The History of Ancient Rome

The History of Ancient Rome


The History of Ancient Rome. An Etruscan Tomb. Remus and Romulus. Rome began approximately 800 before Jesus was born when an ancient p eople called the “Etruscans” ruled over another group of people who were called “ Latins ”. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The History of Ancient Rome

Page 1: The History  of Ancient Rome

The History of

Ancient Rome

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Rome began approximately 800 before Jesus was born when an ancient people called the “Etruscans” ruled over another group of people who were called “Latins”.

During this time, 2 brothers – Remus and Romulus – fought over who would be ruler. Can you guess who won the fight?HINT: Rome is actually named after him

An Etruscan Tomb Remus and Romulus

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After about 300 years of this rule, the Latin people got rid of these Etruscan Kings

and started a type of Democracy which was called a “Republic”.

This was about 500 years before Jesus was born.

Expulsion of the Etruscan Kings Roman Republic

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Rome thrived as a Republic and became so powerful and wealthy that their neighbours in CARTHAGE wanted to get rid of them.

During a span of 250 years, Carthage tried 3 times to destroy Rome. These 3 wars are called the Punic Wars.

The most famous was the 2nd war when the general Hannibal of Carthage marched his army of elephants and soldiers over the Alps and attacked Rome……………………..He lost.

Can you guess why?Hannibal crossing the Alps

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After about 100 years the Republic was

no longer very good because the poor people were not taken care of and the rich didn’t care.

Then a man named Julius Caesar was born and became very smart and powerful.

Julius Caesar

One great thing he did that made him popular was that he conquered the area called Gaul.

(which is now Europe)

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With a desire to fix Rome, Julius Caesar then destroyed his powerful enemies in the republic government and had himself proclaimed as “Dictator for Life.”

Many Roman people were excited to have a strong ruler to make their life better. Famous statue of Julius Caesar as dictator.

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The other Senators in the Republic government did not like it that Julius Caesar was so powerful and so only 5 years after he

was made “Dictator”, they all stabbed him to death. Even his friend Brutus helped murder him.

Famous statue of the assassination of Julius Caesar, painted by Vincenzo Camuccini.

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Have you ever heard of Octavian?

Have you ever hear of Caesar Augustus?

How about Mark Antony and Cleopatra?

Mark Antony - Julius Caesar’s friend

Octavian - Julius Caesar’s adopted son.

Famous statue of Caesar AugustusJESUS WAS BORN!

They both felt that they should be the next ruler so they fought.

Can you guess who won?

Octavian won. He changed his name to Caesar Augustus,

threw out the Republic government, and proclaimed himself “god”!

Augustus did great things for Rome and made it a great empire which

was overall peaceful.

This time was the beginning of the Golden Age of Rome.It is called the Pax Romana.

But can you guess what the greatest thing that happened during Augustus

Caesar’s reign?

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The next major Caesar was called Tiberius.He was an okay ruler but not very popular.

So why do we care about him?

Because it was during His reign that Jesus was Crucified and Rose Again From the Dead!

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There were many, many more Caesars but we will just look at a few of the interesting ones.

Caligula, the emperor who ruled just a few years after Jesus ascended to Heaven, made his horse a government leader.

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The next ruler, Nero, is famous for supposedly playing a fiddle while watching Rome burn down. He then blamed the Christians and began the FIRST Persecution of Christians. It is believed that

he is responsible for the martyring of Apostles Peter and Paul.

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A few years later, a general named Titus marched on Jerusalem

and destroyed the temple just as Jesus predicted.

Carving from the Arch of Titus-showing the Romans carrying off the spoils from the Temple of Jerusalem.

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He later became emperor and during

his reign, 2 major things happened –

Mt. Vesuvius blew up and destroyed

Pompeii …

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and the famous Colosseum of Rome

was finished.

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Another famous emperor of Trajan. He is famous because during his reign, the Roman Empire became the largest it ever was.

He also built many landmarks such as arches, columns, temples, baths, markets, etc. that can still be seen today.

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Marcus Aurelius is known as being a “quiet philosopher”.But he is also famous because when he died, the Pax Romana

(the Golden Age of Rome) came to an end and the whole empire began to slowly go down hill.

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Another emperor was named Diocletian. He is known for 2 things. He split the Roman Empire into 2 – East and West.

And he is also responsible for the

MOST SEVERE PERSECUTION of Christians in the Roman Empire.

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Have you ever heard of Constantine?

How about Constantinople?

Constantine is famous for 2 things – First – He is considered the first emperor to become Christian. Storiessay he saw a vision of a cross and heard,“Conquer by this.” Sadly he did. He began a persecution of non-Christians in the name of Jesus.

The second big thing he did was to join the empire back together again and move the capital from Rome to his newly built city, Constantinople.

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He is also famous because he again split the Empire

back into 2 parts.

He divided it between his two sons and the Roman Empire

never again was joined.

2 Famous Paintings of Theodosius IIn 395 AD, the

Emperor Theodosius I made Christianity the official religion

of the Roman Empire.

Western Empire Eastern Empire



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Around 450 AD, Barbarians called Vandals destroyed Rome and the

Western Empire.The Eastern Empire lasted for about another 1000 years till the Turks conquered Constantinople in 1453

and re-named it Istanbul.

For about the next 50 years, Rome was harassed by various Barbarian tribes. Because of this, and the fact that God had

decided it would happen, the entire Roman Empire finally fell.

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Thus Ends The History of Ancient Rome

I hope you enjoyed it…and remember it!

Bit of Last Trivia – SPQR stands for: Senātus Populus Que Rōmānus

Which means – "The Senate and the People of Rome."