The Hour of Grace at St. parish...

St. Augustine Catholic Church 211 N. Pinetree Blvd Thomasville GA 31792 229.226.3624 [email protected] Parochial Administrator: Father Godfred Boachie-Yiadom St. Elizabeth Ann Seton 1500 11th Ave NW Cairo GA 39828 229.243.9146 Deacons : Rev. Mr. John Blaha Rev. Mr. David Wendel CAIRO WEEKLY MASS SCHEDULE SUNDAY Confession 11 AM & 2 PM English Mass 11:30 AM | Spanish Mass 2:30 PM THURSDAY English Mass 6 PM | Spanish Mass 7 PM The Hour of Grace at St. Augustine The Parish celebrates the next Hour of Grace October 9, 6:30 pm. There will be the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with a communal celebra- tion of the Evening Prayer of the Lit- urgy of the Hours and Benediction in the main sanctuary . We shall then move to the Parish Hall for agape sharing of snacks and light meals, and family socialization. All are invited to this parish program. Please bring something to share with others. The Hour of Grace program will take place once a month. October 6, 2019 THOMASVILLE WEEKLY MASS SCHEDULE CONFESSION & ROSARY 30 MIN BEFORE EACH MASS SATURDAY Confession 3:45 | Vigil Mass 4:30 SUNDAY English Mass 9 AM | Spanish Mass 5 PM MONDAY - NO MASS TUESDAY - Mass 6 pm WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY Mass 9 AM FRIDAY - Mass Noon Southern Cross Subscription campaign set for October 12-13 Your diocesan newspaper, the Southern Cross, provides a quiet voice of Catholic insight amid the flurry of information received in a world of instant communication. Read the Southern Cross and Put Faith in Your Opinions. We ask you to consider giving $30 or more during the South- ern Cross subscription campaign beginning on October 12. The Southern Cross carries official statements from our bish- op, priest assignments, parish or mission openings and closings, and significant diocesan office or staffing changes. The South- ern Cross publishes news from around the world. Catholic commentary focuses on local, national and international issues. Diocesan columnists offer personal insights into life as a Catho- lic. Be informed about upcoming events, construction news, departmental and diocesan reports. Thank you in advance for your continued support.

Transcript of The Hour of Grace at St. parish...

Page 1: The Hour of Grace at St. parish program. Please bring something to share with others. The Hour of Grace program will

St. Augustine Catholic Church

211 N. Pinetree Blvd

Thomasville GA 31792


[email protected]

Parochial Administrator:

Father Godfred Boachie-Yiadom

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

1500 11th Ave NW

Cairo GA 39828

229.243.9146 Deacons :

Rev. Mr. John Blaha

Rev. Mr. David Wendel



Confession 11 AM & 2 PM

English Mass 11:30 AM | Spanish Mass 2:30 PM


English Mass 6 PM | Spanish Mass 7 PM

The Hour of Grace at St. Augustine

The Parish celebrates the next Hour

of Grace October 9, 6:30 pm. There

will be the exposition of the Blessed

Sacrament with a communal celebra-

tion of the Evening Prayer of the Lit-

urgy of the Hours and Benediction in

the main sanctuary . We shall then

move to the Parish Hall for agape

sharing of snacks and light meals, and

family socialization. All are invited to

this parish program. Please bring

something to share with others. The

Hour of Grace program will take

place once a month.

October 6, 2019





Confession 3:45 | Vigil Mass 4:30


English Mass 9 AM | Spanish Mass 5 PM


TUESDAY - Mass 6 pm


Mass 9 AM

FRIDAY - Mass Noon

Southern Cross Subscription campaign set for October 12-13

Your diocesan newspaper, the Southern Cross, provides a quiet

voice of Catholic insight amid the flurry of information received

in a world of instant communication. Read the Southern Cross

and Put Faith in Your Opinions.

We ask you to consider giving $30 or more during the South-

ern Cross subscription campaign beginning on October 12.

The Southern Cross carries official statements from our bish-

op, priest assignments, parish or mission openings and closings,

and significant diocesan office or staffing changes. The South-

ern Cross publishes news from around the world. Catholic

commentary focuses on local, national and international issues.

Diocesan columnists offer personal insights into life as a Catho-

lic. Be informed about upcoming events, construction news,

departmental and diocesan reports.

Thank you in advance for your continued support.

Page 2: The Hour of Grace at St. parish program. Please bring something to share with others. The Hour of Grace program will








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ST. EAS $3719 $405 $360 $45 $1960 $2320 62.38 63 26 41.27

ST. A $27078 $13860 $9988.36 $3871.64 $14308.88 $24297.24 89.73 192 95 49.48

Dear Parishioners,

I wonder if society will ever

change for those who live

without faith. From the An-nals of Tacitus (VI, 7) written

around 32 – 37 A.D., we

read: “Ours is a time of reli-gious decay; the permanent vitality of religion has been lost, the mass of the people have become either supersti-tious or credulous or indifferent to religion; the elite of society are agnostic or skeptical; the political leaders are hypocrites; the youth are in open conflict with established society and with the authority of the past; people are experimenting with eastern religions and techniques of meditation. The majority of mankind is affected by the decay of the times.” This seems

to describe the situation in the time of the prophet Habakkuk

and I believe the situation is not much different from ours.

Today’s first reading comes from the Prophet Habakkuk who

lived around 600 years before the Lord. It was a time of vio-

lence. He lived during the difficult ten-year period between

the first invasion and the final destruction of Judah and the

Temple by the Babylonian army. The Babylonians had con-

quered the Assyrians and were marshalling attacks on the rest

of the then known world including the Kingdom of Judah.

The Jews themselves were continually assaulting one anoth-

er. Hatred and violence seemed to be accepted as part of life.

Compounding the problem was the widespread Political in-

trigue and adulatory in Judah and Jerusalem at this period.

Destruction, violence, strife, and contention had become the

norm of the day and Habakkuk was frustrated because the

Lord seemed not to take control of the situation. The proph-

et, therefore, argues with God about this state of affair and

questions why God allows such things to happen.

Habakkuk’s society was not all that much different from ours,

where violence and might are glorified and the weak are kept

in their place. Our world allows unique lives to be murdered

even before birth. Even some of us Catholics who are ada-

mantly opposed to abortion have no difficulty with capital

punishment as though lowering ourselves to the level of the

killer is acceptable.

Violence is all around us. Our young people go to middle

school, high school and college afraid that some of their class-

mates might turn on them even in the everyday playground

scuffles where turf wars are fought not just with fists but with

weapons. Our news is full of

wars, terrorism, ethnic

“cleansing,” and political up-

heavals with its accompanied

refugee situation. There is no

respect for human life and

no one feels secured in our

world today. God’s words for

the people of Judah over two

thousand six hundred years

ago are also meant for us

since the prophet was asked

to write them down so that posterity could have access to


In His message, God said, "For there is still a vision for the

appointed time; it speaks of the end, and does not lie. If it

seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come, it will not delay."

God would surely act but in his own appointed time if the

perpetrators do not turn away from their evil deeds. Indeed,

the vindication of the righteous will surely come even if it

takes too long a time.

In the light of such assurance God concluded by saying,

"Look at the proud! Their spirit is not right in them, but the

righteous live by their faith." In other words, the man who is

rash has no integrity. In fact, the wisdom literature picked up

this when it maintains that the wicked will come to a terrible

end but those who obey the commandments of God will live

a long life [Prov. 3:1-2]. Again, "The fear of the Lord prolongs

life, but the years of the wicked will be short. The hope of the

righteous ends in gladness, but the expectation of the wicked

comes to nothing." [Prov. 10:27-8].

Beloved, as we pray for peace in the world, let us also endeav-

or to promote peace and respect for human life in whatever

capacity we find ourselves so that our world will become the

habitat that God, in his love and providence, created for us.

Let us therefore, as servants of the Lord, join him in the de-

struction of evil in our lives and in the world. God uses hu-

man agents to accomplish his mission and I believe you and I

have the responsibility to allow ourselves to be one of those

agents. Be God’s ambassador of peace and love by becoming

a peaceful person who respects life yourself.


Fr. Godfred Boachie-Yiadom.

Page 3: The Hour of Grace at St. parish program. Please bring something to share with others. The Hour of Grace program will


SEPTEMBER 29, 2019


St. Augustine $4137

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton $744



Knights of Columbus Happenings:

1. Our monthly business meeting will be this Monday even-

ing at 7 pm, we will be discussing our participation in the

Veterans Day Breakfast on Saturday Nov 9.

2. We are planning a monthly social for Saturday evening

Oct 12 following the 4:30 Mass in the parish social hall.

This will be a pot luck dinner w family games as part of the


3. The Thomas County Food Bank is stilling looking for vol-

unteers on Tuesday for 8:30 to 12:30. See Julian or RJ if


Liturg ica l Minis ters Schedule







Barbara F

Roslyn M

Allison D

David S

Camille M

Kalista M

Julian P

Richard B



Rhonda H

Allen H

Justin G

Leny H

Dylan N

Abigail H

Kayleigh N

Judy H

Andrea G



Sue J

Roslyn M

Kay K

Carolyn T

Gabby T

Camille M

Avery H

Bill H



Mary-Ann M

Miguel G

Susan O

Mark H

Alex K

Lexi F

Julianna G


Andrea G

Liturgies & Devot ions at St . August ine’ s Please join our traditional Catholic Prayer services:

Eucharistic Adoration

Available in our Adoration Room

9 am - 10 pm M-F

Every 1 st Fri. of the Month (sanctuary)


The Divine Mercy Chaplet Tuesday - Friday following Mass

Litany to St. Augustine Each Tuesday after Mass

Litany to the

Sacred Heart of Jesus Every 1st Friday of the month 12:30


SAT †Grace Everest

SUN Parishioners

SUN Cairo

TUES †Augustino Minh Doan

WED †Joe Blaha

THURS For my family

FRI †Joseph Qui Tran

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

Classes for all who are interested in learning about our Catholic

faith will begin on Sunday, October 13, 2019 at 6:30 in the educa-

tion building.

Please call Deacon John or the Church office to register.

Bulletin Announcements

Adult Fall Religious Education: A Walk through the


We profess our faith by reciting the Nicene Creed,

which is the summary of the Christian doctrine, during

Masses on Sundays and other Holy Days of Obligation.

Have you ever taken the time to reflect on the meaning

of the articles of the Creed and how to respond to them

as a Christian? This class is an opportunity for you to

join others in discussing the faith.

Fr. Godfred begins a new series on the Creed on Tues-

days, beginning on November 12, from 9:30 am to

11:00 am in the Choir Room. The classes will be re-

peated on Wednesdays from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm in the

Parish Social Hall. All are invited.

Additional Weekday Mass

The parish is adding an early Mass on Wednesdays,

beginning on November 6 from 7:15 am to 7:35 am,

for those who want early Mass before going to work.

Please plan to be part of this liturgy. Its sustainability

will depend on the patronage of parishioners.

All Souls’ Envelopes

The month of November is dedicated to praying for the

dead. Envelopes for All Souls are available at the back

of the church. Please make your prayer request this

month and place it in the collection basket at Mass or

drop it at the Parish office by 10/20, so the names of

our beloved dead would be included in the parish scroll

for November Masses.

Page 4: The Hour of Grace at St. parish program. Please bring something to share with others. The Hour of Grace program will



Rev. Mr. John Blaha


Hispanic Coordinator

Maria Barragan 229.413.2289


Christine Baker 236.1105

Hispanic email

[email protected]


RJ Arceneaux, 334.451.9685

Music Director

Betty Roberds 221.2499

Prayer Line

Barbara Fuks 226.1182

Religious Ed

Miguel & Andrea Gutierrez 267.251.1363

Shut ins:

Beth Crawford 228.4606

VIRTUS email

[email protected]

Bulletin announcements & ads:

[email protected]

Bulletin information is always due by Monday night

Hospital Notifications - Please call the parish office and let us

know if you or a direct family member is a patient in the hospital and

would like to see a priest or receive the Eucharist. This is the only

consistent way our parish will know there is someone in the hospital.

Due to HIPAA laws, stating you are a Catholic on the admittance

form will not be given out to the parish. The office number is 229-

226-3624. Thank you.


Please remember in your prayers our parish family & friends. If you have a loved one in need of prayers, please call Barbara Fuks (226.1182).

Mack Barrentine Gil Carte Alicia Gorosin Fr. Nick Mansell Amanda Mosley Jimmy Singletary

Chloe Baso Catherine Chamerlin Karon Hales Susan R. Martin Linda Nuijten †Fr. Jacek Szuster

†Joe Blaha Phyllis Creager Dina Halladay Marie McAuley †Mary Ellen O'Connor Mia Taylor

†Mary Boahemaa Dan Dezso Catherine Hewlett Fr. Jerry McCanty Susanne Purgason Todd Taylor

Manuel Borja Cayman Diaz Yvonne Hochfelder Jen McPadden Joe Rachel †Margrit Voorhies

Judy Bradshaw Conrad Dudziec Jamie Hurst Den Mirabzadeh Rita Ragan Rick Witalis

Amanda Caldwell Lisa Fuks †Dot Keegan Tamasita Montez †Diana Searcy Jim Watts

Christopher Caldwell Jerry Funk Bill Klug Eve Monsalvatge

Amanda Brearley Brent Hamilton Matthew Lee US MILITARY PRAYER REQUESTS :

TEAM XTREME Lorraine Jackson

Associate Broker ABR GRI Buyer’s Specialist

Property Management 1233 E. Jackson St. Thomasville, GA 31792

P 229-225-9225 F 229-225-9991 C 229-403-0317 [email protected]

Abuse Hotline Number

To report sexual abuse of a minor by a

Diocese of Savannah employee or

volunteer, call the abuse hotline number

at 888.357.5330 or the Office for the

Protection of Children and Young People

at 912.201.4073/4. To read the diocesan

policy on sexual abuse of minors, go to:

Vis i t us onl ine! s taugus t inethomasv il le.weebly .com




Thomasville’s encouragement store!


Weighted Blankets

Essential Oils

Pre & Post-mastectomy services

216 S. Broad St. | 229.236.5111

It's normal to grieve a pregnancy loss, including the loss of a child by abortion. It can form a hole in one's heart so deep that sometimes it seems nothing can fill the emptiness.

888.456.HOPE or visit

Parish Code: H2ZNHN

Lawn Services/Handyman (pressure washing, etc.)

Call J. Concepción, a St. Augustine parishioner, for more

information at 229-224-3241 (for English)

229-233-1007 (cell) or 229-346-9419 (home) for Spanish

Next Second Collection


Southern Cross

Subscription Drive

House Cleaning/Sewing Services

Call Maria, a St. Augustine parishioner,

for information at 229-224-3241.

Reasonable rates and references.



In search of a child care in

Thomasville for a 6 month old

baby. Experience and a Catholic

faith background preferred.

Please contact Christy @

229-224-1256 or email

[email protected]