MASSES / MISAS Saturdays / Sábados 8AM & 5:15PM (English/Ingles) Sundays / Domingos: 7AM., 9AM, & 11AM, & 6PM (English/Ingles) 1PM & 7:30PM (Spanish/Español) Weekdays / Días de la Semana 8AM (English/Ingles) Holy Days / Días Santos 8AM, 11:30AM (School), 6:30PM, 8PM (Spanish/Español) Pastor/Párroco Rev. Kevin P. Joyce (408) 378-2464 x 106, [email protected] Parochial Vicar/Vicario Parroquial Rev. Steve Kim [email protected], (408) 378-2464, x 105 Pastoral Associate / Asociado Pastoral Antonio Ojeda (408) 378-2464 x 107, [email protected] Co-Directors of Faith Formation / Co-Directores de Formación de Fe Irma Alarcón de Rangel (Spanish/Español ) (408) 378-2464 x 102, [email protected] Andrew Brown (English/Ingles) (408) 378-2464 x 101, [email protected] Coordinator of Youth Ministry and Evan- gelization / Coordinadora del Ministro de la Juventud y Evangelización Patty Osorio (408) 378-2464 x 103, [email protected] Principal of the School/ Directora de la Escuela Ms. Sue Grover (408) 871-8023, [email protected] Parish Administrator / Administrador de la Parroquia Raymond Langford (408) 378-2464 x 110, [email protected] Accounting/ Contabilidad Russ Paige (408) 378-2464 x 110, [email protected] Office Manager / Gerente de Oficina Maricela Gallarate (408) 378-2464 x 118, [email protected] Administrative Assistants/ Secretarias Ingi Ibarra (408) 378-2464 x 114, [email protected] Yvonne Franco (408) 378-2464 x 114, [email protected] Erika Alcaraz (408) 378-2464 x 104, [email protected] THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH DECEMBER 28TH, 2014 LA SAGRADA FAMILIA DE JESÚS, MARÍA Y JOSÉ 28 DE DICIEMBRE, 2014 La misión de la Parroquia de Santa Lucía es guiar a la comunidad a una relación transformadora con Jesucristo y la Iglesia Católica. Vivimos nuestra fe en el servicio y al dar la bienvenida. Saint Lucy Parish Parroquia de Santa Lucía 2350 Winchester Blvd. Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 378-2464 fax (408) 378-5548 Email: [email protected] SaintLucyParish Twitter @StLucyCampbell Office Hours 9AM - 6PM Mon - Thurs 9AM - 5PM Friday Horario de Oficina 9AM - 6PM Lunes a Jueves 9AM - 5PM Viernes School / Escuela (408) 871-8023 Religious Education Educación Religiosa (408) 379-5900 SVDP/Outreach Services Servicos Sociales (408) 378-8086 Office Open: 10AM-11:45AM Mon - Fri Horario de Oficina: 10AM-11:45AM Lunes a Viernes PARISH STAFF / PERSONAL PARROQUIAL RECONCILIATION / CONFESIONES Friday / Viernes (Bilingual/Bilingüe): 7PM to 9PM Saturday / Sábado: 3:30PM to 5PM The mission of Saint Lucy Parish is to lead people to a transformative relationship with Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. We live our faith by welcoming and serving.


MASSES / MISAS Saturdays / Sábados

8AM & 5:15PM (English/Ingles) Sundays / Domingos:

7AM., 9AM, & 11AM, & 6PM (English/Ingles) 1PM & 7:30PM (Spanish/Español) Weekdays / Días de la Semana

8AM (English/Ingles) Holy Days / Días Santos

8AM, 11:30AM (School), 6:30PM, 8PM (Spanish/Español)

Pastor/Párroco Rev. Kevin P. Joyce (408) 378-2464 x 106, [email protected]

Parochial Vicar/Vicario Parroquial Rev. Steve Kim [email protected], (408) 378-2464, x 105

Pastoral Associate / Asociado Pastoral Antonio Ojeda (408) 378-2464 x 107, [email protected]

Co-Directors of Faith Formation / Co-Directores de Formación de Fe Irma Alarcón de Rangel (Spanish/Español ) (408) 378-2464 x 102, [email protected]

Andrew Brown (English/Ingles) (408) 378-2464 x 101, [email protected]

Coordinator of Youth Ministry and Evan-gelization / Coordinadora del Ministro de la Juventud y Evangelización Patty Osorio (408) 378-2464 x 103, [email protected]

Principal of the School/ Directora de la Escuela Ms. Sue Grover (408) 871-8023, [email protected]

Parish Administrator / Administrador de la Parroquia Raymond Langford (408) 378-2464 x 110, [email protected]

Accounting/ Contabilidad Russ Paige (408) 378-2464 x 110, [email protected]

Office Manager / Gerente de Oficina Maricela Gallarate (408) 378-2464 x 118, [email protected]

Administrative Assistants/ Secretarias Ingi Ibarra (408) 378-2464 x 114, [email protected] Yvonne Franco (408) 378-2464 x 114, [email protected] Erika Alcaraz (408) 378-2464 x 104, [email protected]



La misión de la Parroquia de Santa Lucía es guiar a la comunidad a una relación transformadora con

Jesucristo y la Iglesia Católica. Vivimos nuestra fe en el servicio y al dar la bienvenida. Saint Lucy Parish

Parroquia de Santa Lucía 2350 Winchester Blvd. Campbell, CA 95008

(408) 378-2464 fax (408) 378-5548

Email: [email protected]

Twitter @StLucyCampbell

Office Hours 9AM - 6PM Mon - Thurs

9AM - 5PM Friday

Horario de Oficina 9AM - 6PM Lunes a Jueves

9AM - 5PM Viernes

School / Escuela (408) 871-8023

Religious Education Educación Religiosa

(408) 379-5900

SVDP/Outreach Services Servicos Sociales

(408) 378-8086 Office Open:

10AM-11:45AM Mon - Fri Horario de Oficina:

10AM-11:45AM Lunes a Viernes


RECONCILIATION / CONFESIONES Friday / Viernes (Bilingual/Bilingüe):

7PM to 9PM Saturday / Sábado:

3:30PM to 5PM

The mission of Saint Lucy Parish is to lead people to a transformative relationship with Jesus Christ

and the Catholic Church. We live our faith by welcoming and serving.

Join the St. Lucy's Prayer Chain or submit prayer re-quests here: [email protected]

ADORATION Every Thursday, 9:00AM - 5:45PM

NO ADORATION & BENEDICTION On Thursday January 1, New Years Day.

St. Lucy Parish Office Christmas Hours Wednesday, 12-31-14: Office Closed

Thursday, 1-1-15: Office Closed

St. Lucy Altar Society Because of the New Year's Holy Day, the St. Lucy Altar Society that usually meets on the first Thursday of the month will not meet on January 1st but will gather instead at 11 AM Mass on January 11 to celebrate our anniversary. More about this event in next week's Bulletin.

Make your giving easier with Parish-

Pay secure electronic giving. Sign-up

online at or by

calling 1-866-727-4741 (5am-9pm, 7 days a week)

Why are some Christians bored and apathetic in their practice of the faith?

The answer is that they have probably not undergone a spiritual awakening. They have no personal expe-rience of the presence and power of Jesus Christ in their lives.

The Catholic tradition has inspiring and practical teachings about how to undergo a spiritual awaking. This is the theme of Fr. Kevin Joyce’s next Spirit-Seeker Seminar based on Ralph Martin’s book The Fulfill-ment of All Desire: A Guidebook for the Journey to God Based on the Wisdom of the Saints (p.17-46). All are welcome. Date: January 11, 2015, Location: St. Lucy Parish Activity Center, Time: 4pm – 6pm

We’d like to give a BIG thank you to all of those that attended and that helped make our Life Teen Retreat possible. The theme this year was “Heroes” and the teens learned that to become a true hero you have to live a life of virtue. In the Catholic church we're blessed to have the example of the Saints whom were able to master at least one, if not all, of the seven virtues: Faith, Justice, Fortitude, Temperance, Prudence, Hope and Love. Our teens bonded and cre-ated a family-like relationship they will never forget. Despite the rain, we had a great time out in nature. The parents gave us a heroes’ welcome when we got back. Two teens, Luis C. and Kimberly P., gave a courageous wit-ness talk at the 6pm mass when we got

back about how they were truly touched by Jesus. Thanks again to Fr. Kevin, Fr. Steve and our super volun-teers for being a part of this retreat. The only complaint we received from the teens was that it wasn't long enough. Hope our upcoming summer retreat turns out just as fun!


The scriptures of Israel are filled with many stories of barren couples who were miraculously granted the gift of children by God. Surely the best known among these is the first reading from today, from which Luke took inspiration when he recounted the miraculous birth of John the Baptist to Zechariah and Elizabeth, and the more miraculous birth of Jesus to Mary and Joseph. In each instance, we are given examples or role models of those who trusted in God. More than examples of those who trust, they are models of self-surrender. They abandoned their own presuppositions and prejudices about the workings of the world and turned their lives over to belief in a God who can make life grow where none ought to; a God who can turn death around into a new and un-imagined life; a God who can, today, take a tiny child of humble parents in an insignificant town and make him into a light for all the world. This is what we, as God’s holy family, are called to do each day: to trust not in our-selves and the way we think things should be, but to open ourselves and surrender ourselves in faith to a God of endless promise. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

ADORACIÓN: Todos los jueves, de 9AM - 5:45PM

NO habrá ADORACIÓN Y BENDICIÓN el jueves 1 de enero, Año Nuevo.

Únete a la Cadena de Oración de Santa Lucia o envíe peti-ciones para oración al: [email protected]

Grupo de Oración: El Grupo de Oración Mensaje de Vida de Santa Lucia les hace una cordial invitación a un concierto de ala-banzas el día 17 de enero de 2015 de 5pm a 9pm.

Horario de Navidad de la Oficina de la Parroquia de Santa Lucía

Miercoles, 12-31-14: Oficina estará Cerrada Jueves, 1-1-15: Oficina estará Cerrada

Nos gustaría dar un gran agradecimiento a todos los que asistieron y que ayudaron a que nuestro retiro de Life Teen sea posible. El tema de este año fue "Héroes" y los adolescentes aprendieron que para ser un verdadero héroe tienen que vivir una vida de virtud. En la iglesia católica estamos bendecidos de tener el ejem-plo de los Santos de los cuales eran capaces de dominar al menos una, si no todas, de las siete virtudes: fe, justicia, fortaleza, templanza, la prudencia, la esperanza y el amor. Nuestros adolescentes se unieron y crearon una relación familiar que nunca se les olvidarán. A pesar de la lluvia, tuvimos buenos momentos en la natu-raleza. Los padres de los que asistieron nos dieron una bienvenida de héroes cuando regre-samos. Dos adolescentes, Luis C. y Kimberly P., dieron un testimonio en la misa de 6PM cuando regresamos sobre cómo fueron verda-

deramente tocados por Jesús. Gracias de nuevo al Padre Kevin y a el Padre Steve y nuestros estupendos voluntarios. La única queja que recibimos de los adolescentes es que no fue lo suficientemente largo. ¡Espero que nuestro próxi-mo retiro de verano resulta igual!

Haga su donación más fácilmente con ParishPay, segura entrega electrónica. Regístrese en línea al o llamando al 1-866-727-4741 (5 a.m.-9 p.m., 7 días a la semana)

Sociedad del Altar de Santa Lucia Debido al día de Año Nuevo, la Sociedad de Altar, que generalmente se reúne el primer jueves de cada mes, no se re-unirá el 1 de enero, pero se reunirá en la Misa de las 11 AM el domingo, 11 de enero para celebrar nuestro aniversario. Más información acerca de este evento en el boletín de la próxima semana.

¿Por qué algunos cristianos están aburridos y apáticos en su práctica de la fe?

La respuesta es que probablemente no han sido sometidos a un despertar espiritual. No tienen experien-cia personal con la presencia y el poder de Jesucristo en sus vidas.

La tradición católica tiene enseñanzas inspiradoras y prácticas sobre cómo someterse a un despertar espiritual. Este es el tema del próximo seminario en Ingles del Padre Kevin Joyce basado en el libro de Ralph Martin The Fulfillment of All Desire: A Guidebook for the Journey to God Based on the Wisdom of the Saints(p.17-46). Todos están bienvenidos. Fecha: 11 Enero, 2015, Lugar: Centro de Actividades de Santa Lucia, Hora: 4PM a 6PM.


Las lecturas de Israel están repletas de relatos de parejas estériles a quienes Dios les concedió el milagro de tener hijos. Sin duda el relato más conocido es el de la primera lectura de hoy: Lucas se inspiró en este relato para contar el milagroso nacimiento de Juan Bautista, hijo de Zacarías e Isabel, y el nacimien-to aun más milagroso de Jesús, hijo de María y José. En ambos casos, vemos ejemplos o modelos a se-guir de personas que confiaron en Dios. Más que ser ejemplos de personas que confiaron, son modelos de entrega incondicional de sí. Abandonaron sus propios preconceptos y prejuicios sobre el funcionamiento del mundo y entregaron sus vidas a creer en un Dios que puede hacer que haya vida en lugares en donde era inconcebible que la hubiera; un Dios que puede convertir la muerte en una vida nueva e inimaginable; un Dios que puede, hoy, tomar a un niñito de padres humildes en un pueblo insignificante y convertirlo en una luz para el mundo entero. Esto es a lo que se nos llama a hacer cada día como Sagrada Familia de Dios: confiar no sólo en nosotros mismos y en la manera en que pensamos que deberían ser las cosas, sino a abrirnos y entregarnos en fe a un Dios de promesa infinita. Copyright © J. S. Paluch

Please Pray for the Sick: Oremos por los Enfermos:

Mass Intentions/Intenciones de la Misa

December 29 - January 4 29 de Diciembre - 4 de Enero

Monday/Lunes 8AM Joe Frey +

Tuesday/Martes 8AM Special Intention for Connie Portillo

Wednesday/Miércoles 8AM Benjamin & Antonia Polido

Thursday/Jueves 8AM 1PM

People of the Parish People of the Parish

Friday/Viernes 8AM 7PM

Special Intention for Barry & Charlotte LeMay People of the Parish

Saturday/Sábado 8AM


Dorothy Wylie + Gerard Gibson + Special Intention for Brenda Connor

Linda Samford +

Sunday/Domingo 7AM






Jim Tomich +

People of the Parish

Special Intention for Jesper Penalosa

Georgina Chuck +

Gil Smith +

Isais Mendoza +

Diócesis de San José -Oficina de Protección de Niños y Adultos Vulnerables, Tel: (408) 983-0113; Tel. Emergencia # (408) 983-0141 E-mail: [email protected]

Diocese of San Jose - Office of Protection of Children and Vulnera-ble Adults, Ph: (408) 983-0113; Emergency # (408) 983-0141 E-mail: [email protected]

The Epiphany of the Lord

La Epifanía del Señor

1st Reading/1ª lectura: Isaiah/Isaías 60:1-6

Responsorial Psalm/Salmo: Psalm/Salmo 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13

2nd Reading/2ª lectura: Ephesians/Efesios 3:2-3a, 5-6

Gospel/Evangelio: Matthew/Mateo 2:1-12



We welcome visitors and newcomers to St. Lucy Parish. We encourage new parishioners to register as parish members and become active in our parish community. Registration forms are available outside the Church, at our Parish Office and on our Web Site.


Monday/Lunes: 1 Jn 2:3-11; Ps 96:1-3, 5b-6; Lk/Lc 2:22-35

Tuesday/Martes: 1 Jn 2:12-17; Ps 96:7-10; Lk/Lc 2:36-40 Wednesday/Miércoles: 1 Jn 2:18-21; Ps 96:1-2, 11-13;

Jn 1:1-18 Thursday/Jueves: Nm 6:22-27; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Gal 4:4-7;

Lk/Lc 2:16-21 Friday/Viernes: 1 Jn 2:22-28; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 1:19-28

Saturday/Sábado: 1 Jn 2:29 — 3:6; Ps 98:1, 3cd-6; Jn 1:29-34

Bienvenidos Le damos la bienvenida a los visitantes y recién llegados a la Parroquia de Santa Lucía. Invitamos a los nuevos feligreses a registrarse como miembros de la parroquia y participar activa-mente en nuestra comunidad parroquial. Los formularios de inscripción están disponibles afuera de la Iglesia, en la oficina parroquial y en nuestro sitio Web.


5:15 PM 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:30 PM

Saturday/Sábado Sunday/Domingo Sunday/Domingo Sunday/Domingo Sunday/Domingo Sunday/Domingo Sunday/Domingo

El próximo fin de semana la segunda colecta será para el Fondo de Educación Religiosa.


Collection information for last weekend was not available at time of publication:

The offertory collection for December 14th totaled $21,093. Second Collection for the Religious Retirement Fund: $2,580.


La información de la colecta de la semana pasada no esta-ba disponible al momento de publicación:

La colecta del ofertorio del 7 de Diciembre fue de $21,093. Colecta para el Fondo de Jubilación de Religiosos: $2,580.

Dina Santella

Fr. Kevin Joyce Fr. Steve Kim Fr. Kevin Joyce Fr. Steve Kim Fr. Steve Kim Fr. Kevin Joyce Fr. Steve Kim

The Second Collection next weekend will be for the Religious Education Fund.

Please Pray for the Deceased: Oremos por los Fieles Difuntos:

Susana Trenado Juarez +

Linda Silva + Rufina Salgado +

Schedule of Events / Calendario de Eventos Parroquiales

This schedule is subject to change. For the most current schedule please visit

Este calendario está sujeto a cambios. Para encontrar la versión actualizada

Monday/Lunes: 12/29/2014 Janitorial Gym 8:00am

Janitorial Annex 8:00am

Children’s Faith Formation - EDGE Lally 7:00pm

Grupo de Oración - Choir Practice Church 7:00pm

Tuesday/Martes: 12/30/2014 Janitorial Gym 8:00am

Janitorial Annex 8:00am

Vietnamese Prayer Group Church 2:30pm

Confirmation Planning Meeting Conf. Rm. 7:00pm

Choir Practice - 11am Mass Church 7:30pm

Wednesday/Miércoles : 12/31/2014 Hispanic Children’s Guitar Lessons Lally 6:00pm

Saturday Night Live Group Gym 7:00pm

Saturday Night Live Group Annex 7:00pm

Hispanic Choir Practice Church 7:30pm

“With One Voice “ - 6:00pm Choir Lally 7:30pm

Thursday/Jueves: 1/1/2015 Mary, Mother of God Mass (English) Church 8:00am Janitorial Gym 8:00am Janitorial Annex 8:00am Mary, Mother of God Mass (Spanish) Church 1:00pm

AA Meeting PAC-B 2:00pm

Grupo de Oración - Bible Study PAC-B 7:00pm

Grupo de Oración - Intercedores PAC-C 7:00pm

Friday/Viernes: 1/2/2015 Janitorial Gym 8:00am

Janitorial Annex 8:00am Bilingual Reconciliations and Spanish Prayer Group Church 7:00pm

Despertar Juvenil Lally 7:30pm

Saturday/Sábado: 1/3/2015 Baptisms - English Church 9:15am

Baptisms - Spanish Church 10:15am

Christian Family Movement PAC-B 2:00pm

Social Justice Ministry Annex 4:00pm

Choir Practice - 5:15 Choir Church 4:30pm

Sunday/Domingo: 1/4/2015 Catechetics (Preschool) - English Lally 9:00am RCIC PAC-C 9:00am RCIC Parent/Child Session PAC-B 10:00am Children’s Faith Formation - English Lally 10:00am Hispanic Children’s Choir Practice Annex 11:00am Children’s Faith Formation - Spanish PAC-A,B,C 11:30am Children’s Faith Formation - Spanish Lally 11:30am Catechetics (Preschool) - Spanish Lally 1:00pm “With One Voice “ - 6:00pm Choir Church 4:00pm Life Teen PAC-A,B,C 7:15pm Life Teen Lally 7:15pm

Tuesday, January 27, 2015, 7:00PM Saturday, February 14, 2015, 5:30PM

Memorial Mass Parish Mardi Gras Celebration

MARK YOUR CALENDAR Marque su Calendario

Wedding Anniversary Celebration February 14, 2015, 2:00pm

Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph 80 South Market Street, San Jose

Bishop Patrick J. McGrath would like to invite all couples celebrating their 5th (or less), 25th, 40th and 50th (or more) Wedding Anniversaries in 2015 to participate in the Annual

Wedding Anniversary Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph in downtown San Jose.

The couples will be invited to renew their wedding vows and will receive a blessing from Bishop Patrick McGrath

who will preside over the celebration. A short reception will follow after.

Please visit your parish office to register. Call Sylvia Blanch ([email protected]) at 408-983-0128, or

visit for information.

Pre-registration is required by January 30, 2015.

Due to limited seats, we can only reserve seats for anniver-sary couples with wheelchairs. Doors open at 12:30pm.

Please limit number of guests attending to 5 people.


Celebración de Aniversario de Boda 14 de Febrero 2015, 2:00 pm

Catedral Basilica de San José 80 South Market Street, San José

El Obispo Patrick J. McGrath invita a todas las parejas que celebran sus 5⁰ (o menos), 25⁰, 40⁰ y 50⁰ (o más) de ani-

versario de bodas el 2015 que participan en una misa anu-al de bodas en la Catedral de San José en el centro.

Las parejas serán invitadas a renovar sus votos y recibirán la bendición del Obispo Patrick J. McGrath. Habrá una recepción después de la Misa.

Por favor visite su oficina la parroquial para inscriberse. Llame a Sylvia Blanch ([email protected]) al 408-983-0128,

o visite

Fecha limite para pre-inscripción es el 30 de Enero 2015.

Debido a que los asientos son limitados, solo podemos reservar asientos para las parejas con sillas de ruedas.

Las puertas se abrirán a las 12:30pm. Por favor limite sus invitados a 5 personas.


"Is there more to life than this?" Come ask the ques-tions of life. Come to Alpha Course at Holy Family Parish ,4848 Pearl Ave, San Jose,Ca,95136 on Feb 25,2015 @ 6:30PM for dinner to check out the Course and see if it is what you have been looking for. Con-tact Alicia Marin Gonzalez at 408-857-0523 or [email protected].

Catholic Professionals Thursday, January 8, 2015

Mass Time: 7:00am, Fr. John Sandersfeld presiding Speaker Program: 7:30am Location: Three Flames Restaurant Banquet Room 1547 Meridian Avenue, San Jose (just north of Hamilton Ave) SPEAKER: Stephen Stock, NBC Bay Area Senior Investi-gative Reporter TOPIC: Our Calling as Investigative Journalists: Holding the Powerful Accountable and Giving Voice to the Voice-less in our Society Reservations needed: $15 members, $20 Non-Members. RSVP:, [email protected], 408-491-9229

Profesionales Católicos Jueves, 8 de enero 2015

Tiempo de la Misa: 7:00 am, el Padre John Sandersfeld presidiendo Programa: 7:30 am Ubicación: Three Flames Restaurant Sala de Banquetes 1547 Meridian Avenue, San Jose (justo al norte de Ha-milton Ave) PRESENTANTE: Stephen Stock, Periodista de NBC Bay Area TEMA: Nuestro llamado como Periodistas de Investiga-ción: La celebración de la Poderosa responsabilidad de darles voz a los que están sin voz en nuestra sociedad Es necesario hacer reservaciones: $15 miembros, $20 no miembros. RSVP:, [email protected], 408-491-9229


"¿Hay más en la vida que esto?" Venga a hacer las pre-guntas de la vida. Vengan a Curso Alpha en Ingles en la Parroquia de la Sagrada Familia, 4848 Perla Ave, San José, Ca, 95136 el 25 de febrero 2015 a las 6:30pm para compartir una cena y revisar el curso y ver si es lo que está buscando. Póngase en contacto con Alicia Marín González al 408-857-0523 o [email protected].

Community & Service Ministries - Ministerios de la Comunidad y de Servicio

● Art & Environment ● Art & Environment (Flowers) Leni Grubbs 408-637-6299 [email protected]

• Book Shelf Melissa Servers [email protected]

• Christian Singles Fellowship Rose Munoz [email protected] ● Classics Peter Wasserburger & Robin Orans 408-364-2015 [email protected] ● Despertar Juvenil Aida Echeverria 408-469-6493 [email protected] ● Filipino & Friends Ministry Titus Raceles [email protected] ● Grupo de Oración Jesus Gonzalez 408-627-3504 [email protected] ● Meals for the Sick Ministry Elena Musselman 408-828-2027 [email protected] ● Ministry to the Sick & Homebound Ed DeGregorio 408-287-1934 [email protected] ● Society of St. Vincent de Paul/Outreach 408-378-8086

• Prayer Chain Ministry [email protected]

• Prayer Shawl Ministry Rose Munoz [email protected]

• Pro-Life Awareness Ministry Paulyne Townsend 408-866-8945 [email protected]

• Social Justice Ministry Maria Castillo 408-466-1252 [email protected]

• St. Basil's Catholic Couples' Club Michael Yarbrough 408-377-0870 [email protected] ● Women of St. Lucy Nancy Whitney 408-866-6858 [email protected] ● Young Adults Andrew Brown 408-378-2464 x 101 [email protected] ● Young Ladies Institute (YLI) Jean Gutto 408-963-8110 [email protected]

Administration - Administración

● Administration Commission Co-Chairs Bach Nguyen 408-540-4969 [email protected] Michael Yarbrough 408-377-0870 [email protected] ● Community Commission Co-Chairs Jorge Jaramillo [email protected] Loretta Wickenden [email protected] ● Formation Commission Co-Chairs Christina Gutto 408-334-8392 [email protected] Cheryl Jaques 408-837-2797 [email protected] ● Christian Service Commission Co-Chairs Helene Stewart 408-378-8086 [email protected] Brian Brennan 408-761-5492 [email protected] Gary Orlando 408-761-4453 [email protected] ● Worship Committee Co-Chairs Terri Miller 408-377-5070 [email protected] Mary Linduska 408-271-8890 [email protected] ● Liturgy Planning Committee Joyce Billings 408-979-1115 [email protected] ● Comité Hispano Jorge Jaramillo [email protected] Ernesto Bermudez [email protected] ● Finance Council Chair Robert Dougherty 408-466-0875 [email protected] ● Parish Council Chair Loretta Wickenden [email protected]

Liturgical Ministries - Ministerios Litúrgico ● Altar Servers Sue Grover 408-871-8023 [email protected] ● Altar Society Mary Kate Franci 408-369-8328 [email protected] ● Choirs 7AM—Jeanne Lang [email protected] 11AM—Mary Linduska 408-271-8890 [email protected] 5:15PM—Glenda Rasmussen [email protected] 6PM—Mike Wentz [email protected] 9AM—Katherine & David Petrucci 408-866-4875 [email protected] ● Coros Coro de Niños—Erika Magallon 408-348-8664 erikaand [email protected] Coro de la 1PM—Jorge Fernandez 408-370-6917 [email protected] ● Eucaristía (Ministros) Arcelia Fernandez 408-370-6917 [email protected] ● Eucharistic Ministers Rita Gray 408-605-4083 [email protected] ● Lectores y Comentaristas Eva Alcaraz (1PM) 408-386-3035 Roberto Garcia (7:30PM) 408-605-2415 ● Lectors Rita Gray 408-605-4083 [email protected] ● Mass Coordinators (Cordinadores de la Misa) 8AM—Brigid Lombardi 408-379-3933 [email protected] 8AM—Margot Lenarduzzi 408-374-9237 no email 5:15PM—Michael Yarbrough 408-377-0870 [email protected] 5:15PM—Margot Lenarduzzi 408-374-9237 no email 7AM—Michael Jeffords 408-639-6939 [email protected] 7AM—Dan Furtado 408-378-3506 [email protected] 9AM—Sue Grover 408-871-8023 [email protected] 9AM—Toni Traver [email protected] 11AM—Jim Miller 408-377-5070 [email protected] 11AM—Pat Raceles 408-857-9931 [email protected] 1PM—Filemon Garza 408-666-5643 [email protected] 6PM—Kim Barbieri 408-849-5134 [email protected] 6PM—Rosario Clark 408-379-0635 [email protected] 7:30PM— ● Monaguillos Maria Aguirre Sanchez 408-370-2262 [email protected] ● Thursday Adoration Ed DeGregorio 408-287-1934 [email protected] ● Ushers/Greeters, Captains 5:15PM—Peter Wasserburger 408-364-2015 [email protected] 5:15PM—Luis Urias [email protected] 7AM—Chuck Rombeck [email protected] 9AM—Joe Cunniff 408-836-3912 [email protected] 9AM—David Woodham [email protected] 11AM—Sue & Michael Huntingdon 408-294-6811 6PM—Greg Laurel [email protected] ● Servidores (Ushers-Spanish) Sofia Tafolla [email protected] Francisco Alcaraz [email protected]

Catechetical Ministries - Ministerios de Catequesis ● Catechetics (English) Andrew Brown 408-378-2464 x 101 [email protected] ● Catequesis Irma Rangel 408-378-2464 x 102 [email protected] ● Confirmation, Confirmación & LifeTeen Youth Group Patty Osorio 408-378-2464 x 103 [email protected] ● EDGE Middle school Patty Osorio 408-378-2464 x 103 [email protected] ● Marriage, Preparation Kevin & Susan Janssen [email protected] ● Marriage, Rehearsal Coordinator Pam Nash 408-369-9701 [email protected] ● Matrimonio, Clases y Ensayos Martha y Victor Ceniceros 408-370-0724 [email protected] ● Quinceañeras Angelica Jimenez 408-506-0462 [email protected] ● RCIA Andrew Brown 408-378-2464 x 101 [email protected] ● RICA Irma Rangel 408-378-2464 x 102 [email protected] ● Scripture Study Jim Miller 408-377-5070 [email protected]

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