The Important of Phonetics in English Language Learning

The Importance of Phonetics in English Language Learning A Webquest for EDGT940 Designed by Mohammad Al-Jararwah [email protected]

Transcript of The Important of Phonetics in English Language Learning

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The Importance of Phonetics in English Language Learning

A Webquest for EDGT940Designed by

Mohammad [email protected]

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Fear Not!

How confident are you when speaking English?

Do you find yourself shy to communicate because of your level of pronunciation?

This unit plan will provide you with the knowledge of phonetic symbols to enhance your pronunciation.

With a little guidance, you will learn the interactive skills necessary to speak the English language more fluently and with correct pronunciation.

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Course Goals: You Will....

• develop positive attitudes towards yourself and others• develop your competence, confidence and responsibility in

learning English • expand your pronunciation and literacy skills in English

By taking part in....

• group and pair work• listening, speaking and literacy activities• in class quizzes• having fun!

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• Your task will be to willingly engage and contribute to class discussions and activities throughout the unit

• Hand in a physical portfolio of all quizzes, activities and entries in your exercise books.

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The process- the steps we’ll take

1. As you are a group of various levels of proficiency in pronunciation (and this is nothing to worry about), let’s begin by watching the introduction Pronunciation Tips Video

2. You will then discuss the video as a group. How did you find the video? What are the main aspects of this video that can provide help?

3. Next break into groups of 5 and share and discuss your phonetic knowledge and where you feel improvements can be made. What are your weaknesses? How would you like to change you pronunciation problems?

4. Two speakers from each group will then present their group’s comments to the class

5. Look up and view the next Pronunciation Tips Video s on short vowels and come prepared for a lesson on vowels tomorrow.

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6. Briefly discuss the Pronunciation Tips video on short vowels and refer to your hand out of the Phonetic Symbols Chart.

7. You will notice that the vocabulary is simplistic. Write a page of practice words in your exercise books by substituting the vowel sounds for the symbols, this should take around 20 minutes.

8. Individual students should go to the front of the class and read aloud words from the Syllables/ Word stress Chart. The class should write the word and mark down the number of syllables and where word stress is encountered.

9. Once the activity is completed, swap books with your partner and mark each other’s work.

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10. It is review time, so check through your papers and prepare for a quiz!

List the numbers 1-24 in your books 11. Complete the adapted Jamie Wilmott Verb quiz and swap books with your neighbour before checking the Verb quiz answers. How did you go? 12. Your reward for finishing the quiz is to watch some funny sketches about

Bad Grammar and Learning English with Steve Martin. Can you relate to any of these characters? If so , why. These are the things you can overcome with some conversation practice!

13. Get into pairs and have fun Playing around with Tongue Twisters. Try to get faster with practice, but keep focussed on the words.

She sells sea shells by the sea shore!

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After all that hard work...

• It’s time for a party!• But before that, there is one more thing to do.• Complete the timed IPA Quiz. Good luck!

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• Your success is evaluated by your attendance and willingness to contribute to class discussions and group work. The tasks and activities that have demonstrated your knowledge will be handed in for marking as a portfolio. By the end of this unit, students should have had the capability to perform well in the final IPA quiz.

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Concluding remarks

• By completing this unit with the support of your colleagues, your confidence in pronouncing English words should be increased. The strategic and collaborative enquiry should have provided a less pressured learning environment. Would you agree?

• Perhaps having more topics of interest to talk about within the classroom has engaged you, and you were able to make new friends with phonetics

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probable secondary

church able protect

walked coughed subtract

probability productiveenthusiastic

economy interfaces purchased

one syllable must can

two syllables study exam

three syllables diligent analyse

four syllables analysis registration

five syllables environmental durability

six syllables permeability anthropological

Syllables Chart

Word Stress Chart

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Pronunciation Quiz: Adapted from Jamie Wilmott

Listen to the verb endings and choose the correct answer. Good luck!

a. /t/ b. /id/ c. /d/123456789101112


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Pronunciation Quiz: Adapted from Jamie Wilmott

Listen to the verb endings and choose the correct answer. Good luck!

a. /t/ b. /id/ c. /d/1 Answered c2 Asked a3 Believed c4 Ended b5 Entered c6 Finished a7 Fixed a8 Happened c9 Helped a10 Hoped a11 Interested b12 Laughed c

13 Learned c14 Liked a15 Listened c16 Lived c17 Looked a18 Loved c19 Moved c20 Needed b21 Opened c22 Planned c23 Rained c24 Started b

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Write the following words using the IPA system. 1. Multiculturalism2. Pronunciation3. Association4. Endemic5. Power6. Stalling7. Transcended8. Globalisation9. Superfluous10. Straight

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Tongue TwistersPeter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers?If Peter Piper Picked a peck of pickled peppers,Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

She sells seashells by the seashore.The shells she sells are surely seashells.So if she sells shells on the seashore,I'm sure she sells seashore shells.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuckIf a woodchuck could chuck wood?He would chuck, he would, as much as he could,And chuck as much as a woodchuck wouldIf a woodchuck could chuck wood.