Om. 1•T A.1•T A.. THE HECLA MERCANTILE BANKING COMPANY GIME 1\7 - DAME_ HEOLA__ Our Trade Increases Because we sell the Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. At Melrose we have the Finest Store and Largest Warehouse in Montana. Go to Melrose Get your winter supplies. Buy a Bain wagon and new harness. Get your dry goods and winter clothes. Purchase your mining supplies. Repair your house, and get the necessary attic& at II. M. & B. COS. BRICK STORE, MELROSE, OUR LIMA DEPARTMENT. I Conti...tett by .1 II. La Miniyon. Dr. Ford is having a storm door built to the front of his residence. W. B. Deane returned from Omaha last week. W. R. Bell, of Pittsburg, Pa, is en- gaged as principal or the school here. School is suspended in Miss Innis' de- partment for one week, owing to the epi- demic of sore throat that is raging here at present. John Humphrey, ohe of Dick Gal- lagher's hired men, was Licked severely by a horse and is in the hospital at Dil- lon. Bob Brenneman is the possessor of ,a new band. A ball and supper were given here on Tuesday evening for the benefit of Em- mett Gardner, the young man who wasno unfortunate as to lase his right arm, caused by trying to jump a train some ago. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Eph Wells, Oc- tober 18. a daughter. Throat disease is raging here at pres- ent among children. Mrs. Russell. and Miss Annie Russell, mother and sister of Mrs. Truax, are vis- iting with Mrs. Palmer at Dillon. Died- October 19, 1891, of throat trouble. Harry, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller, aged '2 years, 2 months and '2 days. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of the entire community in their great sorrow. Died—October 21. 1891, of throat trouble. Mary Gratin. only child of Mr. and Mrs. Hansom, aged 2 years and 6 mouths. The sympathy of the entire con - mbnity is extended to the grief-stricken parents in their sad bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hughes are going 'o leave this place and reside in Pocatello, owing to Mrs. Hughes' health. We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Hughes from this place, but hope it will benefit her health. - CARD OF THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. Hansom desire to express their hearty thanks for the many deeds of kindnem and sincere expressions of sym- pathy extended them during the recent illness and demise of their beloved little daughter. --- WHIP AND SPUR. Meadville. Pa.. now has a kite shaped track. Al lemon wears only live -ounce oboes In front and three-ounce FA1 Geers, the well known Tennessee driver, has finally decided to drive for C. J Hamlin, of Buffalo. next year It haft been announced that the directors have appropriated $150,ffilti for live stock pr. -muting at the World's fair in ISM Kingman. a double Derby winner, and by tipsily considered the best 3 -year -old in the west, wits recently sold to Join) E Madden for $1.600 The yearling pacing record Was broken at Cambridge City, Ind., not long ago by Pinewood, a son of Artemis', who placed the mark at 2:31,1i Hobert Bonner declines all offers to bnve bla trotter,, tm ltito heat or int rne races, he stns.- of the stigma of dishonesty which be thinks atlttolie,. 10 Llic I/MOIR:ref The receta death of Benjamin G. Bruce at his hotise iii Lexingtou, Ky.. renioves a notable figure from the turf. firms was one of the lest turf silt horities in America. Pierre Lorillard recently paid 820.0UU for Tosica, the B-yearold daughter of St. Meow sail Touctoses. who 111114 clearly nhoW11 herself the best of her age and sex this year The A tneracen Saddle Horne association i wen definitely organized, and a char. ter antained under the laws of Illinois. A Mato' aril has been formulated and a stud hut ,k at/shod. gi, m 1 jockey' get Motley enoligt to keep the wolf from the died- Walcott & Camp hell have Maned Fred Tara! for three years at a salary of SIAM per mouth, the mouths of January idol February being conceded to him tars holidny John Cromiattigh, of Bloomington. Ills., In the owner of Del inn reli, the etal Hop that t ssgAed a mile at Cambridge City, lad., In 2:12 Crombeingli refused Budd Doble's offer of CLAIMS for the stallion Del Mardi IC loy MantOrt lin. &till by George Wilkes Croulaiiigii paid 61,5011 fur him In WOG. Headache Usually results from a deranged stomach or a sluggish liver. In either case, an aperient Is needed. Ayers Fills, the mildest and most reliable cathartic In use, correct all irregularities of the stomach, liver, and bowels, and, in a brief time, relieve the most distressing headache. These pills are highly recommended by the profession, and the demand for them is universal. "I have been afflicted, for years, with headache and Indigestion, and though I spent nearly a fortune In medicines, I never found any relief until I began to take Ayers Fills. Six bottles of these Fills completely cured me." —Benjamin Harper, Plymouth, Montserrat, W. I. "A, long sufferer from headache. I was CURED BY two boxes of Ayers Pills." Emma Keyes, Hubbardston, Mass. "For the cure of headache, Ayers Cathartic Pills are the most efficient medicine I ever used."—ftobert K. James, Dorchester, Mass. " For years I was subject to constipation and nervous headache. caused by derange- ment of the liver. After taking various rem- edies. I have become convinced that Ayer's Pills are the best. They never fail to relieve my bilious attacks In action time; and I am sure may system retains its tone longer after the use of these Fills. than has been the ease with any other medicine I have tried." H. S. Sledge, Weimar, Texas. Ayer's Pills eller ar nr Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Mt•di,.. WANTED. A well developed, dividend paying niii:e by an English Syndicate. Address in con- fidence to -Mining Engineer" Cate P. 0. Box 782 Helena, Montana. P2-tf Pilea! Itching Pillem SYMPM ToY •Moiellinuintoioe it chilli, and shing- ling: moat at night; won -e by scratching I id lowed to ...mime tumors form. often bleed and nleende. becoming very ore. SWAYNS's OINTMENT slop. the itching sail bleed- ing. heel,, ulceration. anti in nita4 yea., realm,. the tumor0. At druggist, or by mail. for 150 cents. Dr. Sway ne A Son, Philadelphia. 12 it 17) The "Tribune" Bindery. The TRIBENE has added to its estab- lishment a bookbinding department. A skilled la olbinder, recently from Salt Lake City will look after this department. We will bind, at reasonable prices, maga- zines. periodicals and papers, rebind old books, ere., in all styles Books marked. Give us a trial order. CHURCH AND SO(I ETI LI in. M. E. I' horrh - With,. ;mo- tor. Services ever) other Welliveolay everiinIC Nightengale Mahan. No 4011.—Meet. in Garbing! A Ripley's hall every Satorday afteritoon at 2 o'clock. E. J. Hugh., F. A. E. Dan finning, C. E. New State 1.4•41ita, Not 343. D. F. I. Meet, every Wedneralay af Ponta al in Garland Jc I. With Dean. M. I,. Philips, Master. Hallway Department. Y. M. V. A.—Head- ing room open from 11 a. in. to 10 p. ni. daily. Sonday'a 1 to . m. tage prayer meeting SUgdgy night. 31,11/04 , 41111 feet F2.10 iear. II. L. Willard. Seey. Loolley* %Id %oriel). Meet, every Wednete ila) afternoon at borne, if member.. Mr.. E. A Deily. Pres. 1 lie Ladle** A minim, MOM, every wrong] Toeyylay afternoon at the Engi nee r*. hail. M M. Preeident. and Mr,. Ed. vict.- preeitient. The Celebrated French Cure, - APHROBITINE- I loot, grN POSITIVE fluARAN TEE o ,' ii,' 0 Cliy 1.11 id 111,1,111. tir Co, diyorder of Me veh(rallve 'Eon* of either Sr< whether BEFO E Islas tin. AFTER eN4.4.N.L'e it,,. of lllll holm Or throligh Ilelilerell011. Over Itelolg nom, .1e., toe', an Toe,. Of Brain Poem, nem., item lite down Pa tile ligr . g. Prot I Vi enkney... Ii,grtV011a 1.1fiallgt loll rodeo', al Kool.elgovg. Letity'orligra. I ibLaIllema. %% eat: 311.111. Or) ., of 1 . .•111.1. F1114 lotontenee. widely it lie. elected often lend to meantime obi gee 1.111-1 11,11,1 It). box. a Luaus for $3.011 &lit le . mall MI rorfreltor II( priee A G HITTEN 1:111 A it ANTEIE !or. every }5 Ofl cadet. to reflood the lllll if a Verso:melt t cure I. ofteettal. Thomntels of teallittoola Is Irmo out toot ',omit of lath mrsel, cam, to A111.01.11)4 r Clreicor free. Addreatt THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. yr/MEALY rut, Nen. BOX 17 PORTLAND. OF. For sale 1,j N. M. WHITE, Druggist. GET THE BEST. The Best is good enough for this discriminating child. The Best is good enough for the man who respects himself' and loves his family. Such a man always wants the Best Groceries, and buys them of John W. Morton, knowing that he always keeps the Best that the market affords and retails it at proper prices. What do you think of this space in meoreemn_ THE TRIBUNE Your Ad. so placed would look well. RAILROAD LANDS S iNT LAND AND MINI Rooms ii and 12, Bailey B .1. II. NEI-SON, latte el•ief eoutrut risiou Loud Olflup, Whub "WO. 11.1. AGRICULTURAL LANDS. MINERAL LANDS. NG ATTORNEYS, lock, HELENA, MONT, IC 0, ..4ETTLES, uh. I h1.1' Clerk U.N. Land If Cie.". llllll 3E 918'7. DESERT LANDS Dillon Jewelry ad Gun Store, THE HORTON WASHER. MRS. L. RUTTER, Prop'r, =a . ibtr /a. tit, in .Lr.I and ElgIn W.ili Compel.. with the Loweat l'rleett that ran Ite obtained. Handle all grade. or American watchea. expecte ily the Rockford Movmnent. Al,' carts it Ian, and well -selected atnck of MIcalicl CA -valet arcawcaltris. of all deecriptions. Pine and complicated watch work solicited from all parts oklhe country. All work warranted lot one year. Also carry the Itrgest stock of all makes of Shot Guns, Platola and A 11111(1111.1t1011 Viral ,11g IiIrdr1 3•01.1 1 ack Ie. Hunting. all ' , tr., ' a W S,arn Noen mml , M ;Or. 1'.•er dor rr trilr Anil MO .troo, rr hat, ,.r orre. Ere, ii,. rIrrr.r••••• rr:rrilr rArrrlitg I'm. Stun •Itt•.I.v. all ar.. ,,e•he,. 'on 17 H.Ilitalleta at Co...tors Ng1111 rorthagg• MON : e71::. "' 31, 't i:1 :1 1.: ;11 "k .qt on, Imallti.o, la 'overtire . , Ilve, Au, one We e...toh aver . ..Ina. W. mato 000. Na 5.1. Saran elevator yam vim mama.... or all pate jinn.. tl.e mod, II.I. la an o.,•Ivad.amt Mimes tomnl.tful too . ea. t.., er, ...II., h..frInner. aro oarnIlig from 014 to WI 4, . rnerlo .0.1 ,s, and more an.r little esperienr, Eve,,, furnl.h yen skarn.. la awl ...ark y.41 11111. No e oplaln ham. Full rr lert.oratiorn FRI& TR ICE A., CO.. h VI WU, Banc. filcGARVIN & LOVELL , Surce.n , to 1;,1 Livery, Feed Sale Stable General Livery Business. ton. ti KLIMA AND IDAHO *TICKETS. G. E. JEWELL & CO., .t(Fl8, DIN ON, MON I. OZMANLIS OR SEXUAL PILLS I' I. lIars ee 1114. Mach inrr mid alloo FREE IltIAL. 21-If Bare, Prompt, Patties Cure for impotence, Lime 0 ( f . in hl ion n s. h ;o w e . or Iteruousnees, 8.11 Dietruet, Lose of Memory, At,. Will make you a 81-5056. Va l or- ous Mau Price 61. 6 Dotes. $600. demote, Direotiona Walled sr Ith each Boa. Aailrese lansfaaary balmiest Ca, 211/0 Iran,. Ay. KT. LOUIS. - MO. Sell your grain for cash or trade, to the Heela Mercantile and Banking Company, at Melrose or Glen - dale. We carry a full line of General Merchan- dise, suited to Ranch, Railroad and Min- ing trade. Full Stock. Low Prices. Careful Attention Large Warehouse . ... . . . . Banking Facilities THOMPSON & REYNOLDS, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Hay and Grain. Doors, Windows, Moulding, Building Paper, and all kinds of Building Material. TIMBERS •. OF . ODD . LENGTH . AND .' SIZES Furnished on Short Notice. Orders Prc.rn.tly MONTANA STREET. DILLON, MONTANA. ANDERSON BROS. [SUCCESil /ES TO WEIDFITMAN a ANDERSON.] LIVERY - FEED AND SALE STABLE REAR OF CORINNE HOTEL. The Finest Rigs the City. Good Outfits foe Commercial Men and Tourists a Specialty. Dillon, Argenta and Bannack Mail and Express Line Telephone No. 36 Dillon, Montana, IR, C. 10‘713.c:a1c,fasta1c, Eaci,calcior laca WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, MANUFACTURER OF Ginger Ale, Birch Beer, Champion Cider, Soda, Sarsapa- rilla and other Carbonated Beverages. AGENT FOR VAL BLATZ' MILWAUKEE BEER. ALSO, =sale' in. Bar G -lass - ware_ 331//caxatett3.“at..1:0111crra. nelicraatsantaa. P'01R, S.A.1_1= I At Reduced Prices, Imported and High Grade .. 20 0111111Gw."""'"— %JIGS. Percheron-Norman, Clydesdale and French Coach STALLIONS. Also Draft Horses of Superior Quality, at the Stables of, POINDEXTER & ORR cillon, Montana THE DILLON BREWERY, Jos. Trimborn, Proprietor. THE ONLY FIRST-CLASS BREWERY In Southern Montana. BOTTLED BEER A SPECIALTY Delivered in any quantity to all parts of the city ORDERS from neighboring towns solicited and promptl filled. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS At Dillon Rrenery Depot. Mon opposite First National Ban TIIE PATRONAGE or THE GENERAL Pt- ui- l!EI4PEC.Lt.Li SOLICITED.


Page 1: THE HECLA MERCANTILE 0° BANKING · FA1 Geers, the well known Tennessee driver, has finally decided to drive

Om.1•T A.1•T A..


Our Trade Increases Because we sell the Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. At Melrose we have the

Finest Store and Largest Warehouse in Montana.

Go to Melrose

Get your winter supplies.

Buy a Bain wagon and new harness.

Get your dry goods and winter clothes.

Purchase your mining supplies.

Repair your house, and get the necessary

attic& at


OUR LIMA DEPARTMENT. IConti...tett by .1 II. La Miniyon.

Dr. Ford is having a storm door built

to the front of his residence.

W. B. Deane returned from Omaha

last week.

W. R. Bell, of Pittsburg, Pa, is en-

gaged as principal or the school here.

School is suspended in Miss Innis' de-

partment for one week, owing to the epi-

demic of sore throat that is raging here

at present.

John Humphrey, ohe of Dick Gal-

lagher's hired men, was Licked severely

by a horse and is in the hospital at Dil-


Bob Brenneman is the possessor of ,a

new band.

A ball and supper were given here on

Tuesday evening for the benefit of Em-

mett Gardner, the young man who wasno

unfortunate as to lase his right arm,

caused by trying to jump a train some


Born to Mr. and Mrs. Eph Wells, Oc-

tober 18. a daughter.

Throat disease is raging here at pres-

ent among children.

Mrs. Russell. and Miss Annie Russell,

mother and sister of Mrs. Truax, are vis-

iting with Mrs. Palmer at Dillon.

Died- October 19, 1891, of throat

trouble. Harry, only child of Mr. and

Mrs. Harry Miller, aged '2 years, 2 months

and '2 days. The bereaved parents have

the sympathy of the entire community in

their great sorrow.

Died—October 21. 1891, of throat

trouble. Mary Gratin. only child of Mr.

and Mrs. Hansom, aged 2 years and 6

mouths. The sympathy of the entire con -

mbnity is extended to the grief-stricken

parents in their sad bereavement.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hughes are going 'o

leave this place and reside in Pocatello,

owing to Mrs. Hughes' health. We are

sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Hughes from

this place, but hope it will benefit her



Mr. and Mrs. Hansom desire to express

their hearty thanks for the many deeds of

kindnem and sincere expressions of sym-

pathy extended them during the recent

illness and demise of their beloved little



Meadville. Pa.. now has a kite shapedtrack.

Al lemon wears only live-ounce oboes In

front and three-ounce

FA1 Geers, the well known Tennessee

driver, has finally decided to drive for C. JHamlin, of Buffalo. next year

• It haft been announced that the directors

have appropriated $150,ffilti for live stock

pr.-muting at the World's fair in ISM

Kingman. a double Derby winner, and

by tipsily considered the best 3-year-old in

the west, wits recently sold to Join) E

Madden for $1.600

The yearling pacing record Was broken

at Cambridge City, Ind., not long ago byPinewood, a son of Artemis', who placed

the mark at 2:31,1i

Hobert Bonner declines all offers to bnve

bla trotter,, tm ltito heat or int rne races, he

stns.- of the stigma of dishonesty which be

thinks atlttolie,. 10 Llic I/MOIR:ref

The receta death of Benjamin G. Bruce

at his hotise iii Lexingtou, Ky.. renioves a

notable figure from the turf. firms was

one of the lest turf silt horities in America.

• Pierre Lorillard recently paid 820.0UU for

Tosica, the B-yearold daughter of St.

Meow sail Touctoses. who 111114 clearly

nhoW11 herself the best of her age and sex

this year

The A tneracen Saddle Horne association

i wen definitely organized, and a char.ter antained under the laws of Illinois. A

Mato' aril has been formulated and a stud

hut ,k at/shod.

gi,m1 jockey' get Motley enoligt to keep

the wolf from the died- Walcott & Camphell have Maned Fred Tara! for three years

at a salary of SIAM per mouth, the mouths

of January idol February being concededto him tars holidnyJohn Cromiattigh, of Bloomington. Ills.,

In the owner of Del inn reli, the etal Hop that

t ssgAed a mile at Cambridge City, lad., In

2:12 Crombeingli refused Budd Doble's

offer of CLAIMS for the stallion Del Mardi

IC loy MantOrt lin. &till by George WilkesCroulaiiigii paid 61,5011 fur him In WOG.

HeadacheUsually results from a deranged stomach or

a sluggish liver. In either case, an aperient

Is needed. Ayers Fills, the mildest and

most reliable cathartic In use, correct all

irregularities of the stomach, liver, and

bowels, and, in a brief time, relieve the

most distressing headache. These pills are

highly recommended by the profession, and

the demand for them is universal.

"I have been afflicted, for years, with

headache and Indigestion, and though I

spent nearly a fortune In medicines, I never

found any relief until I began to take Ayers

Fills. Six bottles of these Fills completely

cured me." —Benjamin Harper, Plymouth,

Montserrat, W. I.

"A, long sufferer from headache. I was

CURED BYtwo boxes of Ayers Pills." — Emma Keyes,

Hubbardston, Mass.

"For the cure of headache, Ayers Cathartic

Pills are the most efficient medicine I ever

used."—ftobert K. James, Dorchester, Mass.

" For years I was subject to constipation

and nervous headache. caused by derange-

ment of the liver. After taking various rem-

edies. I have become convinced that Ayer's

Pills are the best. They never fail to relieve

my bilious attacks In action time; and I am

sure may system retains its tone longer after

the use of these Fills. than has been the ease

with any other medicine I have tried." —

H. S. Sledge, Weimar, Texas.

Ayer's Pillseller ar nr

Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Mt•di,..


A well developed, dividend

paying niii:e by an English

Syndicate. Address in con-

fidence to -Mining Engineer"

Cate P. 0. Box 782 Helena,

Montana. P2-tf

Pilea! Itching Pillem

SYMPMToY •Moiellinuintoioe it chilli, and shing-ling: moat at night; won-e by scratching I idlowed to ...mime tumors form. oftenbleed and nleende. becoming very ore.

SWAYNS's OINTMENT slop. the itching sail bleed-ing. heel,, ulceration. anti in nita4 yea., realm,.

the tumor0. At druggist, or by mail. for 150cents. Dr. Sway ne A Son, Philadelphia. 12 it 17)

• The "Tribune" Bindery.

The TRIBENE has added to its estab-

lishment a bookbinding department. A

skilled la olbinder, recently from Salt

Lake City will look after this department.

We will bind, at reasonable prices, maga-

zines. periodicals and papers, rebind old

books, ere., in all styles Books marked.

Give us a trial order.


LI in. M. E. I' horrh - With,. ;mo-

tor. Services ever) other Welliveolay everiinIC

Nightengale Mahan. No 4011.—Meet. in

Garbing! A Ripley's hall every Satorday afteritoon

at 2 o'clock.E. J. Hugh., F. A. E. Dan finning, C. E.

New State 1.4•41ita, Not 343. D. F. I. • Meet,every Wedneralay af Ponta al in Garland Jc

I.With Dean. M. I,. Philips, Master.

Hallway Department. Y. M. V. A.—Head-

ing room open from 11 a. in. to 10 p. ni. daily.Sonday'a 1 to . m. tage prayer meeting

SUgdgy night. 31,11/04,41111 feet F2.10iear.

II. L. Willard. Seey.Loolley* %Id %oriel). Meet, every Wednete

ila) afternoon at borne, if member..Mr.. E. A Deily. Pres.

1 lie Ladle** A minim, MOM, every wrong]Toeyylay afternoon at the Engi nee r*. hail. MM. Preeident. and Mr,. Ed. vict.-preeitient.

The Celebrated French Cure,-APHROBITINE-


fluARAN TEEo ,' ii,' 0 Cliy

1.11 id 111,1,111.

tir Co,diyorder of Meveh(rallve'Eon* of eitherSr< whether

BEFO E Islas tin. AFTEReN4.4.N.L'e it,,. of lllll holmOr throligh Ilelilerell011. Over Itelolg

nom, .1e., toe', an Toe,. Of Brain Poem,nem., item lite down Pa tile ligr.g. Prot I

Vi enkney... Ii,grtV011a 1.1fiallgt loll rodeo',al Kool.elgovg. Letity'orligra. I ibLaIllema. %% eat: 311.111.Or). , of 1..•111.1. F1114 lotontenee. widely it lie.

elected often lend to meantime obi gee 1.111-1 11,11,1

It). box. a Luaus for $3.011 &lit le.mall MI rorfreltor II( prieeA G HITTEN 1:111 A it ANTEIE !or. every }5 Ofl

cadet. to reflood the lllll if a Verso:melt tcure I. ofteettal. Thomntels of teallittoola IsIrmo out toot ',omit of lath mrsel,

cam, to A111.01.11)4 r Clreicor free. AddreattTHE APHRO MEDICINE CO.

yr/MEALY rut, Nen.BOX 17 PORTLAND. OF.

For sale 1,j N. M. WHITE, Druggist.

GET THE BEST.The Best is good enough for this discriminating child.

The Best is good enough for the man who respects himself'

and loves his family. Such a man always wants the Best

Groceries, and buys them of John W. Morton, knowing

that he always keeps the Best that the market affords and

retails it at proper prices.

What do you think of this space in



Your Ad. so placed would look well.



LAND AND MINIRooms ii and 12, Bailey B

.1. II. NEI-SON,

latte el•ief eoutrut risiouLoud Olflup,

Whub "WO. 11.1.




IC 0, ..4ETTLES,

uh. I h1.1' Clerk U.N. Land

If Cie.". llllll

3E 918'7.


Dillon Jewelry ad Gun Store, THE HORTON WASHER.MRS. L. RUTTER, Prop'r,

=a . ibtr

/a. tit, in .Lr.I and ElgIn W.ili

Compel.. with the Loweat l'rleett that

ran Ite obtained. Handle all grade. or

American watchea. expecte ily the Rockford

Movmnent.Al,' carts it Ian, and well-selecte

d atnck of

MIcalicl CA-valet arcawcaltris.

of all deecriptions.

Pine and complicated watch work solicited from

all parts oklhe country. All work warranted lot

one year.Also carry the Itrgest stock of all makes of

Shot Guns, Platola and A 11111(1111.1t1011

Viral ,11g IiIrdr1 3•01.1 1 ack Ie.

Hunting. all ',tr.,' a


S,arn Noen mml,M

;Or. 1'.•er dor rr trilr Anil MO

.troo, rr hat, ,.r orre. Ere, ii,.

rIrrr.r••••• rr:rrilr rArrrlitg I'm. Stun

•Itt•.I.v. all ar.. ,,e•he,. 'on 17

H.Ilitalleta at Co...tors Ng1111 rorthagg•

MON :e71::."' 31, 'ti:1:11.:;11"k.qt

on, Imallti.o, la 'overtire., Ilve, Au,


We e...toh aver...Ina. W. mato 000. Na 5.1. Saran elevatoryam vim mama.... or all pate jinn.. tl.e mod, II.I. la an o.,•Ivad.amt Mimes tomnl.tful too . ea. t.., er, ...II.,

h..frInner. aro oarnIlig from 014 to WI 4,. rnerlo .0.1 ,s,and more an.r • little esperienr, Eve,,, furnl.h yen la awl ...ark y.41 11111. No e oplaln ham. Full

rrlert.oratiorn FRI& TR ICE A., CO.. h VI WU, Banc.

filcGARVIN & LOVELL,Surce.n, to 1;,1

Livery, Feed Sale StableGeneral Livery Business.


G. E. JEWELL & CO.,.t(Fl8, DIN ON, MON I.



I' I. lIars ee


Mach inrr mid




Bare, Prompt, Patties

Cure for impotence, Lime

0(f. inhlion”ns.h ;ow e .or

Iteruousnees, 8.11 Dietruet,

Lose of Memory, At,. Willmake you a 81-5056. Valor-

ous Mau Price 61. 6

Dotes. $600.demote, Direotiona Walled

sr Ith each Boa. Aailrese

lansfaaary balmiest Ca,211/0 Iran,. Ay.


Sell your grain for cash or trade, to the

Heela Mercantile and Banking Company,

at Melrose or Glen-dale.

We carry a full line of General Merchan-

dise, suited to Ranch, Railroad and Min-

ing trade.

Full Stock. Low Prices. Careful Attention

Large Warehouse . . . .

. . . . Banking Facilities

THOMPSON & REYNOLDS,Wholesale and Retail Dealers in •

Lumber,Lath, Shingles,

Hay and Grain.Doors, Windows, Moulding, Building

Paper, and all kinds of Building Material.

TIMBERS •. OF . ODD . LENGTH . AND .' SIZESFurnished on Short Notice.

Orders Prc.rn.tly




The Finest Rigs the City. Good Outfits foe Commercial Men and

Tourists a Specialty.

Dillon, Argenta and Bannack Mail and Express LineTelephone No. 36 Dillon, Montana,

IR, C.10‘713.c:a1c,fasta1c, Eaci,calcior laca


Ginger Ale, Birch Beer, Champion Cider, Soda, Sarsapa-rilla and other Carbonated Beverages.



=sale' in. Bar G-lass-ware_

331//caxatett3.“at..1:0111crra. nelicraatsantaa.

P'01R, S.A.1_1= IAt Reduced Prices, Imported and High Grade


Percheron-Norman,Clydesdale and

French Coach

STALLIONS.Also Draft Horses of SuperiorQuality, at the Stables of,


• Montana


Jos. Trimborn, Proprietor.


BOTTLED BEER A SPECIALTYDelivered in any quantity to all parts of the city

ORDERS from neighboring towns solicited and promptl


LEAVE YOUR ORDERS At Dillon Rrenery Depot. Mon

opposite First National BanTIIE PATRONAGE or THE GENERAL Pt- ui-