The Interpretation of the Number 666

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  • 8/8/2019 The Interpretation of the Number 666


    The Interpretation of the Number 666


    This is a book about end time prophecy; the messages in this book are for those of us of thisgeneration, who will see these prophecies fulfilled in the very near future. The informationcontained in this book is very important to all faiths as it shows us the correct explanation of theinterpretation of the prophecies of Revelation, chapters 13, and 17.

    These end time prophecies are meant to be understood by those of our generation, and they areabout the imminent arrival of the Antichrist, so, while reading this book, ask God in prayer for hisunderstanding of what you are about to read.

    Test every word in this book by, and with your Bible, the Word of God.

    The time to spread the word is running out for all that know the truth about what will soon takeplace, and the people need to see that what they have been taught by the mainstream churcheshas been flawed.

    Soon the ways, and means by which we can spread the truth will be taken away from us, and wewill have to go underground just to survive. The end of this world is very near. Robert Love

    The conflict is not yet ended; and as we draw near the close of time, the battle waxes moreintense. As the second appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ draws near, satanic agencies aremoved from beneath. Satan will not only appear as a human being, but he will personate JesusChrist; and the world that has rejected the truth will receive him as the Lord of lords and King ofkings. -Volume 5 Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary pg. 1105

    The church has long professed to look to the Saviours advent as the consummation of her hopes.

    Now the great deceiver will make it appear that Christ has come. In different parts of the earth,Satan will manifest himself among men as a majestic being of dazzling brightness, resembling thedescription of the Son of God given by John in the Revelation. . . . The shout of triumph rings outupon the air, Christ has come! Christ has come! The people prostrate themselves in adorationbefore him. . . . In gentle, compassionate tones he presents some of the same gracious, heavenlytruths which the Saviour uttered; he heals the diseases of the people, and then, in his assumedcharacter of Christ, he claims to have changed the Sabbath to Sunday, and commands all tohallow the day which he has blessed. The Faith I Live By, Ellen White, pg. 346.

    Selected statements from my readers;

    1. I am very interested in your research and I think it is fascinating! After reading the information indetail, I am convinced beyond any shadow of doubt that it is true.

    2. It is very interesting to know this with its details and mathematical precision.

    3. I think your study on the beast of Revelation 13 & 17 is super-packed with harmonious truth.

    4. I have had your website ( bookmarked for years, and read it often. I foundthe logic of your arguments to be well grounded and thought out.

    5. I have not found any explanation of Revelation 17 that makes sense except for yourinterpretation. It is the only explanation that pinpoints exactly which man the number 666 refers to.

    6. I believe you have been personally blessed with an insight into the Scripture. The clarificationand distinction between the Dragon and the Beast is very helpful, and makes very good sense. It

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    is very important and I can see how it was a step in your understanding of Revelation 17 and itsassociation with the number 666. It is a pure blessing.

    7. I found your article count the popes in history and chapter 1, 2, etc. quite remarkable. And Ifound it very easy to read and I must say that you have quite a gift. I have been studying the BibleProphecies in depth for over eight years and your article is one of the best and thought provoking Ihave read for quite some time.

    8. This Papal explanation makes the most sense Ive seen in a long time.

    9. I have studied your research work for some time and I find that it is the best explanation to thislast days scenario.

    10. For the past week or so I have been reading and studying with keen interest and fascinationthe information (on the 666 count), etc, being totally captivated by it. A wave came over me as Iread your informationand I must say that I felt in my heart that this was the correct interpretationof the heads of the beast. If not, it certainly is a gigantic leap in the right direction.

    11. Your interpretations of the Scriptures are certainly inspired

    12. I am really excited about the chiastic structures and the truth that points one way and then theother to pinpoint deeper truths below the surface.

    13. Thank you for posting this information. It certainly is something to ponder and pray about.

    14. I feel so compelled by the simplicity and perfect alignment of Revelation prophecy with thepapacys history that the only answer is that Joseph Ratzinger must be an antipope. What aninteresting turn of events.

    15. I just wanted to say that I support your research and I will continue to watch and see whathappens. I really think you are on to something and this makes sense.

    16. I think you see how the future will play out because no other explanation I have come acrossother than yours, matches Scripture exactly.

    17. Your theory is correct; its just a matter of understanding how Benedict XVI will be determinedto be an antipope.

    18. Thanks for writing back! All I can say is WOW to everything I just learned today. Ive nevereven heard of your teachings before, and yet it made complete and total sense from the moment I

    started reading it. Im in awe at the fact that were living to see the end of days unfold right infront of us! Im going to stay-tuned to see what happens with Benedict XVI

    A Word from the Author

    While these candid readers of my research have made a near unanimous observation of theaccuracy, exactness, pinpoint perfect alignment, simplicity, harmonious truth and detail ofprecision, and well grounded in Scripture, there remain those who firmly say that it is wrong.However, not one of them ever has shown how. Rather, all these have shown that they are drunkon the Wine of Babylon; little bits here and there in what they teach and believe, that are known tobe sourced from the false teachings of the Great Whore of Babylon. Instead of looking to God and

    His Word for the source of their teachings, they have imbibed on false teachings to formulate theirbeliefs.

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    Extreme efforts are being put forth by the leadership of the church to keep this information fromgetting to the people. They are afraid to let the people see that what they have been teaching, hasbeen in error. Their stand against the beast has so softened in recent decades that they haveresisted any message that speaks directly against the papacy. It is too hard for most in the churchto accept the message that they are required to bear against the papacy in the last days, becauseit will invoke the wrath of the beast against them.

    While in 1998 this message was first preached in Romania, and since then, in California andTexas, it has shown that when it is preached, it has invoked the most profound response.

    Alcohol is a strong intoxicant, but the most intoxicating wine I have ever seen comes from the falseteachings of Babylon. It has overwhelmed the teachers and leaders of the churches who think thatthey must have something to say about things that they have not yet received a word from theLord about. It is no wonder then, that the Bible admonishes us to be SOBER! No prophecy will berevealed before its time. How long has the world known of the numbers that the popes use on theirnames? Yet no one out of the 6 billion people in the world has ever thought that these are thecount numbers of the beast that add up to 666, and followed it through to see that it does. The

    time of this research, has come at a time that this prophecy nearly finished. It is not my pet theory.It is based on tangible evidence, which anyone can confirm from history, and its supported by theprecise structure of the book of Revelation. It is not from any intent on my part to produce thisinterpretation. I did not pursue this for the purpose of any other agenda, nor was I trying tointerpret parts of Scripture that seemed elusive. I merely sought from history, the evidence of 666,if it actually existed. The data unfolded itself, showing that it has aligned accurately with theprophecy.

    Why did I not find this information during, or shortly after the days of John Paul I, when all of thesame facts in history existed then, that was used in the research here? At that time, I had justcompleted a compilation study on the Three Angels Messages of Revelation 14:6-12. I sensed

    then, that there was more that followed, but I could not determine what that would be.

    The time that God deems that a message is given, it will be given, and it could not be discerned byanyone before that time. It is not a matter of my own wisdom, nor in the wisdom of all thetheologians in the world; God is in control of His Truth.

    Every church today, is a part of the Laodicean church. Content to believe what they have beentaught, they miss the direct messages of the prophecies. We all need the eyesalve to discern ourcondition.

    17And knowest not that thou are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked.

    Revelation 3:17

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    To my son, and to all who desire the truth; I say: Find the truth, know the truth, and speak thetruth.

    The Author



    REVELATION 13:18

    Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is thenumber of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

    The number 666 has baffled people for centuries. The Bibles prophecy that gives us this number,is answered by other prophecies in the Bible that pertain to the same end-time events. All of which

    are required to arrive near that time, before our understanding is made clear. In 2Thessalonians2:6, it states that the Wicked one will be revealed in his time. This places all interpretations priorto the time when the Antichrist is near to arrive, as being false. The more premature that theseinterpretations are, in identifying who or what the number 666 means; the more likely that they arein error.

    The following table, shows the numeric count of the numbers of the seven names, that whenadded together with the final eighth new name, makes the total of 666.

    TABLE 1

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 Thessalonicieni 2:7 8Pius Leo Gregory Benedict John Paul John

    PaulUn Antipap Antichrist













    0 1 (???)

    78 91 136 105 231 21 3 0 1

    665 666

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    Total Name Count:

    1. Pius 782. Leo +913. Gregory +1364. Benedict +1055. John +2316. Paul +217. John Paul +38. New Name +1 = 666

    Most of what I have written here on this subject was written while John Paul II was still living, andwas originally written from that perspective. Some things that were written then, which were aboutthings that were yet future, are now past, and the fulfilment of this prophecy has progressedanother step forward. As expected, the event that occurred has continued to follow the prophecy,and more prophecy is revealed that point forward to the next fulfilment. Prophecy bears a true

    mark, and nothing can offset it from its course toward its intended target.

    11So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shallaccomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.Isaiah 55:11


    To know whether we have the true historical event for the fulfilment of prophecy: if you find everyword of the prophecy, after the figures are understood, is literally fulfilled, then you may know thatyour history is the true event; but if one word lacks a fulfilment, then you must look for another

    event, or wait its future development; for God takes care that history and prophecy shall agree, sothat the true believing children of God may never be ashamed. William Miller.

    17For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto thebeast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.Revelation 17:17

    15Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightlydividing the word of truth.2 Timothy 2:15


    Many theologians have gone before trying to solve the meaning of the prophecies in thesechapters, and much of what they say is correct, while at the same time, there are passages thathave eluded them. But as the time comes nearer to the end, these elusive truths must come tolight. Otherwise, if we go through the time of the end, and have not gained the truths that wereintended, then it will have been written in vain.

    This research uses the exact data derived directly from the Vaticans own Lateran record of popes,as was dedicated to John Paul II when he took the Papal Chair. It is demonstrated here, that itforms an exact match with the prophecies in the Bible. The Bible, the written Word of God, whichopenly speaks of its identity; the number 666, may be the only source from Gods Word thatmakes this identity provable.

    Protestantism has asserted that the seven-headed beast of Revelation 13 is the papacy. I

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    introduce here additional confirming evidence of this identity.

    So compelling is this evidence, that once you are able to grasp the significance, and understand it,you will be amazed that it fits so perfectly, and has been there a long time, yet it is only in theselast few years, that it has been introduced. No one before 1997 has seen this evidence, though ithas been present since 1978. The numbers that the popes bear on their names, are counted toproduce the sum of 666.

    A large part of the end time prophecies demonstrate a precise alignment with the historic record ofthe popes. This research has simultaneously unlocked the troublesome interpretation ofRevelation 17, as well as the mysterious number 666. Both parts of the prophecy are linked by thecall for wisdom.

    The Biblical guidelines within the text indicate the whole counting process. It is not a randomselection of papal names that produce the numbers that add up to 666. The prophetic elementsdetermine the papal names that are counted. Human selection is removed from this process. All ofthe elements of the prophecy are brought into this interpretation. So before anyone thinks that Ihave not counted correctly, or I have selected only those numbers that add up, or I have not

    counted all the numbers, please go back through the research more carefully, and you should findthat it is presented correctly and should answer your objections.

    The historical record of the popes, from the inception of the Catholic church, as they so declare inthe official public record, reflect every facet of the prophecy, and without skipping any word of it,demonstrates that it forms this alignment with papal history, to a fine degree of accuracy. Thisinterpretation is the biblically correct interpretation of the prophecy of the number 666.

    The ancient kingdoms as the seven heads of the beast, and other teachings that are commonlybelieved in, are sourced from Catholic teachings. This is her intoxicating wine; her false doctrines.

    The papacy is the beast. Where upon the papacy are there numbers found that can be counted?The number 666 is derived from the numbers that the popes have added to their names; by havingchosen papal names that have already been used, they have created a series of numbers... Thedesignation of their identity has employed the use of numbers to differentiate one papal name fromanother of the same name. These are real numbers that can be counted. The papal record can befound in most encyclopedias, almanacs and dictionaries.

    Most of the popes throughout history have numbered their names, as many kings have done. Forexample, Pope John Paul I has the count of 1 and John Paul II has the count of 2. Therefore, if weadd up the count numbers of John Paul we arrive at 3. John Paul I (1) plus John Paul II (2)equals 3.

    If we add all the numbers of the popes whose names are found in the time period specified inRevelation 17, and counting up to and including Pope John Paul II, we arrive at the number 665.(Benedict XVI is an antipope.)

    Other interpretations fail to differentiate between the beast and the dragon and try to make thebeasts and the dragons heads and horns all the same. They are not the same. They also try tomake heads out of the referenced parts of the body, mouth and feet that are given as descriptorsof the beast, and attempt to make up four more heads that seem to fit. The primary fault in allthese interpretations is that it attempts to make these descriptors match with kingdoms, that arenot, nor can ever be made to be the papal beasts heads. The feet like a bear, does not signify

    them as one of its heads. An artist drawing this prophetic image would draw bear feet on theimage of this beast. Its body like a leopard does not signify it as one of its seven heads. Theprophecy, signifying a lions mouth, also does not imply that it is representing one of it heads. Thewhore woman that sits upon the seven mountains, never sat on any of these ancient kingdoms, as

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    stated in the prophecy.

    Because the identities of the beasts in these various interpretations are not clarified, and thedistinctions that they fail to make between them are not carefully drawn, they all result in wrongconclusions; they have mingled the elements from one prophecy with the elements of another,which will always produce error and confusion.

    The interpretation in this book is not just a fanciful idea, it is the most formidable interpretationthat challenges the contemporary views and past interpretations, and is based on pure reality, fullygrounded in biblical interpretation, and it will not simply fade away. It is supported by tangibleevidence drawn from history, which anyone can verify.

    Chapter 1


    18Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is thenumber of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

    Revelation 13:18

    9And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which thewoman sitteth.Revelation 17:9

    10And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and whenhe cometh, he must continue a short space.Revelation 17:10

    11And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into

    perdition.Revelation 17:11


    From my initial point of inspiration in 1994, in a flash of insight I perceived that the set of thenumbers of the popes, when added up would total somewhere near 666.

    After I had gathered the list of the popes names, I noticed that there are the same numbers of thenames of the popes since 1798 to the present, as there are heads and mountains in Revelation17:9.

    I turned to the Scriptures to see what the wisdom in the counting of the beast is. In Revelation13:18, it reads; Here is wisdom... and again in Revelation 17:9; And here is the mind which hathwisdom... Both verses are referring to the same beast.

    When the popes are elected, they take a different name than their own, and of these names, theyhave repeatedly used the same name, and have added numbers to them. I then thought; If thepopes do not want to be associated with the 666 beast, then why do they put numbers on theirnames? I set out to add up these numbers and see how many popes there are.

    The use of the term mountains to further define the heads, indicates that a mountain consists of

    the multiple use of one name, and the current count would be found by counting the numbersgiven to the names of the whole mountain of each head. The first of the seven heads is Pope PiusVI, following the transition that occurred in 1798 at the end of the 1,260 year period allotted to thebeasts rule over the kings of the earth; the beast that was, and is not. In 1798, the beast

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    became; is not, and each name used for the popes constitutes one of the seven mountains of thebeast.

    While it has been understood by Protestants for a long time that the 666 Antichrist will arise fromwithin the papacy and even feared by Catholics alike, the available knowledge of its fulfilment islimited to the perspective of the end time. Only since the time given in Revelation 17:10 with theobserver after the time of the sixth head (1963-1978), do we perceive the papal line that identifiesthe seven heads and the count that they represent.

    Finding one correctly interpreted set of matching elements led to finding all the others: When oneportion of truth is perceived, it is like striking a rich vein in a mine; it leads along a path to greatertruths. By making the first correct identification of the beasts heads, all of the subsequentelements of the prophecy came together by their own weight and merit, thus allowing the Bible tointerpret itself. It is as though this research wrote itself because every subsequent element of theprophecy also finds its answer from this same papal list.

    The papal record has already given us pinpoint evidence that it forms a perfect alignment withevery element of the prophecy of Revelation 17:9, 10, the five are fallen, one is, and the other is

    not yet come, even to the detail of the short space, and the same evidence forms a perfectalignment with Revelation 13:18. Revelation 17:10 states that at the time of the sixth head, theseventh had not yet come. John Paul, as the seventh head, came only after Paul, the sixth head.

    It was not my plan to discover the identity of the seven heads and the other parts of the detailedfulfilment of the prophecy, but that was the natural result of the course, which I had set out to do.This research would have gone nowhere, except that I have found an affirmative answer in myquest. Attached to this first answer, was the whole line of elements in the prophecy, all neatlyfollowing in their order, being reflected in the same historic record.

    I was commended for having tried to interpret such a difficult chapter (Revelation 17). I disagree.

    There was nothing difficult about it; I watched as it interpreted itself. The Bible should always bethat simple. I did not write the prophecy, nor did I control the history that it aligns with. All that Ihave done is to show that these prophecies of the number 666, and of the seven heads of thebeast, are completely and accurately matched with the historic record of the papacy.


    Many people today believe that it is now very close to the second coming of Christ. This researchpoints to a specific fulfilment that precedes the second coming: the event that marks the identity ofthe Antichrist. It is being fulfilled now. Because these results do not yield any knowledge of thetime of the Second Coming, nor set any dates of the events to follow, it does not qualify as time

    setting. This prophecy of the number 666 only reveals the identity of the Antichrist when hearrives, just as the prophecy in 2Thessalonians 2:8 states: And then shall that Wicked berevealed. This research has never claimed to reveal the time of our Lords second coming. Thereare several elements in Revelation 13 and 17 that reference events after revealing the identity ofthe Antichrist; the beast goes into perdition, its ten horns will hate the whore and burn her with fire,and the making of the image to the beast and setting up the mark of the beast. At the nexttransition in the papacy, Benedict XVI will be deposed and the Antichrist set in his place. Theanticipated Loud Cry of the angel of Revelation 18 is to occur at some time following the eventsof this prophecy of the number 666. Even after the Loud Cry, the Sunday Laws that are predictedto come, take the remnant right up to the very edge of the Second Coming. The preparations forthese Sunday laws are already underway as Pope Benedict XVI has urged its inclusion into the

    new European Constitution.

    There are many prophetic events that will occur that will place man far closer to the SecondComing than this 666 count does, and all will then know that they are at a time subsequent to this

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    prophecy. At that time, that which I have given as an interpretation here would be past history.Soft time setting is an invention devised to reject the interpretations of end time prophecies thatapproach the end time, yet does not set any dates. They may as well say that when they see thefulfilment of the parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves...that they should call it soft time setting, based on the grounds of time setting in general, and theyreject the signs, though they be given by God Himself. This interpretation does not involve settingany times.

    The prophecies of Daniel gave us the time spans that identify this beast, and marks the time thatthe beast is wounded.

    11And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that makethdesolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.Daniel 12:11

    This prophecy of Daniel 12:11, spans from 508 to 1798. And it is at its terminal end in 1798, thatthe first head of the beast is wounded. This begins the seven head / mountain line-up ofRevelation 17:11. The first head thus begins in 1798, when the beast is called is not, and ends

    with the eighth who enters perdition, which is the beasts final destruction when Christ comes.

    11And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth intoperdition.Revelation 17:11

    This interpretation of Revelation 13:18 urges the reader to concede to the heart of the Gospel. Itpoints on the last great message from God before He comes; the Three Angels Messages. Itforms the impetus of the Loud Cry, to call Gods people to come out of Babylon. This messagerepeats the Three Angels Messages. It bears all the same elements: The hour of judgment iscome; come out of Babylon; do not worship the beast, his image, or receive his name or his mark.

    We are now past the short space. The Second Angels Message is directly linked to Revelation18, as it repeats; Babylon is fallen, is fallen. The imminent mark of the beast will be soon tofollow. As pertaining to the Third Angels Message, the identification of the man whose number is666 directly relates to the warning of the third angel in his statement; If any man worships thebeast and his image, and receives his mark in his forehead, or in his hand. It is directly linked tothe message in Revelation 13:17; And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark,or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    John the Revelator was taken in his vision by the angel to the wilderness where the beast was in1798 and it is from there that he sees this beast. The outline of the prophecy tells us John saw that

    the first five are fallen, and the sixth being the one is making Pope Paul VI as the point ofperspective from which John the Revelator is perceiving this seven head line-up. John Paul is theseventh head that is not yet come. Only a new name such as John Paul had introduced, could fitthe seventh head between these requirements;

    1 The name must be new, not having existed before Paul VI, who was the last representative ofthe sixth mountain. John Paul I, by his number, signifies him as the fulfillment of having not yetcome from the perspective of the prophecy that places it in the setting of the sixth head.

    2 He must be followed by another pope of the same name; John Paul. He must also be amountain requiring at least two pontificates of this new name.

    3 The count from his mountain name must not exceed 666, nor equal it. It must be within the countof 1 from 666, and in fact, must equal 665.

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    4 The seventh mountain must continue a short space. A small mountain of two consecutivepontificates generates a short space and in noting that history has given us the first pontificate ofthe seventh mountain having a duration of only 33 days, effectively limiting the duration of theseventh mountains short space as being the span of one pontificate. History also shows us thatthe average span of the popes reign before 1798 was almost 7 years, and the average span ofthe popes reign after 1798 was over 14 years. At 26 years, it is considered to be a shortspace.

    The subtotal of the count to the sixth head had attained to 662, and then to 663 and then to 665with John Paul I and II, leaving only the last one at 666, the seventh must fit within this last countof three before 666. A new name produces the smallest mountain, and at the count of three, it fitsprecisely.

    The name of John Paul fits all of these requirements. John Paul I fulfilled the requirement of a newpapal name, yet still maintained the papal tradition of honoring a former pontificate by honoringtwo of his predecessors names; Pope Paul VI and John XXIII (XXI). John Paul II followed faithfullybehind him, which made his name a mountain.

    From the papal election that brought us John Paul II; as it became apparent that Karol was aboutto be elected, he told another Cardinal that if chosen, he would take the name of Stanislaus, togive honor to the Cardinal in Poland. He was immediately reprimanded by Franz Cardinal Koenigof Vienna, and told that if elected, he was to take the name of John Paul II. And thus he did. Hadhe done as he wished, the prophecy would have not been fulfilled.


    The Bible identifies the beast by these seven heads, and the count of the numbers of these sevenheads, which are also mountains, plus the eighth, is what comprises the number of the wholebeast.

    Chapter 17 of Revelation has been also noted by other theologians, that it portrays the papacyafter 1798. Having this clue, we examine the papal record from 1798 to the present;

    1 1.Pius VI (1775-1799)2 1.Pius VII (1800-1823)3 2. Leo XII (1823-1829)4 1.PiusVIII (1829-1830)5 3. Gregory XVI (1831.1846)6 1.Pius IX (1846-1878)7 2. Leo XIII (1878-1903)

    8 1. Pius X (1903-1914)9 4. Benedict XV (1914-1922)10 1.Pius XI (1922-1939)11 1.Pius XII (1939-1958)12 5. John XXIII (1958-1963)13 6. Paul VI (1963-1978)14 7. John Paul I (1978)15 7.John Paul II(1978-2005)16 4. Benedict XVI (2005+)

    (Benedict XVI is an antipope; he is named among the first five that the prophecy identifies ashaving already fallen.)

    Its obvious that there are only seven different names since 1798. The name of Pius appears

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    seven times and is already seen as a mountain. Leo appears twice, but to show that Gregory,John, and Paul are mountains, requires that the popes before 1798 be included. There, the papalrecord displays them all as mountains. It is precisely that verse (Revelation 17:9) that introducesthe symbol of a mountain, which is linked to the verse (Revelation 13:18) that gives us the number666. The multiple use of the same names, created the numbers that are counted.

    John Paul I was not a mountain, nor was he a part of a mountain, until John Paul II arrived, thenthe head name of John Paul, became a mountain. A mountain is the line of popes that all bear thesame name, differentiated by a number; Pope 1, Pope 2, Pope 3, etc. It is these numbers that arederived from the popes, which are used in the counting of the number of the beast. The popes ofthese mountains, throughout the papal reign are represented. Counting all the numbers of all thepopes that use these seven papal names produces the count of the beast, up to the current pointin time. There is no dispute regarding the conversion of letters into numbers, because these arealready numbers on their names, waiting to be counted. With John Paul II, from 1978 to 2005, thecumulative total of all the numbers of these seven mountains is now at 665. The eighth completesthe count of the beast and he is thus revealed as the 666 man of sin. Though some think that thisrecent election that introduced Benedict XVI has changed the count and has voided thisinterpretation of the prophecy. That is false. The count continues to stand at 665, because this

    prophecy has already identified Benedict as one of the first five that have fallen and is thus he isidentified as an antipope, in which his number is zero.


    If the papal record had contained no errors, we could just use the numbers that are shown aftertheir name. The errors in the papal record are thus corrected to what they actually are, without anyerrors. The count reflects the legitimate number of popes within each mountain. Since there wasno John XX; and Benedict X and John XVI were deposed, the number of legitimate popes namedJohn and Benedict are corrected to 21 and 14 respectively. All other popes of these sevenmountains are legitimate and their numbers are counted directly. If the Vatican would move to

    correct the errors in the numbering of the popes to eliminate the gaps in the official papal list, thenthe count would be exactly as it is shown in this research, and there would not be any need toexplain the errors of the papal numbers. The papal numbers are thus corrected to reflect theirrespective count as though no errors were made. Antipopes are not counted, nor do their numbersaffect the count in any way. If their number has been skipped, then their number is applied to thenext legitimate pope. The official papal record has failed to maintain this rule in all instances andthus they have introduced error into the record. These errors are corrected to eliminate the errorsin the count.

    There is no John XX in any papal record, John XVI (997-999) and Benedict X (1058-1059) weredeposed, so the actual number is reduced by the same amount. This corrects the count to the

    true number that was naturally done with the following antipopes not listed in the record: BenedictXIII (1394-1423), Gregory VIII (1118-1121) and John XXIII (1410-1415) were deposed and theircount continues with the true Benedict XIII (1724-1730), Gregory VIII (1187) and John XXIII (1958-1963). Gregory (1012) and John (844) were deposed and were not even numbered, therefore thecount was never affected by them.

    An explanation is given of the discrepancy in the numbers assigned to the name John; It shouldbe observed that there is no John XX in the catalogue. This is due to the fact that, in the LiberPontificalis, two dates are given in connection with the life of John XIV (983). This introducedconfusion into some of the papal catalogues, and a separate pope was assigned to each of thesedates. Thus three popes named John were made to appear between Benedict VII and Gregory V.

    The error led the pope of the 13th century who should have been called John XX to style himselfJohn XXI. (Duchesne, Lib. Pont. 2:17).

    Pope Benedict IX ascended to the papacy three times and was deposed twice as an antipope. In

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    spite of his vile life and having been deposed twice, he retired from the papacy as a legitimatepope and it is said of him that he died penitent.

    Revelation 13:18 confirms that the number 666 is both the number of a man and the beast.Revelation 17:10 confirms that the eighth head that arises after the seven, is the beast, and is onlyone person who is alive to the end and is destroyed by the second coming of Christ. He is theeighth, following in sequence after the first seven, but not included in the list of heads that are alsocalled mountains. While none of the seven could consist of a single pope, being the only one withthat name, the eighth can not be a mountain, and must bear a single name.

    The table below adds up each number of their names. Pope Paul for example adds 21 to thecount by adding the numbers of all the popes named Paul:

    Paul 1+2+3+4+5+6 =21

    TABLE 2

    ...0=0................................... 0 An Antipope + 0

    0+1=1..................................The Antichrist + 11+2=3.................................. John Paul + 33+3=66+4=1010+5=1515+6=21............................... Paul + 2121+7=2828+8=3636+9=4545+10=5555+11=66

    66+12=78 ............................ Pius + 7878+13=91 Leo + 9191+14=105............................Benedict +I05105+15=120120+16=136...................Gregory +136136+17=153153+18=171171+19=190190+20=210210+21=231.......................... John +231Total . 666

    TABLE 3

    Head Name Number Count1 Pius XII ......................... (12) ........................782 Leo XIII ........................ (13) ........................913 Gregory XVI ................. (16) ........................1364 Benedict XIV ................ (14) ........................1055 John XXI ....................... (21) ........................2316 Paul VI ........................... (6) .........................21

    7 John Paul II ................... (2) .........................3Antipope ................ Benedict XVI .................08 Antichrist ............ New Name..(1) ...............1Total .............................................................666

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    Anyone capable of performing math calculations can confirm from this record that the count iscorrect.

    There is only one more space to fill to make the count complete. The current pope, Benedict XVI isan interim antipope, preceding the Antichrist. The number of an antipope cannot count toward thetotal, because an antipope counts as a zero.

    The events after the death of John Paul II also confirm the prophecy and this research as thecorrect interpretation. Benedict XVI, because his name has been used by other popes and is aname that has been declared fallen is an antipope. We have entered another interim waitingperiod of an undetermined length of time. He withholdeth, until he is taken out of the way(2Thessalonians 2:6, 7) then the wicked one will be revealed. So long as the antipope BenedictXVI remains in office, the Antichrist is held back, for it is the office that he holds that the Antichristmust have. Thus, when the Antichrist comes, Benedict XVI will be removed.

    On Sunday, March 22, 1998, I sent this e-mail; So far, in my study, I have figured that there willbe a new pope shortly. This new pope will only reign for a short term, (unknown duration, butshort). He will then be followed by the Antichrist. Though the next pope would ultimately become

    an antipope due to his being deposed, the count will remain at 665, awaiting the Antichrist pope,who will not adopt the papal names but will use his own name. This new name results in adding 1to 665.

    Many Catholic writers and theologians also have anticipated that the Antichrist would become thelast pope. A few ancient and contemporary Catholic writers have also predicted the rise of anantipope who precedes the Antichrist. These predictions are not the basis for this 666 countinterpretation, but are provided to give you some insight as to what some Catholic theologians aresaying. Here are some notes from The Reign of Antichrist, 1951, by R. Gerald Culleton:

    St. Cyril of Constantinople wrote: (Foretells the fall of the Church and papal throne.

    St. Francis of Assisi wrote: There will be an uncanonically elected pope, who will cause a greatSchism.

    Abbot Joachim wrote: Towards the end of the world, Antichrist will overthrow the Pope and usurphis See.

    Sister Ludmilla of Prague wrote; After the world war one will endeavor to prevent the Pope fromexercising his sacred office.

    Father Jerome Votin wrote; ...The shepherd (Pope) will be smitten and the sheep scattered.

    Since Antichrist simulates Christ, and the Pope is an image of Christ, Antichrist must have somesimilarity to the Pope. Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 1 Fr. Maas.

    I am convinced that it is theologically necessary that Antichrist be a pope. (Last Days of theCatholic Church, 1978, W.F. Strojie, p. 7).

    I agree... Antichrist, the Man of Sin, Son of Perdition, to deserve these titles must hold a uniquespiritual office, one in which the greatest possible doctrinal disciplinary and moral corruption canbe accomplished. And to oppose Christ who is all Truth the essential procedure of Antichrist willnot be one of force but of deception. This follows from St. Pauls prophecy of a great spiritual

    blindness in the time of Antichrist and the Great Apostasy... With due respect for possible non-Catholic claimants, I scoff at the notion that anyone other than a pope could be the Antichrist.

    Strojie is not alone among Roman Catholic writers in his concerns about the modern papacy.

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    Malachy Martin (1921- 1999) is also concerned although not as outspoken in his criticisms asStrojie. Martin speaks of a new agenda which the pope seems to be desirous of fulfilling whichinvolves far more than the future of the Roman Catholic institution.

    Saint Malachy was a 12th century Irish monk, who, while on a visit to Rome had a vision of all thepopes who would ever reign. Malachy saw - and committed to paper - a series of Latin phrasesdescribing the popes to come. He catalogued each one with an epigrammatic verse, such as thetears of the sun. Reportedly it was entrusted to Pope Innocent II in 1140. But for some reason itwas lost in the Vatican for 400 years, only to be discovered in 1595 A.D. Malachys predictionsreputedly were made in 1139 while he was on a pilgrimage to the Vatican, where he wasappointed papal legate for Ireland. On his last trek to the Holy See in Rome, in 1148, Malachyaccurately predicted the place and time of his own death: Clairvaux, France, on All Souls Day,November 2, of that same year.

    In his predictions for the pope to follow John Paul II he gives this motto: The Glory of the Olive. Itis interesting that Jesus gave his apocalyptic prophecy about the end of time from the Mount ofOlives. This pope will reign during the beginning of the tribulation Jesus spoke of. The 111thprophesy is Gloria Olivae (The Glory of the Olive). The Order of Saint Benedict has claimed that

    this pope will come from their ranks. Saint Benedict himself prophesied that before the end of theworld his Order, known also as the Olivetans, will triumphantly lead the Catholic Church in its fightagainst evil. Traditionally, the olive branch has been associated with peace, but in both the Oldand New Testaments it also serves as an emblem for the Jews. Putting the two together, somecommentators believe that the reign of this pope will be a peaceful one during which theprophesied conversion of the Jews will take place. (The Popes of Rome, Ronald Cooke).

    The popes that were predicted in Saint Malachys line-up do not guarantee their status as beinglegitimate popes. Saint Malachy listed all the antipopes from his time as well. The motto itself hasled many to speculate that his name would be Benedict. Benedict XVI has said that he chose hisname in honor of the peace efforts of Benedict XV. It appears then, that the prophecy of St.

    Malachy has converged with the element of the prophecy from the Bible.

    Chapter 2


    Thirty-four elements of the prophecy are shown here that are aligned with their correspondingelements seen in history. First, to correctly understand these thirty-four elements, you must putaside any other interpretations that you think concerning them, as they apply to the interpretationparadigm that you think you already know.

    No interpretation can be explained by using the meanings given to the elements from a differentinterpretation outside of its own paradigm. The definition of a head, or a mountain in one proposedinterpretation, cannot be imposed upon a different interpretation. The raw question is: Does thesuggested historic evidence align with the words of the prophecy? The answer is: The alignmenthere is demonstrated to be more accurate than any other interpretation.

    A Matching Alignment Confirms the Interpretation

    When a prophecy is interpreted correctly, it will take all the elements of the prophecy and congealthem into one contiguous account. Where false interpretations are introduced, they fail to fit thewhole account, often appearing to stand separate from the rest of the elements of the prophecy.

    When one portion of the truth is perceived, it is like striking a rich vein in a mine; it leads along apath to more truth.

    The papal record shows seven heads from 1798 as outlined in the prophecy (Revelation 13:10,

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    Revelation 17:8) and the cumulative sum of the numbers of these seven heads equals a total of665.

    I neither wrote the prophecy nor the history that it aligns with, but I can affirmatively show that theyform the most detailed and precise alignment than any other interpretation of this prophecy. Idemonstrate a contiguous account that brings together all of the elements of this prophecy, andthe historic record demonstrate that it matches all of the elements of this prophecy, like a strand ofDNA; both history and prophecy form the same pattern.

    As soon as the *next papal election takes place, it will be seen to fall exactly within the disclosedparameters of this prophecy. You should be able to understand now what this prophecy says andknow what will soon take place. *(Both after the death of John Paul II and the end of BenedictXVI).

    The Elements of the 666 Prophecy from Scripture and Their Matching Elements of Fulfillment fromthe Historical Record

    In this segment, Revelation 13:18 and Revelation 17:8-11 are listed with each of the prophecys

    elements and showing their historic counterpart that matches.

    1. Wisdom2. Count3. The number of the beast4. A number of a man5. The number 6666. Was7. And is not8. Shall ascend out of the bottomless pit9. And go into perdition

    10. And yet is11. Seven heads12. Seven mountains13. Woman sits14. Seven kings15. Five fallen; 1-516. One is; 6th17. Not yet come; 7th18. Short space19. The eighth20. Of the seven

    21. Names of blasphemy22. Head wounded and healed23. The Whore24. That sitteth upon many waters25. The kings of the earth have committed fornication with her26. The inhabitants are made drunk with her wine27. Into the wilderness28. Sitting on a scarlet colored beast29. Arrayed in purple and scarlet30. Decked in gold and pearls31. Drunk with the blood of martyrs

    32. The ten horns that reign one hour33. The many waters34. The ten horns turn on the whore to destroy her

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    The Scriptures for These Elements;18Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is thenumber of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.Revelation 13:18

    8The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and gointo perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in thebook of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, andyet is.

    9And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which thewoman sitteth.

    10And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and whenhe cometh, he must continue a short space. 11And the beast that was, and is not, even he is theeighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.Revelation 17:8-11

    1And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having sevenheads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.Revelation 13:1

    3So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarletcoloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.Revelation 17:3

    1. Wisdom

    This word links these two verses together. They are part of the chiastic pattern of the whole bookof Revelation. The elements of the prophecy written in both verses are brought together andexplain more detail about each other. The number 666 is given in Revelation 13:18 and it is alsoreflected in the details of the seven heads written in Revelation 17:9 and 10. The number 666calculated from Revelation 17:9 and 10, links back to Revelation 13:18, He that hathunderstanding. As the elements of these passages are correctly identified in history, the source ofthe count and the factors that guide it, are provided to give the understanding of how the count isto be done. Revelation 17:9 provides the mathematical parameters for the counting of the 666beast.

    Of the many elements of prophecy that are found to be fulfilled in the historical record of the

    Catholic Church, this one is an exception. Here, the mind which hath wisdom depicts someonewho deciphers the mathematical clues from all of the elements within this prophecy, demonstratingthat it requires the alignment of all of its elements in the correct interpretation. It does not state assome translators have rendered it to mean that anyone who has wisdom can solve this. If thiswere the case, where are all these wise people? As often with puzzles, one person solves thepuzzle, then it is shown to others.

    A previous application of the riddle of the number 666 refers to another writer who had made acalculation; Professor Andreas Helwig (1572-1643) was the one who deciphered the count of theletters Vicarius Filii Dei in the year 1612, and others that are merely making reference to hiswork, need no wisdom to copy his research. Yet this application by Helwig has been met with such

    grand apologetics that it is nearly impossible to convince a Catholic that it is true. Moreover, theyare right, because it is not true. With this new interpretation, no one has been able to refute thatthe historic record of the popes bear out this number.

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    2. Count the Number

    The number is the result of counting lesser numbers. It is not a symbolic number. Nor are thesenumbers to be counted, the result of letters that are converted to numbers, but are numbers thatare derived from the papacy itself as numbers that already exist as numbers. All of the numberson the popes names are count numbers.

    3. Number of the Beast

    The counts of the numbers of all the popes from the seven heads make up the combined total forthe beast. The count of the beast is from the seven heads plus the coming eighth, who isdestroyed by Christ at His second coming. The entire time of the beast is considered in the count.

    4. The Number of a Man

    The last legitimate pontificate that completes the 666 count of the beast is the man whose numberis 666. This will also be the eighth papal name since 1798. The historic record provides the countup to and including the seventh mountain, leaving only a count of 1 to complete the total of 666.

    The designation of a mountain is not given to the eighth, but is said to be of the seven. Theseven which has given the number 665, is followed by an eighth that is like unto the seven beforeit.

    Since all factors point to one man as the Antichrist, this requires that to match the prophecy, thenext legitimate pontificate must have a new name. Consider the prophecy given by Christ Himselfin John 5:43; I am come in my Fathers name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in hisown name, him ye will receive. This last pope will have a name that is his own, and not used byanother pope, thus it will constitute a count of 1 necessary to complete the count of the number666.

    5. And His Number is 666

    This number is derived from the beast, and is given in the verse. That verse is linked to Revelation17:9, 10 and the seven mountains referred to in that verse demonstrates that the same 666number is contained within it, and thus links it back again to Revelation 13:18. The number 666 isthe count given to the beast, and when this number is reached by the eighth, it identifies that manas the man of sin.

    6. The Beast that Was

    The papacy in its power, as it is seen from 538 A.D. to 1798 A.D. Revelation 11:3 shows that this

    same papacy obscures the Two Witnesses who prophesy in sackcloth for this same period oftime.

    6And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that theyshould feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.Revelation 12:6

    During this time, the papal church exercised its power and persecuted many and killed thosewhom it called heretics.

    5And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was

    given unto him to continue forty and two months.Revelation 13:5

    7. And Is Not

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    This is the papacy from 1798 A.D. to the end of the restrainer that follows John Paul II and whowithholdeth the arrival of the Antichrist until he is taken out of the way.

    Napoleon took Pope Pius VI captive in 1798 and declared that the papacy was dead. The beastwas slain for its harm that it had done to the Two Witnesses. (Revelation 11:5) At that time, thebeast received a deadly wound to one of its heads. The papacy is decreed dead thus it receivesthe status of is not.

    5And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies:and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.Revelation 11:5

    As the papacy had put the Scriptures into seclusion, away from the people, so it was put into theseclusion in 1798. There it remains until it rises again. The papacy was declared dead byNapoleon. Its rule over the earth was temporarily terminated.

    8. And Shall Ascend Out of the Bottomless Pit

    This is the beast as it will be seen after Benedict XVI is deposed. The beast ascends from thebottomless pit and then it becomes the time of the yet is. This corresponds to the eighth headalso referenced in Revelation 17:11 and as the yet is at the end of Revelation 17:8. Thus whenthe eighth head arises, it will do so by coming up out of the bottomless pit. This is the papacy as itregains its former power and begins its war against the remnant. This eighth head is also Satanhimself as he comes impersonating Jesus Christs second coming. Satan will then take the Seatof Peter and be as Christ on earth.

    Revelation 11:7 shows that when it arises from the bottomless pit, it will be this eighth head thatwill make war on the Two Witnesses and kill them. Many of the remnant will suffer martyrdom as

    their brethren before them.

    11And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they shouldrest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed asthey were, should be fulfilled.Revelation 6:11

    9. And Go Into Perdition

    The final outcome of this last presentation of the papacy in its eighth head will suffer thejudgments of God in the seven last plagues and be finally destroyed at Christs second coming.

    When Christ comes, everything is destroyed except His chosen people.

    10. And Yet Is

    The beast is seen in its three phases; was, is not and yet is, and the yet is, is linked to theeighth in verse 11, which when he comes, will ascend from the bottomless pit. This is the nextlegitimate pope following John Paul II. The Antichrist will be the next legitimate pontificate, andhe will take the papacy away from the antipope Benedict XVI.

    11. The Seven Heads

    These are the seven papal names as seen since 1798; Pius, Leo, Gregory, Benedict, John, Paul,and John Paul.

    If the beast that has seven heads is the papacy, then the seven heads upon it must also be papal.

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    This principle is seen in the Grecian beast in Daniel 7 having four Grecian heads. Beginning withPope Pius VII after the death of Pope Pius VI in prison, we have now all seven heads presented.

    12. Are Seven Mountains

    These are the entire seven lineages of these seven papal names. The complete group of each ofthese names constitutes a mountain. These seven heads are seven mountains. Each name hasmore than one pope. Thus, the heads and the mountains are derived from the same element. Anew head is formed from a new papal name, and it becomes a mountain when that name is usedagain, as every one of these seven have done.

    13. On Which the Woman Sits

    The woman sits upon seven mountains, representing the whole time of the beast. The CatholicChurch consists of its people beholden to the structure and principles set forth by the popes. Thebeast arose in 140 A.D. and received its seat and power from the dragon in 538 A.D. AlthoughCatholic tradition regards St. Peter as the first Bishop of Rome and therefore as the first pope,there is no evidence that Peter was involved in the initial establishment of the Christian community

    in Romeor that he served as Romes first bishop. Not until the pontificate of St. Pius I in themiddle of the second century (140-155) did the Roman church have one bishop as pastoralleader (Richard McBrien, Lives of the Popes, p. 25).

    14. And Are Seven Kings

    These are Pius, Leo, Gregory, Benedict, John, Paul, and John Paul. In the Greek this is written;And are seven kings, equating the seven heads to seven mountains and then to seven kings.Then it supplies a template of how these seven kings are to appear. The heads are to the beast asits leaders and its kings.

    15. Five Are Fallen

    1. Pius, 2. Leo, 3. Gregory, 4. Benedict and 5. John. These names do not appear again after thesixth head Paul. To say they are fallen, means that their use as a name has ended. There willnever again be another one of these five. This recognizes the equal status of the seven kings asbeing the seven heads which are also seven mountains. It is only the last pope of each mountainthat bears the same name that becomes fallen when each mountain count had reached itsmaximum. This fact stood ready to announce that Benedict XVI would become an antipope fromthe moment that he chose that name.

    16. And One Is, (The Sixth)

    This is Pope Paul VI 1963-1978. John was taken away in the spirit; Revelation 17:1. And therecame one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, sayingCome hither; and Revelation17:3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness. This conveyance clearly places thewhole setting of the elements into Johns future. John was shown the things in the future asthough he were there. There is nothing in the context that indicates that it has anything to do withthe time that John lived. On the contrary; it indicates that it is at a time that John is taken to in hisvision. John himself did not live in the wilderness, nor did he write in the perspective of his owntime. The time that this whore woman is put into the wilderness is at 1798. The perspective of theseven heads is then shown to John from the time of the sixth head. Five mountains were fallenbefore this, and the seventh had not yet come.

    This particular passage has been used by Preterists to pinpoint the sixth head to be the headruling in power at the time the prophecy was written by John. This is also used by historians whobelieve that the seven heads are seven kingdoms. There is no evidence that the emperors of

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    Rome have any place in the remaining end-time elements of this prophecy, and they do not fit.There are not only seven emperors, but eleven. The fifth emperor of Rome was Nero and theeighth was not the Antichrist, and there remains yet an unexplained period of more than 1,800years between the last emperor and the end. No explanation is given to explain this long delay.Neither was Nero destroyed by Christ at His second coming. The structure of this phrase doespresent a better explanation. John was taken in vision to the future, near the end of time.

    It is from the perspective of the sixth head that he is shown that the whole of the seven heads areperceived. The explanation of the vision is within the very same context of the time in which thevision applies. It places a demarcation point at the sixth and before the seventh that requires theseventh to appear only after the sixth. This requirement is met by John Paul, whose name was notpresent before Paul.

    9And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven lastplagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lambs wife.10And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that greatcity, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God.Revelation 21:9, 10

    The same language used in Revelation 17:1 and 3 is also seen in Revelation 21:9 and 10; one ofthe seven angels which had the seven vials saying, Come hither, And he carried me away inthe spirit. John did not see the Holy City descend upon the Isle of Patmos where he was, but inthe context we see, we associate it to be in the future after the millennium. The angel bidding Johnwith his words; Come hither, excludes it from being relevant to Johns day.

    17. Not Yet Come

    John Paul introduced a new name, and from the perspective of Pope Paul VI the sixth head, JohnPaul had not yet existed. At the time of Paul, (1963-1978) there had never been a pope named

    John Paul. John Paul I said that he chose the names of his two predecessors, and fashioned hisname after theirs. This directly fulfills the element; not yet come, with reference to theperspective of the sixth head.

    18. He Must Continue a Short Space

    This was John Paul, 1978-2005, 26 years. John Paul comprises the smallest mountain. Theshort space is a measure that is short in relation to the other six heads. The tenure of John Paulwas 26 years, and in comparison to the other six heads, it is the shortest space. The nextshortest tenure is that of Paul, where the total number of years of that mountain is 67 years. Theother mountains number in years as follows; Benedict 88 years, Leo 99 years, John 122 years,

    Gregory 125 years, Pius 161 years.

    19. The Eighth

    The eighth is numbered in the sequence after the seven. This eighth is the yet is of Revelation17:8.

    20. And is of the Seven

    The eighth head follows after the seven and is set apart from them; he is not included in the listingof the seven that are also called mountains. Because he is the Antichrist, he comes in his own

    name. He will call himself the Christ the Messiah. This 1 completes the final appearance ofthe beast and precisely finishes the count from 665 to 666.

    The Catholic Church will turn the keys of their kingdom over to this eighth head Antichrist, thinking

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    that he is indeed the Christ. He will appear to fulfill their expectations of the coming of Christ.

    21. Full of Names of Blasphemy on His Seven Heads

    1And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having sevenheads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.Revelation 13:1

    So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarletcoloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.Revelation 17:3

    These two verses demonstrate the chiastic nature of the book of Revelation, and directly links theseven heads to its names. Both the heads and the names are said to have blasphemy upon them.

    By falsely attributing the power to forgive sins to the popes and the priests, the papal church fitsthis identifying element. Any method by which man has employed to displace the true Gospel isfalse. God made the provision for the dispensing of mans sins fully and completely, and to

    displace this with any other system constitutes blasphemy. Thus the popes claim to absolve asinner of his sins is blasphemy.

    By first insisting that no one can have their sins forgiven except through the Catholic Church, theythen lay claim that no one can have salvation outside of the church.

    5When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee.6But there were certain of the scribes sitting there, and reasoning in their hearts,7Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies? who can forgive sins but God only?Mark 2:5, 6, 7

    The seven heads all have the name of blasphemy upon them. This element is given just before itis said that this beast has seven heads. Then, in chapter 17, it does not limit the papal heads toseven, but says that it is full of names of blasphemy. In Revelation 13:1 it is written; ...and uponhis heads the name of blasphemy thus it associates blasphemy with the names of its heads. Ifthese heads were kingdoms such as Babylon, Medo-Persia, or Grecia, then explaining thepresence of blasphemy would require a more convoluted definition of blasphemy, as they wouldnot demonstrate blasphemy in the same way as the papacy does. It would not be defined asblasphemous for Babylon to forgive the sins of its people. They would only forgive the sins thatmight have been committed against its own laws, for it could care less about the sins committedagainst Gods laws.

    22. The Wounding and Healing of One of the Heads of the Beast

    3And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: andall the world wondered after the beast.Revelation 13:3

    This wounding was to Pope Pius VI in 1798. It was Pius XI who received sovereignty again in1929, thus the same head was healed. The Concordat of 1929 is the rescinding of Napoleons1798 decree that the papacy is dead, reinstating it into the political arena. It was Pope Pius VI thatwas the head of the beast that was wounded, and it was Pope Pius XI who was the same headthat was healed in 1929. The beast has been ever rising in power. Pope Pius was the first of the

    seven heads. Pope Pius VI in 1798 was the head of the beast that was wounded with a deadlywound and did live.

    14And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power

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    to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make animage to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.Revelation 13:14

    Napoleon, upon hearing of the new pope, dispatched another order to take Pope Pius VII captive,and he too was held in prison to remind the world that the papacy is dead. He was released onlyafter the death of Napoleon.

    This element also indicates the nature of the identity of the beasts heads. It says that one of itsseven heads was wounded. One of these heads of the beast was wounded with a deadly woundand did live. That head being Pius, indicates that the beasts heads are also popes.

    23. The Whore

    The largest church in the world is described here; Catholicism. It is called the whore because ofthe false doctrines that it has incorporated into its system and because of the nature of this church;it tenaciously clings to these false doctrines lest it should admit that their popes were in error. The

    Reformation reflects this. The whore woman represents the people within the papal system. Theyare the primary target of this message. God is gleaning every precious soul of His that are stillamidst their assemblies in the final call: Come out of her My people.

    24. That Sitteth Upon Many Waters

    During the 1,260 year reign of the Catholic Church, it had proselytized and dominated most of theinhabited world. No other church could boast of this. Every country has been entered and its kingsmade subject to the rule of the papacy.

    25. The Kings of the Earth Have Committed Fornication with Her

    Kings were anathematized by the popes until they repented before them for refusing to accepttheir decrees. It was easier to follow the papal church than to resist her. Through the centuries ofpapal dominion over the kings of the earth, these kings have lent their power to the will of thepapacy. Our worlds current leaders have all taken advice from the popes.

    26. The Inhabitants Are Made Drunk with Her Wine

    The Catholic Church had embarked on its own Douay Rheims Bible and have added to this theirown tradition which they have regarded above that of the Word of God. New doctrines have beencreated by the popes and their tradition has been elevated to a status higher than that of the Bible.

    Many of the false Catholic doctrines are derived from the Apocrypha, which contradicts theestablished Word. The Catholic Church has accumulated a long list of doctrines that are false.

    27. Into the Wilderness

    The true people of God were hiding from papal oppression during their 1,260 years of ruling overthe kings of the earth. But since France had taken Pope Pius VI prisoner in 1798, she lost herpower and had been driven into the wilderness. There she has remained until the rising of theeighth head, which is to come after Benedict XVI.

    28. Sitting on a Scarlet Colored Beast

    The papacy is the beast that this whore woman sits upon, and this beast has received its powerand seat from the red dragon spoken of in Revelation 13:2.

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    29. Arrayed in Purple and Scarlet

    The common attire of the Roman Catholic priests is that of the colors purple and scarlet. Theirtradition has persisted in spite of this identifying feature.

    30. Decked in Gold and Pearls

    The many cathedrals of the Catholic Church are heavily decorated with a costly array of preciousstones art, and gold.

    31. Drunk with the Blood of Martyrs

    Declaring all opponents of Catholicism to be heretics, many of the Protestant Reformers werepersecuted and put to death during its 1,260 years of power.

    32. Ten Horns Reign One Hour with the Beast

    The Bible states that the ten horns have not received their kingdom yet, but at the last hour, they

    will rule with the beast and lend their power to its wishes. Benedict XVI has followed John Paul IIin the attempt to unify the many Protestant churches back into the mother church. It is from amongthese that the ten horns form. Let the prophecy speak for itself when that time comes. We mustawait the unrolling of the scroll.

    33. The Many Waters

    The Bible does well to define the waters in Revelation 17:15, The waters which thou sawest arepeoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. It portrays the worldwide scope of theinfluence of the papal beast. The Three Angels Messages are also to go to every nation, kindred,tongue, and people in a final loud cry when the eighth arrives.

    34. The Ten Horns Turn on the Whore to Destroy Her

    After the ten horns have lent their power to this beast and have come to realize that t hey weredeceived, they then turn upon her to destroy her. This event will be fulfilled at the time appointed.

    In my final analysis of all the elements from this prophecy, the papal record accurately matchesthem all. No other interpretation has been able to demonstrate anything near this depth or degreeof accuracy. Every prophetic element is seen to match the record with the same simplicity andaccuracy as the previous sets before it.

    Chapter 3


    There are basic rules of prophetic interpretation that cannot be violated, and every interpretationmust meet these basic rules if it is correct.

    Instead of reinventing the wheel or making a list of new rules, I considered that there are somebasic rules already in use. After searching the Internet for the best sites that gave credibleinformation regarding rules of interpretation, I found about seven suitable sites and extracted fromthese, rules and other guidelines that are credible. This is by no means an authoritative list, nor

    comprehensive. Here they are:

    1. Applied to Bible study, rules are nothing more than a means of disciplining the mind by whichwe allow the Bible to mean what it must mean, not what we want it to mean. A passage has a

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    certain meaning, and we need to study it to understand what it is trying to say.

    2. A verse can only mean what it means in its context and must not be pulled out of its context.When it is pulled out of context, it is often presented as meaning something that it cannot meanwithin the context.Many times another passage will shed light on the obscure passage and bring forth a suddenrevelation of understanding. We know more than one instance in which this had happened.However, one word of caution is in order at this point. Such a practice can be overdone by forcingcomparisons that are not relative.

    The Ultimate Test: Of course, no prophetic expositor can prove his or her predictions about thefuture. It is impossible to prove the accuracy of a conclusion before it happens. The most directmethod to test a prediction for accuracy is to record the prediction before the event comes to pass.Then, when the predicted event occurs, ordinary people can judge the accuracy of the prediction.This simple procedure allows an impartial jury of observers to decide which predictions andinterpretations are accurate by simply noting the presence or absence of events which have beenpredicted.

    The book of Daniel was written about twenty-six centuries ago, but unlike the other sixty-fivebooks in the Bible, some of the prophecies in the book of Daniel were sealed up until the time ofthe end. The angel, Gabriel, said to Daniel, Go your way, Daniel, because the words areclosed up and sealed until the time of the end. (Daniel 12:9) What does closed up and sealeduntil the time of the end mean? It means that certain information in the book of Daniel remainstop secret until the time of the end arrives. My study of Bible prophecy has brought me to theconclusion that we are living chronologically at the time of the end. If this conclusion is true, thetime has come for the secrets of Daniel to be unveiled. (If we are at the time of the end, and asnear as many say we are, then these elements contained in the prophecies must be able to showthat there are corresponding fulfillments already within our recent history. The seven heads andmountains would not have time enough now to begin their appearing, thus they must be largely

    found in recent history.)

    God embedded secrets in the book of Daniel a long time ago. These secrets have remainedhidden within the text of Daniel for almost twenty-six centuries. Now that we have come to the timeof the end, it is time for the secrets of Daniel to be opened. No one can know the truth about someof Daniels prophecies until all of the necessary information is unsealed. The book of Daniel wassealed up until the time of the end; therefore, only those people who live at the time of the end canknow all the truth about Daniels prophecies.

    When God decides to disclose a truth or open to us its understanding, He enables ordinary menand women to discover what He has hidden. Through the ages we find this process at work: On or

    about the time of fulfillment, elements of prophecy are understood. For example, when it cametime to understand the timing of Christs birth, the wise men from the East figured it out (Matthew2:2).

    In Daniel 3, we read about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego facing a mandatory requirement toworship a golden image set up by the king of Babylon. In Revelation 13:15 we read about theinhabitants of the world facing a mandatory requirement to worship an image set up by the king ofmodern Babylon. These dramatic stories of faith were recorded in Daniel to benefit all generations,but especially for the final generation!Often, two or more prophecies describe the same event. Because of this, precise alignment of theprophecies is not only possible but essential to understanding the big picture. Together they are

    the events that unite the eighteen prophecies in Daniel and Revelation into one grand

    story. God has revealed things to come, by visions, in figures and parables; and in this way, thesame things are oftentimes revealed again and again by different visions or in different figures and

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    parables. If you wish to understand them, you must combine them all in one (Psalms 89:19; Hosea12:10; Habakkuk. 2:2; Acts 2:17; 1Corinthians 10:6; Hebrews 9:9, 24; Psalms 78:2; Matthew13:13, 34; Genesis 41:1-32; Daniel 2, 7, 8; Acts 10:9-16 8).

    This statement is critical: Rules are not invented; rather, man may only discover the presence oroperation of rules by repeatedly testing the architecture that God created. We detect the presenceof a rule when we recognize a consistent behavior or structure. After finding the presence of arule, it becomes necessary to carefully state the rule so that the behavior can be independentlyvalidated by others. When you see an unfamiliar rule that appears to be invented just to support aparticular interpretation, it is not a legitimate rule. The architecture of the prophecies alreadyknown form the pattern for other prophecies.

    Beware also of the false wisdom of men who make up their own rules of interpretation and tellyou that all the heads and horns of the beast and the dragon in Revelation 12, 13, and 17 are allthe same. The structure present within the text shows that they are not the same. They willfullyignore the Scriptural evidence. The Bible does give its own direction to its study and is simpleenough for children to understand.

    And that from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise untosalvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.2 Timothy 3:15

    The historic record must accurately match the prophecy. If it appears that a compensatoryadjustment is needed to explain the apparent discrepancy in sequence or appearance, then it isnot the correct historic fulfillment of that prophecy. If you find every word of the prophecy (after thefigures are understood) is literally fulfilled, then you may know that your history is the true event;but if one word lacks a fulfillment, then you must look for another event or wait its futuredevelopment. For God takes care that history and prophecy shall agree so that the true believingchildren of God may never be ashamed. Psalms 21:5; Isaiah 14:17-19; 1Peter 2:6; Revelation

    17:17; Acts 3:18.

    In applying such rules and after arriving at an understanding The most important rule of all isthat you must have faith. It must be a faith that requires a sacrifice, and, if tried, would give up thedearest object on earth, the world and all its desires - character, living, occupation, friends, home,comforts, and worldly honor. If any of these should hinder our believing any part of Gods Word, itwould show our faith to be vain. Nor can we ever believe so long as one of these motives lieslurking in our hearts. We must believe that God will never forfeit his Word; and we can haveconfidence that He who takes notice of the sparrows fall, and numbers the hairs of our head, willguard the translation of His own Word, and throw a barrier around it, and prevent those whosincerely trust in God, and put implicit confidence in His Word, from errorthough they may not

    understand Hebrew or Greek (William Miller, Views of the Prophecies and Prophetic Chronology,Selected from Manuscripts of William Miller with a Memoir of his Life By Joshua V. Himes, p. 23).

    The most violated rule seen in many interpretations is the relationship of the heads to the beastthat they are on. The respective parts of a beast in a prophecy pertain directly to the beast thatthey are shown to be on. It is repeatedly shown in the architecture of the prophecies of Daniel thatthe heads of a beast are the leaders or kings of the people who their beast kingdom represents.To say that the papal beast has seven heads and show them to be kingdoms that rose and fellbefore the papal beast had even begun, places them outside of the time of the beast shown. Theytherefore cannot be that beasts heads. In all examples shown in the prophecies of Daniel, theheads of the beast shown are the leaders of the kingdoms that the beast symbol represents.

    The numbers that the popes have used on their names have not always been correct, and theactual count of the beast is done by the count of the popes as they occurred naturally; There weretwenty-one legitimate popes named John, and though the record lists John XXIII (23), from 1958,

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    he is the twenty-first John by natural count. While the actual numbers given to the names used bythe popes had given rise to the original question that I had sought to answer, it is only the naturalnumbers that are used in the true count of the number. Five of the seven mountains are numberedcorrectly. The historic record of these errors is listed here with the correct number in {brackets}.

    Table 4

    John XVII 1003 {XVI, 16}John XVIII 1003-09 {XVII, 17}John XIX 1024-33 {XVIII, 18}John XXI 1276-77 {XIX, 19}John XXII 1316-34 {XX, 20}John XXIII 1958-63 {XXI, 21}Benedict XI 1303-04 {X, 10}Benedict XII 1334-42 {XI, 11}Benedict XIII 1724-30 {XII, 12}Benedict XIV 1740-58 {XIII, 13}Benedict XV 1914-22 {XIV, 14}

    The historic record reflects the absence of a Benedict X, and John XVI and John XX.

    I encountered an ordinal rule that an antipope has no count, as the number that the antipope hadused is taken by the next legitimate pope who takes that same name. This is demonstrated inseveral papal lines where antipopes have been present. Thus the count continues unchanged as ifthere were never any antipopes.

    Chapter 4


    The correct interpretation of any Scripture, will demonstrate that it includes all of the passages thatare involved in a unified manner. It will not exclude any elements that cannot be shown becausethere is no apparent explanation. It will show a cohesive agreement within itself, and within thewhole context. As in this book, the interpretation I have given demonstrates that it naturally alignswith all of the elements involved, and is contiguous with itself and within its context.

    Many believe that the interpretation of the prophecy giving us the number 666 is found in thealleged papal title; Vicarius Filii Dei, as the fulfillment that is intended. Many also falsely believethat this interpretation is within the established truths and are foundational pillars of Protestantism.

    The official position as held by the Seventh-day Adventist Church has been for many decades thatthe papal title is not the answer to the number 666. The Vicarius Filii Dei calculation was firstproduced by Andreas Helwig in the year 1612 A.D. The process involving the conversion of lettersinto numbers, is not indicated by the prophecy, but it is based upon the footnotes of the DouayRheims Bible, which reads; Six hundred sixty-sixThe numeral letters of his name shall make upthis number.

    In reference to the seven heads of the beast, the Douay Rheims Bible also gives footnotes forRevelation 13:1. Note also that they link it with Revelation 17:10; A beastThis first beast withseven heads and ten horns, is probably the whole company of infidels, enemies and persecutorsof the people of God, from the beginning to the end of the world. The seven heads are seven

    kings, that is, seven principal kingdoms or empires, which have exercised, or shall exercise,tyrannical power over the people of God; of these, five were then fallen, viz.: the Egyptian,Assyrian, Chaldean, Persian, and Grecian monarchies: one was present, viz., the empire ofRome: and the seventh and chiefest was to come, viz., the great Antichrist and his empire. The

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    ten horns may be understood of ten lesser persecutors.

    The Biblical Research Institute of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church,(BRI) has responded to an inquiry of their view and it is openly evident that it is based on theCatholic interpretation.

    The BRI states: At Johns time five were fallen, namely Egypt, which is mentioned in Revelation,Assyria, ancient Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece. One is, which is Rome. John experiences theRoman empire. One has not yet come, which is the Papacy. The ten horn exists at the same timeas the last head lives. From Johns perspective this was still future. All of this belong to the periodthe beast was which brings us to the end time. The period the beast is not refers to theMillennium. In Rev. 20Satans fate during the thousand years is described, and during this time, he is in the abyss. Theperiod it will be will take place after the Millennium, this is the eighth head. Satan will be freedfrom the abyss but will go to destruction.

    Notice that there is only one small difference between the BRI and the Catholic view. The BRI hasinserted the papacy as one of the beasts heads. It is obvious that the BRI has fallen for the

    Catholics Preterist interpretation, mingling Historicism with Preterism. (Why do the SDA leadersespouse Catholic teaching? They are drunk on the wine of Babylon!)

    James and Ellen White among the early Adventist pioneers had believed up to the 1860s, that thenumber 666 would come from the number of Protestant churches that had formally soughtrecognition status from the government of the Two-Horned beast. James White answered oneinquiry concerning the issue of the Seventh-day Adventist formally organizing as an entity underthis same government, without receiving equal status among Protestants of being part of the Two-Horned beasts number. He replied; Here is a call for wisdom. Let him that hath understandingcome forward. We confess our lack of wisdom, and decline attempting an exposition to the matter.But let them that have wisdom come forward and count the number of the beast. Fifteen years

    since some declared the number 666 to be full-that there was that number of legally organizedbodies. Since that time there have been almost numberless divisions, and new associations, andstill the number is just 666!

    Uriah Smith is the source among Adventists that believe that the papal title is the answer to the666 prophecy. (NOTE: None of Uriah Smith's commentary on the number 666 is true. It is basedon false testimony.)

    Here is Uriah Smiths commentary from his book Daniel and Revelation:

    VERSE 18. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast; for it

    is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (p. 579, Para. 4.)

    The Number of His Name. -- The number of the beast, says the prophecy, is the number of aman; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (666). This number, some attempt to findin the word Lateinos, the Latin kingdom. Thus they make, by what rule we do not understand, Lstand for 30; A, for 1; T, for 300; E, for 5; I, for 10; N, for 50; O, for 70; and S, for 200; whichnumbers, add