The hills have eyes


Transcript of The hills have eyes

The opening shot of the movie shows background information of the storyline. This is in block capital, white writing on a fully black background. This suggests the opening will be focused on the topic on screen and will continue the explanation. Also at this time we are able to hear non-diegetic music. This is similar to a distorted alarm which plays constantly. There are also ambient sounds like wind whistles also playing. This fits the movie opening well as it already begins to build tension. The alarm sound could also suggest a warning to those watching or the to the characters in the opening. It then fades to the establishing shot which is labelled, also in block capital white righting, ‘NEW MEXICO DESERT’. The shot has an orange tinge to it supposedly from the desert sand. This is matched with a dusty atmosphere which is noticeable throughout the opening. The long shot tracks a small river down stream. Here we are able to here the diegetic sounds of the river as it hits rocks and flows quickly. Plus, as the camera tracks the river movement, it gets closer. We then see a close up of a small fish whilst still tracking the water flow. This implies there is the ability for life in the desert and might be other forms of life around.

There is then a low angle shot as it follows up to two men. They are dressed in protective suits and are wearing gas masks. This implies the location could be harmful and implies a scientific background. We then see them put the small fish into a plastic bad implying they are doing tests in that area. This could be for water contamination and the expectancy for life. It then cuts away to another low angle shot. Here we see another man in the same suits. This shot then zooms out and we see he has a metal detector. This backs up the suggestion of scientific testing and also suggests there could be something of value to them there. The yellow tinge to the shots shows a dusty setting and high sun implies it is mid day. Throughout these shots the non-diegetic music continues but we also hear heavy breathing. This is diegetic sounds from the gas masks implying the air could be contaminated. It then cuts away to a long shot again establishing the setting. This shows the area as barren and almost portrays it as a ‘no mans land’. The quietness of the location shown in this shot then adds anxiety to an audience as the anticipation for a build up begins.

It then cuts back into a point of view shot. Here we see a close up of the metal detector in the mans hands as he walks forward. The rocky surface of the ground conveys the desert location and shows no other life in sight. This also implies the men are not expecting to see anyone else around as they are strictly watching what they are doing and not for others. Throughout this we can hear the diegetic sound of the equipment and the continuous breathing of the man. The non-diegetic music begins to become faster at this point implying the tension point will be soon. It then cuts to an extreme long shot showing the protagonist emerging from behind large rocks. He slowly gets closer and walks at a medium speed. This implies the action will take place in this new setting as it has re-established his whereabouts. The scene is very dusty at this point with the rocks in focus. This makes it difficult for an audience to see anything else around him and suggests it would also be difficult for the protagonist to spot danger. It then cuts in to a point of view shot looking through the mans protective eye gear. This shows no danger around at this point but also being to build suspense along with the quickening music.

It then cuts to a medium shot of the protagonist as slightly pans around his body. This shows him using his equipment with no disturbances. The sound levels also become slightly higher making his heavy breathing louder. This implies he is becoming anxious but still expects nothing to happen. It then cuts into an extreme close up of his metal detector showing the bar fluctuating and moving quickly. This implies there is little of importance in this area as the diegetic sound continues normally. The non-diegetic music in the background, however, continues to pick up speed and also starts to become louder. In turn, this continues to build suspense as it implies action will soon take place. It then cuts to another point of view shot through the mans eye guards as he looks around his surroundings. This shows more rocky hills and flat land in front. Furthermore, this contradicts the non-diegetic music as it suggests there is no danger around him and therefore the tension peak will not come. This also builds suspense as the audience become completely unaware and taken off guard.

It then cuts away to see a medium shot as man pounces at the protagonist. He is wearing no protective clothing like the others an is covered in blood. The protagonist begins to back away in a hurry implying fright. It then cuts to a point of view shot again through the goggles to see the mans face. It is also covered in blood and suggests he has been hit. The protagonist continues to back away however the man looks as though he is trying to do no harm. The non-diegetic music here is at full speed but continues to add suspense implying this isn’t the tension peak. It then stays as a point of view shot but isn’t looking through the goggles. This medium shot implies it could be from a third persons view and suggests the actual antagonist is behind the protagonist. The man then falls back and stops moving forward as the protagonist continues to back up. It then cuts to a close up of the protagonist as some sort of spear is pierced through his skull from behind. He then drops to his knees connoting the real killer is hiding. The non-diegetic music here stops, showing a peak in tension. The diegetic breathing also stops showing a loss of life and an end to the opening. The original background music plays.