The Hindu Agenda 2014

The Hindu Agenda 2014 The General Election 2014 and the Hindu Agenda. Upananda Brahmachari. New Delhi | Hindu Existence Bureau | 19 March 2014:: Misguided and diverting Hindus in India. Rather, we are seeing a dying and depraved Hindus in the sphere of election scenario as handled by so many persons and components, all ego centric and quite erratic bearing Hindus names. The Islamic Agenda If you go to any Muslim Mohall these days, you will only hear one serious discussion, the coming election, and the candidates of different parties to whom vote or not to vote. The choupals (market sitting places) not far away from a beef selling shop, the club rooms decorated with the pictures of Mecca and Madina, the Madrasha common rooms, the Friday congregation in the Mosques, the namaj punctual underworld and the labour class, the commuters in a journey wearing skull caps, the burka clad women or may not, resonates all the same voice. All Arabic name holders are seriously trying to shun all discords between them so that they can voice to pressurize unitedly upon the contesting candidates of different parties for furthering their own agenda apart from any agenda or manifesto of any political parties, whatever it may be. The Muslim minorities in India have the goal in its election agenda to increase the numbers of radical and risk holder Muslim MPs (Member of Parliament) as to gain the power of the Muslim society to materialize its ambition of grabbing executive powers in India through a Political Jihad. This political design of Islamic agenda for any national election is meant for spreading Sharia, first inside the Muslim society and next to all others. They are motivated enough by the leaders of Islamic parties, the prime Imams of the society, the influential clergies attached to Deoband school of thinking, and


The Strategy and Demands of Hindus for Hindu Empowerment as declared by Hindu Existence Forum before the ensuing General Election in India in 2014.

Transcript of The Hindu Agenda 2014

Page 1: The Hindu Agenda 2014

The Hindu Agenda 2014The General Election 2014 and the Hindu Agenda.

Upananda Brahmachari.   

New Delhi | Hindu Existence Bureau | 19

March 2014:: Misguided and diverting Hindus in

India.  Rather, we are seeing a dying and

depraved Hindus in the sphere of election

scenario as handled by so many persons and

components, all ego centric and quite erratic

bearing Hindus names.

The Islamic Agenda

If you go to any Muslim Mohall these days, you

will only hear one serious discussion, the coming

election, and the candidates of different parties

to whom vote or not to vote. The choupals

(market sitting places) not far away from a beef

selling shop, the club rooms decorated with the

pictures of Mecca and Madina, the Madrasha common rooms, the Friday congregation in the Mosques, the

namaj punctual underworld and the labour class, the commuters in a journey wearing skull caps, the burka

clad women or may not, resonates all the same voice. All Arabic name holders are seriously trying to shun all

discords between them so that they can voice to pressurize unitedly upon the contesting candidates of

different parties for furthering their own agenda apart from any agenda or manifesto of any political parties,

whatever it may be.  The Muslim minorities in India have the goal in its election agenda to increase the

numbers of radical and risk holder Muslim MPs (Member of Parliament) as to gain the power of the Muslim

society to materialize its ambition of grabbing executive powers in India through a Political Jihad. This

political design of Islamic agenda for any national election is meant for spreading Sharia, first inside the

Muslim society and next to all others.  They are motivated enough by the leaders of Islamic parties, the

prime Imams of the society, the influential clergies attached to Deoband school of thinking, and even the

local Muslim leaders, propagators and the fundamental agents staying within all the parties.  Their unique

march ahead is specific enough for their Islamic gain.

Page 2: The Hindu Agenda 2014

This has been possible after consecutive proclamations for Muslim interests by all Muslim political leaders as

demanded by the Muslim society. And obviously these public demands are generally created by the political

leaders of same faith or by the pseudo seculars who prefer to play Muslim vote bank politics. Mention or not,

within this process of Islamization of Indian Politics (i.e. Political Jihad), Muslims have universalized their

agenda encompassing more Muslim Person Law, Reconstruction of Babri Mosque,  cent percent

implementation of Sacchar Committee,  more and more seat reservations in politics and employment , 

establishment of Islamic banking, banning of all Hindu religious programmes  in front of their eyesight, more

and more cow slaughtering in front of Hindu sights, parallel Islamic system without any control of Indian

administration, police and judiciary, freeing all the Mujahedeens kept in the jails, in a word:  unabated

Islamic expansionism in India in all possible ways.  Some demands are straight, some are told deflected.

Believe me or not, all the political parties virtually accept all these demands mentioned above as per Islamic

agenda to get the blessing of Muslim voters as an Indian tradition of Vote culture. Have you heard any voice

of any Hindu political leader or other to deny all these unjust and unconstitutional claims of Muslims?

The lack of Hindu political will

In most of the cases the crying babies get mother’s milk.  But the shy Hindus even differ to claim anything

for their Hindu well-being. Hindus think that they are so philanthropic that they cannot demand even their

rights of existence. When Hindus demand something, they demand it personally, publicly, pretentiously or

politically, but such claims are not connected with any Hindu interest. The demands made by them are so

personal or political that damages the Hindu interest in a very gross way.

This terminology of ‘The Hindu Agenda’ may sound most communal and unfamiliar for the major Hindus.  In

India, it has not been set prominent and important ever before by any Hindu religious groups or saints, or by

any Hindu political leaders.  The concept of setting Hindu Agenda or Hindus Demands in Indian Politics is

embarrassing enough. The political parties can put their agenda and claim their demands and so the

Muslims, Christians and others.  But, Hindus cannot.

Hindu leaders lack political will on their own and eventually misled the Hindu mass from preparing a Hindu

agenda or charter of demand before any election to avoid all dereliction for the Hindus as a trend of Indian


As a matter of fact, the big Hindu organizations (RSS, VHP, Arya Samaj, Art of Living, just taking these names

for example) and the star Hindu saints having crores of disciples (as they claim), unfortunately negotiate

with the political parties for their own gain and not obviously for any majestic might or for the realistic

development for the Hindu society through a new political revelation.

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I respect Sri Ashok Singhal and Dr. Pravin Togadiy, the iconic Hindu leaders of Vishwa Hindu Parisad. But,

where are these Hindu leaders to frame and place the Hindu demand and Hindu agenda before election to all

the political parties without any prejudice.

I had also a long connection with Sangha Parivar. But, I have never seen any such Hindu demand or agenda

to announce publically meaningful before any such election moments.  But heard many times to air that ‘Jo

Hindu Hit me Kaam karega, wohi desh me raj karega’ (means who works for the Hindu interest will rule the


The concoction in the above phrase is beyond any measure.  VHP and RSS are doing all the works in the

interest of Hindus. But, they are not ruling the country.  Again if we want to honor the phrasal ambit, that

denotes that the ruling MPs in the Center are doing all the best for Hindu interest!  The VHP in such a way

ridiculed themselves after hitting their own slogan.

The health of Sri Ashok Singhal is unwell due to his age. But, Dr Togadiya Ji is simply missing from his

expected role to prepare Hindus for an election war or censored by Sangha to pass any remarks for such

Hindu agenda or any demand as such. The embarrassment went limitless when a third year (final official

training camp) trained Swayamsevak (RSS cadre)  all on a sudden offered apology to the Muslims of India for

no reasons at all. Yes, I am telling about Sri Rajnath Singh, the present president of Bharatiya Janata Party.

Unfortunately, the Hindu leaders lack political will. They have not perpetuated their own strength of Hindu

vote bank. Even they have to lean to the feet of Islam.

Yet, the Hindus are reluctant to present a specific Hindu Agenda or Hindu demand on surface.  Hindus must

give a caution to all Hindu leaders (either political or religious) to set forth a Hindu charter of demand and

agenda and send the same to all political parties to have their views on it.

The Hindu Agenda and Hindu Vote Bank                    

The Hindu demands and the agenda must be specific on the basis of Hindu Empowerment. Specific demands

can give specific solution.  Otherwise, fishy Hindu Hit (Hindu interest) will not serve any greater purpose of

the safety, security and prosperity of the Hindus in this land. A strong resolution for Hindu agenda and a

powerful Hindu vote Bank in this country is the ultimate solutions of all problems in this Country.

The pro Hindu NGOs can start a debate for Hindu Agenda for the ensuing General Election of 2014 starting

on and from 07/04/2014 to 12/05/2014 in nine phases. But, for the paucity of time, we must table it within 7

days from now, or it will be a very late.

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If anyone asks me for setting a Hindu agenda and the charter of demand, I must prefer the Hindu dignity and

the Hindu rights truncated abruptly by the political zealots of India.

While the double standard politicians of India always want to free the others from any code of conduct, they

clamped the Hindus in a Hindu code Bill which put the Hindus in many internal problems including the

restriction upon marriages that led to lessen the Hindu growth under a clutch of constitutional provisions.

So, Hindus must demand the abolition of Hindu Code Bill.

Bharat is the natural land of Hindus and any persecuted Hindus of any corner have the rights of getting his

equal status with other citizen in Bharat. But, persecuted and displaced Hindus from Pakistan, Bengali

Hindus from Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan) and Tamil Hindus from Sri Lanka are negated from their

human rights in India. That is highly objectionable. Hindus cannot tolerate any torture and attack upon

Hindus anywhere and in Indian subcontinent in particular. So, we claim the rights of displaced Hindus from

Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka in Bharat as prime and most justified demand in this agenda.

It is not a matter of attack and evacuation of Hindus only outside India. We know the position of Kashmiri

Hindus and Pundits in the Kashmir valley. Is any birth in Hindu fold is considered as sin? Why the Hindus and

the Hindu women in particular are attacked, tortured in any Hindu minority areas by the majority Muslim

people? Attack upon Hindus within India is strongly condemned with a strong demand of safety and security

of Hindus, where they have been turned as minority.

The Hindus in India believe in the principal of equality.  But, they are the endless victims of inequality and

discrimination in India. The minorities in India is the privileged class and the Hindus are the big

stakeholders.  Any provision that gives the minorities any special rights more than the majority people must

be wiped out at a moment. In such secular (!) and socialist (!!) Country, how the Muslim people are

facilitated with package of reservation in employment on the basis of religion with other facilities like

honorarium to the Muslim clerics and subsidies for Haj pilgrimage. All these scourges upon the inequality

must be stopped at once with the provisions including the seeds of discrimination between state to state

through Art 370, Art 371 A-D.

Hindus demand the uniform civil code in this land treating all citizens equal before the civil and criminal law

without any imposition of Sharia or Evangelical law in any form. Practice of religion and believe on Dharma

are obviously the rights on any Indian citizen but any confrontation with laws of the land must be handled

with strict constitutional provisions.

In the same strictness, any humiliation majority culture and tradition should not be tolerated by anybody per

conscience. So, Cow slaughter, Conversion, defamation of traditional Hindu practices by enactment of ‘anti

black magic bill’ etc. must be ended without delay. The efforts of mass conversions in India by some

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Christian organizations and the nefarious anti-Hindu activities of Peace TV and their allies must be stopped


Hindus demand proscribing of the programming of politically motivated ‘Targeted Communal Violence Bill’

which has the only design to target Hindus to ruin and be stamped as communal.

Hindus oppose all sorts of Jihad as it is posed as the vilest threat to the human society. So, Hindus demand

total ban upon, love Jihad, rape Jihad, land Jihad, political Jihad, population Jihad, infiltration Jihad, money

jihad (both in fake note Jihad & Islamic banking jihad), media Jihad, burka and halal Jihad, cyber Jihad and the

deadly Jihad in Kashmir and the profuse bloodshed and head counts in the name of a so called ‘Religion of


Hindus have a great concern about the internal and external security of their Motherland. So Hindus demand

assault attacks upon all the challenging forces try to disturb the security of India whether it is from foreign

soil or inside. Hindus demand total dismantle of Pakistani and Chinese aggressions including the bloody

subversion of the Maoists.

In this line up, Hindus demand hard condemnation of Hindus Genocide of Hindus in Pakistan, Bangladesh and

Sri Lanka by the rulers there and India must ensure the safety and security from the continuing attacks

Sindhi Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan, Bengali Hindus and Buddhists in Bangladesh and Tamil Hindus in Sri

Lanka.  Hindus demand the immediate actions for any atrocities upon Bharat Mul (India rooted) individual or

group in parts of this world. Hindus vehemently condemn several attacks on the Indian origin people in

Middle East Islamic countries and in Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia and US.

The humiliation of Hindutva by the Maoists in Nepal is not acceptable for the Hindus in India. As Nepal is a

traditional Hindu Rashtra, we demand proper initiative of Indian government so that Nepal can be restored

and declared as a Hindu Country again.

Anti national activities and the act of subversion is the fast growing force in India to engulf and strangulate

the Hindus to demoralize them. The Aligarh Muslim University, Muslim League, Rajakar, Deoband originated

Islamic forces have been emerged into newer shapes of AIMIM (), PDF, IPF, AIDUF, Peace Party etc. All these

parties are much inclined to Sharia than the Indian Constitution. These parties must be declared infractuous

under certain legislations.  And Islamic forces behind these parties, i.e. Indian Mujahedeen, SIMI, LeT etc.

must be treated with gunshot only.

As it is seen that the Muslim infiltrators from Bangladesh and Pakistan are attached with so many Jihadi

activities against India, all such infiltrators must be driven out from India.

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The growth and devotement of India cannot be done without the upliftment of the ruined economic condition

of the majority people under the poverty line. But the Indian economic development has the milieu of multi

sectoral development plan (MSDP) for Muslims only. While Hindu peasants suicide en mass in Maharashtra,

marginal Hindu labors face starvation in Rajasthan and Andhra, Kalahnadi tribal Hindus die in starvation in

Orissa, but the development makers find the utility in establishment and implementation of Sacchar

Committee only for Muslims!

Hindus demand ban on the recommendation of Sacchar Committee on the basis of its developmental fallacy

and religious discrimination. Hindus demand a commission to judge the problems all the citizens under

poverty line irrespective of caste, creed and religion to alleviate their economic constraints.

The Swadeshi economy  (Indigenous economy) must be the basis of Indian economy  having full protection

of agriculture and farmers, artisan classes, cattle resources and the promotion of the Indian system of

health  through Yoga and Ayurveda.  Simultaneously, we demand the propagation of Swadeshi and

appropriate control over Multi National Companies in the field of Indian day to day life.

Hindus must condemn the trend of corruption in Indian life and must be ashamed for the namesake Hindus

connected with corruptions.  Corruption must be stopped in India. All the black money stashed in the Swiss

and other foreign Banks (4 lakhs crores INR in total) must be brought in India for the utilization of the same

for Indian development.

Hindus are deeply concerned with the increasing rates of Corruption, black money, terrorism, rape,

adulteration and sedition in India. Hindus demand capital punishment for such perpetrators against Nation

and the countrymen.

Hindu demands cannot exclude its demand of abolition of Govt. encroachment of temple fund and properties

and Hindus demand to stop the Islamic and political interference upon Hindu’s Festival and congregagations.

Hindus demand GO-GANGA- GEETA-GAYATRI-BHARATI Raksha (protection of River Ganga, Geeta as symbolic

of Indian wisdom and the Sanskrit language, Gyatri as Indian culture and heritage). So, establishment of any

new Islamic or Christian establishment like Mosque, Church, Seminaries and slaughter houses must be

banned near a Hindu heritage complex and Hindu pilgrimage places, not to let any chance to breach of

Hindu peace and atmosphere.

We demand immediate release of all Hindu saints under jail with fake and motivated charges. Hindus does

not allow the present trend of arrest of Hindu saints under political motivation and a fake concoction of

bogus ‘saffron terrorism’.

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But, who are screaming in mind by not seeing the demand of establishment of Sri Ram Temple at Ayodhya

and Hindu Rashtra in Bharat, they must be clear in one point that this Hindu agenda is not based on any

fantasy or symbolism.  If the Hindu empowerment comes through the above demands, the other pending

issues before Hindu society will be shaped in a positive form with the strength of Hindu Vote Bank.

Fulfilling the Hindu demands and Modi factor

The above Hindu demands may be considered as a draft and we may add other points to make a strategy for

the fulfillment of the same. May not be this agenda as conclusive, but we must reject all confusions to start a

movement for placing the Hindu demands to all the parties come to us with folded arms to get our votes.

We will send it all the parties as far as possible to get a spark in the election sphere in fact. But, individually

we may prepare a small questionare and may give to all candidates coming to us. We may set simple

question like this: 1) Whether you will stop cow killing in this area? A. Yes. B. No. C. No Comments.  2)

Whether you will stop Love Jihad and eve teasing on Hindu Girls by a particular community? A. Yes. B. No. C.

No Comments.  3) Whether you recommend the reconstruction of a (specific) path to the temple (specific) ?  

A. Yes. B. No. C. No Comments.  4) Whether you stop the mischievous conversion activities by the

missionaries?  A. Yes. B. No. C. No Comments.  5) Whether you stop the alcohol shop in our locality? A. Yes.

B. No. C. No Comments.

The set of questionare  may vary place to place or any big Hindu orgs can set a national questionare related

to Hindu Agenda and demand for this election. The candidates will be provided with such a questionare

separately and they have to tick marks only putting their signature on it. They may agree on the matter

accordingly. Or they may refuse to do so. But a certain Hindu impact on the candidates will make some

dividends for the Hindu society. And the voters should make his mind according to the reply of the

questionare and the adjudged Hinduness of the candidate begging votes from the Hindus also.  Hindus must

grab this scope for the fulfillment for their demands.

NGOs from the local areas may monitor this process and try to set their best candidate for the Hindu


The Congress, SP, BSP, TMC, CPM may reject all these Hindu demands, but it is expected that BJP may not

reject all such Hindu demands and there is strong mass Hindu support in favour of BJP Prime ministerial

candidate Sri Narendra Modi whose Nationalistic approach is not detrimental for Hindu interest and


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So far, Modi has not prayed to any mazar, not wore any skull cap, or praised Jinnah for any reasons. These

characteristics of Modi have singularized him a man of pure nationalist fervour.  Demands of Hindus can be

fulfilled by Modi only and there is no other option before the demanding Hindu electorates.

As per report, in the coming election the Muslims has set their agenda to send 50 MPs from different parties

from 110 Muslim influenced constituencies. They will demand the Muslim matters unitedly. But, who will

place the Hindu demands in the Indian parliament?  Hindus have to vote in a cool brain after judging all the

political parameters before them.

Modi factor is a new hope for Indian Hindus, but Hindus must show their strong resolution and determination

to set this Hindu Demand and Hindu Agenda immediately.


The struggle for waging a Hindu demand and setting a Hindu agenda to restore the rights of Hindus in Bharat

is not conclusive.  


Author can be reached at   [email protected]    +919475964179