The Heartbeat - Heartland Baptist Church · Kingdom difference. Our mission and focus have not...

The Heartbeat A publication of Heartland Baptist Church Whats INSIDE August/September 2017 THE THREE CHAIRS Experiencing Spiritual Breakthroughs Sunday nights at 6:00pm beginning September 10.

Transcript of The Heartbeat - Heartland Baptist Church · Kingdom difference. Our mission and focus have not...

The Heartbeat

A publication of Heartland Baptist Church


August/September 2017

THE THREE CHAIRS Experiencing Spiritual Breakthroughs

Sunday nights at 6:00pm beginning September 10.

Pastor Jim’s Gems


The Times they are a changing! Lyrics from Bob Dylan, they seem to capture my thoughts over the past few weeks. Yet as I think of those words, I am reminded of what the writer –Solomon said in Ecclesiastes; [1:9] “That which has been is that which will be, and that which will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun.” You might think wow that’s a weird way to start a newsletter; yet I think both statements are true. Before I get too far into this letter; let me express my thanks and appreciation to all of you for the cards, calls, prayers and visits while I have been recovering from heart surgery. Your acts of kindness were so needed and received with deep gratitude; also for the support from our Associational Men – Mark Oberhauser and Dr. Tracy Jaggers for filling the pulpit in my absence. Okay where was I – oh the times are a changing. Soon [by the time you read this] we will be welcoming John Collins and family [Kendra and Madison] as our new Discipleship and Family pastor. This is new for us, yet we already had Tim Weihrauch in the same position. John comes to us from Poplar Bluff, Missouri; where he was a pastor. John brings a wealth of experience of working with teens and college youth, as he was a BSM director of a number of years. His experience as a pastor will be greatly appreciated by me as we will both shepherd the flock of Heartland Baptist Church. That is the change, however, like I said we already had a Discipleship & Family pastor in Tim. We are still focused on “making disciples and helping families” to mature in Christ and make a Kingdom difference. Our mission and focus have not changed because our Great Commission and Commandment have not changed. We are to GO – Make-Teach-Baptized and Love each other. As we look towards the fall, our semester will have music/choirs in preparation for Christmas; the Royal Ambassadors and Girls in Action will resume in January 2018. I will be teaching the Three Chairs study again [also preaching a mini sermon series] that looks at Three Generations and Three Kinds of People. John Collins will be teach a class called Believers Basics [oh, he doesn’t know this yet]. As Pastor I want to make sure that all of you are grounded and thoroughly furnished in the Word of God and grow in the Lord Jesus Christ, so you will be able to stand against the wiles of this evil world and tactics of our adversary!

We will be starting a new year in Bible Study – many classes are using the D6 [based off Deuteronomy 6:4-6], which focuses on developing families into disciples with the parents and grandparents as the primary disciplers of their children. It is so important that we keep the family unit intact both at home and church. There are so many distractions that can keep us from the most important tasks of life. D6 uses the 1/168 to reveal how little time the Church gets to spend influencing and training people. The 1/168 is the one hour in the week of 168 hours that are available to impact and influence our children and family. Obviously, parents have the majority of the time to do this; the D6 curriculum is designed not to teach a lesson on Sunday and be done, but to give resources and ability for the family to learn, teach, discuss and live out that lesson the rest of the week. I believe that as the family goes, so goes the Church! My prayer is that our entire Church would embrace this ministry principle and join us in using the D6 material; so classes that use other curriculum, consider changing and join in the essential endeavor of raising godly families. I know that some of you don’t have children at home now, but you do have grandchildren and carry a great influence in your grown children and grandchildren. We cannot afford to lose another generation to the world! Then there is the “Things never change” aspect of this letter. We have had to say goodbye to some wonderful saints. Please continue to pray for the Boren, McDonald, and Vatole families; along with Pat Wallace and her health difficulties and many of our other elderly folks. We also said goodbye to Mary Moreton who returned to North Carolina; Mary was very instrumental in the ministry here at Heartland. She is writing a new chapter of her life as she joins her children. While this may seem like a mixed bag of topics; my hope and excitement are for the future. The ministry teams and church council will be starting the planning and praying for the 2018 year of ministry at Heartland – which also happens to be our 50th anniversary as a church. Ministry cannot be done in isolation or by the few, so when the nominating team approaches you for service, I pray you will join the Heartland Baptist team and minister alongside of us for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Lovingly, Bro. Jim

The Heartbeat



We walk through many storms in life, and in our heads, we know that God is still God, but we do not

trust that He is going to follow through in certain situations. Even in the most terrible times of life, we do not

walk alone. What we need to understand is, even when something does not make sense to us God is still

God. We are still His children. He is still as much in control during the bad, as He is in the good. It is not

easy to see that at times, but we know it to be true. Mercyme wrote a song recently and it has been the

most requested on Christian radio stations throughout the country. It speaks directly to this trust issue we

have. I have copied a small part of this song below, and I think it truly represents how our outlook should be

in regards to trusting God.

“I know You're able and I know You can Save through the fire with Your mighty hand.

But even if You don't my hope is You alone.

You've been faithful You've been good all of my days.

Jesus, I will cling to You Come what may.

'Cause I know You're able, I know You care.

But God when You choose to leave mountains unmovable.

Oh give me the strength to be able to sing it is well with my soul.”

Steven Trask, Music Minister

The Heartbeat

Summer is coming to an end and the kids will be back in school soon. (Ahhhhhh) Heartland Kids will

also be returning to a somewhat familiar schedule. We will be promoting kids to the next class the first

Sunday in September. We will stay goodbye to Noah Perkins as he becomes a member of Heartland youth.

It is amazing how quickly the time has passed. It seems like just yesterday he was toddling around the

nursery. Several other boys and girls will move to new classes come September.

The kids will be starting practice for their Christmas program on

Sunday evenings. Telling of the birth of our Savior is the greatest story

ever to be told. We will resume RA’s & GA’s in January. Mission

Friends will start September 10 with Mrs. Bridget and her helpers.

Upcoming events:

September 3: Promotion Sunday

September 10: Begin Christmas practice at 6:00pm

Mission Friends begins at 6:00pm

HEARTLAND Jackie Parish, Children’s Ministry Director



Hello everyone, we hope you are able to be in a nice cool place during this heat wave. It seems to

be challenging lately with shoulder surgery and the heat but it reminds Carol and I of the verse in Isaiah 40

verses 28-31 and of the Lincoln Brewster song, Everlasting God. Even though the only thing we are

working on for the next two months is See You At the Pole, we are reminded that God is in control and is

still on his throne and we are to be still. It is through these times that we grow the most. D6 will be starting

back up in September (always love Sunday nights). Hope to see you there.

God Bless, Mitch and Carol Vernatti

Ladies of all ages, come join us on the second

Tuesday of every month. We get together and learn about

and pray for our missionaries. What they are learning, what

they endure, and how no matter what language or culture,

God uses them all. Also, we are doing some committee

projects. We are working on bringing some purses you might have in your closet that are still good and you

are not using. You can bring them to our next meeting on August 8 and we are going to fill them with

Kleenex packs, Chapstick, hand lotions (travel size—maybe you have some from hotel stays you would like

to donate), mints, hand gel or hand wipes. We are going to bring them to the Hope & Crisis Center for

women in need that could use them. We are also doing a thank you basket for Dorothy Morrison who has

made several plastic mats for the homeless of Alton. Come and join us and be part of Heartland WMU.

We love what God has in store for us.

Kathy Grant

The Heartbeat


Thursday, August 31 at 1:00pm

Thursday, September 28 at 1:00pm




The Heartbeat

If you have a need or know of someone who needs assistance, has become ill or hospitalized, please contact the

church office or Ted Burleson at 462-3032.


Sunday, August 27 at 5:00pm

Sunday, September 24 at 5:00pm


Want to make a child smile? Each shoebox filled with toys,

hygiene items, school supplies, and a Bible study course touches the

hearts of children in need all over the world and introduces them to

the Lord Jesus Christ. In 2016 over 11 million gift filled shoeboxes

were delivered to children in 104 countries! Can you imagine how

special each of these children felt? Just a small effort on our part can

spread the love of Christ.

If you haven't participated in this worthwhile project before,

please consider doing it this year. If you have filled a box in the past, you know how much fun it can be. By

starting now to pick up the items for the shoebox, you can have it filled by the November deadline. Please

consider helping in some way if you don't want to do a complete box. You can partner with someone, have

your grandchildren help you, challenge your SS class to fill a certain number or just contribute items or

money for the boxes.

Soon there will be a table set up in the foyer with a sign up sheet and additional information. Along

with a completed sample box for a boy and for a girl, lists of suggested items will be available. There will be

boxes wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper for you to take for filling. If you have empty shoeboxes at

home, please bring them to church and leave at the table to be wrapped for others to use.

Let's see if we can fill 50 boxes this year. Last year there was a total of 33. Start now and we can

do it. Any questions, contact Susie Kreitner.

" Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

Matthew 19:14


August 13 at 5:00pm

September 10 at 4:30pm


The Heartbeat



Nursery/Children’s Church

August 6

Babies: Linda Witcher & Amy Vatole

Toddlers: Bridget Perkins

Children’s Church: Carol Vernatti & Becky McGowen

August 13

Babies: Leona Barnett & Lisa Pimentel

Toddlers: LeAnn Parish & Linda Chapman

Children’s Church: Sandy & Tony Stolze

August 20

Babies: Susie Kreitner & Karen Burleson

Toddlers: Amy Vatole

Children’s Church: Mitch Vernatti & Daniel Parish

August 27

Babies: Karen Harris & Carole Fredrick

Toddlers: Ashley Fox & Jessica Darr

Children’s Church: Ashley Fox & Jackie Parish

September 3

Babies: Linda Witcher & Amy Vatole

Toddlers: Bridget Perkins

Children’s Church: Jeremy & Matthew Sneddon

September 10

Babies: Leona Barnett & Lisa Pimentel

Toddlers: LeAnn Parish & Linda Chapman

Children’s Church: Carol Vernatti & Becky McGowen

September 17

Babies: Susie Kreitner & Karen Burleson

Toddlers: Amy Vatole

Children’s Church: Sandy & Tony Stolze

September 24

Babies: Karen Harris & Carole Fredrick

Toddlers: Ashley Fox & Jessica Darr

Children’s Church: Mitch Vernatti & Daniel Parish


August 6

Mary Hyndman & Minnie Johnson

August 13


August 20

Gary & LeAnn Parish

August 27

Dallas & Janet Moore

September 3

Bill & Ethna Joyce

September 10

Lowell & Betty Porter

September 17

Thelma Ray & Linda Witcher

September 24

Selma McAdams & Chris Bramstedt

Volunteer Schedule for August/September 2017

For more information or to volunteer contact:

Nursery: Mary Burger at 462-5634

Hazel Morgan at 466-2306

Heartland KIDS : Jackie Parish at 789-2974

Greeters: Linda Witcher at 466-1844

The Heartbeat

Church Staff

Senior Pastor

Dr. Jim Grant

[email protected]

Discipleship/Family Pastor

John Collins

[email protected]

Music Minister

Steven Trask

[email protected]

Financial Secretary

Jeanie Farrow

[email protected]

Church Office

Sarah Neuhaus

[email protected]

Mon.– Thurs. 8:30am– 3:30pm

Bus - Driver’s Schedule

If you would like to set a pick up time, please call the scheduled driver. To volunteer as a bus driver please

contact Ed Kreitner at 466-9047.

August 6: Karen Harris

August 13: Ed Kreitner

August 20: Karen Harris

August 27: Ed Kreitner

September 3: Karen Harris

September 10: Ed Kreitner

September 17: Karen Harris

September 24: Ed Kreitner

Ed Kreitner (618) 466-9047

Karen Harris (618) 920-8992

– – Save the Date – –

Gateway Baptist Association’s

Annual Meeting will be held on

Saturday, September 30 at Crossroads Community Church

305 N. Maple, Brighton, IL

10:00am: Messenger Registration 10:30am: Business Meeting 12:00pm: Lunch 1:00pm: Worship through Music, Prayer and Preaching

“Impacting our World”