The Independence west side. (Independence, Or ... fileThe Independence west side. (Independence, Or...

T INDEPENDENCE SJCtSS&Kt i' $200,000. la la Jw.wJ al M lnt-'aM- t t In liuimmmwuto will bemad , Devoted to tbe beet Interests of IniVtpetidertee uA vMuloliy Polk County. luring the year. mtmtwam VOL. VII, $2.00 Per Year. INDEPENDENCE, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1 690. Five Cents Per Copy. NO. 45. A fOO&g BU 0004 bavamet yea and kit yoa oB without a KEW'S CF TIE COAST. KEVS OF TEE I'QD. THE WFST SIDE. a vjaan, fear ayat aaarttiaf, WIITUT, WltT, o iwurr The Ant data election ia Wyoming was novel and hot, bat tha ate of tha Australian voting sydem made tbe poll ah aaktraUMtf Mwataaavvarr .Ifaau wv tSi mag men who war pkrH K,i aneand aaaay . wwteaWiJtAaaaaitilonaa aldaa, far ana thaoattlng aiaiaary.- - CkaCataa waihwaa Mia into arrtci waa a ttnaatton MarlevA ofa feil aawaalt uadia Baayadana Am at taet with ahaaa tlvan, tor no aocaar bad ana ui aata b In aanlaga tnan aaa a wt4 wUtharwawaaarrtad.1 Aaaflagiaal laapilr la not ba n -- m ta ruona wiraarrlail. , Mtbpwad(& butnofUmoaaaa In ICariet' way who wanted to aaaka nor ail wtr. Tha moon vntaaa year crept nearer. At thia eg ItaStaa woman bagia to kaa tnalr kaaoty, and Marietta thought with bar-t-or that ah could nothopato baaa . Bha knew that whan another year oama aba oacid no longer atand at th rtreet coman withont being laughed i at- - fha awraactoa beVpngag to yooih peal of langhlar rang out apon tha air. and baattyalona, and ana baaaknri "That I dual know," replied tha aar-wa- y by whieh to earn kar bread. What laant, bat he added, amiUngi "Pwrhap ahooJd aha dof At a achool aba bad be win. Mow, howrear, ba will, with never bean, and aba wag not Maid blattona,taaalWMtf anongh with bar Band to Broonra an engagement in a factory, Then, too, ia Naplea there are not ao many amah plaoaa to ba had, and what there ware, war filled by underpaid girla. To ban water oarrier waa the only thing left, and yet In every aacond bona oonld ba found many doing tha aama thing, and tha tmatn wa almoat overrun anyway by boya. To do aa her mother did aha oouid not, for ah knew what waa right rrtil! hartelf mion her honotty. There eania aa idea to bar, From friend who bad traveled aha learned that in Switaer-lan- d there were women doctor and women telegraph operator, and tha friend, after telling ber of tavara) other poaltioua held by women, ended by Bay- ing: "They were employed at th railroad ttatiuca." i Now Marietta thought la bar little bead that if all thaae place were Ailed by women, and a no coachman came for br, why ahonlJ not aha offer hereelf a a coachwuman? It would ba n per- fectly reapecMble vocation, and bo one could ay her nay. Then, too, on would have th planre of riding all tha long duy througii, and all tha while receive pay for doing it. Then, aa Arat coach-woma- n lu .Naplea, ah would ba vary mnch more admired than aa n (treat aitt,(r, and in a abort time aha oonld give np and live apon tha Interval of tha money that aha had earned. Thia wa th ooocluaion to which Marietta came, after hour (pent in deep and earnest thought H waa not anything atraag to her. a etrtx't aingeri ao, when aba bad arranged It clearly ia bar mind, aba waa very happy. Bha took bar bank booh to t.u wife of tha hoe mender, to reck- on her intereat for bar, and aba fonnd (a fact which Marietta well reaaeaaharad) that aba hal MO Urea, that ah bad aaved from I he money gathered on tha etreet, anl r. 'Uicb w hrld In af keeping for br t.1 tit national bank. B-- JOe ber atrong, clear voice, Mart, atu a genniae Italian ability to nut . a bar mini ao ah betook barIf to a nu, lit liur who waa till young and h.; 1 Hi . 1 for horealf tome money. 8b o:, i i" r the atand with table and gttj imF if wotiia like to buy. The en. it d gladly into tha advan-ta- ti 'Ui l iu ,;iin. and tbe next morning tlun. nlto MKd that corner of the Btrada Han Ferdinando, found la the ! place of the itatoly beauty Marietta, a very (allow young pereon, around wbnee neck waa t'.r well worn green ribbon upon wbit-l- i Imng the old guitar, and who em to It a if (he ware tinging out her v ... atandlng by the weather T wng Bug aaa i iota twaa tonotrow. Ifalt ooaaaralnad to my better hidgmanl and added, in a playfully aoUoitoua manner. "And bow are they BUT "Oh, they are aU tiptop-- ell except tha oaHJBei, anar n nana anc with a aligaUy eubdaed alri "1 deal thmk he ha vr qnlh) got over "Ah," I reiotnad. abahng air bead aympathetloaUy, "eat doaaat gat over that tort of thing in a dayf but the "What oiharaT he laid bluntly. 1 baahnaad. and rejoined vaguely WertnraonMolnrar ta prm dared heavily for a faw bm replying, "Tat, I believ abara were ecene othert, but they made awosrarenoa.' I wa Juet mnrmaring, "Very likely a" whan ha tamed to BM abruptly aid, "I bop yoa doat think be obbm Btauy out of that aaanMaaT CI hand Beaaaed to relax tto rearur oomvarm,aau be waa preparing him-a- nt for aocne oanaur or (tddnaa on my panii ttblt touched by thU UttUproof of bl annaUvenea to my good opinion, and prajntd hi flnger a f rejoined warmly, "I never beard any on apeak olnerwia tun highly of hUoouducila the mat-- IB (topped and aaid abortlyi "Why, who know anything about lu thought yon and I had it all to our-- Ya. yea," I faltered, and added, In (OnaiaoentlT. "you know yon have beta away ror aome time, old fellow." A ad not aeon, to fit n very wellj but heaocepted it aa an arnment, and aaidi "There la aunt (thing in that, bnt don't lot people talk about It I know ba re-- ha ansa yon and me." There waa atanethlng ao touching in the reliance of th! unknown that a glow of ympathetlo affeetloa warmed my heart, and 1 reealved on the (pot that hia otmfllene abonld aot be ullaoad. Come what might, the teoret of tiuvt old man a life abonld never ba betrayed by Other might make it n enbject of dab rnaatp x or tea ..... table tittle tattle, but no word or mine atwuia eui one arop to tbt onp of Mttern that had placed at hi lip. There are paenegee la tha Uvea of all of w which we would wah to have buried ia oblivion the though Ilea full! of youth, the un worthy ambition of manhood, and the leal ooat a of old age. Who la there that can atand np and ay there I no Dtaod in hia life ha would not have expunged, forgotten or oonfloow We had turned into a reetaorant for a bit of dinner, and thaw thoaghBi pad through my mted a w ate our fiah. My eompenion pondered aadlr for n few tr ooda, and then, ahaking himaelf together though to throw off an natdeaaaat train of thought, aaid, more eaatly, l"0"'" yoa, wife Before 1 had time to reflect apon what might be the remit of my duoloeare I blurted out the etmnl truth, "I have no wife." He looked Inteneely arprled a he eaidi "My dear fellow I am very aorry. I never beard " He paaaad Inquiringly, and again 1 blurted out, "I never had one." A look of extreme pain rpread over hi face a h beard thi. He leaned aero the table, and laying hia hand on mine aid, with Infinite eympathyi "1 aee it all. I ought not to have Baked yoa. Forgive me, old fellow, and forget that I have ald thoa word." I gave him a clammy band and turned away leat ha abould detect tbe oonaoioua gutltiueee of my faoe. 1 bad become oon firmed in a mirpieion that bad been (dually dawning upon my mind that rhad never Bet eye upon my boat be- fore that day, and that I had been oar. riiil away by aome inexplicable chance reeernMiinae to eom remote acquaint- ance and by hia own apparent cordial recoptiitinn of myself. There were no blinking the facta, however. Everybody that he mentioned wa a total atranger to me, while every incident that I men. tioned with a view to drawing him out (etutird to find hl( mind a blank. My aole object now wa to extricate mywlf from my falee poeiUon without deUttion. 1 got abeolutely and bope-leaa- ly involved la fable and falaehood, and aft"r having thoa lightly taken away tlmyni-- J nam of the (uppotitiooa mother of my children a ort of deapalr took poa- - I . . J . .J . 1M A I 4. I expoaure or explanation at any ooat The dinner wa good, the wine excel lent, and my host geniality itaelf. Wa tat late and drank freely, and over our cup I blnah to think of th people I mar-- rlcil. the old friend I buried, and the character I took away. But ha would hav new, and what wa I to dof Much of my Information teemed to afford him matter for Mtonlthment, and often he ejaculated, "You don't tell ma boP a I oonveyed om ipeoially itartling piece of new. uowever, tne tune tor aepanore came at laat, and my mind wa torn with oon dieting dedretto escape detection and to atcertain hi identity. "You'll com and let oil" be aaid cor- dially, aa we parted. "Yea, certainly," I replied i "bat where are you putting up nowT "Oh, the aam old quarter," be re- turned. "What U the beat way to get thereT I atked, a a laat hope, "Yon cant do better than take a cab," be aaid, and we parted never to meet agdn, True Flag. The arooa Card la the Mall Be. There ia a little green card la ne by th potto (Be department that ia a terror tooarelea letter carrier. It la a terror only when they have once been caught Very aeldom, Indeed, am they oaught the aaoond time. Thi card la dropped to a letter box, and on it ia marked th time it waa put ia and alao the time it diould ba token out by the carrier. A record i.kpt by thehif of the oarrier, .nr1lf that Uttl. nard doaanot trim tin th the other mail with which 11 it du lt j, oiearir to be em that the oarrier hat not taken the mall from that pajtior kit way, and iAkr MpartiiIBMtli yt antoklr. atood baaVW tha oarrtaga. ''WBatUUMmatlatrhaaakad, breath- - bady. 8ba baa no Hoanaa." Ml hav ooa, but no oarrtaga. I will wthUoe'hactUued, To nthera load voica, Ha wag ftna looking young man, bnt pooiiy alad, and in arary way ahowinf that tha world had not gone vary wall wnaaua, "May IdotoTb oallad to Marietta, who wa nttU apon tha bos, at tha aama HaaaavaaatoonaoctitepauMarataar aotlad panar which ha took from hi pookei Marietta, from fright, under- - One of the poUc tbaa avokai "Tha atgnor ha a hoaaat and will bo naponatbi for yon." Marietl did aot yet nndentaad. "Ha want to warry maT ah abontad. At thi th erowd becam man noUy, Tha tear atood la bar eye aa peel apon earriago, for avaa bad yon a lioanaa, a woman yoa would not ba allowed to drive about Naplea. Yon nnderataad owT cald tha aargaani Tea,'' rantiad Marietta, looking tha new anver nm in tne race. Tbaaboota of tha crowd rent tha air. They cheered him lor Boca gallantry la taking charge of tha oaniaga, , wtahed ail happina to tha atgnorina. Mar'u left tha box. Thankfully aba bald i. her hand to bar preeanrer, who looked pleataatly at tha round face, framed In with tha wealth of black curia, and her dark, iparkliag ay. "My good people," aatt the aargaant, "yon mntt follow me to tha omoa, where tha number of thia oarrtaga moat be entered in your permit, before it wUl be ecrrect, Do you give thi bore and car- riage to thia licanaaT ba aaid, taming to Marietta. "Tea, th anawarad, and looked bar thank a ah lifted bar eyea to tboae of bar new friend, who, from hi tallow eomplexioa and general way, betrayed hU Neapolitan birth. "Plea t yooraalf to th carriage, aaid the aargeant to Marietta, Ha till now bad managed, and ba intended to eonttnae to do ao. Marietta did not feel to proud a aha waa wunt to do upon the Sunday drive, yet aha waa quite eon ten tod a aha entered tha carriage, Tha young man moon lad tha box. The aargeaat ehouted, "Make room," and (lowly, guarded by tlx polioameo and followed by a largo erowd, tha car- riage waa driven to the polio elation. It wa but a abort time before every- thing wa arranged tor all partta Marietta gave np ber bora ana carriage to uve young man wtta a lioanea, bat who without bona oarrtaga. 80 U fwVahTfTund ber ideal in reality. After a few week they concluded to marry, and ia a abort tune the boa band waa able to keep bora, and then their prorperity waa aaanred. They were very happy to- gether, although aba waa aome Tear hi aauior, and ha could never lefuae her anything. On Sunday afternoon ah took bar neual rid with the married mani but the tltfforenoe waa that tha driver ba-- ' kmgwl (oWy to bar, and wa proud to bav ber for the occupant of hia oarrtaga. Tnuulated from the Oertuan bv A. af. NewTork Udger. A VERY OLD FRIEND. I had Juki come out of the pnatofflce, when I ranalit iht of a face that aee tried familiar to me it waa that of a man of aboni my own e, with limnd feat, area and .vhat iitleniutieil figure, Ai I Vh trrtiiif to rvcail when and where I hii'l ''fii hi.ii before, our utft, and I in nately twri'uive.l that our reoog-nlii-.- i ia) l' I'Htttial; fur hetanieUv rt me v.ib fr,tik eprlon of pl. M.;,reau t iii'l-- l out hia hand, aaylng, 'li.'iio, ul I Mlnw, who'll have thought of (iwiiif J"" iioicf" tloti'l tiiKni why be mid thi. i'li I nf i nrrne I don't to ilefi'iid U. but It I a (tyle of adilmi ('!' ih) by au;:! men who are a'ly If they moot you in a nwtuurunt aa If they had run aiTiwe yon in the mine of HilM-rt- I felt a little bit annoyed at hi want of I originality; however I atnlli'il pleaaant- - ly ami mil l .h I ahiKia hntnK Well, if you come to that, who'd have thought of auelng you hereT" W (tooil oppoalui each other for a few 1 aeoonilai 1 eiimierinir aomewhat emptily ' at tbe nitturit of imr greeting and trng- - gliiiK to rw nll hi name: and he with hi i head alirihUy on one tide an'l an ex preHHionof courteottidy (upprraaedaiuuae. ; meut on hit faoe, aa If my pretence on the atep of the potofflc waa one of thoa inexplicable freak of chance for which it ia horjcleaa to seek to aesiirn anv reaaonable law. 1 gave him a few eecontl to digeat hia atonihmnt, and then, feeling that the dlenc waa be- coming a Utile ambarraailng, I aaid "Wall, what have yoa been doing all tola timef "Well," h replied. "I've been in Auitralie, yoa know." "Oh, hr 1 ejaaalated, aa If it had for a moment dipped my mmoryi 'why, you went there" and I heai-tate- a though calculating tha exact day of hi departure. "Three yean ago.' h put In shortly, "and quite long enough, too." 1 ran over in my mind my acquaintance of three year ago, but oonld recall no traoe of a recollection of my new oom-panio- ao, to gain time and to gather freak Information, 1 atked, "And what ort of a tim have yon hedr "Oh, much about th tarn aa before," he anawered, with a dtghtly pnaalad air. 1 eendtdly admit that th aenaibl thing for ni to have done woold hnvi ' to own up and admit, that 1 bad fprgotteo mr mono;' pareonauty. un- - fortonatoly.lamoMof thoM palnfolly OOnttltdnd people Who ahrink With nerV. on borfor Worn anything hv the iatnr ; of an explanation, addition, I felt that, J .had gone too far to oryeftwith- - ZTmiZiTZ mklTLA on wong en an our proential meetlr that tny Up wemaealed and I felt pout firmed in the idea that If lathing Ude lltl Jongex, h, name wpnl4 r He M Hppe4 W anti through mine t we wtikM, op vowa, wtta an ey rate of good, folfowahip, and aaid i "Of Zi&i&XlSfcZ MJMiji for an Inrtont be, tween my dedre to Uve mom of my pnioByB.ontodfn. onder falee prttenoeti "you know they'U bo awfully arW- - ' twj,aa4 w OvwMrea fat Infvi TWeMMtl Itflll AMI HI Or Mm twsatax iilin.lsg 0 IwjA mmI bbsA, , IIIMkWWAW atBVOl TeaeniiMll Ml iMH" lSBBta ' AMUMw aa- - taaparaVaar T amr MUM MtK ". eeest, , 0 tweatr" iMMnakiaMfarM, Aa Ba Mas bomb Boaty Mtroaest toaj reartiatj Baiter aw l all ,iMNnaUTMiHM4 "; Aa ttoeSatBt) naBtB 4 aBBtter Aa MW SB taoie atoftBtl ', ; teaBOIe. , at, . . lMesSB-eiot,0- ll Wtattf MeearlH WImI Viae rata mm Tea are alt dleaad M Ml U MMtproat MM T knw iMMA miiiBna, Ahrajra aarrr tad kaay, DaarlwiiaawawM MMlkaafa; MM 1 Una Mi mom H worda 4 Waloa aloaya la ! m ahadna to awlaftt yoa w iiaal MVOawMHf Hr Tori World M ARIETTA'S IDEAL Mwietta IV U tow af ihr Hnr of ow ho w l htrmt i f Naplea, at whl'i U lfl-- i t ,n I ffiHU Uantaut Pi4urH full Hie liJ but auall, nmxb tal'lo mr by, ati l ette 1 Ikj-- hI b r wpftat. iyrt'" Um whilf t lir-- r mxfnn t'iimwl h'ar rBt;r- - jirit'rt.r iit. Iif tb aliraily uientltmivl r..ti ;h anil mMf raJnixA titblc, colurwl tDtr itl atoad pnn II an I In wlilch th IMiwra b now aud tut u t:ri'Pl a ootn, tqit tear (ptitar fir br pmfoaaloB aha wit a atrM aiivr Kwry Hiorrtltijt fiMiotl Mitrii'lU at her Ktaadl Kb pUrwt th-- 1 impty aantfr npnn tbf Inblo. anj tall : the (pillar muix from 7 nntil o'clock wrrl aonx. frvto I o'ckx'k nntil t ann from the bant known nfwraa Thon from non tvtil wwiltisr nt1naJ torn nuvm. Du tag tk rfniu; hr aanit a mlMfllasanna aotlaetkm of character winra A aooa at ft grrm dur a :iii'U l. p with a r4 ahadrwa II , ti l an 1 1 J i i ibo tablo near lni M0t r A i:ir cluck track tb hour of 1 Manotta blew out bat tight, draw tha atrapof brr iTtltar orar kar ahonldar. emptied tha aaoear of ita ooatanta into bar pocket, and banking tha lamp on a bracket fati-oe- in tha wall abort br atand raiaml tha table to tha lop of her bead and wiUVd off, Hop aighta wore apent In the hail i f a bonne which waa reiriilarly cluaed at 13 o'clock, la thia hall a aaoa mender kept Lua work- - lag bench, and It waa opon thia bench that If arietta niade her beL Uarietta waa ooa of a family Ber motUer made trftm; by aeUing pr't hMtdker- - nhiefa. opera glaaaaa. ct.'rara, apertarlea and any other tuch thlnira which her lljrht ftngered bora picked from the pocketa of amuigera and reeldenta alike Mma Polll nnileniUin.1 t;. buidnem well, and knew bow to ? 1 1 at work. But aome dajra trade not food and then they had to fm I iintrv. Once a weak they all mot at tlie irr.wd promenado' fround. Then AlaneUa ave each boy an oranfra and aome cbeatnnta. and to tha mothar aoma money. Boon ha woold leave them and diaappnar among the crowd. The boy paaaed tlieir aigbta in boiea, onder baaketa, or on the hi pa In the harbor. At noon they nl way joined tboir mother in one of th mararoni kitchen, wbr t'w Urered their ware anJ fi-- J t'i upon myaroni cookml in oil, aiv-- i plea andiried Bah, all of whlcUli i cored for fifty centexiiul. an !. tf t . bad been bruk. v- - t,; . iftyoratTentyoenteelnd rTi.n t parting each for b' pi.-- .f Uo urea tnu bunny ir t oui, It wa right or wrong, u is i, i of their talent "' " Uarietta wan the m-- u a them ail. for ahe dn-.--l ve i f :i nigbta regnl.irly nprni li . aewaarnad qiilteiteti u u brother reckorl b tmwt if mnch a three lire a luv. ilnrin.r . i earta of tha year, and they of ti-- wr.i dered whither it could be that alie carried the money and what became of It Tht waa a qnoation which puzilwl Ikii .i mother and brother, bnt only In titut' of great need were call made opon Uarietu' bounty, and then (be gave tparingly. bnt yet enough. Marietta beanty wa well Known, From her father, who by birth wa a Roman, aha inherited here wonderfully Ana figure, ber clear, broad forehead, and bar beautiful aye. From bar Sici- lian mother, bar handaorae note, th I. firm month, and tha wealth of black, curly hair, which blew about ber whan aha threw back ber head in tha act of atnging. and tha melancholy look which cam into her aye a aha aang, but which changed Into amil tf by chance aoma peaew-b- y favored her with a hit of money. With men in general aba had little to ay, rat. a h paated along ia her ring-lug- , her neighbor upon th corner (who tat all day behind a baaket of dried pumpkin eed, aero th top of which waa arranged board, upon which war diiplayad th leedi) would (top a mo- ment now and then to talk, Th prr feaaion of (treat linger bad, area among bar olaaa, a certain aocial (tending, and ah waa thought to be a good girl and had th reaped of all, many araalthy family helping her by gift of clothe. Bran tha old ''Principal Dorandi," a he paaaad ber (tend each morning opon hi way to tha Palauo need to apeak to her, and bt left her at hi death tea hundred UMAritU demanded great deal of t, and ttrangm who dared to amil opon bar meired only cold look and aoonful frown. Even the newt flatter-la- g temarka apon bwbaautr war with-o- avail, A auito from th "Hotel da Home," with hi gold braided ooat, waa Thia aomewhat ay Mark ldtoTfltaTgreat wtah, and that LL2nJa, heart and mind of . Neaditantof her danding, wat that of being a proprietor of a one bone coach, "wr-drl-T, thrtma-- h th entire both rich and poor alike Stnae. Marietta not only dreamed nTSmen. who might own one. but iunday afterxuxmi, when itTtLltl fiukl tme end of theoity to tberiaapac r etwee, w ing machinery friction lese. The Repub- licans carried tbe election, The Glronde council general bat tent resolution to the French government demanding the repeal of the law prohib- iting tbe importation of American pork. Th London Chronicl correspondent at Vienna tayt that It la rumored that Italy, Austria and Germany have dgned a convention renewing the triple alliance for five years. R, Krapp, son of the German gun-mak- er Is at Ottawa, Ont., testing the am produced by tbe Sudbury nickel and oopper mine. He is in search nickel to be used la the manufactore of a new gun metal, which ia expected to turpatt ecy-thln- g now ia nee. , The population of Maine Is M0,M1. Levy Mayer, the Chicago lawyer, who I ideatifiad with the big English synd- icate, tayt that out of 2M American enterprises only five have fonnd backers In London. 'Davis Dal ton, th swimmer, swam twenty miles ia th Thames on bet of m. v Mrs. Adam Wachter of Whitehall, Pb., has aot tasted solid food for lai ' days or liquid food for 15) days. She is -- suffer! ax from ennoer and haa not swal lowed aaythiag since Good Friday. She allay her intens thirst by placing her hand is a basin of water and letting the ( absorb moiature. She has not spoken for weeks. She is able to walk around. Pettit, the lawn tennis champion, bat resigned the title. He has not time to keep In condition to defend tbe title. The teal catch of the rear renorted to be 43.000 ileitis is grossly exaggerated. A eeld wave baa struck South Dakota. Th Rio Grand river ia higher than it has bera for ten yean. A tealxkin dying trust it being fcnnl in th United State. Mitt Zo Tnttle, the actrett, wat ir..:r ried toa Caliatrnia wine merchant ' Chicago. Sir William Hardman, editor oftb- - Loudon Post, l dead. Mrs. Horn, the aged mother of . Horn, who committed inicide in T ken, attempted to snioide in the - room in which ber daughter hnny . elf. Bhe was discovered by ber son time to tave her live. Frederick Ho. who .hot himself when be discovert1 the dead body of hi daughter, it it. : alive. The anxiety expressed by European journals on account of American diver kgltlatlon ia constantly becoming more marked. Aa Athville, , N. C, dispatch (ay: Reports received here from Bee Creek, a tributary to the Snawnee river, date that for the third time duo the Charles- ton earthquake smoke has for some dap been regularly emitted in oondderable velum from seven mountain peaks of s tbe Bin Ridge chain. The peak have been designated the smoking mountains. Cincinnati dispatch: During nouarrul Ben Chase, colored, fatallr (tabbed hi mistreat, Ida Fai-re- colored. He then plunged the knife into his own breast and leaped from a third dory window and was Instantly ktTled, Newspaper readers will recall the pub lication three years ago of the detente: t that Thomas Bean died in Texas kv iu.-a- estate worth $10,000, the only h :r being distant relatives thought to be liv- ing in Washington- - After three yuar of diligent aearching the heirs have been found in Washington and Virginia, Be- half of the estate of 800,000 acres of tlie finest cotton lands in Texas will be ui- - Tided among twenty-on- e prominent Wathlngtoniana, the other half to go to the Virginia branch of the family. . Steve Champ and George Boalter, col ored, were convicted of rapeatAmoy, Mils, On the way to the jail a mob took them from the sheriff and swung them from the limb of a tree. New York dispatoh: Carrie Long was shot and mortally wounded by her tnp posed husband, one Rosenthal, who the shot and kiRed himself. Jealousy. Two freshmen at Lafayette colege . t Easton, Pa. , learned that the eophoutor- - were going to base them. They warn-- the sophs to keep away and armed then selves with baseball bats. When th i door was buret In by ths sophomores t!c two freshmen struck out with the hnt. Joan Antonio Medina, a Spaniard fromi Honduras, was struck a terrible blow."' the forehead and hia skull fracture , t Andrew Dickson Whit. J of Cornell nnivertity of New YorkV Mist Helen Magill, daughter of Dr. j win Magill, of Swarthv, college, were married at Philadek. recently.' . ' ' Piatt says that he hast . decided whether or not to accept the ap , pointment as one of the commiKioner- - to select a site for a dry dock onPugei sound. William Stewart and a man named Reeves were dealing a ride on a Fort Wayne, O., freight car, Four tramps assaulted and robbed them, And thoa threw them from the train. Stewart was fatally injured and Reeves cannot be fonnd. Tlie tramps escaped. The Portuguese desire a union with Spain to resist the British tutelage over Portugal, An outbreak among the Nes Perce In diana in Idaho is imminent. Auguste Sauret, - the once popular pianist, died in a New York insane asy- lum in abject poverty, h He leaves a wife and four children. Dr. George B. Chiaelin, the famous - traveler and diplomat of the Confeder acy ia dead. When Mason and Slidell were dispatched to Great Britain Chjae-li- n was sent after them by way Can- ada, at an emergency man. He, was the only ambassador to roach the English shores, and waa also the first one of the Confederacy to warn Jeff Davis that bis oontest was a hopeless one. Returning to the United States he was one of the flrit to develop its mining retouroa. Ha died in New York. Helmaa Business College Of Portland, Orefnn will open RppU 1st, J A. Wem, the lend ln penmunof the const, hue become a partner In thia wliool and will make It the loaillug tiimlneHH College, Mvud S r Catalogue., FIT e--a m b--w liny your tloketi Eaat r UMUU: K, C J'.ntlaml. Luwe- -I ratal and mom fwvore (ranted. Call at Ute Wait side otttoa. MRS. A. M, HURLEY, . Kext to Independence National Bank, IHDIPXNOINOB, Orxooji. Native Sons of Oregon to Organ ize- .- A Staije Robed iu Lake Co. i rue Fighting Stojipcfl In Cal. Largeet Qmln Wamhouee In the World to ba Created at Steak' tea, California. ' Lola Davit, a girl of Baa Iranciaoe, went to tbe park Admlttioa nay and bat aot been aeon dnc. Adolph Jordan, Ban Franclaco ta-- loonkeeper, and hi wife wanted to die. Jordan cut an trtery in hit wife'i wrttt and then cut both of hia wriata. Th woman I dead, bat Jordaa will recover. D. B. McLeod deeeted Tom Mclnerny, the Iriah champion la a wraatling match for law at Baa rranctaoo. Tbe N. B. O. W, will arrange a .pedal libit for tbe world't A movement It on foot toorganlu th native am of Oregon. Th Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire men held their grand eonadl at Baa Itandaco laat week. A bill ba been patted authoridng the oonatructloa of a tw.OOO public building a AiauieuA, uu. Qen. N. P. Cbipmaa of Red Bind hat elected chairman and Thorn i Haynee tertetary of the California World! Fair aaooeiatlim. Joerph R, Rncker, a pioneer mercliant of Banta Clara eounty, la dead. George Froinhart, a rancher, living at Coal Mine Ridge. Cel. waa (hot in the bead by an unknown man and hit bout robbed of S. Fromhart it very badly wounded. During the month of Augutt 881 oar loatl of fruit were thlpped from Vaca- - ville. Billy Meyer of Cltlcago knockeil out Red Gorman In five round atatlen-borg- , Wath. The etage between Dlitaen aud Dia mond Lake county, Or., waa held up and robbed by a maaked man Sept. 4. Mitt Florence Rnaaal, aged 17, eloped with Jet Arthur, a prominent attorney of Spokane Fall. Arthur ia the age of father, Tbe an air ba ereateaa aantatlon. Both moved In the Brat Bo oty. Mia Loutta Bonyne, yotmgeat daugh- - tor of Mr. Bonyne, late of Oakland, Cel., thrown from her bone while out riding In London and severely injured. It 1 reporttd that Gen. John & Clark. eon hat, or it ahem t to teem ret he Taooma Ledger. - ' George F. Qiitnn.a O.A.R.veteran,wa fonnd dead in bed by hi wife. , lie had connected with the navy yard at Vallejo for nitay yearn. William Banna, a farmer of Liver- - Bare, Cel., thot and motaay wounded Wiliain Lndxn, a laborer. The men had a diapute about a few dollar tn tattle-me- at for labor, Edna, the H moutha-ol- daughter of Walter Sheldon of Spokane Fall, d a terrible death by etttiug fir to her clothing. A Carton, Nev dbrpatoh aayn Gov ernor C C. Btevenaon, who ha been d to hit bed for tbe but three week, 1 in a precarioui condition and there li little hope of hit recovery. Fire deetroyed th houae, it content and 1,000 tacka of wheat at Warner Broa.' mnch, near Modeeto. Martha Kelly of Nevada City hat been arretted, charged with being an aoceatory to the brutal murder of Agua- - tino Pikxia at root Bet a year ago. Sperry Broa. will erect thlarget grain warehouse In th world at Stock ton. It will cover an area of thirty acre on tbe water front and have ca- pacity of 100,000 ton. Th reapportionment bill pitted by peoial temion of the Washington legia latum ha become a law. The date 1 mdlttricted into thirty-fou- r tenatorial and Mventy-elgh- t repreeentatlve dis- trict. Wiley Holliday ia held In 11,500 bail at Tnoton, A. T., on a charge of bigamy. He ia a Mormon and waa an important ; witneat in the Paytnaeter Wham robbery cat laat year. Th Methodiit confemnce at Pacific Grove petitioned eongree to furalth mom chaplain and chapelt for the army, A man named Canterbury of Redlanda iwa drowned while bathing at Long iBeacb. Work on the capital dew at Sacra- - mentohai been inapended, a the ap propriation ii exuanited. , Gram Valley will vote on the quattioa of iaaulng 20,000 of 8 par cent bona Ito baud a new achool hoot, on Oct A The comet medal of the Aitronomical Society of the Paciflo hat been awarded ,to W. F. Deinming, F, R. A, & of Brie- - tol. Eng. Tha California Atmetlo club waa raided and a price fight (topped by the police laat Friday. The principal were arretted. . John Muff diot and mortally wounded 'Alexander Langdon in a quarrel at Park City, U. T. John Collim hat been nominated for mayor of Seattle by the Democrat. Redondo beach haa been pnrchaied by tbe Southern Paciflo. "Old Marr Howard of Pomona, "who tlept In theda in Los Angelea, wat found in a ahed in the laat atage of ttarvatlon and taken to the itation home, where he died. Sheriff Heuly of San Rafael ii after Anton Lujan, the murderer. Lujaa 1 guilty of two murder. Bhrtff Endirt of Del Norte eounty, Cal., and Sheriff Birdaeye of Jackson ville, Or,, arreated two hone thievea Who were wanted at Del Norte, They were riding atolea horses when captured. Alex Davit waa killed by a giant pow dtr explosion at the Elgin quicksilver mine near Colusa, ' ' Samuel Mart, a negro murderer, hat been sentenced to imprltonment for life. He killed hia mistreat at Fresno, Philip Reynolda waa knocked. 4qwq and robbed in Spokane FttUl by Charle Gilmore. Giltnore bit htm on the head with a " billy " and knocked him senteleat, Samuel May field wai in the woods near lugene, Or,, and wa ttruok in th arm 1th a bullet, Two boy were hunting n the vicinity and it ia (apposed that it through their carelessness that th iwounded I lie American tw Hissea in Canada.-L- :x President Cleve- land to Move to Boston, Seal Skins to be Dyed In the Ualtntf Btatee. Lnlslatlsn Cauaaa Anxiety la Cure. Them am aeriooa . floodi la Penntyl Tenia and Ohio. Th evidence la all la la the Ream in-- vestigation. The iwpalatiott of Nevada la 44,337 against il,llel In 1H80. Twenty minora were buried by an ex- - ploalon at Loader burg, Germany. Judge Thompson of Ohio think that th Bearing tea queanloa ihould ba ap- pealed to the United Stat aapmma ooort In order to get an opinion of the ooort oa tbe subject. D. M. Avory, the detect! yi of th Lake Boom railroad at Chicago, wit (tabbed killed by Lou it Dvckiaaa, a dronkea Dytoman waa arreated. Charlea Smith eV Oo. of Chicago have aligned. Smith waa heavy wheat (peculator. , , Beriooa leaka warn canted In the United States thlp Enterprit by the firing of aalutat. A RbaQlon ban broken out ia tbe enn-- ton of Tiolao, Swlaaorland, A reaolution baa ham iatrodaaad ia eoagTati to tomttamto tha eVana of Gen. Barrandia. Pattor Arnev of Bemnao. Mloh. who Bb. " ' rreaentiy Bianagetl a ho race, haa pront awd the Metbodiat conference never to engage in horaa radng again. Rich find of stiver and oopper have been discovered on' the aerfh ahore of Superior, Tbe London Daily Herald baa tua- - pended. The New York Central strike la over, Rev. J. A. Atwood of Providenos. R. L, waa Jilted on the eve of hi Bwriage to Mist ttrt Davii. a millionaire dAagh- - tor. . H . . waa . poor r and her friend on- - posed the match. The latett ventnm In Londor Joarnnl- - ktm l The Labor World, will be edited by Michael Davitt ? il be tbe organ of the tnaaaeav'? Eyraud, the French feast hi memoir. a. A Prinoe George affronted ttoach- - Canadiaua in Mbfttreal by atUnaf the mayor to read an ndareat in FigUihwte- - lom reading tt French. , rour ituMian mcera, imnuding n major general, have been exiled to Si- beria for dealing from the government Soldiers charged the ttiiktng dock la borer with bayonet to clear theitreet In Southampton. Chauoeey M. Depew laid in t speech at New York on ale return from Europe, ut Jtmet u. xuataa and WUliam Mo-- Klnley were the beat kaowa Ameriaana abroad, aot even excepting Qen, Grant, A money paaio ia imminent Mia Nettie Onrpenter, the American violinist, hat gained notoriety ia London by jilting Mr. Thrnthfield, whom ahe Waa engaged to. Tbe tarriff nlU haa been Basted. It go into effect Oct 1. Six kegt of giant powder exploded at Bhohola Glen, Penn., with meat terrible reatilt. Three men weminatantly killed and a number aeriooaly injured. Maine went Republican by 18,000. Work will begin at oaee oa Dr. Tal- - mage'e new Talurnadle tn Brooklyn. It Utobe completed in dx month and will coat tK,000. Obarlea Morria and Charlea Harris, the alleged San Pranciaoo gold maker, who were arrested in New York for try- ing to twindle a California man, have been dischaiged for want of evidence. The CaniHteo valley in New York date I flooded. Railroad art wathed ont and eurioua damge it feared. , Buccl, the Italian fader, it In New York. He hat I sited thirty, thirty-fiv- e and forty day at different timet. Otam Utile McDooait la la New York d attondt to stody lajr there. the American lag wra taken down aM hiatal and oheaa by order of n of the (laaadian militia at the ef the1amta.(hit,flr. A ranilo Mall stoaaiir left New York WmUj With ljeN,lt cartridge and atekrllBsavatjw. A AUa.;wr JohastoBe, tha mind tmtm, Cetnplh4 0 Chicago the feat riteeet IWsUop hit lite. He drove l.eaflatl over a toreatsa ooaraa and aatMaaaia oa a hstol regiiter and fjaatonfivoMmileof tswdftatare. Hs laWely recovered. A report cornea freea Beaten to th ef-t-m that Cleveland will don New York at hit place of bnei- - and residence and remove to tbe Bob. Mist Liztle Bennett of Keyport, N. J., eloped with and married her father' hired man on the morning of the day of her wedding to Fred Monroe. Henry C. Wilton of Kanaai City had planned an extendve badness to kidnap the children of wealthy parenti and hold them for ransom. He was betrayed by hia confederate, a coachman of a wealthy widow, whose child wai to be the tint victim, and waa arretted, Congress will eoon adjourn, Three men entered the Second National bank of Bay City, Mich., and while two engaged the teller and bookkeeper in conversation the third stole 15,400 In bills., The robbers esorped. , Rkhard Croker, the Tammany chief tain, haa returned ta New York from his European trip. , A New York dispatoh taya: Judge Latrobeof the United States circuit court has refuted to grant a writ of habeas corpus to Sbibgula Juglaa, n Jap- anese murderer now under tentenoe of death by electricity, , . The Sydney legislative assembly haa adopted Sir Henry Parke'a acheine for Australian confederation, According to advioes received of the shooting of Gen. Barrundia, Capt Pitt of the Aoapuloo haa made a declaration which the Guatemalans claim com- pletely justifies their action. The cap- tain aaid that Barrandia fired on the offloexa first Mixner, the American min- ister, the authorities say, wai consulted an an act of courtesy only. -- .,.l,lf. PAVatUI IK tUVANC. On Year ... . . $.aa Sit Mofh I " Three Motth - ; jo When not paid iu advaace i.ja TO ADVERTISERS. MffewllMto4 at the aa4 of . MliMnwtiKHKmrkaMn' I M MIMVW I iwr-- iMm a -- J aatai ft Mat?, wfcMh kiMil Mmv ud tktoUy poeaMM BUM TV..wWt'T lrtatia etreateHea tt ' net it i m I HtM. It l Be MM M UM I I AdrtrU.j MaMaa. JOB PRINTING! 1: st and Best ' Styles, .net van ".v.M- UVISG r RATES. LCK A BUTLB. U S. F.xnraining Sarfeooi. ' Ml tU lUia it. .M'CI'KM'AftCI,' K. I K.ETCHUM, Physician and Surgeon. WDIft.SDE.NCl, 0KI001L DR. J. K. LOCKE, Physician and Surgeon. j Bmh VUU, Ortfoa. J. B. DAVIDSON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. ladcpcadenc, Ongoa. DR. J. B. JOHNSON, Resident Dentist, - All work uwal4 H Om bM of 3atibctioa, taDVSjiDwrc Omiooa. SAHNUOJL1V V W. U WILKIN, Atlomr ud Couawlor at Law. All Lfftal Rwibw a trailed U m will fwclvc Prompt AtUntloo. COLLECTIONS A SPECIAL IV. OSIM in Opvt Ioum. lodcpaodmoa, Or tfjvi; A M. HURLEY, v v;; Attorney and Counselor at Law. Ofle 3r. MU ud Moaaoata Ma, OlDSPCf DtKCB, OKMOM him Wq Female Pills, Fur rm! Irpnlr ftlM;tMHrilnyl.lha on tii market. Htnr I ail aiKMMiulli Md lar triualrt'Hl lailw nonlbir, U mraniMMl to rellcra i awd mnuuuailon, (WIIMrCICUTami Don't bo hnmbnnnd. ga Tlrna. HmIib. and aooaj ilaka ao eta- - r, " Aral to anr addrm. Moura br awl I on Mlpt of prio. izoo. AddroM, TKt IPMRfl BEOtCIRE C0BPANT. HatanBaacA, nV.towtiM. on- - Fur ! U Uuur iK k,. laTlTlQ VEGETABLE PANACEA MCPARCD FROM ROOTS 0i HERDS; FONTHC CO"C OF - AK3 ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISIM fHOM A DISORDER SWEraSTCMACH INACTIVE LlVCn. drucsists ft LaiEsa The Celebrated FrsDcb Gore, wSrc4r "APHRODITINE." XI U BOLD or) i POITIV. OUARANTII to ear any (onoofutrraaa dlMaM, or ar dlMnlr of tha fouaratlra or-(- of cltlir MX Whether r-- ciaac lain fmM thai AFTER axcewiraaMof Htlranlantm, Tobioto of Of Ira, or through yoathlal ladlinretloOr ovr inlnw-oee- , Ac, inch M Imi of Brain Power, Wti'M- - aw, seannr down rami in tha , rwii WeatoCM, llyiteiia.NeryoaePrnttrallnn Biw ,ai lalHloha, Leanorrhraa, DlMlaoa. Wat Hny aty, lu of Power aol Impotu7, hlnli it li- - tiectea oiten lead to prematureold i fty. Price 11.00 a lxix,fcoiie, for M.00 Mail on reretTtt of nrlpe A wniTTKNUlARAWTEIt torereT"i order, to refand the nnnw ir a Parmanen tare ) aot effected, fhimaaode of tarilMoniel. irom owaimjroiiiii, ol botli eexee, pr SUiad by IrHBODITiai. C'rrnlar Irm THE APHRO MEDICINE warriRt (bahch, B0XB, V0RTUN9, Oil (am I, ilj-;- ., A Lvc , BtB'tv M:i -- tiI to the widow nf kMv . , : trtiii'iednwr. Wte c! .". idrlvea bif-tt- t'i w,t i hi i i lii piwanu ' "rt 'ii;i a v a carrlff-rw- pulutfl bi'i f i r.l,n new rug. and . r.iii',ir tne d'ivr ,i l til pieajMiiifi of ti t'.ir w'tlt'h flii' lijl . ,i i wtta -' lire. A'nt l,i " Vt M 'i'.'t. M .I'lH tv- -: v : i, wumitie 'i n.nui v iV 1 1 r ' f,v In N.'plia, Hting '. 'v'i who, for hiT riil ;. i Id drive He looked . n fnn th it brought In oi i.' Wiia ivilliiia to aid her, bV Mitrlctw n'liU'llit-and-twut- y time the four hi -- i' route, and after that rip. b thought herself well tantrht , 'i One duy ahe preeentod herrlf at tha plnci- - where crriage are uanally hired in Nupl'-- a It waa atrantfs to her, and a trifle awkwiirl. too, when (he placed the laciueri4 lint upon her curly hair and held hi-- r wliip in ln'r hand. The itreeta were itram(. too, with the many pnaaer by. aa ahe atood or ant waiting for aome one to drive. Hardly hurt die been ten minute at her pluce before people began to atop aud look. Moon a barge crowd collected abont her Tbe polio eoon followed : There were two (ergant with tli 'lr large hat, two officer with their gray mantle, but withont num- ber!, two ordinary affluent with their black coat and number, and eeveral other whom? buainea It waa to keep th peace. They laid hand upon horn and carriage at th tarn time and de- manded her llcen paper. Marietta had none , Uhe had not known th need. "Your carriaoe ba a number, bnt your lantern have been cleaned m they ihould be and you have neglected to replace the number upon them. What have yoa to yf Explain younelfl" "Too have no Uoeaaef remarked one of them. "No," anawered Marietta. "Follow oa, then, to the central office, to th chief of pelic." He tamed and looked at one of the officer. Marietta wa very pal and ahook ao that the hone became nneaiy and pricked np hii ear. "Com down and band over to th bona and oarrlag," aaid tha oflloer, Poor Marietta began to cry, at which tbe gathering crowd laughed load and long. During th convertatlou bo many had gathered .that not a few were the re-- ' " - ne,71TW' t thlngt being don by women, bat awor, before of a bone and carriage for hlrbayawoinaatoBdrivar. Borne (hontedi "Marietta, we anger, tamea eoecq- - WJ" among tbom4 Were tbOto Wb teJ&JttTWJ Z"?. rSL'T.Zritr K kSw nhntlh. dTfrom faar w. fhe Zr LtAToatd take and ,r. - I war box. The object, of Wire, to teet the relibWty of the carrlera, Where there I any complaint oq the part of dttaena about the tardlnei of local mailt, then a little green card ii dropped la one or more boxea in the diatriot from which th oomplaint oomea. Sometime it how oareleeraeai on the part of th oarrier and tometimtt it doea not It la, however, not niotntry th J there ihould be oomplalnti, for frequently th oardj are put in the boxea of the root, eflMent men. Of oonrie thware happy when they dlaoqvar tm tlql vbem bog Ja minted in wb4oh there ii a peen card, thea the oarrier ti bound to get Into i and very atrloui troabl at that S . 1 y - sets X

Transcript of The Independence west side. (Independence, Or ... fileThe Independence west side. (Independence, Or...

Page 1: The Independence west side. (Independence, Or ... fileThe Independence west side. (Independence, Or ...


i' $200,000. la laJw.wJ alM lnt-'aM- t

t In liuimmmwuto will bemad , Devoted to tbe beet Interests of

IniVtpetidertee uA vMuloliy Polk County.

luring the year. mtmtwam

VOL. VII, $2.00 Per Year. INDEPENDENCE, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1 690. Five Cents Per Copy. NO. 45.

A fOO&g BU 0004 bavamet yea and kit yoa oB without a KEW'S CF TIE COAST. KEVS OF TEE I'QD.THE WFST SIDE. a vjaan, fear ayat aaarttiaf,WIITUT, WltT, o iwurrThe Ant data election ia Wyoming

was novel and hot, bat tha ate of thaAustralian voting sydem made tbe poll

ah aaktraUMtf Mwataaavvarr.Ifaau wv tSi mag men who

war pkrH K,i aneand aaaay. wwteaWiJtAaaaaitilonaa

aldaa, far ana thaoattlngaiaiaary.- - CkaCataa waihwaa Miainto arrtci waa a ttnaattonMarlevA ofa feil aawaalt uadiaBaayadana Am at taet with ahaaa

tlvan, tor no aocaar bad ana

ui aata b In aanlaga tnan aaaa wt4 wUtharwawaaarrtad.1Aaaflagiaal laapilr la not ban --m ta ruona wiraarrlail.

, Mtbpwad(& butnofUmoaaaaIn ICariet' way who wanted to aaakanor ail wtr. Tha moon vntaaa

year crept nearer. At thiaeg ItaStaa woman bagia to kaa tnalrkaaoty, and Marietta thought with bar-t-or

that ah could nothopato baaa. Bha knew that whan another

year oama aba oacid no longer atand atth rtreet coman withont being laughed


at-- fha awraactoa beVpngag to yooih peal of langhlar rang out apon tha air.and baattyalona, and ana baaaknri "That I dual know," replied tha aar-wa- y

by whieh to earn kar bread. What laant, bat he added, amiUngi "PwrhapahooJd aha dof At a achool aba bad be win. Mow, howrear, ba will, withnever bean, and aba wag not Maid blattona,taaalWMtfanongh with bar Band to Broonra anengagement in a factory, Then, too, iaNaplea there are not ao many amah plaoaato ba had, and what there ware, warfilled by underpaid girla. To ban wateroarrier waa the only thing left, and yetIn every aacond bona oonld ba foundmany doing tha aama thing, and thatmatn wa almoat overrun anyway byboya. To do aa her mother did aha oouidnot, for ah knew what waa rightrrtil! hartelf mion her honotty. Thereeania aa idea to bar, From friend whobad traveled aha learned that in Switaer-lan- d

there were women doctor andwomen telegraph operator, and thafriend, after telling ber of tavara) otherpoaltioua held by women, ended by Bay-

ing:"They were employed at th railroad

ttatiuca."i Now Marietta thought la bar littlebead that if all thaae place were Ailedby women, and a no coachman camefor br, why ahonlJ not aha offer hereelfa a coachwuman? It would ba n per-

fectly reapecMble vocation, and bo onecould ay her nay. Then, too, on wouldhave th planre of riding all tha longduy througii, and all tha while receivepay for doing it. Then, aa Arat coach-woma- n

lu .Naplea, ah would ba varymnch more admired than aa n (treataitt,(r, and in a abort time aha oonldgive np and live apon tha Interval of thamoney that aha had earned. Thia wath ooocluaion to which Marietta came,after hour (pent in deep and earnestthought H waa not anything atraagto her. a etrtx't aingeri ao, when aba badarranged It clearly ia bar mind, aba waavery happy. Bha took bar bank boohto t.u wife of tha hoe mender, to reck-on her intereat for bar, and aba fonnd(a fact which Marietta well reaaeaaharad)that aba hal MO Urea, that ah bad aavedfrom I he money gathered on tha etreet,anl r.'Uicb w hrld In af keeping forbr t.1 tit national bank.

B-- JOe ber atrong, clear voice, Mart,atu a genniae Italian ability tonut . a bar mini ao ah betook barIf toa nu, lit liur who waa till young andh.; 1 Hi . 1 for horealf tome money. 8bo:, i i" r the atand with table andgttj imF if wotiia like to buy. Theen. it d gladly into tha advan-ta- ti

'Ui l iu ,;iin. and tbe next morningtlun. nlto MKd that corner of theBtrada Han Ferdinando, found la the !

place of the itatoly beauty Marietta, avery (allow young pereon, around wbneeneck waa t'.r well worn green ribbonupon wbit-l- i Imng the old guitar, andwho em to It a if (he ware tinging outher v ... atandlng by the weather


wng Bug aaa i iota twaa tonotrow.Ifalt ooaaaralnad to

my better hidgmanl and added, in aplayfully aoUoitoua manner. "And boware they BUT

"Oh, they are aU tiptop-- ell except thaoaHJBei, anar n nana anc with a aligaUyeubdaed alri "1 deal thmk he ha vrqnlh) got over

"Ah," I reiotnad. abahng air beadaympathetloaUy, "eat doaaat gat overthat tort of thing in a dayf but the

"What oiharaT he laid bluntly.1 baahnaad. and rejoined vaguelyWertnraonMolnrarta prm dared heavily for a faw

bm replying, "Tat, I believabara were ecene othert, but they madeawosrarenoa.'

I wa Juet mnrmaring, "Very likely

a" whan ha tamed to BM abruptlyaid, "I bop yoa doat think be

obbm Btauy out of that aaanMaaTCI hand Beaaaed to relax tto rearur

oomvarm,aau be waa preparing him-a- nt

for aocne oanaur or (tddnaa on mypanii

ttblt touched by thU UttUproof of blannaUvenea to my good opinion, andprajntd hi flnger a frejoined warmly,"I never beard any on apeak olnerwiatun highly of hUoouducila the mat--

IB (topped and aaid abortlyi "Why,who know anything about luthought yon and I had it all to our--

Ya. yea," I faltered, and added, In(OnaiaoentlT. "you know yon have betaaway ror aome time, old fellow."

A ad not aeon, to fit n very wellj butheaocepted it aa an arnment, and aaidi"There la aunt (thing in that, bnt don'tlot people talk about It I know ba re--

ha ansa yon and me."There waa atanethlng ao touching in

the reliance of th! unknown that a glowof ympathetlo affeetloa warmed myheart, and 1 reealved on the (pot thathia otmfllene abonld aot be ullaoad.Come what might, the teoret of tiuvt oldman a life abonld never ba betrayed by

Other might make it n enbject ofdab rnaatpx or tea.....table tittle tattle, butno word or mine atwuia eui one arop totbt onp of Mttern that hadplaced at hi lip. There are paenegee latha Uvea of all of w which we wouldwah to have buried ia oblivion thethoughIlea full! of youth, the unworthy ambition of manhood, and the

leal ooat a of old age. Who lathere that can atand np and ay there I

no Dtaod in hia life ha would not haveexpunged, forgotten or oonfloow

We had turned into a reetaorant for abit of dinner, and thaw thoaghBi padthrough my mted a w ate our fiah. Myeompenion pondered aadlr for n few trooda, and then, ahaking himaelf together

though to throw off an natdeaaaattrain of thought, aaid, more eaatly,

l"0"'" yoa, wife

Before 1 had time to reflect apon whatmight be the remit of my duoloeare Iblurted out the etmnl truth, "I have nowife."

He looked Inteneely arprled a heeaidi "My dear fellow I am very aorry.I never beard "

He paaaad Inquiringly, and again 1

blurted out, "I never had one."A look of extreme pain rpread over hi

face a h beard thi. He leaned aerothe table, and laying hia hand on mineaid, with Infinite eympathyi "1 aee it

all. I ought not to have Baked yoa.Forgive me, old fellow, and forget thatI have ald thoa word."

I gave him a clammy band and turnedaway leat ha abould detect tbe oonaoioua

gutltiueee of my faoe. 1 bad becomeoon firmed in a mirpieion that bad been

(dually dawning upon my mind thatrhad never Bet eye upon my boat be-

fore that day, and that I had been oar.riiil away by aome inexplicable chancereeernMiinae to eom remote acquaint-ance and by hia own apparent cordialrecoptiitinn of myself. There were noblinking the facta, however. Everybodythat he mentioned wa a total atrangerto me, while every incident that I men.tioned with a view to drawing him out(etutird to find hl( mind a blank.

My aole object now wa to extricatemywlf from my falee poeiUon withoutdeUttion. 1 got abeolutely and bope-leaa- ly

involved la fable and falaehood,and aft"r having thoa lightly taken awaytlmyni-- J nam of the (uppotitiooa motherof my children a ort of deapalr took poa--

I . . J . .J . 1M A I 4. I

expoaure or explanation at any ooatThe dinner wa good, the wine excel

lent, and my host geniality itaelf. Watat late and drank freely, and over ourcup I blnah to think of th people I mar--

rlcil. the old friend I buried, and thecharacter I took away. But ha wouldhav new, and what wa I to dof Muchof my Information teemed to afford himmatter for Mtonlthment, and often heejaculated, "You don't tell ma boP a Ioonveyed om ipeoially itartling pieceof new.

uowever, tne tune tor aepanore cameat laat, and my mind wa torn with oondieting dedretto escape detection andto atcertain hi identity.

"You'll com and let oil" be aaid cor-

dially, aa we parted."Yea, certainly," I replied i "bat where

are you putting up nowT"Oh, the aam old quarter," be re-

turned."What U the beat way to get thereT I

atked, a a laat hope,"Yon cant do better than take a cab,"

be aaid, and we parted never to meetagdn, True Flag.

The arooa Card la the Mall Be.There ia a little green card la ne by

th potto (Be department that ia a terrortooarelea letter carrier. It la a terroronly when they have once been caughtVery aeldom, Indeed, am they oaughtthe aaoond time. Thi card la droppedto a letter box, and on it ia marked thtime it waa put ia and alao the time itdiould ba token out by the carrier. Arecord i.kpt by thehif of the oarrier,.nr1lf that Uttl. nard doaanot trim tin

th the other mail with which 11 it dult j, oiearir to be em that the oarrierhat not taken the mall from that pajtior

kit way, and iAkr MpartiiIBMtli ytantoklr. atood baaVW tha oarrtaga.''WBatUUMmatlatrhaaakad, breath- -

bady.8ba baa no Hoanaa."

Ml hav ooa, but no oarrtaga. I will

wthUoe'hactUued, To ntheraload voica,

Ha wag ftna looking young man, bntpooiiy alad, and in arary way ahowinfthat tha world had not gone vary wallwnaaua,

"May IdotoTb oallad to Marietta,who wa nttU apon tha bos, at tha aamaHaaaavaaatoonaoctitepauMarataaraotlad panar which ha took from hipookei Marietta, from fright, under- -

One of the poUc tbaa avokai"Tha atgnor ha a hoaaat and will bo

naponatbi for yon."Marietl did aot yet nndentaad."Ha want to warry maT ah abontad.At thi th erowd becam man noUy,

Tha tear atood la bar eye aa peel apon

earriago, for avaa bad yon a lioanaa, awoman yoa would not ba allowed todrive about Naplea. Yon nnderataad

owT cald tha aargaaniTea,'' rantiad Marietta, looking tha

new anver nm in tne race.Tbaaboota of tha crowd rent tha air.

They cheered him lor Boca gallantry lataking charge of tha oaniaga,

, wtahed ail happina to tha atgnorina.Mar'u left tha box. Thankfully aba

bald i. her hand to bar preeanrer, wholooked pleataatly at tha round face,framed In with tha wealth of black curia,and her dark, iparkliag ay.

"My good people," aatt the aargaant,"yon mntt follow me to tha omoa, wheretha number of thia oarrtaga moat beentered in your permit, before it wUl beecrrect, Do you give thi bore and car-

riage to thia licanaaT ba aaid, tamingto Marietta.

"Tea, th anawarad, and looked barthank a ah lifted bar eyea to tboae ofbar new friend, who, from hi talloweomplexioa and general way, betrayedhU Neapolitan birth.

"Plea t yooraalf to th carriage,aaid the aargeant to Marietta, Ha tillnow bad managed, and ba intended toeonttnae to do ao. Marietta did notfeel to proud a aha waa wunt to do uponthe Sunday drive, yet aha waa quiteeon ten tod a aha entered tha carriage,

Tha young man moon lad tha box.The aargeaat ehouted, "Make room,"and (lowly, guarded by tlx polioameoand followed by a largo erowd, tha car-

riage waa driven to the polio elation.It wa but a abort time before every-

thing wa arranged tor all parttaMarietta gave np ber bora

ana carriage to uve young man wtta alioanea, bat who without bonaoarrtaga. 80 U fwVahTfTundber ideal in reality. After a few weekthey concluded to marry, and ia a aborttune the boa band waa able to keep

bora, and then their prorperitywaa aaanred. They were very happy to-

gether, although aba waa aome Tear hiaauior, and ha could never lefuae heranything.

On Sunday afternoon ah took barneual rid with the married mani butthe tltfforenoe waa that tha driver ba--'kmgwl (oWy to bar, and wa proud tobav ber for the occupant of hia oarrtaga.

Tnuulated from the Oertuan bv A. af.NewTork Udger.


I had Juki come out of the pnatofflce,when I ranalit iht of a face that aee triedfamiliar to me it waa that of a man ofaboni my own e, with limnd feat,area and .vhat iitleniutieil figure,Ai I Vh trrtiiif to rvcail when and whereI hii'l ''fii hi.ii before, our utft, andI in nately twri'uive.l that our reoog-nlii-.- i

ia) l' I'Htttial; fur hetanieUvrt me v.ib fr,tik eprlon of

pl. M.;,reau t iii'l-- l out hia hand, aaylng,'li.'iio, ul I Mlnw, who'll have thought

of (iwiiif J"" iioicf" tloti'l tiiKni whybe mid thi. i'li I nf i nrrne I don't

to ilefi'iid U. but It I a (tyle ofadilmi ('!' ih) by au;:! men who area'ly If they moot

you in a nwtuurunt aa If they had runaiTiwe yon in the mine of HilM-rt- I

felt a little bit annoyed at hi want of I

originality; however I atnlli'il pleaaant- -

ly ami mil l .h I ahiKia hntnK Well, ifyou come to that, who'd have thoughtof auelng you hereT"

W (tooil oppoalui each other for a few 1

aeoonilai 1 eiimierinir aomewhat emptily '

at tbe nitturit of imr greeting and trng- -

gliiiK to rw nll hi name: and he with hi i

head alirihUy on one tide an'l an expreHHionof courteottidy (upprraaedaiuuae. ;

meut on hit faoe, aa If my pretence onthe atep of the potofflc waa one ofthoa inexplicable freak of chance forwhich it ia horjcleaa to seek to aesiirn anvreaaonable law. 1 gave him a feweecontl to digeat hia atonihmnt, andthen, feeling that the dlenc waa be-

coming a Utile ambarraailng, I aaid"Wall, what have yoa

been doing all tola timef "Well," h

replied. "I've been in Auitralie, yoaknow." "Oh, hr 1 ejaaalated, aa If ithad for a moment dipped my mmoryi'why, you went there" and I heai-tate-

a though calculating tha exactday of hi departure. "Three yeanago.' h put In shortly, "and quite longenough, too."

1 ran over in my mind my acquaintanceof three year ago, but oonld recall notraoe of a recollection of my new oom-panio-

ao, to gain time and to gatherfreak Information, 1 atked, "And whatort of a tim have yon hedr "Oh, much

about th tarn aa before," he anawered,with a dtghtly pnaalad air.

1 eendtdly admit that th aenaibl

thing for ni to have done woold hnvi '

to own up and admit, that 1 badfprgotteo mr mono;' pareonauty. un- -

fortonatoly.lamoMof thoM palnfollyOOnttltdnd people Who ahrink With nerV.on borfor Worn anything hv the iatnr ;

of an explanation, addition, I feltthat, J .had gone too far to oryeftwith- -

ZTmiZiTZ mklTLA on

wong en an our proential meetlrthat tny Up wemaealed and I felt poutfirmed in the idea that If lathingUde lltl Jongex, h, name wpnl4 r

He M Hppe4 W anti through mine

t we wtikM, op vowa, wtta an eyrate of good, folfowahip, and aaid i "OfZi&i&XlSfcZMJMijifor an Inrtont be,tween my dedre to Uve mom of my

pnioByB.ontodfn.onder falee prttenoeti "you know they'Ubo awfully arW-- ' twj,aa4


OvwMrea fat InfviTWeMMtl


HI Or Mm twsatax iilin.lsg0 IwjA mmI bbsA, ,


TeaeniiMll Ml iMH" lSBBta '

AMUMw aa- - taaparaVaar

T amr MUM MtK". eeest, , 0 tweatr"

iMMnakiaMfarM,Aa Ba Mas bomb Boaty Mtroaest

toaj reartiatj Baiter aw lall,iMNnaUTMiHM4 ";Aa ttoeSatBt) naBtB 4 aBBtterAa MW SB taoie atoftBtl ',; teaBOIe. , at, . .

lMesSB-eiot,0- ll

Wtattf MeearlH ilnut.ltWImI Viae rata mm

Tea are alt dleaad M MlU MMtproat MM T knw

iMMA miiiBna,Ahrajra aarrr tad kaay,

DaarlwiiaawawMMMlkaafa; MM 1Una Mi mom H worda 4

Waloa aloaya la ! m ahadnato awlaftt yoa w iiaal

MVOawMHfHr Tori World


Mwietta IV U tow af ihr Hnr ofow ho w l htrmt i f Naplea, atwhl'i U lfl-- i t ,n I ffiHU UantautPi4urH full Hie liJ but auall,nmxb tal'lo mr by, ati l ette 1 Ikj-- hI b rwpftat. iyrt'" Um whilf t lir-- r mxfnnt'iimwl h'ar rBt;r- - jirit'rt.r iit.Iif tb aliraily uientltmivl r..ti ;h anil

mMf raJnixA titblc, colurwl tDtritl atoad pnn II an I In wlilch th

IMiwra b now aud tut u t:ri'Pl a ootn,tqit tear (ptitar fir br pmfoaaloB ahawit a atrM aiivr

Kwry Hiorrtltijt fiMiotl Mitrii'lU at herKtaadl Kb pUrwt th-- 1 impty aantfrnpnn tbf Inblo. anj tall : the (pillarmuix from 7 nntil o'clock wrrl aonx.frvto I o'ckx'k nntil t ann from thebant known nfwraa Thon from nontvtil wwiltisr nt1naJ torn nuvm. Du

tag tk rfniu; hr aanit a mlMfllasannaaotlaetkm of character winra A aooaat ft grrm dur a :iii'U l. p with a r4ahadrwa II , ti l an 1 1 J i i ibotablo near lni M0t r A i:ir clucktrack tb hour of 1 Manotta blew out

bat tight, draw tha atrapof brr iTtltarorar kar ahonldar. emptied tha aaoear ofita ooatanta into bar pocket, and bankingtha lamp on a bracket fati-oe- in thawall abort br atand raiaml tha table totha lop of her bead and wiUVd off, Hop

aighta wore apent In the hail i f a bonnewhich waa reiriilarly cluaed at 13 o'clock,la thia hall a aaoa mender kept Lua work- -

lag bench, and It waa opon thia benchthat Ifarietta niade her beL Uariettawaa ooa of a family Ber motUer made

trftm; by aeUing pr't hMtdker--

nhiefa. opera glaaaaa. ct.'rara, apertarleaand any other tuch thlnira which herlljrht ftngered bora picked from thepocketa of amuigera and reeldenta alike

Mma Polll nnileniUin.1 t;. buidnemwell, and knew bow to ? 1 1 atwork. But aome dajra trade notfood and then they had to fm I iintrv.Once a weak they all mot at tlie irr.wd

promenado' fround. Then AlaneUa aveeach boy an oranfra and aome cbeatnnta.and to tha mothar aoma money. Boonha woold leave them and diaappnar

among the crowd. The boy paaaed tlieiraigbta in boiea, onder baaketa, or on thehi pa In the harbor. At noon they nl

way joined tboir mother in one of thmararoni kitchen, wbr t'w

Urered their ware anJ fi-- J t'iupon myaroni cookml in oil, aiv-- i

plea andiried Bah, all of whlcUli i

cored for fifty centexiiul. an !. tf t .bad been bruk. v- - t,; .

iftyoratTentyoenteelnd rTi.n t

parting each for b' pi.-- .fUo urea tnu bunny ir t oui,

It wa right or wrong, u is i, i

of their talent "' "

Uarietta wan the m-- u athem ail. for ahe dn-.--l v e i f :i

nigbta regnl.irly nprni li .

aewaarnad qiilteiteti u ubrother reckorl b tmwt ifmnch a three lire a luv. ilnrin.r . i

earta of tha year, and they of ti-- wr.idered whither it could be that alie carriedthe money and what became of ItTht waa a qnoation which puzilwl Ikii .i

mother and brother, bnt only In titut'of great need were call made oponUarietu' bounty, and then (be gave

tparingly. bnt yet enough.Marietta beanty wa well Known,

From her father, who by birth wa aRoman, aha inherited here wonderfullyAna figure, ber clear, broad forehead,and bar beautiful aye. From bar Sici-

lian mother, bar handaorae note, thI. firm month, and tha wealth of

black, curly hair, which blew about berwhan aha threw back ber head in tha actof atnging. and tha melancholy lookwhich cam into her aye a aha aang,but which changed Into amil tf bychance aoma peaew-b- y favored her witha hit of money.

With men in general aba had little toay, rat. a h paated along ia her ring-lug- ,

her neighbor upon th corner (whotat all day behind a baaket of driedpumpkin eed, aero th top of whichwaa arranged board, upon which wardiiplayad th leedi) would (top a mo-

ment now and then to talk, Th prrfeaaion of (treat linger bad, area amongbar olaaa, a certain aocial (tending, andah waa thought to be a good girl andhad th reaped of all, many araalthyfamily helping her by gift of clothe.Bran tha old ''Principal Dorandi," a hepaaaad ber (tend each morning opon hi

way to tha Palauo need to apeak to her,and bt left her at hi death tea hundred

UMAritU demanded great deal of t,

and ttrangm who dared to amil

opon bar meired only cold look andaoonful frown. Even the newt flatter-la-g

temarka apon bwbaautr war with-o-

avail, A auito from th "Hotel daHome," with hi gold braided ooat, waa

Thia aomewhat ay MarkldtoTfltaTgreat wtah, and that

LL2nJa, heart and mind of

. Neaditantof her danding, wat thatof being a proprietor of a one bone coach,"wr-drl-T, thrtma--h th entire

both rich and poor alikeStnae. Marietta not only dreamednTSmen. who might own one. but

iunday afterxuxmi, when

itTtLltl fiukl

tme end of theoity to tberiaapacr etwee, w

ing machinery friction lese. The Repub-licans carried tbe election,

The Glronde council general bat tentresolution to the French government

demanding the repeal of the law prohib-iting tbe importation of American pork.

Th London Chronicl correspondentat Vienna tayt that It la rumored thatItaly, Austria and Germany have dgneda convention renewing the triple alliancefor five years.

R, Krapp, son of the German gun-mak- er

Is at Ottawa, Ont., testing theam produced by tbe Sudbury nickel andoopper mine. He is in search nickel tobe used la the manufactore of a new gunmetal, which ia expected to turpatt ecy-thln- g

now ia nee., The population of Maine Is M0,M1.

Levy Mayer, the Chicago lawyer, whoI ideatifiad with the big English synd-icate, tayt that out of 2M American

enterprises only five have fonndbackers In London.

'Davis Dalton, th swimmer, swamtwenty miles ia th Thames on bet ofm. v

Mrs. Adam Wachter of Whitehall,Pb., has aot tasted solid food for lai '

days or liquid food for 15) days. She is --

suffer! ax from ennoer and haa not swallowed aaythiag since Good Friday. Sheallay her intens thirst by placing herhand is a basin of water and letting the

( absorb moiature. She has notspoken for weeks. She is able to walkaround.

Pettit, the lawn tennis champion, batresigned the title. He has not time tokeep In condition to defend tbe title.

The teal catch of the rear renorted tobe 43.000 ileitis is grossly exaggerated.

A eeld wave baa struck South Dakota.Th Rio Grand river ia higher than

it has bera for ten yean.A tealxkin dying trust it being fcnnl

in th United State.Mitt Zo Tnttle, the actrett, wat ir..:r

ried toa Caliatrnia wine merchant '

Chicago.Sir William Hardman, editor oftb- -

Loudon Post, l dead.Mrs. Horn, the aged mother of .

Horn, who committed inicide in T

ken, attempted to snioide in the -

room in which ber daughter hnny .

elf. Bhe was discovered by ber sontime to tave her live. Frederick Ho.who .hot himself when be discovert1the dead body of hi daughter, it it. :

alive.The anxiety expressed by European

journals on account of American diverkgltlatlon ia constantly becoming moremarked.

Aa Athville, , N. C, dispatch (ay:Reports received here from Bee Creek,a tributary to the Snawnee river, datethat for the third time duo the Charles-ton earthquake smoke has for some dapbeen regularly emitted in oondderablevelum from seven mountain peaks of s

tbe Bin Ridge chain. The peak havebeen designated the smoking mountains.

Cincinnati dispatch: During nouarrulBen Chase, colored, fatallr (tabbed himistreat, Ida Fai-re- colored. He thenplunged the knife into his own breastand leaped from a third dory windowand was Instantly ktTled,

Newspaper readers will recall the publication three years ago of the detente: tthat Thomas Bean died in Texas kv iu.-a-

estate worth $10,000, the only h :rbeing distant relatives thought to be liv-

ing in Washington-- After three yuarof diligent aearching the heirs have beenfound in Washington and Virginia, Be-

half of the estate of 800,000 acres of tliefinest cotton lands in Texas will be ui- -Tided among twenty-on- e prominentWathlngtoniana, the other half to go tothe Virginia branch of the family. .

Steve Champ and George Boalter, colored, were convicted of rapeatAmoy,Mils, On the way to the jail a mobtook them from the sheriff and swungthem from the limb of a tree.

New York dispatoh: Carrie Long wasshot and mortally wounded by her tnpposed husband, one Rosenthal, who theshot and kiRed himself. Jealousy.

Two freshmen at Lafayette colege . tEaston, Pa. , learned that the eophoutor- -

were going to base them. They warn--

the sophs to keep away and armed thenselves with baseball bats. When th i

door was buret In by ths sophomores t!ctwo freshmen struck out with the hnt.Joan Antonio Medina, a Spaniard fromiHonduras, was struck a terrible blow."'the forehead and hia skull fracture , t

Andrew Dickson Whit. Jof Cornell nnivertity of New YorkVMist Helen Magill, daughter of Dr. jwin Magill, of Swarthv,college, were married at Philadek.recently.' .

' '

Piatt says that he hast .

decided whether or not to accept the ap ,

pointment as one of the commiKioner- -

to select a site for a dry dock onPugeisound.

William Stewart and a man namedReeves were dealing a ride on a FortWayne, O., freight car, Four trampsassaulted and robbed them, And thoathrew them from the train. Stewartwas fatally injured and Reeves cannotbe fonnd. Tlie tramps escaped.

The Portuguese desire a union withSpain to resist the British tutelage overPortugal,

An outbreak among the Nes Perce Indiana in Idaho is imminent.

Auguste Sauret, - the once popularpianist, died in a New York insane asy-lum in abject poverty, h He leaves awife and four children.

Dr. George B. Chiaelin, the famous -

traveler and diplomat of the Confederacy ia dead. When Mason and Slidellwere dispatched to Great Britain Chjae-li-


was sent after them by way Can-

ada, at an emergency man. He, was theonly ambassador to roach the Englishshores, and waa also the first one of theConfederacy to warn Jeff Davis that bisoontest was a hopeless one. Returningto the United States he was one of theflrit to develop its mining retouroa. Hadied in New York.

Helmaa Business CollegeOf Portland, Orefnn will open RppU 1st, J A.Wem, the lend ln penmunof the const, huebecome a partner In thia wliool and will makeIt the loaillug tiimlneHH College, Mvud S rCatalogue.,

FIT e--a m b--w liny your tloketi Eaat rUMUU: K, C J'.ntlaml. Luwe- -I

ratal and mom fwvore (ranted. Call at UteWait side otttoa.


Kext to Independence National Bank,IHDIPXNOINOB, Orxooji.

Native Sons of Oregon to Organ

ize- .- A Staije Robed iu Lake

Co. i rue Fighting

Stojipcfl In Cal.

Largeet Qmln Wamhouee In theWorld to ba Created at Steak'

tea, California.

' Lola Davit, a girl of BaaIranciaoe, went to tbe park Admlttioanay and bat aot been aeon dnc.

Adolph Jordan, Ban Franclaco ta--

loonkeeper, and hi wife wanted to die.Jordan cut an trtery in hit wife'i wrtttand then cut both of hia wriata. Thwoman I dead, bat Jordaa will recover.

D. B. McLeod deeeted Tom Mclnerny,the Iriah champion la a wraatling matchfor law at Baa rranctaoo.

Tbe N. B. O. W, will arrange a .pedallibit for tbe world't

A movement It on foot toorganlu thnative am of Oregon.

Th Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen held their grand eonadl at BaaItandaco laat week.

A bill ba been patted authoridng theoonatructloa of a tw.OOO public buildinga AiauieuA, uu.

Qen. N. P. Cbipmaa of Red Bind hatelected chairman and Thorn i

Haynee tertetary of the CaliforniaWorld! Fair aaooeiatlim.

Joerph R, Rncker, a pioneer mercliant

of Banta Clara eounty, la dead.George Froinhart, a rancher, living at

Coal Mine Ridge. Cel. waa (hot in thebead by an unknown man and hit boutrobbed of S. Fromhart it very badlywounded.

During the month of Augutt 881 oarloatl of fruit were thlpped from Vaca- -

ville.Billy Meyer of Cltlcago knockeil out

Red Gorman In five round atatlen-borg- ,

Wath.The etage between Dlitaen aud Dia

mond Lake county, Or., waa held upand robbed by a maaked man Sept. 4.

Mitt Florence Rnaaal, aged 17, elopedwith Jet Arthur, a prominent attorneyof Spokane Fall. Arthur ia the age of

father, Tbe anair ba ereateaaaantatlon. Both moved In the Brat Bo

oty.Mia Loutta Bonyne, yotmgeat daugh- -

tor of Mr. Bonyne, late of Oakland, Cel.,thrown from her bone while out

riding In London and severely injured.It 1 reporttd that Gen. John & Clark.

eon hat, or it ahem t to teem ret he Taooma

Ledger.- '

George F. Qiitnn.a O.A.R.veteran,wafonnd dead in bed by hi wife. , lie had

connected with the navy yard atVallejo for nitay yearn.

William Banna, a farmer of Liver--

Bare, Cel., thot and motaay woundedWiliain Lndxn, a laborer. The men hada diapute about a few dollar tn tattle-me- at

for labor,

Edna, the H moutha-ol- daughter ofWalter Sheldon of Spokane Fall, d

a terrible death by etttiug fir toher clothing.

A Carton, Nev dbrpatoh aayn Governor C C. Btevenaon, who ha been d

to hit bed for tbe but three week,1 in a precarioui condition and there lilittle hope of hit recovery.

Fire deetroyed th houae, it contentand 1,000 tacka of wheat at WarnerBroa.' mnch, near Modeeto.

Martha Kelly of Nevada City hatbeen arretted, charged with being anaoceatory to the brutal murder of Agua- -

tino Pikxia at root Bet a year ago.

Sperry Broa. will erect thlargetgrain warehouse In th world at Stockton. It will cover an area of thirtyacre on tbe water front and have ca-

pacity of 100,000 ton.Th reapportionment bill pitted by

peoial temion of the Washington legialatum ha become a law. The date 1

mdlttricted into thirty-fou- r tenatorialand Mventy-elgh- t repreeentatlve dis-

trict.Wiley Holliday ia held In 11,500 bail

at Tnoton, A. T., on a charge of bigamy.He ia a Mormon and waa an important ;

witneat in the Paytnaeter Wham robberycat laat year.

Th Methodiit confemnce at PacificGrove petitioned eongree to furalthmom chaplain and chapelt for the army,

A man named Canterbury of Redlandaiwa drowned while bathing at LongiBeacb.

Work on the capital dew at Sacra- -

mentohai been inapended, a the appropriation ii exuanited.

, Gram Valley will vote on the quattioaof iaaulng 20,000 of 8 par cent bonaIto baud a new achool hoot, on Oct A

The comet medal of the AitronomicalSociety of the Paciflo hat been awarded,to W. F. Deinming, F, R. A, & of Brie- -tol. Eng.

Tha California Atmetlo club waaraided and a price fight (topped by thepolice laat Friday. The principal werearretted. .

John Muff diot and mortally wounded'Alexander Langdon in a quarrel at ParkCity, U. T.

John Collim hat been nominated formayor of Seattle by the Democrat.

Redondo beach haa been pnrchaied bytbe Southern Paciflo.

"Old Marr Howard of Pomona, "whotlept In theda in Los Angelea, wat foundin a ahed in the laat atage of ttarvatlonand taken to the itation home, wherehe died.

Sheriff Heuly of San Rafael ii afterAnton Lujan, the murderer. Lujaa1 guilty of two murder.

Bhrtff Endirt of Del Norte eounty,Cal., and Sheriff Birdaeye of Jacksonville, Or,, arreated two hone thieveaWho were wanted at Del Norte, Theywere riding atolea horses when captured.

Alex Davit waa killed by a giant powdtr explosion at the Elgin quicksilvermine near Colusa, ' '

Samuel Mart, a negro murderer, hatbeen sentenced to imprltonment for life.He killed hia mistreat at Fresno,

Philip Reynolda waa knocked. 4qwqand robbed in Spokane FttUl by CharleGilmore. Giltnore bit htm on the headwith a " billy " and knocked him senteleat,

Samuel May field wai in the woods nearlugene, Or,, and wa ttruok in th arm1th a bullet, Two boy were hunting

n the vicinity and it ia (apposed that itthrough their carelessness that th


I lie American tw Hissea in

Canada.-L- :x President Cleve-

land to Move to


Seal Skins to be Dyed In the UaltntfBtatee. Lnlslatlsn

Cauaaa Anxiety la Cure.

Them am aeriooa . floodi la PenntylTenia and Ohio.

Th evidence la all la la the Ream in--vestigation.

The iwpalatiott of Nevada la 44,337against il,llel In 1H80.

Twenty minora were buried by an ex--

ploalon at Loaderburg, Germany.Judge Thompson of Ohio think that

th Bearing tea queanloa ihould ba ap-pealed to the United Stat aapmmaooort In order to get an opinion of theooort oa tbe subject.

D. M. Avory, the detect! yi of th LakeBoom railroad at Chicago, wit (tabbedkilled by Louit Dvckiaaa, a dronkea

Dytoman waa arreated.Charlea Smith eV Oo. of Chicago have

aligned. Smith waa heavy wheat(peculator. , ,

Beriooa leaka warn canted In theUnited States thlp Enterprit by thefiring of aalutat.

A RbaQlon ban broken out ia tbe enn--ton of Tiolao, Swlaaorland,

A reaolution baa ham iatrodaaad iaeoagTati to tomttamto tha eVana ofGen. Barrandia.

Pattor Arnev of Bemnao. Mloh. whoBb. " 'rreaentiy Bianagetl a ho race, haa pront

awd the Metbodiat conference never toengage in horaa radng again.

Rich find of stiver and oopper havebeen discovered on' the aerfh ahore of

Superior,Tbe London Daily Herald baa tua--

pended.The New York Central strike la over,Rev. J. A. Atwood of Providenos. R.

L, waa Jilted on the eve of hi Bwriageto Mist ttrt Davii. a millionaire dAagh- -tor. .H

. .waa


and her friend on--

posed the match.The latett ventnm In Londor Joarnnl- -

ktm l The Labor World, will beedited by Michael Davitt ? il betbe organ of the tnaaaeav'?

Eyraud, the French feasthi memoir. a. A

Prinoe George affronted ttoach- -Canadiaua in Mbfttreal by atUnaf themayor to read an ndareat in FigUihwte- -lom reading tt French. ,

rour ituMian mcera, imnuding nmajor general, have been exiled to Si-

beria for dealing from the governmentSoldiers charged the ttiiktng dock la

borer with bayonet to clear theitreetIn Southampton.

Chauoeey M. Depew laid in t speechat New York on ale return from Europe,ut Jtmet u. xuataa and WUliam Mo--

Klnley were the beat kaowa Ameriaanaabroad, aot even excepting Qen, Grant,

A money paaio ia imminentMia Nettie Onrpenter, the American

violinist, hat gained notoriety ia Londonby jilting Mr. Thrnthfield, whom aheWaa engaged to.

Tbe tarriff nlU haa been Basted. Itgo into effect Oct 1.

Six kegt of giant powder exploded atBhohola Glen, Penn., with meat terriblereatilt. Three men weminatantly killedand a number aeriooaly injured.

Maine went Republican by 18,000.Work will begin at oaee oa Dr. Tal- -

mage'e new Talurnadle tn Brooklyn. ItUtobe completed in dx month andwill coat tK,000.

Obarlea Morria and Charlea Harris,the alleged San Pranciaoo gold maker,who were arrested in New York for try-ing to twindle a California man, havebeen dischaiged for want of evidence.

The CaniHteo valley in New York dateI flooded. Railroad art wathed ontand eurioua damge it feared. ,

Buccl, the Italian fader, it In NewYork. He hat Isited thirty, thirty-fiv- e

and forty day at different timet.Otam Utile McDooait la la New Yorkd attondt to stody lajr there.

the American lag wra taken downaM hiatal and oheaa by order of n

of the (laaadian militia at theef the1amta.(hit,flr.

A ranilo Mall stoaaiir left New YorkWmUj With ljeN,lt cartridge and

atekrllBsavatjw.A AUa.;wr JohastoBe, tha mind

tmtm, Cetnplh4 0 Chicago the featriteeet IWsUop hit lite. He drovel.eaflatl over a toreatsa ooaraa andaatMaaaia oa a hstol regiiter andfjaatonfivoMmileof tswdftatare. HslaWely recovered.

A report cornea freea Beaten to th ef-t-m

that Cleveland willdon New York at hit place of bnei- -and residence and remove to tbe

Bob.Mist Liztle Bennett of Keyport, N. J.,

eloped with and married her father'hired man on the morning of the day ofher wedding to Fred Monroe.

Henry C. Wilton of Kanaai City hadplanned an extendve badness to kidnapthe children of wealthy parenti and holdthem for ransom. He was betrayed byhia confederate, a coachman of a wealthywidow, whose child wai to be the tintvictim, and waa arretted,

Congress will eoon adjourn,Three men entered the Second National

bank of Bay City, Mich., and while twoengaged the teller and bookkeeper inconversation the third stole 15,400 Inbills., The robbers esorped. ,

Rkhard Croker, the Tammany chieftain, haa returned ta New York from hisEuropean trip. ,

A New York dispatoh taya: JudgeLatrobeof the United States circuitcourt has refuted to grant a writ ofhabeas corpus to Sbibgula Juglaa, n Jap-anese murderer now under tentenoe ofdeath by electricity, ,

. The Sydney legislative assembly haaadopted Sir Henry Parke'a acheine forAustralian confederation,

According to advioes received of theshooting of Gen. Barrundia, Capt Pittof the Aoapuloo haa made a declarationwhich the Guatemalans claim com-

pletely justifies their action. The cap-tain aaid that Barrandia fired on theoffloexa first Mixner, the American min-

ister, the authorities say, wai consultedan an act of courtesy only.


PAVatUI IK tUVANC.On Year ... . . $.aaSit Mofh I "Three Motth - ; joWhen not paid iu advaace i.ja


MffewllMto4 at the aa4 of .

MliMnwtiKHKmrkaMn' IM MIMVW I

iwr-- iMm a --Jaatai

ft Mat?, wfcMh kiMil Mmvud tktoUy poeaMM BUM

TV..wWt'T lrtatia etreateHea tt '

net it i m I HtM. It l Be MM M UM II AdrtrU.j MaMaa.

JOB PRINTING!1: st and Best


.net van



U S. F.xnraining Sarfeooi.' Ml tU lUia it.


K. I K.ETCHUM,Physician and Surgeon.

WDIft.SDE.NCl, 0KI001L


Physician and Surgeon.j Bmh VUU, Ortfoa.


Physician and Surgeon.

ladcpcadenc, Ongoa.


Resident Dentist,- All work uwal4 H Om bM

of 3atibctioa,taDVSjiDwrc Omiooa.


V W. U WILKIN,Atlomr ud Couawlor at Law.

All Lfftal Rwibw a trailed U m will fwclvc

Prompt AtUntloo.


OSIM in Opvt Ioum. lodcpaodmoa, Or

tfjvi; A M. HURLEY, v v;;

Attorney and Counselor at Law.

Ofle 3r. MU ud Moaaoata Ma,


him Wq Female Pills,Fur rm! Irpnlr

ftlM;tMHrilnyl.lhaon tii market. HtnrIail aiKMMiulli Mdlar triualrt'Hl lailwnonlbir, U mraniMMl

to rellcra i awdmnuuuailon,(WIIMrCICUTamiDon't bo Tlrna. HmIib.and aooaj ilaka ao eta- -

r, "

Aral to anr addrm.Moura br awl I onMlpt of prio. izoo.



HatanBaacA, nV.towtiM. on- -

Fur ! U Uuur iK k,.








drucsists ft LaiEsa

The Celebrated FrsDcb Gore,


OUARANTIIto ear any(onoofutrraaadlMaM, or ardlMnlr of thafouaratlra or-(-

of cltlirMX Whether r--

ciaac lain fmM thai AFTERaxcewiraaMof Htlranlantm, Tobioto of Of Ira,or through yoathlal ladlinretloOr ovr inlnw-oee- ,

Ac, inch M Imi of Brain Power, Wti'M- -

aw, seannr down rami in tha , rwiiWeatoCM, llyiteiia.NeryoaePrnttrallnn Biw

,ai lalHloha, Leanorrhraa, DlMlaoa. Wat Hnyaty, lu of Power aol Impotu7, hlnli it li- -

tiectea oiten lead to prematureold i

fty. Price 11.00 a lxix,fcoiie, for M.00Mail on reretTtt of nrlpe

A wniTTKNUlARAWTEIt torereT"iorder, to refand the nnnw ir a Parmanentare ) aot effected, fhimaaode of tarilMoniel.irom owaimjroiiiii, ol botli eexee, prSUiad by IrHBODITiai. C'rrnlar Irm


B0XB, V0RTUN9, Oil

(am I, ilj-;- ., A Lvc ,

BtB'tvM:i --tiI to the widow nf

kMv . , : trtiii'iednwr. Wtec! .". idrlvea bif-tt- t'i w,t i

hi i i lii piwanu ' "rt 'ii;ia v a carrlff-rw- pulutflbi'i f i r.l,n new rug. and

. r.iii',ir tne d'ivr,i l til pieajMiiifi of

ti t'.ir w'tlt'h flii' lijl. ,i i wtta -' lire. A'nt

l,i " V t M 'i'.'t. M .I'lHtv- -: v : i, wumitie 'i n.nui


iV1 1

r' f,v In N.'plia, Hting'. 'v'i who, for hiT riil

;. i Id drive He looked. n fnn th it brought In

oi i.' Wiia ivilliiia to aid her,bV Mitrlctw n'liU'llit-and-twut- y timethe four hi -- i' route, and after that

rip. b thought herself welltantrht , 'i

One duy ahe preeentod herrlf at thaplnci- - where crriage are uanally hiredin Nupl'-- a It waa atrantfs to her, and atrifle awkwiirl. too, when (he placed thelaciueri4 lint upon her curly hair andheld hi-- r wliip in ln'r hand. The itreetawere itram(. too, with the many pnaaerby. aa ahe atood or ant waiting for aomeone to drive. Hardly hurt die been tenminute at her pluce before people beganto atop aud look. Moon a barge crowdcollected abont her Tbe polio eoonfollowed : There were two (ergantwith tli 'lr large hat, two officer withtheir gray mantle, but withont num-ber!, two ordinary affluent with theirblack coat and number, and eeveralother whom? buainea It waa to keepth peace. They laid hand upon hornand carriage at th tarn time and de-

manded her llcen paper. Mariettahad none , Uhe had not known th need.

"Your carriaoe ba a number, bntyour lantern have been cleaned mthey ihould be and you have neglectedto replace the number upon them. Whathave yoa to yf Explain younelfl"

"Too have no Uoeaaef remarked oneof them.

"No," anawered Marietta."Follow oa, then, to the central office,

to th chief of pelic."He tamed and looked at one of the

officer. Marietta wa very pal andahook ao that the hone became nneaiyand pricked np hii ear.

"Com down and band over to thbona and oarrlag," aaid tha oflloer,

Poor Marietta began to cry, at whichtbe gathering crowd laughed load andlong. During th convertatlou bo manyhad gathered .that not a few were the re--

' " -ne,71TW't thlngt being don by women, batawor, before of a bone and carriage for

hlrbayawoinaatoBdrivar.Borne (hontedi"Marietta, we anger, tamea eoecq--

WJ"among tbom4 Were tbOto Wb

teJ&JttTWJZ"?.rSL'T.ZritrK kSw nhntlh. dTfrom faar

w.fhe Zr LtAToatd


,r. -I

war box.The object, of Wire, to teet the

relibWty of the carrlera, Where thereI any complaint oq the part of dttaenaabout the tardlnei of local mailt, thena little green card ii dropped la one ormore boxea in the diatriot from whichth oomplaint oomea. Sometime ithow oareleeraeai on the part of th

oarrier and tometimtt it doea not It la,however, not niotntry th J there ihouldbe oomplalnti, for frequently th oardjare put in the boxea of the root, eflMentmen. Of oonrie thware happy whenthey dlaoqvar tm tlql vbem bog Ja

minted in wb4oh there ii a peen card,thea the oarrier ti bound to get Into

i and very atrloui troabl at thatS . 1 y - sets