The Invention of Paper in Ancient China

The Invention of Paper in Ancient China One day, Cai Lun went for a walk in Ancient China. On his walk, he met three men named Jizi, Bang, and She. Jizi, Bang, and She started chasing him. Little did they know, Cai Lun was an axe murderer. He decided he would let them have their fun for a little while. After 3 minutes of running, he turned around and whipped out his axe that he kept in his satchel. Jizi, Bang, and She were terrified and ran away screaming. As they were running, the dirt under them made a cloud. The dirt floated inside Cai Luns eyes, preventing him from seeing properly. He swung his axe but missed, and his axe got stuck inside the biggest redwood tree in the world. When the axe hit the tree it knocked out a chunk of the wood. The wood chunk was really thin. Cai Lun picked it up and took his pen from his bag. He was furious with Jizi, Bang, and She. He decided to write them a hate letter. He discovered that you could use trees as paper, and that is when paper was invented in Ancient China. Cai Lun later was arrested because he was an axe murderer.


How did they invent paper in Ancient China? Here is a creative take on it!

Transcript of The Invention of Paper in Ancient China

Page 1: The Invention of Paper in Ancient China

The Invention of Paper in Ancient China 

One day, Cai Lun went for a walk in Ancient China.  On his walk, he met three men 

named Jizi, Bang, and She.  Jizi, Bang, and She started chasing him.   Little did they know, Cai 

Lun was an axe murderer.  He decided he would let them have their fun for a little while.  After 

3 minutes of running, he turned around and whipped out his axe that he kept in his satchel.  

Jizi, Bang, and She were terrified and ran away screaming.  As they were running, the dirt under 

them made a cloud.  The dirt floated inside Cai Lun’s eyes, preventing him from seeing 

properly.   He swung his axe but missed, and his axe got stuck inside the biggest redwood tree 

in the world.  When the axe hit the tree it knocked out a chunk of the wood.  The wood chunk 

was really thin.  Cai Lun picked it up and took his pen from his bag.  He was furious with Jizi, 

Bang, and She.  He decided to write them a hate letter.  He discovered that you could use trees 

as paper, and that is when paper was invented in Ancient China.  Cai Lun later was arrested 

because he was an axe murderer.