i THE IMPLEMENTATION OF COOPERATIVE LEARNING BY USING TALKING STICK METHOD TO IMPROVE STUDENTS SPEAKING SKILL (A Classroom Action Research for the Second Grade Students of SMK PGRI 1 Salatiga in the Academic Year 2015/2016) A GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) English Education Departmen of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga Directed By: INDAH RAHAYU 113 11 140 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES (IAIN) SALATIGA 2016






Classroom Action Research for the Second Grade

Students of SMK PGRI 1 Salatiga in the Academic Year



Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)

English Education Departmen of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

Directed By:


113 11 140













“Choose BETTER Forget BITTER ”

Nick Vujicic



In the name of Allah, the gracious and merciful, This graduating paper

is whole-heartedly dedicated to:

1. My God the Almighty

2. My dearest father and mother (Mr. Abdurrohim and Mrs. Hanifah).

Thanks for all support, trust, guidance, finance, encouragement and also

thanks for your love and prayer. Allah always blesses you and his affection

around you. You are my best parents in the world. I strongly love you.

3. My dearest brother and sisters (Faiz Anaza, Hayatun Nurlaila and Ainaya

Khoirunnisa), Thanks for your motivations, kindness, and loves .

4. My amazing friends in TBI 2011 especially my classmate of TBI E Yeni

Wulansari, Ayu, Restu, Alya, Mara, Mbak Sri, Aulia and Indah Safitri

thank you for togetherness and happiness.

5. My beloved friends are Fadjar Indra Fauzy and his family, Annisa Indah

Nurina, Indriani Lestari, Arum, Pita, Tyas, Hasan Fahrudin, Honang, Faiz

Mubarok, Toted, thanks for your support and loves.

6. All my friends in Hilal‟s Boarding House Zhendy, Anna, Titik, Riska,

Maia Otos, Fadhil and Farida.

7. The big family of SMK PGRI 1 Salatiga, thanks for your attention and


8. My entire friends in TBI who can‟t mentioned one by one. Thanks for

your support.



All praise due to Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful. First

and foremost, I would like to express gratitude Allah because of great blessing the

writer could finish this graduating paper as one of the requirement for Sarjana

Pendidikan Islam in English Department of Educational Faculty of State Institute

for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

Peace and solution always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who

has guided us from the darkness to the lightness.

However, this success would not be achieved without those support,

guidance, advice, help and encouragement from institutions and individual, and I

somehow realize that an appropriate moment for me to deepest gratitude for:

1. Mr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M. Pd., as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic

Studies of Salatiga.

2. Mr. Suwardi, M.Pd, as the Dean Teacher Training and Education Faculty

3. Mrs. Noor Malihah, M.Hum, Ph. D., as the Head of English Education


4. Mrs. Sari Famularsih, S.Pd.I., M.A, as consultant of this graduating paper.

Thanks for your suggestion, recommendation, guidance and support for

this graduating paper from beginning until the end.

5. Mr. Rifqi Aulia Erlangga, S.Fil, M.Hum as my academic consultant.

6. All of the lectures in English Education Department of Tarbiyah Faculty

who had given valuable knowledge.

7. All of the staff who have helped the writer in processing of graduating

paper administration.


Finally, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide

usefull knowledge and information to the readers. Also, The writer is

pleased to accept more suggestion and contribution from the readers for

the improvement of the graduating paper.

Salatiga, March, 30th


The writer,

Indah Rahayu

NIM. 11311140



Rahayu, Indah. 2016. The implementation of cooperative learning by using

talking stick method to improve students’ speaking skill (a classroom

action research for the second grade students of SMK PGRI 1 Salatiga in

the academicyear 2015/2016). Graduating Paper English Education

Department of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

Counselor: Sari Famularsih, M.A.

Keywords: Talking stick method, improving speaking skill.

The aims of this research are (1) To describe the use of cooperative learning by using

talking stick method toward student‟s speaking skill and (2) to identify the improvement

and the result of student‟s speaking skill through talking stick method for the second

grade students of SMK PGRI 1 Salatiga. The research method that is used in this research

is classroom action research. The subjects of the research were 35 students in second

grade at SMK PGRI 1 Salatiga. The researcher uses two cycles; each cycle consists of

planning, action, observation and reflection. The result of her resarch shows that there is

an improvement of students‟ speaking skill using talking stick method. It can be seen

from T-Test calculation in cycle 1 is 16.47 and cycle 2 is 16.80. And also the increasing

percentage of the oral test from cycle 1 to cycle 2 with standardized score (the minimum

of passing criteria) is 75, at the cycle 1 is 51.42 % students and 88.57 % in cycle 2 who

pass in oral test. The increasing of oral test from cycle 1 to cycle 2 is 11.42 %. This

indicates the by applying talking stick method, the students in speaking skill can be




TITLE ...................................................................................................................... i

DECLARATION ................................................................................................... ii

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES ................................................................. iii

PAGE OF CERTIFICATION ................................................................................ iv

MOTTO .................................................................................................................. v

DEDICATION ....................................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................... vii

ABSTARCT .......................................................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................... xi

LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................................... xi

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study ................................................................1

B. Statements of the Problem..............................................................5

C. Objectives of the Study ..................................................................5

D. Benefits of the Study ......................................................................5

E. Limitation of the Study ..................................................................6

F. Definition of Key Terms ................................................................7

G. Hypothesis ......................................................................................8

H. Research Method ............................................................................8

I. Graduating Paper Organization .................................................... 10

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW ............................................12

A. Cooperative Learning ...................................................................12

1. Definition of Cooperative Learning ....................................... 12

2. Elements of Cooperative Learning ......................................... 13

3. Types of Cooperative Learning Group................................... 14

4. The Advantage and Disadvantages of Cooperative Learning 14

5. Cooperative Learning Activity ............................................... 17

B. Talking Stick Method ..................................................................18

1. The Concept of Talking Stick Method .................................18

2. Method and Technique of Teaching Speaking .....................20

3. The Procedures of Talking Stick Method .............................21

4. The Strenght and Weakness of Talking Stick Method..........22


C. Speaking ......................................................................................22

1. Definition of Speaking ................................................................... 22

2. The Elements of Speaking ......................................................22

3. Assessing Speaking .................................................................27

4. Teaching Speaking .................................................................28

5. The Principles of Teaching Speaking .....................................29

6. Technique in Teaching Speaking ...........................................30

7. The Role of the Teacher in Speaking .....................................32

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .................................34

A. The Method of Research ..............................................................34

B. The Setting of the Research .........................................................47


A. Field Note .....................................................................................52

B. Analysis and Discussion...............................................................69

CHAPTER V CLOSURE ........................................................................73

A. Conclusions ..................................................................................73

B. Suggestions...................................................................................74





Table 3.1: The Subject for SEcond Grade Students ........................................ .38

Table 3.2: The Scoring Rubric of Speaking ................................................... 41

Table 3.3: Question Sheet ................................................................................. 42

Table 3.4: Observational Checklist for Teacher ............................................... 42

Table 4.1: The Result of Pre-Test and Post-Test Cycle I ................................ 58

Table 4.2: The Result of Pre-test and Post-Test Cycle II ................................ 65

Table 4.3: The Mean of Students‟ Score ......................................................... 70

Table 4.4: The Percentages of Students‟ Score ............................................... 71


Figure 3.1: The Procedures of Classroom Action Research ............................. 45


Chart 4.1: The Mean and T-calculation of Students‟ Score ............................ 70

Table 4.3: The Percentages of Students‟ Score ............................................... 71





This chapter presents about background of the study, statement of

problem, objective of the study, benefit of the study, limitation of the study,

definition of key terms, hypothesis, research method and graduating paper


A. Background of the Study

Harmer (2001: 08) defines English is the universal language which

used by more than a half of population in the world. English as an

international language and as a tool of communication among peoples in

the world. It means that we are able to know everything in the world

through English. We also cannot deny that English is very important for

our future. When applying for job, people who can speak English will get

a better opportunity to be accepted than those who cannot. English is

believed as the key to survive and succeed in the coming era. However,

most people have realized that learning English is not an easy matter.

Moreover, it can take a long time for people to learn English as a foreign


A foreign language is learned seriously by many people to have a

good prospect in the community of international world. Recently, English

becomes important (Harmer, 2001: 08). English is tought widely at formal

school starting from elementary school up to universities, even at informal

school course. There are four English skills to learn, namely speaking,


reading, writing and listening skill. The success is measured in terms of

the ability to carry out conversation in language speaking in an interactive

process of constracting meaning that involves producing, receiving, and

processing information (Fauziati, 2005: 126).

Chancy (1998, in Nurjannah 2014: 1) speaking is very important

because by mastering speaking skill, people can carry out good

conversations with others. Therefore, in speaking classroom the learner

should work as much as possible on their own, talk to one another directly

and not through the medium of teacher. Speaking is the process of

building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal symbol in a

variety of context. The other opinion is shown by Hornby (1995, in

Nurjannah 2014: 1), speaking is making use of words in an ordinary voice,

uttering words, knowing and being able to use a language; expressing

oneself in words, making a speech. In short, speaking skill is the ability to

perform the linguistic knowledge in the actual communication. By

speaking with others, we are able to know what kinds of situation are in

the world.

However we can see many schools in Indonesia teach English as an

important lesson nowadays. It means that our people and our goverment

have realized the importance of English as a tool of communication. The

teachers play an important role in English teaching learning process,

because they must find the best teaching method to be used in teaching

English (Ningsih, 2013: 02). Finding the exact methods in teaching


English for students is not easy. The teachers will find many difficulties

and problems toward the teaching learning process. Some teachers believe

that teaching English for beginners is not easy, because they must pay

attention to some aspects related to the student‟s life background (Huda,

2013: 12).

Knight (2009: 3) said that cooperative learning is one of

appropriate method to solve problems above. Teacher has to find out the

appropriate method of teaching English in order to get the good result of

speaking mastery and English achievement. Huda (2013: 226) said that

Talking stick is one of cooperative learning method, it is not only used to

increase students‟ interest and motivate the students to participate in the

classroom but also a way to makes the teacher more creative and

responsible. Teacher becomes more serious in teaching and the learning

process prepared well. This method creates an ideal condition because

teacher explains the materials by fun learning activities in classes.

Furthermore, there are feedback and interaction between teacher and the

students. Thus, the goals of education are easy to be reach. Yet, the

researcher uses talking stick technique to help the teacher in improving

students‟ speaking mastery.

The talking stick has been used for centuries by many Indian tribes

as a means of just and impartial hearing. The talking stick was commonly

used in council circles to decide who had the right to speak. When matters

of great concern would come before the council, the leading elder would


hold the talking stick, and begin the discussion. When he would finish

what he had to say, he would hold out the talking stick, and whoever

would speak after him would take it. In this manner, the stick would be

passed from one individual to another until all who wanted to speak had

done so. The stick was then passed back to the elder for safe keeping Carol

Locust (2006, in Miftahul Huda, 2013: 224). The other opinion is shown

by Kurniasih dan Sani (2015: 82), talking stick is a method in the learning

process by a stick, student who gets the stick must answer the question by

the teacher. This method gives an alternative manner to refresh and to

enhance students speaking mastery in a more enjoyable way. They also

argue that talking stick method is a suitable method to be used in teaching

Senior High School students. First, the students feel happy, enjoy and

interest. As the result, teacher is easier to conduct the students in the

learning process. Second, the students become more active in doing

activities such as; answering teacher's questions, listening, speaking and

working together with their friends. So, they do not feel bored in their

study. Finally, they could improve their confidence in English class.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher wants to conduct a




Research At The Second Grade Students Of SMK PGRI 1 Salatiga In

The Academic Year 2015/2016).


B. Statements of the Problem

Based on the explanation above, the writer do this research because

the students of second grade of SMK PGRI 1 Salatiga make errors in

English learning process especially speaking skill. There are problem

presented in this graduating paper, those are:

1. How is the implementation of cooperative learning by using talking

stick method to improve student‟s speaking skill at the second grade

of SMK PGRI 1 Salatiga in the academic year 2015/2016?

2. How is the improvement and the result of student‟s speaking skills

through talking stick method for the second grade students of SMK

PGRI 1 Salatiga in the academic year 2015/2016?

C. Objectives of the Study

Based of the problem state above the objective of the study are:

1. To describe the use of cooperative learning by using talking stick

method toward student‟s speaking skills.

2. To identify the improvement and the result of student‟s speaking

mastery through talking stick method for the second grade students of

SMK PGRI 1 Salatiga in the academic year 2015/2016.

D. The Benefits of the Study

The results of the study can be used as reference for others. Based

on the book, written by Jeremy Harmer (2007: 8) “English Language

Teaching”. The researcher viewed that the following benefits may be

derived from the study:


1. Practically

a. The result of the research is to improve their quality and quantity

in teaching learning process at class.

b. The result of the research can be used by teacher to improve their

teaching method to get a good result.

c. For the researcher, it can add experience and knowledge about

using method in teaching learning process.

2. Academically

a. For the English teacher:

1) To help the teacher in enrich knowledge about the factors that

influence English speaking skill.

2) To find out the best method in developing speaking skills for


b. For the students:

1) The students more interesting to learn speaking English.

2) They will try to use the language to express something.

3) To stimulate and motivate the students in learning of


E. Limitation of the Study

In this reserch the researcher focused on solve the problem clearly,

accuracy, exactly and correctly by using cooperative learning type talking

stick method to improve the student‟s speaking skill for the second grade

of SMK PGRI 1 Salatiga in the academic year 2015/2016.


F. Definition of Key Terms

1. Cooperative Learning

Felder and Brent (p.1) define cooperative learning is an

approach to group work that minimizes the occurrence of those

unpleasant situations and maximizes the learning and satisfaction that

result from working on a high-performance team. The term

Cooperative Learning (CL) refers to students working in teams on an

assigment or project under conditions in which certain criteria are

satisfied, including that the team members be held individually

accountable for the complete content of the assigment or project.

2. Talking Stick Method

A definition of talking stick method carried from Ahmad Munjin

and Lilik Nur Kholidah (2009: 36). They define that

Talking stick method is a method in the learning process by a stick.

The student who gets the stick must answer the questions by the

teacher after read the topic. (Talking Stick adalah metode

pembelajaran dalam kelas dengan bantuan sebuah tongkat, siapa

yang memegang tongkat wajib menjawab pertanyaan dari guru

setelah siswa mempelajari meteri pokoknya).

This is a kind of cooperative learning in order to make the students

participate, develop their confidence and be more active in the learning


3. Speaking

Speaking is one of skills in english. Speaking is the process of

building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal symbol in a

variety of context. The other opinion is shown by Hornby (1995, in


Nurjannah 2014: 1), speaking is making use of words in an ordinary

voice, uttering words, knowing and being able to use a language;

expressing oneself in words, making a speech. In short, speaking skill

is the ability to perform the linguistic knowledge in the actual

communication. By speaking with others, we are able to know what

kinds of situation are in the world.

G. Hypothesis

A hypothesis is a logical supposition, a reasonable guess, an

educated conjecture; it provides a tentative explanation for a phenomenon

under investigation (Leedy and Ormrod, 2001).

Suryabrata (1995: 69) said in his book ”Metodologi Penelitian”

that hypothesis is answer for the problem of research and must be tested

again empirically. So on the basis of the problem of the study, the writer

draws the hypothesis of the research. It can be stated as follow:

“By using Cooperative learning type Talking stick method as the method

in teaching speaking, it will improve the speaking skill of the second grade

students of SMK PGRI 1 Salatiga”.

H. Research Method

1. Type of research

The type of this research is classroom action research.

According to Gwynn Mettetal (2001: 2) Classroom Action Research

(CAR) is a method of finding out what works best in your own

classroom so that you can improve student learning. The goal of


Classroom Action Research is to improve your own teaching in your

own classroom, department, or school.

2. Research subject

The research subject in this observation is the second grade

students of SMK PGRI 1 Salatiga in the academic year 2015/2016.

3. Research variable

The research object in this observation is cooperative learning

by using talking stick technique to improve speaking skill.

4. Technique of collecting data

a. Observation

Observe is look at an occurrence, movement and process.

Observing is not an easy task since people are influenced a lot by

interest and tendencies they have. In observation the most effective

method is by fulfilling an observation blank from as a tool. The

arranged from consists of items about occurrences or behaviors that

drawn will be happened (Arikunto, 2010: 272). The observation

noticed classroom events and classroom interaction.

b. Test

Brown (2004: 3), defines test is number measuring a person

ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain. In this

research, the writer will make pre-test and post-test to compare the

students‟ speaking ability before and after the implementation of

the method.


c. Documentation

Arikunto (2010: 274) states that documentation method is

an activity to look for variable like notes, transcribes, books,

newspaper, magazines, etc. This method is not too difficult since if

there is an error the source data is still not change. In this section,

besides make a note the resercher take photographs as proof of

teaching learning activity.

d. Research Instrumental

The purpose of the data analysis is to know the significant

of using cooperative learning by using talking stick tecnique to

improve students speaking skill of the second grade students of

SMK PGRI 1 Salatiga in the academic year of 2015/2016.

I. Graduating Paper Organization

The researcher wants to arrange the graduating paper in order to

the reader can catch the content easily. It is divided into five chapters.

Chapter I is introduction. In this chapter the researcher comes up to

the background of the study, the statement of problem, the objective of the

study, the benefit of the study, limitation of the study, definition of key

term, hypothesis, research method, and graduating paper organization.

Chapter II is theoritical framework. It consist of the underlying

theories that include speaking mastery, cooperative learning and talking



Chapter III explains about methodology the research, the setting of

the research. Subject the rsesearch, type of the research, procedures of the

research, technique of collecting data, and technique analyzing data.

Chapter IV is data analysis which consist of description from

chapter I up to chapter III, result and discussion of the research. It contains

process and the result score of the research.

Chapter V is closure, it is contains of conclusion and suggestion.




In this chapter, the writer discusses about review of related theory.

Review of related theory consists of explanation of cooperative learning,

explanation of speaking and explanation of talking stick method. The writer

provides further explanation of each section below.


1. Definition of Cooperative Learning

Felder and Brent (2007: 1) define cooperative learning is an

approach to group work that minimizes the occurrence of those

unpleasant situations and maximizes the learning and satisfaction that

result from working on a high-performance team. The term

Cooperative Learning (CL) refers to students working in teams on an

assigment or project under conditions in which certain criteria are

satisfied, including that the team members be held individually

accountable for the complete content of the assigment or project. This

chapter summarizes the defining criteria of cooperative learning,

surveys CL applications, summarizes the research base that attest to

the effectiveness of the method, and outlines proven methods for

implementing CL and overcoming common obtacles to its succes.

Kagan (2009: 10) states that cooperative learning includes

social interaction over content, and literally the brains in a cooperative

learning classroom are more enganged. He also defines that


cooperative learning as “ a teaching arrangement that refers to small,

heterogeneous groups of students working together to achieve a

common goal students work together to learn and are responsible for

the teammates learning as well as their own”. The Kagan model of

cooperative learning based on the concept and use of “structures” is an

innovate approach to classroom instructions these structures such as

“numbered heads together”.

2. Elements of Cooperative Learning

According to the Johnson model in Felder and Brent journal

(2007: 2), cooperative learning is instruction that involves students

working in teams to accomplish a common goal, under conditions that

include the following elements:

a. Positive interpendence: Team members are obliged to rely on one

another to achieve the goal. If any team members fail to do their

part, everyone suffers consequences.

b. Individual accountable: All students in a group are held

accountable for doing their share of the work and for mastery of all

of the material to be learned.

c. Face-to-face promotive interaction: Although some of the group

work may be parcelled out and done individually, some must be

done interactively, with group members providing one another with

feedback, challenging reasoning and conclusions, and perhaps most

importantly, teaching and encouraging one another.


d. Appropriate use of collaborative skills: Students are encouraged

and helped to develop and practice trust-building, leadership,

decision-making, communication, and conflict management skills.

e. Group processing: Team members set group goals, periodically

assess what they are doing well as a team, and identify changes

they will make to function more effectively in the future.

3. Types of Cooperative Learning Group

Johnson (1994, in susanti 2010: 28) described three types of

Cooperative Learning groups.

a. Formal Cooperative Learning

Established for a spesific task and asked students to work together

to achieve shared learning goals.

b. Informal Cooperative Learning Groups

Used to facilitate learning during direct teaching and focus on

student attention.

c. Cooperative base Groups

Consist of heterogeneous learning groups with steady membership

whose primary purpose is to allow member to give each other

support., help encouragement, and assistance they need to succeed


4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Cooperative Learning

a. Advantages of Cooperative Learning


Felder and Brent (2007: 7) states that cooperative learning

has some advantages, there are:

1) Learners learn from one another, learn the material covered at a

deeper level and feel better about themeselves and their

interactions with their peers.

2) Cooperative learning can be used successfully with a variety of

other teaching strategies.

3) Learners learn valuable social skills such as resolving conflict,

problem solving, criticizing ideas and not people, paraphasing,

asking questions, giving direction to the group‟s work, and

building on each other‟s information.

4) Learners learn trust building, communication and leadership

skills from which they benefit for the rest of their lives in the

work place, or in relationship.

5) Learners usually enjoy working together because they are

actively involved in the learning process.

6) Helping learners learn to cooperate in their groups gives them

valuable life-long learning skills.

7) The teacher‟s role changes from being in front of the room

doing most of the work and all of the talking, to being a

facilitator of learning, monitoring and collecting data on learner

performance, as well as intervening when the group needs


assistance in doing the task or learning to work together more


8) Cooperative learning efficacy is heavily supported by over 90

years of research found in over 650 studies.

9) When in place, processing skills help learners learn effective

conflict resolution which improves group functioning in the


10) Instructors will eventually be able to cover more material at

deeper level with learners who will also enjoy the learning


b. Disadvantages of Cooperative Learning

Felder and Brent (2007: 7) states that cooperative learning

has some disadvantages, there are:

1) Learning to facilitate cooperative learning expertly requires

training, experience, and perseverance. It mat take 2 to3 years

before a instructor can use these techniques routinely.

2) Groups finish work at their different times. Sometimes learners

argue or refuse to do the work. Some learners don‟t know how

to get along with others and settle their differences. Some

learners want to work alone.

3) Initially, the teaching of collaborative/social skills takes up a

great deal of class time, affecting the amount of content



4) Cooperative learning does not work well in easy lessons.

5) Processing skills take time to learn and to carry out in the

classroom. Conflicts may arise for which the instructor may not

be prepared.

6) Some learners do not like to work in groups. If individual

accountability is not in place, some learners do all of the work

and the other group members let them.

7) Working in cooperative groups creates a level of “noise” that

may be uncomfortable for some indtructors.

5. Cooperative Learning Activity

There are some classroom activities that use cooperative

learning. Most of these activities are developed by Spencer Kagan

(2009: 14), they are:

a. Jigsaw: Groups with five students are set up. Each group member

is assigned some unique material to learn and then to teach to his

group members. To help in the learning students across the class

working on the same sub-section get together to decide what is

important and how to teach it. After practice in these “expert”

groups the original groups reform and students teach each other.

b. Think-Pair-Share: Involves a three step cooperative structure.

During the firs step individuals think silently about a question

posed by the instructor. Individuals pair up during the second step


and exchange thoughts. In the third step, the pairs share their

responses with other pairs, other teams, or the entire group.

c. Three-Step Interview: Each member of a team chooses another

member to be a partner. During the first step individuals interview

their partners by asking clarifying questions. During the second

dtep partners reverse the roles. For the final step, members share

thier partner‟s responses with the team.

d. Roundrobin Brainstorming: Class is divided into small groups (4 to

6) with one person appointed as the recorder. A question is posed

with many answers and students are given time to think about

answers. After “think time”, members of the team share responses

with another round robin style. The recorder writes down the

answers of the group members. The person next to the secorder

starts and each person in the group in order gives an answer until

time is called.

e. Talking Stick: Talking stick is a management strategy that

encourages all students to participate equally in a discussion. It

involves giving each students a stick to use during a discussion to

signal that he or she would like to speak.


1. The Concept of Talking Stick Method

Carol Locust (2006 in Miftahul Huda, 2013: 224) said that

Talking stick or ”tongkat berbicara” is a kind of methods used in


Americans to invite all the people speak and extend their opinions in

an ethnic group meeting. The talking stick was commonly used in

council circles to decide who had the right to speak. When matters of

great concern would come before the council, the leading elder would

hold the talking stick, and begin the discussion. When he would finish

what he had to say, he would hold out the talking stick, and whoever

would speak after him would take it. In this manner, the stick would be

passed from one individual to another until all who wanted to speak

had done so. The stick was then passed back to the elder for save


Kurniasih dan Sani (2015: 82) define that talking stick method

is one of cooperative learning methods in the learning process by a

stick, the student who gets the stick must answer the question by the

teacher. Talking stick method is not only trains the students speak up

but also creates fun and active condition in the class. Kurniasih dan

Sani (2015: 83) also states that Talking stick is a management strategy

that encourages all students to participate equally in a discussion. It

involves giving each students a stick to use during a discussion to

signal that he or she would like to speak.

Based on the definitions above, it can be concluded that

Talking Stick is a learning method that provides a structured

opportunity to students to construct their thought in improving

communication skill.


2. Method and Technique of Teaching Speaking

The writer needs to know the definition of method and

technique in teaching English.

a. Method of Teaching English

English teacher needs a method to help their students in

mastery English ability. According to Brown (2001: 16), method is

generalized set of classroom specification of accomplishing

linguistic objectives. Method is treated at the level of design in

which the roles of teachers, learners and instructional materials are

specified (Fauziyati, 2002: 5). Based on the definitions method

above, the writer concludes that Talking Stick is method in

teaching English.

b. Technique of Teaching English

According to Brown (2001: 16), technique is any of wide

variety of exercises, activity or divides used in the language

classroom for realizing lesson objectives. Fauziyati (2002: 6)

describes that technique is classroom practice done by the teacher

when presenting a language program. This is the way the

classroom activities are integrated into lessons and used as the

basis for teaching learning.

The writer is interested in dialogue as one technique of

teaching skill. Dialogue is a conversation between two or more

people to share ideas or view points. It helps the students practice


in speech, pronunciation, vocabulary. Today, dialogue is often used

in educational program. Dialogues used in such school to improve

the students speaking skill by treat them to represent their

conversation in pairs to the class. The technique is good for

generating class discussion.

3. The Procedures of Talking Stick Method

The procedures of using Talking Stick in teaching speaking

based on Huda (2013: 225) are:

a. The teacher prepares the materials and a stick.

b. The teacher explains the main topic. Then, the students read and

learn the materials for some minutes (10 minutes).

c. The teacher commands the students to close their books and takes a


d. The teacher gives the stick to a student.

e. The teacher sings a song or plays music while the stick moves one

student to another until the song or music stops.

f. The student who gets the stick must stands up and answers the

teacher's questions.

g. Then, the stick rolls on again until each student gets the stick and

takes part in the learning process.

h. Finally, the teacher gives the evaluation and makes conclusion.


4. The Strenght and Weakness of Talking stick Method

The talking stick method is one of innovative strategy in order

to make the students speak up and express their idea confidently.

Every strategy and method has the strengths and weakness belong to

the talking stick method. Kurniasih dan Sani (2015: 83) state that the

talking stick method has strengths and weakness. This method gives

the advantages to attract the student‟s preparation, so they are more

serious in learning. Next, the talking stick method trains the students to

comprehend and recall the materials vividly. However, there are some

weaknesses when applying this method. This method makes the

student be strained and afraid. Student stress when he or she gets the

stick and must answers the teacher's question.

Based on the explanation above, talking stick method is one of

alternative strategy to help the students to construct and improve their

speaking skill and create fun learning activities in the class.


1. Definition of Speaking

One of language skills which is very important to be mastered

by students to be a good communicator is speaking. Speaking is an

interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing

and receiving and processing information (Brown 1994: 13). Speech is

about making choices. Students must choose how to interact in

expressing themeselves and forming relationship through speech.


Speaking is an ability that is taken for granted, learned as it is

through process of socialization through communicating. The other

opinion is shown by Hornby (1995, in Nurjannah 2014: 1) Speaking is

making use of language in ordinary voice; uttering words; knowing

and being able to use a language; expressing oneself in words, making


Therefore, speaking can be as the way to carry out feeling

through words, even conversation with other. It means that human uses

words and phrases in interactive process of constructing meaning of


2. The Elements of Speaking

Harmer, (2001: 269), states that the ability to speak English

presupposes the elements necessary for spoken production as follows:

a. Language features, The elements necessary for spoken production,

are the folowing:

1) Connected speech: in connected speech sounds are modified

(assimilation), ommited (elision), added (linking), or weakened

a9 through contractions and stress patterning). It is also for this

reason that we should involve students in activities designed

specifically to improve their speaking skill.

2) Expressive devices: native speakers of English change the pitch

and stress of particular parts of utterances, vary volume and

speed, and shown by other physical and non-verbal (


paralinguistic) means how they are feeling (especially in face-

to-face interaction). The use of these devices contributes to the

ability to conveys meaning.

3) Lexis and grammar: teachers should therefore supply a variety

of phrases for different functions such as agreeing or

disagreeing, expressing surprise, shock, or approval.

4) Negotiation language: effective speaking benefits from

negotiators language we use to seek clarification and to show

the structure of what we are saying. We often need to ask for

clarification when we are listening to someone else talk and it

is very crucial for students.

b. Mental / social processing

Success of speaker‟s productivity is also dependent upon

the rapid processing skills that talking necessitates such as:

1) Language processing: language processing involves the

retrieval of words and phrases from memory and their

assembly into syntactically and propositionally appropriate


2) Interacting with others: effective speaking also involves a good

deal of listening, an understanding of how the other participants

are feeling, and a knowledge of how linguistically to take turns

or allow others to do so.


3) Information processing (On-the-spot): quite apart from our

response to other‟s feelings, we also need to able to process the

information they tell us the moment we get it.

3. The Components of Speaking Skill

In practicing English, components of speaking are important to

be paid attention. Nunan, (1994: 272), states that there are two skills

in speaking, accuracy and fluency. Accuracy involves the correct use

of pronounciation, grammar and vocabulary, while fluency and

comprehension can be thought as the ability to keep going when

speaking spontaneously. So if students want to speaks English, they

have to pay attention to the components of speaking. below is further

explanation of each element in speaking skills.

a. Pronunciation

Pronunciation is one of the students‟ way to utter English

word. As stated by Brown (2001: 270), pronunciation is a key to

gaining full communicative competence. Pronunciation is one of

the difficult language components for teaching oral communication

skills to determine how sound vary and pattern in a language.

b. Grammar

Grammar is sometimes defined as „the way words are put

together to make correct sentences‟. It concerns with how to

arrange a correct sentences in conversation. It can develop the

ability to understand and respond quickly, and the ability to


articulate. The utility of grammar is also to learn the correct way to

gain expertise in a language in oral and written form.

c. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is an element that must be processed by the

speakers and the listeners in orther the process of speaking run

well. Vocabulary refers to a list or set of words that individual

speakers of a language might use (Brown, 1994: 1). It means the

appropriate diction which is used in conversation. Having limited

vocabulary is a barrier that precludes learners from learning a

language. Without having a sufficient vocabulary, one cannot

communicate effectively or express ideas in both oral and written


d. Fluency

When speaking fluency students should be able to get the

message across with whatever resources and abilities they have

got, regardless of grammatical and other mistakes. Nunan (1991:

227) defines fluency as the extent to which speakers use the

language quickly and confidently, with few hesitations or unnatural

pauses, false starts, word searches, etc. It means that fluency is

being able to communicate one‟s ideas without having a stop think

too much about you are saying.


The four factors of speaking above have important role in

speaking. by mastering all the factors, people can produce good


4. Assessing Speaking

According to Louma (2004: 1), assessing speaking is

challenging, however, there are so many factors that influence our

impression of how well some one can speak a language. Then, we also

expect test scores to be accurate and appropriate for our purpose. To

comprehend speaking from someone, needful to act of determining

purpose of the study, thus, we can determine ways to assesses and

point that assessing by the teacher in order to be achieving the purpose

that use by the teacher. Ur uses some ways to assess speaking. he

submits what he calls as the scoring rubric. Explanation of the scoring

rubric can be seen on table 2.1

Table 2.1

The Scoring Rubric of Speaking Test (Ur, 1996: 135)

5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 points

Pronunciation virtually no grammar mistakes

Produces words with mostly correct pronunciation but sometimes there is any error

Produces words with some errors pronunciation

May have many strong foreign accents or produces words with too many errors pronunciation and unintengible

Little or no language produces

Grammar Uses grammatical sentences or

Uses a slightly incorrect grammatical

Makes obvious grammar mistakes or makes

Makes mistakes in basic grammar or no correct

Little or no language produces


expressions or virtually no grammar mistakes

sentences or expressions or occasional grammar slips

some grammar mistakes

grammatical sentences or expressions

Vocabulary Uses wide vocabulary appropriately

Uses good range of vocabulary

Uses adequate but not rich vocabulary

Uses adequate but not rich vocabulary

Little or no language produces

Fluency Speaks fluently with rare repetition and uses long turns easily and effectively

Speaks with occasional repetition and uses short turns in speaking

Gets idea accross but hesitantlyand briefly with some repetition

Speaks slowly and very hesitant with frequent repetition and sometimes difficult to understand

Little or no communication

Maximum score = 20

Based on the explanation above, the score is the students‟ score

which is calculated from the score obtained by the students, divided

which maximum score and multiplied by 100%. The obtained score is

the score which is gained by every student in the aspects of

pronounciation, grammar, vocabulary and fluency. The maximum score

is the highest score when the students speaking based on the four

aspects determined.

5. Teaching Speaking

According to Brown (1994) Teaching speaking is started at

teaching the students how to speak in Englih as their foreign language,

for then ask them to be able to pronounce the new language

accurately. It‟s continued then to guide students to a point where they


can begin to judge whether their sound production are correct or not.

At this point, tecaher is no longer primarily to correct, but he or she is

supposed to encourage students to practice speaking the target

language. Meanwhile, teacher should be able to encourage students

speaking some sounds, repeating, and imitating him/ her. Finally, the

students are required to be used practice and do oral language.

6. The Principles of Teaching Speaking

Nunan, (2003: 54-56), states that teaching speaking has some

principles, there are:

a. Be aware of the differences between second language and foreign

language learning context. A foreign language context is one where

the target language is not the language of communication in the

society, then a secon language context is one where the target

language is the language of communication in the society).

b. Give students practice with both fluency and accuracy . Accuracy

is the extent to which students‟ speech matches what people

actually say when they use the target language, quickly and

confidently, with few hesitations of unnatural pauses, false starts,

and word searches).

c. Provide opportunities for students to talk by using group work or

pair work and limiting teacher talk.

d. Plan speaking tasks that involve negotiation for meaning. Research

suggest that learners make progress by communicating in the target


language because interaction necessarily involves trying to

undertand and make you understood.

e. Design classroom activities that involved guidance and practice in

both transactional and interaction of speaking.

7. Technique in Teaching Speaking Skill

Nunan, (1991: 271), states that there are many of classroom

speaking activities which are currently used are:

a. Acting from script

This activity encourage students to act out scenes from

plays and/ or their coursbooks, sometimes filming the results.

Students will often act out dialogues they have written themselves.

This frequently involves them in coming out to the front of the


b. Communication Games

Speaking activities based on games are often a useful way

of giving students valuable practice, where younger learners are

involved. Game based activities can involve practice of oral

strategies such as describing, predicting, simplifying, and asking

for feedback.

c. Discussion

One of the reason that discussions fail (when they do) is

that students are relucant to give an opinion in front of the whole

class, particularly if they cannot think of anything to say and are


not, anyway, confident of the language they might use to say it.

Many students feel extremely exposed in discussion situation.

d. Prepared Talks

A popular kind of activity is the prepared talk where

students make a presentation on a topic of their own choice.

Students should speak from notes rather than from a script.

Prepared talks represent a define and useful speaking genre, and if

properly organised, can be extremely interesting for both speaker

and listeners.

e. Questionnaires

Questionnaires are useful because, by being pre-planned,

they ensure that both questioner and respondent have something to

say to each other. Students can design questionnaire on any topic

that is appropriate. As they do so the teacher can act as a resource,

helping them in the design process. The results obtained from

questionnaires can then form the basis for written work, discussion,

or prepared talks.

f. Simulation and role-play

Many students derive great benefit from simulation and

role-play. Students simulate a real-life encounter as if they were

doing so in the real world. Simulation and role-play can be used to

encourage general oral fluency, or to train students for specific



g. Debate

Dabete is an activity in which opposite ponts of view are

presented and argued. Debate can present opportunities for students

to engage in using extended shunkd of language for a purpose: to

convicingly defend one side of an issue.

All of speaking activities above encourage students to

practice speaking in classroom. Teacher should choose appropriate

activities above based on the level of the students. Every teaching

and learning process can be enjoyable if teacher gives the

appropriate activity based on the student‟s levels. Beside it, the

process of transfering knowledge can be done easily.

8. The Role of the Teacher in Speaking

Nunan, (1991: 273), said that there are many roles in teaching

speaking that can make effective in learning speaking process:

a. Use the target languge not only to deal with the subject matter but

also to regulate the interaction in the classroom.

b. Keep the number of disply questions to a minimum. Example:

teacher question that are aimed at gerring learners to „disply‟ their

knowledge, such as „what‟s the past of go?’.

c. Build the topic at hand together with the students; assume that

whatever they say contributes to the topic.

d. Tolerate silences; refrain from filing the gaps between turns.


e. Encourage students to sustain their speech beyond one or two

sentences and to take longer turns, do not use a student‟s short

utterance as aspringboard for your own lenghtly turn.

f. Extend your exchange with individual students to include

clarification of the speaker‟s intentions and a negotation of

meaning; do not cut off too soon an exchange to pass on to another


g. Pay attention to the message of students utterances rather than to

the form in which they are cast.

h. Make extensive use of natural feedback rather than evaluating and

judging every student utterance following its delivery.

i. Give students expicit credit by quoting them; do not take credit for

what students contributed by giving the impression.

j. Promter: students sometimes get lost, can not think of what to say

next or in some other way lose the fluency it expect of them. The

teacher can leave them to struggle out of situation on their own,

and indeed sometimes this may be the best option.

k. Participant: teachers should be good animators when asking

students to produce language.

l. Feedback provider: the vexed question of when and how to give

feedback in speaking activities is answered by considering

carefully the effect of possible different approaches.




A. The Method of Research

1. The definition of classroom action research

The method of research is using Classroom Action Research.

According to Arikunto (2006: 104) argues that classroom action

research is a research in which the root of the problems appear in the

class. This classroom action research is conducted by the teacher that

patient in the study to develop their teaching skill. Classroom action

research can be conducted using four ways. They are: planning,

action, observation and reflection. Classroom action research is aimed

to develop teachers‟ teaching skill and to improve students‟ score.

Based on the definitions above, classroom action research is

aimed not only to develop teaching skill for the teacher but also to

improve students‟ score and solve their problem in learning. As the

writer has found that the speaking skill of the students in class A

Nursing is still low, the writer would like to conduct a classroom

action research in this class to improve their speaking skill ability. In

conducting classroom action research, the writer will apply specificaly

Talking Stick Method through some procedures that the writer will

explain further in the next section.


2. The characteristic of classroom action research

Syamsudin and Damaianti (2011: 197) outline the following

characteristics of classroom action research:

a. It examines problem which are deemed problematic by researcher

in teaching learning process.

b. The researcher can give treatment which planed action to solve the

problems and improve the quality, so the subject can get the


c. The steps of research in the form of cycle.

d. Such reflective thinking from researcher both after and before


e. Contextual situational, which related to diagnosing and solving the


f. Classroom action research used collaborative approach.

g. Participatory, which each team member accompany in the research.

h. Self-evaluative, which the researcher evaluate by self continually

to improve the performance.

i. The procedure of research is on-the-spot which designed to handle

the real immediately, long-range in perspective.

j. Measuring up to supple and adaptive.

3. The procedures of research

This research uses classroom action research and the

procedures are as follows:


a. Planning

The activities in the planning are:

1) Preparing materials, making lesson plan and designing the

steps in doing the action.

2) Preparing list of students‟ names and scoring

3) Preparing teaching aids

4) Preparing test (pre-test and post-test)

b. Action

1) Giving pre-test

2) Teaching speaking

3) Giving opportunity to the students to ask about difficulties.

4) Giving post-test

c. Observation

Observation is an observation activity to know how far the

action effect have reach target. Observation was conducted by

observing and scoring through oral test to students‟ ability in

speaking English.

d. Reflecting

Reflecting was conducted for evaluating all of the actions

done in every cycle. The result of the observation is analyzed, it is

to remember what occurs that has been written in observation.

Reflection seeks to memorize sense of the process, problems and

real issues in strategic action. The writer‟s reflection is done by


discussing with his collaborator. If the writer find problems in

teaching in the first cycle, she will try to solve the problem in the

next cycle.

Kemmis and Mc Taggart (2010: 132) illustrate the concept

of an classroom action research in figure 3.1. There are two cycles

in which each cycle contains four phases: planning, action,

observation and reflection.

Figure 3.1 The Classroom Action Research Concept

(Kemmis and Mc Taggart 2010: 132)

4. The subject of the research

The writer conducted this Classroom Action Research in SMK

PGRI 1 Salatiga and especially concern in the second grade students of

Nursing A class. it consists of 35 students with a boy and 34 girls. The

English teacher for the subject of the research is Herwanti

Pancaningsih, S.Pd. The observer for the research is writer‟s friend.


She is Nurul Aini, she will help the writer when do this research in the


Table 3.1

The Students of Nursing A Class

SMK PGRI 1 Salatiga in the Academic Year 2015/2016

No Name Sex

1 Ahmad Hendri Susilo Male

2 Alifah Nur Aini Female

3 Anis Miranda Female

4 Astriya Hidayah Female

5 Chatharina Vanny Prajnasari Female

6 Dea Anggraini Indriasari Female

7 Dessy Kusuma Wardani Female

8 Deta Anggar Sari Female

9 Devia Dwi Yuliani Female

10 Dewi Kurniawati Female

11 Dewi Natalia Female

12 Diyah Febriyanti Female


13 Eko Jumiyarti Female

14 Eva Belia Tintin Pratiwi Female

15 Fatma Surtiana Female

16 Fina Febriana Female

17 Geffi Putri Maharani Female

18 Hinda Ningsih Female

19 Indah Laila Dwi Safitri Female

20 Indar Nurkhasatana Female

21 Lastriningsih Female

22 Lestari Dwi Puji Astuti Female

23 Lina Suswanti Female

24 Luluk Putri Hapsari Female

25 Maulidha Musfikah Female

26 Mellyna Nur Rochmah Female

27 Mila Dewi Inda Pahlexi Female

28 Ni‟mah Almar-Atush




29 Qisa‟ul Khoiriyah Female

30 Rihka Siroz Female

31 Rosita Wardani Saputri Female

32 Sakinah Ratih Female

33 Santi Endah Suryaningdini Female

34 Shania Cipta Pranatasya Female

35 Solikhatun Toyibah Female

5. The technique of collecting data

To obtain the necessary data in composing and writing this

graduating paper, the writer uses several methods:

a. Observation

Observe is look at an occurrence, movement and process.

Observing is not an easy task since people are influenced a lot by

interest and tendencies they have. In observation the most effective

method is by fulfilling an observation blank from as a tool. The

arranged from consists of items about occurrences or behaviors that

drawn will be happened (Arikunto, 2010: 272). The observation

noticed classroom events and classroom interaction.

b. Test


Brown (2004: 3), defines test is number measuring a person

ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain. In this

research, the writer will make pre-test and post-test to compare the

students‟ speaking ability before and after the implementation of

the method.

c. Documentation

Arikunto (2010: 274) states that documentation method is

an activity to look for variable like notes, transcribes, books,

newspaper, magazines, etc. This method is not too difficult since if

there is an error the source data is still not change. In this section,

besides make a note the resercher take photographs as proof of

teaching learning activity.

Table 3.2

The Scoring Rubric of Speaking Test (Ur, 1996: 135)

5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 points

Pronunciation virtually no grammar mistakes

Produces words with mostly correct pronunciation but sometimes there is any error

Produces words with some errors pronunciation

May have many strong foreign accents or produces words with too many errors pronunciation and unintengible

Little or no language produces

Grammar Uses grammatical sentences or

Uses a slightly incorrect grammatical

Makes obvious grammar mistakes or makes

Makes mistakes in basic grammar or no correct

Little or no language produces


expressions or virtually no grammar mistakes

sentences or expressions or occasional grammar slips

some grammar mistakes

grammatical sentences or expressions

Vocabulary Uses wide vocabulary appropriately

Uses good range of vocabulary

Uses adequate but not rich vocabulary

Uses adequate but not rich vocabulary

Little or no language produces

Fluency Speaks fluently with rare repetition and uses long turns easily and effectively

Speaks with occasional repetition and uses short turns in speaking

Gets idea accross but hesitantlyand briefly with some repetition

Speaks slowly and very hesitant with frequent repetition and sometimes difficult to understand

Little or no communication

Maximum score = 20

6. Research Instrument

The instrument used to collect the data is observation sheets

and test. The writer use pre-test and post-test.

Table 3.3

Question Sheet

Pre-test I Make the dialogue with your partner about

your hobbies and interests, after that present

the dialogue what did you make in front of the


Pre-test II Make the dialogue with your partner about

daily activity, after that present the dialogue


what did you make in front of the class.

Post-test I Telling about your hobbies and interests


Post-test II Telling about daily activity based on the


Table 3.4

Observation Checklist (Before Talking Stick Implemented)




Yes No

1 Teacher prepares the material

2 Teacher can manage classroom condition


3 Teacher uses time effectively

4 The method that used by the teacher is


5 Teacher being friendly to the student

6 Teacher is able to use the technique well


7 Teacher provides teaching aids

8 Teacher asks the students‟ difficulties

9 Students pay attention to the teacher


10 Students ask the teacher explanation

11 Students understand the teacher


12 The students become active in classroom

13 Students brave to ask and answer

14 Students feel happy during the lesson

15 Students get bored during the lesson


Table 3.5

Observation Checklist (After Talking Stick Implemented)




Yes No

1 Teacher prepares the material


2 Teacher can manage classroom condition


3 Teacher uses time effectively

4 The method that used by the teacher is


5 Teacher being friendly to the student

6 Teacher is able to use the technique well

7 Teacher provides teaching aids

8 Teacher asks the students‟ difficulties

9 Students pay attention to the teacher


10 Students ask the teacher explanation

11 Students understand the teacher


12 The students become active in classroom

13 Students brave to ask and answer

14 Students feel happy during the lesson


15 Students get bored during the lesson


7. Data Analysis Method

After collecting data, the next step of the study is analyzing the

data. There are two ways to analyze the data. They are:

a. Descriptive Technique

A descriptive technique is used to know the students

behavior during the teaching learning process. In descriptive

technique, the researcher analyzes the observation sheet which has

been made by his partner.

b. Statictical Technique

A statistical technique is used to know the extent to using

the small group discussion to improve the students‟ speaking skill

the result of pre-test and post-test. This research is calculated by t-

test analysis:

1) Mean

A set of numbers you had collected, add them up and

then divide the total by the number of items, you would end up

the mean (Burn: 2010: 122).



M : the mean of obtained

∑ x : the sum of test

N : the number of group

2) SD (Deviation Standard)

The first step, the researcher will calculate SD, the

formula is:

SD = √∑



SD : Deviation standard for one sample t-test

D : Different between pre-test and post-test

N : Number of observations in sample

3) T-test

After calculating the SD, the researcher will calculate t-

test to know is there any significant differences or no between

pre-test and post-test, the formula is:

To = (∑



To : T-test for the differences of pre-test and post-test

SD : Deviation standard for one sample t-test


D : Different between pre-test and post-test

N : Number of observation in sample

4) Percentages score

P =

X 100%


P : Percentages

F : Frequency

N : Number of group

The standardized score (the minimum of passing criteria)

is 75. If students have low mark from the standardized, they will

bw assumed that they have not passed. While students who

passed the standardized are students who have equal mark or

good mark.

8. Statistical Hypothesis (Ho)

Ho is hypothesis which no relation or influenced between a

variable and another variable. In this research, Null hypothesis that

using talking stick method can not improve students‟ speaking skill.

B. The Setting of the Research

1. General Description of SMK PGRI 1 Salatiga


Address : Jl. Nakula Sadewa 1 Salatiga

District : Sidomukti


City : Salatiga


Status : Accreditation A

Telp/ fax : (0298) 324383

Email Address : [email protected]

SMK PGRI 1 Salatiga is an educational institution which

stands under the YPLP PGRI DISKASMEN central java. The school

was built on March, which was located on Jalan Nakula

Sadewa No 1, Kembangarum, Sidomukti, Salatiga. This is a private

school. The headmaster of this school is Sardi, S.Pd. SMK PGRI 1

Salatiga has duration of study 3 years and the school has two program

studies, they are nursing and sewing.

2. Time Setting

The subjects of the research were students in the second grade

of SMK PGRI 1 Salatiga in the academic year 2015/2016. They

consists of 35 students with a boy and 34 girls. This research was

conducted on the first semester in the academic year of 2015/ 2016 for

about 16 November- 28 November.

3. The situation of educational facilities and tools

SMK PGRI I Salatiga has 9 classrooms, 1 Headmaster rooms,

2 teachers room, I administration room, 1 library, 5 toilets, 1

laboratory, 1 counseling room, 2 canteens, 1 auditorium, 1 computer

laboratory, 1 mosque, 1 productive unit, and UKS room , all those


room are in a good condition. SMK PGRI I Salatiga also has a large

parking area.

4. The Teachers of SMK PGRI 1 Salatiga

There are a lot of teacher and staff in SMK PGRI I Salatiga.

They are lead by Mr. Sardi, S.Pd as a headmaster. There are 2

mathematic teacher, they are Djantik Setyaningrum, S.Si and

Anjariyani, S.Pd, there are 4 teachers in sewing division, they are Nila

Trilisnawati, S.Pd, A.Md, Rubiyati, S.Pd, Siti Na‟imah, Pd, S.Pd, and

Tri Wijayanti, M.Pd, S.Pd. There are 5 teachers in nursing division,

they are Muhammad Thoni, Sumyani, A.Md, Theresia Oktiana Rikha

Dewi,, Purwadi, A.Md, and Eni Kusumastuti, A.Md.




The researcher collect the data from 35 students of the second

grade students of vocational high school PGRI 1 Salatiga in the academic

year 2015/2016. They are consist of 1 male and 34 female students who

are tought using talking stick method to improve speaking skill.

In this chapter, the researcher present the data and the analysis

from the result of pre-test and post-test from the classroom action research.

This chapter discover the problems in chapter I, they are; how is the

implementation of cooperative learning by using talking stick method to

improve students‟ speaking skill and how is the improvement and the

result of students‟ speaking skill through talking stick method.

To answer those questions, the researcher shows the students‟

behavior in teaching learning process. In this implementation, the

researcher arrange two cycles. In each cycle, the steps are; planning,

acting, observing, and reflecting. Then the researcher calculates the test


A. Field Note

In this research, the researcher acts as the teacher and learning

process observed by researcher‟s friend. The researcher arranged two

cycles, each cycle consist of planning, action, observing and reflection.


The whole steps of this research are explained in the description


1. Cycle I

a. Planning

Before conducting the research, the researcher prepared

the instruments of the research. They are as follows:

1) Preparing the material, making lesson plan, and designing

the steps in doing the action

2) Preparing students‟ list and scoring

3) Preparing teaching aids

4) Preparing sheet for classroom observation (to know the

situations of teaching learning process when the method or

technique or mode is applied)

5) Preparing a test (to know whether students improve or not)

b. Implementation of the action

The researcher (the teacher) and the observer did

research on November 2015 at 07.00 a.m in the class of

XI A. The students surprised with our coming, because the

English teacher was not with them, she asked the researcher to

enter the classroom early. The situation of the classroom was

crowded. The researcher conditioned the students until they

have paid attention to the teacher. After all of the students was

organized, the teacher began the class said salam and led to


pray by reciting bassmallah together. After that, she greeted

the students and also the students too.

The teacher told them about her participation in their

classroom for about two weeks. She hoped the students and the

teacher can be cooperative in teaching learning process. After

checked the students‟ list name she began the lesson by giving

the game for ice breaking. The game was founding an

adjective from the last letter of the students‟ name. She gave

them an example about the game. She said “The last letter of

my call name is H, so I say Happy”. It was begun from Hendri.

He was doing the game, he had the letter I, and also he said

“Incredible”. The next studnet was Shania Cipta Pranastasya,

she had the letter A, and also she said “Angry”.

The game kept continuing until all of students were

doing it. The teacher asked the students did they have some

hobbies or intersets and they answered yes. The teacher asked

one of student in the class “What do you usually do in your

spare time?”, he said actually, I prefer reading about medical

books, because it can increase my knowledge. Then, the

teacher asked to another student “How about you? What do

you usually do in your spare time?”, she said I love gardening

very much, miss, because it is fun and interesting. After that,

the teacher gave the example of some expressions of talking


about hobbies and interests. The teacher divided them into five

groups, each group consist of 5 to 6 members. Then, she asked

them to make dialogue like the example in different topic, she

gave 15 minutes to prepare it. After that, the students doing

conversation with their group.

The activity was continuing until all of the students had

done, and it is the teacher doing pre-test. After that, the teacher

asked the students did they ever play Talking Stick and they

answerd not yet. Then, the teacher said “Well, now we are

going to play it together, but before we play it, I would like to

explain the definition of talking stick and the rule how to play

it. Talking stick is a method in the learning process by a stick,

the student who gets the stick must stands up and answers the

teachers‟ questions. Did you get it? They answered “Yes, I get

it”. Then, the teacher gave a stick and question to a student.

Then, the stick rolled on again until each student got the stick

and took part in the learning process.

The activity was continuing until all of the students had

done, and it is the teacher doing treatment by using talking

stick method. After that, the teacher gave each student

different picture about hobbies and interests. Then, the teacher

gave the explanation and the example about the rule of test,

after finished each student present their hobbies and interests


appropriate the picture. The activity was continuing until all of

the students done, and it is the teacher doing post-test.

After that, the teacher conclude the material and closed

the learning process said hamdallah together. Teacher

reminded the students to study for the next meeting. She

closed by reciting Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. and the

students answered by reciting Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

c. Observation

In the cycle I the teacher entered the class with the

observer. The class was too crowded and disorganozed, but

after that, the teacher spoke up and they paid attention to us,

then the teacher and the observer introduced their selves to the

students. The teacher companied by a collaborator observer. By

monitoring the students‟ activity in this action, we could see

that the students were ready in the class when the teacher came.

In the research the teacher had dominants function. She served

as a model, provide help, support, guidance and facilities to

build up an interaction in all learning activities in English class.

When students presented the result in front of the class, some

students still did not have high convidences and therefore they

were so shy and afraid if they would do mistake. When they

were doing assigment almost all of the students needed helping

to the teacher, and the teacher always helped to students. When


they were practicing speaking, they still did incorrect

pronounciation and sometimes they still read the text, because

they still have difficulties to speak up spontaneously.

d. Reflection

Based on the observation of the cycle I, the researcher

and the observer concluded that it was very important to give

some feedbacks and motivations to the students to be more

active in classroom, to be confident to face anything, to be

discipline, to have well time management and to enhance their

interest and spirit in learning English.

The researcher as the teacher had to reflect the

weakness that happened in the learning process to maximize

the students‟ speaking skill. First, the teacher ask to the

students to bring dictionary to help their vocabulary

difficulties. After that, the teacher ask to the students, try to

understand and remember what will the students said, so they

do not need to read. Then, the teacher ask to the students three

or four times to repeat the words. Finally, the teacher has to

motivate the students to present in front of the class.

The first cycle did not give a satisfactory result,

because it was still found some problems in learning and

teaching process. So, those are very important to continue to

the next cycle to increase the students‟ speaking skill. The


cycle II is carried out as follow up of the cycle I. The teacher

used the same technique and theme.

e. Calculation of the test result

1) Score of pre-test and post-test in cycle 1

Table 4.1

The Students’ Score of Pre-test and Post-test in Cycle I










Post – pre


1 70 75 5 25

2 50 60 10 100

3 55 70 15 225

4 50 65 15 225

5 50 65 15 225

6 50 60 10 100

7 45 60 15 225

8 45 65 20 400

9 45 55 10 100

10 50 65 15 15

11 75 80 5 5

12 45 65 20 400

13 55 65 10 100

14 50 60 10 100

15 50 60 10 100

16 60 70 10 100

17 60 70 10 100

18 60 75 15 225

19 65 75 10 100

20 70 75 5 25

21 75 80 5 25

22 65 70 5 25

23 65 70 5 25

24 60 65 5 25

25 70 75 5 25


26 55 65 10 100

27 65 75 10 100

28 60 70 10 100

29 65 70 5 25

30 75 80 5 25

31 65 70 5 25

32 55 65 10 100

33 55 60 5 25

34 50 60 10 100

35 60 70 10 100

∑ 2040 2380 340 3720

a) Mean of pre-test 1

= ∑


= 58.28

b) Mean of post-test 1

= ∑


= 68

c) SD of pre-test and post-test

From the data above, the researcher calculates

SD pre-test and post-test.

= √∑




= √



= √

= √

= 3.45

d) T-test calculation

= (∑



√ )

= (



√ )



√ )





= 16.47

Mean of pre-test 1 is 58.28

Mean of post test 1 is 68

SD of Pre-test and Post-test is 3.45

T-test is 16.47


It shows that there is a significant influence

between pre-test and post-test in cycle 1. It means that

the use of talking stick method can help the students to

improve their speaking skill.

e) Percentages score

P =

x 100%

Percentage of Pre-test : < 70 =

x 100 %

: < 70 = 82.85 %

: > 70 =

x 100 %

: > 70 =

Percentage of Post-test : < 70 =

x 100%

: < 70 = 48.57 %

: > 70 =

x 100%

: > 70 =

The result of the cycle I, there is 51.42% student

who pass in oral test and 48.57% who does not pass in

oral test. The score of result above also showed that the

students‟ score increased from the pre-test to the post-

test. The mean of pre-test is 58.28 while the mean of

post-test is 68.

In the other hand, from the percentage in the

cycle I, based on the standardized score (KKM) is 75


and the students who get the score approach with the

KKM is 51.42 % students. The writer wants to get 70

% students who get score is 70.

It is necessary for the researcher to conduct

cycle II because from the results of this cycle is not

suitable with the target‟s writer. The researcher hopes

the students who will pass the KKM in cycle II more

than cycle I.

2. Cycle II

a. Planning

The activities in action planning are:

1) Preparing the material, making lesson plan, and designing

the steps in doing the action

2) Preparing students‟ list and scoring

3) Preparing teaching aids

4) Preparing sheet for classroom observation (to know the

situations of teaching learning process when the method or

technique or mode is applied)

5) Preparing a test (to know whether students improve or not)

b. Implementation of the action

The researcher (the teacher) and the researcher‟s friend

(the collaborator) did research on November 2015 in

Nursing A class. The situation of the class was ready to begin.


Teacher began the lesson. She said salam and led to pray by

reciting Basmallah together. After that, she greeted and also

the students too. She continued checking the students‟


The teacher asked “ what is your daily activity?”. One

of student answer “I go to school, mom”. The teacher asked”

what time do you usually go to school?”. She answer “ I go to

school at 6.15 a.m. but before I go to school, I have breakfast

with my family. Then, I prepare what everything I need at

school. I go to school by bicycle. It takes about 10 minutes

from my house to school. I usually study at school until 1.30

p.m. I get home in the afternoon and have lunch. After that, I

take a nap at 2.00”. The teacher said “good job!”. Then, the

teacher asked to the students to gave her applause. After that,

the teacher asked to the students to make a dialogue with their

partner to share about their daily activities. Then, they were

practice in front of the classroom.

The activity was continuing until all of the students

done, and it is the teacher doing pre-test. Then, the teacher said

“now, we are going to play the game and sing a song, using

the stick, it called talking stick. As last meeting, the student

who gets the stick must stands up and answer the teacher‟s

question. Are you ready?”. Then, they answer “yes mom, I


have ready to play”. After that, the teacher gave a stick and

question to a student. Then, the stick rolled on again until each

student got the stick and took part in the learning process. The

activity was continuing until all of the students done, and it is

the teacher doing treatment. After that, the teacher asked to the

students to share about their daily activities based on the

picture what they got. After finished the students to present the

material, the activity was continuing until all of the students

done, and it is the teacher doing post-test.

After that, the teacher concluded the material and

before closing the lesson, teacher and students prayed by

reciting Hamdallah together. She closed the class by resciting

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb and the students answered by

reciting Waalaikumsalam.Wr.Wb.

c. Observation

This cycle used same method using talking stick

method. Students looked enthusiastic in following teaching and

learning process. The teacher reminded the students about the

material that has been studied previously by giving questions to

students. After explaining the material, the teacher asked the

students to share about their daily activities based on the

picture that was given by the teacher. At cycle II students look


more convidence and just several who read the text when they

speak up in front of the classroom.

d. Reflection

In this cycle, the writer as the teacher concludes that

the treatment was successful in improving the speaking skill. It

could be seen the students‟ speaking improvement in the

students‟ score. They were very active and confidence in

present the material in front of the class. Almost all of students

seriously paid attention to the teacher‟s explanation and being

active in engaging in the learning process; such as asking

question and responding question.

e. Calculation of Test Result

1) Score of pre-test and post-test in cycle 2

Table 4.2

The Students’ Score of Pre-test and Post-test in Cycle II





1 (X)


1 (Y)




1 70 80 10 100

2 55 70 15 225

3 60 70 10 100

4 55 65 10 100

5 60 75 15 225

6 55 65 10 100

7 55 70 15 225

8 55 70 15 225

9 50 65 15 400

10 55 70 15 225

11 75 80 5 25


12 60 70 10 100

13 60 75 10 100

14 60 70 10 100

15 60 65 5 25

16 65 75 10 100

17 70 80 10 100

18 65 75 10 100

19 70 75 5 25

20 70 80 10 100

21 70 80 10 100

22 60 75 15 225

23 60 70 10 100

24 65 70 5 25

25 70 75 5 25

26 60 70 10 100

27 60 75 15 225

28 60 70 10 25

29 65 75 10 100

30 70 80 10 100

31 65 75 10 100

32 55 65 10 100

33 60 70 10 100

34 65 75 10 100

35 65 70 5 25

∑ 2175 2540 360 4150

a) Mean of pre-test 2

= ∑


= 62.14

b) Mean of post-test 2


= ∑


= 72.57

c) SD of pre-test and post-test

From the data above, the writer calculates SD pre-

test and post-test.

= √∑



= √



= √

= √

= 3.59

d) T-test calculation

To = (∑



√ )

= (



√ )



√ )






= 16.80

Mean of Pre-test 2 is 62.14

Mean of Post-test 2 is 72.57

SD of Pre-test and Post-test 2 is 3.59

T-test is 16.80

So, there is a significant influence between pre-

test and post-test in cycle 2. It means that the use of

talking stick method can help the students to improve

their speaking skill.

e) Percentages score

P =

x 100%

Percentage of Pre-test : < 70 =

x 100 %

: < 70 = 77.14 %

: > 70 =

x 100 %

: > 70 =

Percentage of Post-test : <70 =

x 100 %

: < 70 = 11.42 %


: > 70 =

x 100%

: > 70 =

The result of the cycle II, there is 88.57% student

who pass in oral test and 11.42% student who does not

pass in oral test. The score of result above also showed

that the students‟ score increased from the pre-test to the

post-test. The mean of pre-test is 62.14 while the mean

of post-test is 72.57.

In the other hand, from the percentage in the

cycle I, based on the standardized score (KKM) is 75 and

the students who get the score approach with the KKM is

88.57 % students. The writer wants to get 70 % studnets

who get score is 70.

Finally, the researcher not necessary to conduct

cycle 3 because from the results of this cycle is suitable

with the target‟s researcher. It is successful based on the

percentage in the cycle II which is more than the cycle I.

B. Analysis and Discussion

From the result of analyzing in cycle I and II, it shows that

there is a significant improvement of students‟ speaking skill. The

improvement is as follows:


Table 4.3

The Mean and T- Calculation of Students’ Score

No Analyzing Cycle I Cycle II

1 Mean

- Pre-test

- Post-test





2 T-calculation 16.47 16.80

Chart 4.1

The Mean and T-calculation of Students’ Score

The table and the chart display the improvement of the students‟

speaking skill from the cycle I to the cycle II. It means that the

implementation of talking stick method can improve students‟ speaking

skill. In addition, it means that the Ho (null hypothesis) rejected.






Cycle I Cycle II

58,28 62,42 62,14


16,47 16,80





Based on the comparison among T-calculation of cycle I and

cycle II, the implementation of talking stick method on speaking skill is

successful to improve the students‟ speaking skill. It can be seen in the

chart. The chart shows that t-calculation of cycle II is greater than cycle

I, there are 16.80 for cycle II while 16.47 for cycle I.

Table 4.4

The Percentages of Students’ Score

Category Cycle I Cycle II

< 48.57 % 11.42 %

> 51.42 % 88.57 %

Chart 4.2

The Percentages of Students’ Score

The table and the chart also shows the improvement of

students‟ score from cycle I to cycle II. The percentage score displays







Cycle I Cycle II








the students who pass the standardized score it increases. From 51.42

% in cycle I to 88.57 % in cycle II.

It can be concluded that it is significant in improving students‟

speaking skill using talking stick method. Therefore, it shows that

talking stick method is effective to improve speaking skill in the

second grade students of SMK PGRI 1 Salatiga in the academic year

of 2015/2016.

C. Research Limitation

The researcher limit this research dealing with students‟

speaking skill for the second grade students of SMK PGRI 1 Salatiga

in the academic year 2015/2016 through talking stick method.




This chapter presents the conclusion and suggestions for the English

teacher, students and other reseachers.

A. Conclusions

After presenting and analyzing data in the previous chapter, the

researcher accomplishes to the conclusion as follows:

1. The procedure of implementing of talking stick to improve speaking

skill for the second grade students of SMK PGRI 1 Salatiga are as

follows; (1) The teacher prepares the materials and a stick. (2) The

teacher explains the main topic. Then, the students read and learn the

materials for some minutes (10 minutes). (3) The teacher commands

the students to close their books and takes a stick. (4) The teacher

gives the stick to a student. (5) The teacher sings a song or plays music

while the stick moves one student to another until the song or music

stops. (6) The student who gets the stick must stands up and answers

the teacher's questions. (7) Then, the stick rolls on again until each

student gets the stick and takes part in the learning process. (8) Finally,

the teacher gives the evaluation and makes conclusion.

From the procedures for implementation of talking stick

method above, the research shows the students‟ behavior in teaching

learning process. In this implementation, the researcher arranges two


cycles. In each cycle, the steps are planning, acting, observing and

reflecting. Then, the researcher calculates the test result.

2. There is significant results for the use of talking stick method in

teaching speaking to improve students‟ speaking skill for the second

grade students of SMK PGRI 1 Salatiga. It is shown by the result of

calculation of t-test in the two cycles. In the cycle 1 is 16.47 and 16.80

in cycle 2. The percentages score of students is also improving from

51.42 % in cycle 1 up to 88.57 % in cycle 2. In addition, the

improvement can be seen from the result of mean in all cycle from pre-

test and post-test. The result showed that mean of pre-test I is 58.28

and up to 62.14 in post-test, the mean of pre-test II 62.42 and up to

72.57 of post-test II. It means that using talking stick method is able to

improve the students‟ speaking skill.

B. Suggestions

There are suggestions to the English teacher and the other

researcher based on the research findings as follows:

1. For the teachers

The method of teaching speaking will influence the students‟

skill in speaking. They should pay attention to the fact that the

students convidence and braveness during teaching learning process

which should be increased. The use of various method is suggested to

make the students more encourage to improve the teaching learning



2. For the students

a. The students should bring the dictionary in each English class.

b. The students need to have a big spirit and study harder to reduce

thier difficulties of English learning.

c. The students should be active and creative to get the point of

teaching learning process.

d. The students should pay attention to the teacher‟s explanation.

e. The students try to have some practices speaking.

3. To other reseachers

It shows that the using of talking stick method can improve the

students‟ speaking skill. So that, the other researchers and the readers

could use the method in learning English especially in improving

students‟ speaking skill. They should read this research clearly, so

they can understand how to practice talking stick method in improving

students‟ speaking skill.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher would like to

suggest the readers and other researchers that this research can be used to

be applied in additional reference to further research with the different

sample and occasion.



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Name : Indah Rahayu

Place of Birth : Indramayu

Date of Birth : 10 juni 1992

Sex : Female

Religion : Islam

Address : Cikedung, RT 05/RW 04, Indramayu.

E-mail : [email protected]

Education Background :

1. 1998-2004 : Program Primary School (SDN) 02 Cikedung

2. 2004-2007 : Islamic Junior High School (MTSN) Cikedung

3. 2008-2011 : Islamic Senior High School (MA) Al- Ihsan Boyolali

4. 2011-2016: English Education Department, of State Institute for Islamic

Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

Salatiga, March, 30th


The writer,

Indah Rahayu

113 11 140








MATA PELAJARAN : Bahasa Inggris

KECAKAPAN : Berbicara

WAKTU : 2 x 45 menit

A. Standar Kompetensi

Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Elementary

B. Kompetensi Dasar

Memahami percakapan sederhana sehari-hari baik dalam konteks

profesional maupun pribadi dengan orang bukan penutur asli.

C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Berbagai bentuk dan ungkapan digunakan dengan tepat untuk

membicarakan kegemaran/ hobi dan minat.

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran diharapkan siswa dapat:

Siswa dapat menggunakan penuturan yang tepat untuk mengadakan

percakapan tentang hobi dan minat dengan benar.

E. Karakter Peserta Didik yang diharapkan

Siswa dapat bekerjasama (cooperative), aktif (active), kreatif (creative),

perhatian (respect), berani (bravery) dan tanggung jawab (responsibility)


F. Materi Pembelajaran

Talking about Hobbies and Interests

Expressions Responses

What is your hobby?

You are very interested in..., are


What do you usually do in your

spare time?

Is gardening your hobby?

Do you like traveling?

Are you keen on painting?

My hobby is playing piano

Yes, I am interested in ...

I write novels, articles,

Actually, I prefer Designing


Yes, I like it very much

Not very, I like drawing cartoon

Better than ...

List of Reasons Why

“... because it‟s a great way to relieve stress”.

“... because it helps me to relax.”

“... because it‟s fun and interesting.”

“...because it‟s exiciting.”

“... because it helps me to think.”

List of Hobbies











Learning a new



Listening to music


Collecting coins


Playing video games



Nanda : What are you doing in your spare time?

Dian : Well, I like coocking.

Nanda : Why do you like coocking?

Dian : because I like eating, so I want to make it by my self.

Nanda : Can you teach me how to make Rainbow Cake?

Dian : Sure.


Mira : do you like traveling?

Jane : Yes, I like it very much.

Mira : Why you like it? Is it interesting ?

Jane : Sure. It is very interesting for me, because I love explore my life

and I love see the world.

G. Metode/ Model dan Teknik Pembelajaran

Metode : Talking Stick

Teknik : Ceramah, tanya jawab, diskusi dan pemberian tugas

H. Langkah- Langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

1. Kegiatan Awal

a. Guru memberikan salam dengan ramah kepada siswa kemudian

dilanjutkan dengan berdoa bersama.

b. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa.

c. Tanya jawab tentang Talking about hobbies and interests, menebak

dan merespon ucapan guru.

- Sambil menunjukkan gambar, guru bertanya kepada siswa:

- Do you like cycling?

- How often do you cycle?

- Where do you usually cycle?

- What is your hobby? etc


d. Memberikan pengertian mengenai Talking about hobbies and


2. Kegiatan Inti

a. Eksplorasi

- Guru memberikan ilustrasi- ilustrasi tentang materi yang

diajarkan. Misalnya mencontohkan peristiwa yang mungkin

dialami oleh siswa terkait talking about hobbies and interests.

- Guru mengajak siswa untuk bermain game tentang kata sifat

berbahasa Inggris.

- Siswa diminta menyebutkan kata sifat sesuai dengan huruf

pada akhir nama panggilan siswa.

- Guru menjelaskan tentang topik utama berupa Talking about

hobbies and interests, kemudian siswa diperkenalkan dengan

kata-kata, ekspresi dan contoh percakapan yang digunakan

untuk berbicara tentang Talking about hobbies and interests.

b. Elaborasi

- Guru membagi siswa menjadi beberapa kelompok.

- Setiap kelompok terdiri dari 5 orang.

- Siswa diminta untuk membuat text dalam bentuk dialog.


- Guru meminta setiap siswa berdialog terkait Talking about

hobbies and interests di depan kelas (Pre- test).

- Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa tentang metode talking stick.

- Guru menyuruh siswa menutup buku dan mengambil sebuah


- Guru memainkan musik/ menyanyikan lagu sementara tongkat

berpindah dari siswa satu ke siswa lain secara berurutan sampai

musik/ lagu berhenti.

- Siswa yang terakhir kali memegang tongkat harus berdiri dan

menjawab pertanyaan dari guru terkait materi Talking about

hobbies and interests.

Treatment‟s Question

List of Hobbies











Learning a new



Listening to music


Collecting coins


Playing video games

- Siswa menjelaskan tentang hobi dan minat sesuai ketentuan

guru (list of hobbies)

- Kemudian tongkat berputar lagi sampai sebagian besar siswa

berpartisipasi dalam pembelajaran.

- Guru memberikan evaluasi dan kesimpulan dari metode yang


c. Konfirmasi

- Guru meminta setiap siswa untuk membuat cerita terkait

dengan materi Talking about hobbies/interests sesuai dengan

gambar yang telah diberikan oleh guru.


- Siswa mempresentasikan hasil kerja di depan kelas dengan

menceritakan tentang hobi dan minat masing- masing (Post-


3. Kegiatan Akhir

- Siswa mendapat kesimpulan atas apa yang telah mereka pelajari di

hari itu mengenai Talking about hobbies and interests.

- Guru mengulas kembali materi yang telah diberikan.

- Siswa diberikan kesempatan untuk bertanya mengenai materi yang

telah diberikan yaitu mengenai Talking about hobbies and interests.

- Guru menutup proses pembelajaran dengan salam.

I. Alat dan Media Belajar

- Fotocopy materi

- Worksheet

- Tongkat talking stick

- White board dan boardmarker

- Kamus Indonesia- Inggris

J. Penilaian Hasil Belajar

1. Teknik/ Jenis : tugas kelompok dan individu

2. Bentuk instrumen : oral dialog

3. Oral Rubric

5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 points

Pronunciation virtually no grammar mistakes

Produces words with mostly correct pronunciation but sometimes there is any error

Produces words with some errors pronunciation

May have many strong foreign accents or produces words with too many errors pronunciation and unintengible

Little or no language produces

Grammar Uses grammatical sentences or expressions or

Uses a slightly incorrect grammatical sentences or

Makes obvious grammar mistakes or makes some grammar

Makes mistakes in basic grammar or no correct grammatical sentences or

Little or no language produces


virtually no grammar mistakes

expressions or occasional grammar slips

mistakes expressions

Vocabulary Uses wide vocabulary appropriately

Uses good range of vocabulary

Uses adequate but not rich vocabulary

Uses adequate but not rich vocabulary

Little or no language produces

Fluency Speaks fluently with rare repetition and uses long turns easily and effectively

Speaks with occasional repetition and uses short turns in speaking

Gets idea accross but hesitantlyand briefly with some repetition

Speaks slowly and very hesitant with frequent repetition and sometimes difficult to understand

Little or no communication

Maximum score = 20


Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris

Herwanti Pancaningsih


Salatiga, November 2015


Indah Rahayu

NIM. 113 11 140



Talking about Hobbies and Interests

Expressions Responses

What is your hobby?

You are very interested in..., are


What do you usually do in your

spare time?

Is gardening your hobby?

Do you like traveling?

Are you keen on painting?

My hobby is playing piano

Yes, I am interested in ...

I write novels, articles,

Actually, I prefer Designing


Yes, I like it very much

Not very, I like drawing cartoon

Better than ...

List of Reasons Why

“... because it‟s a great way to relieve stress”.

“... because it helps me to relax.”

“... because it‟s fun and interesting.”

“...because it‟s exiciting.”

“... because it helps me to think.”

List of Hobbies











Learning a new



Listening to music


Collecting coins


Playing video games



Nanda : What are you doing in your spare time?

Dian : Well, I like coocking.

Nanda : Why do you like coocking?

Dian : because I like eating, so I want to make it by my self.

Nanda : Can you teach me how to make Rainbow Cake?

Dian : Sure.


Mira : do you like traveling?

Jane : Yes, I like it very much.

Mira : Why you like it? Is it interesting ?

Jane : Sure. It is very interesting for me, because I love explore my life

and I love see the world.

Students‟ job:

Please tell about...

List of Hobbies











Learning a new



Listening to music


Collecting coins


Playing video games


Write about your hobbies and interests based on the picture. After that, present

your story in front of the class!

Picnic to the beach

Watering garden






The Procedures of Assessment

The teacher ask the students to present the presentation of their job


Type of Test

Speaking: Oral Test

Pre-Test Cycle I

Assessment Format for Speaking

No Aspects of Assessment

Pron Gram Voc Flue Total

1 3 4 4 3 70

2 3 2 3 2 50

3 2 3 3 3 55

4 3 2 2 3 50

5 3 3 2 2 50

6 2 3 2 3 50

7 2 2 3 2 45

8 3 2 2 2 45

9 2 2 3 2 45

10 2 3 3 2 50

11 3 4 4 4 75

12 2 3 2 2 45

13 3 2 3 3 55

14 2 3 3 2 50

15 2 2 3 3 50

16 3 2 4 3 60

17 4 3 3 2 60

18 3 3 3 3 60

19 3 3 4 3 65

20 3 4 4 4 70

21 4 4 4 3 75

22 3 4 4 3 65

23 3 4 4 3 65


24 2 3 4 3 60

25 3 4 4 3 70

26 2 3 3 3 55

27 3 3 4 3 65

28 3 3 3 3 60

29 4 3 3 3 65

30 4 4 4 3 75

31 3 3 4 3 65

32 2 3 4 2 55

33 3 3 3 2 55

34 2 3 3 2 50

35 3 3 3 3 60

∑ 97 105 114 95 2040

Notes is filled with red color for Not Competent, or filled with blue color for




The Procedures of Assessment

The teacher ask the students to present the presentation of their job


Type of Test

Speaking: Oral Test

Post-Test Cycle I

Assessment Format for Speaking

No Aspects of Assessment

Pron Gram Voc Flue Total

1 4 4 4 3 75

2 3 3 3 3 60

3 3 3 4 4 70

4 3 3 4 3 65

5 4 3 3 3 65

6 3 3 3 3 60

7 3 3 3 3 60

8 3 3 4 3 65

9 3 3 3 2 55

10 3 3 4 3 65

11 4 4 4 4 80

12 3 4 4 3 65

13 3 3 4 3 65

14 3 3 3 3 60

15 3 3 3 3 60

16 3 3 4 4 70

17 4 3 4 3 70

18 3 4 4 4 75

19 4 4 4 3 75

20 3 4 5 3 75

21 4 4 5 3 80

22 3 4 4 3 70

23 4 3 4 3 70


24 3 3 4 3 65

25 3 4 5 3 75

26 3 3 4 3 65

27 3 4 5 3 75

28 3 4 4 3 70

29 4 3 4 3 70

30 4 4 5 3 80

31 3 3 5 3 70

32 3 3 4 3 65

33 3 3 3 3 60

34 3 3 3 3 60

35 3 4 4 3 70

∑ 114 118 137 108 2380

Notes is filled with red color for Not Competent, or filled with blue color for








MATA PELAJARAN : Bahasa Inggris

KECAKAPAN : Berbicara

WAKTU : 2 x 45 menit

A. Standar Kompetensi

Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Elementary

B. Kompetensi Dasar

Memahami percakapan sederhana sehari-hari baik dalam konteks

profesional maupun pribadi dengan orang bukan penutur asli.

C. Indikator Pencapaian

Menggunakan penuturan untuk bercerita mengenai kehidupan sehari-hari.

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Siswa dapat menggunakan penuturan yang tepat untuk bercerita mengenai

kehidupan sehari-hari dengan benar.

E. Karakter Peserta Didik yang diharapkan

Siswa dapat bekerjasama (cooperative), aktif (active), kreatif (creative),

perhatian (respect), berani (bravery) dan tanggung jawab (responsibility)

F. Materi Pembelajaran

Daily Activities

Expressions Responses

What do you usually do everyday?

What time do you usually get up?

I usually go to school at 6.30

I wake up at 5.00 in the morning


Do you always get up early in the


Does your father go to work by

bus everyday?

Yes, I do. I always get up early

No, he does not. He goes to work

by his car.

List of Daily Activities

John Jenny

5.00 a.m wake up

6.00 a.m have breakfast

6.15 a.m go to school

1.30 p.m have lunch

1.45 p.m take a nap

3.30 p.m clean the house

4.45 p.m watch TV

7.00 p.m have dinner

7.17 p.m study

10.00 p.m go to bed

4.45 a.m wake up

6.00 a.m have breakfast

6.15 a.m go to school

1.30 p.m have lunch

2.00 p.m take a nap

3.30 p.m clean the house

4.45 p.m watch TV

7.00 p.m have dinner

7.17 p.m study

10.00 p.m go to bed

Text for daily activities:

My daily activities

Every morning from Monday to Saturday, I get up at 6 o‟clock.

After breakfast, I go to school by bicycle. It takes about 15 minutes from

my house to school. I usually study at school until 1.30 p.m. I get home in

the afternoon and have lunch with my mother. Then I attend a computer

course until 5.00 p.m. I get home at 6.00 p.m. and have dinner with my

family at 7.00 after that I usually prepare my books for school. I go to bed

around 10.00 p.m.


I have different activities on weekends. I usually accompany my

mother to go to the market. Sometimes, I go downtown with some of my

friends. Sunday is may favorite day to do anything I like.

Contoh dialog tentang daily activity:

John : What do you do in your daily activity?

Jenny : I am a student. So, I go to school everyday.

John : Do you like reading?

Jenny : Yes. I enjoy reading. I read widely.

John : What book do you read?

Jenny : I read novels and history books whenever I have time.

John : What kind of novel do you like most?

Jenny : I like the western fiction “Harry Potter”

John : Do you have that novel?

Jenny : Yes. I have.

John : It sounds interesting.

Jenny : Absolutely

John : Can I borrow it?

Jenny : Certainly!

John : That‟ kind of you. Thank you for lending me that interesting


Jenny : No problem.


G. Metode/ Model dan Teknik Pembelajaran

Metode : Talking Stick

Teknik : Ceramah, tanya jawab, diskusi dan pemberian tugas

H. Langkah-Langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

1. Kegiatan awal

a. Guru memberikan salam dengan ramah kepada siswa kemudian

dilanjutkan dengan berdoa bersama.

b. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa.

c. Tanya jawab tentang kegiatan sehari-hari, menebak dan merespon

ucapan guru.

- What time do you usually have breakfast?

- What time do you usually go to school?

- Do you go to school by foot everyday?

d. Memberikan pengertian dan penjelasan mengenai kegiatan sehari-


2. Kegiatan inti

a. Eksplorasi

- Guru memberikan ilustrasi-ilustrasi tentang materi yang

diajarkan. Misalnya, mencontohkan peristiwa yang mungkin

dialami oleh siswa terkait daily activity.

- Guru menjelaskan tentang topik utama berupa daily activity,

kemudian siswa diperkenalkan dengan kata-kata, ekspresi dan

contoh percakapan yang digunakan untuk berbicara tentang

daily activity.

b. Elaborasi

- Guru membagi siswa menjadi berpasang-pasangan dengan

teman satu meja.

- Siswa diminta untuk membuat text dalam bentuk dialog.

- Guru meminta setiap siswa berdialog secara berpasangan

terkait daily activity di depan kelas (pre-test)

- Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa tentang metode talking stick.


- Guru menyuruh siswa menutup buku dan mengambil sebuat


- Guru memainkan musik/ menyanyikan lagu sementara tongkat

berpindah dari siswa satu ke siswa lain secara berurutan sampai

musik/ lagu berhenti.

- Siswa yang terakhir kali memegang tongkat harus berdiri dan

menjawab pertanyaan dari guru terkait materi daily activity


- Treatment‟s Question; siswa diminta untuk menceritakan

kegiatan sehari-hari sesuai gambar yang diberikan oleh guru

(gambar terlampir).

c. Konfirmasi

- Guru meminta setiap siswa untuk membuat cerita terkait

dengan materi daily activity.

- Siswa mempresentasikan hasil kerja di depan kelas secara

individual dengan menceritakan tentang kegiatan sehari-hari


3. Kegiatan akhir

- Siswa mendapat kesimpulan atas apa yang telah mereka pelajari di

hari itu mengenai daily activity.

- Guru mengulas kembali materi yang telah diberikan.

- Siswa diberikan kesempatan untuk bertanya mengenai materi yang

telah diberikan yaitu mengenai daily activity.

- Guru menutup proses pembelajaran dengan salam.

I. Alat dan Media Belajar

- Fotocopy materi

- Worksheet

- Tongkat talking stick

- White board dan boardmarker

- Kamus Indonesia- Inggris

J. Penilaian Hasil Belajar


1. Teknik/ Jenis : tugas kelompok dan individu

2. Bentuk Instrumen : oral dialog

3. Oral Rubric

5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 points

Pronunciation virtually no grammar mistakes

Produces words with mostly correct pronunciation but sometimes there is any error

Produces words with some errors pronunciation

May have many strong foreign accents or produces words with too many errors pronunciation and unintengible

Little or no language produces

Grammar Uses grammatical sentences or expressions or virtually no grammar mistakes

Uses a slightly incorrect grammatical sentences or expressions or occasional grammar slips

Makes obvious grammar mistakes or makes some grammar mistakes

Makes mistakes in basic grammar or no correct grammatical sentences or expressions

Little or no language produces

Vocabulary Uses wide vocabulary appropriately

Uses good range of vocabulary

Uses adequate but not rich vocabulary

Uses adequate but not rich vocabulary

Little or no language produces

Fluency Speaks fluently with rare repetition and uses long turns easily and effectively

Speaks with occasional repetition and uses short turns in speaking

Gets idea accross but hesitantlyand briefly with some repetition

Speaks slowly and very hesitant with frequent repetition and sometimes difficult to understand

Little or no communication

Maximum score = 20



Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris

Herwanti Pancaningsih


Salatiga, November 2015


Indah Rahayu

NIM. 113 11 140



Daily Activities

Expressions Responses

What do you usually do everyday?

What time do you usually get up?

Do you always get up early in the


Does your father go to work by

bus everyday?

I usually go to school at 6.30

I wake up at 5.00 in the morning

Yes, I do. I always get up early

No, he does not. He goes to work

by his car.

List of Daily Activities

John Jenny

5.00 a.m wake up

6.00 a.m have breakfast

6.15 a.m go to school

1.30 p.m have lunch

1.45 p.m take a nap

3.30 p.m clean the house

4.45 p.m watch TV

4.45 a.m wake up

6.00 a.m have breakfast

6.15 a.m go to school

1.30 p.m have lunch

2.00 p.m take a nap

3.30 p.m clean the house

4.45 p.m watch TV


7.00 p.m have dinner

7.17 p.m study

10.00 p.m go to bed

7.00 p.m have dinner

7.17 p.m study

10.00 p.m go to bed

List of daily activity

Get up

Take a bath

Wash face

Pray to god




Watch TV

Listen to the music





Go to school

Go to work

Go to office




Go to bedroom or go to sleep

Text for daily activities:

My daily activities

Every morning from Monday to Saturday, I get up at 6 o‟clock.

After breakfast, I go to school by bicycle. It takes about 15 minutes from

my house to school. I usually study at school until 1.30 p.m. I get home in

the afternoon and have lunch with my mother. Then I attend a computer

course until 5.00 p.m. I get home at 6.00 p.m. and have dinner with my

family at 7.00 after that I usually prepare my books for school. I go to bed

around 10.00 p.m.

I have different activities on weekends. I usually accompany my

mother to go to the market. Sometimes, I go downtown with some of my

friends. Sunday is may favorite day to do anything I like.


Contoh dialog tentang daily activity:

John : What do you do in your daily activity?

Jenny : I am a student. So, I go to school everyday.

John : Do you like reading?

Jenny : Yes. I enjoy reading. I read widely.

John : What book do you read?

Jenny : I read novels and history books whenever I have time.

John : What kind of novel do you like most?

Jenny : I like the western fiction “Harry Potter”

John : Do you have that novel?

Jenny : Yes. I have.

John : It sounds interesting.

Jenny : Absolutely

John : Can I borrow it?

Jenny : Certainly!

John : That‟ kind of you. Thank you for lending me that interesting


Jenny : No problem.


My daily routine




The Procedures of Assessment

The teacher ask the students to present the presentation of their job


Type of Test

Speaking: Oral Test

Pre-Test Cycle II

Assessment Format for Speaking

No Aspects of Assessment

Pron Gram Voc Flue Total

1 3 3 4 4 70

2 3 3 3 2 55

3 3 3 3 3 60

4 3 2 3 3 55

5 3 3 3 3 60

6 3 3 3 3 55

7 3 3 3 3 55

8 3 3 3 3 55

9 2 3 3 2 50

10 3 3 3 3 55

11 4 4 4 3 75

12 3 3 3 3 60

13 3 3 3 3 60

14 3 3 3 3 60

15 3 3 3 3 60

16 3 3 4 3 65

17 3 4 4 3 70

18 3 3 4 3 65

19 4 3 4 3 70

20 3 3 4 3 70

21 4 3 4 3 70

22 3 3 3 3 60

23 3 3 3 3 60


24 3 3 4 3 65

25 3 4 4 3 70

26 3 3 3 3 60

27 3 3 3 3 60

28 3 3 3 3 60

29 4 3 3 3 65

30 4 3 4 3 70

31 3 3 4 3 65

32 3 2 3 2 55

33 3 3 3 3 60

34 3 3 3 3 65

35 3 3 4 3 65

∑ 109 106 118 103 2175

Notes is filled with red color for Not Competent, or filled with blue color for




The Procedures of Assessment

The teacher ask the students to present the presentation of their job


Type of Test

Speaking: Oral Test

Post-Test Cycle II

Assessment Format for Speaking

No Aspects of Assessment

Pron Gram Voc Flue Total

1 5 4 4 3 80

2 3 3 5 3 70

3 3 3 4 4 70

4 3 3 4 3 65

5 4 3 5 3 75

6 3 3 4 3 65

7 4 3 4 3 70

8 3 4 4 3 70

9 3 3 4 3 65

10 4 3 4 3 70

11 4 3 5 4 80

12 3 3 4 4 70

13 4 3 4 4 75

14 3 3 4 4 70

15 3 3 4 3 65

16 3 3 4 4 70

17 3 4 5 4 80

18 3 4 4 4 75

19 4 3 4 4 75

20 4 3 5 4 80

21 4 4 5 3 80

22 3 3 5 3 75

23 4 3 4 3 70


24 4 3 4 3 70

25 3 4 5 3 75

26 4 3 4 3 70

27 4 3 4 4 75

28 4 3 4 3 70

29 4 3 4 4 75

30 4 3 5 4 80

31 4 3 4 4 75

32 3 3 4 3 65

33 4 3 4 3 70

34 4 3 4 4 75

35 4 3 4 3 70

∑ 126 111 149 120 2540

Notes is filled with red color for Not Competent, or filled with blue color for



Photos during the Research

The Situation of Teaching Learning Process

The researcher explain the material and give instruction to the students

The researcher asks students to make a dialogue with their group. After they prepare it,

they have to present it in front of the class.

Making a dialogue


The researcher asks students to make a dialogue with their partner. Then they have to present it in

front of the class.

The students‟ presentation

Improving students‟ speaking skill by using talking stick method

Source: classroom activities and internet