based on the Old Testament. Yet, when the Jews refused to participate in the wars against the owners of their land – Muhammad’s tribesmen – he cursed them and other infidels by the name of Allah for all the times to come.

The Christian religion, unlike Judaism and Islam, preaches meekness and obedience, and also self-sacrifice. The impudent and the evil doers, who usurp power, abuse the Christian pacifism. History teaches us that any governor, who “hangs” only on justice and mercy, ethics and morals, and not on a dictatorship, strong army and security services, quickly loses his power, and sometimes his life. The Christian religion first requires the person to accept one’s baseness and even loathsomeness, and only then appeals to be like God for the sake of one’s soul’s salvation and to provide for paradise in afterlife.

…You and us are free to choose the confession to join or keep, and we have gone in detail over the thoughts of ancient sages on the world’s order and religious dogmas… while modern philosophers, intellectuals and scientists believe that it is atheism is going through a crisis.

For example, a theologian from Munich, Wolfgang Pannenberg, and his colleague from Oxford, Alister McGrath, asserted in the journal “Christianity Today” and the newspaper “Washington Times” that atheism in the future is bound to fail and already is losing its scientific basis. The historical experience of hundreds of millions of people around the world show that atheists cannot aspire to high moral standards. Many great researchers from famous universities discovered a correlation between recovery of the ill and faith and prayer, and turned their backs on atheism. Another atheism’s “heel of Achilles” is loss of moral principles, inhuman and mad actions of people who do not believe in existence of God, with no fear for sins.

Freedom of conscience does not relieve one of having shame; it also doesn’t mean that one may become unscrupulous.

Those who have no shame are no longer considered people, and forgetting one’s own sins spawns shamelessness. Only the sense of shame and conscience define such human dignity that is admired even by one’s adversaries.

Pangs of conscience are the most painful of feelings visiting a human heart; it is borne by shame. (Shame is a spiritual reaction manifested in a sudden rush of blood to one’s face and



Various peoples in various countries have different views on freedom of conscience. It sometimes happens that the so called freedom-loving liberals, using democratic slogans of “human rights” and democracy, urge to stop listening to the voice of one’s conscience, which frees people from accepting the existence of God, the Bible, from all the customs and traditions of ancestors, from morals and any responsibility before one’s motherland and people. The practice of life has shown renouncing of conscience has made the 20th century horribly bloody (just recall Hitler) – a pseudo-democratic lie, hiding behind which are cynicism, pederasty, murder of kidnapped and sadistically raped children, the American “sexual revolution” of impotents, debauchery, pogroms, slander, corruption and anarchy.

Christian religion considers hell as the second “eternal death and eternal agony” for the sinners. But life is ordered so that it’s impossible to even breathe without the so called sinning.

Such is the truth of life. The solution to this situation should be sought in the main principles of the religion itself: “Blessed is the sin that is atoned”. A natural question comes to mind: could it be that the generous charity given to churchmen is one of the forms of repentance and atonement? In other words, one can sin as much as one wants and however one wants; the church is ready to forgive the sinners who only need to confess in a temple and atone for their sins not before God, but before the clergy. It turns out that church is a prototype of a tax department without a declaration.

Deception and self-deception are both carriers of evil and have devilish (“devil” is a Greek word and literally translates as “deception”) origin. Here the person creates one’s own hellish space and becomes its captive. Not everyone can escape from this captivity. So any behaviour is a mirror, in which everyone demonstrates their image.

Any liar, or flatterer, or dodger is a scoundrel! Justice without force is a utopia. Force without justice is a tyranny.

Cicero preached that all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is inaction of “good” people. Vile intent is already the evil, even if it is never realised, and only the power over oneself is the supreme power.

Aristotle asserted that anyone can get angry – that’s easy; but getting angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time and for the right reason is not in everyone’s ability.

Wealth is acquired either by the smartest or by the nimblest, and that creates inequality. Only weak and lazy people believe in luck, while the strong ones – in cause and effect. Luck is not a stable value and has a tendency to diminish, in some cases sliding into naught.

Inequality is a logical phenomenon of the world’s order, the supreme law of the Universe! God lives in the soul of every person. Personal religion today is the fundament of the civilisation. If


God does exist after all, then atheism should seem to Him a lesser offence than a religion that requires obedience and voluntary slavery of the people who are born free. People’s ethics depends on solving the questions of whether there is hell, whether the soul is immortal; so, based on their relationship with God and on religions of various peoples, the mankind could be conditionally split into two confessions: Believers and non-Believers.

Many ancient religions were created several thousand years ago by illiterate and absolutely uncivilised tribes and peoples. Naturally, the so called civilised non-believers consider their dogmas already unfit for our times.



Night discotheques around the world have turned not just into places of entertainment, but also into tombs for souls and bodies of the young generation – the future of the mankind. They became centres for drug distribution, especially for “ecstasy”, and became factories for production of drug addicts and zombies. Here’s how one of the zombies – a dancer – describes the conduct of the youth before and after having “ecstasy” at a disco:

“Any youth, a guy or a girl, who get to such cellar-based disco-clubs for the first time, are shocked by what they see at first; they not only feel afraid, shamed and bored, but also disgusted by the sight of boys and girls who are in absolute indifference trying to dance something against the background of monotonous music. They jerk mechanically, with scary grimaces on their faces, with glassy, dull eyes. The newbies are immediately offered to try “ecstasy” and five-ten minutes later there is suddenly a “pleasant explosion” in one’s head; everything around is sliding, one’s arms, legs and head start to move in rhythm with the same music that at first seemed boring, there is a feeling of unbounded joy. All the thoughts and worries disappear; you become kind and indifferent, ready to give your innocence and honour to the first stranger, right there, even in a dirty stinking toilet, even with others watching. Not only they can rape you in various positions, but also have a sexual orgy, trample down on you with their feet, urinate and defecate on you, hit or rob you, but everything will seem pleasant and friendly.

Returning to the disco hall, raped and profaned, you automatically join the satanic hysterical dance, as if nothing happened, and there is an illusion that you dance better than anyone, more beautifully than anyone, and everyone is watching you in delight, as if your every motion is divinely elegant. In reality, you could stand in one place and jerk your hands and legs in epileptic motions, asking for expensive alcoholic drinks every minute. No one can stop such a state. It can last from three to six hours, i.e., until morning. The day after one’s head explodes with hellish pain, all the body muscles are aching, you feel terrible fatigue, you want to immerse yourself in solitude, seclude yourself from all the relatives and acquaintances, and you feel that “that night” squeezed all the spiritual and physical forces from you.

Raped virgin often have profuse bleeding from their genitals, and if the first aid is not urgently administered, they can die from loss of blood.

Such euphoria and depression can continue for a whole week. After the “sense of self-criticism and self-control” is gradually regained, suddenly there are thoughts about where to get take or steal) the money to repeat the experience. The arguments of relatives, the close or even loved ones have the opposite effect.

After the repeated experience of all these acute and Satanist sensations, you become a “disco-zombie”, and it is as hard to break the habit, as with heroin or cocaine. Any person becomes a victim of “ecstasy”, an insane, and almost incurable drug-addict. All the care of one’s parents, all their love and hope, all their faith in the future of the young generation – their direct


descendants – turns into ashes. Instead of the loved children one gets a live corpse with all the consequences.”

The freedom of the person starts only when he strictly observes the ancestors’ traditions and the laws of the state. As for “democracy”, which the civilised world brags so much about, it doesn’t seem all that perfect to us. It rather resembles a large wedge of Swiss cheese, monolithic on the outside, but totally eaten by holes on the inside, along with terrible stench. And what is there for democracy to be proud of, if all the power today is concentrated in the hands of those same mindless and conscienceless careerists, or, to rephrase Siegmund Freud, in the hands of mob’s representatives – demons with inexhaustible potential of destroying and aggressive instincts. It’s very bitter for us to recognise that today we live in the world that relies only on force, and not on reasonable justice. It’s a sad pattern: force, unlike reason, is able to compel to “respect” itself or worse yet, to subordinate.

It would seem that democracy guarantees freedom of will and one’s person, but we shouldn’t forget that such freedom is fine only when the actions of the freed person do not cause harm to other people, society and the nation. Freedom without the power of law is total anarchy, tyranny, terror. Only true freedom of deserving people is able to create a world civilisation with genuine culture, art, philosophy. Nature can be directed to mankind’s use. Justice and order in countries, beauty and ugliness of the current world depend only on the quality of the true reason – recognition of the responsibility before God and people. It’s dangerous to live in the society where human dignity is not a part in all things considered. The frequency of crimes defines the number of laws in the country. Unbounded lawmaking affirms positions and defends the interests of corrupted powers, and not of the working population.

Ranging of democratic freedoms that are not contained by strict laws relieves the mob of morals, of responsibility, and generally of the basic moral code, described in the Bible.

All the people on Earth should ask our descendants for forgiveness – for the fact that we, the representatives of today’s generation, have brought the civilisation into a period of crises: ecological, energetic, ethnic, religious, spiritual, material and moral. To correct our mistakes and sins all the people on the planet should do as follows: make tomorrow better than today, and not vice versa, so that today is not better than tomorrow! So that the past would not be better than the future!



The misfortune of the Jews is in that it always seems to themthat other peoples are ready to love them already.

Indeed there are not so many Jews on the planet – around 13 million of 6.7 billion of Earthly population (0.2% of the entire mankind), but there is a lot of each Jew. They are a minority in any country (even in the country of their ancestors!), but in any given industry they are a majority , if we were to take science, finance, business, Nobel laureates, apostles, prophets.

Almost on any battlefields, especially where brains and diligence are required, the Jews have occupied first places for hundreds of years already. It’s exactly this fact that lies at the root of judo-phobia and anti-Semitism. (Wilgelm Marr in 1879 has replaced the German word Judenhass with a term of anti-Semite, which did not sound as rough, was almost scientific).

Don’t be surprised if the word Jew has not rated highly anywhere until now. It is still pronounced either in a whisper, or with a look around, with anger, through one’s teeth, or sympathetically, accompanied by heartbeat and paroxysmal tachycardia, with a shortness of breath, yet with a spark in one’s eyes! The Jews are born as easily as the rest, but to become and remain a true Jew – is terribly difficult!

This people have unique genealogy and history. They descended from the same forefather Abraham, worship the same God, follow the laws of one book, the Torah, consist of brothers and sisters. This people categorically refuse to mix with other peoples; they want to be closer to God, and achieve that through circumcision, sacrifices, through being faithful to Mosaic Commandments, the Ark, the Temple and Jerusalem.

Cynics are also not without humour. They assert that the absence of oil in Israel is explained not only by the naïveté, but also by lack of wit of Moses the Prophet who for 40 years searched for a place to live for his tribesmen – God’s “chosen” – which would have the scent of milk and honey. All the places that were flooded by oil, and thus stunk terribly, were not just rejected by Moses, but left over for the pagans and the enemies of the sons of Israel.

Prophets made mistakes before, and are deluded now as well.

One needs to prophesise with one’s brains, not with the nose.

Based on Sartre’s principle, the “Nasal anti-Semitism” has created the image of the “big-nosed Jew” in the consciousness of people of another faith.

The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, whose ideology was also worshipped by the humanity-hater Adolph Hitler, was not always without objectiveness. He was desperately arguing that “…the Jews… are… the strongest, toughest, and purest race at present living in


Europe, they know how to succeed even under the worst conditions (in fact better than under favourable ones), by means of virtues of some sort, which one would like nowadays to label as vices – owing above all to a resolute faith which does not need to be ashamed before "modern ideas"… [They are creators] of moral questionableness - …the most attractive, ensnaring, and exquisite element in those iridescences and allurements to life, in the after-sheen of which the sky of our European culture, its evening sky, now glows – perhaps glows out. For this, we artists among the spectators and philosophers are – grateful to the Jews.”

It’s worth noting that not all the Jews have the faith of Moses, but he is a Jew who agrees to that and is not ashamed of the faith of his fathers.

The German philosopher and a great poet, a christened Jew Heinrich Heine, also admitted: “The Jews are people of the spirit, and every time they return to their roots they are great and fine, ad their clumsy opponents are shamed and disgraced… Among them one can see the ideals of purest humanity.” And Martin Buber said that “there is a certain tragedy and greatness in the self-establishment of the Jews.”

Heinrich Heine (Khaim Buckburg) was called the literary Chopin, because such famous composers as Schubert, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Liszt, and even Wagner wrote music based on his poems. Heinrich Heine himself believed that christening brought him spiritual unhappiness, and not happiness. While being bed-ridden, he called himself a “fatally-ill Jew”.

Even the sacred Christian literature is sourced from purely Jewish books. Therefore offending and humiliating them is blasphemy and cynicism. Nobody will force the Jews to wear the “deadly belts of shaheed”. Thanks to their intellect and originality of thinking, they possess huge potential to become more influential in the entire world and for the entire mankind than the Arab radical fanatics – self-haters, eager to destroy all the infidels and dissenters on the planet. It’s possible to co-exist and cooperate with the Jews for the common peace and well-being, as they don’t strive for “pan-Israelisation” of the entire world, similar to pan-Islamisation. Despite the fact that there are just 0.2% of the people of Mosaic faith in the world, due to their “specificity” and mobility they dominate anywhere and everywhere, especially in science, technology, art, business, politics…

A Jew and a Chinaman meet up. The Jew asks: “How many Chinese are there on Earth?” – “More than a billion!” – proudly answers the squint-eyed Chinaman. – “Even more than us?” – the Jew is surprised. – Then why we almost never see you, while ours are everywhere, and even the world media are writing nothing but the Jews and the Jews!!!”

Lack of talent is always at the heart of xenophobia, especially anti-Semitism, of one person, or of the society as a whole, and also chronic deficit of intellectual abilities, which could help understand the reasons for the failures and unjustified sufferings.

“The dignity, the culture and the civilisation of any nation is defined by its relation to Judaism, and in particular, to the Jews” – said Napoleon Bonaparte.


It is often said that the Russians gained worldwide fame with “their” outstanding Jewish representatives and true finds amongst “their” the Jews.

If people are not Jewish, it doesn’t yet mean that they are, without exception, honest, smart, and can play an important role in society. Hatred towards the people of Mosaic faith is slander against Christ. Anti-Semites will never forget Christ for having purely Jewish roots!

The Jews are often considered “God-killers” in civilised countries, while in African countries black Christian clergymen carry huge billboards with messages, like “The white have killed our Christ, let’s kill destroy all!” The Africans are not yet fully grasping the religious cynicism, sarcasm and humour of life.

The lot of the Jews is to eternally live under a pseudonym or change names. They cannot all be christened “nostradamuses” or non-christened “rothschilds”!

The “new Christians” are the Jews who don’t know that they have all the chances to get to the Jewish hell with no bureaucratic hassle. How the Jewish hell is different from the Christian or Muslim one is also a divine mystery and it’s quite curious to lift the curtain of that monster. The one thing I could find out is that in the Jewish and Muslim hells the sinners are punished by steaks, skewers or kebabs made of pork, while in the Christian hell the righteous are kept on a strict meatless diet.

A true Christian cannot be anti-Semitic, as he knows that the Jewish faith is the native mother of Christianity, while anti-Semitism covers mediocrity and inability to figure out the causes of one’s complexes, which lead to failures, distress and sufferings.

A global network of communities in the Diaspora is the fundament of Jewish power. The Jewish civilisation exerts a certain influence on the world history, and its specificity is in its spontaneous dispersion and organised ideological, and often virtual, solidarity.

The Jewish people’s being chosen by God is expressed in the fact that, having dispersed them amongst other peoples, God has charged them with a difficult mission to be an example and a model for the aboriginal folk. The Jew should play the role of the brain, while the non-Jew – of the body, to implement the brain’s instructions. The Jews are a kind of “special forces unit of the Lord”, drafted to share a set of common human values with all the peoples.

The Jews, listed to what the sages had to say:

Elijah the Prophet was arguing that “Lord is (one) God”!

Jeremiah the Prophet was warning the Jews not to allow falling into sin, as difficult trials and consequences await them in the future.


Isaiah the Prophet was preaching the Universal Peace: let the people “beat swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore”.

King Solomon taught that everything comes from “here”, pointing at his forehead;

Christ taught that everything comes from “here”, putting his right hand over his heart;

Marx taught that everything comes from “here”, pointing at the stomach;

Freud said that everything is from “here”, pointing at the genitals;

Einstein, smiling, agreed with the opinions of all the Jewish sages, but with the reservation that they are only relatively correct!

The Old Testament teaches to love the neighbours, while the New Testament also includes the enemies. Could it be that the authors of the two parts of the Bible don’t understand that both our friends and our enemies are usually the exact same people?

The Torah, all the Hebrew letters and words are viewed as a system of symbols, which may uncover secret orders not only of God himself, but the entire Universe as well!

The Jewish history before King David appeared an entangled clew of small scale intertribal Semitic relations. King David (a warrior, a shepherd, a singer, a ritualistic dancer, the victor of Goliath, a conqueror, the builder of Empire, King of Judea, the father of wise Solomon) created the Jewish state, strengthening and fortifying of which was promised to David by God, and established a constitutional monarchy. He was not a tyrant and sought ways to provide for triumph of democracy and justice.

One can assert that due to heightened thinking process, the Jews make many more mistakes than people of other nationalities and ethnicities. And that is a real ground for anti-Semitism. Although, if we are to believe Albert Einstein, mistakes that are corrected are no longer considered mistakes.

“Mistakes of others – wrote Einstein - should be seen as the wives of others: they are more enjoyable than one’s own”. As doctors, we’d like to add to Einstein’s words that the bitter kernel of truth should be covered by the sugar powder of a joke, not to mention that it’s much more pleasant to smile than to frown. Frowning, you have to exert and contract 72 facial muscles, while smiling – only 16.

By the way, A. Einstein is always mentioned as a German scientist and a citizen of the world. In his memoirs he notes that if his Theory of Relativity ever gets disproved, he will be immediately awarded a title of “Jewish mug”.


His genius Theory of Relativity attracted attention of raging anti-Semites and other reactionists of all colours even as far back as 1920; the official German press was full of offenses addressed to him, there were even threats of physical reprisal. Because of Albert Einstein the Nazi called theoretical physics as “Jewish” spirit, and experimental physics as “Arian” one. All the scientists who relied on Einstein’s Theory of Relativity were called “white Jews” and were relieved of their posts. Once in power, the Nazis confiscated all the books published by Einstein, and burned them together with the sacred Biblical Scriptures.

The U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton thinks that in fact there are three categories of members in the U.N.:

1. Permanent members of the Security Council;2. Non-permanent members of the Security Council;3. The permanent “unattached member”, an OUTCAST country – Israel.

The Sorbonne professor David Rusier has officially stated that hypocritical U.N. leaders come down on Israel both for its military actions, and for its peace initiatives, which means that in reality they strive for legitimate liquidation of the Jewish State. The main goal of the U.N., where Islamic (mainly, Arabic) countries are in dominant majority, is considered to be the destruction not just of Israel, but of the entire Jewish people “in a peaceful way”. For example, 6 out of 10 emergency sessions of the U.N. General Assembly were dedicated to denouncing and condemning Israel, in order to distract the world opinion from the global Islamic terrorism. Moreover, the 10th emergency session turned into a sort of perennial tribunal denouncing not the global Islamic terror, but Israel – for building the security fence designed to protect it from its blood-thirsty neighbours and being penetrated by thousands of hypnotised Islamic suicide terrorists. At the same time they at the U.N. completely forgot to denounce the multi-million genocides in Rwanda, Sudan, as well as the horrible daily terror in Iraq. While those suicide terrorists who could not overcome the Israeli security fence, urgently transfer to the “brotherly countries”, so as to kill hundreds of coreligionist traitors daily – in the name of Allah and Quran!

The first violin in the orchestra of thousands of anti-Israeli resolutions was always played by ex-General Secretary of the U.N. Mister Kofi Annan. It’s not accidental that the 20th century monster Saddam Hussein, as a sign of gratitude, has entrusted the U.N. General Secretary to manage the multi-billion programme called “Oil for Food”, and to distribute the revenue from it in such a way as to satisfy the avid appetite not just of Iraq’s dictator, but also of the U.N. clerks themselves. The worldwide scandal regarding plundering of U.N.’s not millions but billions has still not settled, and the suspects, headed by the “Nobel Prize laureate”, are already named, but not punished yet.

It turns out that U.N. has found the sources of finance for successful solution to the problem of “Israel’s existence” and annulment of divine IMMORTALITY of the Jewish people. These gigantic sums are either fully spent (but what on? – everyone knows it, but they are stubbornly silent for some reason) or pocketed. Saddam Hussein is beheaded already, the U.N. General Secretary’s son was charged with embezzlement of millions of dollars, but remains free, while Mr. Kofi Annan himself has concluded his career and now enjoys his life in Switzerland.


Everything is transitory in the world, except for the Jews. Being Jewish is not an ethnicity, it’s a profession. With the tragic past the Jews think of the happy present, and if the present is bad as well, all their hopes are directed into the bright future.

Such is the Jewish life.



In theology, deserters into another faith are considered apostates. For example, some Jews after baptism often fight mortally for the Saint Trinity, artistically close their eyes in churches, make their faces look saintly and repentant, and thanks to the artfully created image, they quite often happen to occupy the chairs of cardinals and bishops. The French cardinal Lustiger (born Aaron Lustiger) is a good example.

The history of persecution of the Jews is the history of apostates from Judaism – converts, i.e., the baptised Jews – the main “sources of anti-Semitism”. Our hypothesis on humans descending from mad apes relates to those individual Jews who suffer from complexes of inferiority and hatred, directed at themselves, the source of which is the fact that they were born to parents of Mosaic faith. For that, many of them became traitors, and they found an escape from this spiritual conflict in manifestations of zoological anti-Semitism, hatred for their relatives and tribesmen. The history of peoples teaches us that anti-Semitism was created by traitors from the same faith, the deserters, and not by other religions. We specifically go over this aspect so as not to offend religious feelings of representatives of other confessions. It’s also known that, when traitors of the faith were dying, those unstable morally, with a weak character, sympathising were loudly and demonstrably weeping, while those of strong spirit were firmly silent – we suppose, from feeling satisfied.

If we were to believe the statistics, it all gets dark in our eyes: it turns out that as a result of the “democratisation, keeping human rights, freedom of conscience and assimilation”, as well as aspirations to become like all others, the Jewish world loses 700 souls every day. And that is 255,000 people a year! Can it be that in 50 years the Jewish History can come to an end?

It’s difficult to imagine even theoretically, especially since the Christian religion is not interested in that. The Jews who gave birth to Jesus Christ are the only witnesses of the history and genealogy of Christianity. If the Jews vanish from the surface of the Earth, then only buried in the ground archaeological relics will remain, and the Sacred Books in the second-hand or antique bookshops, reminding the world of the existence and vanishing of the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, who gave birth not only to Christ, but all the saints, apostles, prophets and scientists…


It’s known that after the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, the majority of the Jews were exiled from Palestine and had to be disperse around the world. After hundreds of years of wandering and searching, persecution and repression, they had finally found refuge amongst other peoples. Thanks to the Torah and faith in God, the Jews strived to remain true to Judaism and were awaiting the arrival of the Messiah in order to return back to Israel, to the land of their


ancestors. They categorically refused to assimilate among local ethnical groups. The Jews did not want to change the ancestors’ traditions and faith, which bred suspicion and enmity of the locals towards them. But as ought to be expected, after hundreds of years of persecution, exile, slavery, pogroms, slaughter and genocide, many of them, in order to save their life and the lives of their kin, had to renounce Judaism and convert to other confessions – through mixed marriages or emancipation.

For example, in Spain in 1492, in order to escape the Inquisition, more than a half of 600,000 of the local Jews converted to Christianity and became Marranos, while the rest, who remained true to Judaism, had to leave the country and emigrate forever. In the Middle Ages, in China, India and Japan, there also lived hundreds of thousands of Jews true to Judaism. It’s known that in those countries the Jews facilitated cultural and scientific development, held high governmental positions, but with time they naturally assimilated amongst the local populations thanks to frequent mixed marriages, and without any repression or persecution.

In Islamic countries hundreds of noble or rich Jews also converted to Islam, but the majority still kept the faith of the ancestors. After the declaration of the State of Israel, the majority of them repatriated to their historical motherland.

Before and after the revolution of 1917, because of pogroms and the communist regime, three million Jews emigrated from Russia, mainly to America. Russia to this day is proud of “its Jews” which she exported to the USA, Israel and Western Europe by not so “kosher” means. They turned out to be catalysts for development of the entire Western civilisation in the spheres of science, technology and finance. Today far-reaching projects are developed to import them back into Russia with all their huge capital. After the “natural selection” the population of Jews in Russia regressed from about 3 million to 300,000, but the quality aspects of the material and spiritual well-being for many of them have grown rapidly, even exponentially. Like in the USA, the most important financial and industrial sectors of the huge country got in the scope of their attention. How do they manage it, what’s the secret of their such rapid well-being – these questions are already intensely studied by the multi-thousand army of representatives of power, FSB, Prosecutor’s offices, police, tax collectors and, of course, the media. Thousands of new thick case files are being opened and no one yet managed to close but one of them. It’s difficult to foretell what will this all come to.

One wants to note that it would be more constructive if the powers, the army of detectives and court workers were positively analysing the results of activity of the persons with Semitic appearance, instead of figuring out the legal and illegal sources of their accumulated wealth. That is learning the scientific and practical methods of turning unprofitable oil wells, bankrupt banks, plants and factories of light and heavy industry into highly profitable world-scale concerns and corporations, creating well-paying jobs for millions of unemployed and homeless. Such concerns bring billions of dollars in taxes to the state and facilitate not only the improvement of the living conditions for the population, but also transform the destroyed country into a rich world power. In just ten years, thanks to “uncontrolled independent activity” of these “Russian-speaking biblical” businessmen-gems, Russia has become a leader among the


world powers. Perhaps it’s worth annulling the lawsuits against “Jewish merchants” and instead of the Butyrskaya prison they ought to be placed in CEO, if not ministerial, chairs and give state awards? And why not?

In today’s Russia, due to democratisation of the country, many persons of Jewish ethnicity are trying to get emancipated, leave Judaism through baptism or change their surname through mixed marriages. Their descendants don’t even know of their Jewish roots. But if these people become famous, rich or even oligarchs, anti-Semites remind them of it immediately!

It shouldn’t be forgotten that 6 million of “materially super-well-off” Jews who inhabited the countries of the Western civilisation (60% of the entire Jewish people), were destroyed in 1939-1945. They were destroyed despite the fact that more than one million of them were born to mixed marriages or fully assimilated. Their 5th passport field – ethnicity – didn’t even remotely have the word “Jewish” referred to! But archives were of bad service for them, as it wasn’t in the least important to the fascists that their ancestors on maternal or paternal sides were true Christians for a thousand years! If the “civilised” fascists suspected that in their blood vessels circulates even a tiny fraction of Jewish blood, they considered such people Jewish with all the terrible corresponding consequences.

Could it be that those who intended to finally solve the “Jewish question” were completely unaware that in the veins of Christ himself and all the apostles without exception flowed not the mixed, but purest divine Judean blood?!

Marranos (which means swine in Spanish) are baptised Spanish Jews who in their soul believed, and still believe, only in the Old Testament. They performed and perform all the religious rituals in secret, so as not to become victims of their haters. Marranos never forget their Jewish roots. During the Second World War, caudillo Franco (a Marrano, who believed only in the Old Testament) defended the Jews of Spain by all means and was saving them from unavoidable death.

In 1480 Spain introduced Inquisition that was headed by Tomas de Torquemada. In 12 years the Inquisition had issued death sentences to 13,000 conversos – the Jews who adopted Christianity, but yet continued practising Judaism. Altogether the number of the Inquisition’s victims reached about 341,000. Of them more than 32,000 were burned alive! Catholicism is a good religion during high summer, when it’s hot outside, but pleasantly cool inside the temple. A true Christian is not always a Catholic. There are people who are Catholic, but not Christian.

It is said in the Talmud that a person comes into the world with clenched fists, as if saying by it that he brought the whole world with him; and he leaves the world with open palms – look, I take nothing with me.

May everyone live and enjoy the life that God the Creator chose for them. Who thinks in what language, belongs to its people. People who arrived from different countries ought to consider that the mind and heart of a person, as well as his speech, keep an imprint of the country where


he was born and grew up.

No nation governed by one leader-dictator deserves mercy.

Jewish paradoxes

Jewish life has always been full of paradoxes. For example, the sons of Ben-Gurion, Israel’s founder, fell in love with pretty Christian girls and married them. Under Israeli laws, children from non-Jewish wives are considered non-Jewish. Israeli bureaucrats could refuse citizenship to the grandchildren of Ben-Gurion himself. In such a case they would need to seek another country where they could become citizens with full rights.

Children of Moses himself, who led the Jews out of the Egyptian slavery, could get into such a situation, as he was married to a non-Jewess (a pagan) – a black Ethiopian. The sacred books are silent about the fate of Moses’s descendants. We can suppose that former citizens of Ethiopia who immigrated into Israel are the descendants of Moses.

As for Moses the Prophet himself who strictly observed the laws of the Torah (Halakha), he would have to refrain from immigrating into Israel for the sake of his own family interests, and so he would have avoided the fate of turning from an Egyptian prince into an oleh hadash, who has to bargain for social assistance with corrupt clerks of Sohnut. All the sons of the U.S. President Roosevelt, who was a convinced Christian, married orthodox Jewesses. Under Israeli laws, the grandchildren of the pious Christian, former President of the USA Roosevelt, are considered pure-blooded Jews, and in case they immigrate to the State of Israel, they automatically become olim hadashim, the full citizens of that state, along with all the priviliges from the Sohnut. For example, they have the right to purchase a long-out-of-fashion TV set with a discount of 40%!!!

The children of English King Edward VIII, the French President Francois Mitterand, Austrian Prince Ernst Rudiger von Schtrachenberg, Romanian King Carol, General Secretary of Polish communists Homulka, Polish President Ohab, Prime Minister of Czechoslovakia Novotniy, legendary Georgian military leader Sergo Ordzhonikidze, and his brother USSR Foreign Minster Molotov, as well as the General Secretary of the Soviet communists Brezhnev - could all find themselves in the same situation, as they were all married to Jewesses.

All the three grandchildren of the former Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev are born to the Jewish wife of his son, but they don’t intend to migrate to their “historical motherland” for some reason. In the 16th century a Jewish beauty called Ester became the favourite of the Polish king. At that time the Jews were persecuted throughout Europe. Thanks to Ester’s charm and unprecedented beauty, the Polish king allowed Jews to settle in Poland’s territory, where they integrated very well, and many of them assimilated entirely. It is precisely that historical event that maniac Hitler meant, when he considered the majority of Poles to be Jewish, thus issuing the order to destroy Polish population without inquiring into their ancestors, ethnic origin, or religion.


Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-Shek were married to Jewish sisters by maternal line, as in their youth they studied in a military academy, where Soviet generals of mainly Jewish origin had taught. This academy was founded in China by generals Kogan and Gruzenberg. The latter later changed his surname from Gruzenberg to Borodin.

When Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek parted ways due to ideological differences, their former friendship turned into hatred, and hatred – into a civil war. It’s well and widely known that Mao became the chairman of the revolutionary China, while Chiang Kai-shek – the leader of the opposition.

Their children and grandchildren, under the halakhic Jewish laws, are pure-blooded Judeans, have the right to immigrate to the country of their ancestors – Israel – and to fight not only against their enemies – Arab terrorists – but also against the “democratic” bureaucracy of Israel.

Even Jeremiah the Prophet spoke of Jewish traitors that “they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge” (Jeremiah 4.22).

Famous military perpetrators, such as Rudolph, Hess, Himmler, Reinhardt Heydrich, Joseph Goebbels, Eichmann, Hans Frank, Rosenberg and many others, were either converts or born to mixed marriages. Having a complex of inferiority or syndrome of self-hatred, all of them without exception were bending backwards to prove that they are more anti-Semitic than the Germans themselves. It was them who took the most active part in developing the plan for the Final Solution of the “Jewish question”, which brought the fascist Germany to total destruction. And the Jewish people, despite the death of 6 million, once again proved its immortality.

It is to be noted that the absolute majority of “Russian” revolutionaries of the Mosaic faith came from Poland.

Psychoanalysts keep saying that “revolutions and psychiatric disorders are closely interrelated”. The following can be mentioned among the revolutionaries and politicians who had Jewish roots and played, or still play, an important role in global revolutions:

Karl Marx (Mordechai Levi) – a covert;

Rosa Luxembourg – a German revolutionary – an atheist;

Ester Blank – V.I. Lenin’s mother – a convert.

Among the glorified narkoms we find:

Leo Trotskiy (Bronshtein) – Lenin’s comrade – an atheist;Larin (Lourie) – an atheist;


Lunacharskiy – a convert;

Zinoviev (Radomyslskiy) – a convert;

Kamenev (Rosenfeld) – a convert;

Volodarskiy (Goldshtein) – a convert.

Below are the surnames of other people’s and military commissars and members of revolutionary and military soviets, who due to the intensity of their revolutionary activities didn’t have a chance to change their Jewish surnames or convert: Lander, Kaufman, Schmidt, Shpitzberg, Anwelt, Gukovskiy, Shteinberg, Fenigshtein, Ravich, Zaslavskiy, Fishman, Romm, Meichik, Levinson, Posari, Gubelman, Kalmanovich, Beckman, Gluzman, Zuzmanovich, Girshfeld, Sklyanskiy, Shorodak, Petch, Uritskiy, Kaganovich and many others.

Among our contemporaries:Ex-Prime Ministers of Russian Federation who can be mentioned as half-Jews, who had Jewish surnames from their fathers. When reaching political heights, they switched their fathers’ Jewish surnames for their mothers’, exactly as it was done by the famous chess-player Garry Weinstein, turning into Kasparov, so that he could get a visa and compete in the West. E. Primakov – is Kirshblat by his father;S. Kirienko – is Israilovich by his father.

The leader of the party of liberals V. Zhirinovskiy is Edelshtein by his father. By Jewish law they are all considered Christians, as the ethnicity and religious denomination in Judaism is inherited from one’s mother.

Generally, the ethnicity and religious beliefs of a person is best to determine when he becomes a personal pensioner and an advanced elder, as usually people do not lie before their death.

It’s worth noting that in the Russian revolutions of 1905 and 1917 more than half of revolutionaries were non-Russians, among which emancipated Jews, half-Jews who considered themselves atheists, and converts strongly stood out.

It turns out that for the working people and the state the russianised and assimilated aliens, atheists, religious deserters are the most dangerous type (marginal, extremist, i.e. revolutionary ones). It’s known that among the so called revolutionaries many suffered from psychological pathologies, especially from complexes of inferiority, self-hatred, striving to self-destruction and suicide.


During the Arab-Israeli conflict almost all of the Jews and half-Jews who occupied


governmental posts in the USSR and modern Russia, assumed the pro-Arab positions. For example, the famous political leaders E. Primakov and V. Zhirinovskiy were the most honourable and frequent visitors to Saddam Hussein in Iraq. They have not once criticised the anti-American and anti-Israeli actions of the Iraqi dictator. And Mr. Kirienko, who today heads Rosatom, does not object to the construction of nuclear reactors in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and closes his eyes to the potential of this country’s arming itself with nuclear bombs. The support of Saddam Hussein by Primakov and Zhirinovskiy ended in tragedy not only for the dictator himself, but for the entire Iraqi people. The near future will tell how the “economic” support of Iran’s atomic programme by some of the Russian government’s clerks will end.

One of the main reasons that many non-Jewish political leaders marry Jewish women is in that “Jewesses are unique in their conduct: only they can outdo men in flirting!!!”

It is said in “The Protocols of the Sages of Zion” that “Jews are trying to conquer the whole world with the aid of Jewish wives”.

If the Jews’ input into the Western civilisation was not the “Decalogue” of Moses, but “anti-commandments” – to kill, steal, bear false witness, sleep with everyone in your sights and other such – there would be no anti-Semitism.

(The American model for the Final Solution of the “Jewish Question”)

If one closely studies the history of the American democracy and the Jewish question, one may come to the conclusion that what was not achieved by Roman emperors, Seleucid Antiochus IV, Christian inquisitors, crusaders, Persians, Arabs, Islam, Russian tzarism, the Soviet power and the fascists, who also wanted to solve the “Jewish question” either through physical destruction, or through assimilating the Jews, has been and is being done by the so called “American democracy” with its “human rights”, freedom of religion, the right of free choice of one’s sexual orientation, globalisation and so on, and so forth.

In 1954 there were 6.5 million Jews living in the United States, where they were not subjected to any persecution. If we assume that every Jewish family had at least two children, then by all biological laws, in the last 50 years the number of Jews should be close to 6 million, if not be the same (subject to natural generational “rotation”, dying of accidents, emigration). In fact, today in the USA, the country of freedom and democracy, there are only 3 million people who admit being Jewish.

The Israeli rabbi Lau believes the reason for such a “demographic genocide of Jews” in the USA to be the American model of democracy, the secularisation of the American society and the process of free assimilation through change of religious confession and mixed marriages. Rabbi


Lau calls such a situation a “spiritual cataclysm” or a “spiritual Holocaust”.

Considering the process of Americanisation of the Jewish community not only in the USA, but also in Israel itself, we see the future of Jewish population as discomforting. The reason for this phenomenon is a complete “materialisation” of the spiritual values of the Jewish community not only within the borders of the so called “Promised Land”, but also in almost all the countries of the “dispersion”. Many Jews have lost their spiritual attractiveness, having lost the urge to be the “example of humanism, justice and mercy”.

Therefore, so as to avoid reappearance of anti-Semitism in the future, and more over, so that other religious communities or ethnic groups would express towards Jews not humanism and pity, but exactly sympathy and benevolence, the Jewish communities ought to publicly deprive of the title “Jew” any persons of Jewish origin who do not possess humanism, sincerity, fairness and mercy.



The past for elders is a vent for the heart and the soul; by recalling it, they try to enrich and prolong the present, in order to enjoy, dream and hope for the future for as long as possible.

It’s good that most of elders have bad memory; only they possess this rare gift: to enjoy the same things as if seeing them each time for the first time.

Elders often cool down in their friendship with their yet living old friends, quite decent people, but often remember friends who died in their youth thus not having managed to betray them.

Elder people forget that sooner or later the time will come when both the past, and the present, as well as the future, all will be left behind already.

If death were a blessing, gods would not be immortal.

It’s a pity that a person doesn’t have memories about life before his birth.

And what about time after death? Can it be that everything about the life that was lived also gets forgotten?

Perhaps, immortality and eternity are megalomania of briefness of time?

Perhaps, it’s better to leave some things unfinished (and die with regret), so as to let the descendants complete what’s unfinished?

Every day takes away a particle of health and the very essence of the elders, with every minute the feeling of aspiration for the desirous is extinguished more and more, the joys and novelty of life delight them no more. Elders have to hide from the world the all that which in the past was perhaps flaunted to “exhibit”, and actively tested “in action”! Their weakening flesh no longer suffers from the agony of unfulfilled wishes and desires, obedient to the voice of prudence and reason.

All the living creatures want to live long, but to always remain healthy and young. Nobody wants to be a helpless elder under any circumstances. The plentiful wisdom of elders (let’s allow ourselves to rephrase Solomon’s words a bit) contains plenty of sadness...

For the decrepit elders death is happiness. With dying, they cease being sick and mortal. All that’s natural should not be ugly!

Life is a fatal sickness, so it’s better to weep in one’s childhood than during old age. The tears of elders are as terrible, as tears of children are natural. Elders weep when deprived of the


minimum necessary for subsistence and life until its natural end. Nobody wants to die prematurely or be buried alive.

Only approaching old age a person can realise that the cause he was serving often turns out to be unjust or even criminal; especially when he showed disrespect for the traditions of his people, for his ancestors and parents – the first sign of immorality and sinfulness.

From the youth’s point of view, life is an infinitely long future, from the old age point of view – it is a very brief past.

Time is eternity moving in one direction. One shouldn’t look back.

Nothing moves a person closer to death than time moving with the speed of 60 minutes per hour.

Getting of age, people often start wandering at night in the dark lanes of not very prestigious areas in order to breathe the “air of lost opportunities”.

The young get the chance and the time to provide for their old age. To lose the time in vain is a part in the act of suicide.

In youth a person has the optimistic hope that he has a future, while in old age his optimism is changed for pessimism: he also has.... but – the past.

All the times flow away into the past.

Time never “passes”.Time flies, stealing our years.Don’t just pass Time by!

In old age people often suffer from megalomania; their former intellect is being lost in parallel with loss of their attractive appearance. Old age has come when nothing rises except for the body’s temperature, and only the nose becomes the most bulging part.

With old age, the joys diminish linearly, while the hopes – exponentially.

Glory to the youth that didn’t disgrace the old age; glory to the old age redeeming the sins of youth.

It often happens that one studies while young to become wise by the old age. For example, young Solomon wrote “The Song of Songs”, i.e., was just composing songs. Becoming somewhat older, he wrote “The Book of Proverbs” – wise stories, and by his old age he wrote “Ecclesiast” – a philosophy of Life.

Life is a peculiar Divine blank form, which should be filled with actions during one’s lifetime. It


is scrupulously checked in Heaven so as to determine the place of further being (God is more patient then men – He has nowhere to rush. People’s life is strictly limited in time: they have to rush).

The old age has come when people start saying “I have sufficient life experience”. (Unfortunately, there are not so many elders in the world who by the end of their life had learned to be kind).

Today, in our seventies, we have learned to hide from very many (although, alas, not from ourselves) the unavoidable ageing symptoms of physical and intellectual weakness. We are not omnipotent over nature, and at some point the physical and spiritual helplessness will come (that’s the only thing one should really fear). But courage and appetite for risk allow us living to the full, not focussing our attention on what is to happen. We ascertained multiple times that to get to the top relying solely on one’s own talent and industry is impossible. In real life, at “high speeds”, those qualities should necessarily be accompanied by courage and ability to take risks.

One characteristic and very curious detail is that not only those who envy us, but also our most determined foes (a foe is a foe), never blamed us for our successes. An acknowledged success is like a powerful artillery preparation before an attack that forces the enemy to quiet down, dig in and wait for a convenient moment for the counterattack. That’s why genuine victories of any person are defined not by the accumulated wealth, awards or titles, but by the number of natural and artificial obstacles that he had to overcome on the way to his goal. One truly deserves the praise if it’s coming from the envious ones! To this day we feel acute, almost erotic pleasure from the victory that was achieved in a collision of one non-standard, very complex and multi-tiered yet correct scientific idea with narrow-mindedness and sluggishness of the bureaucratic thinking, whose entire counter-argumentation is based on the sadly notorious principle: “It cannot exist, because it can never exist!”...

Learn to admire risk, when you plunge into the thick of a scientific argument that long time ago went beyond the limits of gentlemanly discussion of learned men! At such moments the reality of unavoidable fall frightens and rushes the blood at the same time. You begin to feel that one more second, one more imprecise claim – and all this gang of unaccomplished scientists with the scent of expensive Cuban cigars, who buyout future Nobel laureates from Princeton and Harvard, will jointly seize you by the throat with a single goal – to push aside, to trample down, to bite to death....

The world-famous writer, philosopher and activist Chingiz Aytmatov asserts: “A person gets old not as much from the years he’s lived, as from the recognition that he is old already, that his time has passed, and he just needs to quietly finish his age”.

Elderly say that “my years are my wealth”, which should be spent reasonably before death. We could name a number of elders who didn’t save much besides the number of years lived, and of the kind feelings kept only one – a warm gratitude for the inventor of the clyster.


All the people want to live long, but they don’t notice during what period of life they part with their youth and start ageing, becoming decrepit, getting closer to death with each day.

One needs to know how to get older; it’s a whole science (and we don’t get tired placing a special emphasis on this), a specific art of life. We have noted that many people of quite a dignified age and developed intellect are overfilled with optimism and hopes for the future, do not cease their intense activity in social life. As a result, they live longer and almost never get sick comparing with capricious, egotistical elders who demand too much from the relatives and kin, and live only by memories of their past.

Sometimes ageing parents, still alive but approaching death, give money to their children and grandchildren, so they pay in advance for the sins of their ancestors. Luxurious funeral rites do not immortalise the dignity of the dead, although do indulge the vanity of the relatives.

The comfort level of elders’ life characterises the nobleness of the families, the society and the entire nation. The rich suffer more over their ageing, and especially decrepitude, than the poor ones. The former are not as much worried by death, as by the final parting with their wealth, which they are in no position to carry along into the other world, into afterlife.

Due to the arrival of changes in the life of an aged person, a happy old age is guaranteed only by a full psychological reconfiguration, agreeing with unavoidable changes in the body, acceptance of the “new life” as it is.

Extra money and wealth of the aged create “discomfort” not just for themselves, but for the heirs and the entire entourage. This “discomfort” often leads to local “wars” in the family circle, which could last several generations. Money prolongs the pleasure of life, and to some extent may delay the hour of one’s death, but never to abolish it entirely.

The aged always try to seem either richer that they are, so that their milieu don’t leave them without attention and don’t subject them to loneliness, or poorer than they are, so as to get rid of remote relatives who attempt to be mentioned in the will as heirs.

Men always fear old age because they can’t repeat all the naughtiness of the past, but when the years take their toll, they discover that they don’t really desire all of that. Old age begins when a woman’s acceptance frightens more than her rejection. One simply needs to learn how to use old age.

The instinct of life and death in any case leads to the natural conclusion: years leave, as in the Haydn’s Farewell symphony, where the musicians stop playing and leave the stage one by one, until in the end the stage is silent and dark.



The history of Russian vodka-drinking.

The Great Prince Vladimir I declared that “there is a merry joy of drinking in Russia and no other way to be”.

Ilya of Murom has boasted before the “vile idolship” that he “drinks seven buckets of beer at a time, along with seven poods of bread”.

In Russia they began producing alcohol drinks from honey and birch juice. “Drinking was not considered a sin that corrodes the body; it represented mirth and delight”. It was proof not just of daring and valour, but also of openness, wholeheartedness and hospitality.

Span was being drunk by ladles to the last drop, wishing each other “luck, victory, health, and that one’s enemies had no more blood in them than in this ladle”.

Drinking in Russia began during the reign of Tsar Ivan IV. After the capture of Kazan, the sovereign allowed drinking vodka only to his oprichniks, in special houses that were called, in Tatar, kabaks.

Ivan the Terrible demanded that everyone drinks, justly considering that “what’s in the mind of a sober one, is on the tongue of a drunkard”.

Peter the Great had established the “All-Drinking Collegium” and forced all participants of tsarist feast to empty the tsarist goblet – a ladle called “The Great Eagle”. Peter himself in a single evening could drink up to 36 glasses not of vodka but of decent wine, yet appeared sober and merry, if one doesn’t take into account his other pastimes of quite an intimate nature.

From the middle of 18th century vodka in Russia had become the most popular drink, especially during the reign of Elisabeth; in the times of Catherine II vodka was already called a “genuine Russian drink” and was a pride of Tsar’s table.

Alcohol. In opinion of the experts, alcoholics are better off consuming the drink early in the morning, before the beginning of a working day, and not on their own, but split at least amongst the three.

After getting alcoholised, the person turns into the hub of the Universe, and the boon companions become more interesting.

At the same time, the stress is reduced; the relationships between colleagues are more trusting, co-workers-boon-companions “get delayed” at work until late; they say what they mean, not what the management wants to hear; they stop complaining about bad heating during the winter,


or about bad ventilation or lack of air-conditioning during the summer. Incoherent mumbling becomes the tongue of business communication. Alcoholics rarely demand salary raises, workday shortening, and most importantly, don’t preoccupy their minds with strikes.

We don’t believe the assertions that Russians are unable to fulfil the production norms in sober state.

Drinking is an exercise in madness. But when a mad one is drinking – that’s the end of the world.

Drinking does not create sins; it uncovers them and exhibits for all to see.

Vodka is white, but it can re-colour life and reputation of a person into various dark colours, where black dominates. Only the nose is reddening.

The irony of life is that alcoholism is almost a philosophy that is born only amongst the already drunk boon companions, the lovers of enjoying vodka and nothing else (for example, love). The clinical diagnosis of psychiatrists, declaring that heavy chronic alcoholics suffer from acute intellectual deficit, seems doubtful to us.

It’s already proven scientifically that “not to drink” is more harmful to the economy and defence capability of the state than to the drunkards themselves. You live – you want a drink; having had a drink – you want to live, especially since nothing warms the person’s soul quite as vodka from the freezer does.

The Russian motto “Save water, drink vodka!” remains a super-relevant and practical one. If there is truth in glasses of wine, than certainly there is a big part of it in shots of vodka!

We drink to the health of others and harm ours!

-- Vasya! Why are you so sad today?-- I am not sad, I’m sober! Today my boss threw me out blaming me that I came to work being drunk. The matter is that I haven’t drunk at all. I simply found out that my neighbour purchased a new Land-Rover!

If Russians quit drinking vodka, this event must be toasted to afterwards. Doing so, they drink only with their eyes closed, as they have just promised their wives “not to look into the glass, starting tomorrow”.

Man is the only representative of the living world that drinks alcohol without being thirsty.

No alcoholic can get a hold of himself, as his hands are shaking.

A drunkard drinks more than anyone else, but for some reason is always the last in everything.


Those who drink have no idea of alcohol’s harmfulness, while those who don’t have no idea of its healthy effects. Alcohol-based products are probably the healthiest of drinks as hundreds of millions of people on our planet drink them. It can’t be that they are all mistaken.

The alcoholics’ anthem:Our faith cannot be killed!The question of life, “to be or not to be”Is not in our way of chasing a drink with a bite.We have been drinking and shall be drinking!

He who always drinks to the bottom, most often gets there eventually.

Only from a full bottle can one expect the ensuing consequences.

-- Peter, let’s go out, my chick has found you a girlfriend.-- Well, and how is she?-- If you drink well, you’ll manage.The four of them eventually get together. Peter whispers into his friend’s ear:-- I categorically refuse! I can’t drink that much.Peter, the day after:-- Can you imagine, I actually kissed her.-- You see, and you said you can’t drink that much!

Alcoholics don’t need books, nor women; two bottles is too few for them, while one woman is too many.

Drunkards learn about the best minutes of their lives only from eyewitnesses.

The real world of alcoholics is an illusion created by absence of vodka.

Vasya: “Peter, isn’t it too early now for drinking?”Peter: “What does ‘early’ mean? In Japan it’s already tomorrow, and in America it’s still yesterday!”

Recently there was a sensational item in German newspapers that after a three-hour chase in the streets of Berlin a “foreigner” was arrested for violation of road rules. Following the medical checks it was established that the perpetrator’s blood alcohol level was three times the fatal amount! The nationality of the perpetrator was identified already but not yet released.

Men can have more than one bottle of vodka during the night without compunction.

One can only share vodka with boon companions.

Home-brewing is a guerrilla movement of alcoholics.


Vodka can be stored in a freezer; it does not require a warm relationship, care or maintenance.

Alcohol might increase sexual desire, but complicate its realisation. So let us pronounce a toast to these four points:

May we eat well,May we drink well,May we want it, and May we be able to do it.

If science wins over alcohol, the drinking folk will cease “respecting” each other.

Vodka never gets jealous over other vodkas.

Scientists have established that, for the drinking folk, one shot is just right, two is too many, and three is already insufficient.

Vodka doesn’t require jewellery; it’s satisfied with a paper label.

Vodka never demands alimony if you switched to another one.

Having come to a restaurant or to a wedding, you can choose any sort of vodka and enjoy it. There they drink less but more frequently.

Shock workers try to be paid only when the weather is sunny and dry, so that, having drunk-down the wages, they wouldn’t fall face-down into the dirt.

Those who drink quickly, pay slowly.

Vodka decorates the table at a party, but it also can hide the culinary shortcomings or leave splendid culinary art of hospitable hosts absolutely unnoticed.

He who drinks without eating is a fool, while he who eats without drinking is simply a rascal.

Women always avoid the courtship of drunken men, while sober men avoid them. And still, why people in a drunken state always adore foul language when going after beautiful women?

Alcohol causes temporary widening of one’s blood vessels and the circle of friends.

Friends should be chosen only in a sober state and thoroughly. Befriending alcoholics is life-threatening!

Boon companions are friends of the bottle and not yours, and yet among alcoholics the relations


are always more candid and trusting than among the non-drinkers. Their incoherent mumbling becomes the tongue of “business relations”. The weak drink to muster their courage, and then get noisy to “show themselves”. The strong drink to relax, and then get quiet so as not to hurt anyone accidentally.

The loved one is a bottle of vodka, and one’s wife is a bottle from vodka.

The habit of collecting bottles is created by the habit of emptying them.

Advertisement.A 40-years-old bachelor, alcoholic with no bad sexual habits, seeks a wife for himself, capable of producing home-brew. Oh, and I forgot to add: virginity and femininity, appearance and age have no significance.

A boy’s cry comes from the outside:-- Mother, mother! Dad is found!-- Vova, didn’t I tell you not to play near the dump?

-- Dad! Mother says that vodka will be more expensive soon. Does it mean you will drink less?-- No, sonny. It means you will eat less now.

-- Mother, mother! The sobering-up station is burned down!-- How do you know?-- But here’s dad walking and singing, “The enemies have burnt my native hut…”

A drunken husband comes home and knocks on the door.Wife:-- Vasya, is this you?Silence. Then knocking again.-- Vasya, is this you or not?!And so on for several times. Finally, the wife goes to sleep. In the morning she opens the door and finds her husband sleeping on the floor mat. Husband:-- So, why didn’t you open the door for me last night?Wife:-- I asked if it was you. Why were you silent?-- But I was nodding my head to you!

-- How did you guess that your husband is an alcoholic?-- By pure chance: once he came home sober!

At a factory, the director to a worker:-- Could you work if you drank a glass of vodka?-- Yes, I could.


-- What about after two glasses?-- I could.-- And what about a bottle?-- Well, and what am I doing now?

A policeman stops a pedestrian at night:-- Where are you headed at 3a.m.?-- What do you mean “where”? To attend a lecture on the harm of alcohol.-- And who’s gonna give you a lecture at 3a.m.?-- What do you mean “who”? My wife and mother-in-law!

Only the sober have problems in life, alcoholics have none.

It’s known that after drinking any woman seems accessible and very rarely – decent. Alcohol quite easily connects strangers, and disconnects them even faster. Very unfortunately, the more an alcoholic drinks the more tears are shed by the relatives, especially his wife and children.

A paradoxical situation exists now: in the recent years men began drinking less alcohol, yet the number of divorces has grown. According to statistics, 40% of male population could not “finish” while being drunk, yet, after being cured of alcoholism, 90% of husbands, seeing their wives in the “natural” state, cannot “start”.

A divorce process could be considered “just”, when the husband gets all that which is fixed and non-living, including the house, while the wife gets everything living, including the children, and the dog, and even the cat. Whatever is left over goes to the lawyers as the fee.

There are rumours that somewhere in Russia there already is a federal scientific research “Association of People Who Don’t Drink Non-alcoholic Beverages”. As a result of observations and scientific experiments conducted for many years with people who don’t drink non-alcoholic liquids, they managed to create a table that they named “Periodic Table of Alcoholic Substances”. According to opinions of experienced experts, this table in terms of its everyday importance plays a more important role than the world-renowned Mendeleev’s Periodic System of Elements.

“The Periodic Table of Alcoholic Substances” consists of three main groups.

The first group is comprised of the most popular, as yet not always licensed alcoholic drinks of makeshift home-made production. This group includes the Russian samogonka, the Georgian chacha, the Ukrainian pertsovka and gorilka, the Italian grappa, the Swiss williams and kirsche. The spectrum of human drunkenness, i.e., the switching off of brain activity, varies from 60 to 90%. Colognes, especially “Troinoy”, turpentine, and all liquids containing at least 60% of alcohol are other candidates to be included in this group.

The thing is, scientists are still unable to determine the period of “half-life decay period” for


these drinks in the stomach and especially in the human brain cells, as the effect of “switching off” of the human brain from the real world may continue for several days, and, in the cases of “successful” outcome, often ends up in the psychiatric wards. There, as an entertainment, they watch the “Delirium Tremens” film daily, with participation of green demons.

French, Armenian, Crimean, Georgian cognacs, whiskies from Scotland and Canada, English gin, Spanish calvados, Cuban rum and the Greek metaxa had “flowed” into the second group. The spectrum of their influence on the consciousness of drinkers does not exceed 60%.

The third group includes all red, rose and white wines, except for some popular Georgian wines, such as Khvanchkara and Kindzmarauli. Experts demand from the Georgian winemakers to disclose the secret of their “patent” and to declare how they manage to produce the 10,000 tonnes of the wine they sell from the 10 tonnes of the annual grape harvest?! The President of Georgia, Mr. Mikhail Saakashvili, promised that in the nearest future, before his presidential term expires, to produce 10 tonnes of the real exotic Georgian wine of 10,000 tonnes of harvested grapes, using the traditional technology (thoroughly washed feet) for its production. The whole world is waiting for this bliss and pleasure!

The spectrum of influence of the wines in this group on the consciousness of drinkers rarely exceeds 12%.

A toast:-- Let us drink to our enemies: may they have it all – the best women, cars, dachas, antiques… and the coolest phones! And may they use these phones only to call emergency services on 999.

Why some people drink vodka and others get drunk?

For Slavic peoples vodka has separate, quite peculiar social functions that neither social services nor government bodies can cope with. Vodka plugs and pours into holes that appear during a person’s life for reasons of grief and unhappiness.

Vodka is drunk during celebrations as well, but after the third shot the cause for the party is lost, people are unable to tell a wedding from a wake, love from hate, good from evil, an enemy from a friend. Therefore, there can never be bad vodka, whether it’s regular or home-made.

Everyone drinks in social settings, well, almost everyone, but in different ways, i.e., some drink from wine glasses, some – from regular ones, and they pour to different level, too. Someone who doesn’t drink would be unlucky to find himself in such a society. He becomes suspicious and will at once be black listed as super-grass, or a non-believer in Christ. For drinking vodka is a part of national mentality, a mandatory ritual of sanctity and morals.

It should be emphasised that drinking Russians, unlike their American colleagues, the day after the “vodka party” do not visit psychoanalysts. The most proved method of “sobering up” for them is the ritual “chase” with another drink in the society of a completely unfamiliar boon


companion, so that once the soul is soothed, the man would leave and take your confessions with you.



Only the people who are proud of their intelligence (and not the notorious Darwin’s apes who live by natural instincts), were able to breach the commandments of the Creator, forego the heavenly life and find themselves under the real human circumstances as a punishment. They had become limited in space and time; they had become material and mortal, which is of principal importance.

Blinded by the glitter of success, greed and impenetrable egocentrism, many people don’t care much for their kin and teachers who helped them become famous. They often worship the strong and humiliate the weak. When these people were becoming world-famous, everything they had – from intelligence to their cheque book – was used for the single purpose: by any means to turn the victory of their competitor into inevitable and terrible defeat.

There are always people who become famous one day. A person suddenly becomes well-known, popular, suddenly the doors are opening for him that are shut for common mortals. People react to fame differently: for some it becomes a blessing, the peak of realising a dream; for others it turns into a real misfortune, the beginning of a tragic end. The very concept of “fame” is a pure abstraction. Fame doesn’t have material parameters, it cannot be held in hands, and it’s absolutely ephemeral, elusive… The person who has risen up the crest of fame is unable to stop and hold the magic moment of global popularity and success. Fame is impetuous and dynamic like mercury, it’s impossible to harness and, like a horse, to force to move with the rhythm of one’s own sense of life.

It means that animal instincts still genetically echo in human actions. Every person has seven sinful vices that tempt him in the course of his life. The sins themselves are not equal in their importance. Some sins are misdemeanours of a person before other people, while others – before God. The list of the all-known deadly sins – pride, greed (avarice), envy (jealousy), anger (wrath), lust (lechery), sloth (laziness), and gluttony (over-indulgence) – is not based on Biblical texts and should not be confused with the Ten Commandments given to Moses by God. They are determined by presence of certain genes in the chromosomal structure of the person, and thus cannot be ignored.

The fact that people come to this world dissimilar to each other, with different abilities, can be considered a gift from God. For if we were identical, life would be grey and gloomy. Precisely such differences between people as intelligence and stupidity, talent and mediocrity, slyness and simple-heartedness are the strength and the potential of humankind, genuine decorations of its life. Development, perfection and progress of life are the consequences of that.

Unfortunately, among the uneducated, non-religious, primitive people who don’t understand the order of the world and the sense of life, such dissimilarity invokes the most terrible feeling, in our view: envy.


We mean the pathological state of psyche and mentality of a person, which in its hardship is not less than schizophrenia or manic manifestations. Unlike other human sins, envy doesn’t give anything, even a feeling of satisfaction. That state of psyche is absolutely negative and destructive. It only destroys – both those who envies and those who are envied.

Much can be “told” about a person by his face. But the difficulty is in deciphering the “mystery of the face” and depends on wisdom of the observer himself, which in turn depends on innate talent and acquired experience.

The person’s physiognomy doesn’t lie, so long as this person is in total isolation from others. When getting acquainted, at other meetings and conversations, the physiognomy is “deciphered”, the true face is skewed, a mask is put on, and even the most venal and vulgar expressions turn into friendly, “charming”, get disguised under theatrical pretence, i.e., everything that is called hypocrisy.

If a person is deprived of his thinking ability, he will turn into an ordinary animal. A person is characterised by the diversity of his thoughts, ability of his brain to react differently to what occurs around him.

The following are the types of mind a person can possess:

1. Subtle mind, characterised by finesse, ease, tactfulness and keenness of observation.

2. Crafty mind. A person with such a mind always finds secret and roundabout ways to achieve his goals. His tricks are difficult to guess, and they cause apprehension in others.

3. Powerful mind. Astuteness of its possessor has no limits; he is always active, quickly embraces and solves grandiose problems, foresees and understands the minute. He thinks bravely, widely, pragmatically, keeping a sense of measure in everything.

4. Elegant mind. The thoughts of such a person are noble, he expresses his visions with ease and clarity, differentiating useful from harmful.

5. Flexible mind. Recognises people’s peculiarities and attachments with ease and, adapting for those, never forgets his own interests.

6. Sound mind. Its possessor perceives everything in true light, appraises everyone by their achievements, and uses circumstances to his advantage.

7. Business mind. This person has an excellent grasp on many spheres of the business world, can benefit from anything without causing damage to others.

8. Selfish mind. The possessor of such mind always chases after his own benefits, neglecting the interests of others.


9. Merry mind. With the aid of a joke, humour, irony, and sometimes “playing the fool”, the person is trying to conduct serious business. He often gets into awkward situations, not taking into account bad mood of his business partners.

10. Sarcastic mind is the most detestable, as spite may be hiding under the mockery. Such a person is prone to frequent splashes of wrath and revenge.

11. Joking mind is good if contained within certain limits. The possessor of such a mind can amuse, distract from unpleasant thoughts, flatter, artfully drawing attention to the traits of his opponents.

12. Ardent mind is quick; a person with such a mind type grasps everything, penetrates deeply into the essence of problem, but sometimes frustrates both himself and his opponents due to his ardour.

13. Brilliant mind is distinguished with liveliness, keenness, novelty, inventiveness, and calls for respect. His possessor is characterised by wide thinking horizon and timely reactions.

14. Soft mind – condescending, easy to get along, accommodating, but often dull.

15. Ordinary mind. The thoughts spoken out by his possessor are unintelligible, indistinct not only for those around, but also for himself. Elements of absurdity are present in his speech, while the content and logic are hopping.

As a rule, manifestation of each of the mind types mentioned above depends on many factors: conditions of life, environment, life experience and, of course, age.

Once upon a time there lived five Jews who in three words expressed their views on the order of things in life:

Moses: “LAW is above all!”

Jesus Christ: “LOVE is above all!”

Karl Marx: “MONEY is above all!”

Siegmund Freud: “SEX is above all!”

Albert Einstein: “ALL is above all!”, but sequentially and in a relative order.

Small-minded people are very sensitive and often get offended by small things. Big-minded people also react acutely to the occurring events, but notice everything and never get offended by anything, trying instead to turn everything into a joke.


Craftiness is not intelligence, but only the increased workings of zoological instincts, caused by absence of reason.

A person’s limping mind is more dangerous than limping legs. The limping one always accepts that the healthy people walk steadily, while the one with limping mind is always confident that it’s the others’ minds that are limping, not his.

“Back-thoughts” are also born in the head.

Cognition and knowledge are two absolutely different things. Cognition is the process of thinking, while knowledge is memory, virtuality that was registered in the nerve cells of the brain. It’s known that the more a person learns and knows, the less room is left in his soul for God. The more a person knows, the less he enjoys small things in life, the lower his emotions of happiness or unhappiness.

Thoughts written or spoken using the same letters and words are not always identical in their content: all depends on the tone of what is said. Various combinations and permutations of all the listed types of minds determine the multitude of their variations, permeated with love or hatred, optimism or scepticism, infinity, diversity, beauty, perfection and viability.

“You don’t feel air until someone spoils it”. Funny? That means now is the best time to study the next chapter with attention.



Everything is paradoxical in life: intelligent people, especially philosophers and scientists, get into funny, and sometimes hopeless, situations more often than fools, while the genuine fools show instinctive wit in such situations.

Doctors still haven’t hit upon invention of a medicine that reverses things, so that, for example, stupidity became wisdom or irony, flattery would turn into satire, natural rudeness – into parody, madness – into humour, ignorance – into sagacity.

It’s simply surprising how in such a small head, not bigger in size than that of an ass, can contain such a mass of foolishness and ignorance.

To determine the percentage of stupidity or intelligence in adults with life experience, a psychological test was developed. The correctness of answers depends on your wit or the degree to which you are “spoiled”. Try it! The answers are given in brackets.

1. To rub on the front, one needs to lick the behind.(A postal stamp)

2. There’s hair all around, with a sausage in the middle of it.(An ear of corn)

3. You approach from behind, put in, then walk away.(Slippers)

4. Flesh on flesh, hair on hair, so begins a dark affair.(Closed eyelids)

5. Now cold, now hot; now hanging, now standing.(A shower)

6. There and back, there and back; it’s a pleasure for both of us.(A swing)

7. “Why are you looking at me, get undressed – I’m yours!”(A bed)

8. In the darkness on a white sheet, we are delighted with it.(A film in a theatre)

Stupidity is a defect of human intellect; it doesn’t need medical help.


The fools never lose their spirits, that’s why they never hurt themselves.

The fools are not mad to build cloud-castles of the “building material” prepared from atmosphere.

The clever build, the fools fix attachments, and the stupid get ensconced.

The life dramas of fools take place without prepared scripts or rehearsals.

Genius is always limited, but stupidity never is.

The fools notice only the shortcomings in people, not paying attention to their virtues.

Fools don’t lose their mind: they don’t have it.

Woe from wit happens often, but from stupidity – much less frequently.

The fools don’t suffer from “brain drain”.

If you argue with an idiot, it’s likely that he is doing the same.

In the society of thoroughly dressed aristocrats, modestly dressed fool seems “smarter”.

It’s mind-boggling how diverse stupidity is!

The cleverest thoughts come foolishly.

Stupidity is also a Divine gift, but one shouldn’t abuse it too much.

It’s hard to breathe the air of follies done and opportunities lost.

Open foolishness can be enticing only in beautiful coquettes.

Many husbands adore the foolishness of their wives, considering it a sign of baby innocence.

Foolishness can be overcome either with common sense, or with a larger foolishness: as they say, like cures like!

Fools have more opinions than thoughts.

People who are not marked with intelligence are proud of their “humbleness”.

One needs sufficient wit to do follies.


A fool is not stupid enough to pretend being clever.

Fools kill the time, and time kills them.

The more mistakes you make, like a fool, the more experience you gain.

If you hear “fool” yelled behind you, it’s best not to turn around.

Fools cover their own nothingness with the achievements of their ancestors, or brag of their acquaintances.

Mockery of clever people is a natural privilege of fools.

It often happens that a psychiatrist writes the following diagnosis in the epicrisis of the medical history: “No psychiatric conditions. Just a complete fool!”

There is no wish more stupid than to always be smarter than everyone.

Fools often complain of their short memory, but never of their short mind.

Fools become dangerous when they try to tell a plausible lie.

A fool is amused not by a joke, but by vodka.

People adore foolishness only when it comes from beautiful seductive women or from rich men.

For fools the sum of two minuses always equals a plus.

Fools have an important advantage: no one envies them.

Every fool finds a bigger fool, for whom he’d become an idol.

Fools have a single darkish but deep wrinkle, on which they sit.

Generally, people suffering from psychiatric conditions are happier than all others. In their fantasy illusions they do gain happiness, which they strived for. And it’s not important at all that in real life these people are complete beggars, without roof or means to exist, and practically isolated from society. So, is it worth curing them, taking away the last they have – the state of unconscious, phantom “happiness”?



Since lack of scruple is secretly behind the steering wheel of all kind deeds, many people prefer dogs as friends, at whose honest muzzles one cannot look with mistrust.

Man, essentially, is not better than a dog; he too is a representative of the animal world in the tamed and handy state, which is called civilisation.

And yet, a dog should not be the master of the house, just as well as the master should be a dog.

Don’t see your dogs as people, or else, they will start seeing you as dogs.

Animals become dogs only from doggy life. There is no such gloomy or angry dog that wouldn’t wag his tail.

A dog is always glad – regardless of whether his master is home very early or too late.

When a dog disappears from home, the family head is upset and is in mourning, yet if his wife runs away, he can hardly hide his joy.

A dog will always forgive if you stroke another dog in his presence, or even play with him.

If a dog is magnificent in all respects, other dogs don’t hate it.

Watch over well-bred dogs to ensure they don’t bite people. The dogs can get infected with the virus of human rabies.

No dog will exchange his bone with another.

A dog likes it when things are thrown around on the floor and not being put back.

Dogs are not vindictive, they never recall old pranks or weaknesses of their master. They don’t talk or gossip.

A dog’s parents never come to visit.

A dog absolutely doesn’t get jealous when other, better-bred dogs are brought to the house; he lacks not only the sense of irony and humour, but also envy and hatred.

Dogs don’t get upset over adding weight or changing the shape of their body. They don’t require


help from nutritionists, extrasensory individuals, expensive cosmetics and plastic operations.

Dogs never become hysterical, if someone raises their voice or kicks them under the tail.

In pitch darkness dogs and blind are the best guides: they discern the road better than anyone sighted.

It’s better to disavow a friend without foresight than a stray dog, however unbearable is the dog’s stinking under-tail with biting fleas, and the dog’s manic loyalty.

The mood of bitches doesn’t change during the monthly cycle.

Dogs don’t chat away on the phone.

Dogs enjoy being caressed on the street in view of everyone.

The more drunk the master is, the wider the amplitude of the dog’s wagging tail.

The master shouldn’t allow others to call his dog “son of a bitch”. Dogs are rarely “bitches”, so they deserve a monument in their lifetime. They will have something to raise their rear leg against.

Many husbands treat their wives like dogs, demanding the same loyalty and attachment.

Unlike with wives, a dog smuggles up to the family and friends, and barks at the strangers.

Dogs like it when their master goes hunting; both of them are anxious to share the catch.

The loyalty of a dog to his master depends on the quality of feed and the length of the leash.

A dog is an example of loyalty, but he’s loyal to a man, and not to other dogs.

A dog will not wake you up in the middle of the night asking “Will you get another dog after my death?”

The master is making rounds about other women and barks at his own, while his dog does it exactly the opposite way.

There is no alimony pay for the dogs that ran away and their puppies.

A dog prefers a leash of leather with metal buttons more than a necklace of natural pearls or of gold with diamonds. He will never reproach the master that he is stingy and perverse.

A dog will never deny your request. To fulfil it, he will not ask for a new mink coat, or a


platinum necklace with diamonds.

If a dog smells a scent of another dog on you, it will not upset him, just will spark a healthy curiosity.

When riding a car, a dog prefers to sit in the back, and not near the driver. He never grumbles, smokes or asks to switch the air conditioner or heater on.

When making important business decisions, dogs are not guided by “personal considerations”.

Old dogs are allowed to be put to sleep, instead of putting them up into expensive nursing homes.

A dog brings pain only when he dies.

If a dog leaves for another master he never takes half of your possessions.

Dogs are not threatened by emancipation. May each dog have a well-bred master!

With his sense of smell, a dog can quickly guess the “hidden thoughts” of other dogs, coming from under the tail. He is never interested in the partner’s make-up.

Dogs never strive to become the high priests of science. Their doggy conscience wouldn’t let them to glut at the expense of science. Dogs are succinct in expressing their thoughts with a single bark.

Dogs don’t meet guests by their clothes.

Dogs are much better than they seem.

A dog is an atheist by nature – he doesn’t believe in God, or in heaven, or in hell. But, unless he’s a vegetarian, he believes in a piece of meat.

A dog: “I will wag my tail for someone who throws me a piece of meat, if they don’t – I’ll bark, if they tease me – I’ll bite”.

Dogs don’t need continual expensive gifts and huge bouquets.

A dog understands everything, but cannot express anything, while a wife speaks out on every issue, but doesn’t try to understand anything.

If you pick-up a hungry stray dog and give her a life of luxury, he will never bite you. That’s the main difference between a dog and a man.


Any dog will have a heart attack if he is place under human conditions.

People, smile with all your 32 teeth, dogs have fewer, that’s why they don’t smile!



The true representatives of art possess the ability to inspire others of their kind. But first they should learn art from the Lord, who Himself is an unsurpassed Creator of the Universe, a true writer – architect of the soul (the author of the Bible), a painter, a sculptor… He has created wonderful and adorable configurations and proportions for all living creatures and dead objects, and confers joy on the entire mankind.

Meanwhile, the art of the modern society is in acute crisis. The oceanic waves – tsunami – are raging, for example in book publishing devoted to esotericism, history, religion, quest for universal hypotheses and theories of the world’s order, and foretelling of the mankind’s future. At the same time the efficiency of useful application and practical usage of scientific research results drops abruptly, culture and art are becoming de-immunised, moral guidelines are getting lost, conflicts explode which threaten to bring the civilisation to a tragedy. Modern art objects of mass production, such as paintings, books, etc., that were never purchased or half-finished, are thrown out to dumpsters, eventually getting processed into rolls for external application – the toilet tissue.

The purpose of people of art is that they open paths into new spaces, as the world we live in is infinite.

Unfortunately, lately acute deficit of new masterpieces is felt not only in painting, but also in music, literature, and other areas. That which is created now doesn’t fit our minds, is not remembered or perceived. Even the “melodies” of modern fashionable music are unpleasant to the ear, and more often resemble sounds issued by a person from a particular place with disgusting bad odeur. Art today is used not just to gain infamous fame and huge wealth, but also to awaken the lowly animalistic instincts in idol worshippers with weak character, especially in green youth.

It’s humiliating for an artist who anticipates from the public a sea of tears, sincere laughter and ovation, instead sees in the hall shocked public in surprising silence, which doesn’t want to react to the play in any way. The public doesn’t leave the theatre hall, as it isn’t decent, the tickets are already paid for, and luxurious flower bouquets are already prepared for the performing artists… The money paid for the tickets are not refundable, but the flowers can be taken back: they will come handy elsewhere. The only consolation for the public is a walk in the spacious foyers and demonstration of their new attire and jewellery, made by the best firms, not lower than Valentin Yudashkin himself.

Unfortunately, the headcount of art stars grows much quicker than cattle livestock. (perhaps, that’s why beef is more in demand.)

The creative work of an artist reflects his inner world, his psychic state which define the content his creations. Creators of magnificent works of art are geniuses endowed with some unconscious


and mystical gift. The Swiss psychologist and philosopher Carl Gustav Jung writes that “Picasso's psychic problems, so far as they find expression in his work, are strictly analogous to those of my patients.” His pictures “communicate no unified, harmonious feeling-tone but, rather, contradictory feelings or even a complete lack of feeling”; they are fragmented, disjoined, paradoxical, pessimistic and express lack of confidence about the future. Against the background of blue twilight the world is in agony, especially “as the horrifying masterpiece of the syphilitic, tubercular, adolescent prostitute makes plain.” Everything is “drawn into the dark”, and all the creatures are painted with “the demoniacal attraction of ugliness and evil.” Comments are unnecessary here.

We do not know whether God had used mathematical and geometrical laws during the creation of Man, but it’s clear that he was well-versed in the proportions of a female body and face. As a paradox, Pablo Picasso only understood pathological changes in human bodies, and their inherited ugliness, and much better than a pathologist. It’s quite interesting to know where Picasso resides now: in heaven or in fiery hell for perverting the anatomic dignity of Man, created by God himself. In Picasso we only saw a clean-shaven face, but not the face of an artist, a sage or a creator.

The famous pop artist Alexander Novikov had published a letter addressed to the President, where he complains about the media dominance of “blue monkeys”, vulgarity, gurus “with goatees”, “ridge-headed rabbits”, “brothel-type” prima-donnas, cynical “laughers” and boisterous pederasts, who are proud of their long-ago-atrophied (if he is a “she”) genitals.

God forbid for two Hamlets to appear on stage at the same time. The fight between them would be blood-and-guts: who is to be, and who is not to be, as if the world is so cramped that they have no space to manoeuvre. If Hamlets, according to author’s design, are geniuses, they become more stupid in the course of time. The way from a genius to an idiot is covered with roses, but from an idiot to a genius – only with poisonous barbs.

World art masterpieces appear only when an artist gets dissolved in his painting, a poet – in his poetry, a writer – in his novels, a composer – in music. They must possess talent from God so as to be in captivity of their creative work not for a moment, but for life, experiencing the mystic bliss and spiritual satisfaction unknowable to us.

Masterpieces of art, thoughts of our sages, such as the Ten Commandments, have already become the property of the people, became dissolved in them and are used in everyday life. Without them, like without light, a civilised society could not exist for long, people could destroy each other.

Christ can be considered women’s most favourite God, because in the works of art He shines not only with the spiritual beauty, but with a carnal one as well: Christ has always been painted by the most distinguished artists, with the most subtle play of light – “endowing” Him with wonderful figure, arousing erotic feelings not only in women, but also in some men who are proud of being “non-traditional”.


The famous philosopher Nietzsche, just like Leo Tolstoy, was remarking negatively on modernism – it’s a world of deceit, lies and delusions not only for the author, but for his admirers as well. From their point of view, breaking with realism of depictions, breaking with traditions of external similarity and raising primitivism and subjectlessness to a pedestal, their so-called “metaphorical construction of image based on associative principle”, “free correlation of the expressiveness of form and the character of sentiments being captured” – is nothing but fooling the simple citizens, reaching the absurd.

According to many experts, abstractionism is when the various means of fine arts express nothing except for the author’s signature and Arabic numbers. A label, modestly attached to the painting, with the big price tag, is designed for rich buyers and personal admirers. The majority of the exhibition’s shocked visitors often ask themselves: what did the author try to say with his work? Eventually, most of them “disappear” in the black square of “art”, similar to the one created by Malevich, the founder of one of the kinds of abstract art – suprematism.

The dyes, chaotically applied to the canvas, express abstraction. They rate very highly, regardless of who painted them: ape-like bearded people in berets with brushes or human-like beardless apes with their tails. Possessing huge powers of influence, they are able to so “violate” and hypnotise a person, that he becomes enamoured of their ugly objects or figures of people depicted on canvas or embodied in gypsum statues. They are true experts in the art of mystical transformation and deformation of human minds! Do not create idols out of them!

The addiction for collecting abstract art is a fairly difficult syndrome of mental handicap, which is impossible to get rid of, if you are rich, but which gets easily cured with bankruptcy.

To speak of mental handicap.

Statistical data shows that up to 20% of U.S. population have labile, unstable psyche or simply have a psychiatric condition. The U.S. population today is more than 250 million people, and 20% of them is almost 50 million of people who are psychologically sick!!!

Of these 50 million who’ve gone mad, just about half a million are kept in asylums, and even then it’s only 3 months a year. So it turns out that 49.5 million crazy people are at large, free and bear no judicial responsibility for potential criminal deeds against their sound compatriots!!! No comments are necessary.

Exhibitions of books or paintings are an auction of human mind. It’s more difficult to create or say something today that was not there before.

In art, it’s not the work of a master that plays a huge role, but his NAME.

When someone rich puts on a ring with a piece of rock crystal, even the most experienced jewellers will mistake it for a diamond. Yet if a beggar puts on a ring with a real diamond, those


around him are certain that the stone is fake.

Between Man and animal lies creative work, which justifies before God the existence of mankind in spiritual and material world.

Russia does not need expensive third-class guest pop “stars”. Don’t they have enough of second-class, almost free ones of their own?

Painting is mute poetry, and poetry is blind painting. (Leonardo da Vinci)

Studying the history of civilisation, many thinkers come to the conclusion that mankind does not deserve the magnificent world it inhabits.

Without hypocrisy modern art would starve to death.

Since art connoisseurs appeared, art itself has been sinking to the bottom.

Consuming pornography in large doses contributes to total demoralisation and degradation of a person. A by-product of pornographic gluttony is disorder of the “basic instincts” of those organs of a person that are necessary for reproduction of the entire mankind.




The Bible teaches that one God created the world for the entire mankind and rules over everything, loves everyone equally, and judges everyone in the same way. God doesn’t recognize ethnicity – He is cosmopolitan!

The fundamental works of Flavius Josephus, Philon, Pliny and Ginsburg, as well as the antique Dead Sea scrolls, show that Christianity appeared at least two centuries before the birth of Christ, its greatest advocate, but not the founder at all. Christianity was created by sectarian Jews, and not by Christ’s disciples at all.

The laws received in the desert, or the tablets of the Covenant, are known today as Mosaic Commandaments, and the Jewish religion – as the faith of Moses. (Although more ancient codes of law were found in the ruins of Mesopotamia – Hammurabi’s Code.) Unlike all previous laws, the faith of Moses – Judaism – was the first system of beliefs that respected human life, cared about morals and social values.

Interpreters of Torah claim that when the 10 commandments were announced, even the souls of long-dead Jews came back to life and listened to the Lord’s voice together with everyone.

Besides those, all the Jewish souls that were not yet born and belonged to the future generations, including this one, also were present at the Mount Sinai, so as to heed the Lord’s voice.

The creation of the world by the Lord could not be considered complete without the 10 Commandments, and without them the material world would descend into chaos and violence.

The 10 Commandments became “the code of universal ethics” of mankind for all the future generations.

The very presence of the law shows just how sinful people really are. Where there are many laws, there are more sins and crimes.

The Code of Babylon and the 10 Commandments.Sumerians.

The Sumerian civilisation was even more ancient than Egyptian. Its natives, Khaldeis, resided in Assyria-Babylon, the area between the rivers of Tigris and Euphrates. The forefather of Jews, Abraham, was born in a Khaldeian town Ur, that was located near the site of today’s Baghdad.


A hypothesis exists that the Code of Babylon, created by the king Hammurabi (1945-1902 BCE), the most ancient of the known law codes, probably had influenced the system of laws recorded by Moses on the Mount Sinai. King Hammurabi himself was a contemporary of Patriarch Abraham. This is mentioned in one of the first chapters of the Pentateuch, Genesis. The people that lived in the valley of Euphrates (Mesopotamia), and were called Sumerians, built a highly developed civilisation. They established the city-state Babylon, which later became the capital of the East and the entire Semitic empire. They were the first in history to create laws of civil and criminal codes numbering 267 items, 24 of which are almost analogous in content to the laws of Moses. Unlike the laws of Moses, which protected freedom, humanity, justice and human rights, loyalty to the single abstract God, the laws of Babylon mainly protected the private property of the king and his court. They were distinctly savage, stipulating the death penalty for 34 kinds of petty crime, such as stealing a domestic animal. They replaced the “an eye for an eye” principle of the Code of Moses by the very savage one – “a son for a son, a daughter for a daughter”...

Theologians had come to conclusion that the Code of Babylon did not serve as the source for the judicial system of Torah laid out in the Pentateuch. Both are independent, both codify ancient laws that were customary for the Semitic tribes.

It should be underscored that with disappearance of the Assyrian-Babylonian Empire all traces of the Code of Babylon disappeared as well, while the laws of Moses to this day strongly influence mankind’s mentality on a global scale, much more significantly than the Roman law.

The word “Christ” means “Messiah”.

Jesus Christ is described as the “second Moses”, the Saviour, and Christians call Him the Son of God, and the faith – Christianity.

According to the laws of Islam, Muhammad is the final seal of all the biblical prophecies, as he promulgated the Word of God in its purest form. Faithful Muslims get outraged when someone diminishes the sanctity of the Prophet Muhammad, for whose name’s sake they are prepared to sacrifice their lives – to become shahids.

Christians view Jesus Christ as God. While both Judaism and Islam assert that Man cannot be God.

This is the stumbling stone and the reason for enmity of all three world religions, whose victims already number hundreds of millions. It’s difficult to predict how many more will yet come. It all depends on the number of nuclear bombs prepared by Islamist fanatics, and not only in Iran...

It’s well known that in the 1st century in the Holy Land of Judea that was bleeding under the tyrannical power of the Romans, many Jewish prophets, preachers, and holy people, belonging to one of the 24 religious sects existing at the time in the country, did nothing but proclaimed the forthcoming arrival of the Messiah who would free the Jews of the horrors of the Roman yoke.


Each of the sects preached its own doctrine of salvation. Jesus turned out the most significant of the preachers; Christ in Greek means “anointed one” or “Messiah”.

The Christian Church, having absorbed the heritage of the Babylonian realism, the Judean absolutism, the Greek Platonism and the Roman materialism, had survived and spread its influence as the only uniting force in that unstable world. The Christian Church became a worthy heir to the Roman Empire. The moral law that it preached was bolstered by the threats of fiery hell. The religious and secular powers had merged.

When missionaries came, Africans had the land, and missionaries had the Bible. They taught Africans to pray with their eyes closed. When they opened their eyes, the land happened to be the missionaries’ and the Bible – theirs.

Saint Paul, Saul of Tarsus, a pure religious Jew, was, unlike Jesus, an arrogant intellectual, ambitious, possessed by feelings of his own sin and guilt. Because of Saint Paul it is said that “Christianity is a heresy of Judaism”. He was a highly educated person. His knowledge of Greek philosophy and Judaism was brilliant. He wanted to compensate his physical defects (small height, crooked legs, blind left eye, a hunch with spinal curvature, epilepsy with hallucinations) and inferiority complex with his career: to assume the post of the chief rabbi.

And he had succeeded. He became an Apostle, a zealous promoter of the Christian faith not only amongst his compatriots, Jews, but throughout the world. Paul created an army of priests, who successfully sell the invitation tickets to heaven. It’s not impossible, that earthly world is some other planet’s hell.

Paul argued that self-sacrifice of one Divine person, Jesus, redeemed the COMBINED SIN of the entire mankind. The faith in Christ removes the necessity of observing the laws. Crucifixion of Christ was the key moment in human history. Christianity appeared only because of Christ’s death and resurrection.

If Jesus Christ appeared today, nobody would crucify Him. They would gladly invite Him to dinner, would hear Him out and would laugh from the heart. Religious hysteria had led more people to madness than alcoholism.

There are cynics who ironically argue that the creators of Madonna on the canvases of the great masters are known, while the child is considered to be the “work” of an unknown master. A very original version of Jesus Christ’s ethnicity was suggested by an employee of Russian Hermitage, Boris Sapunov, PhD in History. Based on critical analysis of the New Testament and the early icons of the Saviour, he came to the conclusions that “there are no Semitic features in His image”, and that Christ belonged to the Greek-Syrian type. With that Sapunov refutes the Immaculate Conception, offending the chastity of His Mother – Virgin Mary. Just in case, his book “The Earthly Life of Jesus Christ” was blessed by Russian Orthodox Church and Vatican.

“Honour your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the Lord


your God is giving you. “ (Exodus 20:12)

Faith moves mountains!

It’s good that there are the poor and the crippled, otherwise without compassion and pity not a single religion or sect would appear on Earth. (A godless person is someone who comes to a church daily, lights up the largest candles, showing his faith to others, while not believing in it. He uses the feigned religiousness only for his own benefit.)

When during one’s lifetime a union is reached between faith and knowledge, soul and mind – a strong alloy of reconciling with reality appears.

Ancient Egyptians emphasised in “The Book of Dead” that the soul of the person after death goes to the kingdom of Gods, where he is treated according to his deeds in the earthly material life. “Immortality” depends on whether the good memory of the person will last in the earthly world.

Religion is designed not only to ease a person’s life, but also to prepare him for death.

The true religion will be established once all the peoples of the world come to common understanding of truth and justice, and will have only one doctrine, one faith, One God, who granted people reason with equal potential in one Universe.

In brief, even if there is no God or immortality of souls, it should have been invented to bolster the moral foundations and freeing the righteous from the fear of death, while deepening this fear in sinners. Even at birth Man is already sentenced to death, and his entire life is only the overcoming of obstacles and difficulties so as to pass his destined way and reach the finish line. And the tomb’s mound is, probably, the weakest trace of the person’s existence on Earth: it is quickly erased by time.

There is nothing more important for a person that birth and death, as they are the two halves of one whole – Being.

Plato said that to philosophise means to learn to die! And it’s usually the elderly who philosophise; therefore they usually part with life more easily than youth.

When a person is born, he knows nothing yet; when he is already of age prepares for death – he already knows everything. (And still, at the sunset of one’s years one needs to step outside the limits of the narrow circle of thoughts, especially if they are borrowed from others.)

Physical and spiritual health of a person is defined strictly by whether we can live for the benefit of other living creatures, and harmoniously coexist with them. Our thoughts, lifestyle, ethics of


conduct, creative activity define equilibrium in the Universe. We should firmly believe that we and the entire Universe are parts of a single whole, vivifying Spirit, Universal Unity.

Spirit is subtle, invisible matter; and matter – according to quantum theory – is condensed, visible Spirit. As a result of interaction and merger of spirit and matter into a single whole, a reason is born (the conscious and the subconscious), which contains the evolutionary genetic code of human history and culture, which possess a powerful energy charge, inexhaustible wealth of knowledge and thought.

Flesh is the physical part of a person, whose spiritual essence reflects on his face, in his entire appearance, and seemingly shines through.

...All the luminaries of ancient and modern science, religion and philosophy have come to the common conclusion that all the “miracles”, scientific discoveries, prophecies took place not as a result of long and expensive scientific experimental research, but mainly on the basis of subconscious Divine Illumination.

The human conscious forms in the cortex, while the subconscious forms in the subcortex. It’s known that people use only 5-6% of their intellectual power, and no more than 1% of their psychological energy.

Neural-psychic energy of people doesn’t disappear after death. It continues to interact with thousands of people who are still alive, and influences future generations.

Human personality is immortal! It always remains to live as a particle of the spiritual culture of mankind, following the route of continuity and succession. For example, books, paintings, films, architectural masterpieces, discoveries and inventions keep the live image of the world-famous author who is long since gone into the other world... Even the mummies of ancient Egyptians that were found in pyramids by archaeologists – even they have their energy mould. (Let’s not forget that temples and castles built by tyrants and dictators equally captivate everyone: the evil and the kind, the sinful and the righteous. All of them are founded on violence, robberies, slavery and misery of simple folk.) So it turns out that a person may leave his neural-psychic energy in the form of his Creations.

Marble monuments are needed either by completely unknown people, or by those whose names would be impossible to remember.

Religion is the earthly fear of hell by the rich, and the spark of hope for the hapless of heaven in the afterlife.



The famous German philosopher F. Nietzsche ironically reasoned that each of us is somewhat a prophet who from time to time has premonitions of various events. There’s a genetic “worm” inherited from forefather Abraham in the souls and bodies of all people.

Yet other theologians, monotheists, argued that there is only one God for the peoples of the entire Universe. Nietzsche, when he heard of this, ironically remarked that all the other gods had probably died of hysterical laughter!

In order to survive in the desert, the Jews, doomed to wander for 40 years, invented God as some abstraction, which became a sort of reward for their slavish existence, for the hopelessness, for the hardship of physical survival. (There is a view that the Jews have such long noses because Moses led them by the nose for 40 years around the Sinai desert.)

When the Nazis occupied Prague, in the first instance they decided to remove the bust of the Jewish composer Mendelssohn from the Opera facade. There was an order from Hitler himself that his bust should be searched amongst others by the long Jewish nose. A bust that stood out from the rest due to a long nose was removed and destroyed. Later it turned out that it was the bust of the great German composer R. Wagner, Hitler’s favourite composer. Why Wagner’s nose was longer that Mendelssohn’s is “on the conscience” of his dear mother.

Nietzsche thought that peasants were the ones who called a Jew from their midst God’s Son and forced the whole world to kneel down before Him! That’s why Israel is the country with God-carrying, Messianic people. One may suppose that if Christ got resurrected, He would rather go to a simple synagogue than to a Gothic church, which he would think to be a pagan temple.

Nietzsche considered Apostle Paul to be the main culprit of separating the Old and the New Testaments, who deviously used the “crucifixion” of Christ to subordinate half the world. It threatened Jews with innumerable misfortunes in the future, with their loneliness in the world, loneliness in God, with awakening of the barbaric mob instincts, with turning the moral code of the Bible into a criminal one, and with the turning loving one’s neighbour into hatred and genocide.

Nietzsche called the words from the sermon of Jesus Christ “turn to him the other cheek” a Judean masochism. He wrote that it requires a great analytical mind to determine the number of curses contained in the religious motets about “love”, and how much hatred is hidden behind that love. Nietzsche was an ingenious manic neurasthenic who declared that God is dead!

In the slogans of universal equality Nietzsche foresaw the ascension of mediocrity, the appearance of scumbags who would destroy all the spiritual, scientific and material valuables


that were amassed over centuries. Nietzsche extolled the anthropogenic idea of improving the breed of Germans, and not the entire mankind. He suggested interbreeding Prussian junkers with Jewish women, so that “Jewish mind” would “penetrate” German heads, and so that “he who was nothing becomes everything”.

It should be underscored (polemising or perhaps agreeing with Nietzsche, in any case – appealing to his interpretations of the Jewish theme) that almost half of our planet is populated with Semitic peoples, which are united in a group of related nations, including Jews, Arabs, Ethiopians, Phoenicians, Aramaic, Assyrians and Babylonians. It is exactly amongst these peoples that the three world religions were founded, created by the teachings of the three great Semites: Moses, Christ and Muhammad.

The majority of prophets were men who perceived mankind only through the prism of its relationship with God.

As long as 2,000 years BCE, someone named Farra left the Babylonian city of Ur together with his family, which included his son Abraham, his wife Sarah, and Farra’s grandson Lot, the nephew of Abraham: they became the people whom the Bible names “IVRI”, i.e., “HEBREW” which means “those who came from the other bank”, as the city of Ur was situated on the left bank of the Euphrates river.

Abraham is considered the forefather of the three great religions and the first source of monotheism. Whether to consider him a Judaist, or a Christian, or a Muslim, this question is still being debated.

Moses, the author of Pentateuch may be considered the greatest prophet among others. According to the opinion of many historians and researchers, Moses was a Semite – an Egyptian prince named Hozarsif, a nephew of the Pharaoh Ramses II. According to the Bible, his parents were Jewish: Amram and Yoheved; they stealthily placed the baby with an Egyptian princess, the daughter of the pharaoh.

Moses was born a Jew, lived as a Jew, and died as a Jew. And still, he was the greatest of the prophets. Unlike all other prophets, only he could converse directly with God; he met God. Moses heard the word of God during the day, while other prophets – in their sleep. When meeting God, Moses doesn’t experience fear and awe. He himself determined the time and place of the meeting with God.

After the conversation with the Lord, the soul of Moses was lit up with Divine light. Old Testament describes in detail the legend that when Moses came down from meeting with God, Aaron and the elders could not see his face clearly, because it radiated blinding rays. That’s why during the routine conversations Moses covered his face with a cloth.

During the 40 years of living in Sinai it was not necessary for Moses to introduce a mandatory tax on people’s earnings or property. He fully relied on the good will of the people to make


regular contributions, so as to help Moses and the elders to lead them out of Sinai and bring to the borders of the Promised Land, where milk and honey flowed. It’s interesting to underscore that Moses’s reliance on people’s conscience and trust was fully justified: the treasury received twice the amount of taxes, as they supposed.

(Why modern powers do not want to use the experience of wise Moses and for just one year have an experiment of good will tax payment, so as to stop the fear, terror and invasion of tax gangsters on the working people, and to prevent the embezzlement of state funds by the multi-thousand troops of penal battalions of criminal taxmen. One can imagine the huge saving of budget expenses that’s currently supporting these multi-thousand regiments of clear parasites –state taxmen, draining the souls of honest workers or naïve taxpayers. The state would immediately feel abrupt growth in financial funding for social needs and the country’s defence, the peace of souls and disappearance of fear in the working people, a stimulus for new investments, and the victory of morals and patriotism. Such economic reforms as voluntary taxation of workers, and small to medium business owners, will raise the spirits and the quality of life in the entire state!

We, as representatives of medicine, professors, and even academics of many countries of the world, are well informed that the main cause of the worst modern illnesses in hundreds of millions of workers is not the “bird flu”, or simply the cold flu, or gonorrhoea, but the constant fear of anticipation of invasion or pogrom by the aggressive tax officials of their small or medium “enterprises” – the source of feeding and well-being of their entire family, of their savings. Tax on the poor is the source of discontent and anarchy and damages the state, which loses the big while chasing the small. If they don’t have enough resources to hire an experienced and honest lawyer, they fall into depression, anticipating possible arrests and a court case. Disgrace, insults and humiliation is awaiting them. As a result of such obscurantist fears and disgrace, these unfortunate workers have abruptly rising levels of blood pressure, sugar, adrenaline and cholesterol, etc., and they can die of the consequences: myocardial infarction, stroke – haemorrhage in the brain, and other complications. And even if they survive, they become invalids forever, dependant on donations of state social assistance, slaves of incurable ills, slaves of constant anticipation of agony and death.

Social budget allocated by the state and intended to restore the health of such patients and invalids, totals up to much more than the taxes collected by taxmen through gangster-style raids or pogroms.

In such rich states as countries of Western Europe, the USA, and also Russia, for the sake of the health of the Nation, its genetic heritage, and


the people’s capacity to work, the imposed tax should be replaced with a “tax of conscience”, a voluntary one.

The needs of the state should be paid for by those who can easily afford it, who have something to give away.

So Moses can be considered the father not only of humanised financial revolution, but also of spiritual “democracy”.

But Jews and representatives of 69 other ethnic groups led out of Egyptian slavery could not forgive Moses that he “deceived” them, and, instead of promised land of paradise, brought them into Palestine, where at the time a barren land was ruled by pagans, whose only activity was killing and pillage.

Moses was distinguished not only by wisdom, but also by great humility, and humble people are never conscious of their greatness!

Moses became a victim of slaves who were freed. He happened to be a victim of the sermon of “freedom, equality, and fraternity” and died in solitude.

The place of his burial became a great secret.

In Palestine those who escaped Egyptian slavery found themselves on a small isle in a huge ocean – amongst alien people. Most of them had to assimilate later: God Himself began despising them for disobedience; however, Apostle Paul loved them and, contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ, converted many of them to Christianity. According to the teachings of Jesus himself, only religious Jews had the right to become His true disciples-Christians.

Jesus Christ never laid claim to be the Supreme God, to have monopoly of possessing our entire planet, and even more so for the Solar system and the entire Galaxy. Even the claims of His disciples that He is the “Master of the Earth” can be viewed as blasphemy.

Over centuries Christian disciples have been forming around the stories of execution of a Jewish son Jesus a stable psychological impulse of hatred for the infidels. Even before the appearance of the New Testament, the great Roman historian Tacitus wrote about the Roman tradition to crucify those sentenced to death. In particular, he wrote that the Roman court sentenced Jews to be crucified, as well as Judean co-religionists of Christ who refused to be obedient slaves and were suspected of political dissent. Jesus Christ was sentenced to death on the charges not just of vandalism, but for a political reason: for the intention supposedly expressed by Him (although these were just rumours, not His statement) to become a king of Judea. It was not by chance that a plaque was attached to Jesus’s cross with the words “The King of Judea”.


During the Roman rule in Judea, besides Jesus, more than one hundred thousand Jews who fought the Roman rule without compromise were crucified. But the finger of historical eternity and legend-making has stopped on just one of thousands of political insurgents – Jesus… His apostles and followers asked time and again: “When the Judgement Day will finally come?” Jesus replied: “Very soon. In your present life you will see the gates of heaven wide open. I will stand with my God-Father, pointing at those who followed me and will be allowed to enter the Kingdom of God. And those who did not follow me will fall into the eternal darkness of hell”.

This unrealised saying frustrated the great philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872-1970). He demonstrably rejected Christianity and wrote a book “Why I Am Not a Christian”, in which he concluded that all religion is completely devoid of the sense of objectiveness and justice. He asked humorously: “How many sins should be perpetrated during one’s lifetime to get into the eternal fire in hell?” He wrote that we were to combine all of his sins done during life (and in his sleep [!] as well), then even the strictest judge could not send me to prison for more than 4-5 years, especially – into hell. After such criticism of religion it’s impossible to hide bitter tears.

There are two kinds of religion and philosophy in the world:

1. Pagan religion and philosophy, which are gradually disappearing. Their ideology is: eat, drink and have a good time until death. Almost like in a satanic sect.

2. Theological religion and philosophy (Islamic, Christian and Judaist) are orientated towards manifestations of fear and awe of the forthcoming eternal fiery hell and towards obtaining a absolution to enter heaven by any means (attending churches, large donations, i.e., bribes, protections).

Christianity is certain that all alcoholics on Earth will pay in the after life with HANGOVER.

The New Testament “experts” say that where health, youth, erotica, money and common sense ends, there begins Christianity.

In the temples of any religion the ideology of a given faith rules and intolerance for other religious communities and atheists, other cultures ands civilisations is preached. In public discussions representatives of all religious denominations remain with their original vision of the world.

Compromises are not endemic in religions.

A strong scent coming (or going) from the crowd is not yet a unity of spirit. People don’t smile in these holy temples and feel themselves as though in a cemetery, where their kin is buried. Ideologies of all religions are alike: the flesh of those who departed life should be returned to Earth, they should return to their original sources, i.e., earthly creatures should return to earth so as to become its fertiliser.


There is a version that Earth is a place for repentance and atonement, a correctional facility for the faults of the ancestors, one’s own sins and misdemeanours. Earth is a place where some offer fraudulent goods, while others pay for it with counterfeit money.

An earthly issue always arises during wars: who will bury whom first.

We think it necessary to note that Vatican is preparing to rehabilitate the slandered name and emphasis the services of Judas Iscariot, the main apostle, eternal comrade and treasurer of Jesus Christ, who was considered Christ-seller, sinful, evil, greedy, was called antichrist, red-head, Satan, the leader of Judeans, and it was claimed that Judas and Judeans are of the same nature; “the kiss of Judas” symbolises betrayal.

The slander of his envious “colleagues”, which expressed itself in that the most trusted person of Jesus Christ, apostle Judas, the main financier of the Christian sect, had sold his spiritual teacher for 30 silver coins. Tens of millions of representatives of the Biblical people have already become the victims of anti-Semitism created by this slander.

Therefore, the Vatican’s decision to bring out to light the whole truth about the life and services of Apostle Judas to Christianity, will undoubtedly play a certain role in disappearance of mortal enmity between Christianity and Judaism, and will reflect on their unification in the face of common enemies.



It’s known from the history of ancient Greece that the heroic Hercules deflowered 50 virgins in one night. Any normal man would be delighted to repeat the “heroic” deed of Hercules, but the problem is – where to find 50 true virgins, not those roughly sewed up. Modern surgical threads are made of firm material; it’s dangerous to touch them.

One of the richest Muslims of India, named Nizam of Hyderabad (19-20th centuries), had 500 wives, while the Hindi God Krishna had 16,000!

Prophet Muhammad was married only to nine women and strictly observed the family traditions.

Krishna, the living God of Indians, simply raped single and married women. He did it relying on religion, power and the army.

When King Solomon introduced a thousand of not very kosher wives into his court, he despaired to try having caressed them all, and exclaimed – IT’S ALL VANITY!

Contrary to Christianity, in China – another part of the globe – there existed a DAO doctrine, according to which one ought to worship nature and its energy. People saw Immortality in harmony of co-existence, in developing natural instincts and intuition. Carnal life was considered by Chinese to be a sacred duty, the Supreme Path to perfection.

The first testament in the Indian caste religion and philosophy has been pleasing one’s husband. With that in mind many beautiful women in temples were taught sexual games from Kama sutra. In the 10th century CE, among Japanese Buddhist monks, pederasty blossomed between teachers and students, and still does today. They sealed their male love by oath of lifetime allegiance and drove women out of temples.

The famous Greek philosopher Socrates publicly condemned same-sex carnal relations, while Plato preached a strictly spiritual love. Aristotle considered it necessary to ban pederasty forever. In the classical Greece a number of murders were perpetrated because of jealousy and debauchery; famous tyrants and emperors were killed by beautiful boys during an attempt to rape them, for example, Archelaus I of Macedon, Alexander of Thebes, and Periander of Athens.

Saint Jerome in 4th century CE urged that “every man who cannot sleep alone, or is afraid of the dark, should take a wife for himself, but without carnal love”!

The theologian Severian argued that Woman in her entirety and Man below his waist are the work of the devil. The famous Christian theologians Augustine, Tertullian, Ambrose an others believed that the guilt in carnal love lies with Adam and Eve. Earlier, back in Paul’s time, any child born in voluptuousness was considered a sinner from birth.


Many Christian zealots recommended abstaining from carnal love:1. On Thursdays – in memory of Christ’s arrest by the Romans; 2. On Fridays – in memory of His death;3. On Saturdays – to honour Virgin Mary;4. On Sundays – to honour the Resurrection of Christ;5. On Mondays – in memory of the dead;6. On Tuesdays – it’s a fasting day;7. On Wednesday – to honour Christmas;

Christian church allowed carnal love only for reproduction purposes, without “voluptuousness”.

Love in Europeans comes instantly, but unfortunately goes even quicker. What remains is mutual respect, if the marriage is kept and the matters have not reached a divorce. People in western countries cannot renounce the concept of love, and so they often manifest the feelings of jealousy and revenge.

Freedom of love and conscience doesn’t always give spouses the right to manage their body just as they see fit; people of the East, whose married life is based only on material status, have no reasons for jealousy. The only place that a woman has the right to visit without accompanying family members is a medical centre, and that’s why it’s a big problem to get an appointment to see a doctor in these countries.

Hebrew King Solomon had hundreds of wives from many ethnic groups. His famous wisdom is explained by the fact that he consulted with all of his wives before deciding on any issue.

There is not a single sacred book, including Old Testament and New Testament, where hundreds of pages wouldn’t be dedicated to indecent behaviour of our Biblical ancestors. If we were to collect all the pages of these books with indecencies and try to publish them, no publisher would agree to produce such a work.

These authors believe that to love several women – or, if a woman is in question, then several men in life – is not a crime before nature.

Perhaps the rooster crows well, but it’s the hen that lays the eggs.

Useful action of a mistress can be gauged by the amount of grey hair on the head of her lover that appeared between the moment they first met and the actual realisation of their passion.

And to love only one single woman in a lifetime and not to be enamoured by others is not such a big virtue in the modern society. It’s not a secret that in a civilised world the Husband is not always his wife’s first man, and the Wife is not the last woman for her husband. Love should be periodically renewed and refreshed; otherwise it will turn into a habit and a duty.


Love should be a source of happiness, and not distress for the lovers who keep strict fidelity during their lifetimes. For some reason they are often considered lonely, orphans, sinners and egotistical with nature. But at the same time it should be emphasised that continual quest for lovers and mistresses in order to diversify love relations is a sign of degrading morals, faithfulness, love and of course of spiritual and physical impotence.

To captivate yet another woman and lay her down into bed does not always give pleasure, and perhaps vice versa, may disappoint, as while we are chasing after a woman, it’s difficult to see her shortcomings.

To have a lover or a mistress is a special skill, possessed by very gifted persons bound by vows of marriage. To have a lover is a pure caprice of the wife, leading to double life with many scenarios; it is accompanied by temporary passion that cools down during closer acquaintance with the object of admiration. Such a step is a clever deed for a fool, and a stupid one for a smart person, as the aforementioned object of admiration may not only lighten one’s pockets, but to undress one. Paradoxical phenomena occur at that time: the closer the lovers are, the further they are in their illusions.

To love someone’s woman and to be wise are incompatible notions. Relations in such a situation resemble a battle which may end with misery for the defeated. These people have the past –a lover (a mistress) – and the future – a husband (a wife). The authors consider the breach of spousal fidelity to be a threshold of life crisis, as trembling in anticipation of the pleasures of lust will be replaced by disappointment. Before concluding the intimate relations everyone speaks only of the future, while after them – only as of an episode from the past that happened due to dimness of the mind.

What is now called “female intuition” was previously called “suspiciousness”.

People dress neither to avoid getting cold nor to cover their shame, but to emphasis anatomical and physical merits of their body (in the past the Greeks and the Romans dressed similarly, and now women from Pakistan and India do the same).


Canadian edition of “Point de Bascule” has published an article on the Internet that describes in detail the advance of Islamic sharia law on the Western values through sexual slavery. For example:

1. Great Britain already recognised the right of Muslim polygamist families for social assistance. Tens of thousands of harems are registered in that country, and even more in the U.S.


2. Swedish court urged to legalise polygamy in the name of “multicultural society”.

3. In Canada harems flourish at the expense of taxpayers, receiving unemployment assistance.

4. In more than 30,000 Muslim families living in France, men are legally married to two or more women. There are significantly more illegal polygamist families, but there is no statistics on that.

5. There are more than 15,000 harems in Italy.

In polygamist families marriages are contracted according to agreements and Islamic traditions, but do not get registered anywhere. Men prefer to marry women from the Middle East, who didn’t have the time to get civilised yet and kept their virginity. Otherwise a severe punishment awaits the brides – from social contempt to death penalty.

Marriages can be of three main kinds:1. Temporary marriage; 2. Marriage for pleasure, and 3. Marriage without obligations.

It’s known that in about 30% of cases, women are not virgin before their marriage. In such cases, so that a bride avoids the scandal with the groom and his family, she must turn to a surgeon to acquire artificial virginity. That’s why in all the countries of the East there is a flourishing industry of virginity restoration, approved by spiritual authorities.



Gautama Buddha was the creator of the “religious philosophy” of Buddhism. He was meditating throughout his life, inducing hallucinations. For 42 years Buddha was persuading his disciples that everything people see or sense is nothing more than an illusion! He preached the senselessness of human life, extolled asceticism and urged to do away with love for life, family members, relatives and friends in one’s consciousness; advocated rejecting the love act, all the nature’s gifts, living comfort and well-being. His thoughts, collected and written down after his death by his followers, had differing interpretations. These versions complicated, elongated, shortened, and as a result, completely changed the content of his dicta. Not surprisingly, today there are 32 schools of Buddhism with varying, often contradictory, foundations of the teaching, which state: “Thus spoke Buddha”. Try to understand, in which one of these 32 schools they teach “the truth” from Buddha himself, and whether to trust it.

The main thesis of Buddha was the necessity to convince the rich to give up everything saved up during their lifetime to the most deserving, i.e., Buddhist monks, so as not to burden themselves by material possessions in their spiritual life.

Brahmans in India are forbidden to work, yet nonetheless they are still considered the most saint and respected people.

Indians claim that some time ago one of the “lost tribes” of Israel had reached Kashmir. To this day the descendants of that tribe are considered the first settlers of Kashmir. “Eyewitnesses” claim that it was this “lost tribe” that was visited by Moses and Jesus Christ. After their death they were buried in Kashmir, but the burial site is not mentioned anywhere.

By some unverified accounts, their tombs were found not far from each other, and there are Hebrew inscriptions on their headstones (book “The Messiah” – Bhagwah Shree Rajneesh, 1987. It is asserted in this book that both prophets considered Kashmir to be the original country of Israel. Palestine, according to the authors of “Messiah”, is the place of sin and godlessness, perennial wars, unbearable heat and hunger).

Many peoples of the Near and Far East also have their own stories about a spiritual leader who, similar to Jesus Christ, was in their midst, preaching the Word of God, while others, such as the Jews, await the arrival of their own Messiah-Moshiah, that was predicted by their sacred books.

It should be noted that Brahminical Hinduism is considered one of the ancient religions (it appeared about 1,700 years before Christ), as well as Buddhism (years 500-420 BC).

Brahminical sacred books, Vedas, were written somewhat later than the oldest books of the Old Testament. Brahma – the Sacred Spirit – was one of the Divine Trinity-Triad, along with Vishnu the son and Shiva the father.


According to the legends, Vishnu appeared much earlier than the rest, and managed to incarnate ten times. Among those incarnations Krishna and Buddha stood out. Thus, Aryan Indians had a Triune God. Krishna, just like Jesus Christ, was born through immaculate conception, when “Vishnu’s shadow” fell on his mother Devaki. When he was born, a bright star lit up in the sky, which announced his appearance. The witnesses of his birth called the baby “Anointed”.

It’s customary to believe that Krishna, just like Jesus Christ, had his death on a tree, and then was resurrected.

The sermon of Krishna about spirituality and sinfulness of Man in earthly life and about the bliss in after life is not much different from Christian religion; they are identical in many aspects.

The Bible in translations

According to the German Evangelical Biblical Society in Stuttgart, as of today, the full text of the Scripture, including the Old and The New Testaments, is fully or partially translated to 2,377 languages of the world!!!

Just the New Testament exists in 1,079 languages.

Altogether, 6,500 live languages in the world are known to scientists.

Besides that, the Bible is translated to three artificial languages, in particular, to Esperanto.

The sacred city of Jerusalem is mentioned in the Old Testament – Torah – on 653 pages, while it’s never mentioned in the Muslim Scripture – Quran. Despite this, Arabs consider Jerusalem, and specifically the Temple Mount, to be the third most sacred after Mecca and Medina.

It should be specially noted that while Jews turn during prayers to Jerusalem, Muslims turn their backs on the city, and face Mecca and Medina, i.e., Saudi Arabia.

Due to near-sighted policies of Israeli government, Jerusalem today has become a bone of contention between Israelis and Arabs, between Judaists, Muslims, and Christians, between religious and secular… And despite all of this, any person who has been to Jerusalem even once, feels that there is an atmosphere of Divine presence!

Among the texts recommended for mandatory reading for complete Jewish education, one important work with Jewish roots is usually excluded from the general list. It is the New Testament. The majority of Jews avoids the acquaintance with the Christian Scripture. As a result, they cannot answer a simple question from Christians: why Jews don’t acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah. Reformist rabbi Michael J. Cook believes that such “voluntary ignorance” is very dangerous. While many Christians discover for themselves Jewish origin of their faith, marking Pesah before Easter, Cook, in his own words, burdened himself with truly a Sisyphean task – he persuades Jews to study the New Testament that formed the Christian attitudes towards


Judaism. “New Testament is the greatest single external determinant of Jewish history, and deleteriously so in causing Jews grievous problems”, - said Cook who holds the unusual job of New Testament professor at the Reform movement’s rabbinical school, Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion. In a book he plans to publish next year, "Modern Jews Engage the New Testament," he will present an education plan for how Jews can learn enough to answer "why they process it differently from Christians?" Many scholars agree that Jews would benefit from studying the Christian texts.

On the Satanic Bible of the devil

The majority of pious Christians, Judaists and Muslims don’t know that besides the Old and the New Testaments, Quran and other Scriptures, there also exists the so called Devil’s Bible. It was written by a Christian monk from a monastery in Central Czechia between 12th and 13th centuries and contains fragments from the Old and the New Testaments, various forms of incantations and a calendar with the days of saints. The manuscript of the Devil’s Bible is the largest in the world, in some aspects thought to be the 8th wonder of the world, and is called “Codex Gigas”.

The manuscript consists of 624 parchment pages and weighs 75 kilograms; the size of its wooden cover is 92 by 50 centimetres.

Manufacturing the book took the skins of 160 donkeys slaughtered for this purpose.

In 1969 another book called “The Satanic Bible”, based on the Devil’s Bible, was written by Anton Szandor LaVey, a former philosopher from San Francisco; it is a collection of essays, observations, basic Satanic rituals, and describes the foundations of Satanic philosophy. This book (its other name is the Black Bible) is translated to dozens of languages and is a valuable item of hundreds of libraries in the world.




The word Islam means in Arabic “submission of oneself to God” and has the same root as the word for peace, salam. In many of its chapters Quran prescribes the believers to respond with kindness even to those who do evil to them: “The good deed and the evil deed cannot be equal. Repel with one which is better, then he, between whom and you there was enmity, (will become) as though he was a close friend.” (Sura Fussilat, 41:34)

In order to understand the senselessness and baselessness of the notion of “Islamic terrorism”, which is mentioned so often in today’s media, one should analyse the inhuman deeds of those who cover themselves with the name of Islam, who use the religion of peace, mercy and justice as a weapon of their barbarism, which is born by their social, political and cultural origins. It’s fanaticism, envy, hatred of specific individuals towards the West, their ignorance and angry stupidity. They don’t understand the essence of any religion, they are hypnotised by the leaders of pseudo-religious radical sects, of pagans, godless atheists, defectors, profligates devoid of humanity, kindness and faith in the Lord. This is what Quran teaches: “…And let not your hatred of a folk … seduce you to transgress; but help one another unto righteousness and pious duty. Help not one another unto sin and transgression, but keep your duty to Allah.” (Sura Al-Ma'ida, 5:2).

The main ideological and religious divergence of views observed in the modern world is not the conflict between the West and the Islamic world, but between the godless and the true believers in God. And God is One for Christians, Muslims and Judaists, but with different Names: Christ, Allah and Elohim. All of Them spurn violence and preach justice, mercy, kindness and righteousness. All the three Main religions of the world have the same roots – the Bible – which were artificially split by ignorami into three conflicting versions.

All the ideological and religious conflicts, all cases of the so called Islamic, Christian or Jewish terrorism, which did and do take place, and the victims of which are tens of millions of innocent people, are the product of radical fanaticism and the terrorism of egotistic and envious careerists, suffering from megalomania. Terror has no nationality; terror is terror.

The formula of Western strategists that “the majority of Muslims are not terrorists, but the majority of terrorists are Muslim” is not true in fact. Let’s not forget that in the biggest terrorist acts in the Middle East, amongst the suicide killers were also blond Catholic girls from Western countries, who were suffering from the “Moroccan lover” syndrome, as well as Orthodox Christians and American Jews, who defected to Islam.

It’s appropriate to mention here the proverb that when a person kills a tiger, it is called hunting, yet when a tiger comes out a winner in this duel and slaughters the person, it is called atrocity.


In his youth the prophet Muhammad always adored Judaism and the Old Testament; he prayed towards Jerusalem and observed the fasting on Yom Kippur. Yet when the Jews and later Christians did not recognise Him as the God’s envoy, his kindness turned to furious wrath.

The famous philosopher Nietzsche said that “the guilt of Jews is not in crucifying Christ, but in creating Him”.

Even more famous, one of the biggest rascals in the world, Adolf Hitler, who aspired to be Friedrich Nietzsche’s follower, explained his zoological hatred of the Jewish people this way: “Jews spread morals and conscience around the world, which was previously based on the sound laws and animal instincts of nature, and not spirit”.

Although both of them might not have been completely correct, at least they did not lie.

Citations from speeches of famous fascists and Hitler himself regarding Islamisation of the Western countries are referenced in the books of J. Lebel, “Hajj Amin and Berlin” (1996), and of Houston S. Chamberlain, “The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century”. Hitler said: “What God is this Christ who likes that people deaden their flesh before his eyes? Our religion is Christianity and that is our shame. It’s very well that I hadn’t allowed priests into the party on 21 March 1933 at Potsdam. I have conquered the state not being afraid of curses from both creeds”. On 28 August 1942 Hitler asserted to his close circle that Germans would be better off accepting Islam that promises redemption to those who fell fighting with infidels, and not Christianity that makes people weak and humane. Hitler planned to “abolish” Christianity after victorious conclusion of the war. If it was up to him, he would make Islam the official religion of SS. According to his definition, “Islam has manly nature”, and if Germans were Muslims, they would succeed much more in history. Hitler argued that Christian religiousness has bad influence on soldiers’ behaviour, and contrasted Christianity with Islam that calls for a joyous death in a battle with infidels. Himmler went even further and already spoke of “feminine nature of Christianity”.

When Hitler spoke to his closest circle in the “Wolf’s Lair” on 13 December 1941, he stated that “the war is coming to an end. The problem of Christian church needs to be resolved. Only then the German nation can be absolutely comfortable about its future”. To implement his manic dream, Hitler allowed in 1943 to create a special chancellery of the Great Mufti under the Main Directorate of SS–Hauptamt. It was also where the Arab Bureau (Das Arabische Buro) was organised, as well as the Directorate of the Central Islamic Institute in Berlin (Islamisches Zentral – Institut zu Berlin). All of them, together with an institute of NSDAP (Institut zur Erforschung der Judenfrage), were developing the plan of final solution of the Jewish question. They initiated the creation of Muslim military units of Wermacht and SS. No other religion was awarded with a similar honour in the Third Reich.

… One of the mysteries of the world history is the mystical survival of the Jews. This “eternally dying people” for thousands of years stood on the brink of total extinction. However, they didn’t


disappear and live on thanks to the unique capacity to adjust practically to any conditions of existence. Despite the persecutions, genocide, dispersal around the whole world, this small people was able to not just survive, but to achieve huge successes in various areas of human activity – science, art, economics, politics, finance and trade.

Jews are the most patient nation in history; more than any other it tolerates the fact of its existence.

Jews carried the Bible through the centuries to all the corners of the world as their portable Motherland. There are significantly fewer Jews in the world than is usually thought.

He is the Jew who feels believing deeply in the teaching of Moses and doesn’t try to change it. Someone who doesn’t care for the truth, justice, mercy and the 10 Commandments of God has no right to carry the Biblical name of a Jew. A Jew is not a nationality or religion, it’s a Divine phenomenon, in order to become an example of righteousness to others. This phenomenon is a part of the civilisation, and will never disappear.

About 0.1% of the world’s population consider themselves Jewish. The true Jews of the faith of Moses are much fewer, perhaps not more than 0.001% of the entire world’s population.

There are not so many true Jews, as due to the exponential increase of the dangers of anti-Semitism, as well as due to the threat of Islamisation of the entire world leading to increase in the number of demographic explosions, many Jews try to become just like all other people. They try to save their descendants from unavoidable destruction.

Jews were always repressed and constrained in everywhere, except in the spheres of finance and trading. Thus the oppressors forced Jews to come rich, and later hated them for it.

There is a saying: Zionists argue that there many famous people among the Jews, while anti-Semites, on the contrary, argue that there are too many Jews amongst the famous people.

Anti-Semites blame Jews for everything: that their God created people, and that Jews were the first to split the atom in order to split the mankind.

It’s obvious that God and the Bible are the creation of Jews, or vice versa: Jews themselves are the creation of God and the Bible. People think that modern Jews are sons of traders, but forget that all the prophets were Jewish, and all their descendants, including us, are considered the heirs of these prophets!

All is mortal, except for Jewry. What’s the secret of its immortality?

According to the Old Testament, Divine dignity is inherent in every person, who represents an entire Universe, a sole and unique world, which should be respected and cherished.


Jews are the only people in the history of civilisation that worships an ethereal, spiritual God with no physical appearance, nor specific place of existence. For other peoples, who worshipped idols in temples, objects of cult, or nature, living or dead creatures, when enemies would come and destroy their temples along with the idols, a religious death ensued, and they would lose their identification, their religion, their visible and material gods, which would bring with it disappearance of that people. Unlike them, the Jewish people remained, as it is impossible to destroy an abstract God. And this was one of the main factors, which made for survival of the sons of Israel.

Judaism is a religion of reason, the philosophy and the textbook of life, the concept of survival, and principles of relating to life and death, to Man and the world from the point of view of eternity.

The history of Jewry is splendid, although individual modern Jews harm the ancient ones with their aggressive activity, for which they are shunned.

In fact, from the genealogical point of view, all people are Jewish. It’s just that some – less than 0.1% - already admitted it, while others – 99.8% - have not done so yet. (M. Svetlov)

Studying the history of the Jewish people with attention, its relations with other ethnicities, analysing principal and secondary differences between philosophical teachings and religions, the authors have encountered a bitter fact: practically all the peoples of the world, representatives of all confessions, to varying degrees in different historical periods strived without fail to finally resolve the so called “Jewish question”. Interestingly, nobody tried to achieve this dubious goal in a conventional way.

When speaking of Judaism, representatives of many various nationalities, races and creeds, being totally infected by terrible the virus of anti-Semitism, strived to destroy, root out, burn to ashes not just Judaism, but all the Jews as well. One is astonished how, despite the total persecution and repressions, the countless and seemingly unrecoverable losses and damages, this stubborn people invariably managed to win, bewildering their enemies and making them envy the successes and even the fact of existence of the Jewish people.

Greeks leave Zeus for Apollo

In Greece, there is an official permission for an organisation called “Ellinas”, whose members practice an ancient religion. Its organisers consider the main principles of this religion to be “life in accordance with nature”, “respect for the ancestors”, “preservation of old traditions” in special temples or places sacred for ancient Greeks. Many view this organisation as a “movement for Hellenisation of Greece”.

For children who are born to members of this organisation, religion is recorded as a “Greek of ancient faith”.


For the movement’s organisers the most important aspect is the superiority of the Greek race, the Aryan spirit of Apollo, which will triumph over the Christian-Semitic conspiracy against true Greeks.

Orthodox Church sees in the so called ancient religion another variety of modern cults, connected with occultism, idol worship, veneration and worship of the twelve Olympian gods headed by Zeus.

It should be noted that paganism was finally driven out after Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire in the 4th century.



It’s not by accident that Jews today are considered to be the culprits of all disasters and catastrophes that took place in the history of mankind. It would suffice to recall that Sarah, the wife of the forefather Abraham, had committed a huge sin by expelling from home the illegitimate son Ishmael, whose descendants – Muslims – had so multiplied at the command of God, that today they populate 1/3 of the world. Is sin punished in the off-springs as well?

According to the Old Testament laws, one must not snub people with Jewish blood, even if just 1%. One should always give them shelter, feed, bring them up and make fully-fledged members of one’s community. For they have a Divine origin, and if they step away from their faith, they might become revengeful enemies, monsters who will not shun genocide of their ancestors and relatives. Almost all fierce anti-Semites, who tried to destroy Jews, were converts or half-bloods. True Christians no longer connect anti-Semitism with crucifixion of Jesus Christ by the Romans. Anti-Semites hate Jews just for the fact that Christ was born amongst Jews, and that Judaism is the parent of Christianity. Roman Catholic Church has officially declared many times that any manifestation of anti-Semitism means a new crucifixion of Christ. Many Jews know that, but few Christians – and so there’s little use.

The Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexiy II had recently spoken of the necessity of cooperation between the spiritual leaders of Judaism and Orthodox Church. They should develop a dialog and unite their efforts in defending the traditional moral values for the modern world, on which a life without a connection with the Creator is being imposed, without communications with Heaven – life that is directed only to satisfy the earthly needs and wants. Such cooperation may become an example of partner relations between different peoples and religions.

Jews joke and laugh to hide their grief and tears. The majority of anecdotes and sharp Jewish jokes have Biblical roots. They were created to mask the painful 3000-year exoduses, sufferings, slaughter and genocide for the sake of keeping their devotion to God.

One has to agree that the word “Jew” is not a noun but a verb, which means mobility, the urge for moving in one direction, only forward. This “verb” in the interpretation of the enemies of Israel means slyness, aggressiveness, meanness, stubbornness, urge for speculative and manoeuvring actions. Let’s not forget that Jews played a huge role in developing science, technology, medicine, finance and culture. Suffice it to recall that Jews represent only 0.2% of the Earth’s population, i.e. 13 million of more than 6 billion people. It’s impossible not to notice that only in the U.S. alone there are 4.1 million of “non-Jewish Jews” from mixed marriages. In the 19th century 205,000 Jews had baptised or converted to other faiths worldwide. Of them 25,000 were forced to do it, and the rest did so voluntarily – for career or marriage purposes. There are significantly more of such half-Jews in Russia and other countries of Eastern Europe. Under the Jewish law – Halakha – they have Jewish roots: “Zera Israel”, i.e. the seed of Israel. We mean those who has Jewish relatives in their male line. In Tanakh it’s the father that


determines whether the child is Jewish in a mixed marriage. Yet we tend to consider that children born of Jewish fathers have more Jewish genes than people who have become Jewish via giyur, or conversion to Judaism. Very regrettably, 290,000 citizens of Israel don’t have ethnicity mentioned in their passports, because they were born to a Jewish father and a non-Jewish mother, or could not provide the necessary documents to certify that they are Jewish according to Halakha.

According to the Census of 2002, there were 233,000 Jews in the Russian Federation, including 108,000 in Moscow, and 42,000 in St. Petersburg. The dominant majority of Russian Jews consider themselves Russian, 24% of them practice Orthodox Christianity, 35% - Judaism, while the rest consider themselves atheists. 54% of Russian Jews are entrepreneurs, 45% are clerks and only 1% are workers.

The majority of Russian Jews do not sympathise with oligarchs, considering them the source of anti-Semitism.

There is already a project in the USA aiming to bring all “non-Jews” who were born to a Jewish father back to Jewish roots. It was calculated that only in 30% of mixed marriages a child is brought up as a Jew. But it’s known that it is the children of mixed marriages that reach more towards Judaism than their genetically pure fathers.

Heinrich Heine said that:

Finally, equality has come out on top. Even the most mediocre Jews have started to get through to the Parliament. While only the deserving and genius Jews were elected there previously. Long live democracy! Jews are no longer discriminated, because there is no longer a difference between a Jew and a non-Jew.

All the known Biblical Jewish prophets, including Christ, thinkers and famous people, such as Oppenheimer, Spinoza, Rambam, Einstein, Freud, Marx, Chaplin, Kafka, Bellow, Allen, Dilan and others, beautify the intellectual world. Opinions of many scientists coincide that higher intellectual development of Jews is a result of systematic discrimination, persecutions, anti-Semitism, as well as sharpened thinking caused by concern for survival. Jews were forced to polish, sharpen their intellect in order to exist. During tens of centuries of persecutions and pogroms, evidently, a system of chromosomal defence had switched on. We don’t whether it’s good or bad, but scientists of Jewish origin had upset the ratio: there are about 30% of them amongst the Nobel laureates, they represent from 30 to 40% of the U.S. National Academy members, and about 10% of scientists in Russia. It’s not accidental that there are rumours circulating among people that it’s easier to accept one’s grief than “the Jewish happiness”. The fame of Jewish power is created thanks to great ignorance of anti-Semites and not by reason and wisdom of Jews themselves. In the current situation they are forced ever more to use their wit and mind in order to survive, adjust and have the right to exist.


Often in the countries of Galut Jews are forced to be rich and strong. And that creates a foundation for anti-Semitism.

The concept of Rothschilds that “knowledge without transformation into money cannot serve as an engine of progress and life under the skies, i.e. on our planet”, is not without basis.

Jews generally do not like becoming an object of envy, and hate being an object of compassion. They always try “to stand up to things”: so that it’s easier to spit on those who envy and hate them.

One Jew named Albert Einstein, upon seeing the film “The Gold Rush”, had written a letter to his director, another Jew, named Charlie Chaplin. In the letter he wrote that Chaplin will become famous because his film is understandable to everyone. To that Chaplin had replied this way: “Nobody in the world understands your theory of relativity, yet you still became a great person”.

All the world press asserts that it is Jews who manifest a special cupidity for money, and to substantiate that they refer to statistical data from the Forbes “richest” lists. It turns out that amongst the world billionaires there are 10-15% of Jews, while in the U.S. this number is about 25%, in Russia – 40%, and in Israel – 100%.

Rumours are stronger than the truth.

In the 19th century, “the century of Rothschilds”, Jews were called “the usurer people”, but if another people was in their place, they would be called “financial geniuses”.

If the slander and calumny of anti-Semites of all varieties would be worth anything, they would be taxed long ago, and would have to borrow money from Jewish bankers to pay the taxes.

The haters scold Jews for restoring their ancient language – Hebrew (in which God spoke to them), and their historical Biblical motherland – Israel.

Persecutors of the Jews, without telling the reasons, consider the State of Israel to be the centre of evil, the cause of world cataclysms, the culprit and instigator of wars, terror and destruction. All of that is pathological fantasy of the extremists’ fevered brains.

For example, in Russia, in the first quarter of 2005 Federal Security Service had thwarted over 70 terrorist acts from fanatical Islamists – citizens of Russia. As a result of special operations, in three months 58 Islamist fighters were killed, 296 Muslims suspected of terrorist activity apprehended, 149 bases of Islamist fighters were destroyed (based on the report by Yuri Sapunov, an FSS Department Head, via the RIA Novosti Agency).

Surprisingly, there were no fighters of other faiths among them. Moreover, cells of terrorist organisations such as “Muslim Brotherhood”, “Hizb-ut-Tahrir” and “Islamist Movement” were


uncovered in 50 regions of Russia.


The Bible justifiably considers Messianism to be the highest goal – the victory of mankind over death. In other words, we speak of creating such conditions when people could sentence death to death and even carry the sentence out. But we are not sure that after the coming of Messiah all the dead righteous men will awaken being the same as when their soul was given to God, and whether eternal peace will rule on Earth.

Ignorami accuse Jews of Messianism, of being the “chosen ones” of God. By the same rate one may accuse the English of snobbery, the French – of self-conceit, the Italians – of vulgarity, the Americans – of irresponsible naiveté, the Swiss – of non-dialectic materialism. While the simple rural Russians could be accused of “sitting on a warm oven”, of counting on “perhaps”, that has become the basis of their philosophy.

In the weekly chapter of Toldot it is told how two boys were born to Isaac and Rebecca, two twin sons, Jacob and Esau. It turns out these Biblical boys began conflicting with each other while still in their mother’s womb, both struggling to be the firstborn. Physically stronger Esau got ahead, but Jacob held him tightly by the heel.

It’s known that the entire Jewish people descended from Jacob, as the 12 of his sons founded the famous 12 tribes of Israel. The majority of tribes populating Europe descended from the killer, idol worshiper and debaucher Esau. He neglected his primogeniture and became the forefather of people hating their own tribesmen. Despite all this evil deeds, according to Torah he is nonetheless considered a Jew. By that Jewish sages explain the great miracle of many thousands of Europeans – genetic descendants of Esau – despite the tough resistance of the modern Jewish clergy, overcoming all the barriers convert to Judaism (take giyur), build a new religious life, and often reach the highest spiritual and scientific peaks.

Thus, priceless sparks of the Biblical soul, so senselessly squandered by Esau, eventually still come back to their rightful place and illuminate the world with their light.

It is still worth remembering the wise thoughts of the Kabbalah experts who believe that when the Jews break the Commandments, the Creator sends other peoples to punish them: “… and they said: let’s go and destroy them (the Judeans), so that they cease to be a people, and so that the name of Israel is not mentioned again! As they are unanimous in their conferences, make a union against You. The tents of Edom and Ishmaelites, Moav and Agrim, Geval and Amon, Amalek and Pleshet with the people of Tsora (people of the ancient East)… (Te-Ilim, 83:5-7). The strength of Ishmael (the Muslims) shall bring Israel to tshuva (repentance).

The Kabbalah is the decoding of the secrets of the sacred Jewish books – the Torah.

The acceptance by the Jews of the Torah and the Commandments on the Mount Sinai is a very


heavy burden, and a Divine punishment always falls on the Jews for their breach. The books included in the Kabbalah – “Zogar” (The Book of Shining), and “Sefer Yetsira” (The Book of Creation) – represent the foundation of preparing Man for active interference in Divine-cosmic processes, uncovering of the secrets of the spheres of heaven, their mystical order, for governing the essences of the invisible world (magic).

The Kabbalah teaches that besides observing the Commandments the Jews should be merciful to other peoples:

“Don’t do unto others that which you don’t wish yourself; love thy neighbour as yourself”.

It is repeated many times in the Torah that traditions and faiths of other peoples are to be respected as the Lord gave every people its own destiny in the world. No people is better or worse than another!!!

In order to study the Kabbalah, it’s necessary to brilliantly know the sacred language – ancient Hebrew – the foremother of all the languages, the language not only of the Bible, but of Jesus Christ himself, all the saints, apostles, prophets and the true modern theologians. Those studying the sacred scriptures and the Kabbalah should decode the meaning of every letter of the Hebrew alphabet – the unique transformers of Divine energy, forming world view and outlook; should unite them, as well as draw from the text spiritual strength and Divine light. Only then can Man uncover the “Biblical code” – the secret of the Torah and the Divine truth. The Lord granted Man with freedom of choice – firs of all, in order to dominate oneself and not others, and to change one’s personal qualities for the better. The Creator will be satisfied only with righteous life of the Jews, and only then will MESSIAH come.

The greatest scientist who discovered the law of gravity, Sir Isaac Newton, was sure that the Bible has a hidden code containing the secret writings of God, the eternal mystery of past and future events, designed by Divine works. Newton specially learned Hebrew and spent half his life in search of this code.

The Jewish prophet of the 17th century, Michel Nostradamus, thanks to brilliant knowledge of the ancient Jewish language – Hebrew – was able to make his prophecies, the majority of which has come true.

The Kabbalah explains that all the world events depend on righteousness and sinfulness of the Jewish people. The Jews should rectify the defects in the conduct of other peoples by their own just and exemplary behaviour. In case of gross breach of the Divine laws – the Commandments – by the Jews, other peoples are the hurricane and the rod for their severe punishment by the Creator.

We could provide the following example: when before the Flood Noah was building his ark for 120 years, people would come over and ask: “What are you doing?” And Noah was explaining to them daily for 120 years what he is doing and why, and that the Creator will punish them for


their shameful and sinful conduct. The Creator was waiting for people to repent for 120 years. As his wait was in vain, he flooded them all.

It was the same before the Holocaust. The antichrist Adolf Hitler continually, for many years, was warning the Jews and threatened them, demanding them not to emancipate, assimilate and interfere in the economic, political and social life of the German people. The fascists were proving by all means that they – the Jews in all generations – are mere “aliens” and will never be allowed to be “equal” with native Germans, the masters of a country foreign to them. Instead of returning to their Jewish traditions, to the Lord, these “aliens” of non-Aryan origins started publicly protesting, accusing the powers of anti-Semitism, and the breach of “human rights and sanctity of democracy”. And despite the fact that tens of thousands of these Jews were already converts and wore crosses and seemingly assimilated fully and permanently, and even their passports listed them as “Germans” in the ethnicity field – still, following the pogroms and arsons, they were expelled out of Germany in the best case; in the worst – all the “optimists” remaining in the country and believing in the German culture and civilisation, all without exception, without compunction or remorse, were totally burned alive in the death camps. They’d got Holocaust.

The Jews should always remember their history!!!

The Lord had created life in the Universe in seven days of hard work. Theologians are certain that God our Lord is still in heaven in order to thoroughly control activities of all the living and non-living creatures created by Him. He is especially interested in the activities of people, the only one living, whom He endowed with reason, in order to determine after their death the place of permanent stay for each of them.

“The Jews are the people of the book (the Torah)” – thus asserted the great prophet, the founder of Islam, Muhammad (Mahomet).

“We have preserved the book (the Torah), and the book (the Torah) has preserved us” – stated the first Prime Minister of the State of Israel David Ben-Gurion.

The prophet Muhammad (Mahomet) and the sage David Ben-Gurion spoke the absolute truth that the Jews have survived thanks to the book sacred for all peoples – the Torah. That’s the entire Biblical secret of the vitality and survival of the Jews who have always been the scapegoats, always driven and persecuted by everyone, eternally dying yet immortal.

To say it briefly, the Jews are the Jews, and that’s where their immortality lies in.

The people of Mosaic faith are the same as any other people. They also have Divine origin, but for some reason believe that, unlike others, they are more mobile, practical, searching for something, and often achieving much.

It is often joked that a Jew is someone who doesn’t sleep well himself, and doesn’t let others


sleep at all.

A Jew is not only a profession, but also a Biblical and a daily natural phenomenon, a historical fact. The Jews are not a dead archaeological rarity, but simply a living unique eternal phenomenon of civilisation, an occurrence that defies interpretation. The Jews are a living visible study aid on immortality. Despite their small numbers in the world, they still dominate anywhere and everywhere, and not only through their presence, but even through absence. To everyone they seem a “dominant majority” thanks to their extraordinary creative and virtual activity, “beguiling” others and being their “eyesore”!!!

In many areas of human life the Jews have brilliantly played the role of “the first violin”, and not of balalaika!!! Jewish (Hasidic) folk melodies emanating from “the first violins” sound more pleasant than the classical music of Wagner performed by the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra!

As we already mentioned, a Jew always moves in one direction and never deviates from it: this direction is called “forward”. The motion of Jews is never planned in advance; it simply doesn’t have a specific goal. The Jews find their goal in the course of ongoing reflection and motion.

One Abram – a Jew, needless to say – was jailed for something not quite kosher-legal, and placed in a cell with a Christian perpetrator. Naturally, both are nervous waiting for the court hearings. The Christian is sitting quietly but constantly crossing himself, while the Jew keeps moving and shifting around: sits or stands, jerks about, walks or runs, making unending circles around the cell. The Christian gets tired of all this bustle, but manifesting the Christian tolerance he asked ironically: “Abram, I’m very sorry you also got detained and jailed. But, being in prison, if you are standing or jerking or running all the time, do you think you will do less time?”

The great physicist A. Einstein believed that “to be a Jew means to carry serious responsibility no only for one’s community, but also for the entire mankind”. Another Jewish sage, M. Volpe believes that the “seed of the concept of being the chosen people is in that God has placed the mission to be the exemplary model for other peoples specifically on the Jews”.

It’s perfectly known to everyone that xenophobia and anti-Semitism in particular is a constant product of national and religious intolerance. Therefore, changing of the Jews into an exemplary and worthy people, serving as a model for others, is unlikely to play a positive role in the life of the Jews.

History teaches that even Christian righteous men who strived to be a model for sinners and criminals around them were “rewarded” by being publicly burned at the stake, or in the best cases with a lifetime imprisonment in a dungeon. The righteous ones always were an object not of imitation, but of envy, which easily transforms into hatred with all the ensuing consequences.

That’s why the majority of emancipated Jews, especially the rich and intellectually developed, having made a brilliant career, in order to avoid full separation from their roots, strive to appear


similar to another people, in the name of preserving not the Jewish but the Biblical identity at least to some degree, thus manifesting respect for the positive traditions of their ancestors.

Based on our life experiences, we became convinced that many people hate the Jews not only for their shaher-maher dealings, but also for their unpredictability, paradoxes and sins, as well as for their merits.



The authors of this book had to read the Old and the New Testaments several times, and to ponder their content many times. If we are to believe what was written about the Jews back in the Biblical times, during the era of slavery, paganism, barbarism and bloody wars between nomads, ethnic groups, religious sects, then they all remained ignorant as they didn’t have an idea about human civilisation.

We have formed our own opinion, which concurred with absolute precision with the world vision of the great worldwide famous sage, doctor and scholar Maimonides (Moshe ben Maimon). He in his time also thoroughly studied, systematised and scientifically analysed these Testaments and came to the very important conclusion that the modern Jewish people should break free from its long “worn-out and not always ethical and moral past” and join the bosom of modern culture and civilisation! The goal of Maimonides was unification of faith and reason, as well as of Judaism and the teachings of Aristotle, whom he valued above all other philosophers.

The actions and traditions of Biblical patriarchs may not always serve as a “Biblical manual” on morals and the conduct of contemporaries, a model for the civilised modern youth, and even for the “truly religious people”.

Blind imitation of ancient traditions and “strange, not always decent diversions of Biblical ancestors” creates doubt and suspiciousness from those who are involved and from the entire society. Sensible Jewish intellectuals and sages have always protested against such blind imitations of traditions, as it became a source of raving atheism, indifference towards Judaism and even anti-Semitism. Progressing assimilation, mixed marriages, aggressive atheism, as well as departure from Judaism and change of faith were often a product of outdated religious dogmas, laid out in the Sacred Scriptures in detail and without ceremony.

That’s why there are fewer and fewer atheistic Jews in the world who didn’t even burden themselves with denial of the existence of one God.

It is known from the Jewish history that the famous Alter Rebbe commanded Hasidim to live in tune with the times. The words of the revered tzadik sounded almost shocking, as they urged to change the traditional way of life. The Lubavich Rebbe Menachem Scheerson interpreted the words of Alter Rebbe to mean that one needs to live the modern life, especially beyond the Holy Land limits, according to the chapter of the Torah that defines the right way in any situation...

Let’s not forget that to this day there is a spiritual battle between the traditionalist believers – “Karaites” – the people of the Book, i.e. the Old Testament, and the Jewish vanguard-modernists, the people of Talmud. In order to preserve their ancient nation and not to dissolve in the “alien” national history, the Jews prefer to isolate themselves in a “ghetto”.


The famous poet and Nobel laureate Iosif Brodskiy said that “there is no big difference for Russian Christians between the Old and the New Testaments. In essence, both of them are the same book with parallel places, which can be leafed through backwards and forwards”. They [Russian Christians – Editors’ comments] perfectly realise that “Messianic Russia came out of two spiritual-heavenly ideological peoples close to each other. The world globalisation and islamisation of native Russian lands by immigrants-occupants, who impose their custom and sharia traditions on the land’s masters, threaten to destroy the Christian and Biblical civilisations. The tragic fate of the Roman Empire is awaiting them; it was destroyed by vandals – the barbarians from North Africa – who initially appeared in Rome as “guests” and later organised a real genocide of the masters of the country – the highly civilised and democratic Romans”.

The 10 Commandments that are comprised of 20 Hebrew words, define not only the rules of a person’s conduct, but also his internal spiritual world. And each word, having been heard or read once, is etched in one’s memory forever.

All the peoples of the world, anywhere and everywhere, respect the Jews, but don’t like them. Modern Jews are not the same Jews as there used to be, but are still fit for persecution and pogroms.

Only the Jews who can hardly laugh go to the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem.

The Jews are an amazing people: they consist of flesh and soul existing in clear contradiction. They have given the entire world God, the Mother of God and the Son of God, but don’t much believe in those themselves. They have founded the Biblical religion, yet percentagewise, remain the least religious. They have given the mankind the faith, hope and love for the Kingdom of Heaven, yet are mostly busy with earthly deeds, which quite often are not divine at all, but have a purely commercial nature.

The Jewish self-irony has always been built on their tragic fates.

The famous professor Lombroso writes in his book “Genius and Insanity” that among the Jews, one of the most persecuted peoples, there are many insane people, and not only genius, highly educated and talented ones. The former ones are still unable to get rid of the “aggressive revolutionary” syndrome, that’s why they often join struggles for the so called equality, fraternity and freedom of speech, conscience, will, love, religion for all peoples. At the same time let’s not forget that there are no identical peoples. Let every people live its own way; we consider it criminal to impose alien dogmas on it. Therefore the “Jewish revolutionary tendency” and its export-import into foreign countries does not always play a positive role in affirming the prestige of the Jews.

The great Jewish philosopher Baruch Spinoza, whom his compatriots wouldn’t allow into a synagogue to pray, quite justifiably believed that “God and nature are different names of one and the same. God is nature”.


We consider it paradoxical that in the educational institutions of the entire world, except for Israel, they teach history of the ancient peoples – the Romans, the Byzantines, the Babylonians, the Sumerians, the Egyptians, the Chinese – and not so ancient ones – the Anglo-Saxons, the German, the French. All but the Jewish people. Yet the Jews are a more ancient people than all those mentioned above, taken together.

Judaism, the Jews and the Universal God

The teaching of Judaism is presented in the Biblical book called TORAH-TANAH. God Himself is believed to be the author of this book, and He passed it on to the Jews on the Mount Sinai through the Great Prophet of all times Moses.

The famous Jewish sages and philosophers – Maimonides, A. Oko, J. Klausner, E. Renan, Channing, Ball Shem Tov, L. Bloom, G. Kogan, G Adams and others – stated that the main goal of the Sacred Torah is that a person studying its content would become the book of Torah.

“Imitating God is the aim of human existence”.

(Christians call Torah the Old Testament).

Judaism is considered to be the school that brought up teachers for the entire mankind, as Judaism is a religion of reason and a philosophy of morals. Judaism is a Biblical prophecy. Judaism is not a doctrine, nor a dogma, and has 613 commandments that define relations with life and death, with Man and the world from the point of view of eternity.

Biblical traditions suppose ongoing perfection and not stagnation, they express the infinity of evolution of Nature and history.

In Judaism God is a fleshless, invisible, abstract Absolute, Universal for the entire world. The ban on idol worship and the ban on depicting the Lord or pronouncing His full Name relate to this. Since only the Jews accepted His Commandments and saw His miracles with their own eyes, God freed the Jews from the Egyptian slavery and pronounced them the “chosen people”, so they would become “slaves of God Himself”. Yet on condition that they observe not just the 10 main Commandments, but 613 additional injunctions. The Jews were given a choice at that time: to remain as the pharaoh’s slaves, or become the subjects of God the Lord. The pharaoh demanded only one thing from his Jewish slaves: physical labour, so as to build the site of his future burial – the PYRAMID! No commandments, no injunctions...

Usually all questions raised by philosophers seem too difficult. Judaism offers answers for various questions of philosophers that seem too easy.

The sages experienced in Judaism know what they say, while those who are not familiar with Judaism say what they know.


Moses pronounced ten laws that are most frequently breached, and perhaps that’s why he is often depicted with horns. By the way, it is also written in the Bible that “two horns were growing from the head of Moses”.

In the ancient Hebrew the words “horn” and “ray” are written identically, therefore we can confidently suppose that the Bible implies rays radiating from his head, and not horns.

Talmudists claim that two rays were radiating from the head of Moses.

For example, in England, until the Jews began living there, people, seeing pictures of Moses with horns, were certain that all Jews have horns because they are a prototype of the devil.

All religions are based on the fear of millions and the cheating of a few sanctimonious persons.

The peoples of all religious creeds are ready to be friends with each other. And their leaders also want... to bite through each other’s throats, and are ready to sacrifice millions of their compatriots for the sake of personal fanatical ambitions.

The Jews are different from other nations in that they always answer a question with another question.

- Abram, have you heard that Itzik died?- I’m curious, why did he need that?

The Jews have many questions for which there are no answers. That’s why the Jews invented a computer and programmed it with a multitude of answers, for which there are no questions.

Unlike for others, the inmost source of humour and irony for the Jews were not joy and happiness, but sadness and grief. They have always been afraid to get after death specifically to heaven, where because of happiness there will be no humour, nor anecdotes. So they would have to be satisfied with self-irony.

A Jew is a person who, while keeping in constant motion, moves very quickly in order to remain in the same place.

In Odessa, there were mostly Jews amongst the card-game swindlers, who played honestly... when their hand was full of trumps. They preferred to enjoy lard and shrimps, and not kosher meals, explaining that while their soul is Jewish, the stomach is atheistic, i.e., the same as everyone else’s.



The modern human civilisation, besides Divine and charming human beings, such as “Faith, Hope and Love”, also relies on tempting and speculative, the so called “democratic” baits, in the form of three notions: “freedom, equality, fraternity”, the three seductive words. They have been destroying the true freedom of human personality, have always destabilised well-being of the country and the entire world. Under the huge ruins of these “democratic” baits of three words already lie hundreds of millions of the human victims who didn’t die but perished, and it’s specifically those who believed the demagogic slogans: “freedom, equality, fraternity”.

Let’s not forget that God the Creator Himself, the Absolute, the Nature itself is against the freedom that is not checked by laws, against equality, and not just in a physical sense, but intellectually as well, for all the living creatures on Earth. Inequality is not only a divine diversity, but also the engine and the beauty of all the civilisation of the World.

Freedom is a worm, a principle of zoological absurdity that changes crowds – demos – into bloodthirsty two-legged beasts who everywhere demolished, ate, destroyed peace, order and harmony of life, all the bases and laws of entire states. Deep analysis of political and religious events does not give any basis to claim that democracy can indeed rid the world of the tyranny of powers, careerists, of the rich abusing the workers, of blackmail and terror. For example, in 1980-s , the majority of terrorist acts took place in democratic countries by their citizens, such as France, Britain, Italy, Ireland... Even the explosions of Madrid and London were perpetrated by the citizens of those countries who were born there.

Politics is the art of the possible that cannot be realised in practice.

The number of official holidays depends on the economic state of the population: the poorer the population, the merrier, the more holidays.

Politicians heading the power do not wear gloves in winter. They warm their hands in the pockets of workers. During celebrations representatives of power extend their hand to the people, but for some reason with the palm up. Politicians always deal well with the people they expect nothing good from.

If a muzhik becomes a ruler of a country, don’t think that there is already democracy in that country. Such democracy means that a blind leads another blind towards an abyss. That’s why democracy turns into tyranny, as Plato claimed. And tyrants always left a lot of dirt on this Earth, mixed with human blood.

Nothing requires morals as much as politics, and no one hates politics as much as the righteous people.

“Let them hate, so long as they fear”, -- said Emperor-tyrant Caligula.


One’s foes may be forgiven, as long as their names are not forgotten.

Politicians despise anyone whose brains will not fill the stomach.

The world is big enough to satisfy the needs of any man, but too small to satisfy people’s greed.

There are no winners in wars. The war strategists should calculate that in case of victory over the enemy, the prize should be more than the losses of defeats. The next war is born out of previous victories. Any victory in a war is more than a catastrophe.

Generals are people who dreamed of being soldiers when they were five. That’s what explains why there are so many cases of slowed intellectual development amongst officers and generals.

During peace sons bury their fathers, while during wars fathers bury their sons.

Among military leaders, one-eyed were the most belligerent, the slyest, and the most decisive, i.e. Phillip of Macedonia, Antigonus, Hannibal, Kutuzov and Moshe Dayan.

Hitlers, caligulas an nerons do not die, otherwise the entire world would for many centuries sense the disgusting smell of their decaying corpses.

Alexander of Macedonia was the first Greek who didn’t have a beard. However, it’s unknown whether he shaved it, or it didn’t grow at all. Since then all men in Greece and Italy, except for philosophers, ceased wearing beards.

The elaborate Russian cursing jargon equals the God’s commandment to “reproduce and multiply”. People simply spoke in other, more understandable words.

The statement of the former French president Georges Clemenceau (1841-1929) that America is the only country that from the stage of barbarism went straight into the stage of degeneration skipping the stage of civilisation, is to be doubted.

In Muslim countries “terrorists” are usually religious fundamentalists who are against democratisation of their countries, where the majority of population supports militant Islam and the sharia law (Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Palestinian Autonomy, and Egypt). Following the September mega-terror in the U.S., many politicians declared Islam to be an ideology akin to fascism, but to call fascist 1.2 billion people, i.e., 20% of the world’s population, is far from a joke.

In the Islamic world the dominating notion is that Muslims today are victims and not aggressors. Such an opinion is shared by the ICO – Islamic Congress Organisation; it claims that Iraqis, Chechens and Palestinians are being killed just for being Muslim. Thus they try to explain the global terror of radical Islam.


Still, it should be noted that in some chapters of Quran, the main Sacred book for all Muslims, one doesn’t always feel tolerance for people of other faiths: “Messiah is the son of Allah. Let Allah strike the infidels! How disgusting they are!” (9:29-30) “Don’t take Jews or Christians as friends: they are friends to each other. Allah doesn’t lead the people who are not righteous!” (Sura 5:56). “And because they breached the agreement, we have cursed them and made their hearts cruel... And when you meet those who have not come to believe, hit their neck with a sword... And those who are killed in the way of Allah... Allah will bring them to paradise.” (47:4-7; sr. 57-10)

Global statistics show that until 2005 Palestinians confidently “led” with the number of perpetrated suicide terrorist acts. They were the “authors” of 400 suicide terrorist acts of 1,323. At that point there were 380 such acts in Iraq, and 265 in Sri Lanka.

We don’t have today’s statistics on suicide bombings, but we are sure that Iraq holds the first place. But at the same time we need to emphasize that the number of native Iraqis among the suicide bombers is quite small. The majority of suicide terrorists are volunteer shahids who were recruited in the countries of the Christian West, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Pakistan. They were born and educated there. Some of them inherited Islam from the relatives, while others are defectors, who converted to Islam and sacrificed their own lives. Amongst the defectors, besides Christians, there also were Jews as well – self-haters suffering from the complex of inferiority.

It’s not as pertinent what was a religion like originally. The matter is with its capacity to develop. Judaism and Christianity originally were also primitive and aggressive. Some time ago Jews also killed their women for adultery, Christians perpetrated pogroms of the Jews and pagans, organised Crusades, burned outstanding activists of science, culture and dissidents.

In the course of time, these religions evolved began preaching humanism, democracy, tolerance, etc. The Bible is now viewed not as a guide for action, but as a historical document, inspiring respect for the traditions of ancestors.

Buddhism is a peaceful and apolitical ideology.

While all other religions have freed themselves from darkness of obscurantism, radical Islam, on the contrary, has brought the Muslim East from the epoch of blossom of the Oriental culture back to wilderness and ignorance, to religious wars and terror. Fanatical ayatollahs and imams rule modern Islamic countries with the help of obscurantism and the tyrannical laws of sharia! Of the entire Islamic world only three countries are trying to get on the path to democracy, secular life and are banning all sharia laws – Turkey, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.

According to the opinion of the former Germany’s Foreign Minister, Mister Karsten Folgt, the main sponsor of international terrorism is Saudi Arabia, headed by dictator monarchical regimes of Islamic sheiks, whose power in inherited. Possessing huge reserves of the world capital, they finance terrorist organisations, from Al-Qaeda to Hamas. Through the terrorist acts they cause


astronomical increase in oil and gas prices on international markets. Gigantic sums of money, the oil-dollars, are spent for the so called extremist teachings – wahhabism – in other countries (for example, on the Russian territory, in Chechnya, Dagestan). The product of Saudi oil-dollars is the creation of new radical Islamist states within a state, such as Hamas in Palestine, or Hezbollah in Lebanon, as well as creation of entire regiments of suicide bombers. One shouldn’t forget that in the mega-terror of September the 11th in New York, 15 of the 19 suicides were from Saudi Arabia, the disciples (hypnotised) of those so called “humanitarian organisations” that are built with the Saudi oil-dollars.



The majority of religious leaders were aristocrats or princes – Buddha, Confucius, Zoroaster, Abraham, and Moses. Only Jesus was a carpenter’s son, and Muhammad was a cameleer. Despite that, Muhammad is one of the most incredible figures in the world history. This Bedouin created a Muslim Empire in the heart of Arabian Desert, where the living conditions and climate were the most difficult. Muhammad passionately worshipped Judaism. Originally the Arabs believed only in Nature – the skies, the stars, tress and stones. The central cult of their religion was a black stone, a piece of a meteorite that still rests in Kaaba, in Mecca.

Fate brought many thousands of Jews into the Saudi Dessert territory. They became friends with local population and helped them create a new culture, build modern towns and villages; they defended jointly against common enemies. It was exactly the abstract appearance of the dessert landscape that influenced the formation of Jewish personality. It became the basis of the Jewish capacity for abstract thinking, for perception of the idea of an abstract God, inherent in Jewish monotheism. Moving across a dessert, as though traversing an ocean, is a journey of a person in space and time, and always has a mystical, religious nature. The survivals skills are polished to the maximum in a dessert. In a dessert the Jews had developed the ability to quickly react to unexpected and unpredictable situations, and formulated that in three basic principles:

1. To foresee danger.2. To take measures of precaution.3. To react instantly in case of a threat.

Like the Greeks and the Romans, the Arabs admired the eroticism-free symbols of Judaism, its ascetic monotheism, the devotion of the Jews to the ideals of family life and the wisdom of the Book.

The Muslims named the Jews “the people of the Book”.

The Jews and the Muslims lived peacefully side by side. The Bible established the foundation for Muhammadianism. As a result of the merger of the Jewish monotheism, the Christian doctrine of atonement, and the Muslim idolisation of nature, there had arisen a new concept of Allah-God. Islam had become this new religion; Muhammad (570-632) who was called “the Victorious Word” of Allah, and his successor Abu Bakr (572-634) who was called “the Victorious Sword” of Allah, are considered its founders.

Islam had become a belligerent religion, and with the Quran as its ideology. The majority of religious wars are connected with Islam, with its global ideology of pan-Islamisation.

To great regret, radical Islamic terrorists justify their criminal actions against peaceful citizens by sacred scriptures of Quran.


There are very few hints about peace with infidels in the Quran. There are many nuances in the Arab language. To understand correctly what the Arabs are talking about, one needs to consider the context and pay attention to the inflexion. Often the inflexion of what a Muslim says means more than the text of a solemn agreement between the states. There is a proverb in the Arab folklore: “Words do not require paying tax”.

The laws of Islam are built on two unshakable foundations: the Quran and the “precedents”. The precedents mean mandatory imitation of the life of Muhammad and fulfilment of all his rules and commandments. The basis of the entire life of a true Muslim is the maxim of Muhammad pronounced before his death: “There will be no place for another religion where Muslims lived, live or will live”.

Modern ministers of religion extrapolate these death-bed commandments of Muhammad onto the civic and state laws of all the Islamic countries, to the laws of war and peace, and influence the world view of Muslims, especially those living in the West.

Europe without Europeans

In the Russian newspaper “RBC Daily” dated 17 May 2007, Yu. Draxler, the expert with the Centre for European Politics, considers the main cause of abrupt decline in European birth rate to be degradation of the institution of a family, mass usage of contraceptives, abortions and rising divorce rates. For example, in the Old World today every other marriage ends in divorce.

Scientists see the root of all these evils in the negligent and careless attitude of the federal and European powers that do not allocate enough funds for social policies aimed at stimulating the families creating and raising the birth rates. In all the European countries the population increase takes place thanks to attracting huge numbers of immigrants from the Third World countries, especially from the countries of Black Africa and Muslim states. The native Europeans’ birth rate is falling abruptly, while the Third World immigrants, especially illegal, dramatically increase theirs. Abusing the system of social assistance for “refugees”, as well as democratic freedoms, human rights and immigration benefits, the aliens permanently remain alien occupants; they have children on a regular annual basis, demanding subsidies at the expense of local taxpayers.

Some people suggest that in the near future, in a few decades, native Europeans will become ethnic minority!!! Under all the laws of masochistic democracy, the governments of European countries will be headed by the alien, and not the native population.

And facts do not lie.

Analysing political and religious events of the last ten years, it’s not difficult to come to the conclusion that there is no necessity in atomic, neutron, hydrogen biological, chemical or other destructive wars for pan-Islamisation of the entire world. The great strategists of the Islamic East


have already developed “peaceful” methods that will allow former immigrants in the shortest terms, without destroying the already built civilisation, without robbing the financial institutions and huge banks to easily become their masters, the conquerors and rulers of the entire world. The following may be considered as the main means to that end:

1. Organised and impetuous acceleration of birth rates – reproduction of the immigrant population in the foreign, mainly Christian, territories of all the five continents of the world in order to become a dominant majority, thus turning the masters of these countries into an ethnic minority. (Even the not unknown Arafat, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate stated that all the infidels can be conquered with the Muslim women’s bellies and the reproductive organs of Muslim men!!!)

2. Polygyny; total ban on usage of contraceptives (abortions are strictly forbidden). Sharia law severely punishes those who breach these prohibitions: either sentences them to a shameful public execution, or gives them an “opportunity” to atone for their sins through a heroic “suicide”, becoming a shahid.

3. Rational utilisation of any “holes” of the Western democracy with the aforementioned freedoms and human rights: freedom of speech, freedom of movement, freedom of faith (when people convert to Islam from other faiths, of course not without a financial reward), etc.

4. Winning sympathies and support from the so called humanitarian organisations (for example, UN, UNESCO), pacifists, the green, anti-globalists, discriminated persons with non-traditional sexual orientation and other.

5. Financing and support for immigrant “peaceful cultural centres and humanitarian organisations”, like Al-Qaeda, Jihad, Hamas, Hezbollah; recruitment of fanatical teenage fighters for liberating of the “original” lands in Europe and America from infidels.

Unfortunately, the civilised world underestimates the latest public pronouncements of the “newly elected” president of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who openly appealed to all the Muslims to carry out an Islamic revolution around the world, i.e. to pan-Islamise it. Just like Muhammad, he aspires to be considered a prophet and predicts that “in the nearest future Islamic revolutions will engulf the entire world”. The modern Muhammad is incapable of joking, especially since, no jokes, in all earnestness, he was able to become the Head of Islamic Revolutionary Guards and drown the opposition in blood. Without worrying about The Hague Tribunal, in 1980s and 1990s he killed Kurdish dissidents in Europe on mass scale, and in 1979 he directed the takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, where the diplomats were kept hostage for 444 days, etc.

His main slogan is first and foremost “TO WIPE ISRAEL OFF THE MAP”, following that he says the words of all suicide bombers “ALLAH AKBAR!”

The entire world, all the international organisations were shocked. Only those countries pretended to be deaf who dig their own grave and, using their oil money, build in hostile countries “peaceful” nuclear reactors, producing “peaceful atomic bombs” for self-defence from “the Great Satan” – the USA – and “the small devil” – Israel. The UN and IAEA, the EU reacted


to the Iran’s president’s threats with “diplomacy”, reminding the belligerent Mahmoud the famous proverb: “THE SLOWER YOU GO, THE FURTHER YOU WILL BE”.

The speech of the modern Muhammad was not left without a response: 10 days after his “appeal”, right under the nose of G8 leaders, in the name of Islam extremists perpetrated a monstrous terrorist act in the heart of the British capital, London, the victims of which were hundreds of totally innocent peaceful people.

In England, “integrated” Islamic “hordes of Jihad” – former “refugees” initially organised a “peaceful intifada” against the masters of the country and local powers, easily hiding behind the slogans of democratic freedoms and human rights for aliens in civilised countries, and later through blackmail became active fighters for Islam, shahids, suicides – living bombs, who are sent to Iraq and Afghanistan by entire brigades. There they organise hellish terror against their own tribesmen on a daily basis in order to force them away from cooperating with local powers. The latter are viewed by Islamists as traitors.

For many years the “eagles of Jihad” have burned with impunity thousands and thousands of private cars, Christian and Jewish sacred sites, kindergartens, schools, industrial works in almost all the cities of previously purely Christian France. The Islamic torch of “peaceful intifada” is spreading in all the Western Christian countries in an organised manner.

We shouldn’t forget the tragedy of Christian Lebanon that was called “the Switzerland of the Middle East” before its occupation by Palestinians led by Arafat. That country had sheltered tens of thousands of refugees from Palestine. Over several decades it created for them all conditions for normal life. As a symbol of “gratitude” with funds of humanitarian aid from international organisations, their leader Arafat created armed Islamist “political organisations” and military bases ostensibly for liberating Palestine. As a result of such “hospitality” Lebanon has turned into a nest of global terror, and the country itself is in ruins.

The Palestinian terrorist organisation “Fatah al-Islam” is under the control of Al-Qaeda and systematically organises terrorist acts not just against peaceful civilians, but also against the Lebanon government that had barely overcome the political and economic crises and started democratic reforms in the country. And the alien migrants, the Palestinian extremists, are arming themselves with the aid from Iran, Syria and other countries in order to gain power through ongoing terror, unleashing civil wars, and killing foreign leaders.

The Lebanese newspaper “Al-Nahar” (02 June 2007) informed that the terrorists of “Fatah al-Islam” that were recruited by Al-Qaeda, planned to execute a mega-terrorist act, “September 11th

style”, using lorries and shahids against all the Western embassies and tourist centres in Beirut. In the north of the port city of Tripoli there was found a huge store of explosives delivered from Syria to execute this devilish terrorist act.

Jihad means a holy war against kufr, i.e. against non-Muslims. Usually Islamic theologians divide Jihad into the “Greater Jihad” (spiritual struggle against evil of one’s own soul) and the


“Lesser Jihad”, a violent struggle with infidels according to opportunities – with one’s life, property and word. Other, more radical Islamists call this Jihad “military”. Also, sometimes four different types of jihad are recognised: Jihad by the sword, Jihad of the heart, Jihad by the tongue and jihad by the hand. Every Muslim interprets them in his own way. That’s where the problem of Islam lies. And that’s why suicide terrorists hide under perverted interpretations of Islam and the Quran.

Mujahid is the soldier of Allah, and if he dies he is declared shahid. Shahid translates from Arabic as “witness”, and means a martyr for the faith.

In reality Quran and Islam forbid suicide. The matter is that there is a cardinal difference between the true Islam and the dirty politics of radical fanatical Islamists. It is them who implement the “cult of death” in the consciousness of simple and naive Muslims.

They “guarantee” the suicides entry into Paradise and being “on the right hand of Allah”. Men are promised passionate embraces of 72 their own wives-virgins “tested” by the saints, so they can enjoy the afterlife. Yet, if one considers that the number of shahids in Paradise must exceed hundreds of thousands, where do they find all 720,000 virgins at one time?

Another curious question arises. Why the women shahid who conduct suicide terrorist acts, besides entry into Paradise, there is no guarantee of embraces from 72 men? These women shahids in the majority of cases were recruited because they broke the sharia law on sexual grounds. They, too, want to have heavenly bliss.

I hope that the radical Islamic ministers of religion will soon find answers to these questions.



The book of Pat Buchanan, a former U.S. presidential candidate from the Republican Party in the elections of 1992 and 1996, called “The Death of the West...” summarises colossal factual material about gradual extinction of the Western civilisation. It goes on not only because the native civilised population is decreasing, but also as a result of ever increasing immigration from Muslim and African countries and the “peaceful occupation” of the countries of the West and North America by these immigrants. The author of the book comes to the conclusion that the West is ill and suffers from the syndrome of the Cheshire cat that is disappearing before one’s very eyes.

According to the calculations of sociologists, white Europeans and Anglo-Saxons will become a minority in London by 2012. By the end of the century there will be half the number of Germans in Berlin compared to 2006, and they might become an ethnic minority. In Italy, 40% of Italians by the middle of this century will be over 65. In 17 European countries, including Russia, the death rate is higher than birth rate.

Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox Christians and Judaists – the founders of the “demagogic democracy” – all of them take part in the grandiose and solemn funeral procession for the Western civilisation.

This is a voluntary genocide of the peoples of European and Slavic origin.

The civilised peoples, hiding behind the back of “democracy, freedom and human rights”, in their quest for “sweet life and voluptuousness”, just like the peoples of the Roman Empire, are gradually degrading, degenerating, while demanding to completely strip any divine biblical constraints imposed by society of individuals. The most damaging proved to be the idea of legalisation and equality that was driven by the apologists of sexual revolution to absurdity!

Thanks to the demagogy appealing for complete equality of genders, people of various sexual orientations, etc., contraceptives have ceased to be a dream, abortions, pederasty and paedophilia have ceased to be a shame, children – to be a joy, a normal family – to be a necessity, and the observance of the 10 Mosaic Commandments had turned into sanctimony...

An important role in the depopulating of the West is played by the products of democratic West – the white barbarians, the so called left-liberal intelligentsia of the Western countries which pulls over to their side exotic residents of the East and Africa, in order to satisfy their purely egotistical “non-traditional passions and aspirations”, to multi-nationalise, Islamise, and to add a pagan nature to the centuries-old Western culture, religion and traditions. These white barbarians in union with the occupants – the aliens from the third world countries – relying on the ideology from Sodom and Gomorrah, burn and destroy not only cars, shops, schools, churches and tombs of the native masters of Western countries, but all the cultural values and achievements, created by generations of their ancestors.


The difference between an enemy raid and immigration is that “the enemies will come and go, while the immigrants will remain” with the aim not just to occupy, but also to integrate their cannibalistic and barbarian instincts into the spiritual and physical life of the native, long-civilised population. The main problem is that the aliens who have aggressive, hostile and pagan traditions or religions, zoological inferiority complexes, hatred and envy for the rich native citizens; they speak other languages and don’t want to assimilate. They found their sects, gangs, organisations hiding under the auspices of “academies” or “universities”; they arm themselves, engage in male and female prostitution, illegal trading, and prepare themselves for the “clash of civilisations”. Their hosts’ principle of “tolerance” turns the whole country into an “accommodation house”, or brothel, in other words. Massive tide of uneducated and unqualified immigrant workers who do not want to integrate into the local country’s masters’ society, threatens not only its economy, but national security as well, and prepares the ground for a civil war. That’s why today’s “stability” evidently is only a prelude before the fight between West and East, their cultures and customs. We’ll live and see.

British intelligence service, MI-6, believe that 200 million Christians in 60 countries of the world are in danger because of their faith. This report was passed to the Pope and other Christian leaders.

According to the report, the worst situation is with the Christians of North Korea, where more than 50,000 people were sent to drudgery work strictly because of their Christian persuasion. There are about 40,000 Christians in the Chinese jails, while 70 million followers of Christ hide their devotion out of fear for their life.

We personally feel that Christians in other countries can only be saved by the way of a transfer: relocating them into originally Christian lands, in exchange for relocating the Chinese, the Koreans, the Muslims, etc. back to their native places. Then the conflict between the native masters of the country and immigrant aliens will cease. I.e., it’s necessary to exchange the places of residence with the facilitation and mediation of international humanitarian organisations and financing by local powers.

If the 8 million of Muslims in America get united, the U.S. will be ours, it will only remain to change their Constitutional government into caliphate”, -- said Siraj Wahhaj of New Jersey, formerly a pious Christian who converted to Islam.

“Arab nationalism is more dangerous than German fascism” – writes professor Mallah of Beirut University. – “It strives to conquer the world through the “democratic” way, relying on “human rights”.

History teaches us that Hitler and Mussolini also came to power thanks to democratic procedures, and then destroyed tens of millions of peaceful citizens, including those who voted the future dictators in with high enthusiasm.


Using the words of the Arab journalist Magdi Allam, “civilised Christian world, being led by extremists and fanatics among the Muslim, by refusing to defend its own religious values and roots, has turned into its own worst enemy, into the fifth column of its own executioners, striving to destroy the world civilisation”.

First, the Russians, then the Americans and the English had walked into a trap thoroughly prepared by Islamic extremists. Having begun military action in Afghanistan, and later in Iraq, they encountered long-waiting for them battalions of fighters and suicide bombers, armed to their teeth, disguised and hypnotised. The unprecedented terrorist acts in New York and Washington were executed in order to induce the superpowers to interfere in the military conflict in the Middle East. They increased popularity of suicide bombers from the pan-Islamic organisation Al-Qaeda that blesses death and rejects life. The motto of “you love life, and we love death” inspires millions of extremists, belonging to Islamic radicals. Thanks to knowledge gained in the most prestigious universities of the West, terrorist organisations have already conquered with the aid of hackers the main area of the Internet informatics, and thus created the “worldwide energy web of terror”, thorough which they conduct intensive global propaganda against all the “unfaithful”. With huge success they recruit thousands of thrill seekers into suicide shahids not just amongst the Muslim western citizens, but among pious Christians, Judaists, Hinduists, etc., especially amongst left-wing liberals with a Jewish appearance.

In Love with Death

Human bombs are, unfortunately, a part of our life. Initially they appeared during World War 2 in Japan under the name of kamikaze. Fighting with the U.S. – a technically more advanced opponent – the Japanese Imperial command decided to throw against the enemy forces the “Divine wind” in the form of suicide pilots who rammed one ship after another at Pearl Harbour, driving American marines and sailors insane.

About 2,000 Japanese pilots conducted suicide almost at the same time. They managed to sink 74 American ships, while 288 vessels were seriously damaged. It should be remembered that during enlistment into the “sacred troop” there was no lacking volunteers, as they received the title of “Super-respected” from the Emperor and the Order of Rising Sun.

A big role in formation of kamikaze was played by studying the samurai code of Bushido – the way of the warrior – that defined the sense of life for the Japanese. The main thesis of this code was: “The way of a samurai is death”.

More than 60 years has passed since the Japanese have abandoned the practice of kamikaze. Yet it has not disappeared, showing up again in the Middle East and is now exported from there around the world. It’s interesting that surviving and remaining with us to this day Japanese kamikaze angrily denounce Islamist shahids who are guided by the sacred book of Quran. They call shahids butchers who mainly kill peaceful civilians.


Pope Benedict XVI on Islam

When Pope Benedict XVI declared that the Christians and the Muslims are not connected by either religion, or philosophy, we were surprised. In his opinion, Islam is a religion of violence and world expansion. He warns the whole world of the dangers of global Islamisation. First, the Danish caricatures, then the pronouncement of the Pope (Joseph Ratzinger) served as the pretext for radical Islamist on a global scale to start distributing simultaneously and in an organised manner the ideas of world jihad against “infidels”, the masters of the Christian countries, where the Muslims had arrived “looking for work”. Not only the Pope became the subject of Islamic curses, but there were also thousands of demonstrations conducted against his co-religionists, and the various so called liberals, atheists and pacifists, who are so passionate about “firm, and lustful intimate relations” with persons of African or Eastern descent, with all the known and unknown exotic and epidemic consequences.

The sad fact that the pontiff had not received any effective support from his flock, and thus subjected himself and the entire Christian world to unprecedented humiliation in anticipation that Rome will soon become “Islamic”, speaks of complete capitulation and degradation of the “infidels”. It turns out that not only caricature artists, journalists, but even the Vatican’s head because of his Christian faith has no right not only to think, but to freely speak out, he has been deprived of the right to free speech! Extremists-fundamentalists are preparing for military campaign against all “Infidels”; they are just waiting for the full moon!

All the Christian world is in a catatonic state and in the anticipation that at some point the head of all-powerful Catholic Vatican will become a faithful Muslim, setting the example to all remaining “infidels”.



No people deserves freedom until it has learned how to use it, just like one shouldn’t go out to sea before learning to swim well. It’s possible to fool part of community with democratic values all the time, but it’s impossible to fool the entire people all the time.

The words “liberty, equality, fraternity” are baits that destroy the true freedom of personality, destabilise well-being of the country and the entire world. “Genius of meanness” is hidden in these slogans, which washes the minds of proletarians with dirt and turns the people into a mob.

Democracy grows and develops better when it is poured with people’s tears and blood, and not with shit.

A state with the so called democracy is governed by the power of intellectually limited careerist babblers who came out of a mob. When a devastated country is tearing down a cliff, fresh-baked statesmen are pushing the gas pedal, instead of using the brakes. For such representatives of a street mob, patriotism and national honour are the last refuge where they could warm their electorate while burning their motherland.

Laws defend criminals more than victims. Criminals hire venal lawyers and remain free, while victims, being unable to pay lawyers, often go to jails. The powers receive huge revenue from criminals, while almost nothing from honest workers. The power and its enforcement arms (police, prosecutors, etc.) are more interested in energising criminal activity than in building a peaceful and just life.

Where there’s no crime, lawyers, police, prosecutors are left with nothing to do. They would be forced to change their profession and join the ranks of the creators of good, the ranks of workers.

In fact, law and power stand on the side of organised crime. Scholastic pettifoggery, skilfully implanted into the contents of “thick” criminal and civic codes, intricate definitions created by lawmakers and understood only by them, not designed for simple poor week oppressed workers.

The existence of multitude of codes, thousands of laws complicates the lives of simple people even more, and brings them near insanity, as they understand that only criminals are successful in life, while the honest people are doomed to destitution.

The very fact of multi-volume protocol reports already creates an impression on judges’ part of guilt of the defendant. The judges are irritated even at the fact that they had to spend months, and sometimes years, in order to leaf through these volumes, not reading the “proofs of guilt” of the defendant.

The only consolation available to the victims is not in laws of powers, but in religion. For example, Jesus in Christian religion says that God’s Heaven is for the poor… And Einstein


created the Theory of Relativity at the foundation of which are new laws of space and time that God doesn’t have.

… We do not tire to ask the question: “Why God the Creator gave specifically the Jews the Torah-Bible with 613 commandments, while other people got only 10 Commandments?”

The Torah is given to such a “chosen people” that needs correction more that others.

In order to reform, first of all it is necessary to overcome such a high barrier as egotism.

All the worlds are created for Man, and these worlds are within Man himself, and only the Creator himself is outside Man.

Jesus Christ called sheep the crowds of people who welcomed him, while calling himself a shepherd. For clergy, people attending temples are a crowd obedient to the will and the words of the preacher.

Don’t look for God in heaven; He resides within us.

God gave people reason; therefore they should not turn to God for more help, but to solve their problems on their own. (In fact, more than a billion people, faithful and even atheists, turn to God for help multiple times on daily basis.)

It turns out that there are more prohibitions in heaven than in hell. In hell, men walk with cleanly shaved faces and full chevelure on their heads. While in heaven wearing a beard is mandatory in order to cover one’s hypocrisy and sinful face expression.

Human word is nor inferior to God’s word in its power. If God created the entire Galaxy with the words “Let there be World”, then it’s worth remembering that it was with words that famous kings and emperors raised their peoples and armies to bloody wars, making “heroes” out of them, despite the fact that these “heroes” demolished and destroyed entire countries and even peoples. Even a rumour is sometimes enough to cause a fall for a regime, for stocks in the exchange, to destroy companies and banks, or powers. God is perplexed! People have surpassed Him in all aspects. He is concerned about the fate of mankind to such a degree, and is so tired, that is hiding there, where no one is doomed to reach – in Man’s soul. (Let’s remark in parentheses: psychoanalysis is a confession of a sinner without absolution.)

Human emotions, such as, disappointment, bitterness, sense of being deceived, wrath, vexation, savageness and violence lead to upsetting the harmony of the superior forces of Nature, and depending on the degree of their expression, are always accompanied by the corresponding reaction of the superior forces of the Universe. Man reaps what he sows: illnesses, bankruptcy, catastrophes, loss of kin, etc.

Force and violence don’t need reasoning. Recall the hungry wolf’s words to the lamb: “You are


guilty just in the fact that I want to eat!” (I. Krylov).

Any laws in the country are created by strong people who are in power, and these laws are directed to defend their own interests. So, not quite everyone is equal before the law, as the laws are designed for enslaving the weak honest workers and creators, and not the bureaucratic parasites. The power structures that govern the world “know” all the laws, and they know even better all the ins and outs purposefully made to circumvent them. (Religious laws have mostly traditional nature and are “adapted” to the time when they were formulated.)

To use the laws, as mentioned earlier, simple folks have to hire greedy mean lawyers who, deceiving their already miserable clients, extort all their savings earned by hard work and as a result lead them to complete bankruptcy, and sometimes to suicide.

Such slogans as “liberty, democracy, human rights, equality, and fraternity” are utopia for the naïve and an excuse of the rascals and the envious, always ending in revolutions. Revolutionaries – careerists who usurp power – are not better than the destroyed “enemies”.

Being of mature age, we have stopped attending all the parties. Especially if we know the list of guests in advance. We consider many of them potentially sinful taken alone, but when they gather together, their sinfulness is most likely summed up.

The so called civilised obscurantists of all the colours and suits, hiding behind the masks of “green”, “blue”, “khaki” and “red”, pacifists, anti-globalists, discriminated social minorities, etc., are ready to destroy normal people, who achieve success without demonstrations, noisy parades, violence and destruction, but with honest creative work.

And so, political history is false memories of the past, excusing historical sinners and criminals, and pouring dirt on the righteous.

Diplomacy is an art of fooling the citizens of one country for the sake of one’s motherland’s well-being.

Revolution is a game of chess, where pawns play the role of the slow king’s bodyguards. A pawn is bending over backwards to become a legitimate all-powerful queen itself.

A revolutionary is a differently thinking fanatic of intellectual appearance who broke loose off a chain.

Any revolution destroys the state and its people, even in the case of victory of the oppressed masses. In a repeat revolution, as a rule, the “winners” happen to be buried underground or completely robbed on the ground. Bandits and gangsters, who became rich on the robberies and came to power after the revolution, strictly observe the ethics of conduct until they have robbed the entire state. They carefully take their hat off before the laws, as though before a statue, and then they pass it by. When there is nothing to steal already, the thieves become the law’s



Under any power, the strong wag their finger, while the weak – their fist.

It’s known that individuals with strong body and spirit never gather in packs, for example: eagles, bears, cheetahs. But the cowardly creatures act in the opposite way, and always gather into packs, for example: sheep, fish and slaves.

People don’t have to necessarily love each other. They should at least respect each other, taking example from animals. First, we need to reach the animal beginning, then move onto everything human.

It’s good when there is wealth, well-being and power, but only when the body and soul are sound and are in harmony with each other.

Evil people cover their guile with flattery. False modesty of such people is hypocritical.

Criminal environment produces cowards who feel safe only in a crowd.

The guarantee of a firm peace is to bury one’s weapons – but only with one’s foes.



Symbolism in the world of seven

From time immemorial it’s known that the number seven (7) is magic, sacred, connecting all the elements of the Universe with each other.

It’s not accidental that the most ancient Biblical lamp – Menorah – is a seven-candle piece. This deeply religious symbol of the Biblical people reminds of the history of the World’s creation by the Lord: for some reason, almost all the most important events in the Bible are connected with the number seven!!!

In 6 days of intense work God created the World, but on the SEVENTH day (on Saturday) He reposed.

The majority of stories, myths and legends are also based on the number seven. For example, in the famous tale of the Snow White the heroine lived beyond SEVEN mountains with SEVEN gnomes…

It’s worth noting that SEVEN mountains correspond to the symbols of alchemists who believed 7 metals and 7 planets to be the foundation of the world: Silver (Moon), Iron (Mars), Mercury (Mercury), Zinc (Jupiter), Copper (Venus), Lead (Saturn), and Gold (Sun).

Upon winning a victory, achieving success and wanting to express their sense of full happiness people have been saying that they are on the SEVENTH heaven!

As imagined by Islam, the World consists of 7 heavens. Allah himself - God - lives on the 7th heaven. Interestingly, Judaism also acknowledges the existence of 7 heavens.

And in the New Testament John speaks of the book with SEVEN seals (John 5:1). The great philosopher and poet Goethe mentions this book several times in his immortal poem Faust!

The anthropologist Rudolf Steiner wrote that, just like LIGHT consists of SEVEN colours (Seven Wonders of the World), the musical scale also consists of 7 tones (notes).

Sociologists claim that children should be brought up by parents within the family until the age of 7, and after 7 they can be let out to play with other children outside, go to school, etc., and start acquiring life experience.

Seven is a magic number; it seems, the entire world rests on the number seven. It is confirmed by a huge number of proverbs and sayings:

It’s better going yourself, than sending seven;


Seven nannies have a baby without an eye;

Seven misdeeds, still one punishment;

One with the plough, but seven with spoons;

Seven won’t wait for one;

To walk seven miles to drink some kissel;

Seven miles is not a distance for a mad dog;

To run with seven-mile steps.

Folklore gives the number seven a Divine role. It’s not accidental that we frequently encounter this number in the Bible: seven mysteries, seven gifts of the Saint Spirit, seven universal temples, seven stars in the crown, seven sages in the world, seven candles in the altar lamp, and seven – in the altar-piece one, seven sins, seven circles of hell, and seven levels of soul…

Man created by God has 7 “orifices” for the sensory organs: two eyes, two nostrils, two ears and one mouth.

Under the laws of sharia, every faithful Muslim during Hajj (pilgrimage) to the sacred places of Islam, Mecca and Medina, should make Tawaf, i.e., circle 7 times around the sacred stone of Kaaba, and run 7 times between the hills of Al-Safa and Al-Marwah.

The fates of Sumerians in Babylon were decided by 7 gods and goddesses, and when a Sumarian died, he entered the underworld through one of the seven gates, where he was awaited by one of the seven judges.

The further into the depth of centuries, the more we see of the number 7.

In the respect the Old Testament story of Joseph is of huge interest. The number 7 is always present in all the successes achieved by the legendary Joseph in the Egyptian slavery.

For example, the pharaoh saw in his sleep that SEVEN corpulent cows and SEVEN skinny cows are coming out of the River Nile. The skinny ones attacked the stout and ate them. Pharaoh woke up in a state of shock, but then went to sleep again. And again he saw a dream: here SEVEN ears are growing on one stem, they are thick and good; and there are SEVEN other ears, thin and parched by eastern winds, are growing behind the good ones and devour the SEVEN thick ears. And the pharaoh woke up again, and his spirit was agitated. They could find no one in Egypt who could interpret this horrible dream. Finally, after a long search, among the slaves they found a young Jew, Joseph, who could interpret the pharaoh’s dream.


Joseph interpreted the SEVEN corpulent cows and the SEVEN thick ears to mean SEVEN years of good harvest and wealth of the country. The SEVEN thin cows and the SEVEN empty ears meant the subsequent SEVEN years of hunger and disasters.

Joseph had warned the pharaoh that after SEVEN years of good harvest and rich life there will come SEVEN years of hunger and disasters.

For the correct interpretation of his dreams, the pharaoh appointed slave Joseph the governor of all Egypt and his deputy. The wisdom and reason of Joseph had won. The Egyptian people and the Jewish tribes, who found in Egypt a shelter from hunger, were saved from an unavoidable ruin.

In the Bible’s chapter “Noah” (6:9 – 11:32) the number SEVEN is mentioned in those places of the legend that had a decisive importance during the Flood: “And in SEVEN days the Flood’s water was already on Earth” (11)… “And on the SEVENTH month the Ark had arrived to Mount Ararat” (5)… “And he waited for SEVEN more days… and a pigeon appeared to him… and Noah learned that water subsided on Earth” (12). For “Noah’s sons” SEVEN commandments out of the ten are mandatory.

Our forefather patriarch Abraham waited SEVEN days and then circumcised his son Isaac on the eighth day. “And Abraham put out SEVEN sheep from the flock”… Dug SEVEN wells in Beer-Sheva (33-34).

In the chapter of Melahim the prophet Elisha brought a child back to life: “… the boy sneezed SEVEN times”! (35, 36, 37).

It is described in the chapter of Vaetseh (29, 11) how Jacob had to serve SEVEN years in order to marry Laban’s daughter Rachel.

Under the laws of Judaism, after the death of a person of the Mosaic faith, the mourning lasts for SEVEN days, because the soul of the deceased remains near his body for SEVEN days, and only then it leaves the body and ascends to the Lord to become a particle of Him.

In the Old Testament the number 7 has a special significance for days, weeks, months and years. For example, the main Jewish holidays last for 7 days – Pesah (Passover) and Sukkot (Feast of the Tabernacle). The seventh month of the year is declared by Torah a special time and is marked by these holidays: Rosh ha-Shana (start of the year), and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement).

The fruit of the Earth of the seventh year belong to everyone and acquire the sacred status.

By the Bible, the soil is not farmed on the seventh year, so that it could restore the necessary resources to feed the plants and the sowing.


When this law is broken, God sends a curse to the Jews. The famous historian Flavius Josephus writes that even Alexander of Macedonia and Julius Caesar perfectly knew about that law, and issues decrees “on reduction of taxes collected from Jews in the seventh year, as they don’t farm their fields that year”.

According to the Bible, our planet is made by God the Creator; therefore it belongs only to Him. People, who also were created by God, have no right to sell the land, only the harvest gathered from it. Man is but a tenant, not the owner.


By the Biblical laws, every seventh year should become the time when all debts are annulled, except large investments in a highly profitable business.

The law of Torah instruct to free one’s Jewish slave at the start of the SEVENTH year of his slavery.

The seven deadly sins of Man

The Spanish biologist John Medina in his book “Gene and the Seven Deadly Sins” argues that it’s almost useless to resist certain sins, as there is an echo of animal instincts in our actions; they are nested in our genes and have Divine origin. And they live in the human conscious to this day.

These instinctive sins include:1. Envy (jealousy);2. Wrath (revenge, rage);3. Avarice (greed, avidity);4. Lust (voluptuousness, licentiousness, debauchery);5. Haughtiness (arrogance, pride);6. Gluttony;7. Sloth (idleness, apathy, despondency).

Scientists concluded that at the basis of these seven sins lie specific biochemical and physiological reactions, taking place in the human body. For example, the substance called dopamine creates sexual fantasies, serotonin – voluptuousness, the hormone alpha-melanocyte excites the genitals, the hormone oxytocin causes orgasm with spasms, estrogen stimulates sexual attraction in women, testosterone – feeling of lust, etc.

In conclusion we should note that all the seven deadly sins are a product of the most recent comprehension of the Biblical tradition, therefore for other religious or ethnic groups they have a relative nature.


The great ancient scientist Pythagoras was the first in the world to pronounce that “the world is ruled by numbers”. In his opinion, the number 7 has special magic powers the influence ruling of the world. Even ancient sages and numerologists considered the number 7 to be the sign of correct intuition and yearning for safe existence. For example, “seven” had firmly made it into the riddles about the Lent and Passover: “there is a bridge of seven miles”, “there’s a colour, a light to the entire world, of seven miles, on seven poles, and of seven gates”, “We endured seventy seven disasters in seven years”, etc. (V.I. Dal).

It is believed that to err is human. But a people cannot err. That, which is created by collective reason, the universal unconscious, reflects objective reality with surprising precision. For example, the one that is contained in proverbs and sayings, literature and art, legends and fairy tales that become guidance in human life.

It’s interesting why the famous Ian Fleming, the creator of James Bond, called the main hero “Agent 007”. The zeroes are there evidently for decoration purposes, and the main number here is 7. The person under this number is supposed to go through the most complex situations without losses, to be invincible, irresistible, and successful. Perhaps, that is also the basis for other most popular American Westerns, such as “The Magnificent Seven”, “The Seventh Bullet”, as well as the names of the most famous corporations: “The Seventh Continent”, “The Seventh Heaven”, etc. Why rich people around the world pay huge sums to make their car plate number “777”, and why the length of the special rope with which the cosmonaut Alexey Leonov went into outer space equalled precisely 7 meters?!

It’s also known that people born on the 7th of the month are independent and original, become famous, but they care little about the material side of things and live the spiritual life more.


Ancient manuscripts have reached our times, such as: “Kabbalah”, “Zohar”, “The Key of Solomon”, “Pentacles”, where the magic of letters and numbers is described in detail (numerology). From the sages’ point of view, the entire world is governed by seven primary or secondary causes. God created the world in seven days. Moses, the representative of God on Earth, gave them one common name – ELOHIM.

ELOHIM, i.e., the seven causes, are powerful forces that exist in a balance and, despite the contradictory and opposing nature, govern the movement of all the spheres of the Universe.

The Biblical sages named these seven forces Archangels and gave them the following names:

Michael – the Angel of Truth;

Gabriel – the Ruler of Miracles;

Rafael – the Ruler of Truth and Science;


Haniel – the Ruler of the Unity of Power;

Samuel – the Ruler of Justice;

Sachiel – the Ruler of Clergy;

Cassiel – the Angel of Solitude and Tears.

Other peoples also recognised these seven archangels and, considering them to be spirits, attributed to them control over seven planets, and determined seven days of the week for consistent direction.

Only seven planets have magic properties, correspond to the seven colours of the spectrum and to the seven notes of the musical scale.

In the entire Universe, including our Earth, all the existing phenomena that relate to magic powers are determined by circulation of the following seven planets:

The Sun is the heart of Man;

The Moon is the brain;

Jupiter is the right hand;

Saturn is the left hand;

Mars is the left foot;

Venus is the right foot;

Mercury is the reproduction organs.

Black magic and almost all the satanic sects consider their symbol to be a seven-pointed star, which, in their view, possesses huge hidden energy.

In the sun-based calendar, the seventh day is called Totem (White Albatross) – the symbol of endurance, pride, mirth, cheerfulness, wit and rich imagination. In the moon-based calendar, the seventh day symbolises a magic wand, a sceptre, a golden harp, a wind rose and a rooster. The seventh day relates to the power of a pronounced word, therefore it is recommended to intently and quietly keep reading the prayers, master the technique of speech, and strive for harmonisation of tone and deep, not superficial, sense of the words. It’s necessary to constantly remember that any word sooner or later gets back to the one who pronounced it. As it was said in the Bible: you shall vindicate and justify from your words.


The number 7 is always present in important historical events!!!

The Second World War went on for seven years.

The war between Israel and the Arabs ended on the seventh day.

USSR had existed for seventy years.

Children go to school when they are aged seven.

Many of the biggest events of the world history relate to number seven, and to list them is a special topic.

For example, at the time of Giving of the Torah, the voice of the Lord was heard from the Mount Sinai pronouncing the 10 Commandments in 70 languages, as besides the Jews, representatives of 69 other peoples escaped Egyptian slavery, and each of them spoke its own native tongue.

The Lord spoke in Hebrew, while those standing near Mount Sinai heard their native language. That was a Divine miracle.

07.07.07, i.e. 7th July 2007 brought fortune to the wedding industry. For example, in Las Vegas, USA, on this rare date in the history of mankind, the most famous places of celebrations, banquet halls and restaurants were booked solid for wedding ceremonies several months in advance. For example, in the famous Flower Chapel, there were 113 wedding ceremonies on that day, instead of the usual 30. In the Little White wedding chapel there were over 400 marriages, instead of several dozens of a usual Saturday.

In many cases wedding ceremonies took place in the presence of seven girlfriends, the hall was decorated with flowers of seven kinds, the dinner started at 7pm, and included seven courses with a seven-tier cake.

Such an epidemic of marriages on 07.07.07 was observed in many other countries of the world as well. We hope that all the newlyweds will have a lucky marriage and there will be significantly fewer divorces!

Even in the magic world of Harry Potter, seven is the most powerful number: the whole cycle consists of seven volumes.

In the Bible, besides the number SEVEN, the number NINE is considered sacred; it manifests its uniqueness in a mathematical operation.

Compare the two columns:


9 x 2 = 18 1 + 8 = 99 x 3 = 27 2 + 7 = 99 x 4 = 36 3 + 6 = 99 x 5 = 45 4 + 5 = 99 x 6 = 54 5 + 4 = 99 x 7 = 63 6 + 3 = 99 x 8 = 72 7 + 2 = 99 x 9 = 81 8 + 1 = 9It’s more than curious.

It is believed that the number 11 in the Kabbalistic gematria means disaster. Gematria makes many people start thinking. The events of 11September in the USA might serve as an example.

“New York City” consists of 11 letters. “The Pentagon” consists of 11 letters. The name Ramsin Yuseb (the terrorist who attempted an attack on the towers in 1993) has 11 letters. George W. Bush – also 11 letters. New York is the 11th State in the USA.

The flight number of the first plane that attacked the towers was 11. The number of passengers on board was 92 (9+2=11). The number of passengers on flight 77 that fell down was 65 (6+5=11). The date of the tragedy, 9/11 coincides with the emergency number in the U.S. – 911. The sum of these numbers 9+1+1=11. On the skyline the Twin Towers also appeared as two numbers one – 11.

Strange coincidence or fate?

The magic number 13

The “devil’s dozen” has long inspired superstitious awe in people’s hearts. The notion of triskaidekaphobia – a fear of the number 13 – is spread worldwide. In many countries people are trying to steer clear of the number 13. For example, In the U.S. and France there are no buildings with number 13, in many hotels the 13th floor or room, etc. are missing.

But there are peoples and countries who believe the number 13 to carry positive energy, to be magic, and even divine.

Ancient peoples of Maya and Aztec considered the number 13 to be sacred. Even their calendar had 13-day weeks.

Jesus Christ was the 13th participant of the Last Supper along with the 12 apostles. The name of Jesus Christ itself has 13 letters in Greek.

There is a popular belief that if 13 people sit around a table, the first one to rise will die within a



The 13th is especially unfortunate if it falls on a Friday – the day of Christ’s crucifixion. Besides that, in Christianity the number 13 is a symbol of treachery.

The Kabbalah describes thirteen celestial fountains, thirteen gates of mercy and thirteen rivers of balm, which the righteous one will find in heaven.

The number 13 is represented in all the elements of the Great Seal of the United States.

It is the most festive day for a Jewish boy to become 13 – Bar-mitzvah: he becomes a fully-fledged member not only of his family, but of the entire Jewish community. The Bar-Mitzvah is honoured with a festival, to which hundreds of guests are invited – relatives and friends.

Interestingly, in many countries, for example, in the U.S. and France, there are “Clubs of thirteen”. 13 members of such a club gather on the 13th day of each month in a suite number 13 and have a dinner for 13 people.

In conclusion we will quote a phrase of the American actor Groucho Marx: “The number 13 can be an unfortunate number if you invited 13 people and cooked only 12 cutlets”.



The Old Testament mentions 13 names of the Lord that determine His parameters as the model for Man to imitate:

1. ADONAI-GOD means the God can be merciful twice:a) Before the sin is committed;b) After the sin, on condition that the sinner sincerely repents;

2. ELOHIM – the creator of the entire civilisation;3. E-l – the Supreme, ruling over nature and Man;4. Rahum – gracious , compassionate;5. Hanun – merciful, helping the righteous;6. Epah-Hapaim – long-patient, to give sinners time to repent;7. Rav Hesed – great through mercy;8. Emet – true one;9. Notser Hesed laAlafim – remembering the merits and kind deeds of all the past

generations and their descendants;10. Notser Avon – forgiving the sin, committed with intent;11. Pesha – forgiving the open rebellion against the Lord;12. Hataa – forgiving the sins of the mistaken and those breaching the law in error or through

ignorance;13. Venikeh lo Yenikseh – purifying the repented, but not purifying those not repenting.



Hypocrisy and blasphemy are inherent in any religion. It’s known that all swindlers and criminal elements “hide” their true face, sometimes imitating a mask of a “righteous one”, displaying grace and nobleness and generosity. With their fanatical, well-trained “psycho-neuro-linguistic programming” they are able to subordinate the public and win in any “democratic elections”, especially when their huge portraits depicting their smiling physiognomies and processed by computer graphics are put up everywhere. They are systematically shown on television wearing perfectly tailored suits with a bow-tie, imitating a Messiah, under artificial rain, in terrible frost, in dirt and slush, visit the impoverished people who live in ruins. Such “righteous” ones criticise the previous government and promise the population quickly forthcoming prosperity and well-being, giving out cheap presents to children, and long outdated wheelchairs to disabled veterans and workers.

Let’s recall history: the crusaders and inquisitors held the Bible in one hand and in the other – sharp swords with cross depicted on them. In the name of Jesus Christ they killed thousands absolutely innocent people of other faiths, and burned their own dissenting compatriots.

From the very beginning Christian dogmas served as a subject of fierce arguments, which at times were accompanied by bloody conflicts. Especially hot debates have been about the nature of “oneness of Trinity”. God-Father, God-Son, and God-the Saint Spirit – the Trinity – had become the stumbling block of the entire Christian religion, the cause of schism and mutual feud, whose victims were millions of believers, not only Christians but Jews as well. The fruits of these feuds are reaped by Islam, which methodically and systematically forces both Christians and Judaists from this world.

We believe that the most outrageous hypocrisy and blasphemy is the creation of the Royal Society of Norway and Sweden for awarding the Nobel Prize from the fund of Alfred Nobel, who invented explosives and a detonator, inventing a weapon for mass destruction of people. Hundreds of millions of people have already become the victims of the Nobel’s invention, entire cities and countries were demolished. Since the prize was established and the first awards were given (10 December 1901), it had 754 laureates, 33 women and 721 men. In the entire history of the prize, only six laureates refused accepting it. Very unfortunately, awarding the Nobel Peace Prize, unlike other nominations, becomes more and more comical and hypocritical, politicised and speculative. Its laureates are quite doubtful and even criminal personages, with criminal structures and entire organisations behind their backs. As an example, we can mention the name of the Nobel Peace Prize “laureate” the former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, who appropriated billions of dollars of donations received from the UN, UNESCO, WHO, European Union, International Monetary Fund, etc., to help the Palestinian people. After the unexpected death of Arafat, all the bank accounts, where these funds were kept, disappeared. (All the attempts of international leaders to somehow reanimate dying Arafat with the aid of medicine, so that he would name the countries and secret bank accounts where the “Palestinian” money was kept, were futile.)


Arafat was recognised as an international terrorist, who developed not only the tactics and the strategy of international terrorism, but also the very original “patent” for creation of the biological weapon in the form of two-legged suicides carrying the deadly “shahid” belts loaded with explosives and equipped with detonators invented by Alfred Nobel! Hundreds of millions of soldiers and peaceful civilians have already become the victims of “peacemaking” “patents” of Arafat and the famous Nobel! The tragedy of the September 11th in New York that took the lives of more than three thousand peaceful civilians, mega-terror acts in England, Spain, France, Israel, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Iraq and other countries of the world testify to the effectiveness of Arafat’s “patent”. The only “shortcoming” of this “patent” is that Nobel’s explosive, loaded with sharp metal fillings, is unable to distinguish Muslims from the infidel Christians or Judaists.

Awarding the Nobel Prize to the openly pro-Islamic International Agency for Atomic Energy (IAEA) and its director, the faithful Muslim Mohamed ElBaradei seems even more shocking. Under the auspices of the U.N. and with the cooperation of its leader the African Kofi Annan, a great friend of Muslim and African world, IAEA attempts by “only peaceful methods”, by persuading Islamic ayatollahs and mullahs to somehow slow down the development of the “Islamic nuclear weapon” which is switched into action with a detonator, patented by Alfred Nobel. The Iranian “mullahtocratic” atomic bomb seems to be designed for destruction of America and the Zionist enemy, in order to execute the verdict issued by Mohammed to the Western world. Negotiations between IAEA and ayatollahs are intentionally prolonged for years, with long breaks, while the process of developing Iranian atomic bomb is rapidly and intensively speeding up, so as to put the naïve Western world before the fact of its existence.

Even Mother Teresa in 1979 did not quite deserve this prize: this daunting servant of death, collecting a harvest of corpses in Calcutta, India and opening houses for dying frights and invalids, was busy not so much with saving as with “spiritual preparation” for their departure in the other world.

The real blasphemy and hypocrisy was to award the prize to Dalai Lama, the leader of the Buddhist sect, who has been poisoning the spiritual heritage of Christians and Judaists with his demagogy, in order to entice them into a religion foreign to them with a single aim: to lure not only the souls out of them, but their entire financial assets and inheritance from ancestors, under the pretext of “liberating” Tibet from the Red China!

He is most sinful who is sure of his infallibility. More than 90% of “faithful” people go to temples, read prayers, light candles, make donations, but it doesn’t mean that they truly believe in God, many of them simply think: “What if God indeed exists? Then it’s better to be on friendly terms with Him! What if there is fiery hell or blissful heaven in the afterlife?” So, it turns out that people fear the “what if” more than God Himself.

We consider the biggest hypocrisy and blasphemy to be the so called American model of damnocracy, sorry, i.e., “democracy”.


All “triumphal victories” in revolutions and wars will forever remain as shame in the history of mankind. Can it be that the lives of the killed soldiers and civilians are not as valuable as the victory of a tyrant who considers himself a hero? (If such heroes shake your hand, it should be washed right away.)

When heroes leave, clowns come on stage.

Children, and especially immature youth, often adopt the manners and character of the country’s leader, that’s why often there is a suspicion that the poor ruler is the seducer of their mothers and the creator of his subjects.

It’s not accidental that Vatican as early as in the second half of the 19th century loudly declared in its encyclical that due to the blind and unconstrained by strict laws democracy one half of the people live under God, and the other half – under devil. Hopefully, the balance will not abruptly shift in devil’s favour in the second part of the 21st century.

In the 11th century the Pope introduced the vow of celibacy for all Catholic priests, but forgot to prohibit them to indulge in paedophilia.

The “Gazeta” publishers released an article on 24.02.2002 with the title of “CASSOCKPHOBES AND SEXOPHILES”, on 10 pontiffs-paedophiles during the last 1,100 years.

Vatican’s history testifies that under the “SAINT SHEPHERDS” Benedict IX, Boniface VIII, John XIII, Paul II, Sixtus IV, Alexander VI, Julius II, Julius III, Leo X and Clement VII complete debauchery ruled in Vatican and monasteries; sodomy of young novices especially flourished. Under these Popes, orgies were organised directly in the Papal palace in the atmosphere of celebration. They openly raped young boys and girls in the streets, during the ceremonial processions.

They surrounded themselves with a tight circle of debauchers and normal men had no slightest chance for a career in their court.

Pope Paul John II is considered to be the founder of LOVE PARADES; he organised sumptuous orgies and carnival processions of lovers of debauchery on weekly basis.

Only by the 19th century sodomy and paedophilia in monasteries began to be punished, especially in Spain. The convicts were seated on a scorching rod and then publicly executed.

Dalai Lama, the leader of Buddhists, supports barbaric pseudo-religious sects and finances extreme international terrorists.

Relying on various publications in several European and Chinese sources, “Interfax” published in the Russian paper “Kommersant” of 11.10.2007 (No. 186, p.10) a denouncing article with


sharp attacks on the famous “spiritual leader not only of Tibetan, but of all the Buddhist sects in the world”, the devious brain-washer, the launderer of dirty money, the sponsor and the accomplice of dozens of barbaric Eastern pseudo-religious and pseudo-philosophical sects in all the civilised but only rich countries, the so called Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Dalai Lama. He is accused not only of separatism, mutiny against the regime and powers in China, Burma and other countries, but also that had been financing and ideologically supporting Shoko Asahara, the very leader of the barbaric Buddhist sect Aum Shinrikyo, whose members kidnapped, robbed, tortured and killed thousands of people, and caused mass poisonings with a gas – sarin – not only in Japan, but also in other countries.

On multiple occasions Dalai Lama personally received the barbarian Shoko Asaharu in his residence in India and not only “provided humanitarian and financial aid”, but also gave particularly important “recommendations” on usurping the power in Japan through mass terror and spreading the fear. Even in the spring of 1995, after the bloody terror act was executed in the Tokyo Metro, Dalai Lama gave an extensive interview to the Kyodo Tsushin news agency, in which he justified terror and called Shoko Asahara his loyal friend, the most devoted follower of his teaching – the militant Buddhism.

It turned out that besides the terrorist sect Aum Shinrikyo, Dalai Lama financed and supported Li Hongzhi, the founder of the barbaric sect Falun Gong, who believed he is a reincarnation of Buddha himself. Li claimed that he is many times more knowledgeable and powerful than Buddha himself, and that he should become the ruler of the entire mankind on our planet.

For dozens of years Dalai Lama has been openly extorting huge sums of money in the form of “donations” not only from the Hollywood sponsors, but from millions of naïve defectors, who changed the faith of their historical ancestors, who demonstratively rejected their native religion in order to reinforce the ranks of the army of Buddhists that occupies the Western civilisation countries. Dalai Lama has been receiving huge funds as humanitarian assistance from the Western powers and the former USSR, ostensibly for the liberation of Tibet. In fact these funds went not only for financing separatists in China, but also to finance barbaric sects and terrorists. Thousands of peaceful people on our planet became the victims of his demagogic postulates that forever destroyed not only their families, careers, fates, but lives as well.

In October of 2007, the U. S. President, under the pressure from the surrounding White House staff and some members of Congress (who became active members of Buddhist sects, and whose walls instead of Christian icons are full of Buddha’s portraits, and who in every corner of their offices have Buddha’s gold or bronze statuettes purchased at the most expensive auctions), in a ceremonial atmosphere at the White House awarded Dalai Lama with a gold medal. The U.S. President had completely ignored the interests of his country, ignored strong protest of the Chinese government, which now is threatening with “corresponding actions”.

There are many paradoxical phenomena in life, but there are very few such extraordinary occurrences!!!


The authors of this book are unable to find words to comment on this incident.

Haim is reading “Black Hundred”, an anti-Semitic newspaper.He is asked: “What, you have nothing better to do?”He replies: “I enjoy reading anti-Semitic literature, but get depressed if I read purely Jewish one. From the Jewish press I learn every time that somewhere there was yet another pogrom, that Jews are still oppressed and persecuted, somewhere they burn Jewish schools, blow-up packed buses, demolish restaurants. Reading anti-Semitic articles, I see that the Jews have usurped the power in the entire world, that all the money is concentrated in our pockets, we conquered science and culture, and so I am very delighted – what a mighty people we are!”

The hatred of anti-Semites towards the Jews is hypertrophied, and the respect is even more so.

In Germany, a neo-Nazi hit a pious Jew who fell to the ground. Top his question “what for?” the victim heard: “That’s for the “Titanic” that was sunk by the Jews!” – “But the Titanic was destroyed in collision with an iceberg!” – the Jew was vindicating himself. – “Iceberg, Goldberg, Weinberg, Weisberg, Greenberg, Glickberg, Steinberg, Isenberg, Silverberg, what difference does it make – all of them are the Jewish “rocks”, the collision with which always brings desperation and grief to so many in the world!!!”.

The power of Jewish sages is described in the famous anti-Semitic book “Protocols of the Sages of Zion”. By the way, this is one of the most popular books in Japan.

But something else is the most interesting. It turned out that the Japanese view this book not as anti-Semitic scribble, but as a story of a small people that was able to subordinate the entire world. The Japanese try to use someone else’s experience to solve their problems; they always try to draw lessons for themselves from the successes and failures of others.

Menachem Begin, during his time as Prime Minister of Israel, met one of the famous Japanese writers, who presented him with a luxurious gift edition of the “Protocols”. This person sincerely believed that Begin would be pleased to know how the Japanese appreciate the Jewish achievements, their world influence; how the Japanese people admires Jewish wisdom.

Just in 2004, of the 16 scientists who were awarded the Nobel Prize 12 were Jewish, of them 3 were Israeli citizens.

The double standard of viewing the Jewish merits is reminded by this aphorism: “When a person kills a tiger, it is called hunting, yet when a tiger slaughters the person, it is already called atrocity”. The Jews have to wave aside the malice and fear born out of envy and misunderstanding of their historical mission, as lions with dung flies. Remember that Jewish happiness is the interval between two calamities.

Patriotism means love for one’s country, one’s people, one’s traditions and culture, but at the same time interests of other ethnic groups should not be impaired. Nationalism is patriotism, but


with impaired rights of ethnic minorities and other nationalities.

Chauvinism is nationalism that demonstrates its superiority and contempt for other ethnic groups and nationalities.

Racism is chauvinism that strives to destroy and stamp on dignity of people from other ethnic groups.

Fascism is megalomania of racists who believe they are “supermen”, the ruling class over the entire world.

Any beginning should at last have an end. But when? People know they should build their fate themselves in the present, which is a baby of the past and the mother of the future, as the future is a life necessity woven from opportunities.

Someone poor who found a treasure by accident has all the chances to suffer a shock from the unexpected luck and die on the spot from cardiac arrest or a stroke.

If a king or a president walks into a fortune, they immediately issue an order to prepare for a war.

The mind of rulers almost always has madness mixed in. This leads to awakening of the brain areas where the most demonic reflexes are hiding, such as aggression and despotism. People become worse than beasts. Beasts kill other animals only to satisfy their hunger, and just the number necessary for that purpose. Yet Man can take lives of millions of people like him without any pangs of conscience, justifying and covering his actions with religious or ideological motives.

Historians concluded after long scientific research that the cause for Napoleon’s defeat was his teacher of geography: it turns out he forgot to mention during the lessons that it is very cold in Moscow in winter!

One of the reasons war is bad is that fathers bury their sons.

The improvement of life promised during election campaigns always takes place, but usually only for those who were elected.

Not everyone is born with a rear end fit for a throne.

Power more often changes hands than heads.

When a person kills another, his is called a murderer; when he kills hundreds, he is called a hero, and when the count goes to millions, he is God!


It’s mean to beat the weak, and it’s stupid to beat the strong.



There has never been and will never be peace between fanatical Islamists and naïve Christians. There is only temporary cease-fire in order to regroup and rearm in the name of continuation of war (until complete victory of Islam?).

The Egyptian president Anwar Saadat became a victim of radical Islamic terror not because of incomplete “peace” agreement with Israel, where the talks were only about armistice, but because of his imprudently uttered words “there will be no more wars between Israel and Egypt”. Today in Iraq and other Arab countries Islamic terrorists almost daily kill hundreds of people, not only occupants, but faithful Muslims – peaceful civilians – simply because they no longer want to fight and be victims of propaganda of fanatical imams, zealots of Islamic sword, and the half moon.

In 1996 Israeli Prime Minster Shimon Peres after long negotiations with a Nobel Peace Prize “laureate” Arafat, officially announced that a peace agreement had been reached, and as a proof he described how Arafat “agreed” with all conditions by nodding his head. The naiveté of Peres and the nodding of Arafat had cost thousands of peaceful civilians their lives.

Religious wars drive up as destructive tsunami and floods to the shores of all civilised countries of our planet. The Islamic volcano is waking up, threatening to flood all the lands of dissenters and infidels with fiery lava. The war is going on already. Islam is already fighting with everyone.

Radical Islam completely rejects the line between a life of an individual and a life of society, between rights and duties, cynically using pro-Islamic resolutions, approved by the majority of corrupt votes in all the so called world “humanitarian organisations”, and first of all, the U.N.

The example of the Saudi billionaire, the widely known oil sheikh Osama bin Laden, whose terrorist acts are directed against his former patrons and partners – the Americans and the Saudi monarchs – had shaken the entire world. This example is catching with other extremists. All the fanatically minded Muslims want to become “bin Ladens”, and they are continually attempting to surpass him in extremism.

And alas, while the liberally minded heads of the countries in Europe and America are busy working out relations among themselves, radical Islam is getting armed and is already carrying total terror in dozens of countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and America.

No way out is yet in sight. The U.N. is doing quiet diplomacy and has persistent stammer; its big mouth is gagged with oil-dollars, and note – not with millions, but with billions of them. To stammer and speak indistinctly and unintelligibly is the biggest trick in diplomacy!

Terror is winning and becoming an industry making millions for the criminals who act in the


name of God and the U.N.

The most bloodthirsty terrorists of human civilisation are the founders of the global network called “Al-Qaeda” headed by the oil magnate Osama bin Laden, and his loyal disciples Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and Ayman al-Zawahiri. They act under the famous motto of “you love life, and we love death”, and bring horror and chaos into the lives of people of other faiths in the countries of East and West. Muslims publicly refuse to become Europeans or Americans because such action is banned under sharia law. They want to completely preserve their ethnic and religious originality, and therefore perceive the desperate attempts of local governments to force them to integrate as an insult, discrimination and ISLAMOPHOBIA!!!

The struggle against the “Islamophobia” conceived by radical Arabs was spearheaded in December 2004 by the U.N. General Secretary Kofi Annan and the French President Jacques Chirac, as well as the Council of Europe. Their thoughtless speeches and actions had ignited in the Muslim hearts the sparks of “Arafat’s intifada” and the bonfires of “Khomeini’s global Islamic revolution” in the Western territories not yet fully occupied by them. It can be viewed as a logical consequence of the “not quite peaceful, but caricature global intifada and occupation” of the entire world. To achieve this aim Islamists act in several directions. On the one hand, they increase the Muslim population of Europe through immigration and high birth rates, as well as through missionary activities among Christians and even Judaists, tens of thousands of whom have recently converted to Islam, certainly thanks to oil- and drug-dollars. On the other hand, wealthy Islamists strive to penetrate all echelons of power and social organisations, in order to become a lobby, change their mentality and impose their hegemony on them. They seek to implant fear and cause chaos and dismay in the minds of Europeans through constant terror activity.

There are many among the “alien” Muslims who are not the law-abiding and productive part of the Western population: some of them do not work, live off the social assistance and are busy dealing in drugs, weapons and prostitution. Yesterday’s Christmas and New Year’s fires ignited by Islamist teenagers in Christian countries turned into gigantic bonfires: brilliantly organised fighters from the Muslim communities of France, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Belgium burn not only the possessions of the local population, organisations, churches, sacred books, but also shoot to kill at passenger vehicles and peaceful civilians. The governments of these countries, consisting of native citizens, are passive, but promise that the instigators of disorder will be punished, and the international political organisations are silent. A slow “democratic” suicide of Europe is taking place. Islam is striving for power, NATO is paralysed, the ghost of sharia is materialising, and experiments in crossing Christianity with Islam have produced 14 million battle-worthy fighters-fanatics. Under the auspices of Islamic universities and academies, military centres of fanatic Islamists are being created, the strategy of civil wars is being developed somewhere already, of destructive mega-terrorist acts, suicide terrorists are being prepared… That’s what explains the paradoxical fact that, for example, in France people elected as President not an ethnic Frenchman, but the immigrant-hybrid of Nicolas Sarkozy, whose mother (a Jewess) was an immigrant from Hungary, and the father came from Italy (a Catholic Christian). Shame on France that the people could not find a worthy patriot among ethnic


Frenchmen who could lead the people to defend the most civilised Christian country from the invasion of occupants!

The prophecy of Michel Nostradamus that in the 21st century camels will drink water from Europe’s main river, Rhine, is coming completely true. The unrest of Muslim occupants forces local residents to flee their native countries, their historical motherlands by thousands in order to evade death; they emigrate to foreign lands without Islamic violence. Euro-Arabisation is going full speed ahead!

Radical Islam has become a toothache in the hearts of Western citizens!

The world-famous actress Brigitte Bardot could be called a prophetess; in her book titled “A Scream in the Silence” (May 2003) she saw a direct threat to the future of France, which in the past was a stronghold of Christian civilisation, in the invasion of Islamic terrorists disguised as refugees. “I am against Islamisation of France!” – she wrote. – “I am against the barbaric and pitiless mass sacrifices – cutting sheep’s throats in the streets, in building halls, in flats… of French cities on the days of Muslim holidays, spattering of residential quarters with blood, cluttering sewer systems and garbage collection with bloody hides, bones, skulls…”

The French “justice” had accused her of racism (?!) and demanded a strict punishment for her!!!

Israel is preparing for a great historical aliyah: to admit non-Jewish immigrants, tens of millions of Christian refugees from the originally Christian countries.



A pious person by his deeds in creative work should strive to become part of God, and only then immortality will come – through heirs (carriers of genes) in the generations to come.

But, unfortunately, people strive to approach the Great ones only to belittle them and make them worthless.

One should know how to grow old! As we have already mentioned, that is a whole science. One should train their body and mind so that the past years would influence them as little as possible. In reality, what’s saddening is not that old age is approaching with years. The disappearance of youth, the inexorable process of fading mind is what’s saddening. The science of “growing old” also includes a notion of constant urge to draw apart the limits of life, persistence in self-expression and self-realisation, the ability to turn interaction with people of any age not into a punishment for them, but into joy and pleasure – both for oneself and for them.

Soon they’ll invent computers for the elderly able to read the thoughts – those long-forgotten and the ones that haven’t come to mind yet.

A regular photo shows what the elderly were like, while an X-ray picture shows what they will be like.

Usually, during their life, many righteous ones consider themselves sinners, while many sinners consider themselves righteous. In order to find the truth, one should look deeper into one’s soul and honestly examine one’s urges. The sinfulness of human nature makes one suspect that vile, egotistic, criminal motions of one’s heart and mind might hide behind seemingly even the most innocent and even kind deeds and feelings. Quite often people are generous for their vanity, benevolent out of self-interest, condescending out of weakness, and tough out of stubbornness.

We believe that until this day the clear criteria for sinners and the righteous ones have not been fully formulated, because there is no reasonable world order on Earth, and until now we remain captives of laughable blindness and human stupidity that are subordinated to the passions of flesh, imagination and egotism. We, like all other people, were also created free, have our own will, the right to make mistakes and to act foolishly, as others do. That is the main law of evolution of functions of any reason.

We don’t know how that will be seen, but we have always been prone to human weaknesses. And generally, we believe that it’s not life that makes one older, but the line in one’s passport that states the date of birth.

A person’s fate is determined exclusively by his individuality and not by astrology, Tarot cards, drawn diagrams or fortune-telling over coffee ground.


People are vexed when losing pocket money, no matter how much, but are indifferent to that fact that the days of their lives are going irreversibly. The lost money can be returned, but the days – never.

Heaven, Earth, Nature were created only for people, so that using their gifts and fruit, people would acquire prosperity, satisfaction, happiness, and one might say, heavenly life. Unfortunately, all the sacred biblical books, rituals, work of many great poets, writers, thinkers, and philosophers are essentially just eloquence, and sometimes gab, but not the guide to action, urging mankind to “materialise” this heavenly life.

It seems that philosophy is not a science; it is an art to express one’s thoughts with elaborate terms, hardly understandable to anyone, sometimes including their author as well. Voltaire said that it’s also possible to live without philosophising and wisdom, as long as there is what to live off.

It’s difficult for us to judge whether philosophy is considered a science. The only thing we suppose is that the modern science is of applied, post-empirical, and often speculative nature. First, they discover a phenomenon by complete accident, for example, electricity, and then the so called “scientists” wrap it in the clouds of science. Later, often ignoring the discoverer, some other “learned men” wrap these “discoveries” in a mystical layer of rhetoric and logic, various new terms and complex mathematical formulas and numbers, in order to blind members of various artificially created committees or juries, awarding them with gold medals or a certain sum of money of the Nobel Prize sort.

Even before Isaac Newton the primordial people knew that if someone hits a tree with his head, the tree hits the man’s head with an absolutely equal force. And out of this long-known fact Newton invented a physics formula that entered the history of science as a new law!

Darwin’s evolutionary theory on the origin of Man can be considered an ironic science, a fruit of author’s imagination. It’s not by accident that a huge army of people who earlier believed that theory had abruptly shrunk to just dozens of soldiers.

The role of religion in science is even lesser than in philosophy. The aim of a true religion is to provide people with a moral code and a hope for better life in the other world. In many countries the Church is separated from the state, but science is not! Science is politicised, and entire battalions of pseudo-scientists are kept at the expense of taxpayers. And only the real scientists, driven into cellars as service staff and doing good deeds, get their beggar’s salary and pay their taxes.

Often religion, science, philosophy and politics make main notions of life so complicated that sometimes drive them to absurd and utopia.

Because of fanatical extremists of various religious creeds and false interpretations of Sacred


Scriptures there is no mutual understanding, sincerity, mutual love and even simple respect. Instead, things are often dominated by envy, hatred, enmity, terror and horrible wars. Religious fanatics may be called heretics. A heretic is not someone who is burned at the stake, but the one who ignites it. Those who are guided by the Letter and Spirit of the sacred books (especially the Quran), but interprets the content in their own way and begin philosophising about the importance of self-sacrifice, can be called criminals. Their “followers” in the future begin imitating their teacher-guru and strive to surpass him in their extremism. Deriving benefit from their own complex of inferiority, they, being hypnotised, acquire a sense of personal “superiority” over everyone. Manipulating false modesty and blatant impudence, they skilfully mask their worthlessness.

Pride and arrogance

Pride and arrogance are completely different concepts.

Pride is a high sense of personal dignity. It is devoid of vanity.

Arrogance is pathology, only those with nothing to be proud of suffer from it. Syndromes of arrogance and narcissism are tightly related to each other, and can be inherited, mainly through the father’s line.

People who display these syndromes usually have spiritual and intellectual shortcomings: the habit to be proud of not only their own imaginary “merits”, but also of the “merits” that never existed of their parents or relatives, living or dead. Inherent in their character are constant lies and falsehoods that only they believe, becoming victims of their own fantasy. Because of their habit to fantasise and lie, they become a subject of mockery in social circles, and a source of scandalous situations and misunderstandings.

People suffering from pathological arrogance constantly complain that no one listens to them, or understands them properly, and angrily denounce everyone. They are always not only labile emotionally, but also haughty, and can brilliantly play a role of the “super-clever and super-humble, kind and unselfish ones”. That’s why it’s very difficult for them to fit the environment, to find like-minded people, or at least some acquaintances with common interests. This way they isolate themselves form others, considering any relations with people to be beneath their dignity.

They say about such people: first get to know yourself, and only then you can get to know others; look for the right way in how to be in harmony with yourself.

Arrogance always breeds egoism and ambition, i.e., love for oneself. Such people think about the importance of their person day and night. Instinctively making themselves divine, they come down with wrath and criticism on those whose views do not coincide with their “logic” that is based on nothing. These people always thoroughly hide their thoughts, and in their actions they not devious as much as they are rude, and sometimes mean. The arrogant ones are simply unable


to make an adequate appraisal of themselves, a self-identification. They gratify their own character in any possible way, and always find justification for their untamed instincts. Such people are woven with contradictions; they are hypocritical and flattering. Often they verbally “admit” the inappropriateness of their conduct, but in reality their actions, without any basis, have a provocative nature, worthy of contempt. They consider everyone an idiot, blaming others for their endless failures. They become their own enemies; they can be compared with a raging sea, with eternal tides and ebbs that erode the shore.

The arrogant ones are always captives of continual and abrupt shifts in their mood; they are unpredictable and are notable for their paradoxical conduct.

The majority of efforts by relatives and friends to get them out of the vicious circle of the false pride end in failure.

There is no specific cure for such people.



Today these popular expressions are forgotten: “all the dirt sticks to money”, “you can’t take it there with you”, “not everything in this world can be bought or sold”; today, more than ever, these expressions have become the relevant ones: “money doesn’t smell”, “to hell with the knowledge that doesn’t convert into money”, etc.

In our times the spirit of commerce rules stronger than the Divine one. The glitter of gold coins hypnotises both mind and conscience. Having elected the Golden Taurus as their idol, many people forgot the True God and His commandments. But what a pity!

“Money is a talisman; there are demons nesting there that fulfil all our wishes. But nonetheless these demons hate us for our slavish obedience to money, and while fulfilling our wishes they lead to calamity or prepare various disasters for us.” (H. Heine)

However, money serves as armour against many vicissitudes of this crazy and continually changing world.

The opinion that the poor and the rich are equal before death is erroneous.

The poor and the rich are equal not before, but after death.

Money is not a luxury, but a means for human interaction on Earth. Yet let’s not forget that in the era of natural exchange the Golden Age ruled on Earth, there was no envy, spite, blackmail and even big wars, and once the money had appeared, injustice and violence came into the world along with it.

Wealth is either the result of crimes committed in poverty, or the result of the person’s creative gifts.

A small sum of money that was lent makes the person a friend, while a big one makes him an enemy. And still, there is more of good in big money and less of evil.

If one has to roll, it better be in luxury.

It’s better to be seen in a rich society than in a poor one. It’s a matter of prestige.

There are not many ones who know that millions consist of zeros.

The root of evil is not in money, but in the means of its procuring.

Life is when they take money from us, and death is when they take us from money.


A child asks his father: -- Papa, what is money?-- Sonny, money is a “Mercedes”, restaurants, French cognac, beautiful women…-- And when there is no money?-- Well, then it is a bus, a fast-food place, tea without lemon and your mother!

To live within one’s means, one has to have them first.

When asked, “what is harder to carry – a bag full of money or an empty one?”, the answer was unanimous “of course, the one without money!”

The money smells even for those who have no sense of smell.

Love of money is the root of all evil. The same can be said about absence of money.

Wealth begins when its owner is no longer able to spend it.

Money doesn’t matter so long as you have it. These days money rarely smells, because it is laundered. Money that was used and washed costs more.

Acquiring money requires not only bravery, but also courage; keeping money requires not only wit, but also discretion; while spending money requires not just imagination: it is an art.

Money is needed to manage without it.

It’s easier to have a ready tongue, than ready money.

Free cheese can is only found in mouse traps.

In a rich house even a cat is an important person.

Without means of subsistence, one can endlessly try to make the ends meet.

To kiss the hand of a naked woman is an unnecessary formality and a waste of time. To quickly take a woman one needs to pay extra for the speed.

An illness is not as dreadful as paying for its treatment.

A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.

Unselfish friendship is only possible between people of not only the same income, but of the same spending.

One shouldn’t talk about money with people who have significantly more of it, or significantly



It’s fairly easy for the rich to hide their wealth, but much harder for the poor to hide their poverty.

Good manners are acquired with wealth and lost with poverty.

The luxury of office décor is inversely related to the strength of the company’s position.

Only philosophers whose imagination wings are cut can claim that one can be free and happy living in poverty.

If you lend money, you either lose money or acquire enemies.

A day without losses should be recorded as profitable.

Money rules a person’s conduct. Money is applause turning into ovation. Everyone stands up.

Many can penetrate the finest structures of a person’s psyche so deeply that it becomes a particle of their quivering soul.

Money is an equivalent and one of the main regulators of life. Many people get married only for their love… for money.

Money is capable of causing a mystical illness in people, whose name is not yet invented; therefore it’s not mentioned in the medical nomenclature of ailments.

Money causes in many people quite a hard psychological syndrome, the first stage of which is called “the accumulation mania”, and later on it may progress to the second stage, “the squandering mania”. It’s hard to forecast the outcome of this syndrome.

Money can change not only the economic and social way of a person’s life, but also his dreams and fantasies, dreams and visions, intimate relations (not only with his wife), desires and habits, nutritional ration, self-esteem and appraising merits of others, and the list of friends and relatives.

Money is one of the main reasons of a person’s psychic energy resources exhaustion. In a surge of madness, there are stresses, megalomania with frequent mood shifts, frustrations, narcissism with a new desire remaining eternally young, beautiful, healthy, famous and omnipotent.

The outer appearance (vision), rustle (hearing), specific scent (smell), feeling banknotes’ embossed symbols with one’s fingertips (touch), peculiar piquant sensations (taste) excite not only the brain’s grey matter, but all the subcortex structures, where the demons of destruction and violence are hiding.


“Crazy money” can simultaneously save and kill, glorify and trample, create and destroy human good.

Fighting corruption increases the size of bribes.

Motherland can only be sold if it has a price.

Much money is always different from “not much”, enough money – from “not enough”. The theory of relativity is helpless in these cases.

One’s own money cause joy and happiness, while the jingle of someone else’s coins sounds like a dead march.

Financial dependence undermines one’s dignity, optimism, confidence and even religiousness.

Money determines the melody of a family “duet”. In it, the sound arrangement is the wife’s responsibility.

Without money it’s impossible to be a lady, and even more so, a gentleman.

Money should be earned with the blood of “enemies” and the sweat of “slaves”.

If rumours and claims of ignorami are to be believed, the Jews were the first in mankind’s history to discover the world law of the gravity of money.

Some save as if they’ll live forever; others spend as if they’ll die this instance.

When they tell you that money is not the matter, they mean someone else’s money. A person without money is better than money without a person.

To found a bank is harder than to rob it.

A bank is a place where they’ll give you credit if you prove that you don’t need it.

The exchange rate of dollar is the pulse of stability and speculative growth of the U.S. economy at the expense of income of the rest of the world’s citizens.

The only means of defending the rich from the wrath of the poor is raise their material well-being on both feet.

To borrow your money without full guarantee of paying it back is an assault on your property and an attempt to destroy what you have built. Who knows what may happen with you or the debtor? And the debt will be left unpaid.


If one wants to lend money, it should be done only in small sums and only to very close people. Once you’ve lent the money, forget about the debt and consider it a gift.

Money is a material equivalent of your energy; money strengthens not only your material essence and your flesh, but also your spirituality.


To give is much more pleasant than to receive. The value of a gift doesn’t always coincide with its monetary equivalent. There should be different gifts for love and for friendship. In both cases you get back exactly as much as you give.

Someone who just yesterday was impressing with his “squandering” today may turn into a stingy and niggardly man.

The anti-Semitic claim that Jews love money is very easy to prove, if a people can be found in the world who doesn’t love them. Such expressions as “Jewish money”, “Jewish banks and capital”, “Jewish heads” are no longer relevant. Money has become cosmopolitan and no longer has ethnic origin.

Everyone envies the rich. Envy is internal stinking dirt, inevitably coming through externally.

Envy is an ordinary instinct, inherent in people of our planet. Everyone is born with this instinct, therefore the task of the parents and society is to etch out this instinct from their young souls, while still in infancy, through patient systematic nurture, and turn sinful evil into good. If that is not done timely, envy grows into hatred and becomes colossal destructive force.

There are people whose genes consist of black envy that moves only in one direction: ignoring others’ successes and merits, and destroying happiness of others. At the same time they bend over backwards to exalt their ignorance, worthlessness, and egoism; idealise their numerous complexes of inferiority.

Envy knows no holidays or days off, and is friends only with hatred.

The envious one is doomed to have multiple deaths, as he has to endure multiple praises addressed to his rivals. The envious are never happy or satisfied; their hatred to more fortunate rivals often grows into self-hatred.

When they say that the envious have clear conscience, perhaps there is some truth in that, perhaps they are right in something – after all, the conscience of such people has never been in





Recently in the U.S., a famous banker and lawyer Ch. Morris published a book titled “The Trillion Dollar Meltdown”, where he analyses the huge damage done to the world economy thanks to the global expansion and devaluation of American dollar. According to the book’s author, many speculative decisions made by the heads of the Federal Reserve System and U.S. Presidents, had led not only to the devaluation of the dollar, but also to the complete anarchy of market regulating mechanisms around the world. They served not only their personal interests, but also the aspirations of their accomplices – speculating financial companies and swindlers acting under the demagogic slogan of “maximum market freedom”. Multiple times they systematically increased the market value of their highly speculative and semi-fictitious funds and shares, declared astronomical levels of profit in order to attract hundreds of billions from foreign banks and investors. These sophisticated swindlers purposefully, without limits “issued” to their accomplices the so called mortgages to acquire real estate, houses, etc., whose value was many times lower than their real price. The hundreds of billions in issued mortgages would accumulate in anonymous bank accounts or accomplices’ pockets and artificially caused the so called “mortgage” crisis that had grown into the economic depression in the U.S. Later it spread over to the rest of the world. These hundreds of billions, stolen through deceit, mostly originated from foreign banks, investors and shareholders. They were naively confident that invested huge sums of their unfortunate clients into various financial funds, speculative shares, securities, bonds and other financial instruments, “promising high dividends”.

Back then American dollar was a prestigious currency. More than 70% of the world economy carried its financial activity with the American currency: all the large financial transactions, national and international trade relations, business contracts, etc. were done only in dollars that some time ago served as a symbol of stability and power. Even simple working folks preferred to keep their savings in dollars in the so called “reliable” much-promising bank shares.

However, in the course of rapid degradation of moral values of the so called “American model of democracy”, irrepressibly increasing avarice for profits of the government speculators-brokers and manipulators, who were responsible for the global financial leverage of the U.S., American dollar began rapidly roll down, without stop, on daily basis, although not in the U.S. itself, but in other countries of the world. The purchasing power of American dollar had fallen almost 70% outside the U.S. borders!!! While the so called “reliable shares, funds, etc.” of all the financial institutions was devalued by 50 to 80%. As a consequence of that the prices soared sharply, including those for energy, fuel, food; inflation rate was going up, etc. Taxpayers and workers were destitute and on the brink of economic catastrophe. But government financial clerks, exchange speculators, swindlers who were the architects of the world economic catastrophe have made astronomical gains. Observing strict secrecy, the American federal powers were perfectly informed of the forthcoming economic disasters. They were long preparing for the world financial and economic crisis in order to conquer and the world hegemony.


The biggest world problem is that today the value of the global speculative financial instruments is several times more than the size of the world economy. To this day, 75% of the world economy is “regulated” with the devaluing American dollars, and not by government or international financial organisations, but by speculators and swindlers.

According to Morris, if the world does not refuse to use the green snake, American dollar, as the main currency instrument, if it does not refuse to be dependent on the American “free market economy”, i.e., on “the U.S. economic slavery”, the crisis may spread to other spheres of the financial markets: a tsunami-like wave of poverty and hunger awaits the world economy, and therefore uncontrollable wrath of working people, who were “legally” robbed in broad daylight without compunction… I fear that if government gangsters and swindlers do not stop their unprecedented criminal financial machinations, the ruthless robbery of the citizens of almost the entire world, and don’t return the stolen trillions, they will bring the working people to a dangerous desperation with all the tragic consequences: economic ruin, anarchies, revolutions and terror…

It’s worth noting that the powers of Iran and Venezuela already saw through the strategic plans of the U.S.; they were the first who managed to break free from the claws of the green snake, American dollar, from their speculative exchange machinations, and finally, became free and independent, wealthy and powerful. As a result, their reserves grew and continue to grow hundreds of times. And other countries, still remaining under the influence of American economic terror and clear genocide, continue to be frustrated, and are just unable to free themselves from the American hypnotic somnambulism, from this hypnotised state…

Alas, the hopes of investors and simple people who live outside the U.S. that dollar will rise again to its previous level, that the world economy will be restored, have not only crumbled down, but were trampled on by the dirty boots of government speculators and gangsters, and their accomplices – compatriots. Their dollar assignments, dollar investments, long-term contracts, pensions and social security funds, workers’ savings, shares were not only ruthlessly devalued, but were almost made worthless. Huge sums of hundreds of billions of dollars were transferred to the pockets of conscienceless and avaricious exchange speculators and bureaucrats.

Hundreds of thousands destitute and bankrupt people of our planet simply went to the brink of economic and financial catastrophe. Following this unprecedented in the history of mankind daring deceit and robbery, many millions of them became distressed, sick, depressed. Became not only ill, but invalids as well. Others, of whom there are thousands, ended their lives by suicide, seeing no way out from the circumstances.

Unfortunately, there is no statistics on the dollar terror and genocide.

However, the fabulously enriched crooks, gangsters and swindlers, who rolled in stolen luxury, also began to have their specific problems: they don’t know how to dispose of such a huge stolen wealth. They manically seek not only reliable places to take the funds out to other countries, to


hide them, but also promising areas where the stolen millions (or maybe it’s trillions?) can be invested, so that they can build their happiness on the tragedy of others, and satisfy their mad appetites.

Divine punishment for their sinful deeds, fiery hell, pangs of conscience, degrading of moral values will never trouble them.

People, who became victims of the financial schemes of these government swindlers, have damaged their health for the rest of their lives due to continually taut nerves and horrible fear of the future. They began suffering from heart attacks, brain haemorrhage, paralysis, disruption of internal organs, etc. In the best case, if medics managed to save them from death, the majority of them were confined to wheelchairs, and in debt with banks.

They are unable to even pay the astronomical bills from the medical facilities where they had to seek doctors’ help. People became not only eternal invalids, but also aggressive, at the same time abruptly losing their ability to work, interest to all spheres of social and family and sexual life. The majority of these victims naturally began to despise not only American dollar, but also the so called “American model of democracy” with all their human rights, began to hate not only the U.S., but Americans themselves. Millions of people, leaving the hypnotised state, the somnambulism, became radicals, extremists, and as result began justifying all the terrorist acts directed against the U.S. and its satellites. Millions of bankrupt people turned into the potential enemies of the U.S., considering it “the Great Satan”. Tens of thousands of destitute young people are ready to convert to Islam, join the terrorist gangs of Al-Qaeda and began fighting against the American model of expansion and globalisation of the entire world’s population robbery.

The conscienceless and avaricious organisers of these gangster government gangs are also in despair; all of them face the dilemma of how to evade controls from the tax authorities, avoid punishment and the wrath of their wretched citizens.

To cover the tracks of their crimes, financial gangsters, with the aid of corrupt and greedy lawyers, began legalising these stolen billions in anonymous bank accounts, deposited in the name of fictitious persons or dead souls. The ringleaders of government power, the accomplices of these gangsters, pretend to be stupid, genetic imbeciles, as if they are not aware, and take no measures to at least temporarily suspend the globalised robbery of honest, but naïve, deeply hypnotised peoples. Due to abrupt artificial devaluation of dollar, prices increase on daily basis, including those on raw materials, means of subsistence; productivity is falling, along with the number of work places, the ranks of unemployed, criminals and potential terrorists are growing. Government bodies are not interested to resolve the national liquidity problems to justify the globalised dollar genocide, the total robbery of the entire planet’s population.

Now I have much understanding for the demonstrations and acts of protest of anti-globalists, who correctly guessed the barbaric plans of globalisation organisers for their hands-tentacles continually rummage in the pockets of others, stealing the last remaining small sums of money


and adding them to their billions.

These are the bitter fruits of the American model of democratisation, globalisation and expansion of the poison of the green snake – the dollar – on our green planet. People see salvation from this dirty poison and sickness not in paper-based laws or thick volumes of Constitution, but in revolutions, demolitions, in gaining independence and freedom from the green American dollars, from the grossly perverted American democracy and the right for the freedom of deceit and robbery…



Pagans, cannibals and other “worthy” representatives of mankind also had their gods, religions, rituals, symbols, philosophy, traditions and culture.

For example, for pagans cross was the main symbol of their philosophy. The upper branch meant Heaven, the longer lower branch meant Earth, connected with Heaven. The left part meant Water, and the right part was for its opposite, the Fire. In their notion, Man is situated between Heaven and Earth, and between Water and Fire.

And the Romans used this symbol – cross – to crucify criminals and rebels who stood against the Roman occupation of their countries.

Cross was the main symbol not only for Christians, but , as we have mentioned, for more ancient pagans, especially for the Roman Empire, as well as for American Indians, Incas and others, as the expression of the God of Sun.

The majority of ancient religions of carious peoples were identical in many important and significant aspects: people worshipped living Gods who were considered representatives of the Divine Sun and were the intermediaries between Heaven and Earth, between the Top and the Bottom, the Divine and human worlds. The unity of life, death and resurrection has been thought to be the main criteria of religious-mystical phenomenon. That concept can be traced in ancient pagan cultures, starting with such descendants of the Atlantic era as American Indians, Egyptian priests, initiated Hindus and others. The Supreme God in any faith or conception of the ancient world were the Spirit and the Light (the Sun) in a personified form.

For American Indians it is Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl; for the Hindus these are Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Ishvara, Krishna; for the Egyptians – Ra, Osiris, Anubis, Amun, Serapis, Isida; for the Greeks – Appollo, Bacchus (Dionysus), Hermes, Hercules, Zeus, Uranus, Vulcan and others; for the Scandinavians – Baldr, Thor, Odin, Freyr; and for the Persians they are Ahura Mazda, Mitra…

There’s more mystery than history in that almost all living Gods of many peoples and religions have identical biographical legend. For example, Krishna and Christ preached almost the same religious philosophy, cured the ill and led the lives of martyrs. Being equally young, they sacrificed their lives for the sake of expiating the sins of their compatriots. Unlike Christ, Krishna first bad farewell to his disciples, then dipped himself three times in the sacred waters of the Ganges and was killed by a shot from a bow. Later, on 25 December, he was also crucified on a tree, into which he had dissolved. The tree (it was an oak) looked like a T-shaped cross, “T” being the symbol of re-birth.

The sun god of the Greeks, Bacchus (Dionysus), just like Christ was born to an immaculate virgin on 25 December. He was also sentenced to death by Titans at a young age. On 25 March,


around Passover, he, just like Christ, arose from the dead.

In the ancient Phrygia, Attis was considered the Saviour of Mankind, the son of Sun God. He was born, just like Christ, at midnight on 25 December, to the Great Mother, Cybele. To save the souls of mankind, he also took a death of martyr at a young age, was also crucified and rose from the dead three days later, around Passover.

Mitra of Persia was believed to be the symbol of Sun God and preached harmony between good and evil. The cult of Mitra is a fundament of Gnostics. The cult of Mitra has arrived from Asia (Persia) in the Avestan tradition of Zoroastrianism. It turns out that Mitra was also born on 25 December and also was crucified.

In the Scandinavian cults Odin, the Sun deity, unlike other living Gods, crucified himself, hanging from a branch of the World tree and plunging a sacred spear into his side. In 9 days after the martyr’s death he rose from the dead.

We consider such coincidence of birth, life, deeds, martyr’s death and resurrection of living Gods of various religions quite interesting, and worthy of special research. That will provide a chance to prove that Man was created by God, who periodically sends a Messiah to Earth (under different names), and is not at all an evolved… ape.

Judeans considered a cross to be an idol of pagans, and any sign or object resembling a cross in its shape was to be destroyed. It is this circumstance that is irrefutable evidence that Hebrew tribes who lived at the time in the land of Israel under the yoke of the Roman occupants could never make the hated idol in a carpentry shop for crucifixion of their compatriot, the son of Israel, Jesus of Nazareth. Therefore, it’s not accidental that the leadership of Catholic Church in Vatican officially proclaimed that libellous accusation that Jews crucified the Son of God Jesus Christ is annulled forever, and those who disagree with that are declared slanderers and sinners.

One of the merits of the Jews is the circumstance that, although they are not prophets, they can be considered descendants of prophets, and it’s possible that Messiah, Mashiah, the Saviour of human souls will come from their midst.



I don’t know whether you paid attention, but there is much more variety in people’s lives than in the Earth’s flora or fauna. It is scientifically proven that from the moment the first man appeared, there have never been two absolutely identical individuals on Earth. Even enzygotic twins always have differences. On the entire globe, depending on geographical or climate conditions, people differ by skin colour, and are built differently form the point of view of anatomy or physiology. They all speak different languages; their morals, intellect, mentality culture, traditions, faiths and psyche are absolutely different.

How to explain why Jews and Russians, being born on Russian soil and being brought up in the same school, are so different from each other? Why Jews more often play violin, while Russians play balalaika?

Whoever can explain this unique phenomenon of life, will personally receive this book from the authors with a dedicatory inscription!

We attempted to gather with great attention and patience the scattered all over the world various thoughts on life, love, the necessity of death – and not only of ancient sages, but also of modern fools, in order to compare, comprehend and extrapolate them; to select, add, shorten and get the single whole. Many thoughts mentioned in this book probably have their authors, among whom there are quite a few plagiarists, and even more of ignorami, as they didn’t know that such wise thoughts were used by peoples long before they had appeared in the world. Therefore we consider them to be “communal”, belonging to all. This book can be called a “piracy” in the expanses of the world ocean of the long-known human thoughts.

Our book is an attempt to grasp a major part of wise (and yes, foolish!) thoughts that were accumulated by mankind in various eras of history, but are often so necessary now. During the work we had to contrive, adapt, and often renounce our own convictions, in order to fulfil our task at least partially. Any author should use spiritual values in his works that are wrapped in words and reach us like fire fanned by the wind of his own ideas and thoughts. Let this fire burn brighter and brighter, illuminating everyone who decided to learn the Great Knowledge with inextinguishable light.

Any masterpiece of art or fashion always has traces of stealing from the past in the name of enriching the present.

Art is an industry where the mob (creature) is processed into a people.

In novelty and originality of thoughts we cannot compare even with the first man on Earth, Adam, although he had colossal advantages against anyone who later held a pen. Even nonsense that Adam pronounced was novel and super-interesting for his beloved spouse. It’s no wonder then that he was able to conquer Eva’s heart, mind and body practically at once, without flirting.


It’s clear that due to excess of information and changing events (with a truly cosmic speed), it’s very hard in our times to write a talented and original book, a bestseller. But if a person has some new thoughts, it’s still better to write them down, as everything that wasn’t said aloud and thus forgotten, will become a colossal loss for the next generation. Of course, a thought is an immaterial, abstract concept, but it is capable to bring mankind to the greatest accomplishments.

Critics are ordinary people who would become poets, artists, physicists or doctors if they could. There are more pessimists among critics who see a difficulty in every opportunity, and much fewer optimists who see an opportunity in every difficulty. There’s nothing we can do here, as Nature is imperfect, and Man is its crown. Therefore critics have to attack the thinker when they can’t defeat the thought, and it no longer matters to them just how deep and substantial it is.

Only those people can attack true thinkers whose suit’s stains are its only clean spots. Their demagogy is also based on words, but it’s impossible to create new civilisations in other worlds with their aid. It may be appropriate to compare them with beggars here, who envy not the millionaire, but another beggar who was just given more.

Success is the most horrible misdemeanour that is never forgiven by “brethren”.

People are not as unhappy as it seems to them, and not as happy as they would like to be. It’s madness to resemble those no longer young people who, not having the right to be proud of their present, boast about their past – unknown, invisible and ephemeral, where a fact of small laboratory victory is turned into a gigantic scientific discovery, and a squeezed drop of compassion for a neighbour is made an example for global humanism. Such elders should be feared, as they’ll never go away on their own, they will demand attention, compensation and honours; will grumble about ungratefulness of descendants and create disorder in the world, operating with facts that didn’t take place, with discoveries that are the fruits if their inflamed imagination, and arguments that lead one’s mind into a dead end, and not to the truth.

Such books are written frequently, but not at all by the “stars” of prose or poetry. There is never enough time to finish them, even if one postpones the date of one’s death indefinitely.

Rumours have reached us from hell that the Prince of Darkness had invented more subtle tortures for sinners: they are forced to read multiple times the most ungifted literary works, whose pages are unfit even for external application, but are very appropriate for recycling. A pious Jew is urgently looking for a gold but kosher watch that will not stop on Saturdays, strictly observing that sacred day. It is strictly forbidden for religious Jews to wear watches that use batteries.

It’s always worth remembering that talented readers should be protected from ungifted writers. Many of the so called “writers” are confident that they create spiritual food for people, but unfortunately, it is not edible.




Any creator of aphorisms or just sharp sayings finds the magic of self-expression in them. Finally, after many centuries of intense quest by theologians, philosophers, arts critics and physicists, it was established that letters and sounds possess a hardly measurable, but huge mystic power, which is able to transport around the world not only human thoughts and feelings, but also the entire world civilisation and history.

The subjects that we tried to cover in the present book are so important, relevant and multifaceted that further work on them will yet feed hundreds of philosophers and writers. And one more thing: we tried to write this book permeating its pages with satire and humour, because we know: in order for a humorist to survive, the reader should die of laughter, with tears in his eyes.

If a reader, having reached the last page of the book and having finally closed it forever, has experienced a sense of significant relief and joy, we may consider it as complete defeat: it means this book is destined to the fate of hygienic means, devised only “for external application”!!! So as to prevent that, the publishers have prepared in advance: they used thick paper for printing.

A good book is always read avidly and with slight envy. It forces the reader to ponder what was just read, connect it with his own opinion, discuss it with friends, and share the impressions and feelings. The content of a good book requires no effort to be remembered.

Therefore we can consider a genius someone who was able to express in every line such thoughts that have become a source of inexhaustible wisdom.

Poetic words, transcending the limits of time and space, are able to unify not only people, but also eras.

A good book should bring its readers relief and joy when reading not only every chapter, page, sentence, and individual words, but even every letter! A book should not be closed, it should be come a “table” book, remain always open on any given day or hour, for any case; it should become a study guide and a faithful life companion – if it is good, of course!

The known is known to but a few. But not everyone knows that new books are made out of old ones. One should write only when one can no longer refrain from writing.

The worst punishment for a badly written book is not to be read, or even leafed through. In the Middle Ages for reading good books they burned both the reader and the book, thus sanctifying their obscurantism.


Talented writers write differently, while ungifted ones write almost identically. Even the calligraphy (i.e., handwriting) of the latter is almost the same!

If a reader does not remember the title of the book, that’s the writer’s fault, not the reader’s.

The authors of this book, i.e., Rosemary and Shalva Mardi are already at such an age when people cease getting older. The rumours of our age are strongly falsified. Only the young get older. We find our diversion in intense creative and scientific work, as other kinds of entertainment no longer give us pleasure.

Fortunately, on rare occasions for leisure sake, we spend free time as guests of those people who have absolutely no free time.

We are also keen on reading long forgotten antiquarian books, to get convinced that “our” wise thoughts are not so new, and were used by our ancestors, not only after, but even before the birth of Christ. It’s the same way in life: there are more copies of people’s ancestors than originals. For example, the following can be considered original: W. Shakespeare, L. Tolstoy, Shota Rustaveli and others, whose literary works are immortal. Unfortunately, many artists have died prematurely not from death, but from LACK OF PRAISE!

It’s more difficult to read old books than old letters even for such reason that one no longer has to reply to the latter.

Our accomplishment is that we turned many banalities found in old books into paradoxes! With this we have proved that our brains are actively participating in the process of thinking.

Everything seems simple in life, but, unfortunately, is highly complicated.

I am sure that not all writers and poets are able to revere the uniqueness of W. Shakespeare’s talent, especially when they contrast their mind and writing abilities with his!

We admire Shakespeare’s genius works, and there is no doubt that he had written them. But when we hold in our hands all the 6 volumes of his works, it’s hard to believe that he had read them all!

We have no doubt that after reading our book the number of flattering persons and those who envy us will not decrease. Those who can flatter can also slander, because the fame of others is the most irritating and agitating means. Truth is the antidote to slander. But it’s better to be the object or subject of envy than compassion. The axiom that the envious and the hating are lower than a talented writer, and even lower than God, does not require proof.

Judging by the laws of Newton, one can only lean on something that puts up resistance. Those who throw dirt lose the ground under their feet.


We, the authors of this book, despite having a Russian soul, are not Russians in our flesh. But this book was written in the Russian language, thanks to which we were able to fully express the entire depth of human wisdom, beautified with irony and humour. We are citizens of a country where humour and irony are less in demand than Swiss cheese and chocolates.

We have fears that during public readings of this book orthographical errors missed by us were not heard. The listeners, who have not yet had the time to read this book, can call us “writers” in the worst sense of the word.



Genealogy of the Mardi Family Name

Synonyms: Mardi, Marduck, Mardock, Mardea, Mardell, Marden, Mardashov, Mardew, Mardessa, Mardin, Mardiron, Mordechai, Mardochai, Ben-Mardochai, Mardachiashvili.

All variations of the above refer to the name of MARDUCK - the chief Babylonian God, the Sun-God who was believed to bestow light and warmth on all leaving creatures on the Earth (IX-V B.C.). Legends and historical documents allege that the Babylonian God Marduch attempted to obviate the other pagan Gods in order to establish in a way similar to the one followed by the Biblical God the system of monotheism, the rule of one God.

Based on in-depth studies of the Bible and the ancient Holy Scrolls in general and the Megilat Esther (Esfir) in particular, and their critical review, as well as on my interpretation of the oral fables I had recurrently heard from my ancestors, and first among them my father Josef Davidovich Mardachiashvili, I have reconstructed a comprehensive version of the Genealogy of the Mardi Family Name, presented below.

First it should be noted that there exist a lot of archeological and historical documents substantiating the claim that upon the Exodus of the Jews from the Babylonian Diaspora a part of Benjamin kindred, inter alia descendants of Mordehai, after dozens of years of wandering had to settle down in an almost inaccessible area of the Caucasus Mountains for an "overnight stop" to make a pause. However, the high altitude and the perennial mountain snowcaps (at about 6000 m above the sea level) would not let the migrating Benjamin kindred to continue their nomadic journey. Hence the area gradually turned into their seemingly temporary home … for the next 27 centuries (sic!), where the settlers were patiently "awaiting" for the advent of the Savior (Mashiah, Messiah). Nomadic followers to the prophesy of Moses named the place "Lailashi" or an "overnight stop" in Hebrew.

Legends claim that Christian missioners would fail to reach the community due to the inaccessibility of the area or just overlooked them due to their almost total isolation from the outside world. Thus the Jewish community of Lailashi had managed to stay unbaptized in V-IX A.D. Even later they did not turn into "Vykrests" and up to now have kept allegiance to the Old Testament.

The Jewish community of the Village of Lailashi of about 800 households had lived by the rites of Judaism and Halakhah until XVIII. They run a Jewish school (Yeshiva) that provided a high quality Judaic and general education to the village youth. The latter distinguished from the other urban Jews by their consistently developed intellectualism, deep - rooted moral qualities and a strict observance of the ancient traditions inherited from the forefathers. (One of the Caucasus peaks at about 20 km away from Lailashi is named after Shalva Mardi).


All members of the Lailashi community, 90 percent of who confess Judaism and 10 percent follow the Christian religion, in their everyday life are speaking Georgian. Jews in addition are to be fluent in Aramaic - the language of Torah and Hebrew to follow religious rites in Synagogue. The Jewish community of Lailashi, living in an almost total isolation from the outside world, like their forefathers in Palestine and later in the Babylonian Diaspora practiced husbandry, agriculture and handicrafts. They were happy and well-off people, who were praying two to three times a day in their magnificent Synagogues and looking forward to their "return next year back to Jerusalem…". They were engaged in export and import of goods, e.g. bartered locally produced staple Kosher food staff for basic merchandise and household goods and utensils. Consequently they had to transport their goods for great distances on their back or if lucky on horse-driven carts. They were always armed to protect themselves from predators and criminals. In their displacements they covered distances of 50 to 60 km through rivers and mountains to reach the nearest villages and towns, Kutaisi city being one of their preferred point of destination.

The community practiced a strict Patriarchal life stile. By tradition, patriarchs of the households bearing the name of "Mardachiashvili" were always being kept in a high esteem and were predestined to occupy positions of leadership in the community. They were known under generic title of "Judaic Princes".

It should be noted that male heads of household at age beyond 60 were expected to make a pilgrimage to Palestine at the expense of the community. Facing the challenge of the ensuing journey of several years and full of hardship and life-threatening events, hazards and wandering not every pilgrim had a chance to reach the Holy Land. The bulk of those few who did manage to successfully cover the distance and reached the Holy Land alive would choose to settle down in the Holy City of Erushalaim and to live there the rest of the years.

By 1921, when Communists blocked the borders with the Iron Curtain, almost all generations of the Mardachiashvilis of Lailashi, but my grandfather David Mardachiashvili (precluded from repatriation by poor health) had migrated to the then Palestine. They all settled down among Jewish tribes and upon demise were being put to rest at the Temple (Olive) Mount of Zion in Jerusalem. The cemetery still exists; it enjoys protection of the State and is commonly known among locals as the "Georgian Cemetery".

My father Josef Davidovich Mardachiashvili for his merits and outstanding services to the society and the State was honored by the distinction to lay to rest at Jerusalem on the slopes of the Holy Temple Mount of Zion, next to his ancient forefathers.

I would like to note that all the synonyms and derivatives of the family name of Mardi could be found, however infrequently, in all parts of the world. Internet search for the core names of Marduck or Mardock give the biggest number of hits at sites in Americas and Australia, mainly with reference to Jewish people. These names rather seldom, but still can be found among Christians, both followers of the New and the Old Testaments, inter alia among


Marranos - baptized Spanish Jews.

These forms as first or family names could not be come across among Muslims. While some homonyms, e.g. names of Mahdi or Nardi have current usage among Muslims, it is unlikely to be derivatives of the core names of Marduck - Mardochai, that mean "Long Live the Babylonian Sun-God!"

Mardi as a family name, however infrequently, can still be found in Europe, Chile and Israel.

Among nationals of the Holy Land one can find synonyms of Marduck - Mardochai not only as a family name, but as a first name too, e.g. Mordechai among Jews originating from the East, and Mardochai among Jews coming from the West.

Among the Judaic residents of Israel the family name of Mardi had initially appeared with the arrival of Georgian Jewish immigrants bearing the name of Mardiachiashvili (pronounced as MARD-ACHIA-SHVILI). The core syllable "Mard" refers to the name of the Babylonian God. "Achia" is "brothers" in Hebrew, while "shvili" means "path" in Hebrew. The full translation of the name "Mard-achia-shvili" from Hebrew into English reads as the "Path of the Sons of Mardochai".

In Georgian the word "shvili" means "descendants" or "offsprings". Members of the household of our father Josef Davidovich Mardachiashvili and of his son Shalva Josefovich Mardachiashvili, M.D, Professor were the very first citizens of Israel who reinstated the name in its original form (substituting Mardi for Mardachiashvili) as inherited from the Babylonian forefathers.

In 1974 upon return to the land of the Biblical ancestors the name bearers abridged the long and difficult to pronounce family name by dropping off the last eleven letters, i.e. achia (brothers) and shvili (path). In its present form the name of Mardi sounds better while retaining its initial meaning. In its original Hebrew version the name "Mardi" represents the name of the chief Babylonian God, the Sun - God, while in its Georgian translation the name means "agile", "dashing".

Here it is worth noting that a renowned Australian media magnate and multi-billionaire of Jewish descent switched from his previous name of Mardochai to a more historically correct version reading as Marduck, the name of the almighty Babylonian God, who was allegedly giving protection to the outgoing tribes of the Biblical land.

In V B.C. in the Babylonian-Persian Kingdom of Mesopotamia during the ruling era of King Artaxerx midst dozens thousands of tribes belonging to the Palestinian Diaspora there lived a Jewish Prince, a representative of the Benjamin kindred, an offspring of King David and King Solomon, the full blood Uncle of Esther (Esfir), the Queen of the Babylonian Empire (also a descendant of the kingly bloodline - from the first King of Israel named Shaul). For his proven valor and succeeding to save life of the King of Babylon himself and deliver the Jewish people


the Uncle was rewarded with the highest position of Viceroy (King's deputy) and bestowed the highest title of the chief Babylonian God of Marduch. "Marduch" in Hebrew sounds like "Mardochai" and means "Long Live Mardochai, the King of Babylon!"

Derivatives of the name, i.e. Mardi-Marduch-Mardochai refer to the name of the chief Babylonian God, the Sun-God, who wanted to establish monotheism - the rule of one God, and used glaring light and fiery beams to ruthlessly exterminate the other, lesser pagan Gods. The Babylonian God Marduck like the Biblical God is also believed to desire to establish monotheism, his own monopoly to power, in order to single-handedly rule the Universe.

The names of Mardi, Marduck, Mardochai, as well as Esther or Esfir are not of the Jewish origin and are not mentioned in any other Holy Biblical Book, but in the ancient Holy Scrolls of the Megilat Esther (Esfir). However, the names are imprinted in the first lines at the mental Hall of Fame of the descendant of the Biblical people and listed among the most popular names for prominent personalities.

Marduck - Mardochai and Esther-Esfir have not only become heroic figures - saviors of their people, but are also known as punishers of the enemies of Israel. Mordechai in Galut became deputy to the almighty King of Artaxerx. His descendants bearing the sacred name are expected to live up to expectations going with his valor, title, status of the God of Light and Warmth, the source of life and happiness, the miracle of the Universe - the Sun.

We have all inherited the name of Mardi from our ancient forefathers, who 2700 years ago got first expelled from the Land of Israeli ancestors, and later 2500 ago escaped from the Babylonian bondage. After hundred years of wandering a part of the descendants of Mardochai finally settled down in Georgia, at the foothills (Lechkhumi) of the high and impassible Caucasus Mountains. The local climate and landscapes remind of the Swiss Alps in general and the ones of the Canton of Valais in particular, and first of all its part called Crans-Montana, where our Chalet "Mardi" is located.

Our family of the Mardis, having survived a few emigrations and now residing again up in the mountains, this time the Swiss Alps, do our best to respect all the Biblical traditions of our ancient forefathers. We do all possible to keep alive in memory our glorious history, to be in the forefront of the societies we live in, to put our honest and creative labor, our knowledge and achievements forward in order to live up to the honorable kingly and sacred title that goes with the name of MARDI.

P.S. The name of Mardi - Marduck - Mardochai is historically associated with the most important holiday - the "Festival of Lots - Purim", that commemorates the deliverance of the Jewish people from the imminent threat of extermination. The exploits of our ancestors of Mardochai and Esther should not be let vanish either from the memory of both their direct descendants or the collected memory of the humanity.

It is thanks to the valor of the forefathers, i.e. Mardochai and Esther that the oldest people


among followers of the religious traditions of Moses, the people who authored the Bible and the Moral Code, the people who gave Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and the Christ to the world has survived to the present day.

Purim is celebrated on the 14th day of Adar (birthday of Shalva Mardi). These are festivities to commemorate the time when the Jewish people led by Mardochai and assisted by Queen Esther, managed to get rid of Haman, the King Traitor of the Babylonian Empire and the butcher-execrator of the followers of Moses in his capacity of Deputy to the King, and to destroy his accomplices.

During Purim on 14th day of Adar the participants in addition to reading from the book of Megilat Esther are expected to perform three more customs, i.e. to exchange gifts, to donate charity to the poor and to share a celebratory meal.

All scholars and theologies unanimously agree that if eventually all traditional Biblical festivities could ever have misfortune to fall into oblivion, the Festival of Purim associated with the names of Mardi-Mardochai and Esther-Esfir, who saved the Jewish people from the total extermination, is destined to live forever as a symbol of eternity and immortality of the people who were chosen by the God to serve him, the people who stayed loyal to the prophesy of Moses.




(Left to be filled with final chapter order, chapter numbers and page numbers)


As authors, we would like to thank the following people who have already familiarised themselves with the contents of our book and instigated its publishing by their admiration, who inspired, provided materials, corrected and supported us.

We are sorry that due to space limitations we could not mention you all.

And so, listed below are our friends, to whom we express our profound gratitude:

Jemal Adjiashvili, professoer, poetNikolay Anoshko, a bank director, ZurichGuram Batiashvili, Editor of the “Menorah” newspaper, writerLyudmila BesetovaEvgeniy Bersheda, professor, academic, the Ammbassador of Ukraine at the U.N.Elena and Nikolay BogachevLeon Bokeria, professor, academicMarina and Vladimir GerasimovAlexander Gornostaev, vice-mayor of Moscow regionVladimir Gorodnichiy, poetOlga and Vladimir Grachev, Dr. of Historical Sciences, professor, academic at the U.N.Elena and Vladimir Gukaev, ex-General Consul of RD at the U.N.Jan Martin de Vivis, a bank director, GenevaAlexander Dostman, arts activistNelly and Joseph Kobzon, USSR arts laureateAndrey Kozyrev, ex-Foreign Minister of the USSR and RFVladimir Kotenov, the Ambassador of RF in GermanyAnna Kubanova, professor, academicIrina and Alexey KudrinGavriel Mirelashvili, president of VKGEBaya and Constantin MirelashviliN.I. Mihailova, Deputy Director of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, professor, academicElena and Sergey Ordzhonikidze, General Director of the U.N. in GenevaVladimir Ofer, businessman, patron of arts, CzechoslovakiaBoris Evgenyevich Poton, President of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, academicLyudmila and Victor PronichevLeonid Roshal, Medical Doctor, professorRevaz Sepiashvili, professor, academicAndrey Stepanov, ex-Ambassador of RF in Switzerland, professor, academicGennadiy Sushkevich, professor, ex-Head of Department at WHO in GenevaMarina and Andrey TaranovEvgeniy Temkin, ex-Minister of the USSR, professor, academicIrina Fedotova, banker, Zurich Sergey Furgal, professorAnatoliy Tsyb, professor, academicDmitriy Cherkashin, General Ambassador of RF in Switzerland and Lichtenstein


Yuri Shevchenko, ex-Minister of Health in RF, professor, academicAleko Shengeliya, Editor of the “Sarkmeli Sakartvelodan” newspaper, poetValentin Yudashkin, arts laureateValentina and Svetlana, workers of “Capital” BankGalina and Vasiliy Duma, businessman, RF Senator Mikhail Ivanovich Davydov, academic, President of Russian Academy of Medical SciencesNani Bregvadze, singer, USSR laureate of artsDmitry Barshevskiy, film directorDavid Mikhailovich Yakobashvili, businessman, arts critic, collectorAlexander Georgievich Hariton, professor, academicMikhail Vasilyevich Koryakin, professor, academicAlexander Petrovich Karmanov, businessman, collectorConstantin Skryabin, academicValentin Gaft, RF arts laureate, academic at Russian Academy of Cinematographic Arts “NIKA”Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, USSR and RF arts laureate, prima donna, singerZurab Constantinovich Tsereteli, artist and sculptor, USSR arts laureatePaata Zurabovich Gamgoneyshvili, economistRoland Isaev, businessmanSapir Teymuraz Sepiashvili, businessman, journalist, arts sponsorManana and Nodar Kozhin, American doctorVladimir Molochkov, professorMikhail Putin, M.D., GazpromVladimir Lvovich Golberg, businessmanIlya Glazunov, artist, academicDiana and Slava Reznik, representative at RF State Duma, financier

And our strongest gratitude goes toTeymuraz Yuryevich Hihinashvili, academic, current member of the International Academy of Informatisation, Doctor of Economic Sciences, for his invaluable help during publishing of the first edition of the book and his friendly support.

Shalva and Rosemary Mardi,Switzerland