The History of Krav Maga by KMG and MaxKravMaga Com

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  • 8/18/2019 The History of Krav Maga by KMG and MaxKravMaga Com


    “So good, you don’t have to kill” 


    the 100


    of Imi’s Birth

    With Eyal Yanilov & KMG

  • 8/18/2019 The History of Krav Maga by KMG and MaxKravMaga Com



    It is a great privilege to welcome youtothe celebration of Imi’s 100Anniversary inIsrael.I am proud to host Krav Magastudents,instructors and directors from over 1countries who chose to attend thisspecial

    event and pay respects to the memoryof agreat man.

    It is both appropriate and symbolic thatthismonth, as we celebrate Imi’s 100thbirthday,we also enter a new era for Krav Maga.!e are now ma"ing another leap inKravMaga, using the "nowledge we have

    developed during many years ofe#perience,including recent e#clusiveadvancements.$or this purpose the KM% & KravMaga%lobal, was created. 'his superior

    andnew organi(ation will "eep the truespiritand "nowledge of Krav Maga and Imi,andwithin it we will be able to "eepdeveloping,spreading and monitoring the"nowledgeand the advancement of our studentsandinstructors.I ho e ou’ll en o the ro ram we

    All the best and besafe,

    *incerely yours,

    Eyal Yanilov  The 100 Anniversary of Imi’s


  • 8/18/2019 The History of Krav Maga by KMG and MaxKravMaga Com


    Wednesday, May 26th,2010visitin lo!ations that "ere sinifi!ant 

    landmar#s in Imi’s life

    %athering at 0+00 at the entrance to-etanya’s cemetery. aily scheduleconsists of

    visiting Imi’sgravevisiting the old gym where Imi taughtKM to civilians

    passing by Imi’s


    visiting /entcho*. which wasnamed after thevessel that carriedthe last group ofrefugees illegalimmigrants & andImi among them &

    who succeeded inescaping the -a(isand came to/alestinegoing through the 2%reen 3each4 for avisit and e#planations in the !ingatemilitary base.

    Th$rsday, May 2%th,2010&ele'ratin Imi’s 100thanniversary %athering at 1+50 at

    the conference room of hotel 2%alil4-etanya.

    'he evening will include speeches carried bysenior and former KM personnel, acomprehensive presentation ofphotographs and video films,documenting differentperiods in Imi’s life, and KMdemonstrations presented by "idsand youth,

    I..$. soldiers, and by 6yal 7anilov and his



    (riday, May 2),2010trainin at Winate Instit$te%athering at 0+00 at 2/entcho4 the southern end of -etanya’spromenade. 

    going on a $un&8un a non&

    competitive race, with about a 100KM trainees and instructors fromaround 90 countries.

      e#clusive '&shirts and caps will begiven to the participants.








  • 8/18/2019 The History of Krav Maga by KMG and MaxKravMaga Com



    going through the 3lac" Iris8eservation for a

    :&hour training with 6yal 7anilov at the!ingate institute

      granting all participants certificates andmedals,

    especially issued for the event. IMI, (-./DE -( AMA3A

     2Imi4 ;Imrich< *de&=r ;formerly>ichtenfeldichtenfeldmoved

    to 3ratislava ;then "nown as /resburg<and established the city’s first club for heavyathletics, named 2Hercules.4 ?e later

     )oined the municipal police department,where he rose to the position of etective In@harge. uring his years of service in thispost, *amuel gained a reputation as theofficer who apprehended and brought to

    trial the highest number of murderers andviolent criminals.!hile serving as a detective, *amuel>ichtenfeldtrained his men in self&defense and waysto overcome violent assaults & withemphasis on


  • 8/18/2019 The History of Krav Maga by KMG and MaxKravMaga Com


    maintaining moral behavior, with criminalsandupstanding citi(ens ali"e. ?is techniueswere highly styli(ed, though not veryeffective or overly powerful, but

    nevertheless suited the time, met theneeds, and complied with the legalrestrictions on police activity during thatperiod.


    5 infli!t




    to the


    "hile s$stainin




    As a child, Imi was trained by his father inphysicalactivities, including general gymnastics,and participated in the training given tothe group of detectives that *amuel>ichtenfeld taught regularly. !ith his

    father’s encouragement, Imi became activein a wide range of sports. ?e first e#celledin swimming, and subseuently ingymnastics, wrestling, and bo#ing. In 1+9Imi won the *lova"ian 7outh !restling@hampionship, and in 1+9+ the adultchampionship ;in the welterweightdivision

  • 8/18/2019 The History of Krav Maga by KMG and MaxKravMaga Com


    appeared, determined to upset the publicorder andharm the city’s Cewish community. Imibecame the uncrowned leader of a group ofyoung Cews, most of them with a

    bac"ground in bo#ing, wrestling, andweightlifting. 'his group attempted to bloc"the anti&*emitic bands from entering theCewish uarter and wrea"ing havoc there.'hus, between 1+5D and 1+:0 Imi too" partincountless violent clashes and street fightswith the anti&*emitic thugs, alone and withhis group. ?e and his companions were

    often confronted by angry crowds ofhundreds and even thousands of peoplefrom 3ratislava and the surrounding areawho tried to enter the Cewish uarterE andsometimes it only was one or two hec"lersagainst Imi or one of his friends, who had tobe put in their place.'hough space is insufficient to describe themyriadof incidents that occurred during this period,

    suffice it to say that they molded Imi’s mindand body. It was these events that plantedin him the seeds that later grew into theself&defense system that he originated,Krav Maga.In 1+:0, having become a thorn in the sideof the anti&*emitically inclined local authoritiesas a result of his activities, Imi left his

    home, family, and friends and boarded thelast immigrant ship that succeeded inescaping the -a(is’ clutches. 'he vesselwas an old riverboat named 8ent!ho, thathad been converted to carry hundreds ofrefugees from @entral 6urope to the land ofIsrael ;then called /alestine

  • 8/18/2019 The History of Krav Maga by KMG and MaxKravMaga Com


    destination. At the start of the )ourney,sailing alongthe anube 8iver and through the Aegean*ea, Imi had to )ump into the water severaltimes to save passengers who had fallen

    overboard or to retrieve bags of food, whichat the time was rather scarce. As a result,he suffered a severe ear infection thatnearly cost him his life.






    the hihest


    val$esand res+e!t 


    !hen a boiler e#ploded on board the ship,whichthen ran aground near the %ree" island ofKamilanisi, Imi and four friends too" arowboat and set out for @rete to get help.

    Ignoring his ear infection and the pleas ofhis friends, Imi refused to relinuish theoars for an entire day. 3ut despite theirheroic efforts, strong winds caused therowboat to drift away, and it never reachedthe island.=n the morning of the fifth day, a 3ritishwarshippic"ed up the five, and thus they reachedAle#andria, 6gypt. Imi, whose condition

    had severely deteriorated, was sent to theCewish hospital in the city, where heunderwent a series of operations. It wasn’tuntil fifty years later, when a friend fromthe rowboat & Coseph ?ert(, who laterbecame a physician and too" up residencein /rague, visited Israel, and revealed thatImi he had actually been near death at that

    time, and the doctors at that hospital hadheld no hope for his survival.


     shortest most



    is $s$ally

    the most


    and +ro+er


    After recuperating, Imi )oined the CzechLegion,which during !orld !ar II was undercommand of the 3ritish Army. !ithin thisframewor" he served for about a year and ahalf at various points in the Middle 6ast,among them >ibya, *yria, >ebanon, and6gypt. Bpon his release, in 1+:9, Imi

    reuested and was granted an entry permitto /alestine.At that time, several of Imi’s friends andformer pupils were serving in the Haganaresistance, the pre&I$ ;Israel efense$orces< military organi(ation. 'hey


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    head of the Hagana, who immediatelyadmitted himto the organi(ation, in light of his specialtalents in hand&to&hand combat.In 1+:: Imi began training fighters in his

    areas of e#pertise physical fitness, swimming,wrestling, use of the "nife, and defensesagainst "nife attac"s. uring this period, Imitrained several elite units of the Hagana andPalmach ;stri"ing force of the Hagana andforerunner of the special units of the I$

  • 8/18/2019 The History of Krav Maga by KMG and MaxKravMaga Com


    'o disseminate his method, Imi establishedtwotraining centers, one in 'el Aviv and theother in -etanya. 'hroughout that time,he still served as a consultant and Krav

    Maga instructor for the I$ and securityforces. In 1+G9 the first civilian course forKrav Maga instructors was held at the*chool for 'rainers and Instructors at the!ingate Institute of *port and /hysical6ducation. *ince then, the method hasspread to numerous civilian framewor"s inIsrael and abroad.Many thousands of people have beentrained in

    the easy&to&grasp self&defense techniuesof Krav Maga, including members of theIsraeli security services, the Israeli /olice,teachers’ seminaries, elementary schools,private institutes, as well as in privatestudios, rural settlements such as kibbutzimand moshavim, and community centersassociated with municipalities and local


    In 1+G, Imi and some of his closest

    studentsfounded the Israeli Krav MagaAssociation, intended to disseminate themethod in Israel and abroad and impartvalues of self&defense. Internationalactivity began in 1+1, with the generousassistance of American businessman Mr.aniel Abraham.

    Bntil his very last days, at over eighty&sevenyears of age, Imi continued, assisted by6yal 7anilov, to develop Krav Magatechniues and concepts. ?e personallysupervised training of those who hadattained high ran"s in Krav Maga, and spenttime with instructors in Israel and thosevisiting from abroad. Imi monitored the

    trainees’ progress and achievements,captivating them with his personality andimparting them with his "nowledge.



    "al# in


    'a"en from the boo" 2?ow to efend 7ourselfAgainstArmed Assault4 by Imi *de =r ;>ichtenfeld< and6yal 7anilov;e"el /ublishing ?ouse< 'The 100 Anniversary of Imi’sBirth

  • 8/18/2019 The History of Krav Maga by KMG and MaxKravMaga Com


    EYA;YA/I;- 6yal 7anilov ;born in 1++< studied KravMaga under

    the personal tutelage of its founder, Imi>ichtenfeld, and has served as the%randmaster’s closest assistant since theearly 1+0s. Active in this field since 1+G5,he is one of its most senior instructors;6#pert level Master >evel 5

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    Imi regarded 6yal as family and as the natural heir to lead thesystem. $orthis purpose Imi had awarded him with thefounder’s certificate of e#cellence and for thefirst time awarded the ran" of 26#pert 4 H

    the highest level he ever awarded to a KravMaga practitioner. Imi *de&=r >ichtenfeldpassed away in 1++ at the age of . 'othe day he died, %rand Master Imi servedas a mentor and spiritual guide to 6yal, andtogether they formed and improved KravMaga.*ince Imi’s death, 6yal has ta"en uponhimself theresponsibility to lead and develop the Krav

    Maga *ystem. ?e trained instructors andpractitioners all over the world and hascreated an infrastructure forits distribution. In actuality, 6yal has trainedall of the first generation Krav Magainstructors globally. At present, a team ofelite instructors H 2'he %lobal 'eam4, isengaged in bringing Krav Maga to various

    counties around the world with 6yal andunder his personal supervision.

    In addition to many civilian Krav Maga centers, many *pecial$orces units around

    the world have adopted Krav Maga under the instruction of 6yaland his team, as their preferred combat fighting system.Including many American /olice epartments and anti 'erroristBnitsE Israeli /olice epartmentE Australian Air $orceE Australian*pecial @ustoms BnitE *wedish ArmyE $inland’s *pecial BnitsE?onduran 6lite /olice BnitsE 'he utch MarinesE Indian /rotectionBnit ;*/%ondonE /rison

    services, IrelandE *pecial Bnits $ar 6ast and *outh 6ast AsiaEMilitary and >aw 6nforcement Bnits in *outh America, and manymore'hroughout the years the growth of Krav Maga globally hasincreasedsubstantially and so are the numbers of practitioners andinstructors training under the umbrella name 2Krav Maga4. 'heIKM$ which was founded as a sports association could barelyprovide adeuate answers to the various needs of all thesegroups, and it was not possible to preserve the mental, moral

    and professional path outlined by Imi. As a result, 6yal decided,along with others, to harness his vast e#perience in Krav Maga Hclose to :0 years of practice, and founded Krav Maga %lobal;KM%

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    KM% enables 6yal and his students to develop, monitor,distributeand promote Krav Maga in a uniue and uncompromisingmanner. 'he activities in various countries and the constantcontact with field operations enable growth and learning, as well

    as technical and tactical development which allows for theadaption of the system in every place and environment.Additionally, the system is distinguished via the use of advancedmental training methodologies which ma#imi(e the fighter’sability to operate under high level of stress of violentconfrontation and improve his decision ma"ing abilities underpressure. 'oday, years after the passing of %rand Master Imi,KM% e#erts careful supervision over the uality and

    professionalism of instructors and practitioners ali"e. 'hiscareful evaluation of the spiritual, moral and professionaldevelopment insures the preservation of the spirit and originalpath of its founder.

    $or the reali(ation of the event, special

    than"s to &Jyvotel H for sponsoring the

    evening.Jvi Mori" H e"el /ublishing ?ouse,

    Jeev @ohen 7oav 7anilov Ces *orensen


    Krav Maga was un"nown to the world. 'he word startedspreading initially after the first American Instructors’courses in Israel was taught by 6yal and then othercourses for American instructors in Israel and the B*A. Inthe mid +0’s 6yal started spreading KM to *candinavia,6ngland and other countries in 6urope, and later inAustralia, *.6.A. *outh America and more. /at$rally all"as done "ith the irre+la!ea'le assistan!e of thelo!al M instr$!tors and dire!tors and the long timemembers of the global team.

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    M3’sDi!tionary /otes< $eminine approach may be listed, but is put inbrac"ets

    'he letters 2ch4 are pronounced as the ch in the s"ittish word for la"e

    H i.e. & >och

    1!The 100 Anniversary of Imi’sBirth



    Hebrew Latin In English In French

    ג / ג  8agil ;8egila< 8egular 8gulier -ormalוג  %ilgul 8oll 8oulade

    מי ב 3lima 3ra"e fall @huteנג  ?agana efense fenseפקת  ?at"afa Attac" Attaue

    ימינ / ת /nimi;t< Inside Intrieureינוצי / ת @hit(oni;t< =utside 6#trieure

    ק ח  ?achla"a *lide fense glisseריצע At(ira 3loc" 3locage

    טס  ?asata eflection viationריקד "ira *tab Attaue au

    couteauטיע 3e’ita Kic" @oup de pied





    In English In French

    רב Krav $ight @ombat @omba

    tגע Maga @ontact @ontact 8approchנגתימצ ?agana at(mit *elf&defense Auto&fense

    דות 'oda 'han" you Merciחי ס *licha /ardon solדיק Kida 3ow *alutדמ תמ Mitlamed /ractitioner /ratiuantרגוב 3oger %raduate %radחמומ Mumche 6#pert 6#pert

    ןמוא =man Master MaLtreךירדמ Madrich Instructor Instructeurרומ Mor 'eacher 6nseignantףקות 'o"ef Attac"er Attauantןגמ Megen efender fenseur

  • 8/18/2019 The History of Krav Maga by KMG and MaxKravMaga Com


    1" The 100 Anniversary of Imi’sBirth





    In English In French

    רעיש *e’ar ?air @heveu#שאר 8osh ?ead 'Nteןורג %aron 'hroat %orgeעורז 7ad Arm 3rasעבצא 6t(ba $inger oigtדי-ףכ Kaf&7ad ?and Mainףורגא 6grof $ist /oingמא Ama $orearm Avant 3rasקוש *ho" *hin 'ibiaקפרמ Marpe" 6lbow @oudeגר 8egel >eg Cambeךרב 3erech Knee %enouגר-ףכ Kaf&8egel $oot /iedעשפמ Mifsa’a %roin 3as Oentreןטב 3eten Abdominal /lat ventreבג %av 3ac" os



    Hebrew Latin In


    In French

      >e 'o Pןימי 7emin 8ight roitאמש *mal >eft %aucheדצ '(ad *ide @Qtובג %avoha ?igh ?autךומנ -amuch >ow 3as


     / מידק

    >efanim Kadima $orward Avantרוחא  >e’achor 3ac"ward Arrireןוסכ א Alachson iagonal iagonalתיוז Javit Angle Angleחותפ /atu’ach =pen =uvertרוגס *agur @losed $erm

    כמ Ma"a /unch @oup de poingוו Oav ?oo" @rochetגמ Magal 8oundhous


    רש / רשי 7ashar;7eshara<

    *traight irectתרקונס *no"eret Bppercut Bppercut

  • 8/18/2019 The History of Krav Maga by KMG and MaxKravMaga Com


    /otes @? is pronounced as @h in the word >och R

    >a"e orthe % in the utch language

    In 3rac"ets H term in feminine 1#The 100 Anniversary of Imi’sBirth


    Hebrew Latin In English In French

    1 Achat =ne Bn2 *htaim 'wo eu#3 *halosh 'hree 'rois4 Arba $our Suatre5 @hamesh $ive @in6 *hesh *i# *i#7 *heva *even *ept8 *hmone 6ight ?uit9 'esha -ine -euf  10 6ser 'en i#



    Hebrew Latin In English In French

    דח @had *harp Aiguisןיכס *a"in Knife @outeauקמ Ma"el *tic" 3Tton

    חדקא 6"dach %un /istoletק“מת 'ama" *M% Mitraillette

    ו  8ove 8ifle $usilןומידי 8imon 7ad ?and

    %renade%renade U Main

    םיקיזא A(i"im ?andcuffs Menottesטי ש *hlita @ontrol @ontrQleתירכ Karit /adMitts Mitaines de frappeןגמ Magen *hield 3oucliers

    יוצמ Mat(ui @ommon @ourantץפח @hefet( =b)ect =b)et



    Hebrew Latin In English In French

    פיחד chifa /ush /ousseסיפת 'fisa %rab *aisieקינח ?ani"a @ho"e Vtranglemement

    קינםד ?ani"at am *trangulation

    *trangulationקיבח ?avi"a 3ear&hug @einturageט  ?atala 'hrow /ro)ectionזיזג %(i(a *weep 3alayage

  • 8/18/2019 The History of Krav Maga by KMG and MaxKravMaga Com


    WWW.KRAVMA!A.C"M= All rihts

    -ew'he site you have all been waiting for


    =nline "rav maga training

    with 6yal 7anilov