The International journal of analytical and … of...

A STUDY ON WORK LIFE BALANCE OF EMPLOYEES WORKING IN BAJAJ ALLIANZ LIFE INSURANCE CO. LTD. WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO COIMBATORE CITY. Author 1: R. Jaishankar Ph.D. Research Scholar in Peryiar University And Assistant Professor, Department of MBA, Rathinam College of Arts and Science Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. Author 2:Dr. R. Prabhu Research Supervisor, Head of the Department, Department of Business Administration, Government Arts College for Men, Krishnagiri, Tamilnadu. Abstract Organization should provide the relaxation time for employees and offer tips to balance their personal and professional lives. They should not strain employee‟s personal and social life by forcing on them by demanding working hours, overtime work, business travel, and un timing transfers. By the globalization the modern employees are experiencing distress. To meet the challenges posed by present standards, organizational must focus their attention in bringing a balance between work life and personal life. The underlying assumption is that work life balance will ultimately ensure Quality of work life. Today an employee desires work to be more meaningful and challenging because quality is the acid test. A Quality of work life gives an opportunity for deep sense of fulfillment. Employees seek a supportive work environment that will enable them to balance work with personal interests. Key words: Quality, challenge, efficiency, opportunity, environment, etc. The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis Volume XI, Issue XII, December/2019 ISSN NO: 0886-9367 Page No:413

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Author 1: R. Jaishankar

Ph.D. Research Scholar in Peryiar University

And Assistant Professor, Department of MBA,

Rathinam College of Arts and Science

Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.

Author 2:Dr. R. Prabhu

Research Supervisor,

Head of the Department,

Department of Business Administration,

Government Arts College for Men, Krishnagiri,



Organization should provide the relaxation time for employees and offer tips to balance their personal

and professional lives. They should not strain employee‟s personal and social life by forcing on them by

demanding working hours, overtime work, business travel, and un timing transfers.

By the globalization the modern employees are experiencing distress. To meet the challenges posed by

present standards, organizational must focus their attention in bringing a balance between work life and personal

life. The underlying assumption is that work life balance will ultimately ensure Quality of work life.

Today an employee desires work to be more meaningful and challenging because quality is the acid test.

A Quality of work life gives an opportunity for deep sense of fulfillment. Employees seek a supportive work

environment that will enable them to balance work with personal interests.

Key words: Quality, challenge, efficiency, opportunity, environment, etc.

The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis

Volume XI, Issue XII, December/2019

ISSN NO: 0886-9367

Page No:413


Human Resource Development requires sound hiring practices; Employee Training; Employee Retention;

Recognition; Rewards to sustain quality. Quality is a nebulous subjective term. Quality is fitness for use. Quality is

conformance for specifications. Quality is customer satisfaction.


Work: The term work means the application of mental or physical effort to a purpose. Synonyms for the term work

are Exert, operate, strain, act, function, operate, drudge, labour, slave, toil, drudgery, exertion, task, toil, effect, production,


Life: The term life means the condition which distinguishes active animals and plants from inorganic matter,

including the capacity for growth, functional activity and continual change preceding death. Synonyms for Life are

Alertness, animation, briskness, energy, liveliness, spirit, sprightliness, verve, vigor, vitality, vivacity, zest. Its opposite is


The term Quality of work life has been applied to a wide variety of organizational improvement efforts. The

common elements seem to be, has good man indicates, an attempt to restructure multiple dimensions of the

organizational and to institute a mechanism which introduces and sustains changes overtime. Aspects of the change

mechanism are usually an increase in problem solving between the union and management.

Quality work life becomes a discipline in its own right. Work life is an art rather than science. There is no set of

rules, guidelines to attune oneself to the process and dynamics of work-life balance. Life remains beyond one‟s control,

inherently unpredictable and forever responding to one‟s interventions.

J.P. Mahajan, in his book, Management-Theory and Practice (2011) quotes that according to R.E. Walton, quality

of work life seeks to provide for a humanized work environment by focusing on eight category of factors:

(i) Adequate and fair compensation

(ii) A safe and Healthy environment

(iii) Jobs that develop human capacities

(v) A chance for personal growth and security

(v) A social environment that fosters personal identity, freedom from prejudice, a sense of community and upward



Job satisfaction:

Motivation is affected by the environment. Job satisfaction impacts job design. Autonomy, variety, task identity,

task significance and feedback contribute to employees‟ satisfaction.

Pay: Quality of work life is basically built around the concept of equitable pay. In these days ahead, employees may want to

participate in the profit of the organization.

People: Almost everyone has to deal with three set of people in the work place. Those are namely boss, co-workers in the

same level and subordinates. Apart from this, some professions need interaction with people like patients, media persons,

public, customers, thieves, robbers, physically disabled people, mentally challenged, children, foreign delegates,

gangsters, politicians, public figures and celebrities. These situations demand high level of prudence, cool temper,

tactfulness, humor, kindness, diplomacy and sensitiveness.

The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis

Volume XI, Issue XII, December/2019

ISSN NO: 0886-9367

Page No:414

Health conditions of employees:

Organization should realize that their true wealth lies in their employees and so providing healthy environment for

employees should be their primary objective.

Personal and career growth opportunities:

An organization should provide employees with opportunity for personal/professional development and growth

and to prepare them to accept the responsibilities at higher level.


Quality of work-life is gradually becoming a major issue in India. This qualitative study focuses on developing a

scale for measuring work-life of Bajaj Allianz life insurance co. Ltd employees, keeping in mind their highly challenging

and job profile and the need for measuring their work-life.


Though monetary aspects play an important role in motivating employees, organization around the world have

come to understand that there are many other aspects that contributes better employee performance. It is these aspects that

form the basis for this study. In particular this study aims to identify the various tangible and intangible aspects that

contribute to the quality of the work-place. It is very important for an organization to create a very conducive working

environment for employees. This study is needed to ensure that all employees are performing at their peak potential, free

from stress and strain, and to ensure all their needs are fully satisfied. This study will be used as feedback from employees to

know their current perspective of workplace and also to identify the areas of improvement for the organization.


The Study covered 200 employees of Bajaj Allianz life insurance co. Ltd, Coimbatore Branch.


Quality of work life covers the various aspects under the general umbrella of supportive organization behavior.

Thus the quality of work life should be broad in its scope. It must evaluate the attitude of employees towards personnel

policies. The research will be helpful in understanding the current position of the organization. And provide some strategies

to extend the employee satisfaction with little modification which is based on the internal facilities of the organization. The

research can be further used to evaluate the facilities provided by the management towards the employee. This study also

helps to manipulate the expectations of the employees.


Primary Objectives

To examine the factors of work-life balance namely, personal life versus work life

And work life versus personal life and their relationship among the employees of

Insurance companies.

To identify the factors, which discriminate between life and general insurance

Employees with regard to their quality of work life factors.

To Study the Quality of work life in bajaj allianz life insurance co. Ltd, Coimbatore Branch


In a study of this kind subjective bias on the part of the respondents cannot be completely eliminated.

Since this study was conducted in one particular branch of work life in bajaj allianz life insurance co. Ltd,

Coimbatore Branch, the findings are applicable only to that branch.

Some of the respondents did not give complete information so, the researcher has to proceed with incomplete data.

The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis

Volume XI, Issue XII, December/2019

ISSN NO: 0886-9367

Page No:415


In this chapter the researcher presents the gleanings done on the topic quality of work life from literary works.

N D Kapoor states, (2003) a corporate which is the aggregate consists of a group of persons contemporaneously

associated so that they form a single person. It is implicit that integration of the individuals are essential to make one body

of the whole. Quality of work life in this situation demands unity without breaking the uniqueness, individual space of the


SubrotoBagchi (2009) in maintaining a quality work life explains how to conduct one‟s career with both

intelligence and integrity. He affirms that quality of work life lies in professionalism with an inspirational capacity to serve

with total integrity – a central attribute of the most important change-makers of our time.

Rajendra Pal and J.S. Korlahalli (2009) while talking of the essentials of communication say a quality work life

of an employee very much depends on his effectiveness of communication as: oral communication, non-verbal, written,

electronic and intercultural communication.

E.H.McGrath, S.J. (2012) in his book Basic Managerial skill for all, gives practical suggestions on making a

quality work life. He speaks of exhaustive set of skills that is absolutely critical for any individual to successfully manage a

quality work life in general and his profession in particular. He speaks of quality work life in terms of; How to read; How to

write; How to Learn; How to speak; How to Listen; How to become the real You; How to run a meeting; and How to teach

and train.,etc. His suggestions to maintain quality work life is practical. A three need presentation of him for a human

person is to be engaged in something meaningful; To be engaged with others in something meaningful; to keep on growing,


Beham, Drobnic, Prag, Baierl and Eckner (2019) In their paper titled “Part-time work and gender inequality in Europe: a

comparative analysis of satisfaction with work– life balance” examined the satisfaction of work–life balance (SWLB)

among workers in 22 European countries. The results show that part-time workers have higher SWLB than full-time

workers the more so, the fewer hours they put in. They also found out that an important gender difference, women in

marginal part-time work are more satisfied than men in a similar situation, and conversely men in full-time work have

higher SWLB than women working full-time.

Adnan Bataineh (2019) in his article titled “Impact of work-life balance, happiness at work, on employee performance”

investigates the Relation of work-life balance, happiness, and employee performance. A set of 289 employees‟ from the

(MED Pharma), Pharmaceutical industries in Jordan, were examined. The results indicated that work-life balance and

happiness positively and significantly affect employee performance. However, job satisfaction non-impact in employee



The purpose of the research methodology is to describe the research procedure. This includes the overall research

design, the sampling procedure, the data collection method, field method and analysis procedures. This section is important

because it is hard to discuss methodology without using technical terms. Yet, most of the readers for the report will not

understand the technical language.

Research Design

Sampling Technique

Data Collection


A Research design is the specification of methods and procedures for acquiring the information needed to structure

or to solve problems. It is the overall operational pattern of framework of the project that stipulates procedures. A research

The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis

Volume XI, Issue XII, December/2019

ISSN NO: 0886-9367

Page No:416

design is therefore defined as, “A plan, structure and strategy of investigation conceived so as to obtain answers to research

question and control variance.”


The first step in doing this research was the formulation of the problem and the creation of the research questions.

Thereafter, the methodology which would best fit the problem under research was planned. After that, Secondary and

primary data collections method were used for the study.

Hypothesis Testing

A statistical hypothesis is an assumption about the population being sampled. There are two types of hypothesis.

Null Hypothesis (Ho) and Alternative Hypothesis (H1)

Null Hypothesis

A Null hypothesis is a claim or statement about a population parameter that is assumed to be true

Alternative Hypothesis

An Alternative Hypothesis is a claim or a statement about a population parameter that is true if null hypothesis is


A test of hypothesis is simply a rule by which a hypothesis is either accepted or rejected.

Such a rule is usually based on sample statistics called test statistics.


As the population of professionals is infinite, purposeful sampling (Yin 1994) was used. The study was conducted in

Coimbatore and the sample was drawn Coimbatore Branch. A deliberate attempt was made to represent different age groups

as also to include respondents from different vocations, so as to reduce systematic bias in sampling, the other aim being to

enhance the generalizability of results (Young, 1993).

A total of 200 questionnaires were personally administered and these were found fit for analysis as they were complete in all

respects. A master chart prepared and fed into Excel sheets. It was further prepared for analysis by coding and analysed

using SPSS 19.0.




Percentage analysis helps to evaluate and compare variables. Percentage analysis consists of reducing a series of related

amounts to a series of percentages of a given base. All items in an income statement are frequently expressed as a

percentage of sales or sometimes as a percentage of cost of goods sold. A balance sheet may be analyzed on the basis of

total assets. This analysis facilitates comparison and is helpful in evaluating the relative size of items or the relative

change in items.

The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis

Volume XI, Issue XII, December/2019

ISSN NO: 0886-9367

Page No:417



Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid MARRIED 190 95.0 95.0 95.0

UNMARRIED 10 5.0 5.0 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0


95% of the respondents are married. 5%of the respondents are not married


Options Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Female 118 59.0 59.0 59.0

Male 82 41.0 41.0 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0


59% of the respondents are female.41% of the respondents are male


Options Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid 10 10 5.0 5.0 5.0

12 5 2.5 2.5 7.5

13 5 2.5 2.5 10.0

14 2 1.0 1.0 11.0

15 25 12.5 12.5 23.5

16 3 1.5 1.5 25.0

17 4 2.0 2.0 27.0

18 6 3.0 3.0 30.0

19 4 2.0 2.0 32.0

20 10 5.0 5.0 37.0

The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis

Volume XI, Issue XII, December/2019

ISSN NO: 0886-9367

Page No:418

21 2 1.0 1.0 38.0

22 1 .5 .5 38.5

23 6 3.0 3.0 41.5

24 8 4.0 4.0 45.5

25 17 8.5 8.5 54.0

26 1 .5 .5 54.5

27 12 6.0 6.0 60.5

28 10 5.0 5.0 65.5

29 11 5.5 5.5 71.0

3 4 2.0 2.0 73.0

30 2 1.0 1.0 74.0

32 1 .5 .5 74.5

33 1 .5 .5 75.0

34 4 2.0 2.0 77.0

35 1 .5 .5 77.5

4 2 1.0 1.0 78.5

5 10 5.0 5.0 83.5

6 4 2.0 2.0 85.5

7 13 6.5 6.5 92.0

8 13 6.5 6.5 98.5

9 3 1.5 1.5 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0

SOURCE: Primary data compiled

The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis

Volume XI, Issue XII, December/2019

ISSN NO: 0886-9367

Page No:419


This table denotes the respondent‟s number of years of experience.


Options Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid No 8 4.0 4.0 4.0

YES 192 96.0 96.0 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0


96% of the respondents have stated that they are satisfied with the salary received by them. 4% of the

respondents have stated that they are not satisfied with the present salary received by them.


Options Frequenc

y Percent


Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid No


10 5.0 5.0 5.0

No 76 38.0 38.0 43.0

Yes 114 57.0 57.0 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0


5% 3% 3% 1%


2% 2%

3% 2%


1% 1%

3% 4%


1% 6% 5%


2% 1%

1% 1% 2% 1% 1%

5% 2% 7%




10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3 30 32

33 34 35 4 5 6 7 8 9

The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis

Volume XI, Issue XII, December/2019

ISSN NO: 0886-9367

Page No:420


57% of the respondents have stated that they are satisfied with the safe and Healthy working conditions of

their work place. 38% of the respondents have stated that they are not satisfied with the safe and healthy

condition of their work place. 5% of the respondents have stated that they are not sure.


Options Frequency Percent


Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid No


30 15.0 15.0 15.0

No 32 16.0 16.0 31.0

Yes 138 69.0 69.0 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0


69% of the respondents have stated that they are satisfied with the opportunities for development in the

organization. 16% of the respondents have stated that they are not satisfied with the opportunities for

development in the organization. 15% of the respondents were not sure.


Options Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid No Comments 8 4.0 4.0 4.0

No 58 29.0 29.0 33.0

Yes 134 67.0 67.0 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0


67% of the respondents have stated that they are satisfied with the opportunities of growth in the organization.

29% of the respondents have stated that they are not satisfied with the opportunities of growth. 4% of the

respondents were not sure.

The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis

Volume XI, Issue XII, December/2019

ISSN NO: 0886-9367

Page No:421


Options Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid No Comments 28 14.0 14.0 14.0

No 48 24.0 24.0 38.0

Yes 124 62.0 62.0 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0


62% of the respondents have stated that there is social integration free communication in the work place. 24%

of the respondents have stated that there is no social integration in the work place. 14% of the respondents have

stated that they are not sure.


Options Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid No Comments 4 2.0 2.0 2.0

No 44 22.0 22.0 24.0

Yes 152 76.0 76.0 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0


76% of the respondents have stated that there are cordial interpersonal relationships in the organization.

22% of the respondents have stated that there is no cordial relationship in the organisation. 2% of the respondents have

stated that they are not sure.


Options Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid No Comments 22 11.0 11.0 11.0

No 88 44.0 44.0 55.0

Yes 90 45.0 45.0 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0

The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis

Volume XI, Issue XII, December/2019

ISSN NO: 0886-9367

Page No:422


45% of the respondents have stated that there is work and life space in the organization. 44% of the

respondents have stated that there is no work and life space in the organization.11% of the respondents have

stated that they are not sure.



Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid No Comments 4 2.0 2.0 2.0

No 114 57.0 57.0 59.0

Yes 82 41.0 41.0 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0


41% of the respondents have stated that they have work life and balance.57% of the respondents have stated that they have

no work life balance.2% of the respondents have stated that they are not sure.


Options Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Being Creative in Work 68 34.0 34.0 34.0

Enjoy Working with other


86 43.0 43.0 77.0

No Comments 14 7.0 7.0 84.0

Power to Control, Make


32 16.0 16.0 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0


34% of the respondents have stated that being creative in their day-to-day work motivates them the most. 43% of the

respondents have stated that working with other people motivates them the most.

16% of the respondents have stated that power to control others and make decisions motivates them the most. 7% of the

respondents are not sure.

The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis

Volume XI, Issue XII, December/2019

ISSN NO: 0886-9367

Page No:423

WEIGHTED AVERAGE METHOD (percentage value)

Methodology Description

Weighted Average Method Overview

The weighted average method is used to assign the average value to a variable. Weighted average valuing is commonly used

in situations where:

Variables are so intermingled that it is impossible to assign a specific value to an individual variable.

The value system is not sufficiently sophisticated to track variable layers.

Variables are so identical to each other that there is no way to assign a value to an individual value.



Weight 3 (610) 2 (241) 1 (54)


Option 1 2 3 Total Weight Rank

Adequate Compensation 96*3=288 4*2=8 - 296/6 49.3 I

Safe and Healthy working Condition 57*3=171 38*2=76 5*1=5 152/6 42 VII

Opportunities for Development 69*3=207 16*2=32 15*1=15 254/6 42.3 VI

Opportunities for Growth 67*3=201 29*2=58 4*1=4 263/6 43.8 V

Social Integration 62*3=186 24*2=48 14*1=14 248/6 41.3 VIII

Interpersonal Relationship 76*3=228 22*2=44 2*1=2 274/6 45.6 IV

Work and Life Space 45*3=135 44*2=88 11*1=11 234/6 39 x

Social Relevance and Working Life 95*3=285 5*2=10 - 295/6 49.16 II

Work life balance 41*3=123 57*2=114 2*1=2 239/6 39.8 IX

Job Security 97*3=291 2*2=4 1*1=1 294/6 49 III


From the above table it is found that

1st first factor is adequate compensation


Preference goes to Social Relevance and working life

The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis

Volume XI, Issue XII, December/2019

ISSN NO: 0886-9367

Page No:424


preference goes to Job Security


preference goes to Interpersonal relationships


preference goes to opportunities for growth


preference goes to opportunities for development


preference goes to safe and healthy working condition


preference goes to Social Integration


preference goes to work life balance


preference goes to work and life space


It is inferred that respondents are not satisfied of the safe and healthy working condition, Social Integration, work life

balance and work life space.


Methodology Description

Chi-Squared Test

A chi-squared test, also referred to as test (or chi-square test), is any statistical hypothesis test in which the sampling

distribution of the test statistic is a chi-squared distribution when the null hypothesis is true. Also considered a chi-squared

test is a test in which this is asymptotically true, meaning that the sampling distribution (if the null hypothesis is true) can be

made to approximate a chi-squared distribution as closely as desired by making the sample size large enough. The chi-

squared (I) test is used to determine whether there is a significant difference between the expected frequencies and the

observed frequencies in one or more categories. Does the number of individuals or objects that fall in each category differ

significantly from the number one would expect? Is this difference between the expected and observed due to sampling

variation, or is it a real difference?


Questions Compared

Comparison between Question No. 2 and Question No. 9

Safe and healthy working condition

(Sanitation/Refreshment-canteen/Infrastructure/ safety


Working conditions of the working place is safe and healthy








Work Life and Life balance

I have a sensible integration of job, career, family life and

leisure time




The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis

Volume XI, Issue XII, December/2019

ISSN NO: 0886-9367

Page No:425

Null hypothesis: There is no significant relationship between safe and healthy working condition and work life balance

Alternative Hypothesis: There is significant relationship between safe and healthy working condition and work life balance

Observed Frequency

Response Safe and healthy

working condition (2)

Work life Balance (8) Total

Yes 114 82 196

No 76 114 190

No Comments 10 4 14

Total 200 200 400

Expected Frequency

Response Safe and Healthy

Working Conditions (2)

Work life balance (8) Total

Yes 200*196/400=98 200*196/400=98 196

No 200*190/400=95 200*190/400=95 190

No Comments 200*14/400=7 200*14/400=7 14

Total 200 200 400

Computation of π2


Frequency (O)


Frequency (E)

(O-E) (O-E)² (O-E)²/E

114 98 16 256 2.61

76 95 -19 361 3.8

10 7 3 9 1.28

82 98 -16 256 2.61

114 95 19 361 3.8

4 7 -3 9 1.28


X = 15.38

π² = E (O-E) ²/E =15.38

Calculated Value of π² is 15.38

Degree of freedom = 1

The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis

Volume XI, Issue XII, December/2019

ISSN NO: 0886-9367

Page No:426

Level of Significance ∂ = 5 %

Table value of π² at 5% Level of significance and 1 degree of freedom is 9.49

Inference: When the calculated value in greater than the table value the hypothesis is rejected. So, the null hypothesis that

there is no significant relationship between safe and healthy working condition and work life balance is rejected.

The Alternative hypothesis that there is significant relationship between safe and healthy working condition and work life

balance is accepted.



Percentage Analysis

There is adequate compensation for the employees of Bajaj Allianz life insurance co. ltd 96% of the respondents

have stated that their present compensation is adequate. The management may decide the compensation through

agreements with the employees union as a result salaries are fixed for all cadres of employees.

The highest Majority experiences job security Majority of the respondents i.e., 97% stated that they experience job


There is Social Relevance and Working Life 95% of the employees agree with the social relevance and working life

i.e., their work life matches the social life that they are leading.

There is a moderate Interpersonal Relationship the employees are satisfied about the interpersonal relationship to an

agreeable degree. 76% of the respondents are satisfied about the interpersonal relationship existing in the work


There is Opportunity for development 69% of the respondent‟s state that the organization facilitates the self-

improvement of the members.

There is lesser chance for work and Life Space 44% of the respondents feel that the organizations space to recognize

the special talents of the employees i.e., there is „one best‟ for everyone is negative.

Lesser Work Life balance 57% of the respondents have stated that a sensible integration of job, career, family life

and leisure time is lacking to some extent.

Need for the betterment of Safe and Healthy Working Condition 38% of the respondents specified that there is

inadequacy of safe and healthy working condition due to unorganized and cluttered work place.

Attention to improve opportunities for growth is essential 29% of the respondents state that there is lesser possibility

for growth within the organization.

Social Integration has to be promoted 24% of the respondents feel that there is need to improve social integration in

the Work environment.

Weighted Average Method

It is inferred that respondents are not satisfied of the safe and healthy working condition, Social Integration, work life

balance and work life space.

Chi – Squared Test

There is significance relationship between opportunities for growth and work and life space.

There is significant relationship between safe and healthy working condition and work life balance is accepted.

There is significance relationship between Job Security and work life space.

The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis

Volume XI, Issue XII, December/2019

ISSN NO: 0886-9367

Page No:427


The suggestions are given in two dimensions one from the side of management and the other from the side

of the employee.

1. Fitness Programs

Fitness classes for yoga, high intensity interval and strength training

Organized office team sports and activities: bowling, softball, group walks during breaks, bicycling,

weekend hikes, etc.

Provide a secure site for bicycles to encourage cycling among employees.

2. Healthy Work Place Food Choices

Organization should realize that their true wealth lies in their employees and so providing healthy environment for

employees should be their primary objective.

Cater office lunches by local health food stores providing organic foods

Provide organic tea and coffee

Replace processed food and soda vending machine choices with water, nuts, dried fruits, and other

healthier choices

3. Educational Seminars And Classes

An organization should provide employees with opportunity for personal/professional development and growth and

to prepare them to accept the responsibilities at higher level.

Offer classes by local chefs on how to prepare healthy meals, preparing proper food portions, and how to

create healthy snacks

4. Mental And Emotional Tune-Ups

Onsite health clinics offering chiropractic, physical therapy, and chair massage, nutritionists, etc.

Employee Assistant Program providing confidential access for employees and their immediate family

members to professional counseling services for short-term help in confronting such personal challenges

as: alcohol and other substance abuse, marital and family difficulties, financial or legal issues, and

emotional distress

Also provide appropriate referrals to community and private services for long-term problems.

When the employees feel that the job had trapped them and unable to come up for air, they have a couple of

options. One, consider looking for another job, or at least taking the steps necessary as ongoing classes, licenses, training,

etc., to prepare oneself for a career change.


Work Life balance today has become a highly debated topic employees, employers and academicians. Work life

balance is more of an art than a science and there are no set rules and guidelines for achieving the same. A lot of

unpredictable factors beyond the individuals control will affect his ability to achieve some sort of work life balance. The

best an individual can do is to have priorities in work and life and proceed accordingly. This is a highly personal issue.

The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis

Volume XI, Issue XII, December/2019

ISSN NO: 0886-9367

Page No:428

As Bajaj Allianz life insurance co. Ltd is a private sector Corporation its HR policies are well framed but due to the

entrance of Multi-national insurance companies it is facing a lot of competition. So, there are challenges to maintain their

leadership in life insurance sector.

The Researcher cannot suggest major changes are in Bajaj Allianz life insurance co. Ltd. Human Resource

Management policies but has offered some suggestions for guiding the employees to achieve some degree of work life

balance. This will motivate the employees to put in their best performance at work.


1. BagchiSubroto, The Professional Penguin books India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi (2009)

2. C.B. Gupta, Management Theory & Practice, Sultan Chad & Sons, Educational Publishers, New Delhi (2005)

3. E.H. McGrath, S.J. Basic Managerial skills for all,PH1 LearningPvt Ltd, New Delhi (2012)

4. J. P. Mahajan, Management: THEORY and Practice, Ane books Pvt Ltd, New Delhi (2011)

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6. Pardoe James, How Buffet does it, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd, New Delhi (2005)

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The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis

Volume XI, Issue XII, December/2019

ISSN NO: 0886-9367

Page No:429