The Influence of Plant Hormones on Leaf Movements of Mimosa pudica

Phyton (Austria) Vol. 23 Fasc. 1 49-54 15. 2. 1983 The Influence of Plant Hormones on Leaf Movements of Mimosa pudica By Shinobu WATANABE 1 ) and Karl UMRATH 2 ) Keceived October 15, 1981 Key words: Mimosa pudica, auxin (IAA), hydroxy-auxin, leaf movement Summa, ry WATANABE S. & UMRATH K. 1983. The influence of plant hormones on leaf movements of Mimosa pudica. — Phyton (Austria) 23 (1): 49 54. English with G-erman summary. On petiols with cut leaf blades on p^nts of Mimosa pudica the ability to move can be maintained by IAA (indol-3-acetic acid) in a- concentration depen- dent manner. 5-HO-IAA (5-hydroxy indol-3-acetic acid) is much less effective. The opening movement of the leaflets on cut pinnae of Mimosa pudica in the dark was induced by 2.10~ 3 to 5.10~ 4 M IAA much earlier than, by water, independent of the concentration. Lower concentrations were ineffective. 5-HO-IAA even in 3.10~ 3 M solution shortend the time to begin of opening to a lesser extent, but it had some effect in 3.10~ 3 to 5.10~ 6 M solutions. An expla- nation is given in the conclusions. Substances which liberate the excitatory substance of Mimosa prolong in high concentrations the time in that the leaflets are closed, so that we did not observe opening in these experiments. Some effects of lower concentrations of such substances are mentioned in the results. Zusammenfassung WATANABE S. & UMRATH K. 1983. Der Einfluß von Pflanzenhormonen auf die Blattbewegungen von Mimosa pudica. — Phyton (Austria) 23 (1): 49 54. Englisch mit deutscher Zusammenfassung. An Blattstielen mit abgeschnittener Spreite an Pflanzen von Mimosa pudica kann die Bewegungsfähigkeit durch IAA (Indol-3-Essigsäure) in kon- x ) Prof. Dr. Shinobu WATANABE, Biological Institute, Faculty of Sciences, Kobe University, Kobe 657, Japan. 2 ) Prof. Dr. Karl UMRATH, Institut für Zoologie, Universität Graz, A-8010 Graz, Universitätsplatz 2, Austria,. Phyton, Vol. 23, Fasc. 1, 1983. 4 ©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter

Transcript of The Influence of Plant Hormones on Leaf Movements of Mimosa pudica

Page 1: The Influence of Plant Hormones on Leaf Movements of Mimosa pudica

Phyton (Austria) Vol. 23 Fasc. 1 49-54 15. 2. 1983

The Influence of Plant Hormones on Leaf Movements ofMimosa pudica


Shinobu WATANABE 1) and Karl UMRATH


Keceived October 15, 1981

Key words: Mimosa pudica, auxin (IAA), hydroxy-auxin, leaf movement

S u m m a , ry • • • • • •

WATANABE S. & UMRATH K. 1983. The influence of plant hormones onleaf movements of Mimosa pudica. — Phyton (Austria) 23 (1): 49 — 54. —English with G-erman summary.

On petiols with cut leaf blades on p^nts of Mimosa pudica the ability tomove can be maintained by IAA (indol-3-acetic acid) in a- concentration depen-dent manner. 5-HO-IAA (5-hydroxy indol-3-acetic acid) is much less effective.

The opening movement of the leaflets on cut pinnae of Mimosa pudicain the dark was induced by 2.10~3 to 5.10~4 M IAA much earlier than, by water,independent of the concentration. Lower concentrations were ineffective.5-HO-IAA even in 3.10~3 M solution shortend the time to begin of opening toa lesser extent, but it had some effect in 3.10~3 to 5.10~6 M solutions. An expla-nation is given in the conclusions.

Substances which liberate the excitatory substance of Mimosa prolong inhigh concentrations the time in that the leaflets are closed, so that we did notobserve opening in these experiments. Some effects of lower concentrations ofsuch substances are mentioned in the results.

ZusammenfassungWATANABE S. & UMRATH K. 1983. Der Einfluß von Pflanzenhormonen

auf die Blattbewegungen von Mimosa pudica. — Phyton (Austria) 23 (1):49 — 54. — Englisch mit deutscher Zusammenfassung.

An Blattstielen mit abgeschnittener Spreite an Pflanzen von Mimosapudica kann die Bewegungsfähigkeit durch IAA (Indol-3-Essigsäure) in kon-

x) Prof. Dr. Shinobu WATANABE, Biological Institute, Faculty of Sciences,Kobe University, Kobe 657, Japan.

2) Prof. Dr. Karl UMRATH, Institut für Zoologie, Universität Graz,A-8010 Graz, Universitätsplatz 2, Austria,.

P h y t o n , Vol. 23, Fasc. 1, 1983. 4

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zentrationsabhängiger Weise erhalten werden. 5-HO-IAA (5-Hydroxy-Indol-3-Essigsäure) ist weniger wirksam.

Die Öffnungsbewegung der Blättchen an abgeschnittenen sekundärenBlattstielen von Mimosa pudica im Dunklen wird durch 2.10"3 bis 5.10~4

M IAA viel früher bewirkt als durch Wasser, unabhängig von der Konzentra-tion. Geringere Konzentrationen sind unwirksam. 5-HO-IAA verkürzt selbstm 3.10~3 M Lösung die Zeit bis zum Öffnungsbeginn weniger, sie wirkt aber imganzen Bereich von 3.10~3 bis 5.10~6 M Lösungen, abnehmend mit abnehmenderKonzentration. Eine Eklärung wird in den Conclusions gegeben.

Substanzen, welche die Erregungssubstanz von Mimosa freisetzen, ver-längern in hoher Konzentration die Zeit in der die Blättchen geschlossen sind,so daß wir in diesen Versuchen kein Öffnen beobachten konnten. Einige Wir-kungen niedrigerer Konzentrationen solcher Substanzen sind in den Resultserwähnt.

IntroductionAs WATANABE & SIBAOKA 1973 demonstrated, the site of photo-

reception to the opening of Mimosa leaflets is the abaxial side of the pul-vinuli. The stimulation of a pulvinulus has a local effect, not conducted tothe neighbouring pairs of leaflets. Later WATANABE & SIBAOKA 1982 showed,that auxins cause opening of leaflets in the dark.

UMKATH & THALER 1980, 1981 pointed out, that IAA besides its actionas an auxin liberates the excitatory substance of some plant families andthat 5-HO-IAA has a similar action as an auxin but is much less effective inliberating the excitatory substance in Mimosaceae and in Fabaceae.

We investigated the leaf movements of Mimosa pudica as influencedby IAA, 5-HO-IAA and by other substances liberating the excitatorysubstance of Mimosa. .


The experiments were performed on Mimosa pudica in the greenhousedescribed by UMEATH 1928 without any shading. Two kinds of experi-ments were performed.

In one sort of experiments an upright shoot from, plants grown in thesoil was used. One leaf was left intact. From some other leaves the bladeswere removed by cutting the petioles at 3 cm from the pulvini and polyetilenetubes filled with 10 JJ.1 of different solutions were put over the cut ends.Over 4 to 5 days the angle of each petiole with the stem and its alteration bystimulation was noticed.

In the second sort of experiments we followed the procedure ofWATANABE & SIBAOKA 1982. Pinnae were cut and put into Petri-dishes,9 cm in diameter, with 1 ml of the test splutions or tap water as a control.The dishes were put slant-wise on the table in the dark room. 2 or 3 pairsof leaflets on the cut end of each rachis were removed to make good contact

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of the rachis with the solution. As a measure of the opening of the leafletsthe quotient of the distance between the ends of the paired leaflets by thetwofold length of a leaflet was calculated. This is the relative opening valueof WATANABE & SIBAOKA 1973. We will call it only opening value.

Abbreviations: IAA = indol-3-acetic acid: 5-HO-IAA = 5-hydroxyindol-3-acetic acid; M = molar.


The experiments on plants with cut petioles were performed on July9th to August 11 th. By 10"3 to 5.10-4 M IAA the extent of movement bystimulation was not appreciably different from that of the intact leaf onthe 1. to the 3. day. It was reduced on the 4. day to some extent and onthe 5. day to about 50% of that of the intact leaf.

With 3.10-4 M IAA leaf movement ceased on the 5. day, with 10~5

M IAA it ceased on the 3. to the 4. day and with all lower concentrationsand with water on the 2. to the 3. day.

With 10~3 M 5-HO-IAA the petiole movement ceased on the 5. day,with all lower concentrations and with water on the second day.

The experiments showed besides the persistence of the ability ofmovement by IAA also a trophic influence of IAA. With water in half of theexperiments the petioles fell down by interruption in the pulvinus in themean on the fourth day. With 10"5 to 10~3 M 5-HO-IAA and with 10~u

to 10-7 M IAA they fell on the fourth day, with 10~6 to 10~4 M IAA theyfell on the average on the fifth day and with 10~3 M IAA they persisted overthe whole time of the experiment as did the uncut control leaves.

In the experiments with cut pinnae in the dark opening of the leafletsoccured in water after 190 to 270 min, mostly after 210 to 270 min.WATANABE and SIBAOKA 1982 do not mention this opening in water andprobably did not observe it, because they registered the position of theleaflets only over 220 min.

With 2.10~3 to 5.IO-4 M IAA we observed opening of the leafletsbeginning after 120 min and reaching the stady state after further 50 to100 min. Lower concentrations were completely ineffective with the excep-tion of 5.10~5 M IAA, which induced opening of only 2 to 3 leaflets in thepinnae after 130 and 140 min. Our results are in agreement with those ofWATANABE & SIBAOKA 1892 (they give the concentrations in vug/ml).

In our first experiments, beginning August 17th, the opening value1,0 was reached, the leaflets were fully open. The opening values declinedgradually chiefly in September and reached 0,4 to 0,6 at October 1st.

With 3.IO-3 and 10~3 M 5-HO-IAA the leaflets began to open in 120 to170 min, which was up to 50 min later as with IAA in the same experiments.The opening value of nearly 1 was reached in approximately the same timewith both these substances. In all experiments with 5.10~4 to 5.10~6 M


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5-HO-IAA opening began after 160 to 220 min. The opening values were notappreciably reduced, as many of these experiments were done in Augustand September they gradually fell from 0,85 to 0,4.

With water the opening occured a little later, as mentioned abovebetween 190 and 270 min. In experiments carried out long enough to getthe maximal opening value it seemed not to be reduced.

The opening of the leaflets was inhibited ower the hole time up to280 min by 10-1 M neutralized mandelic acid, by 10"2, 10"3 and 10"4 Mneutralized hydrocinnamic acid (3-phenylpropionic acid) and by 10-1 Mglycin. These substances initiate leave movements in cut shoots of Mimosaby leberating the excitatory substance.

10~2 M neutralized mandelic acid induced opening of the leaflets 20 minearlier than water. In combination with 3.10~3 M to 3.10~4 M 5-HO-IAAit did not change appreciably the opening time. Mandelic acid, as foundby UMRATH & THALER 1980, liberates in Fabales not only the excitatorysubstance but also aboundantly auxin, This may be the reason that itimproves opening compared with water.

Hydrocinnamis acid (3-phenylpropionic acid) and trans cinnamicacid liberate in Fabales the excitatory substance but only poorly auxin, asfound by UMRATH & THALER in jet unpublished experiments. High con-centrations of these two substances combined with 5-HO-IAA delayedthe opening compared with that in 5-HO-IAA alone, as could be expected.

Only with 10~4 M neutralized trans cinnamic acid we got in both ourexperiments, avery one with all trials in duplicate, opening times a littleshorter or as long as in water and in combination with 10~3 to 10~4 M5-HO-IAA opening times a little shorter or as long as in the respectiveconcentrations of 5-HO-IAA. . .


The concentrations of IAA and 5-HO-IAA that maintain leaf move-ments in our experiments on cut petiols of Mimosa pudica are the same orscarcely lower than these causing leaf movements on cut shoot of Minosaas found by UMRATH & THALER 1980, 1981. This suggests that besidesauxin activity a liberation of the excitatory substance is essential for main-taining the ability to move in Mimosa pulvini. These two plant hormonesseem to have also a trophic effect against abscission.

In the experiments with cut pinnae in the dark 2.10~3 to 5.10~4 IAAinduced optimal opening of the leaflets. Lower concentrations were inef-fective. 3.10~3 to 5.10~6 M 5-HO-IAA induced opening, but later as IAA andthe time to opening was the longer the less the concentration of 5-HO-IAAwas.

After UMRATH & THALER 1981 both IAA and 5-HO-IAA have highauxin activity, but the ability of liberating the excitatory substance of

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Mimosa is much higher with IAA. This suggests that IAA liberates the exci-tatory substance and in concentrations initiating opening of the leafletshas auxin activities suitable as conterparts. Lower concentrations of IAAliberate the excitatory substance but have not enough auxin activity forcompensation. In contrast to this 5-HO-IAA even in the highest concen-tration does not liberate enough excitatory substance for an optimal open-ing time. In a wide range of lower concentrations its auxin activity shortensthe opening time compared with water and very little or no excitatorysubstance is liberated.

From the literature and our new findings the following conception ofthe nyctinastic movements is suggested. On the afternoon the transitionfrom the position of the leaves on the day to that in the night is broughtabout by repeated excitation processes. In Mimosa action potentials wererecorded (UMEATH 1931), in Mimosa and in Biophytum repeated movementstowards the night position were photographed (UMEATH 1962). Argumentswere given, that in non sensitive plants the transition to the night positionis principally the same, but the steps of the movement are small (UMEATH

1962). Our experiments indicate that the lack of auxin in the night is afactor stabilising the night position. A second factor is the lack of light onthe adaxial parts of the pulvinuli and probably also on the adaxial part ofthe pulvinus (WATANABE & SIBAOKA 1973). Our finding that substancesliberating the excitatory substance prolong noticably the time of closureof leaflets on pinnae in the dark, suggests that the content on the excitatorysubstance is rised over night, perhaps by repeated excitation processes. Inthe morning the day position is brought about by auxin, which in ourexperiments shortens the time to opening of the leaflets in the dark. A secondfactor is the local excitation by light on the abaxial part of the pulvinuliand probably on the adaxial part of the pulvinus (WATANABE & SIBAOKA

1973). The higher rigidity in the night found by v. BEÜCKE 1848, may bedue to lack of light in the night and by this a lack of local excitation and ahigher turgor in the abaxial side of the pulvinuli and in the adaxial side ofthe pulvinus (WATANABE & SIBAOKA 1973).

ReferencesBRÜCKE E. V. 1948. Über die Bewegungen der Mimosa pudica. — Arch. Anat.

u. Physiol. 1948: 434-455.UMRATH K. 1928. Über die Erregungsleitung bei sensitiven Pflanzen mit Be-

merkungen zur Theorie der Erregungsleitung und der elektrischen Erreg-barkeit im allgemeinen. — Planta (Berl.) 5: 274—324.

— 1931. Der Übergang der Blätter in Schlaf Stellung. — Planta (Brl.) 13 :e169-192.

— 1962. Autonome Bewegungen von Blättern und autonome Erregungsvor-gänge in Blättern. — Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology 17/2: 543 — 561.

— & THALER I. 1980. Auslösung von Blattbewegungen bei Mimosa undvon Krümmungen von Lupinus-Hypokotylen, gedeutet durch Frei-

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setzung von Erregungssubstanz und Auxin. — Phyton (Austria) 20:333-348.

UMBATH K. & THALER I. 1981. 5-Hydroxyindolyl-3-Essigsäure ein Auxin. —Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 94: 143 — 149.

WATANABE S. & SIBAOKA T. 1973. Site of photo-reception to opening responsein Mimosa leaflet. — Plant, and Cell Physiol. 14: 1221 — 1224.

— — 1982. Leaflet-opening responses to light and auxins in the excisedpinnae of Mimosa pudica. — Plant and Cell Physiol., under press.

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