The Herald (New Orleans, LA) 1911-01-05 [p 8] · PURE GLYCERIN. It I a Queer Substance Endowed With...

- Algerines at Law. Court of Appeal. NEW S!"TS. A leonaldson :;. State Realty ('o. et als, appeal from F:r•st t'ty ('ourt, Div. It. Ht O'('onr:or for aptl,llan' Civil District Court. SI ('CESS(0\ 4. Su(cceessior: of Arthur' 31 rgan aid t if, Mrs. EfHzab-th Vet l'a. poS.<- sion. bl S Mahoney. at!torlle. u, " elI,'tinl of Os).car J.,s. ph Ito!slot, js.,.ss Cn. C' .. Tharti. atorn.-y Vrs. Azalt,' Taylot, wife of G,,orge \\,cit•nllgtcin, has Iw-'ition-ld the eonulrt fr let ters of adwnirIstratori on i the Sitate of the l:ate James Tal or., d,- ceoa,:id, intistate' nOt'ic is giveni to all whom It may (conlce(rn to dtho I,: au i a ithin ten days why ti,-e prayer of .Said p.,'itloner should not be granted. Ily order of the court -- Thomas ('tn nIll, Clerk. Real Estate Transfers. OIIfvier Land and I. Co., Ltd., to Mrs. IIt. Ilibbens, lot I3.-hrinan avenue, le. PURE GLYCERIN. ItI a Queer Substance Endowed With Peculsar Properties. One. of the greatl :ln anltag.c- of glyc erin in its che.,.nic-al e-ploymlelunt is the fact that it n.itIewr free.zes nor evap- orates under ullye ordlinalry telmilnru- ture-. No ,pereeptilde !tis by evalwora- tlon has been deltrted at at tenall'rtlt- ture less than -tYs diegres .. l,' but If heatedt Intnen-sely it de.c'nUll,,ases with a smnell that few i.'".-ir•n find Ithimselves ablel to ,end nure. It Iburlns with i lpa lo flaime, similtar to that from alch hol, if bell ice to aIrIl 1it :; fS deigrt ,• ees and thenll lgnited. Its lnevalorative qulitalell make the c(omnleoulll of iltuch use as a vehicle fw holding pigments and col- orn, as In Itamping and typewriter rlb- bons. carbon palpers and the like. If the pure glycerin be exposed for a long time to a freezing temperature It crystallizes wllth the appearance of sugar candy, but these crystals being once melted It is almost an Impossi- bility to get them again into the con- gealed state. If a little water be add- ed to the glycerin no crystallization will take place, though under a sufi- dclent degree of cold the water will separate and form crystals, amid which the glycerin will remain In its natural state of fluidity. If suddenly subject. ed to Intense cold pure glycerin will form a gummy mass which cannot be entirely hardened or crystallized. Al- together it is quite a peculiar sub- stance. DON'T GET TOO SEDATE. Play Is as Good Fer Grown Pereens as Fee Children. Play Is just as necessary to keep a grown matn young and a middle aged man from growing old as it in to make a child grow into a mnan. Words- worth's lines are as sound physiology as good poetry: My heart leaps up when I behold The rainbow in the sky. So was it when my life began; So be It when I am a man Or let me die. In childhood we play because we are young, in middle age we are young because we play, and it we kep It up we shall never know that we are old until we are one day sud- dsnly dead. Yet the absurd idea has grown up, and Mrs. Grundy has adopt- ed it with her usual fatuousness, that play is something undignlfied in a gown man and unbecoming in a lady. And this unfortunately Ia one of the rare instances where "thlnkllg makes It s." After a man has practiced this belief in the uselessness of exercise iar half a 4ecade or so and become bt and pompous and red faced or pale and slack mauscled and short winded them the contortions that he Indulges In when he decides to unbead and try to play furnish considerably more en- statlnmemt to spectators than to him- el.-Dr. Woods Hutchlon o* Out- A MONARCH DETHRONED. I USED to rule my household In undisputed sway. And, barrta ma's ameaidmnts, I always had my say, Nut now I doa't amount to beoan- I have two daughters tLoheir tean. Oh girl is to te b•h saohet And one Is in the grades,. And their superior manner Astherity Invades. PFor If I make a final rulig Ihey'•ll gIle P is only tooliln." I msgd to mpeek these irls to bel Betere the hour ef lne, ke at the early hedtlme Ther now beg to pine We're lucky if we get them quiet At twelve o'clock without a riet. I ured to order tbaig to eat With condene profound, er mother knew my little ways And let me putter remd, Nut now those damels give the orders So ma and I are onlty bearders. W used to buy their hat and shoes And sawed full many a dime, Dt if we don't cooaslt them now We're quickly breught to time. Ibr savilg is no maidel's passon Whm arst she learns the laws of tashion. I know I should asurt my place And rule the bmesahol a o yore, Nut I am doubtful if I could Restore conditlems u beore, eases to tbo eatIrely btrak,. Thes gitrls are now too old to spnlk. -- pektae Sekesmaa-Rewiew. An Aer e fPlmt. The panorama et Ioados painted in l8P by Mr. Herna covred over an macre of CHARTER "HOLSI, HAT SBOP COMPANY." UNrrTD SfTAt•8 On UA CA, I ~ or [OUIi8ANA, PArtIS OW' OUilnAma CITY Or NW OE I of the moth e e tsher i s the re er Gtsm st h em m CHARTER IIHt ISEIIOLDERS' BUILDING AND RE PJAIR COMPANY." INITEID STATES OF AMERICA. STATE OF I.OI'ISIANA, CITY OF NEW Olt- LEANS, i'AlISil OF ORLEANS. Be it known, that on this thirtieth day of the month of Ik'eember, in the year one thousand nine hundred and ten, before me. Stobelrt Iegiler, a notary public, duly com- missioned and qualified in and for {he i'ar- ish of trlheans. State of Louislana, afore- saul, therein residing, and in the presen-e of tae witnesses hereinafter named and un- dersigned. personally came and appeared: The isrsons whose names are hereuntoi sut- scrilA-d, who declared that availing them. selves of lthe provisions of the laws of this state relative to the organization of cor- SI~,rations, they have -ovenanted and agreed. and do by these, iresents, coven:ant and agrtee. bind. form and constitute themselves as well as such other persons as may her'- after join or lweome assoclated with them t into a corporation and Iodly politic In law and for the object-s and purposes and under tlhe agreeme.nts and stipulations following.' to wit: The name and stylt of this corptir at in shall Is the "*'O1U1SEIIOLI,EItS I'III .IIING AND RIEPAIR 'OMP'ANY," and under that name shall have all rights and granted by law to coriiorations; it shall exist for a period of nlnety-nine searl-s f'tom tihe date hereof: It shall have petwr tt contract, slite and I• sued in its corltarate name. :o make and use a corpor- ate seal. and the samu,-to bIreak or alter at pHleastre ; to lhold. receilv., purchase, convey itand mutrtgae property. oIth real and per- ,,ioal ; to issue notes andt other obligations; to have and employ such managers and other enupl,,-es as thl, Inlterests of the corlporation nmayi reqluire: alid to make such by-laws, rulet.s and regutlations as the ,-riporate man- iag-'tniltt tof this comnplany lmay demand. The domicnl-h ilof said corporatlion shall Is' in the it't of New Orleans, and all citations shall - stl'Vrced on the president, and in his ab- ,ence oU the,' s.cretary-treasurer. The objecittts and putrp'oses for which this 'corlporation is organized are hereb)y declared to I : to build, erect, design and repair ho,:.s andti buildings, install household ac- ,,.ttrtUents, electric light and apparatus. iplumbing and gas; cleaning of vaults and sI -wrs antd gt-nerally to do and perform evs *.rything ni,."essnar or useful to building. developing. qullipplng. maintaining or re- I pairing buildings or houses. The sapital stock of this corporation ia1 l.reiby flxed at the sium of three thousandi I dollars, dlvlided Into thr'. hun- tidred share- of ten 4$lI.tit( o dollars each.: whicth shall i' ipaid for in cash. or may be Issued at not less than par for se'rvves ren dtilred to or property pullr.has~l by said' -ontlpany. .,, shares of stock shall lie full Spaid anti nn-asessable, and no transfer of I stock shall Is' binding on the corlporatlon I uless tunld*, on its tImtks. All the -corporate power' of this comlpany " shall be v,,stted In. and the nlmnageilnent and I control of its affairs shall tI' exertcised by a Tard sof director's t, Ie 'om .is.d of three' -t,-' who shall is' el-eted annu:ally iiy tlii' stociklholders at a tlee'ting to Ist held nt tihe' second Mnldnlay of January of eatch tear. The stockholders -hall Is ,,ntitled to ,one vote. ehither It I•r-*rin or bIy wrrittet giroty. on Isverly shae ' of stock wn-ed Iby Ihim. The dilrectors thutI. elected shill cotl- linul, In ofle',for one year or until their ll.-cessors haIvy' w elti t'ieted and qualitfled. No failtire to Ielect shall Is' regarded as a forfeiture of this charter. Any vacancy oc curring on the board shallI. filled by tile remaining directors for the unexpired term. ` Said board shall Immediately after its elec- tion. elect fromn among Its nulmlr a pre'si- dent. a vice-lresident and a secretary-treas- urer. It may elect a s-ecretary who n,'ed not Iw a sttockholder. ' No stockholdr shall 'ever be held Ialite or responsible for the contr:ects, faults or debts of this corporation. nor shall any there informality in its organiatilon have IthI effetct of renlderlng this charter null, or! of exposing a stockholder to, any lilbility' leyond the unpaid halance due on 0the shares of stock owned by him. This act of lonorporation may isw chiang.l. modified or "altered,. or this corporation may I i dissolved with the assent of the stock- holder owning a majority of the stotk ofl the corporation. In case of the dlissoli- i lion of this company, either by expiration l of its charter or otherwise. Its affairs shall Ie lilquidated by two t~tmmisaioners to tIe elected from among the stockholders. In' rase of the death or disalbility of any one' of said commissioners the survivor shall all- pointa successor to him. Thus done, and passed at my offiie in the c'lty of New Orlean., on the day, month and year herein first above writtten. In the presence of John Legier. Jr.. and Anthony I Troyani, both of this city, competent wit- nesaes, who have hereunto signed their names with the said alpearers and me, notary, after due reading of thie whole. Original Signed: P. Everett. 299 shares: os. J. J.Rtayik. I share: T. . Betk, 1 share. Jno. Legler, Jr.. Ant. Troyani. ROBERT LFA;IER. Not. l'utb. I. the undersigned Recorder of Mortgages for the l'arish of Orleans. State of ilnlsli- ana. do hereby certify that the above and foregoing act of intorporation of the "HIouseholders Building and Repair c'om- pany" was this day duly recorded in my oflmic, In book - folio -. New Orleans, La., IDecemlir 30. 19141. EMILE LEONAItI. I,. II. A true. copy from the original act. ROBERT .F1~;IElt. (Seal) Not. P'tb. Jan 5 12 19 26 feb 2 1911 CHARTER SNOWDRIFT HAND LAtU'NTiRY. I'NITED STATES OF AMERICA. STATE OF IA)|'ISIANA, CITY OF NEW OR- IEANS. PARISII F01' ORLEANS. Be It known, that on this fifth day of the month of July, in the year of our ILord one thousand nine htundred and ten, before me. E. A. Parsons. a Notary Publih. In and for the Parish of Orleans. State of Losulatna. duly commissioned and quallfled, and In the presence of the witnesses herelnafter named and undersigned. personally came and ap- peared the persons whose names are ht're- unto sulbcrlted. all above the full ag nof majority,. who severally declared that. avail- Ing themselves of Act 7R of 1904. as well as the general laws of the State of Loulsl- ana relative to the organisatlon of crpoira- tionsn. they hereby form themselves into. and constitute a corporation for the objects an 1 pulrposes. antid uinder the stipulation.s, here. inafter set forth: ARTICLE I. Tile name and style of this corporation shall he "SNOWDRIFT HAND LAT'NDRY" and under that iame It shall have all the rights and advantages granted by law to corporations: it shall exist for a period of twenty-five years from the date hereof: It shall have power and autborlty to contract. sue and be sued In Its corporate name: to make and use a corporate seal: and the same to hreak or alter at pleasure: to receive, purchase, convey, lease, mortgage., bhypoth- ecate or pledge property, both real and per. sonal; to borrow and lend money and to give and recelve securitles therefor: to name and appoint such managers, directors, oeera, employees and agents as the later- est and convenience of the corporation may require, and to make and establisah auch by-laws, rules and regulations as may be deemed anecessary, proper or expedient for the corporate management, control and wel- fare of said company. ARTICLE II. The domicile of this eorporation shall be ia the City of New Orleans and all citation and other legal process shall be served on the prealdeant of msaid company and la his absence. on the vie-preildct of samid cor- poration: or In the absence or nlaability of noth of said o eers, on the secretary there- of. ARTICLE III. The objects and purposes of this corpor- atlon and the nature of the busianess to be carried on by It are hereby declared to he: the establishment and rantalg of a rst-. class laundry ; to owna. construet or luease buIldlns and instahll all maehblaery neces- arry for that purpoe asa well uas all other appurtenances nemessary or convenlent for that purpose: to buy, billd upon, or other- wise improve, sell, or lease real estate: to do a reneral wholesale and retail mercantile busmlness. ARTICLE IV. The capital stock of this corporatlon is hereby axed at the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10.04t.00). divided into two thou- sand shares of the par value of fve dollars each. Which said stock shall be paid for I in cash. or may be Isaed at not less than par for services readered to, or purchased by said corporation. The capital atock of I tihis corporation may be nlaereased or re- duced by a vote of the majority of the stoek- holders at a meettag called for that pur. I pose a provided by the statutes of this -tate. 'hi eborporation shall become a solan cnerss soon asm six hundred shareism of the capital stoct shall have been sub- s•rited for and poaM b. A1TICIL V. All the corporate pers of tde orporl atlen shall be vested lna ad melM b a i Board e DiMrectorsm to be csmpr oe• ye stockholdems, a majority o wm all oe- stitte ta quorum. ad roeteors t b. elt- ed annually o the asensd Tueday at haly ot seth year, h ballet ot the stockholders. The eleetieo• for thelu rt rrto be hM dem I t ofthe d e of the a Nmlh sabe I .or teekb st kob t i as s te ither I in porson or r wuteam greq. msk uase I tor shall be required to hold In his own right and name on the day of elect on dur- ing the term of his office, at least ten shares of the capital stock of this corporation. SaId election shall be held at the office of the company tinder the supervision of three commissioners to be appointed by the board of directors, after ten days" notice of such election shall have been given by written notice and the directors thus elected shall hold office until their successors shall have been duly elected and inducted into office. A majority of the votes shall elect. Any vacancy occurring on said loard shall be ilued by the remaining directors. Iume- dlately after each election said board of directors shall elect out of this numlelr a president, a vlce-president, a secr.tasry and a treasurer. The said lboard of dlrectors may unite the office of secretary-tre.asurer and may even elect a secretary who needtt not be a metber of the board of directors nor a stockholder. All contracts adllil b. any olficer or agent of the company shall be I made subject to the validation by ithe board s of directors. ARItTI'CLE VI. No transfer of stock shall be binding upon this company unless madi. upon the books of the corlprsatioll and subject to such rules, regulations and formalities as the Iboard of directors may pr,.scribe. AItTIC'LE VII. No failure to elect, as above provided for, shall Ie regarded as a forfeiture of thils charter, or have the effect of rendering any stockholder to any liability beyond the amount of his stock. ARItTIC'LE VIII. Whenever this corporation is dissolved. either by limitation or from any other rea- son or cause whatever, its affairs shall Ire liquidate.d under the supervision of three liquidating commissioners to be appointed from among the stockholders of the com- Ipany, at a general meeting of the stock holders convened after thirty days previous notice, by publication or otherwise and on the assent of a majority in amount of the capital stock. The said commissioners shall remain in otl'ie until the affairs of the company shall have tbeen fully liquidated. In the rovent of the Inability of said coummissioners to act. from any cause:l whatever, the remaining contltissioner or onr ommissionlers shall elect a sill.-t-,ssor. AltTILiIY IX. This at of incorporation may be ('hanged. altres,. molltled or amended or this cor IHtration may Iw dissolved with the assent of three-fourths in amount of the capital stock of this corporation present or repre- sented. at a general meeting of the stock- holders convened for that purpose, after thirty days previous notite of such meeting shall have teen pitllllshlted in one of the daily newtpalpers of this city. ARTIC LE X - N. stoctkholder shall ever It, heldh liable or respionslle, for the contracts, fallts or tdellt of this icomlpanll in ally furtheir sun Sthan the unpahl Ilalhnce diuell on thle shitares of stock sulsscrilstil for or iownedi by him., t inr shall any nlert, informality in its organ astotion have the eiff-ct of iendering this charter null or of exposing a stoc'kholder to anly further liability titan tilhe amount of his subscription to the stock. Thus done and passed at my :rffce in the City of New Orleans. the day, month and year herein first alove written, in the pres once of G;. I. Smart and A. Bonaud. both of this city. competent witnesses, who have heretnto, signed their names with the said appearers and me. notary, after due reading of the whole. (Orlglhatl signed: 4'. J. Lockhart, M. Free- manu, Jno. Freeman, I'. I. Vining, W. S. M1or- rrl*, This. Freeman. A. A. Moore, M1. Moran, F. Fitch. I. II. Cummings. L II. Scott. Witnesses: ;eo. B. Smart. A. Bonaud. E. A. 'ARSONS, Not. l'uh. 1. the undlersigne'd Rtecorder of Mortgages. in and for the Parish i,f Orleans, State of lntislana, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Act of lncorporation, of the Snowdrift Hland Laundry was this day duly recorded In my offie., in book 984, folio 573. New Orleans, J.uly 12, 1910. EMILE LEONARD, I). ItR. A true tcopy of lthe original on file and of re'-crd in my office. E. A. PARISONS Not. Pub. iJan n 1 1 11 26 Feb 2 1911 CHARTER IOF "FEIRtRAN MACIINE" WORKS. LTD." STATE OF LO)'ISIANA, PARISH OF OR- I.EANS, c'ITY OF N•EW ORLEANS. lie it known, that on this sixteentt day of the month of Dlecember, in the year of our ~ord, one thousand nipe hundred alid ten. Itfore me. John F. A. lIebel, a Notary I llic,. duly commissloned and qualified, in and for the City of New Orleans, In the Parish of Orleans and State of Louisiana, domlclliated in the said city and parish, and in the presence of the witnesses herein- aftter nanmed and undersigned, personally came and appeared : the several persons whose names are hereunto subscribed, all being of full age of majority and residents of this city, parish and state, who severally declared that availing themselves of the pro- vltsins of all of the laws and constitution of this State relative to the organization of corporations, they- have contrted and agreed, and do by these presents contract and agree and hind and obligate themselves as well as suclh persons who may hereafter Iwcome associated with them, to form and cinstitute a body politic in law, for the cil.iets and pllrlioses and under the agree- ments and stlpulations, to-wit: ARTICLE I. Thile name of this corporation shall he the "FERlRAN .MA(IIlNE WORKS, LIMITEID,' anti under said corporate name it shall have and enjoy corporate existence and succession for a period of ninety-nine years, unless sooner dissolved;: and shall have power to uite and be sied, to contract and be con- tracted with; to estabulsh and operate facto- rhes, ofiaes and agencies wherever expedient; to maki' and use a corporate seal, and the same to break or alter at pleasure; to hold, reclive 1 convey, own, purchase, sell alienate, leasi, hbypothecate, mortgage, pledge or oth erwie encumber or dispose of property of any kind, real, personal or mixed; to borrow money, Issue notes, bonds or other evidences of debt, to have, employ, discharge and com- iensate such managers, directors, agents, clerks, and other employees as the Interest, convenience or advantage of its staairs may require, to establish by-laws, rules and reg- ulatlons for the proper conduct-and opera- tion of its afairs, and the same to abolish or alter as it may see fit and proper; and generally to have, enjoy and exercise all such powers, privileges and lmmunities as are or may hereafter be granted by law to corporations, or which may be necessary, useful or advantageous in the conduct of its busintess and afairs. ARTICLE II. The domicile ok thbls corporation shall be in the City of New Orleans, State of Lou- Islana, and all citations and other legal pro- cesses shall be served upon the President or in the event of h's absence or Inability to act, upon the Vlce-President. ARTICLE III. The objects and purposes for which thisl corporation is orgalaed and the nature of the business to be carried on by It are here. by declared to be: To own, possess, lease, sell, operate and work machinery and repair shops; to boy and sell machinery of any and ai kind, or parts of machinery; to con- struct machlnery upon the royalty basis; to 1 selll machinery or structures containalang ma- chinery. ncelodlng motors, on commission, both retail and wholesale, and genaerally to do and perform any bsnlaes pertalalang to ARTICLE IV. The. capital stock of this corporation Is hereby fxed at the sum of twenty-ive thou- s•nd Dollars ($25,000.00), divided into anad represented by two hundred and ffty shares I ef the par value of one hundred dollars 48100.00) each. Subscrlptlons to stock shall be paid for in cash, or when called for by 1 the Board of Directors of this corporation, stock full paid and non-assessable may be 1 issued by the Board of Directors in payment I of property recelved or services rendered to the corporation. No Itockholder shall be permitted to pledge or hypothecate his stock 1 without first havlng obtained permissilon of 1 the Board of Directors; nor shall any stock- I holder be permitted to sell his stoea with- 1 out frst having ofered it to the company tr sale at it bookt value, and the com- pany's board of directors shall have ten days within which to accept or reject such ofer. The Board of Direefore shall have power to establish a rnle by which the book I value of stock shall be determineld. All cer- 1 tifcates of stock shall hea evidece on their face that stock shall not be sold or 1 hypotheetad ecpt as above set forth, -sb cerporatio dhall he a olag cncern and e attlted to doo buinessss somgve y thamead dollars (8500.00) worth. of sock has been subscribed for. ARTICI*i v. All he eseyepato powrs of thL eotpora- t ra t,51 he ventd In ad merehuby a 1 Board. .e Dirseters -mpsed of three t•.k- hei.ra, who henl be elealed namally a the Ilt Sas dr ate l aorf in sah yeal. a Notice of all elections shall be given by the Secretary to each stockholder by mail. di- a rected to his last known place of residence. The directors shall elect from their own f number, a l'resident, a Vice-i'resident and ea klecretary-Treasurer. tIntil the first Mon- d day in January, 1911. and until their suc- b cessors are elected and qualified, the follow- l ngl named persons shall constitute the 1 Board of l)irctors of this corporation, to- Swit: Irenee Amardell, Charles Ferran and Louis It. G(raud, of whom Irenee Amardell v shall be President. Charles Ferran shall le e Vce-l'resldent and Louis B. Giraud shall be k. Seret a ry-Tressurer. f A majority of the Board of Directors s shall constitute a quorum for the transac- J tion of business. Vacanies on the Board of Idirectors shall be tilled by the remaining r umlbwrs of the Iboard for the unexpired t t,.rm, and a failure to elect directors and S,ticers shall in nowise invalidate this char. ,ter. but the directors and officers shall re main in office until said directors and otl c-ra can be elected. ARTIl'LE VI. At all meetings of stockholders of this corporation the voting shall Iw by Iallot. and ,-each share of stock shall be entitled to one lote, to be cast by the owners in p'r- Sson or by proxy. A majority of the votes cast shall decide all questions voted upon. The l'resident of this corporation shall have the right to preside at all meetings, and the presiding officer shall only be entitled to vote in case of a tie. AT ARTICLE VII. This act of Incorporation may be changed. altered or amended, or this corporation may Ih dissolved, by a vote of a majority of the entire outstanding capital stock at a gen- pral meeting called for that purpose. Notict of the time and place of holding such meet- Ing shall be mailed to each stockholder by the Secretary at least fifteen (15T days prior I to said meeting. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to call such meeting whenever requested to do so by a stockholder or stock- holders holding one-third of the outstanding stock. This corporation may be dissolved at any time by the unanimous consent of all stockholders given over their signatures and entered on the minutes of this corporation. Whenever this corporation is dissolved by limitation or otherwise, its affairs shall be liquidated by three liquidating commission- era, elected by the- stockholders. They shall have power to sell or otherwise dispose of all its property of any kind, pay its debts, and distribute the remainder of the assets. if any there be. among the stockholders. In case of the death or inability to act of any of the commissioners the remaining com- missioners shall continue to act. ARTICI.E VIII. No stockholder shall ever be held liable for the contracts or faults of this corpora- tion in any further sum than the balance due on the stock subscribed for by him; nor shall any mere informality in organization have the effect of rendering this charter null or of exposing any stockholder to any lia- Iility le'-ondl tile amount due on stock sub- scrilsed for by him. 'Thus done and passed. in my office, at Ne-w orleans aforesaid, in the presence of \ilssrr. Leon G. 'l'ujague and Nicholas S. .Ilvannovich. witnesses, both of lawful age and domiclitllated in this city, who sign these presents. together with the parties and me, notary, the day and date first aforesaid. Original Signed: I. Amardell, 35 shares: 'has. Ferran, 3: shares; I, . . Giraud, 5 shares. Ieon G. Tujague. N. S. Jovanovich. JO)IN F. A. IIEBEL, Not. Pub. I. the undersigned Recorder of Mortgages. in and for the Parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana. do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Act of Incorporation of the -'FEIIRRAN MACIHINE WORKS. LIMITEI).' was this day duly recorded In my ofice, in Ioiok 1018. folio 191. New Orleans, Decem- ber 17, 1910. (Signed) EMILE LEONARD, D. R. A true copy of the original act of incor- poration on tile and of record in my notarial office. New Orleans. Decebebtr 23. 1910. JOHN F. A. IIEBEL, Not. Pub. T•e "29 jan 5 12 10 26 1911 CHARTER WOi;AN REALTY COMPANY, LIMITED. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, STATE OF LOUISIANA, CITY OF NEW OR- I LEANS. Be It known, that on this 19th day of the month of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and ten, and of the independence of the United States of America the one hundred and thirty-fourth, before me. John Janvier, a Notary Public, in and for the State and Parish aforesaid, duly commissioned and I qualified and in the presence of the wit nesses hereinafter named and undersigned, personally came and appeared: The parties I whose names are hereunto subscribed, who declared: that. availing themselves of the provisions of the Constitution and Laws of the State of Louisiana relative to the for- mation of corporations, they have cove- nanted and agreed, and do by these pres ents covenant and agree and bind them- I selves, their sucessors and assigns, and such persons as may hereafter become as- I sociated with them. to form and consti- I tute a corporation and body politic in law I for the objects and purposes, and under the stipulations and conditions following. to-wit : ARTICLE I. The name of this corporation shall be 1 the "WOGAN REALTY COMPIANY, LIMIT- ED," and, under such name It shall have and enjoy corporate existence and succes- sion for a period of ninety-nine years from the date of this act, with full power nla the prosecution and for the purposes of its bus- ness, as hereinafter defined, to contract, sue and be sued: to acquire, lease, use. hold, alienate, mortgage, pledge. Or otherwise encumber. any property, movable or immo- vable. In er out of the State of Louisiana: to Issue notes, bonds or other evidences of Indebtedness. and to secure same by pledge. mortgage or otherwise; to appoint or elect such directors, omeers, managers or agents as Its bksiness may require: to make, amend or repeal at pleasure by-laws for the management of its affairs, and gener- ally to exercise all the rights and powers that may now or hereafter be granted by law to corporations of this character. ARTICLE II. The domicile of this corporation shall be in the City of New Orleans, Parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana, and all cita- tion or other legal process shall be served upon the P'resident, or, in his absence, upon the Vlee-l'resident. ARTICLE III. The objects and purposes for which this corporation is established and the nature of the business to be carried on by it are hereby declared to be: To buy, sell, lease and Improve real estate in the State of Louistana and elsewhere, and to do and perform any and all thinblage nlacidental, per- tinent or appropriate to the powers afore- said. ARTICLE IV. The capital stock of this corporatioan is hereby fixed at ten thousand dollars ($10,- 000.o00). divided into and represented by one hundred (100) shares of the pear value of one hundred dollars ($100.00) each, which said stock shall be paid for In cash and in such installments as the Board of Directors may determine, or may be missued In payment of ahd for rights or property actuall- received by this corporation. All transters of shares of the capital stock of this corporation shall be entered on the stock book, and no transfers shall be In any manner binding on this corpora- tion until so entered. This corporation may become a goingla concern and may commence buaines when three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) of its capital atoek shaI bave been asubscribed for. ARTBICILE V. All of the corporate powers of this cor- poration ashall be vested in and exerciseed by a Based of Directors, composed of three stockholders, a majority of whom shall con- stitute a quorum in the transaction of business. Sald directors shall be elected at a general meetaing of the stockholders to be held on the first Monday ina December In the year 1913, and annually thereafter. Notice of said election, and of all meetings of stockholders iot otherwise provided for by law, shall be given te-each stockhbolder by written notice addressed to hbls last known place of residence and deposited nla the malls one week before tho date of said meeting. Said Board of Directors at its first meet- Ing shall elect from its members a Preal- dent. Vice-President, Secretary and Treas- urer; any two of which ofiees, other than Presidant and Vice-President, may be held bg one pers. Until the frat election to be held under this charter, the Board of Directors of this corporation shall be cmpne ed of Emillen Perrin, Victor Wogma and H. Gperse Db- four; and the aid Emallen Perri shall1 be President and Treasurer the said Victor Wegan shall be Vice-Prlmt, and the mid H. Gmeres Dufour Ieeretary. The Beard of Dtroetors shall hav ru! b r to fll all vacanes i Its members m o the steckheold•rs of thisa ec- The Bare Dlireetmrs hall have full mratrl e tlm erty ot thi erprati•s, and shall I allo et the aeeprate pMe- era and functions, including the right to pledge and mortgage the property of this corporation, without the necessity of re ferring to the stockholders for their appro- val, authority or ratification in any manner whatsoever. ARTICLE VI. This act of incorporation may be changed. modified or amended, or this corporation may be dissolved, iy and with the consent of three-fourths -f the capital stock, pres ent or represented at a general meeting of stockholders called for that purpose, after written notice as hereiInabove provided for. In case of the dissolution or termination of this corporation either by limitation of its charter or for any other cause, its af fairs snail he liquidated by three commlis sioners selected by the stockholders at a g•eeral meeting, as hersinatsre set forth. llid commissioners shall remain in offimc until the affairs of this corporation shall have bwen fully liquidated, and, in case of the death, resignation or Incapacity of one or more of said commissioners, the survi vor or survivors shall continue to :ac't. ARTICLE VII. No stockholders of this corporation shall hI he d liable or responsible for the con tracts of this corporation, or its faults or defaurts, in any further sium than the un- paid jalance due this corporation on the shares of stock subscribed for or owned by him, nor shall any Informality in organiza- tion have the effect of rendering this char- ter n il. or of exposing any stockholder to any lalbility beyond the unpaid balance, if any. due on his stock. The subscnl ribers hereto have set opposite their respelctive names tile number of shares of the capital stock subscribed to by them respectively, and same shall serve in lieu of a subscription list. Thus done and signed at New Orleans, loulislana. on this -- day of Ilecember, 1i910, in the presence of ;eorge Janvier and Alex Williams. competent witnesses, resid- ing in this parish who have signed these presents, together with the said appears, and me, Notary, after a reading of the whole. toriginal signedi EMII.IEN I'ERRIN, Io shares. VIt'TOlt WiN;AN, 10 shares. II. GENEIIES DUIFOUR. 10 shares. (;I.FORGE JANVIEIR, ALEX WIILIAMS. JOIIN JANVIER, Notary Public. I, the undersigned Recorder of Mortgages. in and for the Parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana. do hereby certify that the abovel and foregoing act of Incorporation of the "Wogan Realty Co., Ltd.," was this day duly recorded in my ofce, In book 1018, folio -. New Orleans, Dec. 19, 1910. (Signed) EMILE LEONARD, ID. IR. (Seal) I hereby certify the above and foregoing] to he a true and correct copy of the orlg- Inal act of Incorporation of the Wogan Realty Company, Limited, on file and of record in my ofice. together with the certl- ticate of the Recorder of Mortgages. In faith whereof, witness my official seal and signature this 19th day of IDecember, 1910. JOlHN JANVIEIR, SSteal) Notary Plublic. D•ec 2 9 Jan 5 1 9 26 1911 CHARTER OF "IIYGENOL MEDICINE COMPANY." STATE OF IAUISIANA, PARISH OF OR- LEANS, CITY OF NEW ORLEANS. Be it known, that o n this twentieth day of December, 1910, before me, Oramel It Simpson, a notary public in and for Orleans Parish, State of Louisiana, duly commis sioned and qualified, and in the presence of the witnesses hereinafter named and under- signed, personally appeared the parties whose names are hereunto subcribhed. who declared: that availing themselves of tlh, laws of this state relative to corporations, they do by these presents constitute them- selves a corporation for the objects and purposes hereinafter mentioned. ARTICLE I. The name of this corporation shall be the HIIYENOL MEDICINE COMPIANY, and as such it shall have authority to contract; to sue and be sued; to use a corporate seal, and same to alter at pleasure; to lease, purchase, convey, mortgage and pledge prop- erty both real and personal; to borrow money; to elect or appoint suce) oicers, di- rectors, agents or employees as the inter- ests of the company may require; to adopt rules for the management of its business. And said corporation, during its existence, which shall be for ninety-nine years from the date hereof, shall have authority, with- out limitation or restriction, to do and perform all acts and things requisite to carry out the purposes for which it was created. Its domicile shall be in New Or- leans, Lou!alana. All legal process shall be served on either the President or Sec- retary and Treasurer. ARTICLE II. The purposes for which this corporation is established, and the nature of the busi- ness to be conducted by it are declared to be: To buy, Import, compound, manufacture, pack, distribute, sell and export drugs, med- icines and chemicals. ARTICLE III. The capital stock of this corporation shall be twenty-five t 25,000) thousand dollars, divided into two hundred and fifty shares SUBSCRIBE TO THE HERALD. Furniture Shoppers We have what you want, at the right . price, too. If you need anything in IPumrlture, give me achance to fiare with you and show you over my entire line. SMALL ACCOUNTS ESPECIALLY INVITED - Too may uay as little as $0.00 worth, or as much more as you wish. Whether purchases are large or small -- enoy the privilelgs of ouar S$10o.oo00 purchaseu $1.00 deposit; $50, S$5.00 deposit; $100.00, $10.00 de- poslt, etc. Accounts opened from $10 to $10,000 A Burglass, 3224-S26-28-30 Magazine Street BUY AT HOME Utooe Millinr"" dlds and Misses Gloves OUR READY TRIMMED HATS WILL SUIT YOU. Mrs. T. Johnson, Corner of Alex and Belleville Streets. WE DELIVER YOUR MEAT LeeOD. R year re fr te.les Mhad of meeR . It will DM a w*d be y e H* -y te yes sy. s&wE tr*..k I. c .tseWt. THEODORE DUBRET of one hundred dolauirs e•, , cash or Isseed in pay,..nt t ,a . a, lily rendered to mlil .i a . to,,,rot', and nmer'hnndlke fturns ,l-tP.E of stock shall be, .n h " f te curpra t ion. the Any itoakhiolder. his an, dletring to dlislmos. of Is . s l first give the refttaa .. , shall poration or its sto.'kh,.. . . or value of said stock .. •.t l r. b ten day. from date. , . for shall have one vta f." ,e standing in their rua:n .. thi ,lompalny. I' na a.. ry ., t ; " thl e tin at %'. a!W he . , u ," I" busl .3 at h., t., h I..ll h ve , ribed The ,rporat, ate p .e t. a'shall .. va-ai.a d in a.1 ;. ltion tor., eai h of t ho . , I aree. Th , a t-h t a oar, " of e t. ,iader. afr.t r due nllotl, , I. . t " ed sto t.'k,:ta', "ir, a . eIach ietllnll b •in. s., i anl .. . i to th1" titt Mtindai y : "r onf N o t i *c e o f 'i ll e l ,, , .e a r . ahr,.-t , k ltt , h . .. . .1 , ".. to tht"."" tree khohl The nulI er o "f vt. ,a .. stel T h ,y shall . ho. : . A . " '.,'l stin rs. 1'.i,,i , their lit lait lr i l I ,. ,, a :. On i'r- ide int. % 1 i, , 1 ,. r a n d ''rla. a.trr. " r, ' " tan Treaasurer and ters shall .o tdre. No "r .atl I l a)nttr:ta a , 1 f*:t lt' , t' the aitny fo rth r a , a, at In due nt ' " h a'.. ',," "t ,alarl In organlzaatz.n ta'a atll .x f a . n utt .. ; fLa' ta inr AL II 1. . tha nit n.ta;a. .lrJ r or the ,rp at,,, r 'at'l. o tu't thirds f• h a t el of a lrepreasented a lt , l rnat or hoilers. aIr 'tt at ll sto. hOraa .tn a .n. t a tohtei. snlh. h lt ar, Sh l r, th, + zin,.' ,t " + a ia,.r y fromd their naw mer taair h :t a as ch n rliq lr, n . a 'atr a na ts as may I, t hie t ati , I . a ba' atd a a1 aiti e presclri.n ed l I. :~ , k 1li,',i fosa thai meeting. Taus dota fhe an I'a1aat1 in ma Offiae, I n New O)rleans. La . *. b.T da , ooth a lnd year Ikt above wrtn in lb pret enc, of Lo W Gorv and If. , I", h'zies. 'inll.tent wi.tne s.a.a. their names .tt: t ! " a. a.i r t ,.@ o1a ,+ 1. the unalersci . tte.l of ,la-k tgatai, aga, i WHEN BUYJNG and forega a t aft . rat ta farethe tII lollaj, n th i t an i., in at'rm wn s this a ;•. , ty Itcon lerh I h teb il tha , a: .re" tt 1s" a triue o t heir ta ai o.. til l a iiexclle ,c In n m tar l ati l r a, la lat o (tSgned) n lo nietie. Io. SIMPSON, New Orleans, Na.. Ilee 20,AS IP hl-- YOUR lmember the bRest guarantee to t the purchaper Is the standing and reepomb illIty ofl thei mainufacturer. Re pctspible manufact urer are carefulter to e that their ntruje lnt cotrmet errl i50, $60, $75 to tl0 ol n tteiy lorinance. I NO ONE HAS $3, .1 and 51 monthll. TROUBLE wth thfe ADAM RCIJtAAF PIANOr The best tBhe mPIarNO or th IIACKLEY PIANO. Years of thought forand practical experyience ar cooked pect as possble to makar e prc es. YoMusr pection of new nstrumentso Conr arrd Kolb, Pop rnvited 131 DAU St Char. s T HAKENJOS ONLY HALF BLOCK FROM CANAL ... SPECIAL.... Ld -. SIiNI Arfrma. Numa and Lamarque, $300 cash. $1,200 mortgage. Renaudin. no- t tary. Mortgages Recorded. ialvatore Russo to Ben W. Borne. $o',t. I note. I year. A per cent,. 4 lots l'arr agut, N-.lson, Newton and DvAr- I In0as. Mahoni-y, notary. Mrs. Sarah IHagen, widow of Chris Kobolt, to .Miss .1. LhHmantn, $3540, I no'i., I year, 7 per cent, 2 lots, New- ton. Ilotner, Hi. er and Brooklyn.- O( 'oonnor, notary. i ! Mortgages Cancelled. Interstate Trust & Banking ('omn i pany to .erny Kawood for $100, lot IS, sqr. 9o, No. 227 Eliza street. Seymour. i notary. Same company to Brunet Romaine lot 11. sqr. 191, DI)Armas and Bellevil t ; streets, $100. Seymour. notary. Provident Building and Loan Asso- ciation to Mrs. C('ra Johnson for $2,- 0410, lot 16. sqr. 14. 214 Delaronde St. Seymour, notary. a Notary l'Public, duly .commissloned and islalttlf.d in and for tiis ity and the Pasr ish of Or)leans, therein reslllng, and In the lprei'inel' of tihe witnesses hereinafter named I and undersilgn4ed. persounally came and ap- peared : tile partles whose names are here- untIo II ilmerilw'd, all of full age. wiho die clarld, that availing themselves of the laws of this !tiate of lie.lsiana, relative to the formatolln f orporatolns, tilhey have. ciove- Wlalnlt-ed and agreed. and. ,by these pres-ents. IIo, ,ovnant and al;ree and Wind and obllgate ihelltil..'lve. as well 1as all such-l othel r Ip*r tsons a,0 lmo Iay hereafter become associated \alh it'in. lor th ir u.'cess4ors. to forlll and 'inst itlitei. :and do, Iy thesei- presents. firnm and constitute il corpo , l, ration or itsio y lialitle in law, for lthe oi.jects and pIrlps-i.its andt t underr the acreemento s and -tipula tion. f'I S loa l tl . l it . AlTI' I.- I The nalime of thIs crporratiun shall he ithe It1101.1.1 ,l I'AT S l I'MANll'.nY: and it shall have existence for a period of nin-- .v-nine v-art from the date hereit of. unleshs -1uoner dissolved, as hi-reluafter set forth. AITI 'I.E II. The domicile of this corporation shall be In the tCity of New Orleans, Louisiana; and all citations, or other legal process shall Is, served upon the president, or during his alsence or Inability to act, upon the vice- piresldent. It shall have power to contract. siue and be sued under Its corporate name; to have and use a corporate seal, and the same to alter at pleasure; to holel, recselve, rent, sell and purchase. as well aa mortgage and by- pothecate, Iproperty, Inth real and personal; to borrow and send money, for the purposes " of Its business; to appoint such directors and employees as Its interests may require; to make and establilh such by-laws, rules I and regulations as may be necessary and proper; and, generally, to do everything needed to carry out the objects and pur- poses of this corporation. ARTICLF I11. Thie objects and purposes for which this corporation is organized and the nature of the business to be carried on by it are de- clared to he: dealing In millinery goods In all of Its branches. ARTICLE IV. The capital stock of this corporation shall le the sum of seven thousand dollars, dl- vlded into seventy shares, of the par value of one hundred dollars per share, payable whenever called for by the Board of Iliree- tors; and stock may be issued for the pur- chase of property or for services actually rendered. No transfer of stock shall be recognised unless made upon the books of this eompany. In the event any stockholder desires to dispose of his stock, same shall be first of- fered to this corlporatlon, and ten days allowed within which to purchase same: and In the event this corporation should not purchase said stock, same shall be of- fered to the Individual stockholders, who shall have five days within which to pur- chase said stock ;and if not purchased, such stock may be sold In open market. In the event the capital stock of this corporation Is Increased. the then stock. holders shall have the right of purchasing such stock in proportion to the amount of stock held by them. This corporation may begin business as soon as its capital stock shall have been subshcrlwbed for. ARTICLE V. All the corporate powers of this corpor- atlon and the entire management and con- trol of Its business shall be vested in and exercised by a Board of Directors. to be composed of three stockholders, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of busneos, and who may be present In person or by proxy. The dIrectors of this corporation shall be elected annually, on the second Monday in January. at a meeting to be held at the otce of ths corporation, after five days written notice thereof shall have been given by the secretary, by mail, to each stock- holder, addressed to his then known real- dince. Raid election shall be by ballot and each share of stock shall be entitled to one vote. A majoritr of the votes east shall elect. The election of directors shall be under the supervision of two commIssion- ers. to be appointed by the presIdent. under such rules a4 the Board of Directors shall provide. All vacanIes on the board shall be filled br the remalnIng members until the next ection, The irst Board of Directors shall be Theodore Hars. Augustus F. Hollis, Jr and Gustave A. Modlnger. with Theodore Hkars, as preldent, Augustus P. Hollis, Jr., as vice-president and Gustave A. Modlnger, as aecrtary.treasurer: all of whom shall hold odee nattil the second Monday In January,. 1912, or until their successors bare been elected and luatalled, ARTICLE VI. Tnls acet of Incorporation may be changed or amended, or this corporatlon may be dis- somived, with the aneat of three-fourths of the stock present or represented, at a lea- eral mantIng of the stockholders, called for that purpose, after publlcatlon of noticee eoac a week for thirty days, in a dally newsapaper published la New Orleans, and notlce. In writing, addresrsed to each stock- bolder, malled to him by the secretary, not less than ave days previous to maid meeting. ARTICLE VII. Whenever thIs corporation I dIssolved, whether by limitation or from any other eause. Its stars ashall be liqutdated by two commalsoners, to be selected by a majority vote of the s tockholders present or repre- sented. Seold say eommlstoner fall or retmu to act, from say caue, the ether shall have full power to act aloee: and on the fallure or refual of both commission- era to set, from ay earnsre, the atockhold era may seet other ommiloioers, ln the manner above provided and after five days notice, by mall, given to each stockholder. ARTICLE VIIL No stockholder shall be liable or respon- sIlle for the contracts, debts or faults of this corporationa In any further sum than the unpaid belance due on share. suhserlbed for by him: nor shall any mere informality I organtisatlon have the effect of rendering this charter null or or exposng a stock- holder to any liability beyond the amonunt due lby him for uaplld stock. Thus done and passed, in my ofee, In the City o New orlesas, on the day, month and year her•eIn irst above writtena. tin the p n of MeIeUrs Anadmrew Hanser and e Ar genl. a 1•., competent witnee. wbo have herennto nged theIr name with mid ap•area sad me, Notary. Orlmal sgllned: Thee. Hars, O. A. Mod- lr, A. P. lls Jr. A ndrew Hauser, W.V. BREWER, Notary PublIe, I, the undarsned Recorder of Mortgage., t_ and far the Parish of Orleans, 8tate of Len• a, do herebyr erttb, that the above I sad oreo g a.• t of aieorporatlo of the _m _ elee, In book 101, folIo 204. NeOleas December 19 1910. (jWSo) REILE LONARD. D. 3 . L Jm Id u [6 N~ 1

Transcript of The Herald (New Orleans, LA) 1911-01-05 [p 8] · PURE GLYCERIN. It I a Queer Substance Endowed With...

Page 1: The Herald (New Orleans, LA) 1911-01-05 [p 8] · PURE GLYCERIN. It I a Queer Substance Endowed With Peculsar Properties. One. of the greatl :ln anltag.c- of glyc erin in its che.,.nic-al

- Algerines at Law.Court of Appeal.

NEW S!"TS.A leonaldson :;. State Realty ('o. et

als, appeal from F:r•st t'ty ('ourt, Div.It. Ht O'('onr:or for aptl,llan'

Civil District Court.SI ('CESS(0\ 4.

Su(cceessior: of Arthur' 31 rgan aid

t if, Mrs. EfHzab-th Vet l'a. poS.<-sion. bl S Mahoney. at!torlle.

u, " elI,'tinl of Os).car J.,s. ph Ito!slot,

js.,.ss Cn. C' .. Tharti. atorn.-y

Vrs. Azalt,' Taylot, wife of G,,orge\\,cit•nllgtcin, has Iw-'ition-ld the eonulrtfr let ters of adwnirIstratori on i the

Sitate of the l:ate James Tal or., d,-

ceoa,:id, intistate' nOt'ic is giveni to all

whom It may (conlce(rn to dtho I,: au i

a ithin ten days why ti,-e prayer of .Saidp.,'itloner should not be granted.

Ily order of the court --Thomas ('tnnIll, Clerk.

Real Estate Transfers.OIIfvier Land and I. Co., Ltd., to Mrs.

IIt. Ilibbens, lot I3.-hrinan avenue, le.


It I a Queer Substance Endowed WithPeculsar Properties.

One. of the greatl :ln anltag.c- of glycerin in its che.,.nic-al e-ploymlelunt is thefact that it n.itIewr free.zes nor evap-orates under ullye ordlinalry telmilnru-ture-. No ,pereeptilde !tis by evalwora-tlon has been deltrted at at tenall'rtlt-ture less than -tYs diegres .. l,' but Ifheatedt Intnen-sely it de.c'nUll,,ases with asmnell that few i.'".-ir•n find Ithimselvesablel to ,end nure. It Iburlns with i lpa loflaime, similtar to that from alch hol, ifbell ice to aIrIl 1it :; fS deigrt ,• ees and thenlllgnited. Its lnevalorative qulitalell

make the c(omnleoulll of iltuch use as avehicle fw holding pigments and col-orn, as In Itamping and typewriter rlb-bons. carbon palpers and the like.

If the pure glycerin be exposed for along time to a freezing temperature Itcrystallizes wllth the appearance ofsugar candy, but these crystals beingonce melted It is almost an Impossi-bility to get them again into the con-gealed state. If a little water be add-ed to the glycerin no crystallizationwill take place, though under a sufi-dclent degree of cold the water willseparate and form crystals, amid whichthe glycerin will remain In its naturalstate of fluidity. If suddenly subject.ed to Intense cold pure glycerin willform a gummy mass which cannot beentirely hardened or crystallized. Al-together it is quite a peculiar sub-stance.

DON'T GET TOO SEDATE.Play Is as Good Fer Grown Pereens as

Fee Children.Play Is just as necessary to keep

a grown matn young and a middle agedman from growing old as it in to makea child grow into a mnan. Words-worth's lines are as sound physiologyas good poetry:

My heart leaps up when I beholdThe rainbow in the sky.

So was it when my life began;So be It when I am a manOr let me die.

In childhood we play because weare young, in middle age we areyoung because we play, and it wekep It up we shall never know thatwe are old until we are one day sud-dsnly dead. Yet the absurd idea hasgrown up, and Mrs. Grundy has adopt-ed it with her usual fatuousness, thatplay is something undignlfied in agown man and unbecoming in a lady.And this unfortunately Ia one of therare instances where "thlnkllg makesIt s." After a man has practiced thisbelief in the uselessness of exerciseiar half a 4ecade or so and becomebt and pompous and red faced or paleand slack mauscled and short windedthem the contortions that he IndulgesIn when he decides to unbead and tryto play furnish considerably more en-statlnmemt to spectators than to him-el.-Dr. Woods Hutchlon o* Out-

A MONARCH DETHRONED.I USED to rule my householdIn undisputed sway.

And, barrta ma's ameaidmnts,I always had my say,

Nut now I doa't amount to beoan-I have two daughters tLoheir tean.

Oh girl is to te b•h saohetAnd one Is in the grades,.

And their superior mannerAstherity Invades.

PFor If I make a final ruligIhey'•ll gIle P is only tooliln."

I msgd to mpeek these irls to belBetere the hour ef lne,

ke at the early hedtlmeTher now beg to pine

We're lucky if we get them quietAt twelve o'clock without a riet.

I ured to order tbaig to eatWith condene profound,er mother knew my little waysAnd let me putter remd,

Nut now those damels give the ordersSo ma and I are onlty bearders.

W used to buy their hat and shoesAnd sawed full many a dime,Dt if we don't cooaslt them now

We're quickly breught to time.Ibr savilg is no maidel's passonWhm arst she learns the laws of tashion.

I know I should asurt my placeAnd rule the bmesahol a o yore,

Nut I am doubtful if I couldRestore conditlems u beore,eases to tbo eatIrely btrak,.

Thes gitrls are now too old to spnlk.-- pektae Sekesmaa-Rewiew.

An Aer e fPlmt.The panorama et Ioados painted in

l8P by Mr. Herna covred over anmacre of



UNrrTD SfTAt•8 On UA CA, I ~or [OUIi8ANA, PArtIS OW' OUilnAmaCITY Or NW OE I

of the moth e e tsher i s the re erGtsm st h em m




Be it known, that on this thirtieth dayof the month of Ik'eember, in the year onethousand nine hundred and ten, before me.Stobelrt Iegiler, a notary public, duly com-missioned and qualified in and for {he i'ar-ish of trlheans. State of Louislana, afore-

saul, therein residing, and in the presen-eof tae witnesses hereinafter named and un-dersigned. personally came and appeared:The isrsons whose names are hereuntoi sut-scrilA-d, who declared that availing them.selves of lthe provisions of the laws of thisstate relative to the organization of cor-SI~,rations, they have -ovenanted and agreed.and do by these, iresents, coven:ant andagrtee. bind. form and constitute themselvesas well as such other persons as may her'-after join or lweome assoclated with themt into a corporation and Iodly politic In lawand for the object-s and purposes and undertlhe agreeme.nts and stipulations following.'to wit : The name and stylt of this corptirat in shall Is the "*'O1U1SEIIOLI,EItSI'III .IIING AND RIEPAIR 'OMP'ANY," andunder that name shall have all rights granted by law to coriiorations;it shall exist for a period of nlnety-ninesearl-s f'tom tihe date hereof: It shall havepetwr tt contract, slite and I• sued in itscorltarate name. :o make and use a corpor-ate seal. and the samu,- to bIreak or alter atpHleastre ; to lhold. receilv., purchase, conveyitand mutrtgae property. oIth real and per-,,ioal ; to issue notes andt other obligations;to have and employ such managers and otherenupl,,-es as thl, Inlterests of the corlporationnmayi reqluire: alid to make such by-laws,rulet.s and regutlations as the ,-riporate man-iag-'tniltt tof this comnplany lmay demand. Thedomicnl-h ilof said corporatlion shall Is' in theit't of New Orleans, and all citations shall

- stl'Vrced on the president, and in his ab-,ence oU the,' s.cretary-treasurer.The objecittts and putrp'oses for which this'corlporation is organized are hereb)y declared

to I : to build, erect, design and repairho,:.s andti buildings, install household ac-,,.ttrtUents, electric light and apparatus.iplumbing and gas; cleaning of vaults andsI -wrs antd gt-nerally to do and perform evs*.rything ni,."essnar or useful to building.developing. qullipplng. maintaining or re-I pairing buildings or houses.The sapital stock of this corporation ia1l.reiby flxed at the sium of three thousandi

I dollars, dlvlided Into thr'. hun-tidred share- of ten 4$lI.tit( o dollars each.:whicth shall i' ipaid for in cash. or may beIssued at not less than par for se'rvves rendtilred to or property pullr.has~l by said'-ontlpany. .,, shares of stock shall lie fullSpaid anti nn-asessable, and no transfer ofI stock shall Is' binding on the corlporatlonI uless tunld*, on its tImtks.

All the -corporate power' of this comlpany" shall be v,,stted In. and the nlmnageilnent andI control of its affairs shall tI' exertcised bya Tard sof director's t, Ie 'om .is.d of three'-t,-' who shall is' el-eted annu:allyiiy tlii' stociklholders at a tlee'ting to Ist held

nt tihe' second Mnldnlay of January of eatchtear. The stockholders -hall Is ,,ntitled to,one vote. ehither It I•r-*rin or bIy wrrittetgiroty. on Isverly shae ' of stock wn-ed IbyIhim. The dilrectors thutI. elected shill cotl-linul, In ofle', for one year or until theirll.-cessors haIvy' w elti t'ieted and qualitfled.

No failtire to Ielect shall Is' regarded as aforfeiture of this charter. Any vacancy occurring on the board shall I. filled by tileremaining directors for the unexpired term.` Said board shall Immediately after its elec-tion. elect fromn among Its nulmlr a pre'si-dent. a vice-lresident and a secretary-treas-urer. It may elect a s-ecretary who n,'ednot Iw a sttockholder. 'No stockholdr shall 'ever be held Ialite

or responsible for the contr:ects, faults ordebts of this corporation. nor shall anythere informality in its organiatilon haveIthI effetct of renlderlng this charter null, or!of exposing a stockholder to, any lilbility'leyond the unpaid halance due on 0the sharesof stock owned by him.

This act of lonorporation may isw chiang.l.modified or "altered,. or this corporation mayI i dissolved with the assent of the stock-holder owning a majority of the stotk oflthe corporation. In case of the dlissoli- ilion of this company, either by expiration lof its charter or otherwise. Its affairs shallIe lilquidated by two t~tmmisaioners to tIeelected from among the stockholders. In'rase of the death or disalbility of any one'of said commissioners the survivor shall all-point a successor to him.

Thus done, and passed at my offiie in thec'lty of New Orlean., on the day, monthand year herein first above writtten. In thepresence of John Legier. Jr.. and Anthony ITroyani, both of this city, competent wit-nesaes, who have hereunto signed theirnames with the said alpearers and me,notary, after due reading of thie whole.

Original Signed: P. Everett. 299 shares:os. J. J.Rtayik. I share: T. . Betk, 1

share. Jno. Legler, Jr.. Ant. Troyani.ROBERT LFA;IER. Not. l'utb.

I. the undersigned Recorder of Mortgagesfor the l'arish of Orleans. State of ilnlsli-ana. do hereby certify that the above andforegoing act of intorporation of the"HIouseholders Building and Repair c'om-pany" was this day duly recorded in myoflmic, In book - folio -.New Orleans, La., IDecemlir 30. 19141.


A true. copy from the original act.ROBERT .F1~;IElt.

(Seal) Not. P'tb.Jan 5 12 19 26 feb 2 1911



month of July, in the year of our ILord onethousand nine htundred and ten, before me.E. A. Parsons. a Notary Publih. In and forthe Parish of Orleans. State of Losulatna.duly commissioned and quallfled, and In thepresence of the witnesses herelnafter namedand undersigned. personally came and ap-peared the persons whose names are ht're-unto sulbcrlted. all above the full ag nofmajority,. who severally declared that. avail-Ing themselves of Act 7R of 1904. as wellas the general laws of the State of Loulsl-ana relative to the organisatlon of crpoira-tionsn. they hereby form themselves into. andconstitute a corporation for the objects an 1pulrposes. antid uinder the stipulation.s, here.inafter set forth:

ARTICLE I.Tile name and style of this corporation

shall he "SNOWDRIFT HAND LAT'NDRY"and under that iame It shall have all therights and advantages granted by law tocorporations: it shall exist for a period oftwenty-five years from the date hereof: Itshall have power and autborlty to contract.sue and be sued In Its corporate name: tomake and use a corporate seal: and the sameto hreak or alter at pleasure: to receive,purchase, convey, lease, mortgage., bhypoth-ecate or pledge property, both real and per.sonal; to borrow and lend money and togive and recelve securitles therefor: toname and appoint such managers, directors,oeera, employees and agents as the later-est and convenience of the corporation mayrequire, and to make and establisah auchby-laws, rules and regulations as may bedeemed anecessary, proper or expedient forthe corporate management, control and wel-fare of said company.

ARTICLE II.The domicile of this eorporation shall be

ia the City of New Orleans and all citationand other legal process shall be served onthe prealdeant of msaid company and la hisabsence. on the vie-preildct of samid cor-poration: or In the absence or nlaability ofnoth of said o eers, on the secretary there-of.

ARTICLE III.The objects and purposes of this corpor-

atlon and the nature of the busianess to becarried on by It are hereby declared to he:the establishment and rantalg of a rst-.class laundry ; to owna. construet or lueasebuIldlns and instahll all maehblaery neces-arry for that purpoe asa well uas all otherappurtenances nemessary or convenlent forthat purpose: to buy, billd upon, or other-wise improve, sell, or lease real estate: todo a reneral wholesale and retail mercantilebusmlness.

ARTICLE IV.The capital stock of this corporatlon is

hereby axed at the sum of ten thousanddollars ($10.04t.00). divided into two thou-sand shares of the par value of fve dollarseach. Which said stock shall be paid for Iin cash. or may be Isaed at not less thanpar for services readered to, or purchasedby said corporation. The capital atock of Itihis corporation may be nlaereased or re-duced by a vote of the majority of the stoek-holders at a meettag called for that pur. Ipose a provided by the statutes of this-tate. 'hi eborporation shall become asolan cnerss soon asm six hundred shareism

of the capital stoct shall have been sub-s•rited for and poaM b.


All the corporate pers of tde orporlatlen shall be vested lna ad melM b a iBoard e DiMrectorsm to be csmpr oe• yestockholdems, a majority o wm all oe-stitte ta quorum. ad roeteors t b. elt-ed annually o the asensd Tueday at halyot seth year, h ballet ot the stockholders.The eleetieo• for thelu rt rrto be hM dem It ofthe d e of the a Nmlh sabe I.or teekb st kob t i as s te ither Iin porson or r wuteam greq. msk uase I

tor shall be required to hold In his ownright and name on the day of elect on dur-ing the term of his office, at least ten sharesof the capital stock of this corporation.SaId election shall be held at the office ofthe company tinder the supervision of threecommissioners to be appointed by the boardof directors, after ten days" notice of suchelection shall have been given by writtennotice and the directors thus elected shallhold office until their successors shall havebeen duly elected and inducted into office.A majority of the votes shall elect. Anyvacancy occurring on said loard shall beilued by the remaining directors. Iume-

dlately after each election said board ofdirectors shall elect out of this numlelr apresident, a vlce-president, a secr.tasry anda treasurer. The said lboard of dlrectorsmay unite the office of secretary-tre.asurerand may even elect a secretary who needttnot be a metber of the board of directorsnor a stockholder. All contracts adllil b.any olficer or agent of the company shall beI made subject to the validation by ithe boards of directors.


No transfer of stock shall be bindingupon this company unless madi. upon thebooks of the corlprsatioll and subject to suchrules, regulations and formalities as theIboard of directors may pr,.scribe.


No failure to elect, as above provided for,shall Ie regarded as a forfeiture of thilscharter, or have the effect of rendering anystockholder to any liability beyond theamount of his stock.


Whenever this corporation is dissolved.either by limitation or from any other rea-son or cause whatever, its affairs shall Ireliquidate.d under the supervision of threeliquidating commissioners to be appointedfrom among the stockholders of the com-Ipany, at a general meeting of the stockholders convened after thirty days previousnotice, by publication or otherwise and onthe assent of a majority in amount of thecapital stock.

The said commissioners shall remain inotl'ie until the affairs of the company shallhave tbeen fully liquidated. In the rovent ofthe Inability of said coummissioners to act.from any cause:l whatever, the remainingcontltissioner or onr ommissionlers shall elect asill.-t-,ssor.


This at of incorporation may be ('hanged.altres,. molltled or amended or this corIHtration may Iw dissolved with the assentof three-fourths in amount of the capitalstock of this corporation present or repre-sented. at a general meeting of the stock-holders convened for that purpose, afterthirty days previous notite of such meetingshall have teen pitllllshlted in one of the dailynewtpalpers of this city.


N. stoctkholder shall ever It, heldh liableor respionslle, for the contracts, fallts ortdellt of this icomlpanll in ally furtheir sunSthan the unpahl Ilalhnce diuell on thle shitaresof stock sulsscrilstil for or iownedi by him.,t inr shall any nlert, informality in its organastotion have the eiff-ct of iendering this

charter null or of exposing a stoc'kholder toanly further liability titan tilhe amount ofhis subscription to the stock.

Thus done and passed at my :rffce in theCity of New Orleans. the day, month andyear herein first alove written, in the presonce of G;. I. Smart and A. Bonaud. both ofthis city. competent witnesses, who haveheretnto, signed their names with the saidappearers and me. notary, after due readingof the whole.

(Orlglhatl signed: 4'. J. Lockhart, M. Free-manu, Jno. Freeman, I'. I. Vining, W. S. M1or-rrl*, This. Freeman. A. A. Moore, M1. Moran,F. Fitch. I. II. Cummings. L II. Scott.

Witnesses: ;eo. B. Smart. A. Bonaud.E. A. 'ARSONS, Not. l'uh.

1. the undlersigne'd Rtecorder of and for the Parish i,f Orleans, State oflntislana, do hereby certify that the aboveand foregoing Act of lncorporation, of theSnowdrift Hland Laundry was this day dulyrecorded In my offie., in book 984, folio 573.

New Orleans, J.uly 12, 1910.EMILE LEONARD, I). ItR.

A true tcopy of lthe original on file and ofre'-crd in my office.

E. A. PARISONS Not. Pub.iJan n 1 1 11 26 Feb 2 1911




lie it known, that on this sixteentt dayof the month of Dlecember, in the year ofour ~ord, one thousand nipe hundred alidten. Itfore me. John F. A. lIebel, a NotaryI llic,. duly commissloned and qualified, inand for the City of New Orleans, In theParish of Orleans and State of Louisiana,domlclliated in the said city and parish,and in the presence of the witnesses herein-aftter nanmed and undersigned, personallycame and appeared : the several personswhose names are hereunto subscribed, allbeing of full age of majority and residentsof this city, parish and state, who severallydeclared that availing themselves of the pro-vltsins of all of the laws and constitutionof this State relative to the organization ofcorporations, they- have contrted andagreed, and do by these presents contractand agree and hind and obligate themselvesas well as suclh persons who may hereafterIwcome associated with them, to form andcinstitute a body politic in law, for thecil.iets and pllrlioses and under the agree-ments and stlpulations, to-wit:


Thile name of this corporation shall he the"FERlRAN .MA(IIlNE WORKS, LIMITEID,'anti under said corporate name it shall haveand enjoy corporate existence and successionfor a period of ninety-nine years, unlesssooner dissolved;: and shall have power to

uite and be sied, to contract and be con-tracted with; to estabulsh and operate facto-rhes, ofiaes and agencies wherever expedient;to maki' and use a corporate seal, and thesame to break or alter at pleasure; to hold,reclive1 convey, own, purchase, sell alienate,leasi, hbypothecate, mortgage, pledge or otherwie encumber or dispose of property ofany kind, real, personal or mixed; to borrowmoney, Issue notes, bonds or other evidencesof debt, to have, employ, discharge and com-iensate such managers, directors, agents,clerks, and other employees as the Interest,convenience or advantage of its staairs mayrequire, to establish by-laws, rules and reg-ulatlons for the proper conduct-and opera-tion of its afairs, and the same to abolishor alter as it may see fit and proper; andgenerally to have, enjoy and exercise allsuch powers, privileges and lmmunities asare or may hereafter be granted by law tocorporations, or which may be necessary,useful or advantageous in the conduct of itsbusintess and afairs.


The domicile ok thbls corporation shall bein the City of New Orleans, State of Lou-Islana, and all citations and other legal pro-cesses shall be served upon the President orin the event of h's absence or Inability toact, upon the Vlce-President.


The objects and purposes for which thislcorporation is orgalaed and the nature ofthe business to be carried on by It are declared to be: To own, possess, lease,sell, operate and work machinery and repairshops; to boy and sell machinery of anyand ai kind, or parts of machinery; to con-struct machlnery upon the royalty basis; to 1selll machinery or structures containalang ma-chinery. ncelodlng motors, on commission,both retail and wholesale, and genaerally todo and perform any bsnlaes pertalalang to


The. capital stock of this corporation Ishereby fxed at the sum of twenty-ive thou-s•nd Dollars ($25,000.00), divided into anadrepresented by two hundred and ffty shares Ief the par value of one hundred dollars48100.00) each. Subscrlptlons to stock shallbe paid for in cash, or when called for by 1the Board of Directors of this corporation,stock full paid and non-assessable may be 1issued by the Board of Directors in payment Iof property recelved or services rendered tothe corporation. No Itockholder shall bepermitted to pledge or hypothecate his stock 1without first havlng obtained permissilon of 1the Board of Directors; nor shall any stock- Iholder be permitted to sell his stoea with- 1out frst having ofered it to the companytr sale at it bookt value, and the com-pany's board of directors shall have tendays within which to accept or reject suchofer. The Board of Direefore shall havepower to establish a rnle by which the book Ivalue of stock shall be determineld. All cer- 1tifcates of stock shall hea evidece ontheir face that stock shall not be sold or 1hypotheetad ecpt as above set forth,

-sb cerporatio dhall he a olag cncernand e attlted to doo buinessss somgve ythamead dollars (8500.00) worth. ofsock has been subscribed for.

ARTICI*i v.All he eseyepato powrs of thL eotpora-

t ra t,51 he ventd In ad merehuby a 1Board. .e Dirseters -mpsed of three t•.k-hei.ra, who henl be elealed namally athe Ilt Sas dr ate l aorf in sah yeal.

a Notice of all elections shall be given by theSecretary to each stockholder by mail. di-a rected to his last known place of residence.

The directors shall elect from their ownf number, a l'resident, a Vice-i'resident andea klecretary-Treasurer. tIntil the first Mon-d day in January, 1911. and until their suc-b cessors are elected and qualified, the follow-l ngl named persons shall constitute the

1 Board of l)irctors of this corporation, to-Swit: Irenee Amardell, Charles Ferran andLouis It. G(raud, of whom Irenee Amardellv shall be President. Charles Ferran shall lee Vce-l'resldent and Louis B. Giraud shall be

k. Seret a ry-Tressurer.f A majority of the Board of Directorss shall constitute a quorum for the transac-J tion of business. Vacanies on the Board ofIdirectors shall be tilled by the remainingr umlbwrs of the Iboard for the unexpiredt t,.rm, and a failure to elect directors andS,ticers shall in nowise invalidate this char.,ter. but the directors and officers shall re

main in office until said directors and otlc-ra can be elected.


At all meetings of stockholders of thiscorporation the voting shall Iw by Iallot.and ,-each share of stock shall be entitled toone lote, to be cast by the owners in p'r-Sson or by proxy. A majority of the votescast shall decide all questions voted upon.The l'resident of this corporation shall havethe right to preside at all meetings, and thepresiding officer shall only be entitled tovote in case of a tie.


This act of Incorporation may be changed.altered or amended, or this corporation mayIh dissolved, by a vote of a majority of theentire outstanding capital stock at a gen-pral meeting called for that purpose. Notictof the time and place of holding such meet-Ing shall be mailed to each stockholder bythe Secretary at least fifteen (15T days priorI to said meeting. It shall be the duty of theSecretary to call such meeting wheneverrequested to do so by a stockholder or stock-holders holding one-third of the outstandingstock. This corporation may be dissolved atany time by the unanimous consent of allstockholders given over their signatures andentered on the minutes of this corporation.

Whenever this corporation is dissolved bylimitation or otherwise, its affairs shall beliquidated by three liquidating commission-era, elected by the- stockholders. They shallhave power to sell or otherwise dispose ofall its property of any kind, pay its debts,and distribute the remainder of the assets.if any there be. among the stockholders. Incase of the death or inability to act of anyof the commissioners the remaining com-missioners shall continue to act.


No stockholder shall ever be held liablefor the contracts or faults of this corpora-tion in any further sum than the balancedue on the stock subscribed for by him; norshall any mere informality in organizationhave the effect of rendering this charter nullor of exposing any stockholder to any lia-Iility le'-ondl tile amount due on stock sub-scrilsed for by him.

'Thus done and passed. in my office, atNe-w orleans aforesaid, in the presence of\ilssrr. Leon G. 'l'ujague and Nicholas S..Ilvannovich. witnesses, both of lawful ageand domiclitllated in this city, who sign thesepresents. together with the parties and me,notary, the day and date first aforesaid.

Original Signed: I. Amardell, 35 shares:'has. Ferran, 3: shares; I, . . Giraud, 5

shares. Ieon G. Tujague. N. S. Jovanovich.JO)IN F. A. IIEBEL, Not. Pub.

I. the undersigned Recorder of and for the Parish of Orleans, State ofLouisiana. do hereby certify that the aboveand foregoing Act of Incorporation of the

-'FEIIRRAN MACIHINE WORKS. LIMITEI).'was this day duly recorded In my ofice, inIoiok 1018. folio 191. New Orleans, Decem-ber 17, 1910.


A true copy of the original act of incor-poration on tile and of record in my notarialoffice.

New Orleans. Decebebtr 23. 1910.JOHN F. A. IIEBEL, Not. Pub.

T•e "29 jan 5 12 10 26 1911



Be It known,•

that on this 19th day ofthe month of December, in the year of ourLord one thousand nine hundred and ten,and of the independence of the UnitedStates of America the one hundred andthirty-fourth, before me. John Janvier, aNotary Public, in and for the State andParish aforesaid, duly commissioned and Iqualified and in the presence of the witnesses hereinafter named and undersigned,personally came and appeared: The parties Iwhose names are hereunto subscribed, whodeclared: that. availing themselves of theprovisions of the Constitution and Laws ofthe State of Louisiana relative to the for-mation of corporations, they have cove-nanted and agreed, and do by these presents covenant and agree and bind them- Iselves, their sucessors and assigns, andsuch persons as may hereafter become as- Isociated with them. to form and consti- Itute a corporation and body politic in law Ifor the objects and purposes, and underthe stipulations and conditions :


The name of this corporation shall be 1the "WOGAN REALTY COMPIANY, LIMIT-ED," and, under such name It shall haveand enjoy corporate existence and succes-sion for a period of ninety-nine years fromthe date of this act, with full power nla theprosecution and for the purposes of its bus-ness, as hereinafter defined, to contract, sue

and be sued: to acquire, lease, use. hold,alienate, mortgage, pledge. Or otherwiseencumber. any property, movable or immo-vable. In er out of the State of Louisiana:to Issue notes, bonds or other evidences ofIndebtedness. and to secure same by or otherwise; to appoint or electsuch directors, omeers, managers or agentsas Its bksiness may require: to make,amend or repeal at pleasure by-laws forthe management of its affairs, and gener-ally to exercise all the rights and powersthat may now or hereafter be granted bylaw to corporations of this character.


The domicile of this corporation shallbe in the City of New Orleans, Parish ofOrleans, State of Louisiana, and all cita-tion or other legal process shall be servedupon the P'resident, or, in his absence, uponthe Vlee-l'resident.


The objects and purposes for which thiscorporation is established and the natureof the business to be carried on by it arehereby declared to be: To buy, sell, leaseand Improve real estate in the State ofLouistana and elsewhere, and to do andperform any and all thinblage nlacidental, per-tinent or appropriate to the powers afore-said.


The capital stock of this corporatioan ishereby fixed at ten thousand dollars ($10,-000.o00). divided into and represented byone hundred (100) shares of the pear valueof one hundred dollars ($100.00) each,which said stock shall be paid for In cashand in such installments as the Board ofDirectors may determine, or may be missuedIn payment of ahd for rights or propertyactuall- received by this corporation.

All transters of shares of the capitalstock of this corporation shall be enteredon the stock book, and no transfers shallbe In any manner binding on this corpora-tion until so entered.

This corporation may become a goinglaconcern and may commence buaines whenthree thousand dollars ($3,000.00) of itscapital atoek shaI bave been asubscribedfor.


All of the corporate powers of this cor-poration ashall be vested in and exerciseed bya Based of Directors, composed of threestockholders, a majority of whom shall con-stitute a quorum in the transaction ofbusiness. Sald directors shall be electedat a general meetaing of the stockholders tobe held on the first Monday ina DecemberIn the year 1913, and annually thereafter.Notice of said election, and of all meetingsof stockholders iot otherwise provided forby law, shall be given te-each stockhbolderby written notice addressed to hbls lastknown place of residence and deposited nlathe malls one week before tho date ofsaid meeting.

Said Board of Directors at its first meet-Ing shall elect from its members a Preal-dent. Vice-President, Secretary and Treas-urer; any two of which ofiees, other thanPresidant and Vice-President, may be heldbg one pers.

Until the frat election to be held underthis charter, the Board of Directors of thiscorporation shall be cmpne ed of EmillenPerrin, Victor Wogma and H. Gperse Db-four; and the aid Emallen Perri shall1 bePresident and Treasurer the said VictorWegan shall be Vice-Prlmt, and the midH. Gmeres Dufour Ieeretary.

The Beard of Dtroetors shall hav ru!b r to fll all vacanes i Its members

m o the steckheold•rs of thisa ec-

The Bare Dlireetmrs hall have fullmratrl e tlm erty ot thi erprati•s,and shall I allo et the aeeprate pMe-

era and functions, including the right topledge and mortgage the property of thiscorporation, without the necessity of referring to the stockholders for their appro-val, authority or ratification in any mannerwhatsoever.


This act of incorporation may be changed.modified or amended, or this corporationmay be dissolved, iy and with the consentof three-fourths -f the capital stock, present or represented at a general meeting ofstockholders called for that purpose, afterwritten notice as hereiInabove provided for.

In case of the dissolution or terminationof this corporation either by limitation ofits charter or for any other cause, its affairs snail he liquidated by three commlissioners selected by the stockholders at ag•eeral meeting, as hersinatsre set forth.llid commissioners shall remain in offimc

until the affairs of this corporation shallhave bwen fully liquidated, and, in case ofthe death, resignation or Incapacity of oneor more of said commissioners, the survivor or survivors shall continue to :ac't.


No stockholders of this corporation shallhI he d liable or responsible for the contracts of this corporation, or its faults ordefaurts, in any further sium than the un-paid jalance due this corporation on theshares of stock subscribed for or owned byhim, nor shall any Informality in organiza-tion have the effect of rendering this char-ter n il. or of exposing any stockholder toany lalbility beyond the unpaid balance, ifany. due on his stock.

The subscnl ribers hereto have set oppositetheir respelctive names tile number of sharesof the capital stock subscribed to by themrespectively, and same shall serve in lieuof a subscription list.

Thus done and signed at New Orleans,loulislana. on this -- day of Ilecember,1i910, in the presence of ;eorge Janvier andAlex Williams. competent witnesses, resid-ing in this parish who have signed thesepresents, together with the said appears,and me, Notary, after a reading of thewhole.

toriginal signediEMII.IEN I'ERRIN, Io shares.VIt'TOlt WiN;AN, 10 shares.II. GENEIIES DUIFOUR. 10 shares.


JOIIN JANVIER, Notary Public.

I, the undersigned Recorder of and for the Parish of Orleans, State ofLouisiana. do hereby certify that the aboveland foregoing act of Incorporation of the"Wogan Realty Co., Ltd.," was this dayduly recorded in my ofce, In book 1018,folio -.

New Orleans, Dec. 19, 1910.(Signed) EMILE LEONARD, ID. IR.(Seal)I hereby certify the above and foregoing]

to he a true and correct copy of the orlg-Inal act of Incorporation of the WoganRealty Company, Limited, on file and ofrecord in my ofice. together with the certl-ticate of the Recorder of Mortgages.

In faith whereof, witness my official sealand signature this 19th day of IDecember,1910. JOlHN JANVIEIR,

SSteal) Notary Plublic.D•ec 2 9 Jan 5 1 9 26 1911




Be it known, that on this twentieth dayof December, 1910, before me, Oramel ItSimpson, a notary public in and for OrleansParish, State of Louisiana, duly commissioned and qualified, and in the presence ofthe witnesses hereinafter named and under-signed, personally appeared the partieswhose names are hereunto subcribhed. whodeclared: that availing themselves of tlh,laws of this state relative to corporations,they do by these presents constitute them-selves a corporation for the objects andpurposes hereinafter mentioned.


The name of this corporation shall be theHIIYENOL MEDICINE COMPIANY, and assuch it shall have authority to contract;to sue and be sued; to use a corporate seal,and same to alter at pleasure; to lease,purchase, convey, mortgage and pledge prop-erty both real and personal; to borrowmoney; to elect or appoint suce) oicers, di-rectors, agents or employees as the inter-ests of the company may require; to adoptrules for the management of its business.And said corporation, during its existence,which shall be for ninety-nine years fromthe date hereof, shall have authority, with-out limitation or restriction, to do andperform all acts and things requisite tocarry out the purposes for which it wascreated. Its domicile shall be in New Or-leans, Lou!alana. All legal process shallbe served on either the President or Sec-retary and Treasurer.


The purposes for which this corporationis established, and the nature of the busi-ness to be conducted by it are declared tobe: To buy, Import, compound, manufacture,pack, distribute, sell and export drugs, med-icines and chemicals.


The capital stock of this corporation shallbe twenty-five t 25,000) thousand dollars,divided into two hundred and fifty shares



We have what you want, at the right. price, too.

If you need anything in IPumrlture,give me achance to fiare with youand show you over my entire line.



- Too may uay as little as $0.00worth, or as much more as you wish.Whether purchases are large or small-- enoy the privilelgs of ouar

S$10o.oo00 purchaseu $1.00 deposit; $50,S$5.00 deposit; $100.00, $10.00 de-

poslt, etc.Accounts opened from $10 to $10,000

A Burglass,3224-S26-28-30Magazine Street

BUY AT HOME Utooe Millinr""dlds and Misses GlovesOUR READY TRIMMED HATS WILL SUIT YOU.

Mrs. T. Johnson,Corner of Alex and Belleville Streets.

WE DELIVER YOUR MEATLeeOD. R year re fr te.les Mhad of meeR . It will DM aw*d be y e H* -y te yes sy. s&wE tr*..k I. c .tseWt.


of one hundred dolauirs e•, ,cash or Isseed in pay,..nt t ,a . a,lily rendered to mlil .i a .to,,,rot',

and nmer'hnndlke fturns ,l-tP.Eof stock shall be, .n h " f tecurpra t ion. the

Any itoakhiolder. his an,dletring to dlislmos. of Is . s lfirst give the refttaa .. , shallporation or its sto.'kh,.. . . orvalue of said stock ..•.t l r. bten day. from date. , . forshall have one vta f." ,estanding in their rua:n .. thi,lompalny. I' na a.. ry ., t ; " thl etin at %'. a!W he . , u ," I" busl.3 at h., t., h I..ll h ve , ribed

The ,rporat, ate p .e t.a'shall .. va-ai.a d in a.1 ;. ltiontor., eai h of t ho . , I aree.Th , a t-h t a oar, " of e t. ,iader.afr.t r due nllotl, , I. . t " ed

sto t.'k,:ta', "ir, a . eIachietllnll b •in. s., i anl .. . i toth1" titt Mtindai y : "r onfN o t i *c e o f 'i ll e l ,, , .e a r .ahr,. -t , k ltt , h . .. . .1 , ".. to

tht"."" tree khohl ThenulI er o "f vt. ,a .. stelT h ,y shall . ho. : .A ." '.,'lastin rs. 1'.i,,i , their

lit la it lr i l I ,. ,, a :. Oni'r- ide int. % 1 i, , 1 ,. ra n d ''rla . a.trr. " r, ' " tan

Treaasurer andters shall .o tdre.

No "r .atl I la)nttr:ta a , 1 f*:t lt' , t' the

aitny fo rth r a , a, at Indue nt ' " h a'.. ',," "t ,alarlIn organlzaatz.n ta'a atll

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or the ,rp at,,, r 'at'l. otu't thirds f• h a t el ofa lrepreasented a lt , l rnat orhoilers. aIr ' tt at ll sto.hOraa .tn a .n. t a tohtei. snlh.h lt ar, Sh l r, th, + zin,.' ,t " + a ia,.r y fromdtheir naw mer taair h :t a as chn rliq lr, n . a 'atr a na ts as mayI, t hie t ati , I .a ba' atd a a1 aitie presclri.n ed l I. :~ , k 1li,',i fosa thaimeeting.

Taus dota fhe an I'a1aat1 in ma Offiae, I n NewO)rleans. La . *. b.T da , ooth a lnd yearIkt above wrtn in lb pret enc, of Lo WGorv and If. , I", h'zies. 'inll.tent wi.tne s.a.a.

their names .tt: t ! " a. a.i r t ,.@ o1a ,+

1. the unalersci . tte.l of ,la-k tgatai, aga, i

WHEN BUYJNGand forega a t aft . rat ta farethetII lollaj, n th i t an i., in at'rm wn s this

a ;•. , ty Itcon lerhI h teb il tha , a: .re" tt 1s" a triue

o t heir ta ai o.. til l a iiexclle ,cIn n m tar l ati l r a, la lat o(tSgned) n lo nietie. Io. SIMPSON,

New Orleans, Na.. Ilee 20,AS IP hl--

YOURlmember the bRest guarantee to t thepurchaper Is the standing and reepombillIty ofl thei mainufacturer. Repctspible manufact urer are carefulter

to e that their ntruje lnt cotrmet

errl i50, $60, $75 to tl0 ol n tteiylorinance. INO ONE HAS$3, .1 and 51 monthll.TROUBLE

wth thfe ADAM RCIJtAAF PIANOrThe best tBhe mPIarNO or thIIACKLEY PIANO. Years of thought

forand practical experyience ar cookedpect as possble to makar e prc es.

YoMusr pection of new nstrumentsoConr arrd Kolb, Pop rnvited

131 DAU St Char. s T


... SPECIAL....

Ld -.SIiNI

Arfrma. Numa and Lamarque, $300

cash. $1,200 mortgage. Renaudin. no-

t tary.

Mortgages Recorded.

ialvatore Russo to Ben W. Borne.$o',t. I note. I year. A per cent,. 4 lots

l'arr agut, N-.lson, Newton and DvAr-

I In0as. Mahoni-y, notary.

Mrs. Sarah IHagen, widow of Chris

Kobolt, to .Miss .1. LhHmantn, $3540, I

no'i., I year, 7 per cent, 2 lots, New-

ton. Ilotner, Hi. er and Brooklyn.-

O( 'oonnor, notary.

i ! Mortgages Cancelled.Interstate Trust & Banking ('omn

i pany to .erny Kawood for $100, lot IS,sqr. 9o, No. 227 Eliza street. Seymour.i notary.

Same company to Brunet Romaine

lot 11. sqr. 191, DI)Armas and Bellevilt;

streets, $100. Seymour. notary.

Provident Building and Loan Asso-ciation to Mrs. C('ra Johnson for $2,-0410, lot 16. sqr. 14. 214 Delaronde St.Seymour, notary.

a Notary l'Public, duly .commissloned andislalttlf.d in and for tiis ity and the Pasrish of Or)leans, therein reslllng, and In the

lprei'inel' of tihe witnesses hereinafter namedI and undersilgn4ed. persounally came and ap-peared : tile partles whose names are here-untIo II ilmerilw'd, all of full age. wiho dieclarld, that availing themselves of the lawsof this !tiate of lie.lsiana, relative to theformatolln f orporatolns, tilhey have. ciove-Wlalnlt-ed and agreed. and. ,by these pres-ents.IIo, ,ovnant and al;ree and Wind and obllgate

ihelltil..'lve. as well 1as all such-l othel r Ip*rtsons a,0 lmo Iay hereafter become associated\alh it'in. lor th ir u.'cess4ors. to forlll and'inst itlitei. :and do, Iy thesei- presents. firnmand constitute il corpo , l, ration or itsio y lialitlein law, for lthe oi.jects and pIrlps-i.its andtt underr the acreemento s and -tipula tion. f'IS loa l tl . l it .

AlTI' I.- I

The nalime of thIs crporratiun shall heithe It1101.1.1 ,l I'AT S l I'MANll'.nY: and

it shall have existence for a period of nin--.v-nine v-art from the date hereit of. unleshs

-1uoner dissolved, as hi-reluafter set forth.


The domicile of this corporation shall beIn the tCity of New Orleans, Louisiana; andall citations, or other legal process shallIs, served upon the president, or during hisalsence or Inability to act, upon the vice-piresldent.

It shall have power to contract. siue andbe sued under Its corporate name; to haveand use a corporate seal, and the same toalter at pleasure; to holel, recselve, rent, selland purchase. as well aa mortgage and by-pothecate, Iproperty, Inth real and personal;to borrow and send money, for the purposes" of Its business; to appoint such directors

and employees as Its interests may require;to make and establilh such by-laws, rulesI and regulations as may be necessary andproper; and, generally, to do everythingneeded to carry out the objects and pur-poses of this corporation.


Thie objects and purposes for which thiscorporation is organized and the nature ofthe business to be carried on by it are de-clared to he: dealing In millinery goods Inall of Its branches.


The capital stock of this corporation shallle the sum of seven thousand dollars, dl-vlded into seventy shares, of the par valueof one hundred dollars per share, payablewhenever called for by the Board of Iliree-tors; and stock may be issued for the pur-chase of property or for services actuallyrendered. No transfer of stock shall berecognised unless made upon the books ofthis eompany.

In the event any stockholder desires todispose of his stock, same shall be first of-fered to this corlporatlon, and ten daysallowed within which to purchase same:and In the event this corporation shouldnot purchase said stock, same shall be of-fered to the Individual stockholders, whoshall have five days within which to pur-chase said stock ;and if not purchased, suchstock may be sold In open market.

In the event the capital stock of thiscorporation Is Increased. the then stock.holders shall have the right of purchasingsuch stock in proportion to the amount ofstock held by them.

This corporation may begin business assoon as its capital stock shall have beensubshcrlwbed for.


All the corporate powers of this corpor-atlon and the entire management and con-trol of Its business shall be vested in andexercised by a Board of Directors. to becomposed of three stockholders, a majorityof whom shall constitute a quorum for thetransaction of busneos, and who may bepresent In person or by proxy.

The dIrectors of this corporation shall beelected annually, on the second Monday inJanuary. at a meeting to be held at theotce of ths corporation, after five dayswritten notice thereof shall have been givenby the secretary, by mail, to each stock-holder, addressed to his then known real-dince. Raid election shall be by ballot andeach share of stock shall be entitled to onevote. A majoritr of the votes east shallelect. The election of directors shall beunder the supervision of two commIssion-ers. to be appointed by the presIdent. undersuch rules a4 the Board of Directors shallprovide.

All vacanIes on the board shall be filledbr the remalnIng members until the next

ection,The irst Board of Directors shall be

Theodore Hars. Augustus F. Hollis, Jr andGustave A. Modlnger. with Theodore Hkars,as preldent, Augustus P. Hollis, Jr., asvice-president and Gustave A. Modlnger, asaecrtary.treasurer: all of whom shall holdodee nattil the second Monday In January,.1912, or until their successors bare beenelected and luatalled,


Tnls acet of Incorporation may be changedor amended, or this corporatlon may be dis-somived, with the aneat of three-fourths ofthe stock present or represented, at a lea-eral mantIng of the stockholders, called forthat purpose, after publlcatlon of noticeeeoac a week for thirty days, in a dallynewsapaper published la New Orleans, andnotlce. In writing, addresrsed to each stock-bolder, malled to him by the secretary, notless than ave days previous to maid meeting.


Whenever thIs corporation I dIssolved,whether by limitation or from any othereause. Its stars ashall be liqutdated by two

commalsoners, to be selected by a majorityvote of the s tockholders present or repre-sented. Seold say eommlstoner fall orretmu to act, from say caue, the ethershall have full power to act aloee: and onthe fallure or refual of both commission-era to set, from ay earnsre, the atockholdera may seet other ommiloioers, ln themanner above provided and after five daysnotice, by mall, given to each stockholder.


No stockholder shall be liable or respon-sIlle for the contracts, debts or faults ofthis corporationa In any further sum thanthe unpaid belance due on share. suhserlbedfor by him: nor shall any mere informalityI organtisatlon have the effect of renderingthis charter null or or exposng a stock-holder to any liability beyond the amonuntdue lby him for uaplld stock.

Thus done and passed, in my ofee, Inthe City o New orlesas, on the day, monthand year her•eIn irst above writtena. tin the

p n of MeIeUrs Anadmrew Hanser ande Ar genl. a 1•., competent witnee.

wbo have herennto nged theIr name withmid ap•area sad me, Notary.

Orlmal sgllned: Thee. Hars, O. A. Mod-lr, A. P. lls Jr. A ndrew Hauser,

W.V. BREWER, Notary PublIe,I, the undarsned Recorder of Mortgage.,t_ and far the Parish of Orleans, 8tate ofLen• a, do herebyr erttb, that the above Isad oreo g a.• t of aieorporatlo of the

_m _ elee, In book 101, folIo 204.NeOleas December 19 1910.(jWSo) REILE LONARD. D. 3 .

L Jm Id u [6 N~ 1