The Improvement Practice - Brochure - Lean Healthcare Study Experience (EN)

Lean Healthcare Study Experience Seattle Brochure with the people, in the workplace, practicing improvement, every day


When you have the ambition to deliver world class healthcare, then join us to learn from organizations with 15-20 years of experience based on continuous improvement (lean).

Transcript of The Improvement Practice - Brochure - Lean Healthcare Study Experience (EN)

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Lean Healthcare

Study Experience Seattle


with the people, in the workplace, practicing improvement, every day

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Your ambition?

�Do you have the ambition...� To deliver World Class Healthcare to patients?� To improve healthcare dramatically?� To really change traditional patterns?� ‘To make a difference’?

� To create a culture of continuous improvement?� Or are you curious to learn why this is important?

… and do you want to learn …• In which way this can be done?• How other organizations make this work?

… and are you …� Physician / specialist� (Head) nurse� Healthcare director or manager� Health Insurance director or manager� Healthcare supplier

Accredited with

24 points by


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Seattle offers you inspiration and insights

In short: a unique study experience!

�See and experience lean from first hand observations and participation� How does the physical environment look like?

� How do people work and behave in a lean system?

�Talk with and learn from people working in the system

�In Seattle is a multitude of companies, being 5-20 years on the ‘lean journey’, eager to teach you

� ‘Borrow’ the learning curve of others. I.e. see and experience their different strategies, difficulties, results

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What others have experienced

“The Lean philosophy and tools will give us more on-the-job enjoyment”(R. Wanders, oncologist, MaastroClinic)

“Amazing; you should definitely do it!”(C. de Nie, neurosurgeon, St.Elisabeth, Tilburg)

“If Boeing can build an airplane in 10 days, why

does it take 20 days to start a radiation treatment?”(T. Naber, Operations

manager, Dr. VerbeetenInstituut, Tilburg)

“A great experience that fundamentally changes professional thinking about management”(A.J. Michels, chief staff pulmonology St. Anna Hospital, Geldrop)

“Taking the board and our management team to

Seattle was one of the best investments we made to promote and sustain our

Lean journey”(H. Backes, innovation

manager, Maastro Clinic, Maastricht)

“Inspiring. Good to see how lean is in

practice”(Wouter van Ewijk, member board of directors, VUmc

academic hospital, Amsterdam)

“A very intensive, inspiring and … training course with enthusiastic colleagues which I will

pursue”(Albert Blom,

Psychiatrist- director, GGZ inGeest, Amsterdam)

“Feel, taste, smell, see what lean on high level in an

organization and people can bring, and see how that works for healthcare”

(Freek Dekker, manager Radiotherapy, Daniel den

Hoed / Erasmus MC, Rotterdam)

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Summary of the total program

Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 - Seattle visit Block 4

Please contact us for exact dates

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Host organizations* in Seattle

(*) Provisional and subject to change

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Get to know Seattle

�Pike place market

�Space Needle


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“Flow on the shop floor”

at Genie Industries

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“Leading by example”

at Kaas Tailored

�What is the role of the leader?

� Gemba (real place),

� Genbutsu (real thing),

� Genjitsu (real data)

�Visual management

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“BIG change & Lean+”

at Boeing

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“Standardize & Cont. learning”

at Group Health Cooperative

�Daily management

�Daily improvement

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“The improvement ‘journey’”

at Seattle Children’s Hospital

From point-kaizen(2000) …

… to value stream improvement (2005)

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“Health … take care”

at Virginia Mason Medical Center

�How safe and predictable is your care delivery?

�How can patients experience you are applying lean?

�Are you adapting lean to your way of working, or adapting your way of working to lean?

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�Price: dependent from thenumber of participants per organization

� Including: � Excursions host companies� Facilitation / coaching� Hotel accommodation� Breakfast – Lunch – Dinner � Transfers in Seattle� Book

�Excluding:� Pre- and post-tour workshops� Flight to/from Seattle� Insurance (travel + cancellation )� Expenses in private time

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For more information please contact

�Anton van Lankveld�� [email protected]�� +31(0)6 2857 1310

�Arnout Orelio�� [email protected]

�� +31(0)6 8333 5692