The Innfo About Solar Trike

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  • 8/8/2019 The Innfo About Solar Trike


    Imp. web sites that I could not download so I justgave u the websites,,,,,,,,,,,for motor

    for different


    We recommend a solar array created from individual solarcells as opposed to one made of prefabricated solar panels.It enhances the students' learning and can result in a lightersolar array. Cells can be bought from either Siemens or ASEAmericas.

    Both sell the terrestrial-grade cells that are permitted inmost solar challenges, and the cost for terrestrial-grade cellsare much lower than space-grade cells, though terrestrial-grade is less efficient. Each solar cell should produce .5 voltsat about 3 amps at peak sunlight. The number of cells to usedepends on their size and the allowable solar area for therules of an event. Solar cells should be wired in series on apanel and should be divided into several zones. For example,if you have 750 solar cells, you might want to wire 3 sets of250 cells, each zone producing about 125 volts. If one zonefails, two other zones are still producing power.

    Nelson Kruschandl - Designer

    The solar array voltage does not need to match the systemvoltage of the motor if you use power trackers. Powertrackers convert the solar array voltage to the system

    voltage. They are essential in a solar car. Be sure to verifywith the power tracker vendor the necessary array voltage to
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    feed the power trackers. If the car drives underneath shade,the power trackers automatically adjusts the power to matchsystem voltage, allowing the system to run as efficient aspossible. Power trackers are available from AERL.


    A solar cell converts solar energy to electrical energy.Photons in sunlight provide the energy that moves electronsfrom one layer of a semi-conducting metallic wafer toanother. The movement of the electrons creates a current.

    Solar cells are devices which convert solar energy directlyinto electricity. The most common solar cells function by thephotovoltaic effect. Photo- means light and -voltaic meanselectrical current or electricity. (light-electricity) A solar cell

    supplies direct current (DC) electricity that can be used topower DC motors and light bulbs among other things. Solarcells can even be used to charge rechargeable batteries sothat electricity can be stored or transported for later usewhen the sun is not available.There are primarily two types of cells used today, silicon andgallium arsenide, which come in several different grades andvarying efficiencies. The satellites that orbit the earthtypically use gallium arsenide, while silicon is morecommonly used for Earth based (terrestrial) applications.

    Photovoltaic cell semiconductor layers

    Stock class solar cars use commerically available terrestrialgrade silicon cells. Numerous individual cells (approaching1000) are combined to form the "solar array". Depending onthe electric motor used to drive the car, these arraysgenerally work between 50 and 200 volts, and can provide

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    up to around 1000 watts of power. The intensity of the sun,cloud cover, and temperature affect the array's output.

    Open class solar cars can use any type of solar cell and manyteams use the space grade cells. These cells are generallysmaller and much more expensive than the conventionalsilicon cells. They also are more efficient. Photovoltaic cellsare a relatively technology. Their development and use hascome about as part of the technology developed for spacetravel and satellite communication systems.

    The word Photovoltaic is a combination of the Greek wordfor Light and the name of the physicist Allesandro Volta. Itidentifies the direct conversion of sunlight into energy bymeans of solar cells. The conversion process is based on thephotoelectric effect discovered by Alexander Bequerel in1839. The photoelectric effect describes the release ofpositive and negative charge carriers in a solid state when

    light strikes its surface.


    Solar cells are composed of various semiconductingmaterials. Semiconductors are materials, which becomeelectrically conductive when supplied with light or heat, butwhich operate as insulators at low temperatures.

    Over 95% of all the solar cells produced worldwide arecomposed of the semiconductor material Silicon (Si). As the

    second most abundant element in earth`s crust, silicon hasthe advantage, of being available in sufficient quantities, andadditionally processing the material does not burden theenvironment. To produce a solar cell, the semiconductor iscontaminated or "doped". "Doping" is the intentionalintroduction of chemical elements, with which one can obtaina surplus of either positive charge carriers (p-conductingsemiconductor layer) or negative charge carriers (n-conducting semiconductor layer) from the semiconductormaterial. If two differently contaminated semiconductorlayers are combined, then a so-called p-n-junction results onthe boundary of the layers.

    At this junction, an interior electric field is built up whichleads to the separation of the charge carriers that arereleased by light. Through metal contacts, an electric chargecan be tapped. If the outer circuit is closed, meaning aconsumer is connected, then direct current flows. Siliconcells are approximately 10 cm by 10 cm large (recently also15 cm by 15 cm). A transparent anti-reflection film protectsthe cell and decreases reflective loss on the cell surface.

    Photovoltaics: Solar Electricity and Solar Cells in

    Theory and Practice

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    The word Photovoltaic is a combination of the Greek wordfor Light and the name of the physicist Allesandro Volta. Itidentifies the direct conversion of sunlight into energy bymeans of solar cells. The conversion process is based on thephotoelectric effect discovered by Alexander Bequerel in1839. The photoelectric effect describes the release of

    positive and negative charge carriers in a solid state whenlight strikes its surface.

    Photovoltaic cell construction

    Characteristics of a Solar Cell

    The usable voltage from solar cells depends on thesemiconductor material. In silicon it amounts toapproximately 0.5 V. Terminal voltage is only weaklydependent on light radiation, while the current intensityincreases with higher luminosity. A 100 cm silicon cell, forexample, reaches a maximum current intensity ofapproximately 2 A when radiated by 1000 W/m.

    The output (product of electricity and voltage) of a solar cellis temperature dependent. Higher cell temperatures lead tolower output, and hence to lower efficiency. The level ofefficiency indicates how much of the radiated quantity of

    light is converted into useable electrical energy.

    Different Cell Types

    One can distinguish three cell types according to the type ofcrystal: monocrystalline, polycrystalline and amorphous. Toproduce a monocrystalline silicon cell, absolutely puresemiconducting material is necessary. Monocrystalline rodsare extracted from melted silicon and then sawed into thinplates. This production process guarantees a relatively highlevel of efficiency.

    The production of polycrystalline cells is more cost-efficient.

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    In this process, liquid silicon is poured into blocks that aresubsequently sawed into plates. During solidification of thematerial, crystal structures of varying sizes are formed, atwhose borders defects emerge. As a result of this crystaldefect, the solar cell is less efficient.

    If a silicon film is deposited on glass or another substratematerial, this is a so-called amorphous or thin layer cell. Thelayer thickness amounts to less than 1m (thickness of ahuman hair: 50-100 m), so the production costs are lowerdue to the low material costs. However, the efficiency ofamorphous cells is much lower than that of the other two celltypes. Because of this, they are primarily used in low powerequipment (watches, pocket calculators) or as facadeelements.

    MaterialLevel of efficiency in

    % Lab

    Level of efficiency in %



    approx. 24 14 to17


    approx. 18 13 to15

    Amorphous Silicon approx. 13 5 to7

    From the Cell to the Module

    In order to make the appropriate voltages and outputsavailable for different applications, single solar cells areinterconnected to form larger units. Cells connected in serieshave a higher voltage, while those connected in parallelproduce more electric current. The interconnected solar cellsare usually embedded in transparent Ethyl-Vinyl-Acetate,fitted with an aluminum or stainless steel frame and coveredwith transparent glass on the front side.

    The typical power ratings of such solar modules are between10 Wpeak and 100 Wpeak. The characteristic data refer tothe standard test conditions of 1000 W/m solar radiation ata cell temperature of 25 Celsius. The manufacturer'sstandard warranty of ten or more years is quite long andshows the high quality standards and life expectancy oftoday's products.


    The solar array is the vehicle's only source of power duringthe cross-country Rayce. The array is made up of many(often several hundred) photovoltaic solar cells that convert
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    the sun's energy into electricity. Teams use a variety of solarcell technologies to build their arrays. The cell types anddimensions of the array are restricted by the Regulations,depending on the vehicle size and class.

    The cells are wired together to form strings. Several stringsare often wired together to form a section or panel that has avoltage close to the nominal battery voltage. There areseveral methods used to string the cells together, but theprimary goal is to get as many solar cells possible in thespace available. The solar cells are very fragile and can bedamaged easily. Teams protect the cells from both theweather and breakage by encapsulating them. There areseveral methods used to encapsulate cells and the goal is toprotect the cells while adding the least amount of weight.

    The power produced by the solar array varies depending onthe weather, the sun's position in the sky, and the solar

    array itself. On a bright, sunny day at noon, a good solar carsolar array will produce well over 1000 watts (1.3 hp) ofpower. The power from the array is used either to power theelectric motor or stored in the battery pack for later use.

    Solar Car Array - or cells arrangement

    Natural Limits of Efficiency

    In addition to optimizing the production processes, work isalso being done to increase the level of efficiency, in order to

    lower the costs of solar cells. However, different lossmechanisms are setting limits on these plans. Basically, thedifferent semiconductor materials or combinations are suitedonly for specific spectral ranges. Therefore a specific portionof the radiant energy cannot be used, because the lightquanta (photons) do not have enough energy to "activate"the charge carriers. On the other hand, a certain amount ofsurplus photon energy is transformed into heat rather thaninto electrical energy. In addition to that, there are opticallosses, such as the shadowing of the cell surface throughcontact with the glass surface or reflection of incoming rayson the cell surface. Other loss mechanisms are electrical

    resistance losses in the semiconductor and the connectingcable.

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    The disrupting influence of material contamination, surfaceeffects and crystal defects, however, are also significant.Single loss mechanisms (photons with too little energy arenot absorbed, surplus photon energy is transformed intoheat) cannot be further improved because of inherentphysical limits imposed by the materials themselves. Thisleads to a theoretical maximum level of efficiency, i.e.approximately 28% for crystal silicon.

    solar car, if it is to offer any sensible performance must belight in weight and relatively low powered. One race solarcars do not represent a practical means of transportation.They have limited seating (usually one, sometimes twopeople), they have very little cargo capacity, and they canonly be driven during the day. They do, however, offer anexcellent opportunity to develop future technologies that canbe applied to practical applications such as the Solar Buggyproject featured here.

    Nelson Kruschandl - Designer
  • 8/8/2019 The Innfo About Solar Trike


    While the concept behind a solar vehicle is fairly simple, agreat deal of work, time, and money goes into developing ahigh caliber solar car in order to maximize the limited poweroffered by the sun.

    Building a solar car is a very ambitious goal, but one that isachievable through hard work and determination. One of thefirst things to do is to organize a group of people interestedin building a car. Next, plan a specific timetable of aims.Then perhaps, work out how much money will you need tobuild your solar car. This of course depends on the partsused, and it's easy to specify the best, but more realistic touse what is available from the shop shelves.

    If the least expensive parts are used, the total cost of a solarcar need not be more that about 5,000 ($10,000).Unfortunately, this sum will not include traveling costs to,and sustenance during any competition. You will probably

    need a group of fundraisers who are willing to spend the yearmaking presentations to businesses and speaking toindividuals at their home. You will also need to assess whatmaterials and tools you need and get several people focusedon building the car itself. It may be a difficult road the firstyear, but the things you learn along, including the businessof attracting sponsors, will stand you in good stead for alifetime!

    Electrical components of a Solar Car

    I hope from these pages that you may learn more aboutsolar cars and how they work. A solar car is made up ofmany components that have been integrated together sothat they work as a single system. I have broken thecomponents of my Solar Buggy down into nine logicalprimary systems for ease of reference.

    Basically, solar cars are powered by the sun's energy. Thereare now many inexpensive toys demonstrating the principle.The main component of any car is its frame. However, in a

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    solar car the most important component is its solar array,which collect and converts the sun's energy into usableelectrical energy. The solar cells collect a portion of the sun'senergy and stores it into the batteries of the solar car. Beforethat happens, power trackers converts the energy collectedfrom the solar array to the proper system voltage, so that

    the batteries and the motor can use it. After the energy isstored in the batteries, it is available for use by the motor &motor controller to drive the car. The motor controlleradjusts the amount of energy that flows to the motor tocorrespond to the throttle. The motor uses that energy todrive the wheels.

    Hence, a solar car is an electric vehicle that receives itsenergy for traction, from the Sun rays directly by means ofphotovoltaic cells, with a battery as a load leveling device.The vehicle doesn't charge its batteries from the normal civilor industrial (generated) distribution network, like other

    battery powered cars, but from a clean and renewable sourceof energy. Fuel cells can replace or supplement batteries.

    The Spirit of Aklahoma's framework

    A solar powered car use a mix of technologies that can beextremely sophisticated. When we talk of a top performancecar we mean that the car uses experimental materials. Whenwe talk of an average performance car, we mean that thevehicle uses a sophisticated technology but commercial.

    In designing my Solar Buggy, I has chosen to use onlycommercially available materials and components forpractical purposes. The idea is to produce a performance carat sensible prices. A car that might one day be seen everyday on the roads. Rather than an outright competitionvehicles that use experimental materials at around 100 timesthe cost of commercial parts. I have set a limit of 300 forthe chassis, 1,000 for the motor and controller, 800 forthe solar panels, 300 for the batteries and 200 for thebodyworks. This gives a total of 2,600. It sounds a lot, butin fact we must not include the build labour and workshop

    costs, for it would probably double this figure. I have alsoomitted the design and development costs from this project.

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    Pricipia team's tubular chassis

    The primary challenge in developing an effective solar carchassis is to maximize the strength and safety, but minimizethe weight. Every extra pound requires more energy to movedown the road. This means that teams must strive tominimize weight and a key area is the chassis. However,safety is a primary concern and the chassis must meetstringent strength and safety requirements. Generally, thereare three types of chassis used in solar cars:

    1. space frame2. semi-monocoque or carbon beam

    3. monocoqueA space frame uses a welded or bonded tube structure tosupport the loads and the body. The body is a lightweight,non-load bearing, composite shell that is attached to thechassis separately. The semi-monocoque or carbon beamchassis uses composite beams and bulkheads to support theloads and is integrated into a non-load bearing compositebelly pan. The top sections of the car are often separatebody pieces that are attached to the belly pan. A monocoquechassis uses the body structure to support the loads. Allthree types of chassis can produce strong lightweightvehicles. Many solar cars use a combination of the chassiscategories mentioned above. The image above is an exampleof a semi-monocoque chassis with an integrated space frameused to protect the driver.

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    It may be necessary to define composite materials since the

    use of composites is extensive in solar cars. A compositematerial is the combination of a filler material sandwichedbetween layers of a structural material. Carbon fiber,Graphite, Kevlar and fiberglass are common compositestructural materials. Honeycomb and foam are commoncomposite filler materials. These materials are bondedtogether using epoxy resins and in the cases of Kevlar andcarbon fiber, can obtain impressive strengths (equal to steel)but remain very lightweight.

    SUMMARY: A solar car must have: efficient

    photovoltaic cells, an aerodynamic form, use light andefficient batteries, a high performance motor,adequate controls (electronics, and reliablemechanicals. On the average, a racing solar car, withits pilot on board (80kg) and with light batteries,should weigh between 250 - 300kg.

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    A very neat alloy chassis from Iowa State University

    The frames shown above are made from alloy tubes weldedtogether, whereas, many racing solar cars are made ofcarbon fibre and honeycomb sheets formed into amonocoque molding, or maybe using other exotic materialssuch as graphite, similar to that shown below. There aregood and bad points for each method of fabrication. Whilethe composite will be lighter, it is usually more fragile andharder to mount suspension to. It is also much moreexpensive. Alloy frames require skilled welders, while steelmay be welded by amateurs using MIG machines at verylittle cost. Of course steel frames are heavier.

    Monocoque (French for "single shell") or unibody is aconstruction technique that uses the external skin of anobject to support some or most of the load on the structure.This is as opposed to using an internal framework (or truss)that is then covered with a non-load-bearing skin.Monocoque construction was first widely used in aircraft,starting in the 1930s, and is the predominant automobileconstruction technology today as sheet steel pressings,

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    whereas formula one cars are carbon fibre one piecemoldings.

    As part of the chassis design, you will of course have workedout what type of suspension to use. It may have comeabout the other way. You may have chosen yoursuspension, positioned your driver and motor, then joined upall the bits with a frame. There are indeed many ways toachieve a design. I sometimes start with the aerodynamics,get a body shape, then try and fit in the best suspension,motors and batteries, etc, around the driver.
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    Nelson Kruschandl - Designer

    Whichever way you go about designing your solar car, themechanical systems should be simple in concept, butdesigned to minimize friction and weight while maintainingthe strength needed to handle the various road conditions.You should take a good look at existing state of the art. Youwill learn a lot from this research and then you can applyyour own ideas. Lightweight metals like titanium andcomposites are commonly used to maximize the strength-to-weight ratio needed to build efficient components. Themechanical systems include the suspension, brakes,steering, wheels, and tires. Regulations from most events setminimum standards that mechanical components must meet,but as mentioned elsewhere there are no standard designsused in solar cars.

    Steering & Suspension

    Front wheel steering has many advantages since it tends tobe more stable and safer. A solar car uses energy frugally ifit is to be competitive. If there are two front wheels, it istherefore advisable to work out the geometry so that theyrun parallel when the car is going straight ahead to eliminatescrub, but when the car is turning, the front wheels turn atdifferent radii. If the car is turning left, the left front tire ismaking a smaller circle than the right front tire. If the tiresremain parallel while turning, they will cause unnecessarydrag because the angles will not describe scrub free attack to

    the road, decreasing tire life and overall performance. Theprinciples overcoming this problem were solved byAckerman, hence the Ackerman Steering geometry employedon most production cars.


    Disc brakes are desirable as they are predominantlyhydraulic. Having hydraulic lines running to the wheels canbe easier than mechanical brake arrangements. The mostsignificant problem with disc brakes is that the brake pads donot back away from the brake rotors when pressure is

    released, they just relieve braking pressure. Because thepads don't normally back away from the rotors, theycontinue to have a small amount of drag. While this dragmay not be noticeable on the family car, it is very inefficienton solar cars. Go kart shops now have brake calipers that arespring loaded to move the pads away from the rotors. Thesevery worthwhile.

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    Motor driving single rear wheel

    Solar cars typically have three or four wheels, where therules require at least three, or the vehicle falls into a cyclecategory. The common three wheel configuration is two frontwheels and one rear wheel (usually the driven wheel). Fourwheel vehicles are sometimes configured like a conventionalvehicle (with one of the rear wheels driven). Other fourwheel vehicles have the two rear wheels close together near

    the center (similar to the common three wheelconfiguration). In theory, three should be more efficient,since there are less moving parts and rolling resistance maybe lower.

    A wide variety of suspensions are implemented on solar cars.This is partly due to the fact that the body and chassisdesigns are so different between cars. The most commontype of front suspension used in solar cars is the double A-arm suspension, similar to those used on conventionalvehicles. Typically, trailing arm suspensions similar to thosefound on motorcycles are utilized in the rear. Teams design

    their suspension components to move freely and smoothlyfor maximum efficiency. The design must also be adjustableso as to maintain proper alignment and functionality.
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    Disc brakes cycle parts

    One of the great things about solar cars, is that you have afree hand to let your imagination roam. That is one of thereasons for the incredible diversity, although I think you mayagree, the monocoque designs are beginning to look a bit


    Safety should be high priority for any designer. For thisreason, solar cars must meet stringent braking performancestandards and every solar car is required to have twoindependent braking systems, much like the dual brakingsystems on production cars. Disk brakes are most commonlyused in solar cars because of their adjustability and goodbraking power. Some teams use mechanically actuatedbrakes while others use hydraulic. Mechanical brakes tend tobe smaller and lighter than hydraulic, but don't offer as muchbrake force and require constant tuning. To maximize

    efficiency, the brakes are designed to move freely byeliminating brake drag, which is caused by brake padsrubbing against the brake surface.

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    Double wishbone suspension and steering

    The steering systems within a solar car, much likesuspensions, vary greatly. The teams must meet turningradius and handling requirements, but are free to use anydesign. The major design factors for steering are reliabilityand efficient performance. The steering system is designedwith precise steering alignment because even small

    misalignments can cause significant losses and increase tirewear. Many teams now use long uprights mating onto highmounted wishbones. This reduces the thickness of the wheelspats or fairings, hence lowers drag. The object ofemploying suspension is obviously to cushion the vehiclespassage. It should be soft enough to protect the car andsolar array from unnecessary jolts and firm enough toprovide a stable ride. A good suspension will also ensure thewheels stay in contact with the road surface, by controllingbounce and re-bound. A spring allows movement and ashock absorber, or damper, prevents oscillation.


    In early racing events, bicycle wheels and tires werecommonly used because of their lightweight and low rollingresistance (minimal friction). These wheels and tires weregenerally overloaded when supporting the weight of a solarcar, which effected the performance and safety of thevehicle. Event Regulations do not allow overloaded tires andwheels. Fortunately, the popularity of solar car raycing hasprompted some tire manufacturers to construct tiresdesigned for solar cars. Most teams are taking advantage ofthese low rolling resistant, lightweight wheels and tires that

    increase both safety and performance.

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    Leading arm suspension and steering

  • 8/8/2019 The Innfo About Solar Trike


    Personal Electric Scooter (formerly Microtrike)

    An enterprising Englishman has come up with a design for a modern microcar. Hisname is Dave Crossan, and his car is the MicroTrike. Thanks for sending this along,Dave!

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    Art's Electric Trike

    Art writes:

    "Art Welter's Electric Trike Technical Details

    Prior to the addition of the body, stereo, PV panel and seats, thedrivable rolling chassis weight distribution was: 76 pounds right front, 75

    pounds, left front, 173 rear- 324 pounds total.Finished weight is 550 pounds (105 pounds left front, 150 right front,300 rear)Approximate weight in pounds of the body additions: Third battery andtransmission 60, Wood 54, PV Panel 25, Seats 20, Stereo & speakers 20,Toolbox 20, Wire and Gauges 15, Lexan 5,Inverter 5, Lights 2

    Motor: 24 Volt D.C. .8 horsepower American Lincoln Corporation

    34 Amps, 1700 RPM, 50 Deg. Cent. Rating,Frame:56 5328D, Cat# 80059, Serial #1063Suspension and front wheels: Two 1977 Peugeot moped framesRest of frame: 1/2" X1/16" square steel tube, omnitriangulated space frameBody:1/8" birch plywood with 1/2", 5/8" & 3/4" ribsFloorboards:1/8,1/4 & 1/2" birch plywoodWindows:1/8" Lexan plasticSolar Panel: Photowatt 100 wattCurtis PMC 275 Amp Motor controller, model 1204-001Yamaha 6 speed Transmission3) Morco Marine Batteries, Group 27 size, 115 Amp Hour rating

    Pro-Watt 800 watt DC-AC inverter

    Built by Art Welter, Welter Systems -438 hours from 11/23/01 to 2/3/02/02- 135 hours procuring materials, designing and building the frame, steering,

    brakes and transmission, 45 hours of tune ups and transmission re-design,171hours for the body, lights and stereo, 87 hours for parking brake, doorwindows and transmission repairs and adjustments.After some more test drives with the bicycle derailler type transmission,

    power , range, and reliability all proved inadequate , although the noisefrom the chains was more than adequate. A third battery was added, raisingthe voltage to 36 volts, and the chain and gears were replaced with a

    motorcycle transmission utilizing a custom v-belt drive. The belt from themotor to the transmission had to be replaced with a chain drive again because

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    of slippage and near-instantaneous destruction. These subsequentmodifications took 105 hours, compared to the original gear system which tookapproximately 115 hours, bringing the total time invested to 543 hours.Speed seems to be around 20 mph on the flat, but unfortunately I live in

    the mountains, so it's a lot of 4-8 mph up and 30 mph down, and the uphildraws so much amperage that the little 3 battery bank gets skunked, leavingthe range to only about 10 miles. I think the range would be at least doublethat if it was used on flat land- I may tow it somewhere to test that outone of these days."

    One-offs and Rarities

    BambyDave sent this in...

    "Thought you might like a picture of my 1984 Bamby. It was originanally fitted with a 50ccmoped engine, but I changed it to electric but it only done 10 miles at 40 mph .It is now fittedwith a 125cc Piaggio twist-and-go engine, it now does about 55mph.

    "We live just outside London, England.The Bamby was made in Hull which is about halfway upEngland on the east coast. It is one of only 35 that were made by a house painter named Allansomeone. It has got disc brakes on the front only, they are off a go-kart and bloody useless,butthe handbrake works quite well."

    Thanks, Dave, for sharing this! Dave can be reached at this e-ddress.

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]
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    Leon Bollee

    I got to see an example of this bike at the Nataional Auto Museum in Reno, NV.

    "Leon Bollee was the first in France to build small gasoline powered vehicles, beginning to do so in 1895.This voiturette as he called it, was introduced in the 1896 Paris-Marseille-Paris race. With three speeds of 6-12-18 mph, it was one of the fastest of its type. In 1897 modified versions won the Paris-Dieppe race at 24mph and the Paris-Trouville race at 28 mph.

    Specifications: tandem two-seat tri-car;engine four-cycle, single-cylinder,air-cooled, with hot tubeignition;bore 76 mm., stroke 145 mm., displacement 650 cc., 2.5 hp."


    Mark Murphy of Blue Sky Design sent in this picture of his BugE, "an ultralight grocery getter,"he says. Pretty! Mike's company, Blue Sky Design ( does some coolvehicular work!

    Honda Bubu

    I got an email from a nice guy in Arizona with this rare and delightful vehicle: the Honda Bubu CabinScooter. What a car! His only has 160 miles on the odometer. Sweet. In addition, the scooter has: forward
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    and reverse (single speed), 50cc engine, instruments read in English, street legal (although top speed is ablistering 35mph) He wants to know more about it. Tell him, and tell me. Send email to Frank Beck [email protected].

    Dig this fine city car. 50cc engine, like a moped, this three-wheeled car is

    built by Cassalini on an Ape 50 chassis, and is called a Sulky. Because of the engine'sdiminutive size, this Florentine driver needed no license. He has one, because his other car is aMercedes, but my point is the same.. The body is fiberglass in this case; we also saw sheet-metalSulkies elsewhere in Italy.

    The California Commuter

    You can read about the The California Commuterbuilt by the very inventive Doug Malewicki,this vehicle is in the Guiness Book of World Records for being the highest-mileage vehicle onrecord. For instance: The 157.192 "MPG at 55 MPH gasoline record" was set on a trip from LosAngeles to San Francisco where the machine was featured at the San Francisco InternationalAuto Show.Just 2.87 gallons to travel 451.3 miles! It's not in production. Too bad. Thanks, Jeff

    Bequette, for noting the omission of this amazing three-wheeler and pointing me in its direction.

    The CycleCar

    Bob Stuart begins, "The Car-Cycle X-4 was built as an experimental prototype in 1986-87. In '88 it won twosecond places and one third place in the IHPVA Practical Vehicle Championships in Visalia, California. In'96 it won that event outright in Las Vegas." Read much, much more!

    Above is the CC7.

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]://
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    Dolphin, 2000

    Andrew G. of Newcastle Upon Tyne sent me notice of this interesting trike, along with the text of an article

    from the February 2000 edition of CAR Magazine introducing it. (See below.) Google doesn't find anythingon it anymore. Woe.

    Title: STUDLY DUCKING [Nope, I don't understand that either]

    Sub-title: You'll raise smiles rather than scowls with the Dolphin, a105mpg car that won't hold up traffic.

    >From the front it looks like something you'd find chocolate buttons insideon Easter Sunday (that eye-searing yellow, incidentally, is the same paint

    code used for Ferraris and TVRs). But take a look at that profile. It'sstreamlined, like a Spitfire canopy grafted onto a Fiat Barchetta, or evena Porsche that someone left on an element.

    It's the Dolphin and it does 105mpg and 65mpg. Okay, it's often hard toknow how seriously to take these enviro-hero cars. Usually it's quite safeto deposit them in the wicker rare-groove file. Aside from its quite sportylooks, however, the Dolphin has a real design pedigree. It's the work ofBob Curl, who - together with McLaren F1 mastermind and CAR columnistGordon Murray - was responsible for the 1992 Rocket (150mph and 35mpg).Curl has also designed F3 and Le Mans cars - the 1982 Dome car and 1978 I

    Bec entrant - and all Lord Hesketh's Formula One cars between 1973 and1978.

    Nine years ago, Curl started thinking about what advantages the streamlinedtechnology used for racing cars could bring to a fuel-efficient personaltransport vehicle, and how to pitch it so it would sell. 'The secret ofthese sorts of cars is that you have to want to get into them to have ago,' Curl says. 'And, once you're in and driving it, you shouldn't feellike you're holding people up.'

    The former was the reason behind the striking blue interior. It actually

    seats two, with the rear passenger's legs going either side of the driver'sseat. It IS attractive and, weighing 215kg, quite quick enough with its

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    200cc two-stroke Piaggio scooter engine. The steering is pin-sharp and eventhe four-speed manual gearbox is enjoyable slotty. There's no reverse, butCurl says that would be corrected for production versions.

    It's a lot of fun to drive, and the one-wheeled rear end is surprisinglystable, although it'll entertain with a bit of speed up and some lock on.

    Ready for the road, Curl says it would sell for between GBP 3000 and 5000[USD 4800 and 8000] and cost about GBP 1000 [USD 1600] per year to run.


    (For more information, call Bob Curl on +44 1424 882 358)

    The Electric Car Co. of CA

    Atti sent this in in April of 2001. He writes, "Made by the Electric Car Company of Long Beach, CA.Originally sold for $945. Top speed 18mph, with a range of 30-35 miles between charges. An earlier metalexample was also made that was not as 'attractive'."

    Thanks, Atti!

    The Essex 50

    This was sent to me by an inspiring tilting trike builder in Brazil, Antonio C. B. Sanjuan. This1950 trike had a 200 cc motor. It's a nice little runabout, I think. Thanks, Antonio!

    Fabrique National Model A.S. 24
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    the Belgian paratroopers work with this beast. Check it OUT!


    Mark Murphy of Blue Sky Design sent in this picture of his Kayak, which "was an NEA grant for aminimum vehicle powered by a 250 honda motorcycle," he says. Cool. Mike's company, Blue Sky Design( does some really interesting work, including Electrathon cars.

    LandsharkHow about an amphibious trike that can go 200 mph on land, and 50 mph on water? That's what's brewing atLandshark in the UK. Find out more:
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    MarketeerAlert reader and collector Chip H. sent pictures of his Marketeer. Chip writes:

    I recently purchased a lil' beauty called a Marketeer. It was a street legal grocery errand vehicle. It is electricand has a separate transfomer made in El Monte California. It has 2 rear wheels and one in front. The bodyis steel with two side doors and one rear locking parcel door. It has 2 head lights, 2 tail lights and 1 backuplight. It can go forward or reverse.Definitely not homemade. Judging by its campy styling my guess is thatits 30 to 40 years old. Its missing only its "Jolly" like canopy and frame and its 2-plane or split wind screen.

    If you click on the image above, you can see the little "wagon handle" steering and the little cargo spacedoor. If anyone can help Chip out with information about these vehicles, he'd be grateful, and so would I.

    Chip can be reached at: [email protected]

    More on the Marketeer: Chris H. bought one. He writes: "I bought $275.00 worth of batteries and it runs likea champ! My kids love it!"

    And more... Alden Jewel sent such a nice stach of reprints of brochures that I have created a Marketeer page.Thanks, Alden!

    L'Oeuf by Paul Arzens, 1942

    Jay H. reminded me a few years ago about a plexiglas and aluminum vehicle created by French artist Paul

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]://
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    Arzen. I got to see the real thing in the trasportation museum at Mulhouse in France. Quite a car.

    I translate here from my limited knowledge of French: "The Electric Egg. During the occupation, in 1942,Paul Arzens built this celebrated electric car. Made from sphere of plexiglas mounted on aluminum,

    materials only recently introduced in France, this car illustrates the striking manner the wish to approach theideal form of the egg. One imagines the stupor of bystanders of the era at seing this uncommon car, however

    rational the shape."

    Here's one way the Italians deliver mail. The Pasquale three-wheeler.

    Life in Italy sure is the best. Indeed, Dr. Pasquali has been in contact, but now his web address
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    ( seems to be dead. What a shame! Dr. Pasquali, or anyonewho knows his new web home, send me an update.

    The Pumpkinseed

    You can read about the Pumpkinseed At Rich Rahders' web site on the subject. Interesting guy! Interestingall-solar vehicle! (Those fins help speed it along if there is any non-frontal wind.) Thanks, Rich Rahders!

    Sealegs amphibious watercraft

    From New Zealand, motorboats with retractable electric drive. Wooo! Their site is

    The Dymaxion Car.

    R. Buckminster Fuller's Dymaxion Car.

    An odd little trike.

    What a strange thing place Crown King Mine and Gost Town is. Yes, strange, but wonderful. This place onthe edge of an Arizona town called Jerome, whose population was 15,000 or so in its heydey and only 400now. (The town is on a high hillside... note the background.) But some creative people have pulled togethermachinery and vehicles from all over the state, including this little putt-putt. I have seen these things inindustrial settings, at huge plants where, say, a mechanic might have to travel many miles in the course of aday.
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    Model T Kit Tractor

    Also at the Crown King Mine and Gost Town was this 1915 Ford Model T converted, accordingto the sign, to a farm tractor using a kit available back then. The front wheels are all steel with alarge ridge in the middle for good mud and dirt steering. The rear wheel is almost a foot wide(under that sheet metal fender), and has large riveted traction teeth across it. Good load bearing(large surface area) but without losing traction. You have got to love a wood-frame vehicle!

    Roadrunner Galaxie

    Dave L. bought this sweet electric three-wheeler. What a pip! In a series of emails, we discover the nature ofthe Roadrunner Galaxie:

    "I have just purchased an Electric three wheel vehicle called - Roadrunner

    Galaxie - It has a ID plate that says it was made in 1981. In generalappearance when you walk up to it, it looks like a golf cart but doesn't havea place to put the clubs. I was told that it will run at approx. 40 - 45 mph.It has 2 motors, one on each rear wheel."

    "It has places for 4 batteries. one on each side in the front and one behind each seat in the back.That makes atotal of 4 Batteries. This is what makes me think that maybe it had 2 - 6volt and 2 - 12v batteries. The foot

    switch (speed control) has microswitchs that are actuated by a roller."
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    Yamaha solar rickshaw