The Interaction Between Technology and the Theme of the Movie

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The Interaction Between Technology and the Theme of the Movie

Transcript of The Interaction Between Technology and the Theme of the Movie

IRobot Movie Review L.NagendraBabu Roll No: 27


Vision anything can be done


1. The review cover The interaction between technology and the theme of the movie

The role that technology played in the outcome (as reached) in the movie

What kind of technology is used in the movie

Can there be any alternatives that you can suggest to reach the same outcome (as reached)

Identify 5 key takeaways from the movie

Can you develop a model to link the technology used inthe movie and everyday life

The interaction between technology and the theme of the movie

The concept of the movie IRobot is simply based on the innovative human skills on making extraordinary machines named Robots which took a long period for its formation Defining the term "robot" is a complex task that can either produce a definition that is too broad or one that eliminates machines that should be included. In order to tackle this problem the author breaks the definition of a robot into 3 different groups, first, second and third generation robots. The main distinguisher between the generations is the level of intelligence that the robot exhibitsThe first generation Is the most basic type of robot. They are programmed to perform repetitive tasks such as painting, or welding parts on an assembly line. These robots lack any sensory inputs, and as such are said to be devoid of all ability to perceive. Second generation Robots have sensors, and can interpret and react to external stimuli with predefined programmed actions. Third Generation Is the final evolution of the robot, where Artificial intelligence is employed This enables the robot to be autonomous, reacting to Situations in a more human-like manner

[iRobot] robots have been asked to perform jobs in some pretty intense. Places, from war zones in the Middle East to the surface of Mars to the unexplored corners of Egypt's Great Pyramid." Inc. Magazine Can Robots become conscious beings? Should they be considered living beings?Machines only have Intelligence:Contain so much information. Have no opinion. Consciousness: Being self-aware of others and their ideas The robot ( Sonny=Consciousness)Built to observe and learn to behave like a human.Imitation of Life-Will SmithFree Will Sonnys dream foreshadows outcome of the future. Robots will be considered as our equal.IRobot designs and builds robots that make a difference. Massachusetts Institute of Technology robot cists with the vision of making practical robots a reality. From the very concept of IRobot the author has made a good science fiction story is a story about human beings with a human problem, and a human solution which would not have happened at all without its scientific content. The main theme of the movie I robot story is The author is trying to tell us that we should be careful with what we create. Much like the atomic bomb, we made something that would be very hard to unmake. It can be a useful tool, yes, but also has the potential to destroy us all. Besides the two obvious themes of the hubris of man who creates something that turns on him and technology destroying humankind instead of aiding it, I think logic vs. emotion is a large part of the film.

It's said that emotion is illogical and that's considered a negative thing. But when you examined what happened in the film, where Smith is telling the story of how he lost his arm it seems that sometimes logic isn't the best solution. That robots will destroy us all and, oddly, our only hope of salvation is a messiah with a robot arm.

iRobot was founded in 1990 by So, the main theme is some robotism=good. Too much robotism=bad. One of the obvious themes in man vs technology. the author warns that if mans becomes to trusting and reliant on computers and technology that it can be his downfall.

The role that technology played in the outcome (as reached) in the movieArtificial IntelligenceBasically, Putting human intelligence into machines. The study of intelligent behavior and the attempt to find ways in which such behavior could be engineered in any type of ARTIFACT.Artificial Intelligence is the study of how to make computers do things at which, at the moment, people are better-Rich and Knight.AI is basically a theory of how the human mind works-Mark Fox.Artificial Intelligence is behavior by a machine that, if performed by a human, would be called intelligent(well publicized).

Strong Artificial Intelligence. refers to Artificial Intelligence. that matches or exceeds human intelligence .Example: The robots from the movies Matrix, Terminator, iRobot, Artificial Intelligence. Also called True Artificial Intelligence., as they are truly intelligent. They dont just simulate humans, they are intelligent on their own. Able to learn freely and adapt, self-aware, free will.Advantages of Artificial Intelligence :Artificial intelligence would not need any sleep, as well as other issues that plague biological minds like restroom breaks and eating.Unemotional consideration of problems. When people make decisions, sometimes those decisions are based on emotion rather than logic. This is not always the best way to make decisions.Easier copying. Once an artificial mind is trained in a task, that mind can then be copied very easily, compared to the training of multiple people for the same task.Disadvantages(Risks)Self-modifying, when combined with self-replicating, can lead to dangerous, unexpected results, such as a new and frequently mutating computer virus.The inability to heal. Biological systems can heal with time and treatment. Most computer systems, on the other hand, often need to be shut down for maintenance.Military robots may make it possible for a country to indiscriminately attack less-advanced countries with few, if any, human casualties. Rapid advances in AI could mean massive structural unemploymentFuture of AI:The Near future Right now, Ai is about at the same place the personal computer industry was in 1978 Even now we have robots taking jobs. Right now Japan uses about 320 robots of all sorts per 10,000 employees, while Germany uses 148 industrial robots per 10,000 employees, Italy 116, Sweden 99 and between 50 and between 50 and 80 each in the US.The Distant Future Artificial Intelligence and robots are far behind computers but itll only be a matter of time before they become as regular as cell phones are in our everyday life. Ray Kurzweil has used Moores law (which describes the relentless exponential improvement in digital technology with uncanny accuracy) to calculate that desktop computers will have the same processing power as human brains by the year 2029, and that by 2045 artificial intelligence will reach a point where it is able to improve itself at a rate that far exceeds anything conceivable in the past. Several futurists and science fiction writers have predicted that human beings and machines will merge in the future into Cyborgs that are more capable and powerful than either. This idea, called trans-humanism.Even though, the human brain is highly capable and is the most intelligent being, the future is bright to develop machines which can think. It may also happen that one day the machines may start ruling over us, because of their better intelligence and ability.

What kind of technology is used in the movie A category of fiction which talks about The future Futuristic technology Scientific advancements Paranormal abilitiesI, Robotis a movie packed with technology and gadgets which were fiction then, but today, a mere eight years later, there is a whole host of these fictional items thathave turned into reality. Lets have a look at them, shall we? Set in Chicago in 2035, the first few scenes give an overview of what life looks like in 2035. Robots deliverfedex parcels, walk dogs or collect the shopping. They are part of peoples daily lives.Professor Rosalind Picard at the MIThas developed a software that enables computers to distinguish a real smile from a fake smile. Thats right, she is helping machines read emotions.In February of 2012 the firstGlobal Future 2045 Congresswas held in Moscow. There, over 50 world leading scientists from multiple disciplines met to develop a strategy for the future development of humankind. One of themain goals of the Congress was to construct a global network of scientists to further research on the development of cybernetic technology, with the ultimate goal of transferring a humans individual consciousness to an artificial carrier.IT in the I, Robot Movie Three Laws of Robotics (Programming & Coding The Core of an Artificial Being) A compact mobile phone (Communication) Futuristic car design aiding drivers (Software & Transportation) Three Laws of Robotics:1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.2. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.Can there be any alternatives that you can suggest to reach the same outcome (as reached) Challenges of Building Sociable RobotsHuman beings are a social species of extraordinary ability. Overcoming social challengeshas played a significant role in our evolution. Interacting socially with others is criticalfor our development, our education, and our day-to-day existence as members of a greatersociety. Our sociability touches upon the most human of qualities: personality, identity,emotions, empathy, loyalty, friendship, and more. If we are to ever understand humanintelligence, human nature, and human identity, we cannot ignore our socialityThese diverse capabilities are integrated into a single robot situated within a social environment.The performance of the human-robot system with numerous studies with humansubjects has been evaluated (Breazeal, 2002). BelowI summarize the findings as they pertainto the key design issues and evaluation

5 key takeaways from the movie I-Robot Vision anything can be done Vision information every where The future is in Blade Runner with nicer holographics. Breakpoint physical to digital era digital intangible Theme modern progress and evolutionThis section is interested in showing how the Internet in general and Iota in particular will occupy an increasingly prominent role in the future of robotics, eventually leading to the coming of Internet-powered robots (I-Robots henceforth). Three crucial challenges for the development of robots are identified and presented, that is object recognition, information processing and control. A robot is a machine that gathers information about its environment and uses that information to follow instructions to do some sort of workControl1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.2. A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. Isaac Asimov, I, Robot,The Three Laws of Robotics(2004)Robots will naturally interact with people both physically and cognitively based on advanced communication and information processing in all areas of our lives. Robotics will be a key element for dealing with societal challenges Europe is facing. From ageing society, to creation and retention of jobs, growing security threats and increasing worldwide competition for production sites - robotics is a solution provider Eventually, the word robot will disappear, the point of acceptance [will be] when [we will] stop thinking of robots as robots and just in terms of functionality.SF prototypes... endeavour to create science fiction developed specifically on science fact asa way to inspire a conversation about the future and ultimately explore the implications of thatscience on the everyday lives of peopleinspiration practice

[Douglas Caldwell] was amazed to see a solution to a 2,000-year-old problem that he dealt with every day. In a scene near the climax, the X-Men are gathered around a large displaysurface... the map changes

Can you develop a model to link the technology used inthe movie and everyday lifel

This film is relation with human computer interaction. From this film, there are good things and bad things that we can take. The good thing is this movie interpreting the current technological developments. Robot is one of the implementation. In this movie, the robot has been used to aid the tasks of the house work. Likes, cook, as a security at home and others. The development of robots will definitely provide a great change also to human life. So, we must always follow the technological developments, so that we can adapt to the changes.Designers and makers areno longer constrained by the limitations of what can be physically manufactured.Human-Friendly HumanoidsIn the robotics community, there is a growing interest in building personal robots, or inbuilding robots that share the same workspace with humans. Some projects focus on moreadvanced forms of tele-operation. Since my emphasis is on autonomous robots, I will notdwell on these systems. Instead, I concentrate on those efforts in building robots that interactwith people.There are several projects that focus on the development of robot faces at the Science University of Tokyo have developed human-like robotic faces (typically resembling a Japanese woman) general-purpose humanoid platform used to explore theories and models of intelligent behavior and learning, both physical and social.Personal RobotsThere are a number of robotic projects that focus on operating within human environments.Typically these robots are not humanoid in form, but are designed to support natural communication channels such as gesture or speech.Interactive CharactersThere are a variety of interactive characters under development for the entertainment domain.The emphasis for each system is compelling, life-like behavior and characters withpersonality. Expressive, readable behavior is of extreme importance for the human to understand the interactive story line. Instead of passively viewing a scripted story, the user creates the story interactively with the characters.

Design visions practiceMicrosoft Microsoft Microsoft Ericsson IntelNokia,

Conclusion: Even though, the human brain is highly capable and is the most intelligent being, the future is bright to develop machines which can think. It may also happen that one day the machines may start ruling over us, because of their better intelligence and ability.

References:, ROBOT - Movie Production Notes...CinemaReview.comwww.cinemareview.com Takes Over; Reflections On I, Robot. The Human Condition series on The Visual Writer, LLCwww.visualwriter.com'i robot technology' on SlideSharewww.slideshare.netRobotics technologies and global'i robot movie review' on'the technology used in i robot movie' on SlideShare

Dystopian Concepts Homedystopiaofirobot.weebly.comwhat technology does i robot movie used - Google, ROBOTwww.scifimoviepage.comI, Robot (2004) - Review | Sci-Fi Movie Pagewww.scifimoviepage.com,d.c2EI, Robot Movie | Technology Tipstaggeddot.blogspot.in,d.c2E,Robot Analysis by Mrunal Patel on Preziprezi.com robot (2004) technology alternatives for technology - Google

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