ci t A THE INTERIOR JOURNAL w VOL XXXVI STANFORD KY TUESDAY JUNE 30 1908 NO 34 The Murder of Goebel ItGov Willson of Kentucky has par ¬ Caleb Powers and James How ard who had been convicted of the as l sassinatlon of Wilt am Goebel Ho de ¬ I tclams that ho believes them Innocent grants a pardon to Powers upon tho indictment pending against him in the Franklin circuit court charging sub u t ornation of perjury Tholcllllng of Goebel was n political t murder Tho pardon of two of his al ¬ leged murderers Is also political Iow ¬ ers and Howard aro republicans Will I l lion alto is a republican Ho shows hla t political animus even in issuing his par- t ¬ don Ho speaks of tho victim of the homicide as Senator Goobel thus do ¬ nying to the dead man the title of gov ¬ error to which the supremo court of tho State declared ho was duly entitled Gov Willson may state that ho to convinced that Powers is innocent but the pardon that Powers hud obtained from Gov Taylor before ho was oven accused of the murder will convince gulltvI Goebel was murdered and his murderers are f not paying tho penalty of their heinous and dastardly crime Tho Catholic Co Inmblnn Columbus 0 I ExSenator William Lindsay pays tho I late Grover Cleveland this high tribute Mr Cleveland was in my estimation the ablest man who has occupied tho I acquaintI ¬ democratic in his Instincts as well as by f conviction Ho was tho friend and sup ¬ porter of the rights of person and of property Ho never sacrificed principle to expediency and when ho failed as a political leader It was because ho es ¬ teemed the good of tho country more than ho prized party success or partisan advantage I found him to be amiable and tender as well as courageous Ho was a good and faithful friend but no friendship would Induce him to reward his friend at the expense of tho public good Ho will go down In history as one of our greatest presidents Thinks It vd His Life IxwUr M Nelson of Naples Maine says iu a recent letter I have used Dr Kttigr Now Discovery many years for coughs and colds and I think it saved iny life I have found it a reliable remedy for throat and lung complaints and would no more be without a bottle than I would be without food For nearly 40 years New Discovery has stool at tho head of throat and lung remedies As a preventive of pneumonia and healer of weak lungs it has no equal Sold under guarantee at Pennys Drug Store fOe and 81 Trial bottlo free Tho Louisiana law forbidding race track gambling closes another field of enterprise to tho bookies and their patrons They havo been banished from Chicago by tho combined efforts of tho Federal and lllinoU State gov ¬ ernments Gov Folk drove them out of St Louis Hot Springs Ark knows them no longer Saratoga and Coney Island aro closed to them by the legis ¬ lation procured by Gov Hughesand now New Orleans is to withdraw its hospitality and winter races will havo to be run If at all without a gambling t side issue Health ColToe is really tho clos ¬ est Codec Imitation ever yet produced This olevor ColTco Substitute war re ¬ 1county produced by Dr Shoon Racine Wis Not a grain of real Cofljxj In it either Dr Shoops Health Coffee Is made from puro toasted grains with malt nuts etc Really It would fool an expert who might drink it for CoIIco No 20 or 30 minutes tedious boiling Mado in a minute says tho doctor Sold by Pennys Drug Store o 0 t Tim Atlantic battleship fleet will re ¬ assemble In San Francisco harbor this week preparatory to Its departure on July 7 for Honolulu tho next stop in its worldround cruise The battleship Now Hampshire Is sceduled to leave f New York this week for Quebec whore I it will be present during tho tercenten nary celebration of the founding of that city in July 1 Dr Enulus Champion was sentenced to one year In tho penitentiary on an indictment charging him with partici- pating ¬ I in the night rider raid on Birm ¬ ingham in this State Ten of tho jury IIwere for 10 years in tho penitentiary and two were for acquittal After an if allnlgnt session an agreement on a one j years sentence was reached i 0- A special from Somerset says Cook Marcum aged 25 was found dying with a bullet holo in his head under a peach tree in his he had been I guarding Indications point to murder though some believe he committed sui- cide ¬ t 0 Mrs Mike Brown aged 65 one of tho beat known women of Shelbyville died suddenly of heart LI HUSTONVILLE Miss Emma Orched is with her sister Mrs JJ Allen James Yowcll sold to Louisville par ¬ ties 651300 pound cattle at 6Jc for July deliveryTho harvest is over and an av- erage crop of good quality is Belling at Sue delivered hero It is expected that Rev Willis the new pastor of the Christian church will preach his first sermon hero Sunday nextAllen Swope shipped a car of hogs they bought at Gc and a car of lambs bought at Sic Rifle f Tucker shipped a car of cattle and hogs bought at 4 J to lie C R McCormack shipped acar ol lambs bought at 4 to 4c T L Carpenter sold a splendid thor oughbred yearling to J E Madden for 21100 Ho is by Ogden and out of Lucy Lee with a strain running back on both sides net excelled on tho American turf Mr Carpenter has several other very fine yearlings Tho protracted drouth has cast a gloom over this vicinity Gardens are wilted corn twitted pastures parched and all growing crops arc threatened with destruction Grass along railroads Is burning in many places together with fencing Timothy meadows arc below average Mias Emma Routen of Wnynesburg is visiting James Routen and family Mrs John J Newell has returned from a delightful visit to Mrs Lillie Rut at Frankfort ProC Elmer Hohon of Tonkawa Okla and sister Miss Mer tie of Ewing Mo are visiting their their cousin Dr J T Bohon and cam ilyConsidering that fully 20 hours after the burning of George Durrets barn at Cnmpbcllsvlllc last week and during the very dry weather Lairs blood ¬ hounds took tho trail readily following it several miles to a Negro cabin where tho dogs tried to got In Tho sheriff arrested the party and additional evi- dence ¬ sufficient to convict him has beensecured Ho will remain in jail until circuit court This was tho third large barn burned in that neighborhood lately and it Is believed by all that tho guilty party has been caught MATRIMONIAL At Madison Ind James Huwo and Miss Lucy Jones each 15 were united in marriageA dispatch says C B Marcum of Stanford Ky and Miss Anna Holladay of Sunbright Tenn were married in tills city this morning It was a runaway match- A pretty romance that had its Incep- tion in Sue Bennett Memorial School at London was revealed by tho marriage of Edward H Lyle of London and Miss Mary F Lynch of Stack bridge Mass Threo years ago while Lylo was engrossed in his pcdlgoglcal work Miss Lynch was also engaged to teach in the school Their acquaintance ripened into love which culminated In their marriage at Covington- A Springfield special says Witnessed by children and grandchildren who were unthought of when tho couple first began courting John W Pope and Mrs Sarah Ann Elliott were married at the homo of the bride Ho is 78 and sho is 77 years of ago Years ago John Pope courted pretty Ann Campbell but a lovers quarrel ended negotiations She married Sak Burns then Richard Elli ¬ ott Pope married another girl Af ¬ ter raising up largo families they dodd ¬ ed both partners being dead to try again It took The Best Pills Ever Sold After doctoring 16 years for chron ¬ ic indigestion and spending over two hundred dollars nothing has done me as much good as Dr Kings New Life Pills I consider thorn tho best pills over sold writes B F Ays cue of Inglostdo N C Sold under guarantee at Pennys Drug Storo 25c Hundreds visited tho grave of Gro ¬ ver Cleveland in Princeton cemetery Saturday Mrs Cleveland went to the cemetery before 7 oclock whero she stood for some time beside tho flower strewn graves of her husband and her daughter Ruth A member of tho local militia stood guard at the grave throughout the night and was relieved by another guardsman If you will make Inquiry it will bo a revelation to you how many succumb- to kidney or bladder troubles in one form or another If tho patient lsnot beyond medical aid Foleys Kidney Cure will cure It never disappoints Pennys Drug Store The consolidation of the law schools Transylvania University and State University of Lexington is practically assured o A German professor claims to have discovered that German will be the lan- guage ¬ in heaven r NEWS NOTES John Betts aged 17 was killed by a Q C train near Ellhu Pulaski coun tv The explosion of a chemical plant In Chicago caused the death of five wo menBusiness was snspended for two hours at Owensboro as a tribute of respect to Grover Cleveland- J F Dorsey was killed at Owens boro by a bullet from a revolver which fell from a trunk tray At WaycrosB Go Walter Wilkins and Albert Baker Negroes were lynch ed for outraging a 14yearold girl The Danville Covington and Law renceburg companies of tho Second Regiment will be mustered out having failed on inspection During an electrical storm Elijah Pierce of Knox county was rendered unconscious and a mule he was driving was instantly killed by a bolt of light ¬ ning Pierce had token refuge under a treeIn tho prosenco of a large crowd Os ¬ car Hammarstcin of New York laid tho cornortsonc of tho Philadelphia Opera House which he is constructing in that city Tho Interstate Commerce Commis ¬ sion issued an order declaring unlaw ¬ ful the Kanawha Despatch joint east bound freight tariff issued June 1 and effective July 1 W II Bingham former president of tho Binghamton Bank of Binghamton Tenn which recently suspenpcd has been Indicted on four charges an out- come ¬ of tho failure of tho bank Judge Rogers at Columbus lO is ¬ sued a temporary order restraining State Insurance Commissioner Lemert from revoking the license of the Lin- coln ¬ National Insurance Co of Fort Wayne Ind One man was killed and eight or ten passengers were injured at Lofty Pa by tho wrecking of a Pennsylvania passenger train which is believed to deliberately havo been derailed by the spiking of the tracks In the nightrider case of Dr E Champion at Benton tho physician teSt tified he was in attendance on a sick child at tho time of the Birmingham raid Eight witnesses corroborated Dr Champions statement Tho Southern railway announces that tho salaries of the office men which were cut 10 per cent some time ago will bo restored to the old figures There is to be no reduction in the wag- es ¬ of other employes of tho road The Texas Companys 37000 barrel tank at Nederland Station Texas was struck by lightning A special train carried men from Port Arthur and help was dispatched from Fort Neeches and Garrison to assist In saving other tanksOne woman was killed and eight so ¬ riously Injured as the result of a coach toppling over coming down hill during an outing given to tho Federation of Womens Clubs now In session at Bos- ton ¬ Tho Kentucky delegation escaped unhurtGeorgo Frazier convicted of the murder of Spicer Hamilton was given 21 years in the penitentiary by tho Lee circuit court Several times during the trial tho prisoner attempted suicide and asked to be given a life sentence rather than be tried Not only will anteIndependence day noises in Louisville be guarded against by tho police authorities but various kinds of hideous sounds will bo prevent ¬ ed by tho police in plain clothes Tor ¬ pedoes on street car tracks are espec ¬ ially tabooed Officials of tho Illinois Central rail ¬ road announce that beginning July 1 the shops of the system at Burnside III Waterloo la Memphis Tenn Water Valley and Vicksbnrg Miss will be restored to full time The new order means that 6000 extra men will be put to work next month Weak women should try Dr Shoops Night Cure These soothing heal ¬ tug antiseptic suppositories go direct to tho seat of these weaknesses My Book No 4 For WOmon contains many valuable hints to women and it Is free Ask Dr tihoop Racine Wis to mall It Ask tho Doctor in strict- est ¬ confidence any question you wish answered Dr Shoops Night Cure Is sold by Pennys Drug Store Gov Willson was mado an A M by Harvard and State University had already made him an LL D So when writing to the Governor hereafter please address him as follows His Excellency Hon Augustus E Willson LL D and A M with abbreviations- to be continued Frankfort Journal I Cures Gapes Instantly BARDSTOWN KY May 4 1008 One drop of R 41144 dropped down tho bill of a gaping chicken kilts tho worms and relieves the chicken in ¬ stantly When fed In feed or water It is the best preventive I have ever seen Will Coomes n IN NEIGHBORING COUNTIES Tho residence in Jessamine county of John Veatch burned Saturday Mrs E W Barnett a sister of the late Judge James Garnett of Adair Is dead at Columbia Edward Minor and Miss Ada Coakley both of Louisville were severely injur ¬ ed in an automobile accident near Frankfort Minor formerly lived in the Rubble section of this county Mrs Rice Bcngo died at tho home of her daughter at Bryantsville suddenly while she and the other members of the family were seated at tho breakfast table Her death was supposed to be duo to heart disease The following is sent from Lexington Henry Miller aged 101 years grew tired of life at Harrodsburg in Mercer county and committed suicide by take ing Paris green Ha was one of the oldest men in Kentucky- Dr J E Caldwell of Perryvillo has bought of At J Farris a tract of land lying immediately west of tho Danville Ice Factory and fronting on tho Perry Villo pike for 16000 The place is known as the Faulconer home A rather remarkable incident hap- pened ¬ at R S VanArsdalls feed mill Tuesday when four men present took a notion to weigh Mr VanArsdall step- ped on the platform and tipped the beam at 142 pounds and each of his two employees Eugene Terhune and Thos Atkeson and Eugene Wills a custom ¬ er in turn stepped on the scales and weighed in the same notch 142 pounds Harrodaburg Herald Probably tho biggest mortgage ever filed in the 11th district was placed on record in the clerks office at Barbour vllle when the Cumberland Company executed a mortgage of 3000000 to tho Standard Trust Company of New York It is understood that 1000000 will bo used in taking up old bonds while 2000000 will be used in finish- ing the Cumberland railroad increas ¬ ing tho equipment and extending branchesOn 29th day of April 1893 J J Bullock and his two sons W C and R H Bullock cut on the back of a tor ¬ toise the name of W C Bullock and that date and turned it loose They thought no more about it until the 10th day ofJune 1908 more than 15 years from that time R II Bullock found tho same tortoise no more than 200 yards from where it was left The name and date on back was perfectly plalnMt Vernon Signal A Grand Family Medicine It gives me pleasure to speak a good word for Electric Bitters writes Mr Frank Conlan of No 430 Houston St Now YorkII Its a grand family medicine for dyspepsia and liver complications while for lame back and weak kidneys It cannot be too highly recommended Electric Bitters regulate the digestive func ¬ tions purify the blood and impart renewed vigor and vitality to the weak and debilitated of both sexes Sold under guarantee at Pennys Drug Store fi0c- Holding a fivemonthsold baby in her arms Nancy Merrill handsome young woman was arraigned before County Judge Taulbec of Brcathitt charged with killing Mary Terry The defend ¬ ant testified that she killed tho Terry woman her defense being the unwrit ¬ ten law Tho testimony was sensation ¬ al Sho was held for murder but ow¬ ing to the difficulty of caring for her baby she was granted bail in 5000 A man who is In perfect health so- ho can do an honest days work when necessary has much for which he should bo thankful Mr L C Rod gore of Branchton Pa writes that he was not only unable to work but he couldnt stoop over to tie his own shoes Six bottles of Foleys Kidney Cure made a new man of him He says Success to Foleys Kidney Cure Pennys Drug Store Ma why dont you keep out of tho parlor Things are running smoothly nowYou aint engaged yet daughter and your ma knows from experience that a man who finds things run- ning too smoothly Is to get bored and quit Kansas City Journal I W R Ward of Dyersburg Tenn writes This is to certify that I have used Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup for chronic constipation and it has prov- en without a doubt to be a thorough practical remedy for this trouble and It is with pleasure I offer my cojwclen lous reference Pennys Drug Store Will Cure Consumption- A A Herren Finch Ark writes Foleys Honey and Tar is the best preparation for coughs colds and lung trouble I know that it has cured consumption Inthe first stages You never heard of any one using Foleys Honey and Tar and not being satisfied Pennys Drug Store Cool Comfortable Summer ClothesII itI R1Tro1 It D r 3 Como and see our line of Summer Clothes and be convinced of the high quality of our goods SAM ROBINSON STANFORD KY Pirst Cal onCirl 2rnk iStanforct Jty Organ fxeit SS2 Capital SIocAy S5OOOO 3urtlut and 7WvaW Profits S9 000 Jfas paid in Dividends since Organization S2f 500 a Snvito 9cw jfccounis on Our JJfariis OFFICERS I S Hocker President- S T Harris VicePresident John J McRoberts Cashier H C Baughman Asst Cashr WWSaunders Bookkeeper DIRECTORSj F Reid J H Baughraai MID Elmore J M Pettus S H Baughman J F Cummine S T Harris James Robinson T P Hill J S Hocker C E Tate Official Train for Kentucky Democrats To Denver Colorado Via Henderson Route Missouri Pacific and Rock Island Lines Selected by the Delegates at the Lexington Convention Leaves Louisville 900 P M FRIDAY JULY 3RD arrives Denver noon Sunday July 5th Fare from STANFORD KY 3897 Write and reserve Pullman Reservations now address E M WOMACK C P A 4th and Main Sts Louisville Ky I The New Perfection Wick Blue Flanje Oil Cook Stoves Geo D Hoppers Stanford Ky Get His Prices NOTICE GHICKENGRAISERS 41 144 Curd Cholera Gapes Roup Canker and Limberneck Price 50 cents No Cure no Pay Cures Gapes Instantly Guaranteed by 1 George L Penny Pharmacist STANFORD KENTUCKY nARDb OWN KY May 4 1908 One drop of 41144 dropped down the billof a gaping chicken kills the worms and relieves thochicken instantly When in feed or water it is tho best preventative I have ever known WILL GOODIES THE SAFEST AND CUICKEST WAY TO TRANSFER MONEY IS BY LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE FOR RATES APPLY TI LOCAL MANGIER EAST TENNESSEE TELEPHONECOMPANY INCONFO- NATDi





The Murder of Goebel

ItGov Willson of Kentucky has par¬

Caleb Powers and James How

ard who had been convicted of the as

l sassinatlon of Wilt am Goebel Ho de ¬


tclams that ho believes them Innocentgrants a pardon to Powers upon

tho indictment pending against him in

the Franklin circuit court charging sub

u t ornation of perjuryTholcllllng of Goebel was n political

t murder Tho pardon of two of his al ¬

leged murderers Is also political Iow ¬

ers and Howard aro republicans WillI l lion alto is a republican Ho shows hla

t political animus even in issuing his par-



don Ho speaks of tho victim of thehomicide as Senator Goobel thus do ¬

nying to the dead man the title of gov ¬

error to which the supremo court oftho State declared ho was duly entitled

Gov Willson may state that ho to

convinced that Powers is innocent butthe pardon that Powers hud obtainedfrom Gov Taylor before ho was ovenaccused of the murder will convincegulltvI Goebelwas murdered and his murderers are

f not paying tho penalty of their heinousand dastardly crime Tho Catholic Co

Inmblnn Columbus 0I

ExSenator William Lindsay pays tho

I late Grover Cleveland this high tributeMr Cleveland was in my estimation

the ablest man who has occupied thoI acquaintI ¬

democratic in his Instincts as well as by

f conviction Ho was tho friend and sup ¬

porter of the rights of person and ofproperty Ho never sacrificed principleto expediency and when ho failed as apolitical leader It was because ho es¬

teemed the good of tho country more

than ho prized party success or partisanadvantage I found him to be amiableand tender as well as courageous Howas a good and faithful friend but nofriendship would Induce him to rewardhis friend at the expense of tho publicgood Ho will go down In history asone of our greatest presidents

Thinks Itvd His LifeIxwUr M Nelson of Naples Maine

says iu a recent letter I have usedDr Kttigr Now Discovery many

years for coughs and colds and I

think it saved iny life I have foundit a reliable remedy for throat andlung complaints and would no morebe without a bottle than I would bewithout food For nearly 40 yearsNew Discovery has stool at tho headof throat and lung remedies As apreventive of pneumonia and healerof weak lungs it has no equal Soldunder guarantee at Pennys DrugStore fOe and 81 Trial bottlo free

Tho Louisiana law forbidding racetrack gambling closes another field ofenterprise to tho bookies and theirpatrons They havo been banishedfrom Chicago by tho combined effortsof tho Federal and lllinoU State gov ¬

ernments Gov Folk drove them out ofSt Louis Hot Springs Ark knowsthem no longer Saratoga and ConeyIsland aro closed to them by the legis ¬

lation procured by Gov Hughesandnow New Orleans is to withdraw itshospitality and winter races will havoto be run If at all without a gambling

t side issue

Health ColToe is really tho clos ¬

est Codec Imitation ever yet producedThis olevor ColTco Substitute war re ¬

1county produced by Dr Shoon RacineWis Not a grain of real Cofljxj In iteither Dr Shoops Health Coffee Is

made from puro toasted grains withmalt nuts etc Really It would foolan expert who might drink it forCoIIco No 20 or 30 minutes tediousboiling Mado in a minute saystho doctor Sold by Pennys DrugStore

o 0

t Tim Atlantic battleship fleet will re¬

assemble In San Francisco harbor thisweek preparatory to Its departure onJuly 7 for Honolulu tho next stop inits worldround cruise The battleshipNow Hampshire Is sceduled to leave

f New York this week for Quebec whore

I it will be present during tho tercentennary celebration of the founding of thatcity in July


Dr Enulus Champion was sentencedto one year In tho penitentiary on anindictment charging him with partici-pating


I in the night rider raid on Birm ¬

ingham in this State Ten of tho jury

IIwere for 10 years in tho penitentiaryand two were for acquittal After an

if allnlgnt session an agreement on a onej years sentence was reachedi 0-

A special from Somerset says CookMarcum aged 25 was found dying witha bullet holo in his head under a peachtree in his he had been

I guarding Indications point to murderthough some believe he committed sui-cide


t 0Mrs Mike Brown aged 65 one of

tho beat known women of Shelbyvilledied suddenly of heart



Miss Emma Orched is with her sisterMrs J J Allen

James Yowcll sold to Louisville par ¬

ties 651300 pound cattle at 6Jc for JulydeliveryTho

harvest is over and an av-erage crop of good quality is Belling atSue delivered hero

It is expected that Rev Willis thenew pastor of the Christian churchwill preach his first sermon hero Sunday

nextAllen Swope shipped a car of hogsthey bought at Gc and a car of lambsbought at Sic Rifle f Tucker shippeda car of cattle and hogs bought at 4 J tolie C R McCormack shipped acar ollambs bought at 4 to 4c

T L Carpenter sold a splendid thoroughbred yearling to J E Madden for21100 Ho is by Ogden and out of LucyLee with a strain running back on bothsides net excelled on tho Americanturf Mr Carpenter has several othervery fine yearlings

Tho protracted drouth has cast agloom over this vicinity Gardens arewilted corn twitted pastures parchedand all growing crops arc threatenedwith destruction Grass along railroadsIs burning in many places togetherwith fencing Timothy meadows arcbelow average

Mias Emma Routen of Wnynesburgis visiting James Routen and familyMrs John J Newell has returned froma delightful visit to Mrs Lillie Rut atFrankfort ProC Elmer Hohon ofTonkawa Okla and sister Miss Mertie of Ewing Mo are visiting theirtheir cousin Dr J T Bohon and cam

ilyConsidering that fully 20 hours afterthe burning of George Durrets barn atCnmpbcllsvlllc last week and duringthe very dry weather Lairs blood ¬

hounds took tho trail readily followingit several miles to a Negro cabin wheretho dogs tried to got In Tho sheriffarrested the party and additional evi-


sufficient to convict him hasbeensecured Ho will remain in jailuntil circuit court This was tho thirdlarge barn burned in that neighborhoodlately and it Is believed by all that thoguilty party has been caught


At Madison Ind James Huwo andMiss Lucy Jones each 15 were unitedin marriageA

dispatch says C BMarcum of Stanford Ky and MissAnna Holladay of Sunbright Tennwere married in tills city this morningIt was a runaway match-

A pretty romance that had its Incep-tion in Sue Bennett Memorial School atLondon was revealed by tho marriageof Edward H Lyle of London andMiss Mary F Lynch of Stack bridgeMass Threo years ago while Lylo wasengrossed in his pcdlgoglcal work MissLynch was also engaged to teach in theschool Their acquaintance ripenedinto love which culminated In theirmarriage at Covington-

A Springfield special says Witnessedby children and grandchildren whowere unthought of when tho couple firstbegan courting John W Pope and MrsSarah Ann Elliott were married at thehomo of the bride Ho is 78 and sho is77 years of ago Years ago John Popecourted pretty Ann Campbell but alovers quarrel ended negotiations Shemarried Sak Burns then Richard Elli ¬

ott Pope married another girl Af¬

ter raising up largo families they dodd ¬

ed both partners being dead to tryagain It took

The Best Pills Ever SoldAfter doctoring 16 years for chron ¬

ic indigestion and spending over twohundred dollars nothing has doneme as much good as Dr Kings NewLife Pills I consider thorn tho bestpills over sold writes B F Ayscue of Inglostdo N C Sold underguarantee at Pennys Drug Storo 25c

Hundreds visited tho grave of Gro ¬

ver Cleveland in Princeton cemeterySaturday Mrs Cleveland went to thecemetery before 7 oclock whero shestood for some time beside tho flowerstrewn graves of her husband and herdaughter Ruth A member of tho localmilitia stood guard at the gravethroughout the night and was relievedby another guardsman

If you will make Inquiry it will bo arevelation to you how many succumb-to kidney or bladder troubles in oneform or another If tho patient lsnotbeyond medical aid Foleys KidneyCure will cure It never disappointsPennys Drug Store

The consolidation of the law schoolsTransylvania University and StateUniversity of Lexington is practicallyassured


A German professor claims to havediscovered that German will be the lan-


in heavenr


John Betts aged 17 was killed by aQ C train near Ellhu Pulaski countv

The explosion of a chemical plant InChicago caused the death of five wo

menBusiness was snspended for two hoursat Owensboro as a tribute of respect toGrover Cleveland-

J F Dorsey was killed at Owensboro by a bullet from a revolver whichfell from a trunk tray

At WaycrosB Go Walter Wilkinsand Albert Baker Negroes were lynched for outraging a 14yearold girl

The Danville Covington and Lawrenceburg companies of tho SecondRegiment will be mustered out havingfailed on inspection

During an electrical storm ElijahPierce of Knox county was renderedunconscious and a mule he was drivingwas instantly killed by a bolt of light ¬

ning Pierce had token refuge under a

treeIntho prosenco of a large crowd Os ¬

car Hammarstcin of New York laidtho cornortsonc of tho PhiladelphiaOpera House which he is constructingin that city

Tho Interstate Commerce Commis ¬

sion issued an order declaring unlaw ¬

ful the Kanawha Despatch joint eastbound freight tariff issued June 1 andeffective July 1

W II Bingham former president oftho Binghamton Bank of BinghamtonTenn which recently suspenpcd hasbeen Indicted on four charges an out-


of tho failure of tho bankJudge Rogers at Columbus lO is ¬

sued a temporary order restrainingState Insurance Commissioner Lemertfrom revoking the license of the Lin-



National Insurance Co of FortWayne Ind

One man was killed and eight or tenpassengers were injured at Lofty Paby tho wrecking of a Pennsylvaniapassenger train which is believed todeliberately havo been derailed by thespiking of the tracks

In the nightrider case of Dr EChampion at Benton tho physician teSttified he was in attendance on a sickchild at tho time of the Birminghamraid Eight witnesses corroborated DrChampions statement

Tho Southern railway announces thattho salaries of the office men whichwere cut 10 per cent some time agowill bo restored to the old figuresThere is to be no reduction in the wag-es


of other employes of tho roadThe Texas Companys 37000 barrel

tank at Nederland Station Texas wasstruck by lightning A special traincarried men from Port Arthur and helpwas dispatched from Fort Neechesand Garrison to assist In saving othertanksOne

woman was killed and eight so ¬

riously Injured as the result of a coachtoppling over coming down hill duringan outing given to tho Federation ofWomens Clubs now In session at Bos-


Tho Kentucky delegation escaped

unhurtGeorgoFrazier convicted of the

murder of Spicer Hamilton was given21 years in the penitentiary by tho Leecircuit court Several times during thetrial tho prisoner attempted suicide andasked to be given a life sentence ratherthan be tried

Not only will anteIndependence daynoises in Louisville be guarded againstby tho police authorities but variouskinds of hideous sounds will bo prevent ¬

ed by tho police in plain clothes Tor ¬

pedoes on street car tracks are espec ¬

ially tabooedOfficials of tho Illinois Central rail ¬

road announce that beginning July 1

the shops of the system at BurnsideIII Waterloo la Memphis TennWater Valley and Vicksbnrg Misswill be restored to full time The neworder means that 6000 extra men willbe put to work next month

Weak women should try Dr ShoopsNight Cure These soothing heal ¬

tug antiseptic suppositories go directto tho seat of these weaknesses My

Book No 4 For WOmon containsmany valuable hints to women and itIs free Ask Dr tihoop Racine Wisto mall It Ask tho Doctor in strict-est


confidence any question you wishanswered Dr Shoops Night CureIs sold by Pennys Drug Store

Gov Willson was mado an A M byHarvard and State University hadalready made him an LL D So whenwriting to the Governor hereafterplease address him as follows HisExcellency Hon Augustus E WillsonLL D and A M with abbreviations-to be continued Frankfort Journal


Cures Gapes InstantlyBARDSTOWN KY May 4 1008

One drop of R 41144 dropped downtho bill of a gaping chicken kilts thoworms and relieves the chicken in ¬

stantly When fed In feed or waterIt is the best preventive I have everseen Will Coomes



Tho residence in Jessamine county ofJohn Veatch burned Saturday

Mrs E W Barnett a sister of thelate Judge James Garnett of Adair Is

dead at ColumbiaEdward Minor and Miss Ada Coakley

both of Louisville were severely injur ¬

ed in an automobile accident nearFrankfort Minor formerly lived in theRubble section of this county

Mrs Rice Bcngo died at tho home ofher daughter at Bryantsville suddenlywhile she and the other members of thefamily were seated at tho breakfasttable Her death was supposed to beduo to heart disease

The following is sent from LexingtonHenry Miller aged 101 years grewtired of life at Harrodsburg in Mercercounty and committed suicide by takeing Paris green Ha was one of theoldest men in Kentucky-

Dr J E Caldwell of Perryvillo hasbought of At J Farris a tract of landlying immediately west of tho DanvilleIce Factory and fronting on tho PerryVillo pike for 16000 The place isknown as the Faulconer home

A rather remarkable incident hap-


at R S VanArsdalls feed millTuesday when four men present took anotion to weigh Mr VanArsdall step-ped on the platform and tipped thebeam at 142 pounds and each of his twoemployees Eugene Terhune and ThosAtkeson and Eugene Wills a custom ¬

er in turn stepped on the scales andweighed in the same notch 142 pounds

Harrodaburg HeraldProbably tho biggest mortgage ever

filed in the 11th district was placed onrecord in the clerks office at Barbourvllle when the Cumberland Companyexecuted a mortgage of 3000000 totho Standard Trust Company of NewYork It is understood that 1000000will bo used in taking up old bondswhile 2000000 will be used in finish-

ing the Cumberland railroad increas ¬

ing tho equipment and extending

branchesOn29th day of April 1893 J J

Bullock and his two sons W C and RH Bullock cut on the back of a tor¬

toise the name of W C Bullock andthat date and turned it loose Theythought no more about it until the 10thday ofJune 1908 more than 15 yearsfrom that time R II Bullock foundtho same tortoise no more than 200yards from where it was left Thename and date on back was perfectlyplalnMt Vernon Signal

A Grand Family MedicineIt gives me pleasure to speak a

good word for Electric Bitterswrites Mr Frank Conlan of No 430Houston St Now YorkII Its agrand family medicine for dyspepsiaand liver complications while forlame back and weak kidneys It cannotbe too highly recommended ElectricBitters regulate the digestive func ¬

tions purify the blood and impartrenewed vigor and vitality to theweak and debilitated of both sexesSold under guarantee at Pennys DrugStore fi0c-

Holding a fivemonthsold baby in herarms Nancy Merrill handsome youngwoman was arraigned before CountyJudge Taulbec of Brcathitt chargedwith killing Mary Terry The defend ¬

ant testified that she killed tho Terrywoman her defense being the unwrit ¬

ten law Tho testimony was sensation ¬

al Sho was held for murder but ow¬

ing to the difficulty of caring for herbaby she was granted bail in 5000

A man who is In perfect health so-

ho can do an honest days work whennecessary has much for which heshould bo thankful Mr L C Rodgore of Branchton Pa writes thathe was not only unable to work buthe couldnt stoop over to tie his ownshoes Six bottles of Foleys KidneyCure made a new man of him He says

Success to Foleys Kidney CurePennys Drug Store

Ma why dont you keep out of thoparlor Things are running smoothly

nowYou aint engaged yet daughterand your ma knows from experiencethat a man who finds things run-ning too smoothly Is to get boredand quit Kansas City Journal


W R Ward of Dyersburg Tennwrites This is to certify that I haveused Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup forchronic constipation and it has prov-en without a doubt to be a thoroughpractical remedy for this trouble andIt is with pleasure I offer my cojwclenlous reference Pennys DrugStore

Will Cure Consumption-A A Herren Finch Ark writes

Foleys Honey and Tar is the bestpreparation for coughs colds andlung trouble I know that it hascured consumption Inthe first stagesYou never heard of any one usingFoleys Honey and Tar and not beingsatisfied Pennys Drug Store

Cool Comfortable Summer ClothesII

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quality of our goods


Pirst CalonCirl 2rnkiStanforct Jty

Organ fxeit SS2 Capital SIocAy S5OOOO3urtlut and 7WvaW Profits S9 000

Jfas paid in Dividends since Organization S2f 500a

Snvito 9cw jfccounis on Our JJfariis


I S Hocker President-

S T Harris VicePresidentJohn J McRoberts Cashier

H C Baughman Asst CashrWWSaunders Bookkeeper

DIRECTORSjF Reid J H BaughraaiMID Elmore J M PettusS H Baughman J F CummineS T Harris James RobinsonT P Hill J S Hocker

C E Tate

Official Train for Kentucky DemocratsTo Denver Colorado


Henderson Route Missouri Pacific and Rock Island LinesSelected by the Delegates at the Lexington Convention

Leaves Louisville 900 P M FRIDAY JULY 3RD arrives Denvernoon Sunday July 5th Fare from STANFORD KY 3897 Writeand reserve Pullman Reservations now address

E M WOMACK C P A 4th and Main Sts Louisville KyI

The New Perfection

Wick Blue Flanje Oil Cook

StovesGeo D Hoppers Stanford Ky


41 144 Curd Cholera Gapes Roup Canker and Limberneck Price 50cents No Cure no Pay Cures Gapes Instantly Guaranteed by


George L PennyPharmacist


One drop of 41144 dropped down the billof a gaping chicken kills theworms and relieves thochicken instantly When in feed or water it istho best preventative I have ever known WILL GOODIES