The Institute of Seismological Research - A Premier...

Institutional Report The Institute of Seismological Research - A Premier Research Center for Seismology in India PALLABEE CHOUDHURY* and M RAVI KUMAR Institute of Seismological Research, Department of Science and Technology, Government of Gujarat, Raisan, Gandhinagar 382 009, India (Received on 10 April 2016; Accepted on 25 June 2016) *Author for Correspondence: E-mail: [email protected] Proc Indian Natn Sci Acad 82 No. 3 July Spl Issue 2016 pp. 1049-1060 Printed in India. DOI: 10.16943/ptinsa/2016/48503 Introduction The tragedy caused by the January 26, 2001 Mw 7.8 earthquake marked a turning point in the disaster awareness and preparedness in the state of Gujarat, northwest India. This earthquake took the lives of 14,000 people, injured almost 170,000 or more, damaged 1.2 million houses and destroyed thousands of classrooms and numerous other essential facilities. The state of Gujarat has been aggressive in it’s reconstruction program and made immense progress within a short time span of the disaster. In view of the large scale development envisaged across the state, an acute need for an institute fully dedicated to seismological research was perceived to enable sustaining accelerated development. To fulfil this requirement, the Government of Gujarat approved the establishment of the Institute of Seismological Research (ISR) in the year 2003. Subsequently, the Department of Science and Technology (DST-GoG) with funding from the World Bank and Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority (GSDMA) established ISR as a centre of excellence in modern seismological research in 2006. The ISR is unique in

Transcript of The Institute of Seismological Research - A Premier...

Institutional Report

The Institute of Seismological Research - A Premier Research Centerfor Seismology in IndiaPALLABEE CHOUDHURY* and M RAVI KUMARInstitute of Seismological Research, Department of Science and Technology, Government of Gujarat,Raisan, Gandhinagar 382 009, India

(Received on 10 April 2016; Accepted on 25 June 2016)

*Author for Correspondence: E-mail: [email protected]

Proc Indian Natn Sci Acad 82 No. 3 July Spl Issue 2016 pp. 1049-1060 Printed in India. DOI: 10.16943/ptinsa/2016/48503


The tragedy caused by the January 26, 2001 Mw 7.8earthquake marked a turning point in the disasterawareness and preparedness in the state of Gujarat,northwest India. This earthquake took the lives of14,000 people, injured almost 170,000 or more,damaged 1.2 million houses and destroyed thousandsof classrooms and numerous other essential facilities.The state of Gujarat has been aggressive in it’sreconstruction program and made immense progresswithin a short time span of the disaster. In view of the

large scale development envisaged across the state,an acute need for an institute fully dedicated toseismological research was perceived to enablesustaining accelerated development. To fulfil thisrequirement, the Government of Gujarat approved theestablishment of the Institute of SeismologicalResearch (ISR) in the year 2003. Subsequently, theDepartment of Science and Technology (DST-GoG)with funding from the World Bank and Gujarat StateDisaster Management Authority (GSDMA)established ISR as a centre of excellence in modernseismological research in 2006. The ISR is unique in

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India being the only institute fully dedicated toEarthquake Studies.

The vision of the institute is to understand thescience of earthquake occurrences in intraplate andother regions and use this knowledge to save livesand minimize damage due to earthquakes. Currently,the strategic thrusts of the institute are:

l Earthquake monitoring through standardizedsurface observations. The use of modern digitaltechnology in establishment of regional seismicnetworks including strong motion instruments,data acquisition and dissemination by exchangeof catalogues, databases and bulletins fromvarious sources.

l Developing new knowledge based techniquesof probabilistic earthquake forecasting, microand macro zoning of various vulnerable zones.

l Making recommendations relating to reductionof earthquake losses and using sound disastermitigation policies and practices.

l Improve seismic safety and performance in builtin environment especially in highly vulnerableurban areas.

l Undertaking steps and efforts to communicateearthquake science to engineers and use theknowledge base for creating public awarenessby various methods in modern communicationand media methodologies in society.

l Using multidisciplinary development in geological,geodetic, archaeological, physical sciences, geo-chronological and paleo-seismic studies forunderstanding the seismo-tectonic frameworkunder plate tectonics theory and nonlineardynamics.

l Accurate fault characterization, global andregional forecasting, fault system dynamics,earthquake source physics and ground motionprediction.

The current activities of ISR include

l Seismicity monitoring of the Gujarat State andthe Narmada Dam area using a network of 60broadband seismological stations. With the datareceived by VSAT and an auto location facility,the epicenter and magnitude of an earthquakeare provided within minutes.

l Seismic microzonation and seismic hazard

studies for different cities to suggest seismicfactor for earthquake-resistant designing of lowto high-rise buildings in different areas.

l Understanding the physical processes relatedto earthquake genesis, with emphasis onintraplate regions.

l Long-term earthquake hazard assessment ofdifferent geological faults of Gujarat through adense network of 22 GPS receivers, whichdetects minute deformation of 1 mm/year.

l Paleoseismology to unravel the record ofhistorical earthquakes during the last 40,000years.

l Palaeoclimatic research to decipher the climaticfluctuations in Gujarat during the last 10,000years.

l Investigating the crustal and lithosphericstructure and imaging the faults throughmultidisciplinary studies involving PassiveSeismology, Gravity, Magneto-Tellurics andResistivity.

l Earthquake precursory research using data fromthree multi-parametric geophysical observatoriesin Kachchh in which 11 different types ofparameters are being observed.

l Assessment of Tsunami hazard and providingsafety factors for Tsunami resistant designingof different types of structures, such as nuclearpower plants, ports, jetties, oil pipelines andestimation of the arrival time and height oftsunami in the coastal areas.

l Creating awareness among people and allay theirfear and anxieties about earthquakes. The ISRparticipates in mega events and demonstratesthe online seismic data acquisition and locationprotocols, tsunami animation, earthquake effectson buildings and how to safeguard against them.

l Imparting training to students and guidingresearchers. Every year ISR trains about 100students from all over India by way of MSc/MTech dissertation and PhD thesis.

l Exploring and disseminating new terrains ofresearch on Seismology by organizingInternational Symposia and training courses. TheISR regularly organizes International symposiaand training courses which are attended byparticipants from all over the country. Eminent

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and young scientists from the country and abroadcontribute by presenting their valuable and stateof the art research studies.

Noteworthy Contributions of ISR During 2011-2015

Highlights of the Research Outcomes During2011-15 are given below:

Near Real Time Seismology : Seismicity in Gujaratis monitored by a dense network of VSAT connected60 broadband seismographs (BBS) (Fig. 1) which candetect earthquakes down to magnitude 2 occurringanywhere in the state or magnitude 4.5 anywhere inthe world. This network is the densest in India.Earthquake parameters such as epicenter, magnitudeand the affected areas with different intensities(damage potential) are informed within minutesthrough an auto-location program. Efforts areunderway to reduce the detection time to secondsthrough establishment of an Earthquake Early

Warning system. In addition, a network of 55 strongmotion accelerographs (SMA) is deployed forrecording strong motion (Fig.1) near the epicenter andestimates the decay of strong ground motion indifferent parts of Gujarat. The regional data isaugmented by real time data from global networksfor locating earthquakes outside the network.

ISR has bagged the National e-GovernanceAward-Gold for the year 2013-14, under a newcategory of ‘Outstanding e-Governance Initiatives byAcademic and Research Institutions’ on “EffectiveSeismological Monitoring Through e-Governance toSave Lives and Damage due to Earthquakes”. Theaward was given by two Government of Indiaministries (i) Department of Administrative Reformsand Public Grievances (ii) Department of Electronicsand Communication. The project was aimed atestablishing an advanced infrastructure for seismicmonitoring in Gujarat as a preparedness effort to savelives and damage to property from earthquakes.Through online functionality and auto location the

Fig. 1: Map showing locations of seismic stations and MPGO’s operated by ISR

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earthquake parameters are disseminated withinminutes to state authorities, disaster management teamand general public through SMS, email and website.The quick availability of earthquake information aswell as potential damage map and shake map increasethe ability and efficiency of decision makers andsignificantly reduces the time delay in start of the reliefwork. The reliable and immediate reports provided tomedia allay the anxiety / fear among the people. Duringthe last 5 years nearly 9000 shocks of M0.5-5.1 havebeen recorded (Fig. 2). The data available on websiteis used nationwide for M. Tech. dissertations and PhDtheses. The outcome is also in terms of tsunami alert;earthquake hazard and loss assessment, basic as wellas applied research in seismology and engineering.

The knowledge of scaling relationships is crucialfor both probabilistic and deterministic seismic hazardanalysis. Such scaling relations allow estimatingseismic energy or faulting parameters from measuredseismic magnitude or moment. The seismic sourcesdiffer not only in their size and average slip, but stressconditions differ from region to region. Events ofsame seismic moment may release seismic energythat differs by 2 to 3 orders. The use of global scalingrelations may not be appropriate. So, the site specific

regional scaling laws need to be developed and usedfor seismic hazard analysis. In this regard, regionalscaling laws for Kachchh and Jungadh regions havebeen developed. Also, static stress drop and highfrequency decay parameter ‘kappa’ have beenestimated for Kachchh, Junagadh and Jamnagarregions of the state. In order to provide high qualitydata for source and earth structure studies, the SeismicBackground Noise (SBN) levels should be as low aspossible. The utility of seismic data is greatly increasedwhen noise levels are reduced. A study of the SBNvariations at 14 permanent BBS stations reveals largevariations as a function of period, time and geographiclocation.

An attempt towards developing an EarthquakeEarly Warning System (EEWS) is made. The objectiveof EEWS is to forewarn urban centres a few secondsto tens of seconds prior to the arrival of destructiveshear waves generated by a strong earthquake. Thesetypes of works are being initiated on a pilot basis inmost countries of the world prone to strongearthquakes. ISR has developed a new methodologyfor rapid detection of events and estimation of themagnitude. Testing and validation of the relationshipsdeveloped for Gujarat region with those of othercountries is in process.

Basic Research

Paleoseismology is the study of prehistoricearthquakes, especially their location, time and size.This study is done by interpreting geological evidencecreated during individual paleoearthquakes and helpsto understand the regional pattern of tectonicdeformation and the long term behaviour of a specificfault. The strong earthquakes often leave geologicalevidences that are mainly related to surface faulting,folding or other deformation. A fault showing someactivity in recent times is considered as active in termsof seismogenic potential and risk. Paleoseismology,Geomorphology and dating of recent tectonic featuresestablish return periods of earthquakes and help inforecasting of earthquakes by determining ages ofpre-historic earthquakes in Kachchh and rates ofmovements along geological faults.

ISR has been doing such studies since the timeof its establishment. In the last few years, fault lineshave been mapped by geological and geophysicalsurveys as well as remote sensing and their relative

Fig. 2: Seismotectonic Map of Gujarat (Seismicity fromearliest time to 2014). NPF: Nagar Prakar Fault, ABF:Allah Bund Fault, KMF: Kutch Mainland Fault, SWF:South Wagad Fault, NWF: North Wagad Fault, IBF:Island Belt Fault, KHF: Katrol Hill Fault, BF: BanniFault, GF: Gedi Fault, NKF: North Kathiwar Fault,SNF: Son Narmada Fault

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activeness has been assessed by dating of prehistorictectonic episodes and paleoseismologicalinvestigations. Potential sites are identified with thehelp of remote sensing, geomorphometric studies,identification of signs of active movement on the sites,which indicate proximity to fault like pressure ridgesand abrupt termination of river delta etc. Severalgeophysical surveys are also used to detect thesubsurface faults. Analysis of samples collected fromtrenches is done in the OSL Lab for determining theages of the sediments and how they were formed.The estimated deformation is corroborated with GPSand RTK results. The same study is extended to innerKumaun Lesser Himalaya, Uttarakhand regions.

Approaches followed are as below:

l Integrated remote sensing (CORONA images,etc) and field surveys for identification ofpressure ridges, drainage offsets and youngerscarps.

l Geomorphic indices coupled with tectono-geomorphology and shallow subsurfacegeophysical surveys (GPR) for site selection.

l Trenching at shortlisted sites.

l Sedimentological, geochemical, mineralmagnetic and chronological (OSL and 14C AMS)studies from fluvial sequences.

Allah Bund (ABF), Kutch Mainland (KMF),South Wagad (SWF), Island Belt (IBF) and KatrolHill (KHF) Faults in Kachchh are found to be activeas observed by Quaternary movements in trenches.This indicates that different faults are neotectonicallyactive. Spatial variability in tectonic activity alongKMF, KHF suggests that the central parts of thesemajor faults are more active compared to the rest ofthe segments. Active fault studies along Gedi Fault,SWF shows its active nature during the HolocenePeriod.

ISR has performed seismic tomography studieson a local as well as regional scale, for Kachchh andSaurashtra regions of the Gujarat state as well as forthe Himalayan region. ISR has evolved a techniqueof 3D fault mapping by Magnetotelluric investigations.Such surveys were done in the Kachchh region foridentification of faults and in mainland Gujarat forlocating geothermal sources. Broadband and longperiod Magnetotelluric (MT) investigations in theeastern part of the Kachchh basin are carried out to

map the deep electrical resistivity structure of theregion. The aim of the study is to obtain 2-D/3-Dgeoelectric structure of the region, which will beintegrated with the available seismological informationto understand the migration of seismicity towards thenorth-eastern part of the basin, characteristics ofvarious active faults, map the possible presence ofdeep partial melts/fluids in the region and understandtheir role in geodynamics of the region. To obtaininformation on the deeper structure, long period (4– 5days, >1000 sec) data is acquired. Till date, ISR hasacquired MT data at 150 locations in Kachchh.Delineation of faults and basement structure is alsodone using high resolution gravity surveys. So far,measurements have been made at about 1800locations. Usually, the observations are made at 1 kminterval, but for detection of faults, the interval is assmall as 50 or 100m. The Bouguer Anomaly contourmap was prepared at 1mgal interval for the Kachchhrift and Cambay basins and used to decipher the natureof known faults and some hidden faults. Thecoordinates of gravity stations obtained using RTK(GPS), with excellent accuracy.

Societal Research

Earthquake hazard assessment is done at ISR frommacro to micro level. At the macro level, the institutehas updated the Probabilistic Seismic HazardAssessment map of India. Vulnerability of coastalinstallations from earthquakes and tsunami is studiedalong coasts of Gujarat. Also, the Seismic HazardMap of Gujarat has been prepared based on pastseismicity and the maximum possible magnitude alongdifferent fault lines. A map of shear-wave velocity to30m depth, Vs30, of Gujarat state has been prepared,which indicates relative soil strength with depth fordifferent geological regimes. Vs30 has been measuredat about 500 locations by shallow seismic and PSlogging methods in different types of groundconditions. Maps of resonance frequencies andamplifications corresponding to them are prepared,which indicate amplification of seismic waves fordifferent periods (or level of seismic hazard fordifferent heights of buildings) for the entire state.Geotechnical studies are done through numerousboreholes to 50m depth. Soil properties at every 1.5mdepth are measured in a well-equipped geotechnicallab. The Neo-Deterministic method developed by theMathematics and Geosciences group of Trieste

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University, Italy determines the ground motion basedon the velocity structure of the entire path. Thismethod has been used for Gujarat also and hazard isestimated.

Gujarat is the only state outside Himalayan andSumatra-Andaman region which has a high seismichazard due to earthquakes of magnitude 6 to 8. Eventhen, earthquake resistant high-rise buildings can beconstructed with only 5-7% extra cost. Hence, theareas of rapid growth in Gujarat need to have priorinformation about earthquake safety factor to beconsidered. Moreover, due to different groundconditions or soil distribution with depth, seismic wavesamplify differently for different heights of buildings,which has to be assessed. For this purpose, ISR iscarrying out Seismic Microzonation of different citiesand providing knowledge for seismic safety factor tobe considered for each region of Gujarat for differentheights of buildings. From this study, the structuralresponse curves are determined which indicateacceleration for different natural periods in a 250-500m grid. This analysis involves geotechnicalinvestigations through numerous boreholes andgeophysical measurements of seismic wave velocitiesby seismic survey and PS logging. The liquefactionpotential is also assessed. ISR has well-equippedgeotechnical and geophysical labs for different laband on-site tests. At micro level, earthquake hazardassessment is made for critical structures like NuclearPower Plants, LNG Terminals and clusters ofSkyscrapers. The institute has a unique expertise ofcarrying out all aspects of seismic microzonation.

To understand the tectonic process fromdeformational pattern of different fault systems in theGujarat region, a dense network of geodetic gradeDifferential GPS stations is deployed. Since the year2006, crustal deformation in Gujarat is being monitoredby this network. A permanent network of 22 stationsis being operated across different faults continuouslytill today. In addition, ISR is also running 11 GPSstations in campaign mode since 2006. The campaignmode surveys are being done twice a year. Mappingof paleo river-channels to find source of potable waterwith the aid of remote sensing and ground check bygeological and geophysical surveys are also carriedout. A horizon of potable water at 250 m depth belowthe layer of saline water in Ramgarh area near Jaipur,Rajasthan was discovered. Finding water in perchedRajasthan is like finding gold.

An effective and economical way of mappingshallow and deep soil shear wave velocity structureand estimate the sediment thickness is by Microtremormeasurements. ISR has occupied 450 singleMicrotremeor sites in 8 districts of Gujarat and groundvibrational characteristics such as predominantfrequency and amplification at these sites areestimated. Microtremor array measurements (MAM)were carried out over diverse geological formationsand liquefaction sites in the Kachchh seismic zone ofwestern India, which is host to the deadliest intraplateearthquake (Mw 7.7). The MAM were made usingtriangular arrays with sensors kept at 30-90 m radii.The 1-D shear wave velocity structure is determinedby inversion. A good correlation between surfacegeology, resonant frequency, amplification and shearwave velocity is found. The ground vulnerability indexvalues in the liquefied areas are found to be higherthan those in the adjacent areas devoid of liquefaction.The results of microtremor analysis corroborate theobservations from available geophysical, geologicaland borehole data.

Earthquake prediction research is being carriedout through three Multi-parametric GeophysicalObservatories (MPGO) in Kachchh region atBadargadh,Vamka and Desalpar (Fig.1). MPGO sitesare in east and northeast of the aftershock zone of2001 Bhuj earthquake (Mw 7.7), where the activityhas migrated from the year 2006 onwards. Magnitude5 earthquakes are still occurring in Kachchhoccasionally and 70 shocks of magnitude “>1” arerecorded on an average, per month. A Very BroadbandSeismometer, Strong Motion Accelerograph, GPS andRadon recorders are installed at all the three sites.Fluxgate magnetometers are installed at Desalpar andVamka. Only two water level recorders at Desalparand Badargadh are installed at the confined aquiferzone and all the others are installed at shallow depth(below 5 m). Three Overhauser Magnetometers, threeDeclination/Inclination Magnetometers, three ULFMagnetometers are installed and recording data.Some anomalies in the magnetic, radon and gravitymeasurements are observed, correlated well withsmall to moderate earthquakes in the region.

ISR has conducted Site specific Seismic hazardstudies for the 182 m Sardar Patel Statue, which isthe tallest statue in Asia, a planned 15-storey Hospitalat Ahmedabad, Multi-storey commercial and

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residential complexes of Ahmedabad and Industrialsites in Kachchh. Seismic Microzonation of Areas ofrapid growth like Dholera Special Investment Regionwhere a number of cities with high-rise buildings,industrial hubs, an airport, a railway station are planned;cities like Gandhidham, Anjar, Gandhinagar andAhmedabad are completed. ISR has also completedseismotectonic study of the site for LNG storage tanksin Mundra and a cluster of skyscrapers coming up inGujarat International Finance Tec-city, which will havenumerous buildings of 30 to 100 storeys. An importantfinding is that the low-rise buildings of 3-7 stories needto have 60-70% higher seismic factor than thatrecommended in the National Code, to avoid a disasterakin to that caused by the 2001 earthquake. ISR alsoestimated response spectra for nuclear power plantslike Kakrapar and Rawatbhata and vulnerabilityassessment of ports of Gujarat. Study of surfacedeformation mapping using Differential SARInterferometry and Earthquake Precursory studies inKachchh is completed. A project on probabilisticanalysis of seismic losses for urban areas and lifelinenetworks in Kachchh is being carried out incollaboration with the Karlsruhe Institute ofTechnology, Germany. The Govt. of Gujarat hasplanned to start a 1 MW Geothermal plant in the statefor the first time. Through magnetotelluricinvestigations, ISR has identified two geothermalsource zones at Chabsar and Tuwa. Through thesecommercial projects ISR is connecting research withlives and society as these works have societalimportance and useful for saving lives and damage ofproperties due to earthquakes.

Research on Paleotsunami and Paleoclimate

ISR has initiated Paleotsunami studies in the westcoast of India. Several large boulders are seen in thewest coast which are possibly results of paleotsunami.The study aims to ascertain whether these aretransported by a tsunami and if so, the source.Possibility of transportation by storm or by humanactivity is ruled out on the basis of the biologicalfeatures present on the boulders and the physical orgeomorphological field characteristics. The westerncoast of India is susceptible to tsunamis generatedfrom multiple sources such as the Makran SubductionZone (MSZ), Owen Fracture Zone (OFZ) andCarlsberg ridge. The work also tried to examine thepossibility of an earthquake-cum-landslide generated

tsunami along the Owen Fracture zone. Althoughseveral studies from around the world have identifiedsubmarine landslides as a source of tsunami, therehave been fewer studies documenting theirimplications in coastal hazard scenarios. Direction andforce of transport of boulders were estimated whichare lying along the coast. Measurements of the boulderdimensions, namely the (a) long, (b) medium and (c)shorter axis were recorded in addition to their distancefrom the high tide line. Also, their respective shapeand orientation of along long axis were recorded.Samples of some boulders were collected and theirdensity was measured in the laboratory of ISR. Inorder to evaluate the characteristics of wavesresponsible for the boulder deposits, evaluation of theminimum wave height capable of dislodging andtransporting the boulders is first made followed bythe estimation of the inundation distance of the waves.ISR first reported boulder sized palaeotsunami depositsalong western coast of India during the last 3 ka witha wave height of 4 m along the Gujarat coast.

A broad correspondence of the monsoonreconstruction based on the valley-fill and the channel-fill deposits with that of the regional climate patternindicates that the Kachchh peninsula in the westernIndia responded in accordance with the regionalclimatic variability during the post-LGM period. Aprogressive strengthening of monsoon was observedbetween 17 and 12 ka and an overall strengthenedmonsoon with fluctuation is inferred between 12 kaand <8 ka. This was followed by a steady decline inmonsoon strength during 8 ka to 3 ka. Presence ofthe younger fill sequences proximal to the presentday river channel dated to ~1 ka indicates a short-lived phase of renewed and strengthened IndianSummer Monsoon before the onset of present dayaridity.

ISR has carried out aggradation and incisionstudies in the Kachchh region which reveal monsoonalfluctuations since the last 15 ka. Fluvial terraceformation is often regulated by external forcings likeclimate, tectonic and eustatic changes. The terracesedimentary record, particularly in a dry landenvironment, preserves the discrete signatures ofthese external forcings, thus enabling to reconstructthe fluvial response to late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental changes and factors governing them.Studies of ISR focused on reconstructing the

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aggradation/incision phases in the Lotia River in theeastern segment of the Northern Hill Range (NHR)of the Kachchh Peninsula, which drains fromMesozoic rocks before cutting through the KachchhMainland Fault (KMF) to finally debouch in the BanniPlains. Reconstruction based on tectonicgeomorphology, sedimentology, sedimentgeochemistry, mineral magnetics, and OSL chronologysuggests the fluvial response to monsoon variabilityarchived during the last 15 ka. The time frame wasalso marked by incision enhanced by uplift along theKMF, which led to strath terrace formation. Theaccommodation space thus created was filled by theaggradational event between 14.8 ka and 10.6 ka.Sedimentological and geochemical parameters alsosuggested that the time period between 12.5 ka and11.5 ka showed a decline in monsoon strength, whichcoincides with ‘Younger Dryas’. Sediments spanningbetween 10.6 ka and 7.8 ka are absent from thearchive, which is most likely that the manifestation ofthe early Holocene optimum that led to severe erosionalprocesses. Based on the OSL chronology of bedrockstrath terrace, ISR reported a minimum uplift rate of1.04 mm/a for the eastern KMF during the LatePleistocene-Holocene period, hinting at the seismicallyactive nature of KMF during this period. The terraceformation in eastern Northern Hill Range is chieflyregulated by tectonic uplifts along the KMF.

Future Outlook

l To pursue research in exploration for mineralsand ground water using interdisciplinaryapproaches involving terrestrial and airborneobservations.

l To undertake application of high performancecomputational seismology, modeling andinterpretations, including use of artificialintelligence tools for visualization of earthprocesses, delineating hydrocarbon reservoirsand other resources for sustainable development.

l To undertake research in EarthquakeMechanics and Engineering for development ofnew concepts, new algorithms and numericalsimulation of geological structures. The chaoticnature of brittle deformation and detection ofvarious kinds of precursory signals.

l To undertake, promote and encourage variouslevels of long term original research, educationand training in pure and applied seismology. Thefocus will be on developing earthquake systemscience to understand origins, properties andconsequences of earthquakes.

l To evolve and participate in the development ofseismic policies, seismology syllabus in academicinstitutions, study tours at regional, national andinternational organizations so as to developquantitative understanding of limits ofearthquake predictability and explain concernsto public institutions.


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