The Importance of Marriage in Islam

 The importance of marriage in islam Islam's Ruling on Marriage All of the scholars are in agreement that marriage is something recommended (mustahabb) and called for in Islam. Some took it to the level of obligatory (waajib ) for those with the ability based on the Prophet's (sas) statement: "Whoever has the ability should marry for it is better in lowering the gaze and guarding one's chastity. Whoever is not able, let him fast for it is for him a restraint." (Al-Bukhari) Without doubt, marriage is part of the social agenda of Islam and the objective it to maximize marriag e and to combat "singlehood" as much as possible. This means that if marriage begins decreasing for whatever reason such as exhorbitant dowries, economic injustice, etc. then these evils must be combatted in defense of marriage. If polygamy is neglected and not done sufficiently, this will create a number of single women and a situation which requires social effort to correct. Likewise, if polygamy is done to excess by some individuals, it will produce an excess of single men another situation which must be corrected. The raising of children must be done in such a way which promotes marriage and raises both men and women knowledgeable of their roles and duties within the family. All of this can be found in Allah's command to the Muslims as a whole to maximize marriage among us: {And marry off the single among you and the righteous ones among your male and female slaves. If they are poor, Allah will enrichen them from His bounties and Allah is expansive, knowing.} An-Nur:32 Benefits of Marriage Children • The love of Allah is sought in seeking to have children. Allah has decreed this as the means by which mankind generally and this Ummah specifically will continue to exist. Allah said: {Mothers nurse their babies two whole years for those who wish to complete their nursing. Upon the one for whom the baby was born is her food and her clothing in equitable and proper terms. No soul will be emburdened beyond its ability. No mother may be harmed on account of her child nor any father by his child and the heir is chargeable in the same way. If the two [parents] decide on weaning by mutual agreement and consultation, there is no blame on them. And if you decide on a wet-nurse for your children, there is no blame on you provided you pay what you offered equitably and properly. And fear Allah and know that Allah sees well all that you do.} Al-Baqarah:233 • The love of Allah's Messenger (sas ) is also sought in seeking to have children because he (sas) said: "Marry the loving and the fertile for I will outdo the nations with you[r numbers]. (In another version: "...for I will outdo the prophets with you[r numbers] on Qiyama.") With seeking children is also the seeking of the great blessing of a righteous offspring

Transcript of The Importance of Marriage in Islam

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