The Human Lymphatic System All cells of the body are bathed in a colorless watery fluid called...

The Human Lymphatic System All cells of the body are bathed in a colorless watery fluid called intercellular fluid (tissue fluid).

Transcript of The Human Lymphatic System All cells of the body are bathed in a colorless watery fluid called...

The Human Lymphatic System

All cells of the body are bathed in a colorless watery fluid called intercellular fluid (tissue fluid).

The Human Lymphatic System

Intercellular fluid contains: - water - protein - wastes

- salts - nutrients

It helps to move materials between capillaries and body cells

Exchange of materials occurs through this fluid

The fluid is formed from blood plasma that diffuses out of the capillaries

Functions of Lymphatic System

The excess fluid and proteins from the intercellular spaces are returned to the blood by lymphatic system.

It helps maintaining the fluidity of blood and prevents the swelling of tissue by accumulation of excess fluid.

It transports fatty acids, glycerol and fat soluble vitamins.

It defends the body against diseases by immune mechanisms.

Parts of Lymphatic System

Lymphatic system is composed of:


lymph capillaries

lymph vessels

lymph nodes (contain lymphocytes and macrophages)

lymph organs/glands: spleen, tonsils, thymus

Parts of Lymphatic System

Spleen: - located near stomach

- filters out bacteria

- worn out red blood cells from blood

Thymus: - located in the middle of the chest

- provide growth and immunity

- gets smaller when the organism gets older

- secretes thymosin (helps T lymphocytes to become mature)

Parts of Lymphatic System

Lymphatic capillaries are tiny vessels of the lymphatic system.

Near each cell there are lymph capillaries.

Their one end is closed.

When water and proteins enter lymph capillaries they are called lymph.

Lymph capillaries are made up of squamus epithelial cells, they are more permeable then blood capillaries.

Parts of Lymphatic System

Parts of Lymphatic System

Lymph Glands

play role in body defense against disease

filter foreign matters from lymph (such as cancer cells, bacteria)

produces lymphocytes

*** If there is an infection they get enlarged.

The Ways of LymphFat soluble

vitamins +

Fatty acids +

Glycerol (from small intestine)

absorbed by lacteals

Lower parts of the body, left arm, left side of head

and chest

Lymph reservoir (peke sarnıcı)

Thoracic duct (göğüs kanalı)

Left subclavian vein (sol köprcücük altı


From the left side of the neck

Superior vena cavaRight atrium

The Ways of Lymph

The Ways of Lymph

Right side of the head and chest,

right arm

Right lymph duct

Right subclavian vein (sağ

köprücükaltı toplar damarı)

Superior vena cava

Right side of the neck

Right atrium