The Impact of Tablet Computers on Students’ with Disabilities in a Higher Education Setting

The Impact of Tablet Computers on Students’ with Disabilities in a Higher Education Setting


The Impact of Tablet Computers on Students’ with Disabilities in a Higher Education Setting. Study Introduction. Motivation – collaborative pilot study, iPads , practical research for the disability service. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Impact of Tablet Computers on Students’ with Disabilities in a Higher Education Setting

Page 1: The Impact of Tablet Computers on Students’ with Disabilities in a Higher Education Setting

The Impact of Tablet Computers on Students’ with Disabilities in a Higher

Education Setting

Page 2: The Impact of Tablet Computers on Students’ with Disabilities in a Higher Education Setting

Study Introduction

0Motivation – collaborative pilot study, iPads, practical research for the disability service.

0The key themes of the study include: functionality, academic support, and access to university services.

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Research Objectives

0To investigate the way tablet computers impact upon disabled students’ educational experience.

Functionality: How the students interacted with the physicality and functionality of the tablet computer.

Academic Support: How the students used the table computer for reading, writing and communication in a variety of


Access to University Services: How the tablet computers affects the students’ usage of library and VLE resources.

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Research Methodologies

0 Research Paradigm – Interpretivist Research

0 A mixed methods approach, employing both qualitative and quantitative research methods.

0 Online survey, task exercises and finally interviews

0 All 3 research methods gave the study research triangulation

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Study Sample and Provision0 974 disabled students at Strathclyde University contacted.0 A total of 194 students responded to the invitation.0 A quota sampling method was adopted – 2 students for each

(modified) UCAS disability category0 12 participants for the study 0 Participants were from a mix of disciplines and both

undergraduates and postgraduates participated0 Training participants – orientation session with students0 Participants were given an iPad for 3 weeks0 Guidance was given on best practice regarding privacy and

confidentiality0 Tablets were cleaned – removal of any information that had

been stored purposefully or inadvertently by a previous user

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Online Survey

The surveys were piloted at the Disability Service.

Survey Investigated:

0Time spent using the iPad0General purpose of usage0Use for academic-specific activities0Who the students used the iPad to communicate with0Which methods of communication the students used0Applications used during the loan period0Any additional downloads of applications0Any problems or benefits experienced when using the iPad

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Task Exercises

0 Compare a tablet computer to a laptop  for carrying out simple information searches on university web pages  

0 The research was concerned with comparing environments, not testing students' ability

0 Tasks were randomised to avoid learning effects

0 Tasks could not therefore be identical but needed to be similar

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0 Interviews were semi-structured and each researcher used the same interview schedule

0 Interview Themes: - Student engagement with the physical

characteristics and functionality of the iPad- Using the iPad in academic life- Communication with peers and university staff- Using the iPad to access university services

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Survey Results: Activities

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Survey Results: Academic Usage

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Survey Results: Communication

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Survey Results: Communication

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Survey Results: Apps

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Interview Results –Functionality: Pros and Cons

0 Respondent CRespondent C: “ ... it’s just the fact that it’s like all on one screen and you can scroll along to the apps where as you know you have to sort of search online for something…”

0 Respondent F:Respondent F: “No. The fact it doesn’t have a USB drive … I think it’s so stupid though without one.”

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Interview Results –Functionality: Pros and

Cons0 Respondent E: “Respondent E: “You want to use it because the size of it

because of the weight of it … it can fit in your bag quite easily and there is no kind of restrictions you don’t ever feel like … huh ... this is a pain.”

0 Respondent A: Respondent A: ““I found the iPad heavy to hold and because of my physical disability I had to lean it on my forearm to support it. Using it on the desk was just too difficult, you get a sore back and neck … but holding it in one hand and using the another as it is suppose to be held was just not possible for me.”

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Academic Support – Reading: Pros and Cons

0 Respondent BRespondent B: “More flexibility, I can read whenever I want, I’ve got these funny glasses with thick glass on one side and I feel self-conscious using them on the train, since having the iPad I feel better on the train and don’t care if people are looking, its handy in that way.”

0 Respondent E: Respondent E: “…“…because I am visually impaired.. to see it tipped back, it has to be quiet close.. I have to kind of lean over it”

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Academic Support – Writing: Pros and Cons

0 Respondent IRespondent I: “I wouldn’t write my dissertation on it, I found it good for taking notes and looking at notes you already had.”

0 Respondent JRespondent J: “I didn’t do any real writing, I think I will still go back to a laptop, I don’t think you can word process for any time without a keyboard...”

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Academic Support – Communication: Pros and

Cons0 Respondent ARespondent A: “I was definitely communicating more, the

same way ... emailing ... but much more with the iPad.”

0 Respondent F:Respondent F: “No the iPad did not change my method of communication. I did send emails … a few emails to a few people …”

0 Respondent ARespondent A: “Yes, I have a Facebook profile but I never really used it before but then with the iPad I was using it all the time.”

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Access to University Services:

Pros and Cons0 Respondent DRespondent D: “I used MyPlace to access lectures notes in

the lectures, I downloaded PDFs from MyPlace and flicked through it there...”

0 Respondent G:Respondent G:“I used MyPlace more in the last 3 weeks than ever before at uni.”

0 Respondent HRespondent H: “It is difficult navigating round MyPlace on the iPad”

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0Portability - the weight and size of the iPad when carrying it around the university

0Fast boot time, especially for writing emails0Good for note taking & audio recording lectures0Zoom function a positive for all users, especially VI

users0 Intuitive – user friendly and therefore easy to learn

how to use0Good Apps – Speak it! and Notes 0Allows good use of time for academic related tasks on

campus and on the move

Summary of Findings

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Summary of Findings

0Useful for reading journal articles, online browsing, and using online library and learning resources

0Increased usage of facebook and emailing as a means of building social and academic networks

0Students accessed the university VLE’s more and utilised these sites to organise and communicate with their social and academic networks

0The weight of the iPad when holding it and the difficulty of finding an appropriate place to use it

0Lack of specialist software or apps

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Summary of Findings

0Difficulties using university WiFi0Problems navigating VLE (Myplace website) when text is enlarged for VI students0Difficult to write longer pieces of work like dissertations0Lack of certain features, especially USB port and a physical keyboard0Some functions provided by smartphones which student may already have0No Microsoft packages available0Instant access to sites such as facebook could be a distraction!

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Limitations & Future Research


0Small number of participants0Short lending period of tablet computers0Students taking part during busy term time0No control group 0Limited resources

Future Research:

0Longer time period with more participants0Focus on 1 or 2 disability categories: VIP or Hearing Impaired0Variety of tablet computers