The History of Israel › wp-content › uploads › 2020 › 06 › ... · 2020-06-23 · Fifth...

1 The History of Israel The Patriarchs - - 2200-1700 BC -- Slavery in Egypt -- 1700-1453 BC-- The Exodus -- 1453 BC-- Judges --1413-1020 BC-- The United Kingdom --1051-931 BC-- Solomon’s Temple--960 BC-- Divided Kingdom--930 BC-- The Babylonian Exile -- 605-535 BC-- Assyrian Exile--722-720 BC-- Return & Rebuilding --536 -415 BC-- Conquering-- Alexander the Great--332 BC-- Roman Rule --63--BC-- Jesus Christ--in 3--AD--

Transcript of The History of Israel › wp-content › uploads › 2020 › 06 › ... · 2020-06-23 · Fifth...

Page 1: The History of Israel › wp-content › uploads › 2020 › 06 › ... · 2020-06-23 · Fifth Grade Jesus came as the prophets foretold He was despised and rejected not received


The History of Israel

The Patriarchs - - 2200-1700 BC --

Slavery in Egypt -- 1700-1453 BC--

The Exodus -- 1453 BC--

Judges --1413-1020 BC--

The United Kingdom --1051-931 BC--

Solomon’s Temple--960 BC--

Divided Kingdom--930 BC--

The Babylonian Exile -- 605-535 BC--

Assyrian Exile--722-720 BC--

Return & Rebuilding --536 -415 BC--

Conquering-- Alexander the Great--332 BC--

Roman Rule --63--BC--

Jesus Christ--in 3--AD--

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Memory Work for 5/6

Chapel Call-Out:

Fifth Grade

Jesus came as the prophets foretold

He was despised and rejected not received

He preached to the Gentiles and to the Jews

in towns, in homes and synagogues

His miracles prove that He is Lord

He lived and died to fulfill the Law

The Justice of God was satisfied by His perfect gift of love on the cross

Sixth Grade

Resurrection, Jesus goes to Heaven

Sends the Holy Spirit, Believers receive

Divine power given to become like Christ

Blessed to be a blessing

Church spreads the Word

Some will believe, some will still reject

Jesus will return

Come Lord Jesus!

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Bibliology- All Upper Grammar School

How many writers wrote the Bible? Over 40

Over how many years? More than 1,600 years

When does the Bible contradict itself? Never

If you are to become all that you are meant to be what must you do? I must

understand who I am

in Christ.

How can you do this? I must read and study

God’s Word.

What will be the result of this study?

I will truly understand truth, goodness and beauty.

If you understand this, what will you become?

I will become more like Christ.

If you become more like Christ, will you become less of yourself?

No, I will be all that I was meant to be.

If you understand your identity in Christ and live in Him, what can you


I can truly defend truth, goodness and beauty.

What else will you accomplish?

I can truly be a light to the world.


Our Purpose • Q1: How can we glorify God?

We glorify God by reflecting Him, enjoying Him, loving Him, trusting Him, and obeying Him. Genesis 1:1-5

• Q2: What does the law of God require? Obedience. What God forbids should never be done. What God commands should always be done. Exodus 20

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Our Struggle • Q3: Can anyone obey the law of God perfectly?

No. All of us disobey it in our thoughts, our words, and deeds. But Christ obeyed it perfectly on our behalf. Acts 13:39, Galatians 3:24, Romans 3:22, Galatians 4:5

• Q4: Did God create us unable to obey his law?

No, but because Adam and Eve disobeyed God, all of creation has been born in sin and unable to keep God’s law. Genesis 3

• Q5: Is disobedience a sin that deserves punishment?

Yes. All sin is against the goodness and holiness of God and deserves punishment. 1 John 3:4

• Q6: As sinful human beings, how are we prone to walk? We are prone to walk in the works of the flesh: idolatry, hatred, selfishness, wrath, and all unrighteousness. Galatians 5:13-15

• Q7: But as people freed from the bondage of sin by Jesus Christ, are we required to

walk in the flesh? No! We are free in Christ. Free to leave behind the works of the flesh. Galatians 5:24-26

Our Hope • Q8: Can we be forgiven of our sins, including disobedience?

Yes. If we confess our sins and believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins. Romans 10:9

• Q9: What kind of life is a manner worthy of Christ who rescued us from sin?

The manner worthy of Christ is to walk by the Spirit instead of the flesh. Matthew 5:48 & Galatians 5:16; Philippians 1:27; Matthew 5:48

• Q10: Who is the Spirit?

The Spirit is the third person of the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) who produces fruit in a believer’s life. John 1:12; Titus 3:5

• Q11: What is the fruit of the Spirit?

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Galatians 5:22-23

• Q12: What are The Seven Virtues and what do they have to do with Christian faith?

The seven virtues are fortitude, temperance, justice, prudence, faith, hope and love. The Seven Virtues remind Christians of the most excellent things to strive for as we live in this fallen world. Philippians 4:8; 1 Corinthians 13:13

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• Q13: Can a Christian perfectly abide by these virtues alone?

No. Christians need the help of the Holy Spirit to abide by these virtues. Romans 3:23; 8:4

• Q14: Does being virtuous make us a Christian or save us from our sins?

No! Only faith in Christ alone can save us from sin. Our works contribute nothing to our salvation. Ephesians-2:8-9; Romans 3:23

• Q15: How did Christ display fortitude?

Christ displayed Fortitude on the cross by freely determining to meet death to purchase our forgiveness as the atonement for our sins. Philippians 2:8

• Q16: How did Christ display Temperance?

Christ displayed temperance by resisting the temptations of Satan in the wilderness for 40 days. Matthew 4:1-11

• Q17: How did Christ display Justice?

Christ displayed justice by dying in our place to take upon Himself the judgement we deserve so that we can be justified and made right with God. Eph 1:7; 2 Cor. 5:21; Rom 5:19; Gal 2:16

• Q18: How did Christ display Prudence? Christ displayed Prudence by His example that it is right to do the will of the Father, thus by setting an example for Christian actions. Matthew 20:28

• Q19: How did Christ display Faith?

Christ displayed faith in His perfect obedience to the Father without fear at all times. Luke 22:42: 1 Corinthians 13

• Q20: How did Christ display Hope?

Christ displayed Hope by trusting in the promises of God that the result of His ministry, death, and resurrection would be the culmination of human fulfillment. That is, the opportunity for those who believe to enjoy eternity in the Kingdom of Heaven. John 17; 1 Corinthians 13

• Q21: How did Christ display Love?

Christ displayed love by leaving His heavenly kingdom, living a sinless life in an earthly body and offering His life as a sacrifice for our sins. Philippians 2: 1 Corinthians 13

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Ora et Labora • Q31: Who was the first worker? God. Genesis 2:2 says, “By the seventh day God had

finished the work He had been doing; so on the seventh day He rested from all His work.

• Q32: What does the Bible say about mankind? We are made in God’s image and called to tend, subdue, and take dominion of all that God has given them. Genesis 1:27-30

• Q33: What does the Bible teach about work? Work is our calling and blessing, Colossians 3:23-24 says: “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. Therefore, work is a form of worship for through it we glorify and serve Christ.

• Q34: What happened after man rebelled and fell into sin? Sin entered the world and work became difficult. Genesis 3:16-19

• Q35: In what ways does neglecting work neglect virtue? The neglect of work is a lack of faith in our calling as image bearers, a lack of hope in our purpose, a lack of love for our Creator and neighbor, and a lack of justice towards our fellow man, lack of prudence for our own best interest, a lack courage to do hard things, and a lack of temperance to rule over our selfish desires.

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Peacemaking • Q22: How ought we to love others?

We ought to love others as God has loved us. John 13:34-35; 1 Thessalonians 5:11; Ephesians 4:32

• Q23: What do we often do instead? Because of sin, we are tempted to focus on ourselves.

• Q24: What happens when we do this? We quarrel and fight. James 4:1-3

• Q25: What can we do instead? Instead of focusing on our own desires or dwelling on what others may do, we can rejoice in the Lord and bring Him praise by depending on His forgiveness, wisdom, power, and love, as we seek to faithfully obey His commands and maintain a loving, merciful, and forgiving attitude Ps. 37:1-6; Mark 11:25; John 14:15; Rom. 12:17-21; 1 Cor. 10:31; Phil. 4:2-9; Col. 3:1-4; James 3:17-18; 4:1-3; 1 Peter 2:12.

• Q26: What did Jesus say is the most important thing to remember in a conflict? “Get the Log Out of Your Eye” Matthew 7:5

• Q27: What does this mean? Instead of blaming others or resisting correction, we can trust in God’s mercy and take responsibility for our own actions. We can confess our sins to those we have wronged, ask God to help us change any attitudes and habits that lead to conflict, and seek to repair any harm we have caused. Prov. 28:13; Matt. 7:3-5; Luke 19:8; Col. 3:5-14; 1 John 1:8-9.

• Q28: When our fellowship is broken, how can we repair it? We can try to gently restore our fellowship.

• Q29: What does this mean? Instead of pretending that conflict doesn’t exist or talking about others behind their backs, we can overlook minor offenses or we talk personally and graciously with those who have truly offended us, seeking to restore them rather than condemn them. If this doesn’t work, we can ask for help from adults. Prov. 19:11; Matt. 18:15- 20; 1 Cor. 6:1-8; Gal. 6:1-2; Eph. 4:29; 2 Tim. 2:24-26; James 5:9.

• Q30: What are the Four Promises of Forgiveness? 1. I will not dwell on this incident. 2. I will not bring this incident up and use it against you. 3. I will not talk to others about this incident. 4. I will not allow this incident to stand between us or hurt our friendship. Matt. 6:12; 1 Cor. 13:5; Eph. 4:32

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The Life of Christ • Q36: How did Christ appear on earth? As the Son of God, Christ took to Himself a truly

human nature so that He might become like His brothers and sisters in every way, except for sin. John 1:14

• Q37: What roles does Christ fulfill as our Redeemer? Christ, as our Redeemer, fulfills the roles of prophet, priest, and King. As a prophet He is the Word; as a priest He intercedes for us and draws us to the Father; and as the King, He takes us into His Kingdom, and conquers all of His and our enemies. Philippians 2:5-11; John 1:1; John 1:18; John 20:31; Hebrews 9:28; Hebrews 2:17; 1 Cor. 15:25; Colossians 1; Isaiah 33:22

• Q38: Is there any way to escape punishment and be brought back into God’s favor? Yes, God reconciles us to Himself by our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Isaiah 53:10-11

• Q39: Why was it necessary for Christ, the Redeemer, to die?

Christ died willingly in our place to deliver us from the power and penalty of sin and bring us back to God. He fully paid the penalty for our sins and God will remember them no more. Colossians 1:21-22; II Corinthians 5:21

• Q40: What does Christ’s sacrifice on the cross mean for us?

Christ showed His love for us by sacrificing Himself. In turn, we should also sacrifice ourselves by serving others, putting their interests before ours, and being willing to lay down our lives for them. Romans 5:8; Matthew 20:28; Philippians 2:3-4; 1 John 3:16

• Q41: Who is Christ’s Bride? The Church is Christ’s Bride. God creates for Himself a

community called to eternal life and united by faith; who loves, follows, learns from, and worships God together. God sends out this community to proclaim the gospel and portray Christ’s kingdom by the quality of their life together and their love for one another. II Thessalonians 2:13

• Q42: What hope does everlasting life hold for us?

That we will live with and enjoy God forever in the new heaven and the new earth, where we will be forever freed from all sin. Romans 21:1-4

• Q43: Do our works save us?

Only faith in Jesus Christ will save us. However, once we are saved, we demonstrate our faith by the good works that we do for His glory. Ephesians 2:8-10; James 2:18

• Q44: What does Christ’s resurrection mean for us?

Christ triumphed over sin and death by being physically resurrected, so that all who trust in him are raised to new life in this world and to everlasting life in the world to come. I Thessalonians 4:13-14

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The Story of Scripture • Q45: What is the greatest story of all?

The story of the gospel of Jesus Christ as found in the Holy Scriptures teaches that Christ was born as a man, was crucified, died for our sins, and rose again from the dead that we may have eternal life with Him in heaven. Roman 6:23; 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Timothy 1:15

• Q46: What are the four acts of the Story of Scripture? Creation, Fall, Redemption, Consummation. God created the world without sin. Mankind rebelled against God and fell into sin, Christ came to redeem us from sin, He is working out His plan to redeem the nations through His church and will come again to judge the world in righteousness. Genesis 3; Colossians 1:15-23; Acts 17; Romans 6:10; Revelation 21

• Q46: What is faith in Jesus Christ? Faith in Jesus Christ is acknowledging the truth of everything that God has revealed in his Word, trusting in Him, and resting on Him alone for salvation as He is offered to us in the gospel. (Ephesians 2:8-10; James 2:18-19; Hebrews 11:1-3)

• Q47: What is the Light?

Jesus Christ is the Light of the world and in Him there is no darkness. John 8:12; 1 John 1:5

• Q48: How should we respond to the Light? If we believe in the Light, then we must

walk in the Light. When we walk in the light, we glorify God by showing our good works and our love for other. Matthew 5:16; John 8:12; Ephesians 5:8; 1 John 1:7

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Simple Machines Song

A simple machine...

Makes work...less work...

A little force... goes a long way...

Screws, pulleys, axles, inclined planes and levers

Simple machines make work less work.

Simple machines...Make something move...

They can add speed, or change direction.

In fact all mechanical devices are really

Simple in many combinations.

A lever is...a simple machine...

It makes things move... with a little force...

All you need is a bar and a fulcrum and you can move that heavy load...

A first class lever...

Fulcrum in the middle...resistance on the other end...

Second class, fulcrum is on the end, resistance in the middle of the lever...

With a third class lever...the force and resistance...

Move always in...the same direction...

First class a see-saw

Second a wheelbarrow

Third class a shovel or a fishing rod.

A pulley is a kind of lever...allowing force continually.

King Hiero’s ship moved so easily

When hooked up to a series of pulleys.

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Name______________ Date: _______ Number_________

Name that machine!

These simple machines share a plan of attack: A broom, a crowbar and a baseball bat And so does a hammer when it's pounding a tack And the fork in your hand when you're having a snack Tell me the name of this machine The one that gives me so much leverage? It's a _____________________

You can ride up a ramp or slide down a slide Take a trip to the top of a roller coaster ride You'll be using this tool with every stair that you climb Go up a ladder, if you're so inclined! Tell me the name of this machine The one that makes going uphill so easy? It's an _____________________

With an axe or a knife you can split into two Any number of things that a razor can't do And a sword's what to choose when you're challenged to duel You can split, trim or cut with this versatile tool Tell me the name of this machine The one that helps split things into two? It's a _______________________

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With the twist of a lid I could see right away That the ridge on the jar is what made the lid stay And the base of a light bulb has angular ribs Which thread themselves tight when you twist the bulb in Tell me the name of this machine The one that holds things tightly together? It's a _________________________

I know of a tool that you're going to like If you skate on a board or pedal your bike Using it turns heavy loads into light It's a well-rounded worker, a handy device Tell me the name of this machine The one that moves weight so easily? It's a __________________________________

Changing direction of force can be done When it's over a wheel with a rope you run That's why when you want to take a flag to the sky You pull down to go up; this invention is why Tell me the name of this machine The one that helps hoist things overhead? It's a __________________________

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Begin at the notstril and number each part 1-11. Write the name of each part next to its number.

1. _____________________________

2. _____________________________

3. _____________________________

4. _____________________________

5. _____________________________

6. _____________________________

7. _____________________________

8. _____________________________

9. _____________________________

10. _____________________________

11. _____________________________

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Fish of Hawai’i

tune of “My Little Grass Shack”

There are many kinds of fish in the beautiful waters of Hawai’i

There are even some that can’t be found anywhere else in the world (endemic)

Angelfish, Butterfly, Blenny,

Bigeye, Cardinalfish, Chromis and Chub

Conger, Coris, Dascyllus, Damselfish,

Eel, Filefish, Flangbenny and Flagtail, too.

Anthias, Moray, Basslet and Razorfish

Parrotfish and Puffer, Hawaiian Gregory

and Dragonet are fish very beautiful fish that swim in the beautiful waters of Hawai’i

I love to swim with the fishes in the beautiful waters of Hawai’i

Goatfish, Grouper, Goby, Hogfish, Knifefish, swim

Lionfish, Pigfish, Pipefish, Sergeant, & Sole

Scorpionfish, Turkeyfish, Triplefin & Wrasse are swimming with the sharks in the

beautiful coral reefs.

Where the humuhumunukunukuapua’a goes swimming by

Where the humuhumunukunukuapua’a goes swimming by

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Fish Project

1. Draw a picture of your favorite fish from the fish cards and color it with colored pencils.

2. Label the following parts of the fish IF they can be found on that fish (not every fish has every



Dorsal Fin

Adipose fin

Pelvic fin

Pectoral fin

Anal fin

Lateral line

3. What is the habitat of your fish? Circle the correct habitat

Deep Sea or Pelagic Fish Bottom Fish Nearshore

Label the fish with its first and last names



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Hawaiian Fish Sound-Off

1. Fish are cold-blooded vertebrate that usually have scales

2. and breathe through gills to get oxygen.

3. Marlins are one of the fastest fish in the world.

4. Female marlins can weigh close to 2,000 pounds.

5. That’s almost 2 tons.

5. The three kinds of marlins caught in Hawai’i are blue, black and striped marlin.

6. They are cobalt blue on top and silvery white below.

7. They have a pronounced dorsal fin and a long, lethal spear-shaped upper jaw.

8. Blue marlins prefer the higher temperature of surface waters, feeding on mackerel

and tuna,

9. but will also dive deep to eat squid.

10. They have a crescent shaped tail typical of high speed swimmers.

11. Mahimahi are native to Hawai’i.

12. The forehead of the male fish becomes steeper as he grows older.

13. Their anal fins are sharply concave.

14. They are distinguished by dazzling colors: golden on the sides, and bright blues and

greens on the sides and back.

15. Mahimahi move in small schools and eat fish, squid, and crustaceans.

16. Ahi is another native fish to Hawai’i.

17. It is also called yellowfin tuna.

18. Yellowfin and Big Eye are two kinds of tuna in Hawai’i.

19. Ahi swim in schools and are one of the largest species of tuna,

20. They grow as large as 450 lbs.

20. The second dorsal fin, the anal fin, the finlets between those fins and the tail, are

bright yellow.

21. Ono means delicious in Hawaiian and that is the name of our next fish, too.

22. The body is elongated and covered with small, scarcely visible scales.

23. The back is an iridescent blue, while the sides are silvery, with a pattern of vertical

blue bars.

24. These colors fade rapidly at death.

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Blue Marlin

Fish Facts: The blue marlin is one of the fastest of all fish and has the streamlined body and crescent-

shaped tail typical of high-speed swimmers. It weighs at least 400 pounds and has a long

beaklike nose, which it may use to stun smaller schooling fish, squid, and other prey.


1. The blue marlin is one of the ________________ of all fish.

2. It has a ___________________________ shaped tail.

3.It uses its ___________________________ to stun smaller schooling fish.

Scientific classification

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii

Order: Perciformes

Family: Istiophoridae





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Fish Facts: The brightly colored mahi-mahi or dolphinfish is easily

identified by the large fin that runs along its back. The forehead of the

male fish becomes steeper as he grows older; otherwise males and

females look alike. Dolphinfish move in small schools and eat fish,

squid, and crustaceans. They are often seen around patches of gloating

seaweed, where their prey may hide.


1. The mahi-mahi is easily identified by the ___________________ that runs along its back.

2. The forehead of the___________ grows steeper with age.

3. They are often found near patches of ____________________ where their prey may hide.

Scientific classification

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii

Order: Perciformes

Family: Coryphaenidae

Genus: Coryphaena

Species: C. hippurus

Binomial name




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Fish Facts: This tuna swims in schools that often attack mackerel. It

has long pectoral fins and yellow finlets as well as yellow

markings. The yellowfin lives in the Atlantic and Pacific

Oceans. It grows to about 6 feet long and weighs about 450



1. This tuna swims in _____________________.

2. It has ______________________ markings.

3. It is found in the Atlantic and the ________________ Oceans.

Scientific classification

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii

Order: Perciformes

Family: Scombridae

Genus: Thunnus

Species: T. albacares

Binomial name

Thunnus albacares Bonnaterre, 1788




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Fish Facts: The wahoo is a scombrid fish found worldwide in tropical and subtropical seas. It is best known

to sports fishermen, as its speed and high-quality flesh make it a prize game fish. In Hawaii, the wahoo is

known as ono. Wahoo tend to be solitary or occur in loose-knit groups of two or three fish, but

where conditions are suitable can be found in schools as large as 100 or more. Their diet is made

up of other fish and squid.

1. In Hawaiian, wahoo is known as ________________.

2. The wahoo is found in ___________________________ seas.

3. Their diet is _________________________________________________________.


Scientific classification

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii

Order: Perciformes

Family: Scombridae

Genus: Acanthocybium Gill, 1862

Species: A. solandri

Binomial name

Acanthocybium solandri (Cuvier, 1832)[2]




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God is a God of order,

Math is a system of order,

God revealed that order

To help us do good works…





-and on, and on, and on…

God is the God unchanging,

Math is a system unchanging,

God revealed His nature

When 2 + 2 made 4…

2 + 2 will always be 4.

God is the God infinite

Numbers in Math are infinite

God revealed the infinite

As numbers never end…

1, 2, 3, 4, and on and on and on.