The Healthcare Poor

1 Running Head: The Poor Healthcare Anthony Wallace, CALA, ND Executive Administrator P.C.D.I Healthcare and Consultants of Texas L.L.C All Rights©Reserved


This article or blog is due to the high demand in healthcare regarding homeless and th low income population that may be under served due to income restrictions.

Transcript of The Healthcare Poor

Page 1: The Healthcare Poor


Running Head: The Poor Healthcare

Anthony Wallace, CALA, ND

Executive Administrator

P.C.D.I Healthcare and Consultants of Texas L.L.C

All Rights©Reserved

Page 2: The Healthcare Poor


The Poor Healthcare

Many communities in America want things now and cannot wait on nature to produce them. This is why we have so many patients that are sick and do not know why. Health programs that are geared towards food safety and access to healthcare both are combined. The reason why I made this statement because with food safety the evidence is quite clear, that our food is now a science experiment. We can only imagine how our food that is being treated with chemical and pesticides that can make our population sick.

The food safety issue related to our population is growing quite scarous. Most of the plants that process our food have been harvesting harmful bacteria to our communities. Most of the low-income population does not have the access to expensive healthcare nursing care or medical care period. We cannot afford an epidemical outbreak of food borne illnesses. It is best not only to go organic but also to grow your own food but that is quite hard for the population that is low income or poor.

In preparing programs for the public, is to prepare for all population that may ask or attend services. It is best to find people that are willing to help in promoting a healthy community. Most churches and receration centers will offer their space as a community-meeting place to offer the services. It is always good to survey the land or community yourself and not just rely on past studies. Past studies are just a map to where you want to go but with experience and seeing the disease population; yourself will help in conducting the program.

Food safety is one of the main issues in the poor America because of the access to local grocery stores and the poor service of the neighboring services, fast food restaurants, etc that may poison the population with tainted food products that are either out of date or spoiled. I do not put down minority population but I can say that we can look at programs that are geared to promotion of healthcare that is affordable (city mandated low cost insurance). This will make it not only affordable but give independence back to the community. I say this because most people that are poor and do not have jobs are taking and not giving. I do understand circumstances happen but there is a way on how to make it affordable out of the monthly AFDC checks, government SSI and retirement checks, and unemployment

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check. I believe it will make a lot of Americans feel happy that during all the events they are still able to make a contributation to the government healthcare crisis.

The Poor Healthcare

I know that I am suppose to write on one topic but I feel that the food safety and access to healthcare are one in the same. If we have better access to better material in outreach education, we may lower our healthcare cost. Community food safety programs may inform the population of proper food handling, temperature control, proper nutrition, and signs of food borne illness and prevention. There is a fine line in treating causes of food borne illness and finding better healthcare but prevention is always the key to the promotion of the population. Take care and be in good health.