The innovation process for Development Innovations Orientation

Social innovation using technology Sam Ng 19 th Feb 2014 Development Innovations Orientation Development Innovations

Transcript of The innovation process for Development Innovations Orientation

Page 1: The innovation process for Development Innovations Orientation

Social innovation using technology

Sam Ng

19th Feb 2014

Development Innovations Orientation

Development Innovations

Page 2: The innovation process for Development Innovations Orientation

What is innovation?

Development Innovations 2

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Development Innovations 3

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Development Innovations 4

Innovation is when ideas are turned into something real, often

by doing something original.

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Development Innovations 5


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Development Innovations 6

Innovation is like cooking a·mok

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Ingredients Process4 large fish fillets (white firm flesh fish)

2 cups of coconut cream

2 cups of cabbage or spinach

1 tablespoon of lemongrass, minced

1 tablespoon of galangal or ginger, minced

1 teaspoon of turmeric (fresh or powdered)

4 large kaffir lime leaves

4 cloves garlic, minced

2 large eggs, beaten

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon sugar

2 teaspoons fish sauce

1 teaspoon shrimp paste

2 teaspoons red curry paste

Mix lemongrass, galangal, turmeric, garlic, salt, sugar, fish sauce, shrimp paste and red curry paste together and set to one side.

Chop fish into bite-sized pieces and cover in above mixture. Add eggs to mixture and stir until covered.

Line the bowl with cabbage or spinach and add fish mixture. Place bowl in a pan of water and cook in hot oven for 10 minutes, or until the fish is cooked.

Add the coconut milk and kaffir lime leaves and steam for further 10 minutes. Serve with steamed rice.

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Ingredients Process



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Straight lines are for textbooks

Our toolkit Innovation

5D process

Fish Amok


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Squiggles are better

Our toolkit Innovation

5D process

Fish Amok


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Design methods

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User needs/Requirements and insights

The solution: tech,client experience &operational models

Prototype ofMinimum ViableProduct (MVP),


Measure and learnfrom pilot.

Improvement & iteration

Our “5D” innovation process

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Our “5D” innovation process


User needs/Requirements and insights

The solution: tech,client experience &operational models

Prototype ofMinimum ViableProduct (MVP),


Measure and learnfrom pilot.

Improvement & iteration

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DEFINE the problem

“I had an hour to solve a problem I'd spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.”

Albert Einstein

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1. DEFINE the problem

Starts with"I have an idea and/or an intention to


Ends with"I have a very clear idea of the problem or



“I think smartphones can help teachers do better teaching.”

“Cambodian teachers do not have the time or resources to teach effectively.”

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2. DISCOVER relevant insights


“I need to research teachers, attitudes, existing initiatives, global trends and current constraints..”

“New teachers from the training college are more willing to work in remote areas if they have technology tools to help them feel connected.”

Starts with"I need more information about who,

what, where, why and how"

Ends with"I'm confident we have enough

information on the problem we are trying to solve."

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3. DESIGN the solution


“We can use smartphones so that teachers can send lesson plans to one another.”

“I have the requirements for a nationwide SMS-based teacher discussion group that has been tested with 30 teachers.”

Starts with"I have ideas about how we can do


Ends with"I have detailed specifications that I've

tested and am happy with."

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4. DEVELOP the solution


“Please build this SMS system.”

“Here is the prototype that we tested with 30 teachers in 3 provinces over 2 months. It works!!”

Starts with "I need this built or done."

Ends with"I have a solution that works well at a

small scale."

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5. DEPLOY the solution


“Who can help us deliver the service at scale?”

“We have a contract to deliver the solution to 50 schools!”

Starts with "I want everyone to use this."

Ends with"This is working!" Or, "I've learnt what

changes we need to make."

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Innovation matrix

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Define – toolkit examples

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Discover – toolkit examples

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Design – toolkit examples


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Develop – toolkit examples

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Deploy – toolkit examples

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Blank template (Handout book p9)

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Activity booklet