The Importance of English

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importance of English

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The importance of English is increasing day by day. It is because, English has become an international business and professional language. Yes, it is true whether you are a professional or a business man, your success revolves round the English language. The better you speak English, the better are chances for you to grow.We find people speaking English across the world. Almost in every country people speak this language. But the problem is: How many of them speak English correctly? Also: How many people speak English effectively? Correct speaking is the primary requirement; if you can speak effectively you will have an edge over others in your profession or business.

Read more: Under Creative Commons License: AttributionIm often asked to speak to student organizations about public speaking and how it can help them succeed once they graduate. I tell them that communication skills in general are often as important as the technical skills required for a job, but public speaking in particular has so many benefits.

It Increases Your Confidence:

The biggest advantage of being effective at speaking in public is that it will increase your confidence in your abilities in other forms of communication. In my classes, I teach the concept of small successes that you can build on. Success is like a snowball rolling in the snow. Every time you have a success, its like rolling that snowball a few feet in the snow which the makes the snowball (your skills and area of influence) larger. The more you roll it, the bigger the ball.

Public speaking is the biggest of the social fears and sometimes surpasses snakes and even death. Jerry Seinfeld once pointed out that at a funeral, people would rather be in the casket than giving the eulogy.

So being successful at something like public speaking can give you the confidence you need to succeed in other situations such as:

Networking and meeting new people.Job interviewing especially situations where theres more than one interviewer.Interpersonal skills winning people over to your way of thinking.Dealing with bullies and difficult people.Many of the skills associated with public speaking are also transferable to other forms of communication such as:

Organizing your thoughts.Speaking clearly.Focusing your message.It Increases Your Visibility:

Demonstrating that you can communicate effectively to groups can help you in the workplace. Youll get selected over coworkers to give presentations to upper management because your bosses will know that you can make them look good. Also, since youll be asked to speak more in front of groups, there will be a perception that youre management material or on the fast track since speaking opportunities are often reserved for those in the upper echelon of an organization.

If you own a business, your public speaking skills can help you tremendously. Local, regional and national conferences are always looking for entrepreneurs that can educate and entertain an audience, as are service clubs and non-profits. Remember, the sweetest sound to an entrepreneur is their name on someone elses lips. The more people you speak to, the more people that are aware of you and your brand.

It Increases Your Opportunities:

Your increased visibility will no doubt lead to new opportunities. In the workplace, youll be given more opportunities to present at important meetings. Coworkers that are either afraid to speak to groups or feel they lack the charisma that you possess, will ask you to help with them with their presentations (or even request you help give the presentation). This can give you a mentoring relationship with someone at or slightly above your level in the workplace, which can be used to argue your case when its time for promotions. It can also help you establish relationships with people outside your regular workgroup.

In business, youll be able to pitch your products and ideas to larger audiences. Youll be invited to speak at conferences, share your knowledge in workshops and address audiences full of people that can buy your product. If you get really good at it, you can even make money speaking or barter for referrals and publicity.

And when you can communicate to groups well, youll not only enjoy career success but success in your personal life. When I speak at events, I end up meeting at least five times as many people as I would had I been simply an attendee and this happens to every speaker.Communication plays a vital role in today's global challenge, be it in business or personal affairs. Among the often used mediums for communication, the English language serves as a pivotal force in bridging barriers in communication which can make or break international relations and state of affairs. Of the thousand or so business transactions that occur around the world in any given day, English dominates the front lines.A Senior manager from Canada instructs business partners in the Philippines and Korea. An office manager from the United Kingdom drops a phone call to his contact in Japan, inquiring about his shipment of computer chips. In both examples, English primarily directs a surreptitious existence in the formation of global awareness and progress.English is definitely a widely spoken language, brandishing 400,000,000 individuals who speak it as a second language and 350,000,000 or so claims it as their native tongue. Though the numbers do not necessarily imply the dominance of the English language or the exact number of users, it does, however depict the significance of English in the mainstream of universal growth.If you're from the United States, Canada or from any other native English-speaking nation, and you happen to visit an Asian country like Korea or the Philippines, you'll never feel left out as more and more people today try their hardest to attain a command of the English language. Proficient speakers of English, as a second language, can be found everywhere.Most paradigms have shifted, giving importance to the English language, as it had before. Schools have begun to focus on providing quality English instruction to students in elementary, high school, and even college to prepare their students to be globally competent. Schools in Korea have made it a point to hire native English speakers to properly educate Korean students in English. This task is met with the goal of producing quality English speakers, who can communicate and be equally competitive in the business arena. Among those institutions that stand out in their drive to educate students in the English language; Worknplay (, provides quality ESL training to it's teachers. It strives to provide quality English teachers to schools all over Korea, making students competitive in their academics and understanding of international affairs.With this in mind, Asian countries should also take the foothold in improving the linguistic skills of their students, primarily the English language. Mastery of various languages will prepare everyone to be globally competitive.Paul Selibio - SEO Expert Source:

Article Source: should I learn a language?Learning a foreign language takes time and dedication. The reasons below may help to convince you to take the plunge, if such persuasion is needed. Some reasons are practical, some aspirational, some intellectual and others sentimental, but whatever your reasons, having a clear idea of why you're learning a language can help to motivate you in your studies. Kolik jazyk zn, tolikrt jsi lovkem.You live a new life for every new language you speak.If you know only one language, you live only once.(Czech proverb) EmigrationWhen you move to a different country or region, learning the local language will help you to communicate and integrate with the local community. Even if many of the locals speak your language, for example if your L1 is English and you move to the Netherlands, it's still worth your while learning the local language. Doing so will demonstrate your interest in and commitment to the new country. Family and friendsIf your partner, in-laws, relatives or friends speak a different language, learning that language will help you to communicate with them. It will also give you a better understanding of their culture and way of thinking. WorkIf your work involves regular contact with speakers of foreign languages, being able to talk to them in their own languages will help you to communicate with them. It may also help you to make sales and to negotiate and secure contracts. Knowledge of foreign languages may also increase your chances of finding a new job, getting a promotion or a transfer overseas, or of going on foreign business trips. Many English-speaking business people don't bother to learn other languages because they believe that most of the people they do business with in foreign countries can speak English, and if they don't speak English, interpreters can be used. The lack of foreign language knowledge puts the English speakers at a disadvantage. In meetings, for example, the people on the other side can discuss things amongst themselves in their own language without the English speakers understanding, and using interpreters slows everything down. In any socialising after the meetings, the locals will probably feel more comfortable using their own language rather than English. Study or researchYou may find that information about subjects you're interested in is published mainly in a foreign language. Learning that language will give you access to the material and enable you to communicate with fellow students and researchers in the field. Language is the archives of history.(Ralph Waldo Emerson) TravelMany English speakers seem to believe that wherever you go on holiday you can get by speaking English, so there's no point in learning any other languages. If people don't understand you all you have to do is speak slowly and turn up the volume. You can more or less get away with this, as long as you stick to popular tourist resorts and hotels where you can usually find someone who speaks English. However, if you want to venture beyond such places, to get to know the locals, to read signs, menus, etc, knowing the local language is necessary. Americans who travel abroad for the first time are often shocked to discover that, despite all the progress that has been made in the last 30 years, many foreign people still speak in foreign languages.(Dave Barry) A basic ability in a foreign language will help you to 'get by', i.e. to order food and drink, find your way around, buy tickets, etc. If you have a more advanced knowledge of the language, you can have real conversations with the people you meet, which can be very interesting and will add a new dimension to your holiday. Die Grenzen meiner Sprache bedeuten die Grenzen meiner Welt.The limits of my language are the limits of my universe.(Ludwig Wittgenstein) Studying abroadIf you plan to study at a foreign university, college or school, you'll need a good knowledge of the local language, unless the course you want to study is taught through the medium of your L1. Your institution will probably provide preparatory courses to improve your language skills and continuing support throughout your main course. Secret communicationIf you and some of your relatives, friends or colleagues speak a language that few people understand, you can talk freely in public without fear of anyone eavesdropping, and/or you can keep any written material secret. Speakers of such Native American languages as Navajo, Choctaw and Cheyenne served as radio operators, know as Code Talkers, to keep communications secret during both World Wars. Welsh speakers played a similar role during the Bosnian War. Required courseYou may be required to study a particular language at school, college or university. Getting in touch with your rootsIf your family spoke a particular language in the past you might want to learn it and possibly teach it to your children. It could also be useful if you are research your family tree and some of the documents you find are written in a language foreign to you. Revitalising or reviving your languageIf you speak an endangered language, or your parents or grandparents do/did, learning that language and passing it on to your children could help to revitalise or revive it. CultureMaybe you're interested in the literature, poetry, films, TV programs, music or some other aspect of the culture of people who speak a particular language and want to learn their language in order to gain a better understanding of their culture. Most people in the world are multilingual, and everybody could be; no one is rigorously excluded from another's language community except through lack of time and effort. Different languages protect and nourish the growth of different cultures, where different pathways of human knowledge can be discovered. They certainly make life richer for those who know more than one of them.(Nicholas Ostler, Empires of the Word) ReligionMissionaries and other religious types learn languages in order to spread their message. In fact, missionairies have played a major role in documenting languages and devising writing systems for many of them. Others learn the language(s) in which the scriptures/holy books of their religion were originally written to gain a better understanding of them. For example, Christians might learn Hebrew, Aramaic and Biblical Greek; Muslims might learn Classical Arabic, and Buddhists might learn Sanskrit. FoodPerhaps you enjoy the food and/or drink of a particular country or region and make regular trips there, or the recipe books you want to use are only available in a foreign language Linguistic interestMaybe you're interested in linguistic aspects of a particular language and decide to learn it in order to understand them better. Challenging yourselfMaybe you enjoy the challenge of learning foreign languages or of learning a particularly difficult language. Sounds/looks good to mePerhaps you just like the sound of a particular language when it's spoken or sung. Or you find the written form of a language attractive. If you like singing, learning songs in other languages can be interesting, challenging and enjoyable. One language is never enough!If like me you're a bit of a linguaphile / glossophile / linguaholic or whatever you call someone who is fascinated by languages and enjoys learning them, then one language is never enough. If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head.If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.(Nelson Mandela) Your reasonsIf you have comments on the above or have other reasons for learning a foreign language, let me know. To better understand our thought processes (from Judah Kay)All of our thought processes are conducted in language, so really our entire existence or essense or soul, however we phrase it, is inextricably bound up to and with the languages we speak. Try to think without language for instance. However, we see that the language is in essence superficial, since many languages exist. To understand the true roots of our thought processes, the real nature of the human soul, a knowledge of several languages may be necessary. To become someone else (from Janet Gil)As a teen, I wished I were someone else. Learning Spanish let me be part of my best friend's family and have friends in college from South America whom I may not have met had I not had such an interest in learning Spanish. I liked myself with these other people more than I liked my American self (if that makes sense). I have known of people who learned another language at age 19 and above who now speak their second language almost without an accent but speak their first language with an accent! To understand your own language and culture better (from Evona York)Sometimes learning a foreign language helps you understand your own language and culture better through comparison, or through the relationship between the foreign language and your mother tongue. For instance, studying Latin in high school taught me an incredible amount of English, because English has so many words that come from the Latin. Same with Greek. Wer fremde Sprachen nicht kennt, wei nichts von seiner eigenenThose who know no foreign language knows nothing of their mother tongue.(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) To keep your mind healthy (from Harvey Schmidt)Learning a second language has been proven to delay the onset of dementia. To find your future husband/wife (from Rico Suave)Learning a new language and culture increases the size of your selection pool. To better understand the rest of humankind (from Philip Lightfoot)Language is an aspect of humanity, and learning what a fellow human speaks teaches you more about humankind as a whole. The more languages you know, the more you understand our species, and that is beneficial no matter what the situation is. To talk to friends without others understanding (from Elizabeth)If you and some of your friends learn a foreign language, you'll be able to talk to each other without other people having a clue what you're saying. This works best if you choose a language few people study, such as Japanese. To learn songs in other languages (from Michelle Kelleher Tietz)Michelle has been learning Irish and Scottish Gaelic because she likes to sing and has founded an a cappella group that sings in Celtic languages. They sing old work songs, lullabies, etc. This hobby combines her interests in languages, history and story telling. To help people in need (from Nuntawun Yuntadilok)Learning other languages increases our chances of providing help to people who seriously need it, such as those in hit by the tsunami of 2004, many of whom can not communicate in English, especially children. Friendship (from Bill Conwell)My best friend is French and speaks English, Spanish and some German as well. I am trying to learn French to enhance our communication, though he doesn't demand nor expect it. Venting your feelings (from Dick H.)Another reason why one might want to learn a foreign language is to insult/cuss out people without them understanding what you're saying. It works best if you choose a language few people study. Avoid the Big Two (Spanish and French), because too many of us learned them in high school. And you never know who has a German, Finnish, Italian, or Greek grandmother! To help you understand how other people think (from Orionas)Language influences culture, so learning a language helps you to understand how other people think, and it also helps you to get a general understanding of our world and the many people and cultures that inhabit it. Because I love learning languages (from Cody Warren)My reasons for learning foreign languages is because I just love to do it, it's all the different ways people express themself, and it shows that there really are other people out there (to a teenager who's always stuck at home in a small farm town). Its also a way to learn how people interact and socialize with each other, and how each society works. Also, I like conlanging, and learning different languages help me to understand how things work so i can build conlangs, and vice versa, creating the conlangs help me to understand how all different languages grammars work (Im always a sucker for using a lot of moods, cases, tenses, etc). Learning languages to me, is much more than making myself able to communicate with others. To me it's like getting some nice new surprise and a whole new level of understanding. Showing respect (from Nicole Signer)I believe that when somebody at least tries to learn the language of the country they are visiting it shows a lot of respect. People really appreciate it. It's fun (from Shelley Khadem)Learning a language is fun and can provide a shared interest with your husband or partner. It also satifies perpetual students' urge to study. To express things that are difficult to express in your native language (from Tenacious Mel)Learning a foreign language can provide you with ways to talk about things that might be difficult to express in your own language. It's also a way to get in touch with other selves. To better understand your own language (from Kaiti)In order to learn another language, you need to learn the different titles and functions of sentence parts. Learning these things can make you a better student and a more articulate person. Also, many of the root words used in foreign vocabulary will help you later on as you struggle to comprehend or analyze new words in your native language. Understanding people (from Adam Briceland)I believe a great reason to learn a foreign language such as Pacific island languages is so that you can understand what the native speakers are saying to each other when the'yre speaking their own language to each other. So you can s it there and not talk to them but completley understand what they're saying in public.

Why Speaking Proper English is Important for your CareerA number of studies have consistently demonstrated that those who have an advanced knowledge of the English language are much more likely to advance their careers. In addition to this, these studies have also demonstrated that a strong command of the English language will lead to higher paying jobs, more social mobility, and a great deal of social success. No matter what career you choose, whether it is Engineering or History, having a powerful command of the English language will greatly increase your odds of success. Generally, your vocabulary will need to be equal to those who are in the same career field.

However, if you want to surpass your colleagues, and make yourself more marketable, you will need to increase you English skills, and make them superior to the other people who work in your field. While you may not realize it, people will judge you by the way you speak.

Barriers that you will need to OvercomeMost of us are familiar with how people feel about appearances, but the manner in which you speak is also important. Even if you are dressed nicely, using poor grammar will show that you are wolf in sheep's clothing. You might look nice on the outside, but you're not so nice on the inside. To succeed, you must focus on your appearance as well as your manner of speaking.

Most people underestimate the importance of mastering English. This is especially true for people who live in English speaking countries such as the United States or Great Britain. Because they are raised speaking the language, they don't feel that it is all that important. They think they can get by on the basic language classes they took in school while they were children.

However, only having a basic knowledge of English will not open career doors. If you speak only an average level of English, people will think you're average. If you speak in a manner that is eloquent, this will create a powerful impression.

The first barrier you will need to overcome is the belief that Basic English is enough. When I say Basic English, I'm referring to the English that most Americans speak on a daily basis. While the English language is comprised of about 700,000 words, the typical American only uses 50,000 in their day to day conversations. Most educated people who have earned a degree in college, or who read lots of books, will have a vocabulary that is closer to 100,000, twice the amount of the average American. These people are much more likely to land high paying jobs. To be successful, it must be your goal to learn 100,000 words or more.

Many people have a poor command of the English language because they don't read. I always laugh when I hear people say that they hate to read. These people don't realize that they are destroying their chances of being economically successful. Not only does reading allow you to build up your vocabulary, but it also allows you to become more informed, learning things about the world around you.

As I've said in previous articles, reading can increase your IQ. Watching television cannot do this, and some would even argue that it does the opposite. The first step in speaking English property is to learn more words. Career Improvement Anxiety Management Assertive Skills Attitude Development Business Communication Business Networking Career Articles Certification Articles Coaching and Mentoring Conflict Management Core Skills Decision Making Emotional Intelligence English Vocabulary Etiquette Tips Facilitator Skills Group Discussion Life Skills Listening Skills Managing Change Marketing Management Meeting Management Memory Skills People Skills Performance Development Personal Excellence Personality Development Presentation Skills Problem Solving Public Speaking Skills Questioning Skills Relationship Management Self Confidence Self Supervision Social Networking Strategic Planning Stress Management Team Building Time Management

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Why Speaking Proper English is Important for your CareerAuthor : Exforsys Inc. Published on: 6th Jun 2007 | Last Updated on: 13th Jan 20115Share Why Speaking Proper English is Important for your CareerA number of studies have consistently demonstrated that those who have an advanced knowledge of the English language are much more likely to advance their careers. In addition to this, these studies have also demonstrated that a strong command of the English language will lead to higher paying jobs, more social mobility, and a great deal of social success.


No matter what career you choose, whether it is Engineering or History, having a powerful command of the English language will greatly increase your odds of success. Generally, your vocabulary will need to be equal to those who are in the same career field.

However, if you want to surpass your colleagues, and make yourself more marketable, you will need to increase you English skills, and make them superior to the other people who work in your field. While you may not realize it, people will judge you by the way you speak.

Barriers that you will need to OvercomeMost of us are familiar with how people feel about appearances, but the manner in which you speak is also important. Even if you are dressed nicely, using poor grammar will show that you are wolf in sheep's clothing. You might look nice on the outside, but you're not so nice on the inside. To succeed, you must focus on your appearance as well as your manner of speaking.

Most people underestimate the importance of mastering English. This is especially true for people who live in English speaking countries such as the United States or Great Britain. Because they are raised speaking the language, they don't feel that it is all that important. They think they can get by on the basic language classes they took in school while they were children.

However, only having a basic knowledge of English will not open career doors. If you speak only an average level of English, people will think you're average. If you speak in a manner that is eloquent, this will create a powerful impression.

The first barrier you will need to overcome is the belief that Basic English is enough. When I say Basic English, I'm referring to the English that most Americans speak on a daily basis. While the English language is comprised of about 700,000 words, the typical American only uses 50,000 in their day to day conversations. Most educated people who have earned a degree in college, or who read lots of books, will have a vocabulary that is closer to 100,000, twice the amount of the average American. These people are much more likely to land high paying jobs. To be successful, it must be your goal to learn 100,000 words or more.

Many people have a poor command of the English language because they don't read. I always laugh when I hear people say that they hate to read. These people don't realize that they are destroying their chances of being economically successful. Not only does reading allow you to build up your vocabulary, but it also allows you to become more informed, learning things about the world around you. As I've said in previous articles, reading can increase your IQ. Watching television cannot do this, and some would even argue that it does the opposite. The first step in speaking English property is to learn more words. When you learn a new word, you should take the time to use it in a sentence. Use it when you speak to people. By using the word in your everyday speech and writing, the word will be saved in your long term memory. Studies have shown that you will need to repeat the word at least seven times before it "sticks". In addition to learning new words, you will want to read everything you can get your hands on. Read fiction as well as non-fiction. Read things you normally wouldn't read. This will allow you to learn new words that you normally wouldn't be exposed. Increasing your English skills can become very lucrative. Despite the fact that English is often referred to as being a global language, most people will never learn even 35% of the words that comprise the language. However, learning as much as you can will allow you to stand out from the crowd, and it will open up opportunities that will be closed to others. ConclusionWhen you increase your vocabulary, you will impress people. Depending on who you impress, a number of doors can open, doors that would be closed to someone who uses a normal vocabulary level. People will see you as being someone with intelligence, and it will be obvious that you are also a person that is well informed.Learning English has a lot of benefits involved which boosts up the confidence level of people. Also it helps in communication across the globe. It opens a new world of opportunities to the individuals in form of better job prospects.What are the benefits of spoken English? This is a question that will have a sea of answers. The language of English is not just phenomenal or fascinating; it is grand and detailed to the extent that a person who learns to speak it is learning an art form by itself. Also, a person who speaks English derives confidence and allows their mind to be expanded in ways that are beyond explanation. English is superbly important and so essential in todays day and age. To the extent, that from tv service providers to books, people teaching to websites, every channel and avenue has opened up chances for a person o learnt his magnificent language of English.The benefits, at a glance regarding spoken English are as listed in the following points. Nevertheless, it is important to know that spoken English is super essential and with the essence of this language, one can be able to expand their horizons as well as communicate and feel like a citizen of the world. Also, one can speak the language of English better with practice and as practice gets more effective, one can speak and get better with communication with everyone else as well. Benefits at a glance shown below: English language allows a person to get and derive a certain amount of confidence that comes with the learning of this essential and widely spoken language. A person can expand their work, their ideologies and much more with the language of English. A person can feel more educated and more witty as well as more encompassed with the adding of this language to their list of credentials. This language is definitely a shining credential to add on to the list of a person and it also allows a person to shine in his or her capacity and it brings a cutting edge to the capabilities of a person. Minds can be more sharpened and more alert with the spoken English credential. This is because people can then understand you better and one can understand every medium of communication or at least nearly every medium of communication, be it tv or dvd or the internet world which is wide and informative, wherein websites like this very one and Google have changed the dimensions of education and provisions of information as well. People can derive many a benefit by speaking the wonderful language of English.