The independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 1888-03-29 … · 2014-06-09 · tian worker...

) " . V. 1 THE INDEPENDENT. . THE INDEPEN r . . i iiiini wit a wan u a: I'l W. L. JONES .Editor and Proprietor i ... .11 A. One i .mi, each sulwwouetit insertion, Ml Li Notices of appointment and final settle-rtjen- t. EVERY THURSDAY EVENING. Other legal advertisements, $1.00 pr square for 'lip first insertion, and MwuU publication orrica: xr square for tuth miliKeoueiit Insertion. Hpotuat Inisincss notices in local column Jlrti" Street, : : Shute's Neio Brick S.I cents r line. Regular business notice HILLSI50RO, OKEGON. M GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, foB TZTJ? PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE." 10 Professional eents r lino. cnnls, 12 per year. Kjienial rate for larg display "ads." TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: paint may lie found on Ills at Per in advance $2.00 Geo. P. Rowel I A- - (V Newspaper Advertia-In- g annum, March No. 43. Ilureeu ( In Hpruce street! where adver- tising Six mouths, iu advance 1.00 Vol. X llillnboro, Washington County, Oregon, Tluireday, 551), contract may bo Hindu for it in New Three months, in advance SO 1 VorU. n A hungry linr ohUiinNl frofl board KMF.KAI.t:WS. Among seuatorial speechea of the! PROFESSIONAL CARDS. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. T. R. CORNELIUS, thi: toiri: or tiii: tii.k. BT M. C. MKIOH. ItUtrlrt Offlrrra. Jude Fifth District ...F. J. Taylor Prosecuting Attorney.. T. A. McRride! Deputy for Washington Co .W. N. Barrett Legislative Officer. State Senator . . . W. D. Hare. i D Gubser, Rvpreseutative '- - D. Smith, ) Tho. Paulsen. utility Oftieere. Jadrfti . R. Crandalt Treasurer J. S. Waggoner Clerk J. W.Morgan i T. O. Todd Conimniii)nfr Chad. Hickotbier Sheriff U. P. Cornoliiu Harveyor... U C. Walkar Aaaeaaor . . . X. J. Wilaon Kchool Suii iiitfuiint. . T. T. Vincent Coroner . . C.y. Ranaom in Oregon City iIium; icarl thai tliw owll(.r uf u (;,, f:irm ail tu wUhnJ . (0 .j u anJ buyer with ntoU' weit,, t(, ,4i (,omman,j, ie wan a . ...... . i wdcouie gu.vt at liii n.illcr'a. I nn property huvinjj bocn w.ll canvaMiJ, Mr. Sharper asked the price. 'FffiUeu thousiind dollars," tiinuuored tho Buillof. "I'll take it," wild the istrungwr. Us lived ut the miller's house as en honored guet for about ibroo days and then wmt to Portland to draw from the bauks th firat payment of $10,000, but he never returned. The stoeknten of eastern Oregon will have a grpnd encampment near Olox, on -- DEALER IN- - Dry Goods, Groceries, BOOTS, SHOES, HARDVVAHE, Agricultural Implements XLaTTXWXSlZSXl., ETC. Agent for tlie DUBUQUE-NORWEGIA- N hmf&mlk ereekr eUai twelve tntror south of ' Tomm Oltlvfrt. t F. A. Bailey I 8. J'. Linklater Trustee H. H. Hnaton O. T.XiMlfofd s..V". -- ic . mradalt Trananrer Oo. W. Pattaraon ' Recorder . . W. N. Barrett Maratm! . Wilson P1()VS k IlaiTlAVSiFIXK CUTLERY! Jeph puJitxcr, of the Worl.l, pur - chaaed French' hotel, in Park Row, New York for $630,000, atid will tear it . i. ! i: ttwwn Ma F P "VV'r . There landed at Pw York ht year 450,843 immigranti. A couple of fellow got to prowliuaj around Mrs. Parsons house Monday night and making a disturbance. Hattie Parsons got up aad fired at them through the window and then went outside and fired at them twice a they rau up the street. They will doubtuw keep their distance hereafter aad behave themselves. Eugene Register. ; Friday night . authorized the president and secretary to have- - 10,000 copies of the report of tbe committee on iuimi-gratio- u pi inled fur circulation for ad- vertising the rsourciHt of Lane county. The regular riieetiii is next M.nnliv evening. The Piicitic Insurance couipatiy, of Portland, has bled articles of iucor-jurati- on with the secretary of Mate, incorporator. Theodore Wygant, D, McKeiclier, and O. CI. (I amnions: capital stock. $.00,000. Cbt'kimat county will build u tine bridge acro. the Willamette river ut Oregon City. Tlie estimated cot of the bridge is $22,000, hut private citizen of the town have agreed in advance to construct the same for $18,000 and to bear the deficit thmelvea, and to have it completed by August 1, 1888. The plans were prepared by Messrs. Hofl'uian Si Dates, of Portland. Tbe width of the road will be 20 fwt in the clear, and the length 935 feet. It will be 78 feet low water mark. Fred Medyiibki propo-M'- s to eivH nil itutneiise dUtillery in the vicinity of Walla Walla, costing in the nt ifilior- - of $50,000, rerjuiring aWut fifty .. in, I A l,i.r iV.m l.,o '.iin i.. lfton ..... . . OUhlieiS OI corn 1ST Uay to TUII II, Hie product to be chiefly colore ' for high wine. r.., v .i .... , i ni? .soriiiern i uciuc rouui noiise ai Stampede Pass, on the switch-bac- k, was burned last Thuraday, One of the large decapod engines was badly burned, and its loss will cripple the service on the switch back for a time. Thirty logging camjs are now in operation, or are ready to liegin work, in Chehalis county, aaya an exchange. ,t the loet otiruat those will Juitiih work for 5('0 men. The numlx r of I'amps will probably he incre:is-- l :i lb eeason advuncc. Cirant Maya, a atoclnmH wIm. live- - at Anteloju-- . Was,-- , ,nty. -- ays that (he ai- -r winter was one of the W for M.a k exis i iin d iii castoni (),v-o- i, fr several year.. The loss ot .los-- p was v. rv light nhile , .,itl.. did m.t -- uffcr at all, S- t- k '" generally had plenty of hay but were i ! nol rciuue.! to teed their -- Oh k b-- r a longer mri.,1 than two week.. In Harney and Malheur valleys the loss was heaviest, reselling thirty js-- r eciit. for sheen and thirt v imt cent, for cattle. , , . J, Nlllou IO t rtSilUt'Ul CU'VCIUIIll IS u.ius t.irt.uiatwi w,j 4Ulte generally j fr tue piirdon of w R DanicN, of llarrisburg, Oregon, who was cjnvicted and sentenced for one year's imprisonment ia the Linn county jail fur etnbezideui'-n- . while postmaster at tint place. 11 has been sigm.-- d by every uicmbcr of the V, H. rand jury by which he was indicted, and the js tilioii now has about 200 Dames, which are mostly signatures of citizens of Harris, bury; and Albany. The appropriation for the government works at Yaouina bay having Wen all government improvi'iiients for the present have lajen Mitspciidi'd, The labfirers have been discharged, and the government tug boat General Wright has sailed for Portland, It is estimated that the mills on the Pacific coast produced the following amounts of lumlier during 18S7; Washington territory 600.000,000 feet. Oregon 300,000,000, California 400.- - ;S. HUGHES & SOU i FOREST GKOVF, OKEtiOX, Dtalera in SHELF axi HEAVY I Saddlery S Hame: i CTOT7T3C and FARMERS! MECHANICS' TOOLS ! THE -- AND Such as Kuies, rci.-r- s and Rnors, of the Finest lirauds. We handle no Shoddy nr Clieai John Goods; but tor articles 'of like quality or ifrado. We defy couipetttiou in prio. h. inputs JL SON. o.l R. W. McNUTT, 01tF.I.II . - OJtl.OX. DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE Groceries, Provisions, Kto. JUST ECEIVED A larj;e :issirtiueiit of MILLINERY GOODS! Comprisiu; nil the latctt Kttlt-- s in HATS ,ONSK,s K,;- - i BRANCH STO RE ' At Vernonhi, elialem Valley, Where ..N ,f every dcsi ript, re kept J eonst.-iiitl- in j VERNONIA STAGE. ' I n and after Apt il IimIi. I wiil run a Stat;e from Criielnw to ri noma. Columbia County jr.... !.... ..i Stas;e leaves ' mv . store , in . Coruulius .. . ... lur mill piiirr t,TV I ii.'Hu:it. liuiueoiniriv : after th errivs! ,f the mail train from ' Portland, canviic; oasseno, rs and lisihl . iici:ii i June p; ISS7. jlo-t- f -- the i;ki:at- - Bock Island AND Albert Lea 'the Direct and Popular Line in Connection with the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAU. WAY froiu St. Paul and Minneapolis To Chicago and the East. -- To St. Louis and the South. To Des Moines, Leavenworth, Atchison and Kansas City. The Only Iinc Connecting with the OREGON SHORT LINE at Council BlttlTs. St. JoHppb, leavenworth and rt'iusas I ity for PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING AND PALACE D4NINC CARS Accompany l Throujib Exprrns Trains. Tickets for Sale by all Connecting Railways, and Connections made in Union Depots. For full information rerJin Rates, Maps, etc., apply to 4'IIAS. KEXXEDV, General Agent, No. 3 Washington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. K. A. IIOLdttlMMIK. Oenl. Tkt. and Pass. Ajt. C. R. 1. 4 P. IL B. CHICAGO, ILL H. F. BOYD, Geul. Tkt. aud Paaa. At. M. A. St. L. R'y MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. week may be lnentioned that of Mr, Colquitt, of Georgia, highly in- dorsing the presided' tariff. rue-bHg- e: that of Senator Beck on tbe i (lenontization of silver; Senator i Dolph'a protection speech, declaring ! the tariff bill prepared by the dem- - J ocratin majority of the way and means committee to be destructive to every industrial interest ou the Pacific coast. Senator Allison tried to bring the undervaluation bill to vote, and Senator Sawyer spoke of early action on private pension billa. The evangelization of Waehing ton baa been begun in earnest, it would aeana tgjamLSL &fJGfe: tian worker of tbe female aex. On last Sunday afternoon tbe ,dirty windows of the dingy old police court room lighted ftn unwonted w'ciie, A placard on the railing in front of the build iug announced that the V. C T. U. would hold a go, pel meeting there at- - .1 o'clock. When the ladies entered and began the services, quite a crowd gathered to listen to them. Hihop Pa ret confirmed thirty-fou- r people at Acemion church on lat Sunday. When tbev Wftlk(d up to the chancel, amoiig their number was a Mingle China man, the first of the rtte to unite with a Chiititiau church in Washing- ton. He was one of the pupil of the Chinese Sunday school, which has len in operation at that church for over a year. lie united with the other candidates in the Holemn renewal of the baptismal vows, and kneeled at the chancel rail lietween a manly-lookin- g joutii; American and a young girl dressed in pure white. THE I KKVS CONDITION. I'll a xtmllii)" rumor bv telearam . , .. ,, ,. , - v-.- .. . Mllll-i- l jiiiuimurii ill iud .r vfcsteiilay , of the mental condition of i Queen ictoria. recalu the malady of her iM.iiiilf:tliei-- . Geoice III. whose! - - aoerrAtioti coutinueil through a long perii.l, iu which'he wan four or five times afflicted, at last necessitating the appointment of a regent. It has l,ori mii niu n fee ret tuiiee the vearof ,hfc t,eath of .. Ue roya, POIIHO, t th:lt ,ier Iu. eatv ,JIls ttt times ' itl ,, ,,llt unw in her lltlHI,a HJ.e, with troubles of e f;uuiv nn,it.ti(lll- - ,0 Ufck ,,er strength to painful tension, it is not surpiising that 1 faculties have; luifniiti iiini-i- . !i1mi-mi- i oil' utlrtfleil l.v the complications. She is not t j,iM,.(V iiHur f.illlilv. st,,. , ,,,,',1, Ktt ;ain .1 il lations with ' , f, .:.. f M,i ti .oPiinc ea. ' ftn , yiti lhtu:Ul.r 0 Vtiw ! jf )f t, M hi i uis of Lome. The frigid treatment of Prince Hat- - j teiil.m . liiislmnd of tbe Princess ,tr;ltli(.p , )lIlPr members of! the rovul family, has occasioned her much anxiety, and her conduct to-- j wni-i- I tho Itnssiaii uriiiceMH. who ia . . . ., . .f f. D - burgh, reveals her personal dislike j of that daughter-i- n law. Besides these family troublcs,is the solicitude sho feels for her eldest Ikji d, the Crown Piincess Victoria, the wife of the Emperor Frederick of (lermany, who has for years endured the dis- pleasure and slights of the Knipress Augustaand of Uisniarck, aud, since the dangerous illness of Frederick, and now, since the death of the Fniperor William, the er and untilial conduct of her son, Prince William, who is eager in bis aspiration to the throne of his father. All these vexations and trials have. it now seems, been overmuch for the aged queen to bear up against. Nor is the forecast for ber kingdom satisfactory or consoling. The con- dition of Ireland, the growing dis- content of her subjects in Wales and Scotland, and even iu F.ugland; the portents of terrible and widespread war in Europe, the menacing attitude of Hussi i, in respect to her poses-sionsi- n India, the complications in Kgypt, and Iho disposition of her tory ministry to aggravate rather than conciliate affairs nt home and abroad all the-- e Hie very wearying and wealing to ber imperious nature and consuming pride. She seems fated to tlie at the top. Of robust body and much physical vigor, her mind is less capable of withstanding tho exhausting strain of domestic woes and annoyances of state some . ... . q( the m so threatening. Last year rf.K.rat(Mi ljer julMIe ef fifty; ,.. r rni ti,,of. Kb is iu ber (i'Jth year. Should her tleftljj uocur the cnMqnenceg tve at n,,. incalculable. But the Fnited a Kingdom to which she succeeded upon the death of William IV ia not the United Kingdom to which her j son, the Prince of Wales, w ill sue ceed Newa, 27. A eompanv with a $100,000 capital has organized at San Diego, Cal., to search for oil, gas. and artesian water. f W. MILLER, Attorney at Lair, OUKOON. Oilloit Jtooma 12 and 13. Mnlkej Haildiug. Cor. Second and Morrison street. Branch Offlca at forest iirote, Or. TAU kinds of Legal Basinaaa carefully attended to. g B. HUSTON, Attorney at Lair and Notary Public, Hu-Lsaoa- OaaooN. Office : Main fctraat. Next Door to ln Btoca yy N. BARRETT, Attorney at Law, AMD Deputy lHt. Proateutiny Attorney, HUJ.SBOtto, --- ohkoom. OfMoe in Chenette Row, Main atreet. ' a7 tf yiLLIAM D. HARE, Attorney and Counselor at Law, HiLLsaoao, OaauoN. a7-t- f B. K MILLER, M. I , 1I0MIE0PA Tllki '', N. K. Corner Firat and Maiu Street, PORTLAND. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL. J4f- - Diseases of Women a Specialty. i j Office Houra--1 to 3 P. M. jaJtf I ii i ir i' - f it i. ll.MIUI, .., Phytic ia h, Suryn and Accoucheur, mi.i.snouo. okkoon. j Office In Chennett' Row. Realdenca Three blocka aouth of drag Htore. Office hour From 9:30 to 11 a. ui., and 'J to 5 p.m. : T. LINKLATER, 11. II.. O. M. Physician, Snryeoit and Aciiturheur, nit.i.sKnno, onioo.N. Office At Residence. East of Court House. j7 tf yyn.soN" ROWLP.Y. Pltyieiant Surgeon and Accoucheur, vonv.m (inovr., orkuon. Office At the drug atore. jaitfi 'pHOMAS II. TON'Gl.E, Attorney at Law, HII.I.SHOKO, WASHING TtlV OOM'V, ohwion. M tf BAi.Kiotf sTorr, HKKCV SMITU, jonn a., Hi. R. STOTT, w. l aotsa. AI I ' Mm1, 8TOTr ST'nTusK Attorney at Ijiw, Nos. I; ti. 7, S and 9 Waldo Block, Cor. Second and Washington atreeta. lf)R ILAND. OREOON D. HUMPHREYS. 'JHOS, Notary Public and Conveyancer, HILI.SBOKO, OHSWOX. Office In New Court House. Legal P pera drawu and collections made. - Business entrusted to my care promptly attended to. mhll tf V. H Ada wa. L. S. GaASi Maml am ( I DAMS Jk MAKIAM, Attorney at Law, 7 and S Mulev Building, cor. Second and Morrison streets, d!-t- f PoartASD. Oa. J. W. GILKEY, Physician and Surgeon, GREENVILLE, - - - OREGtlN. Offers his services to the people of Green- ville and vicinity. 9f-3- u DR V. 1. VIA, Pfiyaieiun and Suryeot, Ofllce: One Di)r north City Dru Store, Fori si (rkovK, Obkoon. 1? K. MILLER. Notary Public. Real Entate, Collection, Insurauee aud Loan Agettt. Promissory Notes BoUKht ant Sold. fjoaned in any Sums desired. Foar.sT Gaova, - Oskoos OF FOREST GROVE, NOW MAKING TEETH FOR -, 00 IS aud 97.50 per set; beet of material end workmanship. Will compare with aeta eoetins $25. Teeth extracted without pain. Filliniza at the lowest prices. All work i warranted. Office. S doors north of Brick store. Office hours: 9 A. M. to 4 P.M. d29-t- f WALTER BROS.. - - Kaw Yoaa D. N. A E. WALTER A CO., 8as Faascuco Importers of and Dealers in Carets, U fid st cry Cccls, Wall Paper A Window Stales. SB VUrml 8treet, Uio Block, PORTLAND, OREGON. I am only a hole in an humble vocation. Tat I greatly control your civilization; I ana verv tenacioaa, and bard aa a stone. rAad am like old Horatiua in boldini; my own: 3 lay me down, keeping ute atraibt in the v ditcn. laA, while yon are aleepin I'll be making . yoarwli. Wf farmer of pride dearly loves to provide V For the future the son and the daughter; give me the chance, and I'll greatly en-- i .. hanoe f Kvery acre I drain of ita water! V" )MA hert't iuy great beauty I'm always on f Oat of reach of the "Bulla and the Bear;" ad whan you're in your grave I'll continue to alav. For VOOr ehlhlrn lhair ehiblrM mnA uuarai My habits are good I require no food! (My Joints arc all made without mortar) And I always abstain when deep in the drain, From anything stronger than water. And if your land ia too wet. and you're l.ur-dene- d with debt. And emrumbnture Iteiiis to accrue, OIy nature'a law! by rroiot iu the cause, Drain your farm or- - it will drain you 'Tia so foolish to plant where the oose and the brant Might paddle from March to September; You might as well sow ou a Novemlier snow, j And expect it to grow in Deruiter. j Some farmers are failing, ami weeping anil l wailing, And bUme the coad .rd without reason!: When if they would atop Bowing need iu the alop. They uii-;h- t raise a rkI cropevery season. Mont farmers lament tin money they've spent For things only made to beguile; But never as yet did a farmer re'r. t The mouey eipeuded f r tile. WASHINGTON I.KTTKK. From our Regular CoiiesjonJoiit. J Washixotox, Match HJth, 1SSS. The national capital has known next to nothing about lit? test of the world for the past few days in consequence of the Ktorm which vis ited it in company with the severest blizzard of the winter. lloi eat gave !..., :i .1. .. ,.i.t. .... :i I... i ....t l,""l",,u"mo - j m-c- h for years. .Nt only were tele- - MRidi poles and wii'ca blown down !. " 1 l..,t w.m.x. vro ... : turnt'ii aixt u cm torn up iy iiu j rooU all vcr the city. Of the lat- ter, Rome were large and had stonl th fttorms ci neatly half a century. . The storm, by the way, has g.vcn fresh life to tbe demand for under ; ground wires as opposed to nenal , telegraph line, (ieneral '"v. of the signal naid he hoped this storm would carry conviction to congress that the over-hea- d wires! i.i. a i i.i: i ...... o 11 hV for !ocftl wori- - A strong plea will be made ''' underground wires when the gov- - j emtueiit once deci.Us to i sta!.!ih the contemplate ! jMiHtal telogini l. ' system, iue expeiuinnie wou.n is-- , r "y rPftt ,h''"f t'our,' V"1 . I a few years the money " tbe cost of repairs would more than, amount to the original outlay, so many lUnik - The only wire in this j that uil lislrto.l Iho torin wus an underground postal telegraph liuej running to Baltimore. Again this week, the senate was treated to a batch of petitions pray- ing for prohibition in the District of Columbia. Although no action has been taken on tbe local option ques- tion here, it is understood that sev- eral members of the senate district committee have that subject under consideiation, and that a variety of plana have Ixen suggested. There is a atroug sentiment in favor of making every adult resident 'of Washington, both male and female, eligible to vote upon the question. . It is also urged that the question shall be so presented that if tho ver- dict of the people is not in favor of prohibition, they may have an op- portunity to state what solution of the liquor question they prefer. Another question under consider- ation ia as to whether high license legislation or other action to de crease the number of saloons or re- move the worst features of the pres ent system ehould lx taken, pend- - mg the proposed popular vote. The latest tariff bill introduced in tbe bouse was Mr. Uandall's rev- enue bill, upon which he baa bt f--n at work and has employed the of tarilf experts for many months. It strikes out the tobacco tax, reduces tbe whUky tax. and makes but sm.ill chance in customs .duties. Tbe republican lenders do I not admit that they like it. They Ml 1 .- - ,'nl,it,l ..... irk, win not suy um. im adopt it. The majority of the .lem- - ocrats ridicule it. There is a determined effort ou tho part of the large cigar inanity facturers to prevent any repeal or reduction of tbe tax on cigais. Pe- titions to thia end are received every morning in the house and referred to tbe ways and means committee. They claim that the trade will be seriously affected by a repeal or re- daction of tbe tax, and that the workingtuen will be decreased in conaequence. Arlington, Gilliam county, commencing May lt and continuing five days, Tbe programme will be characteristic of tint life of the Mockinau, A number of hop raiders of this section held a meet in.r ut i Ik; Aurora hotel Tui'-'ki- y evening with some San Fran-cisc- o buyers with a view of CHtabluhing u tixe-- l piiee for the oruing year's crop. It is reported ihe ronelusion they cams to was. the price to be paid hhall ha 12 cents p r pound, "ranting the farmer privilege lo 1 i i only in J lots, or more if they desire,-Silvcrto- n Appeal. Hudson Chaplin pleaded guilty to a charge of bigamy at J'itidlay, Ohio, last week. lie had cihi wives. Th ' :ilin i f improvements in Oak- land. Csiifurnij, l.i- -t year.wa-tl.OOO.OO- O. On Friday (lie liille (l d daughter ofOeorye Will, who live about two miles south of .umr.i near the litis of the (), .V C, railroad, was burned to death. A million and a ball' I 'hinamen sre -- uA'crin from the ctl. its of the inunda- tion of lb- - Veil.-- liver mid 100,000 head of live foi k were killed. Major Ifei.d tint drummer boy, has accepted n challenge from one Geo. KUsworlh, of I.'aln. for a contest at drumming, tic eontet u lake plaea at Denver, Colorado, in May. The contest is for 6500 a side, A girl in Pittsburg went to work iu a knitting factory, and was aston- ished by the constant change of faces round her. I'ecoming suapicioun, she asked the foicioeii for her time at the clone of the second day, He gave her a card, showing that aho had made two jackets and one dozen bustles, When she presented the card nt the uiJleo she was told that she owed tho firm L'O cents balance for the use of the machine and steam power, she whs credited with 20 cents apiece for the jackets, 40 cents, and with HO cents for a doen of bustles, making n total of 70 cents. Sho was charged 15 cents a day for the ue of machine and stonni power, cents, leaving a balance due tbe ,,; ,imi'(f 20 cent- - Mr. Frank Myers, the well-know- n printer,, who has worked in Olym-pi- a, Portland, Seattle and Port Townscnd, and who, while running a paper at Forest drove, denounced Ben Ilolli lay as a foe to education aud an enemy to the cnuso of edu- cation for refusing to give him a pass over bis road, is now located at Juneau, Alaska, where he baa a prospect of making considerable money. He has been to Portland, where be purchased a newspaper outfit. The pnper will be publish- ed weekly. Jake Kennedy, sou of J, M. Ken- nedy, the old Siskiyou hunter, shot a monster cougar within a quarter of a mile of his father's housa last week, says the Ashland Tidings. The cougar was treed by Kennedy's dogs, and Jake made a centre shot with bis unerring rifle, sending a bullet through its brain. The akin was tho largest ever brought, to town, measuring nine feet from tip to lip, The Hamlin rnpe case in Southern Oregon was brought to a rloso last short verdict quite 100 were examined. The case was in progress j , , , , r t iiv i,,t (will , i tM,j n , VV.W VMtWW, county iu tlie neighborhood of $7000. l'ublic opinion differs aa to the guilt of young Hamlin, aa is usual in such instances. Fast Oiegonian. It seems, to be generally believed that if it takes $30,000 for the O. & W. T. R. R. to come to Pendleton, it won't come, for tho people won't give it. At $30,0(K) it is a luxury, but at a reasonable price, it would be a necessity, and the people would not object to paying for it. A fellow in Nebrnska baa discov- ered a new fly-tra- p. He saturated a blanket with coal oil and hung it in the bouso. Soon it waa black with flics and he suddenly set it on fire. It killed nil the flies and burned up j ' house in the twinkling of an eye. HOOIK TV MEETINGS. HILLSHOUO GRANGE, No. 73. P. or in (iood TemplarH' Hall, aeooml and fourth Saturday in each mouth, at 2 o'clock p. m. BEN J. BCIIOLFIELD, Master. J. A. Imbkik, Sfcretarv. -- TTIIIUIII Villi II IT L Vl IT 11T XI Met3 in Good TfiupUra1 Uall.eTery ButiirdHy eviii.i'', :tt s 1. jl. I r. TOZiKie, !C 'Jkwiiw. Sec' v. W. C. T. ' I 'LA LI I V 1.J1itK. No. A. F. 4 A. M. I. Meta on S aur.lav on or after each full moon. All ltviltroti in kmx1 Htanding are ejrdialty invitr.l lo un-- t with u. F. A. HAILEY. R. CaxNoALi., S'C. W. M. IONTEZUM V LOIMJE No. M, LO.O.F., ivj. HiU.4lxr - Met-t- s every Wedueaday evening ut 7 o olock. Sojonrning brethren cordially invited to attend. M. COLLINS, It. Bkai. St'c. N.O. LODGE, No. I'., K. OF P., 1IILI.S-BOR- O IO Meets every Thurriday evening at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow,, Hall. Sojourn in t.ret brou in okI Htandiut; cordially in- vited to attend. S. T. Lixklatkb, C. C. T. S. WavriiKftBRii. K. of It. nnd S. LENtOE "LODGE No. .". K. Oi P. VI Meet erery alternate Swturday at 7 o'cl.K-- t i. in., nt Gleucoe. Sojouruiiuc breth- ren in Lood rttanttiti ct rd i it 1 v invited to at- tend. I. W. 'CORKY, i.J&. JArartos.of R. A S. HO RO LODGE No. til, A.O.D.W., HILLS Meet on the second ami fourth Tuenday of each month at 7:: o'clock p. ni. Sojourning brethren cordiallv iuvited to attend. R. CRANDAIjL, WD1I vr.K, lit. M. VV. GlAN(iE No. LW, P. o II. 1HCKN1X n: (r:tntin. Or., on the third Friday uf each mouth. i;. JL PARKER, Master. Jon W:tK. Sieietarv. Meet.rt in Gaston on the first and third Saturday in each mouth. JOHN WERE, N. G H. D. HitT.vsT, Secretary. HA HIT Y LODGE No. "., I. O. 6. F CI Tualatin Meets Saturday 7 o'clo'k, on or before each new and full moon. Brethren in k001 standing invited to attend. J. C SMOCK. S. N. Pool v.. See. N.O. GRANGE. No. 11H, P. of H. BUTTE the third Wednesday in each Month. C. F. TiOARD, Master. S. M. K:lh., See'y. r V. T. C. HILUSHORO MEETS ? ou thenrst and third Wedneadava of each month, nt l' o'clock p. m., at the M. E. church. T1 .' 13 every Sunday afternoon, nt 1 o'clock at the M. E. church. C1IURCH NOTICES. METHODIST PASTOR'S H1LL.SHORO First Sabbath in each mouth: lleaverton. 11 a.m.; Wesley Chapel, 3 p. m.: Mt. Harmony, 7 p. m. Second Sab- bath: Hitlftlioro. 11 a. m.; Keeilville, op.m; Hillsboro, 7 p. in. third Sabbath: Hilla-bor- 11 a. m. ; tt Union, :t p. m.; Hills- boro, 7 p. m. Fourth Sabbath: Hillslioro, 11 a. ui.; Rcedville, tip. n.; Beavertou. 7 m" C. M. RRYAN. Pastor in Charge. "10RN ELM'S MKillODlsr PASTOR'S Aiu).iiiti'ieiits.--- r irst and third Sal- - l.utha in eaob month. M. E. Church, Cor nelius, at 11 A. i. and 7 e. m. Second and fourth Sabbaths in each month, Glencoe, at 11a.m. Fourth Sabbath. Oak Grove, at 3 f. at. Second Sabbath. Meacham'a school-bous- e, al .t e. M. Saturdav before the sec- ond Sabbath, Lei-iv'- si'h.Kithouse at 7 p.m. Jl. It. Pastor in Charge. i tONOHLGATIONAL r.MMt Ar-- V piintio nt. First Sabbath in eaoh month, Giirttoti. nt II a. m.; aud on the hill, Lack of Gaxtou. :t p. . Serond Sabbath At Hillside si li.s.! h iiise. II a. m.; Green- ville, ?. p. m. Fourth Sabbath Hillsboro, Chri iti.iii cbiireli. nt II A. M. Visitors to Portland Should not forget to call at TOWNE i MOORE'S San I 'uvM'ist o (lu.o.m, where may tie seen photoumpha of nil the leading and women of re;.uaud NVashiugton Territory. Kkillt'iil oieratont ninny in at- tendance, and the most minute attention irtiul to pictures of children. No trouble to show specimens to visitors. Street railroads paaa the dsr every ten minutes, and this is tlie nearest cull.'ry" to the nve principal ho- tels, railarfc'im; iu Crayon a Hiecialty. Cor. 1st .V .ioi i n Sis. 7jauly A. S. VENEN, Watchmaker and Jeweler! VS PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN II Forest Orirve, and is prepared to do all kinds of Watch work. Jewelry repaired and mnde as LMhl as tiew. Fine Watch Re- - pnirin a speci:i!tv. ll iviin: had U years' fiimrieuee in the business, 1 am af in uiviue a written una rau tee with ell work Sent out; lal.'--tf A. S. YEN EN. Money to Tjoaii. I will .oat) money in sums of 1000! ami upwards. Only real estate security j sought. Time, three to five years; coin-missio- u not toev eed 'Jig per cent. . II. ISI'4'KKIt. jauTt: Land for Sale! rpHB UNDERSIGNED HAS FOR SALE 1 several Farms and a tarxe amount of first-clas- s, unimproved land, lying in Wash- ington county, Oregon. IMMIGRANTS And others desiring to purchase land would so well to give me a call. Now is the time to secure comfortable homes on easy teriua. rHOS. D. HUMPHREYS. rfiuaboro, JunalSdUi. 1883. The Beet in tho .Mai Let. j t OI all kinds taken at the hijlu ..t insrLet price. Cornelius, Or Nov. l.s, J.vk;. nH Iv P. M. DENNIS, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, Su'Cciiir to . T. Tozii-- r , HIL!SKOKO, - OREGON. ltKAI. ESTATE A-K- T. ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE : SPECTXL anil sale of Farm Itmls ami t'o'n lroprty ; Noik. Having iirehs.'l f Mr. C. T . Tozier his Insurance tiusiness, 1 am coil- - ; fideut of beiiiK able to K'v satisfaction.) Hinee I represent the Jjeadini; Iiisnranoc I f lorn names. rSPOfflce: thie door South of 1'oeUiffice. ni:tl-t- f M. BROWN. G. E. JOHNSON. JOHNSON & BROWN, I Contractors and Builders1 HILISRORO, OREGON 1 L A N S. SI'ECIFICATK S AND I. Estimates furnished umu application. Tor any class of Imildiu. ji-'-- iy CET YOUR TINWARE mo.M T m ' s Tinehop ! Roofing. Guttering and Spouting SPECIAL tsTVou can lie sure of a Square. Deal. Opposite Brick Block. HILLSBORO, OREGON. THOS. MADICAN. jl21y SEWING ACHINE AGENCY, FOREST UKOVE, OKEGO.V J. W. H ADK.INS, Aent IN VN1 REPAIRER OF ALL DEALER of Sewing Machinea. Domestic, Household, and all makes of Standard Sew-im- ; Maehiues kept constantly ou hand and tor sale at lowest market prioea. auS-t- f R. SYLVESTER, HlLIiSBORO, OREGOX. PAINT IMG If! GENERAL KnJlminer and 1erorallve 1'aper Hanger. Alt work Warranted F'irst Class Orders at the City Drntf Store or ill lNDO-rNDKX- T tlFFua. al-t- f JL SCHtlJUFJilCK. C KOCH -- nrr i a : j SF.fOXU ST REIT, HILLSHOUO, - - - oi:f:ox -- ALL KINDS OF Fresh Meats: Kept constantly on hand and sold FOR- - OASIX J--if Highest Market Price pnid for f AND Glutton Sheep. Please give ua a call. St'HL'LMEKItK KOCH. Proprietors flillaboro Oct. 13, 1887. olS-t-f ' Thin sdav After being out a ' i 000,000 feet, all other mills 70.000.0(H) , I time, the jury brought In a feet; total, 1,370,000.000 feet. Thw , , o not guilty, and were dismissed. show i tin is one of great development... i , witnessea sinci! 1880, when the census jiave iue . r ut of the coast ot 693.000.000 feet. '"id the showing of California was nearly twice that of Washington territory, last Tuesday morning, about H o'clock. Mrs. Nancy Ilyao, aged about i'J years, met with an accident while riding a horse to the creek from her husband's houe, ou Three-Mil- Creek resulting in her death that evening. Her husband was going t- - his work iu the field and hi wife was riding this animal to water, w hen he became frightened and ran away. dragging her a distance of 200 yards. The stirrup broke or her loot becume loose, and she was picked up in an un- conscious condition. Everything possi- ble was dona to resuscitate her, but he remained unconscious until fi o'clock Sn ' the evening, when ahe died. She waa the daughter of Mr. If. C. Smith, and hud been married to hiin who now mourns her loss only two months. Times, j Mountaineer. 'I

Transcript of The independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 1888-03-29 … · 2014-06-09 · tian worker...

Page 1: The independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 1888-03-29 … · 2014-06-09 · tian worker of tbe female aex. On last Sunday afternoon tbe ,dirty windows of the dingy old police

) " . V.



r . .i iiiini wit a wan u a: I'lW. L. JONES .Editor and Proprietor i ... .11A.One i .mi, each sulwwouetit insertion, Ml

Li Notices of appointment and final settle-rtjen- t.

EVERY THURSDAY EVENING. Other legal advertisements, $1.00 prsquare for 'lip first insertion, and MwuU

publication orrica: xr square for tuth miliKeoueiit Insertion.Hpotuat Inisincss notices in local column

Jlrti" Street, : : Shute's Neio Brick S.I cents r line. Regular business noticeHILLSI50RO, OKEGON. M GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, foB TZTJ? PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE." 10

Professionaleents r lino.

cnnls, 12 per year.Kjienial rate for larg display "ads."

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: paint may lie found on Ills atPer in advance $2.00 Geo. P. Rowel I A-- (V Newspaper Advertia-In- g

annum, March No. 43. Ilureeu ( In Hpruce street! where adver-tisingSix mouths, iu advance 1.00 Vol. X llillnboro, Washington County, Oregon, Tluireday, 551), contract may bo Hindu for it in New

Three months, in advance SO 1 VorU.

nA hungry linr ohUiinNl frofl boardKMF.KAI.t:WS.Among seuatorial speechea of the!PROFESSIONAL CARDS.OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. T. R. CORNELIUS, thi: toiri: or tiii: tii.k.

BT M. C. MKIOH.ItUtrlrt Offlrrra.Jude Fifth District ...F. J. TaylorProsecuting Attorney.. T. A. McRride!Deputy for Washington Co .W. N. Barrett

Legislative Officer.State Senator . . . W. D. Hare.

i D Gubser,Rvpreseutative '-

- D. Smith,) Tho. Paulsen.

utility Oftieere.Jadrfti . R. CrandaltTreasurer J. S. WaggonerClerk J. W.Morgan

i T. O. ToddConimniii)nfr Chad. HickotbierSheriff U. P. CornoliiuHarveyor... U C. WalkarAaaeaaor . . . X. J. WilaonKchool Suii iiitfuiint. . T. T. VincentCoroner . . C.y. Ranaom

in Oregon City iIium; icarl thai tliw

owll(.r uf u (;,, f:irm ail tu wUhnJ. (0 .j u anJ buyer with

ntoU' weit,, t(, ,4i (,omman,j, ie wan a. ...... .

i wdcouie gu.vt at liii n.illcr'a. I nn

property huvinjj bocn w.ll canvaMiJ, Mr.Sharper asked the price. 'FffiUeuthousiind dollars," tiinuuored tho Buillof.

"I'll take it," wild the istrungwr. Uslived ut the miller's house as en honored

guet for about ibroo days and then wmtto Portland to draw from the bauks thfirat payment of $10,000, but he neverreturned.

The stoeknten of eastern Oregon will

have a grpnd encampment near Olox, on


Dry Goods,Groceries,



Agricultural Implements



Agent for tlie


hmf&mlk ereekr eUai twelve tntror south of '

Tomm Oltlvfrt.t F. A. BaileyI 8. J'. Linklater

Trustee H. H. HnatonO. T.XiMlfofd

s..V". -- ic . mradaltTrananrer Oo. W. Pattaraon

' Recorder . . W. N. BarrettMaratm! . Wilson


Jeph puJitxcr, of the Worl.l, pur -

chaaed French' hotel, in Park Row,

New York for $630,000, atid will tear it. i . ! i:ttwwn Ma F P "VV'r

. There landed at Pw York ht year450,843 immigranti.

A couple of fellow got to prowliuajaround Mrs. Parsons house Mondaynight and making a disturbance. HattieParsons got up aad fired at them throughthe window and then went outside andfired at them twice a they rau up thestreet. They will doubtuw keep theirdistance hereafter aad behave themselves.

Eugene Register.;

Friday night . authorized the presidentand secretary to have-- 10,000 copies ofthe report of tbe committee on iuimi-gratio- u

pi inled fur circulation for ad-

vertising the rsourciHt of Lane county.The regular riieetiii is next M.nnlivevening.

The Piicitic Insurance couipatiy, ofPortland, has bled articles of iucor-jurati- on

with the secretary of Mate,

incorporator. Theodore Wygant, D,McKeiclier, and O. CI. (I amnions:capital stock. $.00,000.

Cbt'kimat county will build u tinebridge acro. the Willamette river ut

Oregon City. Tlie estimated cot of thebridge is $22,000, hut private citizen ofthe town have agreed in advance toconstruct the same for $18,000 and tobear the deficit thmelvea, and to have it

completed by August 1, 1888. Theplans were prepared by Messrs. Hofl'uianSi Dates, of Portland. Tbe width of theroad will be 20 fwt in the clear, and thelength 935 feet. It will be 78 feet

low water mark.

Fred Medyiibki propo-M'- s to eivH nil

itutneiise dUtillery in the vicinity ofWalla Walla, costing in the nt ifilior- - of $50,000, rerjuiring aWut fifty.. in, I A l,i.r iV.m l.,o '.iin i.. lfton..... . .

OUhlieiS OI corn 1ST Uay to TUII II, Hieproduct to be chiefly colore' for high

wine.r.., v .i .... ,i ni? .soriiiern i uciuc rouui noiise ai

Stampede Pass, on the switch-bac- k, wasburned last Thuraday, One of the largedecapod engines was badly burned, andits loss will cripple the service on theswitch back for a time.

Thirty logging camjs are now in

operation, or are ready to liegin work, in

Chehalis county, aaya an exchange.

,t the loet otiruat those will Juitiihwork for 5('0 men. The numlx r ofI'amps will probably heincre:is-- l :i lb eeason advuncc.

Cirant Maya, a atoclnmH wIm. live-- atAnteloju--. Was,-- , ,nty. --ays that (he

ai- -r winter was one of the W for M.a k

exis i iin d iii castoni (),v-o- i, fr severalyear.. The loss ot .los-- p was v. rv lightnhile , .,itl.. did m.t -- uffcr at all, S- t- k

'" generally had plenty of hay but werei


nol rciuue.! to teed their -- Oh k b-- r a

longer mri.,1 than two week.. InHarney and Malheur valleys the loss was

heaviest, reselling thirty js--r eciit. for

sheen and thirt v imt cent, for cattle., , .

J, Nlllou IO t rtSilUt'Ul CU'VCIUIIll IS

u.ius t.irt.uiatwi w,j 4Ulte generallyj fr tue piirdon of w R

DanicN, of llarrisburg, Oregon, whowas cjnvicted and sentenced for one year'simprisonment ia the Linn county jail furetnbezideui'-n- . while postmaster at tintplace. 1 1 has been sigm.-- d by everyuicmbcr of the V, H. rand jury by

which he was indicted, and the js tilioiinow has about 200 Dames, which aremostly signatures of citizens of Harris,bury; and Albany.

The appropriation for the governmentworks at Yaouina bay having Wen

all government improvi'iiientsfor the present have lajen Mitspciidi'd,

The labfirers have been discharged, andthe government tug boat General Wrighthas sailed for Portland,

It is estimated that the mills on thePacific coast produced the followingamounts of lumlier during 18S7;Washington territory 600.000,000 feet.

Oregon 300,000,000, California 400.- -



Dtalera in SHELF axi HEAVY


Saddlery S Hame:

iCTOT7T3C and





Such as Kuies, rci.-r-s and Rnors, of theFinest lirauds.

We handle no Shoddy nr Clieai JohnGoods; but tor articles 'of like quality orifrado. We defy couipetttiou in prio.

h. inputs JL SON.o.l






JUST ECEIVEDA larj;e :issirtiueiit of

MILLINERY GOODS!Comprisiu; nil the latctt Kttlt--s in HATS

,ONSK,s K,;--



At Vernonhi, elialem Valley,Where ..N ,f every dcsi ript, re kept J

eonst.-iiitl- in


I n and after Apt il IimIi. I wiil run a Stat;efrom Criielnw to ri noma. ColumbiaCountyjr.... !.... ..i

Stas;e leaves'


store, in.

Coruulius.. . ...lur mill piiirr t,TV I ii.'Hu:it. liuiueoiniriv :

after th errivs! ,f the mail train from '

Portland, canviic; oasseno, rs and lisihl.iici:ii i

June p; ISS7. jlo-t-f

--the i;ki:at- -

Bock IslandAND

Albert Lea

'the Direct and Popular Line in Connectionwith the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAU.

WAY froiu St. Paul and Minneapolis

To Chicago and the East. --

To St. Louis and the South.

To Des Moines, Leavenworth,

Atchison and Kansas City.

The Only IincConnecting with the OREGON SHORT

LINE at Council BlttlTs. St.JoHppb, leavenworth and

rt'iusas I ity for


PALACE D4NINC CARSAccompany l Throujib Exprrns Trains.

Tickets for Sale by all ConnectingRailways, and Connections made

in Union Depots.

For full information rerJin Rates,Maps, etc., apply to

4'IIAS. KEXXEDV,General Agent, No. 3 Washington Street,


K. A. IIOLdttlMMIK.Oenl. Tkt. and Pass. Ajt. C. R. 1. 4 P. IL B.


Geul. Tkt. aud Paaa. At. M. A. St. L. R'yMINNEAPOLIS, MINN.

week may be lnentioned that of Mr,Colquitt, of Georgia, highly in-

dorsing the presided' tariff. rue-bHg- e:

that of Senator Beck on tbei

(lenontization of silver; Senator i

Dolph'a protection speech, declaring !

the tariff bill prepared by the dem- - J

ocratin majority of the way andmeans committee to be destructiveto every industrial interest ou thePacific coast. Senator Allison triedto bring the undervaluation bill to

vote, and Senator Sawyer spoke ofearly action on private pension billa.

The evangelization of Waehington baa been begun in earnest, itwould aeanatgjamLSL &fJGfe:tian worker of tbe female aex. Onlast Sunday afternoon tbe ,dirtywindows of the dingy old policecourt room lighted ftn unwontedw'ciie, A placard on the railing infront of the build iug announced thatthe V. C T. U. would hold a go,pel meeting there at- - .1 o'clock.When the ladies entered and beganthe services, quite a crowd gatheredto listen to them.

Hihop Pa ret confirmed thirty-fou- r

people at Acemionchurch on lat Sunday. When tbevWftlk(d up to the chancel, amoiigtheir number was a Mingle Chinaman, the first of the rtte to unitewith a Chiititiau church in Washing-ton. He was one of the pupil ofthe Chinese Sunday school, whichhas len in operation at that churchfor over a year. lie united withthe other candidates in the Holemnrenewal of the baptismal vows, andkneeled at the chancel rail lietweena manly-lookin- g joutii; Americanand a young girl dressed in purewhite.


I'll a xtmllii)" rumor bv telearam. , .. , , ,. , - v-.-.. .

Mllll-i- l jiiiuimurii ill iud .rvfcsteiilay , of the mental condition of i

Queen ictoria. recalu the malady ofher iM.iiiilf:tliei-- . Geoice III. whose!- -

aoerrAtioti coutinueil through a longperii.l, iu which'he wan four or five

times afflicted, at last necessitatingthe appointment of a regent. It hasl,ori mii niu n fee ret tuiiee the vearof,hfc t,eath of .. Ue roya,POIIHO, t th:lt ,ier Iu. eatv ,JIls ttt times'

itl ,, ,,llt unw inher lltlHI,a HJ.e, with troubles of

e f;uuiv nn,it.ti(lll- - ,0 Ufck ,,erstrength to painful tension, it is notsurpiising that 1 faculties have;luifniiti iiini-i- . !i1mi-mi- i oil' utlrtfleil l.vthe complications. She is not t

j,iM,.(V iiHur f.illlilv. st,,. ,

,,,,',1, Ktt ;ain .1 il lations with '

, f, .:.. f M,i ti .oPiinc ea.'

ftn , yiti lhtu:Ul.r 0 Vtiw !

jf )f t, M hi i uis of Lome.The frigid treatment of Prince Hat- - j

teiil.m . liiislmnd of tbe Princess,tr;ltli(.p , )lIlPr members of!

the rovul family, has occasioned hermuch anxiety, and her conduct to-- j

wni-i- I tho Itnssiaii uriiiceMH. who ia. . . ., .

.f f. D-burgh, reveals her personal dislike j

of that daughter-i- n law. Besidesthese family troublcs,is the solicitudesho feels for her eldest Ikji d, theCrown Piincess Victoria, the wife ofthe Emperor Frederick of (lermany,who has for years endured the dis-

pleasure and slights of the KnipressAugustaand of Uisniarck, aud, sincethe dangerous illness of Frederick,and now, since the death of theFniperor William, the er

and untilial conduct of her son,Prince William, who is eager in bisaspiration to the throne of his father.All these vexations and trials now seems, been overmuch for theaged queen to bear up against. Noris the forecast for ber kingdomsatisfactory or consoling. The con-

dition of Ireland, the growing dis-

content of her subjects in Wales andScotland, and even iu F.ugland; theportents of terrible and widespreadwar in Europe, the menacing attitudeof Hussi i, in respect to her poses-sionsi- n

India, the complications in

Kgypt, and Iho disposition of hertory ministry to aggravate ratherthan conciliate affairs nt home andabroad all the--e Hie very wearyingand wealing to ber imperious natureand consuming pride. She seemsfated to tlie at the top. Of robustbody and much physical vigor, hermind is less capable of withstandingtho exhausting strain of domesticwoes and annoyances of state some

. ... .q( them so threatening. Last year

rf.K.rat(Mi ljer julMIe ef fifty;,.. r rni ti,,of. Kb

is iu ber (i'Jth year. Should hertleftljj uocur the cnMqnenceg tve atn,,. incalculable. But the Fniteda

Kingdom to which she succeededupon the death of William IV ia notthe United Kingdom to which her

j son, the Prince of Wales, w ill sueceed Newa, 27.

A eompanv with a $100,000 capitalhas organized at San Diego, Cal., tosearch for oil, gas. and artesian water.


Attorney at Lair,OUKOON.

Oilloit Jtooma 12 and 13. Mnlkej Haildiug.Cor. Second and Morrison street.

Branch Offlca at forest iirote, Or.

TAU kinds of Legal Basinaaa carefullyattended to.


Attorney at Lair

and Notary Public,Hu-Lsaoa- OaaooN.

Office : Main fctraat.

Next Door to ln Btoca


Attorney at Law,AMD

Deputy lHt. Proateutiny Attorney,

HUJ.SBOtto, --- ohkoom.

OfMoe in Chenette Row, Main atreet.'

a7 tf


Attorney and Counselor at Law,

HiLLsaoao, OaauoN.a7-t- f


1I0MIE0PA Tllki '',N. K. Corner Firat and Maiu Street,



J4f-- Diseases of Women a Specialty.i


Office Houra--1 to 3 P. M. jaJtfI

ii i ir i' - f iti. ll.MIUI, ..,Phytic ia h, Suryn and Accoucheur,

mi.i.snouo. okkoon. j

Office In Chennett' Row. RealdencaThree blocka aouth of drag Htore. Officehour From 9:30 to 11 a. ui., and 'J to 5 p.m. :

T. LINKLATER, 11. II.. O. M.

Physician, Snryeoit and Aciiturheur,nit.i.sKnno, onioo.N.

Office At Residence. East of CourtHouse. j7 tf

yyn.soN" ROWLP.Y.

Pltyieiant Surgeon and Accoucheur,

vonv.m (inovr., orkuon.Office At the drug atore. jaitfi


Attorney at Law,


BAi.Kiotf sTorr, HKKCV SMITU,jonn a., Hi. R. STOTT,

w. l aotsa.

AI I' Mm1, 8TOTrST'nTusK

Attorney at Ijiw,Nos. I; ti. 7, S and 9 Waldo Block,

Cor. Second and Washington atreeta.lf)R ILAND. OREOON

D. HUMPHREYS.'JHOS,Notary Public and Conveyancer,


Office In New Court House. Legal Ppera drawu and collections made. - Businessentrusted to my care promptly attended to.mhll tf

V. H Ada wa. L. S. GaASi Maml am (


DAMS Jk MAKIAM,Attorney at Law,

7 and S Mulev Building, cor. Second andMorrison streets,

d!-t- f PoartASD. Oa.


Physician and Surgeon,


Offers his services to the people of Green-ville and vicinity. 9f-3- u

DR V. 1. VIA,

Pfiyaieiun and Suryeot,

Ofllce: One Di)r north City Dru Store,

Fori si (rkovK,


1? K. MILLER.Notary Public.

Real Entate, Collection, Insurauee audLoan Agettt.

Promissory Notes BoUKht ant Sold.fjoaned in any Sums desired.

Foar.sT Gaova, - Oskoos

OF FOREST GROVE,NOW MAKING TEETH FOR -, 00IS aud 97.50 per set; beet of material end

workmanship. Will compare with aetaeoetins $25. Teeth extracted without pain.Filliniza at the lowest prices. All work

i warranted. Office. S doors north of Brickstore. Office hours: 9 A. M. to 4 P.M.


WALTER BROS.. - - Kaw YoaaD. N. A E. WALTER A CO., 8as Faascuco

Importers of and Dealers in

Carets, U fidstcry Cccls,Wall Paper A Window Stales.

SB VUrml 8treet,Uio Block, PORTLAND, OREGON.

I am only a hole in an humble vocation.Tat I greatly control your civilization;

I ana verv tenacioaa, and bard aa a stone.rAad am like old Horatiua in boldini; my own:3 lay me down, keeping ute atraibt in thev ditcn.laA, while yon are aleepin I'll be making. yoarwli.

Wf farmer of pride dearly loves to provideV For the future the son and the daughter;

give me the chance, and I'll greatly en-- i.. hanoe

f Kvery acre I drain of ita water!V"

)MA hert't iuy great beauty I'm always on

f Oat of reach of the "Bulla and the Bear;"ad whan you're in your grave I'll continueto alav.For VOOr ehlhlrn lhair ehiblrM mnA

uuaraiMy habits are good I require no food!

(My Joints arc all made without mortar)And I always abstain when deep in the drain,

From anything stronger than water.And if your land ia too wet. and you're l.ur-dene- d

with debt.And emrumbnture Iteiiis to accrue,

OIy nature'a law! by rroiot iu the cause,Drain your farm or- - it will drain you

'Tia so foolish to plant where the oose andthe brant

Might paddle from March to September;You might as well sow ou a Novemlier snow, j

And expect it to grow in Deruiter. j

Some farmers are failing, ami weeping anil l

wailing,And bUme the coad .rd without reason!:

When if they would atop Bowing need iu thealop.

They uii-;h- t raise a rkI cropevery season.

Mont farmers lament tin money they'vespent

For things only made to beguile;But never as yet did a farmer re'r. t

The mouey eipeuded f r tile.


From our Regular CoiiesjonJoiit. J

Washixotox, Match HJth, 1SSS.

The national capital has knownnext to nothing about lit? test ofthe world for the past few days inconsequence of the Ktorm which visited it in company with the severestblizzard of the winter. lloi eat gave !...,:i .1. .. ,.i.t. .... :i I... i,""l",,u"mo -


m-c- h for years. .Nt only were tele- -

MRidi poles and wii'ca blown down !." 1

l..,t w.m.x. vro ...:

turnt'ii aixt u cm torn up iy iiuj

rooU all vcr the city. Of the lat-

ter, Rome were large and had stonlth fttorms ci neatly half a century.. The storm, by the way, has g.vcnfresh life to tbe demand for under


ground wires as opposed to nenal ,

telegraph line, (ieneral '"v.of the signal naid he hopedthis storm would carry conviction tocongress that the over-hea- d wires!

i.i. a i i.i: i ......o 11hV for !ocftl wori- -

A strong plea will be made '''underground wires when the gov- -


emtueiit once deci.Us to i sta!.!ihthe contemplate ! jMiHtal telogini l. '

system, iue expeiuinnie wou.n is-- , r

"y rPftt ,h''"f t'our,' V"1.


a few years the money "

tbe cost of repairs would more than,amount to the original outlay, so

many lUnik- The only wire in this


that uil lislrto.l Iho torin wus anunderground postal telegraph liuejrunning to Baltimore.

Again this week, the senate wastreated to a batch of petitions pray-

ing for prohibition in the District ofColumbia. Although no action hasbeen taken on tbe local option ques-

tion here, it is understood that sev-

eral members of the senate districtcommittee have that subject underconsideiation, and that a variety ofplana have Ixen suggested. Thereis a atroug sentiment in favor ofmaking every adult resident 'ofWashington, both male and female,eligible to vote upon the question. .

It is also urged that the questionshall be so presented that if tho ver-

dict of the people is not in favor ofprohibition, they may have an op-

portunity to state what solution ofthe liquor question they prefer.Another question under consider-ation ia as to whether high licenselegislation or other action to decrease the number of saloons or re-

move the worst features of the present system ehould lx taken, pend- -

mg the proposed popular vote.The latest tariff bill introduced

in tbe bouse was Mr. Uandall's rev-

enue bill, upon which he baa bt f--n

at work and has employed theof tarilf experts for many

months. It strikes out the tobaccotax, reduces tbe whUky tax. andmakes but sm.ill chance in customs

.duties. Tbe republican lenders doI not admit that they like it. They

Ml 1 .- - ,'nl,it,l..... irk,win not suy um. imadopt it. The majority of the .lem- -

ocrats ridicule it.There is a determined effort ou

tho part of the large cigar inanityfacturers to prevent any repeal orreduction of tbe tax on cigais. Pe-

titions to thia end are received everymorning in the house and referredto tbe ways and means committee.They claim that the trade will beseriously affected by a repeal or re-

daction of tbe tax, and that theworkingtuen will be decreased inconaequence.

Arlington, Gilliam county, commencingMay lt and continuing five days, Tbeprogramme will be characteristic of tintlife of the Mockinau,

A number of hop raiders of this sectionheld a meet in.r ut i Ik; Aurora hotelTui'-'ki- y evening with some San Fran-cisc- o

buyers with a view of CHtabluhing u

tixe-- l piiee for the oruing year's crop.It is reported ihe ronelusion they camsto was. the price to be paid hhall ha

12 cents p r pound, "ranting the farmerprivilege lo 1 i

i only in J lots, ormore if they desire,-Silvcrto- n Appeal.

Hudson Chaplin pleaded guilty to a

charge of bigamy at J'itidlay, Ohio, lastweek. lie had cihi wives.

Th ' :ilin i f improvements in Oak-

land. Csiifurnij, l.i- -t year.wa-tl.OOO.OO- O.

On Friday (lie liille (l d daughterofOeorye Will, who live about twomiles south of .umr.i near the litis ofthe (), .V C, railroad, was burned todeath.

A million and a ball' I 'hinamen sre-- uA'crin from the ctl. its of the inunda-

tion of lb- - Veil.-- liver mid 100,000head of live foi k were killed.

Major Ifei.d tint drummer boy,has accepted n challenge from one Geo.KUsworlh, of I.'aln. for a contest atdrumming, tic eontet u lake plaea atDenver, Colorado, in May. The contestis for 6500 a side,

A girl in Pittsburg went to workiu a knitting factory, and was aston-

ished by the constant change of facesround her. I'ecoming suapicioun,she asked the foicioeii for her timeat the clone of the second day, Hegave her a card, showing that ahohad made two jackets and one dozenbustles, When she presented thecard nt the uiJleo she was told thatshe owed tho firm L'O cents balancefor the use of the machine and steampower, she whs credited with 20cents apiece for the jackets, 40 cents,and with HO cents for a doen ofbustles, making n total of 70 cents.Sho was charged 15 cents a day forthe ue of machine and stonni power,

cents, leaving a balance due tbe,,; ,imi'(f 20 cent- -

Mr. Frank Myers, the well-know- n

printer,, who has worked in Olym-pi- a,

Portland, Seattle and PortTownscnd, and who, while runninga paper at Forest drove, denouncedBen Ilolli lay as a foe to educationaud an enemy to the cnuso of edu-

cation for refusing to give him apass over bis road, is now located atJuneau, Alaska, where he baa aprospect of making considerablemoney. He has been to Portland,where be purchased a newspaperoutfit. The pnper will be publish-ed weekly.

Jake Kennedy, sou of J, M. Ken-

nedy, the old Siskiyou hunter, shota monster cougar within a quarterof a mile of his father's housa lastweek, says the Ashland Tidings.The cougar was treed by Kennedy'sdogs, and Jake made a centre shotwith bis unerring rifle, sending abullet through its brain. The akinwas tho largest ever brought, totown, measuring nine feet from tipto lip,

The Hamlin rnpe case in SouthernOregon was brought to a rloso last


quite 100 wereexamined. The case was in progress

j , , , , r tiiv i,,t (will , i tM,j n , VV.W VMtWW,county iu tlie neighborhood of$7000. l'ublic opinion differs aa tothe guilt of young Hamlin, aa isusual in such instances.

Fast Oiegonian. It seems, to begenerally believed that if it takes$30,000 for the O. & W. T. R. R. tocome to Pendleton, it won't come,for tho people won't give it. At$30,0(K) it is a luxury, but at areasonable price, it would be anecessity, and the people would notobject to paying for it.

A fellow in Nebrnska baa discov-ered a new fly-tra- p. He saturated ablanket with coal oil and hung it inthe bouso. Soon it waa black withflics and he suddenly set it on fire.It killed nil the flies and burned up


house in the twinkling of aneye.


HILLSHOUO GRANGE, No. 73. P. orin (iood TemplarH' Hall,

aeooml and fourth Saturday in each mouth,at 2 o'clock p. m.

BEN J. BCIIOLFIELD, Master.J. A. Imbkik, Sfcretarv.

--TTIIIUIII Villi I I IT L Vl IT 11TXI Met3 in Good TfiupUra1 Uall.eTeryButiirdHy eviii.i'', :tt s 1. jl.

I r. TOZiKie,!C 'Jkwiiw. Sec' v. W. C. T.

' I 'LA LI I V 1.J1itK. No. A. F. 4 A. M.I. Meta on S aur.lav on or after each full

moon. All ltviltroti in kmx1 Htanding areejrdialty invitr.l lo un-- t with u.

F. A. HAILEY.R. CaxNoALi., S'C. W. M.

IONTEZUM V LOIMJE No. M, LO.O.F.,ivj. HiU.4lxr - Met-t- s every Wedueadayevening ut 7 o olock. Sojonrning brethrencordially invited to attend.

M. COLLINS,It. Bkai. St'c. N.O.

LODGE, No. I'., K. OF P., 1IILI.S-BOR- OIO Meets every Thurriday eveningat 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow,, Hall. Sojournin t.ret brou in okI Htandiut; cordially in-

vited to attend. S. T. Lixklatkb, C. C.T. S. WavriiKftBRii. K. of It. nnd S.

LENtOE "LODGE No. .". K. Oi P.VI Meet erery alternate Swturday at 7o'cl.K-- t i. in., nt Gleucoe. Sojouruiiuc breth-ren in Lood rttanttiti ct rd i it 1 v invited to at-tend. I. W. 'CORKY,

i.J&. JArartos.of R. A S.

HO RO LODGE No. til, A.O.D.W.,HILLS Meet on the second amifourth Tuenday of each month at 7:: o'clockp. ni. Sojourning brethren cordiallv iuvitedto attend. R. CRANDAIjL,

WD1I vr.K, lit. M. VV.

GlAN(iE No. LW, P. o II.1HCKN1X n: (r:tntin. Or., on the thirdFriday uf each mouth.

i;. JL PARKER, Master.Jon W:tK. Sieietarv.

Meet.rt in Gaston on the first andthird Saturday in each mouth.

JOHN WERE, N. GH. D. HitT.vsT, Secretary.

HA HIT Y LODGE No. "., I. O. 6. FCI Tualatin Meets Saturday eveniruj.at7 o'clo'k, on or before each new and fullmoon. Brethren in k001 standing invited toattend. J. C SMOCK.

S. N. Pool v.. See. N.O.GRANGE. No. 11H, P. of H.BUTTE the third Wednesday in each

Month. C. F. TiOARD, Master.S. M. K:lh., See'y.

r V. T. C. HILUSHORO MEETS? ou thenrst and third Wedneadava

of each month, nt l' o'clock p. m., at theM. E. church.T 1 .'

13 every Sunday afternoon, nt 1 o'clockat the M. E. church.


METHODIST PASTOR'SH1LL.SHORO First Sabbath in eachmouth: lleaverton. 11 a.m.; Wesley Chapel,3 p. m.: Mt. Harmony, 7 p. m. Second Sab-bath: Hitlftlioro. 11 a. m.; Keeilville, op.m;Hillsboro, 7 p. in. third Sabbath: Hilla-bor-

11 a. m. ; tt Union, :t p. m.; Hills-boro, 7 p. m. Fourth Sabbath: Hillslioro,11 a. ui.; Rcedville, tip. n.; Beavertou. 7

m"C. M. RRYAN. Pastor in Charge.

"10RN ELM'S MKillODlsr PASTOR'SAiu).iiiti'ieiits.--- r irst and third Sal- -

l.utha in eaob month. M. E. Church, Cornelius, at 11 A. i. and 7 e. m. Second andfourth Sabbaths in each month, Glencoe, at11a.m. Fourth Sabbath. Oak Grove, at 3f. at. Second Sabbath. Meacham'a school-bous- e,

al .t e. M. Saturdav before the sec-

ond Sabbath, Lei-iv'- si'h.Kithouse at 7 p.m.Jl. It. Pastor in Charge.



piintio nt. First Sabbath in eaohmonth, Giirttoti. nt II a. m.; aud on the hill,Lack of Gaxtou. :t p. . Serond SabbathAt Hillside si li.s.! h iiise. II a. m.; Green-ville, ?. p. m. Fourth Sabbath Hillsboro,Chri iti.iii cbiireli. nt II A. M.

Visitors to PortlandShould not forget to call at TOWNE i

MOORE'S San I 'uvM'ist o (lu.o.m, wheremay tie seen photoumpha of nil the and women of re;.uaud NVashiugtonTerritory. Kkillt'iil oieratont ninny in at-

tendance, and the most minute attentionirtiul to pictures of children. No trouble toshow specimens to visitors. Street railroadspaaa the dsr every ten minutes, and this istlie nearest cull.'ry" to the nve principal ho-tels, railarfc'im; iu Crayon a Hiecialty. Cor.1st .V .ioi i n Sis.


A. S. VENEN,Watchmaker and Jeweler!

VS PERMANENTLY LOCATED INII Forest Orirve, and is prepared to doall kinds of Watch work. Jewelry repairedand mnde as LMhl as tiew. Fine Watch Re--

pnirin a speci:i!tv. ll iviin: had U years'fiimrieuee in the business, 1 am af inuiviue a written una rau tee with ell workSent out; lal.'--tf A. S. YEN EN.

Money to Tjoaii.

I will .oat) money in sums of 1000!ami upwards. Only real estate security j

sought. Time, three to five years; coin-missio- u

not toev eed 'Jig per cent.

. II. ISI'4'KKIt.jauTt:

Land for Sale!

rpHB UNDERSIGNED HAS FOR SALE1 several Farms and a tarxe amount of

first-clas- s, unimproved land, lying in Wash-ington county, Oregon.

IMMIGRANTSAnd others desiring to purchase land wouldso well to give me a call.

Now is the time to secure comfortablehomes on easy teriua.

rHOS. D. HUMPHREYS.rfiuaboro, JunalSdUi. 1883.

The Beet in tho .Mai Let.j


OI all kinds taken at the hijlu ..t insrLetprice.

Cornelius, Or Nov. l.s, J.vk;. nH Iv


Su'Cciiir to . T. Tozii-- r ,




SPECTXL anil sale of Farm Itmls amit'o'n lroprty ;

Noik. Having iirehs.'l f Mr. C. T .

Tozier his Insurance tiusiness, 1 am coil- - ;

fideut of beiiiK able to K'v satisfaction.)Hinee I represent the Jjeadini; Iiisnranoc I

f lorn names.rSPOfflce: thie door South of 1'oeUiffice.

ni:tl-t- f



Contractors and Builders1HILISRORO, OREGON

1 L A N S. SI'ECIFICATK S ANDI. Estimates furnished umu application.

Tor any class of Imildiu. ji-'-- iy


T m ' s Tinehop !

Roofing. Guttering and SpoutingSPECIAL

tsTVou can lie sure of a Square. Deal.

Opposite Brick Block.HILLSBORO, OREGON.




J. W. H ADK.INS, Aent

IN VN1 REPAIRER OF ALLDEALER of Sewing Machinea.Domestic, Household, and all makes of

Standard Sew-im- ; Maehiues kept constantlyou hand and tor sale at lowest marketprioea. auS-t-f



KnJlminer and 1erorallve1'aper Hanger.Alt work Warranted F'irst Class

Orders at the City Drntf Storeor ill lNDO-rNDKX- T tlFFua. al-t- f


--nrr i a :

j SF.fOXU ST REIT,HILLSHOUO, - - - oi:f:ox


Fresh Meats:Kept constantly on hand and sold

FOR-- OASIXJ--if Highest Market Price pnid for


Glutton Sheep.Please give ua a call.

St'HL'LMEKItK KOCH.Proprietors

flillaboro Oct. 13, 1887. olS-t-f

' Thin sdav After being out a 'i000,000 feet, all other mills 70.000.0(H) , Itime, the jury brought In afeet; total, 1,370,000.000 feet. Thw , ,o not guilty, and were i tin is one of great development...

i, witnessea

sinci! 1880, when the census jiave iue.

r ut of the coast ot 693.000.000 feet. '"idthe showing of California was nearly

twice that of Washington territory,

last Tuesday morning, about H o'clock.Mrs. Nancy Ilyao, aged about i'J years,met with an accident while riding a horseto the creek from her husband's houe,ou Three-Mil- Creek resulting in herdeath that evening. Her husband was

going t- - his work iu the field and hiwife was riding this animal to water, w henhe became frightened and ran away.

dragging her a distance of 200 yards.

The stirrup broke or her loot becume

loose, and she was picked up in an un-

conscious condition. Everything possi-

ble was dona to resuscitate her, but heremained unconscious until fi o'clock Sn

' the evening, when ahe died. She waa

the daughter of Mr. If. C. Smith, and

hud been married to hiin who now mourns

her loss only two months. Times,j Mountaineer.
