The herald and news (Newberry, S.C.).(Newberry, … Pisgah Forest, X. C. Hegot a pass...

personals. j .Miss Anne D. Jones left yesterdav Zo resume her position in Savannah as 3iisiory teacher. tyliss Emma Warren is visiting relatives in Columbia and Newberry.. Charleston Amercan, 26th. FVt. Oliver Lindsay of the 2nd Pro * . - -v' ^ V»AAr» fr»o r> visional rcgiuicm uas uccu uaiwu/iirea from Camp Jackson to Camp Sewier. Mrs. Lindsay has returned to J&tianta after spending awhile here twith Mr. Lindsay's parents, Mr. and SVlrs. £no. A. Lindsay. 'Erev. E. L. Halfacre will preach at Clayton Memorial church Sunday morning at 11:30 o'clock. All are in- vtitea to attend. Mt. G. G: Sale, Jr., arrived .Monday Srom New'York on a furlough of 30 «dayfe from the navy. This is his first wisit since his enlistment in March, jJ915. Young Gilmer Sale has the fine ^distinction of being among the first Volunteers from Newberry when volunteering was not so popular and it "look more courage to offer one's serv- ice?. Among the new coeds for Newberry 'College are Miss Bvrd Wright of Laurens county and Miss Minnie 'Lee < >inrimer of Colombia. Miss Wright, joins her sister. Miss Haskell Wright and Jfciss Summer comes to be Irer sister. Miss' -Helen - Summer, ail Igomg LU Lilt;- CU11C6C. Mr. J. Cla' de Dominic1.* is in Xew York consulting specialists. 'He was accompanied by Dr. J. K. Gilder:'They joined in Wash'iigton by -Mr, Bominick's brother, Congressman F iK. 'Dominick: * Second Lieutenant W. F. Wright, vf® promoted to ths office of first lieutenant and s?nt from -Gamp "Whee'er, Ga., to New York city on ' - " - T-r_ . J "SpQCIHl QUIT. lie IS SL uicmuci ui ma well known 106th Eng. Reg&z The "La'rens and Newberry andgother friends of Lieut. Wright coraSiment "hirfi on his rise in army life, x Mr. and Mrs. L. Morris and their t "thre^ daughters. Misses Florence. Jennie and Minnie, have moved to the m x if-. *Dr;. HaJra^re nouse in* r.a»t amm street, a -choice residential section of ibe city. JThe house vacated by them "* to be occupied bv th? family of the ftev. J. N. Booth, Mr. Booth to be absent on war duty. Lt; T.. B. Greneker, just returned Irqm the fighting at the trenches, arilyed at his 'Edgefield home Wednesday to remain until Sunday, before .-gpin<r to Camp Sever as instructor. "He was given his choice of camps and chose Sevier. His friends in Edge'fioM and Newberry and elsewhere are ^l^hted tltat will be so near home ram :. - ; AXD ALL ABOUT > "Thrrl2y's# Aunt" lost her reputaikia "before reaching dewberry. Tk© iBrown -colored man from <Sr?sxrwc\od. p^ent-oned as having been vp .-against /-Magistrate Douglas last Thurs&?y for toting concealed weaptr»s£pr!i--tHfe"$5Q fine the magistrate imposed; : ' ' With Jt^e> opening of Newberry colId"^ the city will revive witl>newness of life. 1 In the fcurry of these fast moving Hales don't overlook the services nightly at Central Methodist at 8.30, t£e 'luiet evening hour. ; $ T«t& f~d r.o^a Cooper, co'ored maTf - ~ in-'ntlr 3uK TVi e, w '1\.i -tva jv...,. ~_ "Magistrate Douglas Monday for assault and battjery. The two together were fined $20, which was paid. Office Tj. M. T>!<»rer carried Henry Joncolo-ed to imp Jacksbii Monday .week. Jones^ lived at Helena and " was home without permission from 'the authorities where he is stationed ^.as a member of the Labor battalion at Pisgah Forest, X. C. He got a pass Rnartflnhure. eoofl for one day only. August 17, but came o^home, where lie remained a month l^ckin? one day. Officer Player got wind of -it and arrested Jones. "When the prisoner was turned over to the guard at the camp lie told Mr. Player to tell his (Jones') wife that as soon as he was o'-t of "this "little trouble'* he would ^rite to her. The guard remarked to_Jone^ that he (Jones) would be a d. old man before he was out of that trouble. A. J. Martin, a colored citizen o? Newberry, received- a letter Monday from his son, Private Malverse Martin of Co L, 203 Stevedore reginuent. American expeditionary forces in which ha wrote that he liked the army life fine. Mr. Jas. D. Crooks, while "working at the gin of the Crooks, had the misfortune to be caught in the belting on "Wednesday and was pretty badly * . bruised up. He was taken to the Columbia hospital and was doing as well as could be expected. No bones were broken but the skin was taken off In many places and he was painfully injured VIOLIN LESSONS. MSg Marv Frances Kibler, gradu. ete Holin an-! rrtano, will teach a limited number in violin this season A'pp^v at 15Q5 Main 3t., or 'phone 23 $-27 lm. I LIEUT. GIvENEKER BACK IX AMERICA.' Greenwood Journal, 23rd. Lieut. T. >B. Greneker, who h?.s seen several months' service in . .-ucj h-s been returned to thi3 country as inductor in the army camps. J\Ir. W. H. Nicholson, his un- tie, received a telegram yesterday notifying him of Lieut. Greneker's 'an \tlantir> port. It is not known where he will -be stationed. Friends of Lieut. Greneker hope that he will be given a furlough, if but fot a short time, to visit them in / Jreenwood. . He made himself very popular here w'-'en he was a member of the faculty of the Magnolia school Old Town News. i The Ridge tSpring school will open on Monday morning with Miss Kate <'mp5=on of Chester, as principal, and Miss Gertrude Campbell of Troy as- \ sisiani. me leaeners win Doara wnii Mrs. H. 'T. Fellers this winter. I Vr. L. C. Pitts had the misfortuna to lose a barn by fire last week. Although he was fortunate to have some nsuraace. Mrs.^Q; V. Spearman is visiting rel- atites in Johnson. . Misses Myr.tle and 'R.mby ,Feliers left i last week for Greenville where they wil! resume their studies in "the Wo- man's college. sx. '' 'I »,'*4 v! Miss Hattie Cromer of the *Mt. " -i Bethel section is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. H. C. Fellers, j ; Miss Ella Scurry, who has been vis- ! iting her sisters, Mrs Ed. Coleman and Mrs. H. :B. Lindsay left last week to } take up <her studies at the Woman'? , ^o?ie«re"'in 'Owe West. . . . M»i» K" j y NOTICE.On account of shortage of wa*er will not be able to run my gin ^ until Wednesday. Am putting in a new well. G. W. Kinard, Prosperity j FOB SALE.'Dodge touring car, is m good condition. Equipped with new tires. Nick Holmes. 9-27 2tp . TEACHERS.You can secure an ex- cellent position through us. Thousands places direct from schools . paying $50 to $200 a month. All 1 persons qualified or with necessary education can render a great service by teaching. Write today. Southern Teachers' Agency, Columbia, S5 C. 9-27 3t 666 cures by removing the cause. S-5 tf 11? nces of land that lies well, 3 i miles from Silverstreet, a small * r> n* r> aid roilirno^ ctatinTl 1 1-9 » rv*l?s from a good school, and 1 1-2 miles from church. 75 acres in a state of cultivation; sand loam wi'h rcd clay subTsoil. 25 acres in pasture fenced witli hog wire. Nice "*0"nsr orchard. 7 room dwelling, j 1 beautifully situated in an elm grove ard in a sood white community. 2 tenant houses, barn, cow sheds. auto hou?eVand other necessary out j buildings. Fine well, and living j stream. There is practically no waste land on this place, and it will produce an^thin^ that can be <*r?>TTV» iii $40 i pei; acre. Davis Realty Co., CopelaM Bldg., Newberry, S. C. [I 9-27 2t. Made to YOUR Order Two-Piece Suits $25.00 Our Advice ia Men who know* predict th, woolens may be doubled in the \ czn affoid, because n-. xt Mas^n have to pay ac least $40 00 to $4 identical qua'ity of material off man, the man who must econotE help but heed our phenominal Wool Fabrics made to order fi tmrnammtmrnmrnm ..... .. ' . OPERA HOf'SV Fri.l-y. Sp'etufcar -S. MITT AXD JEFF. Musleal Comedy Koad Sboiv. Saturday, September 2S. The 7th episode of 44 A FKrHT FOR MIT LIONS." KEYSTONE COMEDY BIG (V COMEDY : ! Monday, .September 30. ALMA RUBENS In "THE GHOST FLOWER." ^losing-out Shoe Sale at Sample Shoe Store still continues. Those who have not attended this sale, had better come in and save dollar bills by buying two or three pairs shoes instead of one pair elsewhere. J. Lurey, Prop. 9-27. 21 WANTED.Subscriptions, new or renewal, to the Progressive Farmer, Needlecraft, Ladies' (Home Journal, Saturday Evening - Post, Country Gentleman, Woman's Home Companion, McCall Magazine anl any other periodical that is wanted: A*. publishers' prices. Please send your subscriptions to me or ^hone 251. I also take subscription for mi TTn.nlJ 1 r i lie nciaiu O'UU .->cw3. ..^ui us 1. Epting, 1704 Xanca street, Newberry, S. C. * ; - '9-21 1 ' » / * p VANTEl).A young lady typewriter .three hours in morning or after- business man in city. Apply, at this office. * 9-27 Up iOTK'E.All persons are hereby notified and warned not to hire or harbor Willie Koon as he is under contract with me for the year 1918 E. Bede*baugh. 9-27 lto jOST.One 35x4 1-2 Goodrich safety mounted tire with covsr, between my home and Newberry, on Wed nesdav, September 25. Please notify J. T. Oxner, Newberry, S. R F. D., 2. 9-27 Itp FOE SALE.15 bushels Abruzzi rye. T. M. Mills, Prosperity, S. C. 9-fi7 4tp, FOR RENT.4-room cottage. Apply to P. S. Livingston, iXewberry, R. F. D., 4. x 9-24 2t fcacher Wanted.For a session of six or seven months, at salary cf £30. for Union school. G. S. Enlow, I H. Wilson, trustees, Prosperity, S. C., Route 3. 9-24 2tp WAIVED.A colored boy to rrn errands and do odd jobs and anything that is to be done. Could g've the right boy a job all the time or use him before and after school hours. Apply to "H" care The Herald and News. ^ 9-24tf WANTED, a Truck.Sealed bids will be received for a one-ton truck up to 10 a. m., October 5, 1918, by the cuj'iry vuiuiu'tsiuxjtjrs. j. *w. oaiup'e. County Supsr^isor. 9-20 21 ROOMS FOR REM.Four rco-ns. c^o-e in.water, sewerage, lights grates. Possession Octcber 1st. Mrs Thos. 0. Stewart. Phone 348. 9-20 4t. [Mmson Cloyer Seed in burr. The best way to sow. For sale by ["HE BEST NEWS IN TODAY'S PAPER! Strictly All Wcol SUITINGS $25= Three-Piece Suits $28.00 ' > BUY NOW at the. present high p ices of eiy ntar future. Bi;y all you it is highly probable yon will ,5 00 for a suit made fnni the :ered in this sale. Tl e wise lize on all expenditures, cannot offer, of these splendid All- or $25.00 and $28.00 Blacks Dry Goods Co. Prosperity, 5. C. jerfircson-McCacfcirr Co. 9-17 -f Bringr ns ycur cutton seed. Weighed: and unloaded up town.. JohnsonMcCrackin Co. 9-17 c? Fresh Wafer Pish every Tuesday ard Thursday; Salt Water Fish Thursdays, Fridays and Saturday. G. W. Coward, next door to D. A. Livings' //to n Ihe K; Everlast Mr. IV / with! Septe ?.. i / r* _ a I rree» each Rang thews i Ti n . inerro! " j it.... I Bay War J Savings Stamps Hosie Is the right kind, i eral hundred dozen I they are worth toda; tomers the advantag Fine ribbed hose, mad Fast bUck and white, s\2 Extra heavy hose, coa > izes 8 1-2 to 10, pric Sizes 6 to 8, price the Infants hose, white an smooth y®rn. Sizes 4 t< Women's silk hose of I Women's cotton hose, i . t Uur selection o- womt you will have no trouble Coat Suits priced.$15. $32.50, $35.00, $37.50, S*rge Dresses SiJ Combination Satin and ; Taffeta and Crepe de CI Ail Wool Jersey Dresses Women's Coats in bla r rrom Our display of wool g< and beautiful. We have < Buy War Savings Stamps J2 ton & Son. 9-17 tf U7ss KawFs llnsfc School will open September 50. Further particulars f r\ fr\ll^nr Q 17 4l". LO^T.^lack fice dog with brown feet. Brown color If found return to Herald and" News office. "W. W. Watkins, Cross Hill, S. C. 9 13 H ange Eterna ingly Good" latthews from t his "Ford" will 1 mber 30th to 0< Set Aluminum v $ 15.00 will be i e bought from 5. Call us about sperity Hard1 Prosperity, S. ( ialtiwanger' ry for Boys am nade to withstand hard 1 bought for as much as 2 jr. As long as lot lasts i je of old prices. e of strong, smooth yarn^ i %s 6 to 10. Price the pai*... rse and fine ribbed, double tc e the pair nair .. M /Z, * d black, medium weight, fi > 6. Price the pair the dependable kind* Price th priced the pair »n's dresses, coats ajid coat si in finding here at a very Ioin 00, $17.50, $1&50, $20.00, nA tA9 ?n $45 00 S50.C i*tu VV) yXMtW} Y -r 0.00 to $30 00 Satin Dresse Serge Dresses.. hine Dresses i ck and all the wanted color oods and plaid talks for con i everything in trimmings to co HaMwanser :19?n Main St. NEWEERR"1 Jhrsf rcce^^Tcar of H^B Jobnson McCracfrm* Co-W i ?few Arrow Cotton Tire'JBj McCrackin Co. . v 2~ \ ^ FOR SALE.Abbriozi fashioned bearded ftarleyT^ I McCrackin Co. j j 66S cures Malaria Fever. 4 i 1 he factory H 3e here on M ctober 5th. H 7 \ . /are worth II riven with 11 Mr. Mat- I i ; the Range. ware Co. ] " I , * * # * i \ V gttm rt Buy War P ^ Savings Stamps I ( v » I a Uirls jj ,. * 4| wear. We have sev- 1 5 per cent. less than I ire will give ccr cus- 1 reinforced Led and toe. >e and heel. yfl tvc in ne iiJbfaed and made of fl le pair $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2j|H 15c, 25c, 35c, SOJH lit# is great We beiievflj r pric«* just what you wantM , $22.50, $25.00, $30.00 ; >0 and $75.00. . H /^m : ^ » $15.00 to $45.00^ I 315 00 to $25.00 J $18.50 to $30.00 $27.50 to $40.00 | s and materials. Priced I $17.50 to $75.00 i E M ibinations is both varied mplete a dress of this kind. ! D I Ml g DUj TTdl

Transcript of The herald and news (Newberry, S.C.).(Newberry, … Pisgah Forest, X. C. Hegot a pass...

Page 1: The herald and news (Newberry, S.C.).(Newberry, … Pisgah Forest, X. C. Hegot a pass Rnartflnhure. eoofl for one day only. August 17, but came o^home, where lie remained a month

personals. j

.Miss Anne D. Jones left yesterdavZo resume her position in Savannah as

3iisiory teacher.tyliss Emma Warren is visiting relativesin Columbia and Newberry..

Charleston Amercan, 26th.FVt. Oliver Lindsay of the 2nd Pro

* . - -v' ^ V»AAr» fr»o r>visional rcgiuicm uas uccu uaiwu/iireafrom Camp Jackson to Camp Sewier.Mrs. Lindsay has returned to

J&tianta after spending awhile heretwith Mr. Lindsay's parents, Mr. andSVlrs. £no. A. Lindsay.

'Erev. E. L. Halfacre will preach at

Clayton Memorial church Sundaymorning at 11:30 o'clock. All are in-

vtitea to attend.Mt. G. G: Sale, Jr., arrived .Monday

Srom New'York on a furlough of 30«dayfe from the navy. This is his firstwisit since his enlistment in March,

jJ915. Young Gilmer Sale has the fine^distinction of being among the firstVolunteers from Newberry when volunteeringwas not so popular and it"look more courage to offer one's serv-

ice?.Among the new coeds for Newberry

'College are Miss Bvrd Wright of Laurenscounty and Miss Minnie 'Lee< >inrimer of Colombia. Miss Wright,joins her sister. Miss Haskell Wrightand Jfciss Summer comes to beIrer sister. Miss' -Helen - Summer, ail

Igomg LU Lilt;- CU11C6C.

Mr. J. Cla' de Dominic1.* is in Xew

York consulting specialists. 'He was

accompanied by Dr. J. K. Gilder:'Theyjoined in Wash'iigton by -Mr,

Bominick's brother, Congressman F

iK. 'Dominick: *

Second Lieutenant W. F. Wright,vf® promoted to ths office of firstlieutenant and s?nt from -Gamp"Whee'er, Ga., to New York city on

' - " - T-r_ . J"SpQCIHl QUIT. lie IS SL uicmuci ui ma

well known 106th Eng. Reg&z The"La'rens and Newberry andgotherfriends of Lieut. Wright coraSiment"hirfi on his rise in army life,

x Mr. and Mrs. L. Morris and theirt

"thre^ daughters. Misses Florence.

Jennie and Minnie, have moved to them x if-.

*Dr;. HaJra^re nouse in* r.a»t amm

street, a -choice residential section ofibe city. JThe house vacated by them

"* to be occupied bv th? family of theftev. J. N. Booth, Mr. Booth to be absenton war duty.

Lt; T.. B. Greneker, just returnedIrqm the fighting at the trenches, arilyedat his 'Edgefield home Wednesdayto remain until Sunday, before.-gpin<r to Camp Sever as instructor."He was given his choice of camps andchose Sevier. His friends in Edge'fioMand Newberry and elsewhere are

^l^hted tltat will be so near homeram :.


> "Thrrl2y's# Aunt" lost her reputaikia"before reaching dewberry.Tk© iBrown -colored man from

<Sr?sxrwc\od. p^ent-oned as having been

vp .-against /-Magistrate Douglas last

Thurs&?y for toting concealed weaptr»s£pr!i--tHfe"$5Qfine the magistrateimposed; :'

' With Jt^e> opening of Newberry colId"^the city will revive witl>newness

of life. 1In the fcurry of these fast moving

Hales don't overlook the servicesnightly at Central Methodist at 8.30,t£e 'luiet evening hour. ;

$ T«t& f~d r.o^a Cooper, co'ored maTf-~ in-'ntlr

3uK TVi e, w '1\.i -tva jv...,. ~_

"Magistrate Douglas Monday for assaultand battjery. The two togetherwere fined $20, which was paid.

Office Tj. M. T>!<»rer carried HenryJoncolo-ed to imp Jacksbii Monday.week. Jones^ lived at Helena and"was home without permission from

'the authorities where he is stationed^.as a member of the Labor battalionat Pisgah Forest, X. C. He got a pass

Rnartflnhure. eoofl for one day only.August 17, but came o^home, where

lie remained a month l^ckin? one day.Officer Player got wind of -it and arrestedJones. "When the prisoner was

turned over to the guard at the camp

lie told Mr. Player to tell his (Jones')wife that as soon as he was o'-t of

"this "little trouble'* he would ^riteto her. The guard remarked to_Jone^that he (Jones) would be a d. old

man before he was out of that trouble.A. J. Martin, a colored citizen o?

Newberry, received- a letter Mondayfrom his son, Private Malverse Martinof Co L, 203 Stevedore reginuent.American expeditionary forces in

which ha wrote that he liked the

army life fine.Mr. Jas. D. Crooks, while "working

at the gin of the Crooks, had the misfortuneto be caught in the belting on

"Wednesday and was pretty badly*

.bruised up. He was taken to the Columbiahospital and was doing as wellas could be expected. No bones were

broken but the skin was taken off In

many places and he was painfully injuredVIOLIN LESSONS.

MSg Marv Frances Kibler, gradu.ete Holin an-! rrtano, will teach a

limited number in violin this season

A'pp^v at 15Q5 Main 3t., or 'phone 23$-27 lm.



Greenwood Journal, 23rd.Lieut. T. >B. Greneker, who h?.s

seen several months' service in. .-ucj h-s been returned to thi3

country as inductor in the army

camps. J\Ir. W. H. Nicholson, his un-

tie, received a telegram yesterdaynotifying him of Lieut. Greneker's

'an \tlantir> port. It isnot known where he will -be stationed.Friends of Lieut. Greneker hope

that he will be given a furlough, ifbut fot a short time, to visit them in


Jreenwood. . He made himself verypopular here w'-'en he was a memberof the faculty of the Magnolia school

Old Town News. iThe Ridge tSpring school will open

on Monday morning with Miss Kate<'mp5=on of Chester, as principal, andMiss Gertrude Campbell of Troy as- \sisiani. me leaeners win Doara wnii

Mrs. H. 'T. Fellers this winter. IVr. L. C. Pitts had the misfortuna

to lose a barn by fire last week. Althoughhe was fortunate to have some

nsuraace.Mrs.^Q; V. Spearman is visiting rel-

atites in Johnson. .

MissesMyr.tle and 'R.mby ,Feliers left ilast week for Greenville where theywil! resume their studies in "the Wo-man's college. sx.

'' 'I »,'*4 v!Miss Hattie Cromer of the *Mt. "


Bethel section is spending the weekwith her sister, Mrs. H. C. Fellers, j

; Miss Ella Scurry, who has been vis- !

iting her sisters, Mrs Ed. Coleman andMrs. H. :B. Lindsay left last week to }take up <her studies at the Woman'? ,

^o?ie«re"'in 'Owe West.. . . M»i» K" j

yNOTICE.On account of shortage ofwa*er will not be able to run my gin ^until Wednesday. Am putting in anew well. G. W. Kinard, Prosperity jFOB SALE.'Dodge touring car, is mgood condition. Equipped with new

tires. Nick Holmes. 9-27 2tp .

TEACHERS.You can secure an ex-

cellent position through us. Thousandsplaces direct from schools .

paying $50 to $200 a month. All 1persons qualified or with necessaryeducation can render a great serviceby teaching. Write today. SouthernTeachers' Agency, Columbia, S5 C.9-27 3t

666 cures by removing the cause.

S-5 tf

11? nces of land that lies well, 3 i

miles from Silverstreet, a small* r>n* r> aid roilirno^ ctatinTl 1 1-9


rv*l?s from a good school, and 1 1-2miles from church. 75 acres in a

state of cultivation; sand loamwi'h rcd clay subTsoil. 25 acres inpasture fenced witli hog wire. Nice"*0"nsr orchard. 7 room dwelling, j 1

beautifully situated in an elm groveard in a sood white community. 2tenant houses, barn, cow hou?eVand other necessary out jbuildings. Fine well, and living jstream. There is practically no

waste land on this place, and it willproduce an^thin^ that can be<*r?>TTV» iii $40 i

pei; acre. Davis Realty Co., CopelaMBldg., Newberry, S. C. [I9-27 2t.

Made to

YOUR Order

Two-Piece Suits $25.00

Our Advice ia

Men who know* predict th,

woolens may be doubled in the \

czn affoid, because n-. xt Mas^n

have to pay ac least $40 00 to $4identical qua'ity of material off

man, the man who must econotE

help but heed our phenominalWool Fabrics made to order fi


..... .. ' .


Fri.l-y. Sp'etufcar -S.MITT AXD JEFF.

Musleal Comedy Koad Sboiv.

Saturday, September 2S.The 7th episode of


: !Monday, .September 30.ALMA RUBENS


^losing-out Shoe Sale at Sample ShoeStore still continues. Those whohave not attended this sale, hadbetter come in and save dollar billsby buying two or three pairs shoesinstead of one pair elsewhere. J.Lurey, Prop. 9-27. 21

WANTED.Subscriptions, new or renewal,to the Progressive Farmer,Needlecraft, Ladies' (Home Journal,Saturday Evening - Post, CountryGentleman, Woman's Home Companion,McCall Magazine anl anyother periodical that is wanted: A*.publishers' prices. Please sendyour subscriptions to me or ^hone251. I also take subscription formi TTn.nlJ 1ri lie nciaiu O'UU .->cw3. ..^ui us 1.

Epting, 1704 Xanca street, Newberry,S. C. *; - '9-21

1 '» / *


VANTEl).A young lady typewriter.three hours in morning or business man in city. Apply,at this office. * 9-27 Up

iOTK'E.All persons are hereby notifiedand warned not to hire or

harbor Willie Koon as he is undercontract with me for the year 1918

E. Bede*baugh. 9-27 lto

jOST.One 35x4 1-2 Goodrich safetymounted tire with covsr, betweenmy home and Newberry, on Wednesdav, September 25. Please notifyJ. T. Oxner, Newberry, S. R F.D., 2. 9-27 Itp

FOE SALE.15 bushels Abruzzi rye.T. M. Mills, Prosperity, S. C.9-fi7 4tp,

FOR RENT.4-room cottage. Applyto P. S. Livingston, iXewberry, R. F.D., 4. x 9-24 2t

fcacher Wanted.For a session of sixor seven months, at salary cf £30.for Union school. G. S. Enlow, IH. Wilson, trustees, Prosperity, S.C., Route 3. 9-24 2tp

WAIVED.A colored boy to rrn errandsand do odd jobs and anythingthat is to be done. Could g've theright boy a job all the time or use

him before and after school hours.Apply to "H" care The Herald andNews. ^ 9-24tf

WANTED, a Truck.Sealed bids willbe received for a one-ton truck upto 10 a. m., October 5, 1918, by thecuj'iry vuiuiu'tsiuxjtjrs. j. *w. oaiup'e.County Supsr^isor. 9-20 21

ROOMS FOR REM.Four rco-ns.

c^o-e in.water, sewerage, lightsgrates. Possession Octcber 1st. MrsThos. 0. Stewart. Phone 348.9-20 4t.

[Mmson Cloyer Seed in burr. Thebest way to sow. For sale by


Strictly All Wcol


$25=Three-Piece Suits $28.00 '


at the. present high p ices of

eiy ntar future. Bi;y all you

it is highly probable yon will

,5 00 for a suit made fnni the

:ered in this sale. Tl e wise

lize on all expenditures, cannot

offer, of these splendid All-or $25.00 and $28.00

Blacks Dry Goods Co.Prosperity, 5. C.

jerfircson-McCacfcirr Co. 9-17 -f

Bringr ns ycur cutton seed. Weighed:and unloaded up town.. JohnsonMcCrackinCo. 9-17 c?

Fresh Wafer Pish every Tuesday ardThursday; Salt Water Fish Thursdays,Fridays and Saturday. G. W.Coward, next door to D. A. Livings'

//to n

Ihe K;Everlast

Mr. IV/


?.. i /

r* _ aI rree»



Ti n.

inerro!" j

it....I Bay War J

Savings Stamps

HosieIs the right kind, i

eral hundred dozen Ithey are worth toda;tomers the advantag

Fine ribbed hose, madFast bUck and white, s\2

Extra heavy hose, coa

> izes 8 1-2 to 10, pricSizes 6 to 8, price the

Infants hose, white an

smooth y®rn. Sizes 4 t<

Women's silk hose of

I Women's cotton hose,i . t

Uur selection o- womt

you will have no troubleCoat Suits priced.$15.$32.50, $35.00, $37.50,

S*rge Dresses SiJCombination Satin and ;Taffeta and Crepe de CIAil Wool Jersey Dresses

Women's Coats in blarrrom

Our display of wool g<and beautiful. We have


Buy WarSavings Stamps J2

ton & Son. 9-17 tf

U7ss KawFs llnsfc School will openSeptember 50. Further particularsf r\ fr\ll^nr Q 17 4l".

LO^T.^lack fice dog with brownfeet. Brown color If found returnto Herald and" News office. "W. W.

Watkins, Cross Hill, S. C. 9 13 H

ange Eternaingly Good"latthews from this "Ford" will 1mber 30th to 0<Set Aluminum v

$15.00 will be i

e bought from5. Call us about

sperity Hard1Prosperity, S. (

ialtiwanger'ry for Boys amnade to withstand hard 1

bought for as much as 2jr. As long as lot lasts i

je of old prices.e of strong, smooth yarn^ i

%s 6 to 10. Price the pai*...rse and fine ribbed, double tc

e the pairnair ..

M/Z, *

d black, medium weight, fi> 6. Price the pairthe dependable kind* Price thpriced the pair»n's dresses, coats ajid coat si

in finding here at a very Ioin00, $17.50, $1&50, $20.00,

nA tA9 ?n $45 00 S50.Ci*tu VV) yXMtW} Y -r

0.00 to $30 00 Satin DresseSerge Dresses..hine Dressesi

ck and all the wanted color

oods and plaid talks for con

i everything in trimmings to co

HaMwanser:19?n Main St. NEWEERR"1

Jhrsf rcce^^Tcar of H^BJobnson McCracfrm* Co-Wi

?few Arrow Cotton Tire'JBjMcCrackin Co. . v

2~ \ ^FOR SALE.Abbriozifashioned bearded ftarleyT^

I McCrackin Co.j -»

j 66S cures Malaria Fever.


i 1

he factory H3e here on Mctober 5th. H

7 \ .

/are worth IIriven with 11Mr. Mat- I

i ;

the Range.

ware Co. ]" I



# * i

\ V


rt Buy War P^ Savings Stamps I


v » Ia Uirls jj

,.* 4|

wear. We have sev- 15 per cent. less than Iire will give ccr cus- 1

reinforced Led and toe.

>e and heel.yfltvc in

ne iiJbfaed and made of fl

le pair $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2j|H15c, 25c, 35c,SOJH

lit# is great We beiievfljr pric«* just what you wantM, $22.50, $25.00, $30.00 ;>0 and $75.00. .

H/^m : ^

» $15.00 to $45.00^ I315 00 to $25.00 J$18.50 to $30.00$27.50 to $40.00 |

s and materials. Priced I$17.50 to $75.00 iE M

ibinations is both variedmplete a dress of this kind.

! D I Mlg DUj TTdl